Conquer Your Fear of Spiders

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Just want to say:

Wren. You're a fucking champ for getting trough the video and making it. Proud of you!

Also the wrender he mentioned

His post

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/ThaAppleMan 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

/u/wrenulater Good job champing this out man. Turns out Jake is a tad sadistic :P

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Rehendix 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

I know compared to other films it really isn't that much, but it's crazy impressive to me that they were willing to spend $100 just on the two second shot of the spider falling down.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/MayNotBeReal 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

This was a bit more insane than Cmike and Dubai. Wren definitely deserves to take it out on some Peters.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

My biggest fear with spiders are its eyes. If you are like me I recommend you let this sub stay in blue: /r/trypophobia

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Parareda8 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Where can I find Wren's wallpaper?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GetInsanne 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

/u/wrenulater I can resonate, I have had a few encounters with the dreaded "Banana Spiders", the moment you mentioned them, I started getting horrible flashbacks. Wretched creatures...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Izacht13_ 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2017 🗫︎ replies
dude just trying to like find a model last night I was like starting to get a little ill I know you're messing with me but like a primal part of me just panicked [Music] oh dude hey Jessa check out that wallpaper I just threw this on the corridor subreddit so if you want this as a wallpaper go check it out today it works first because we are beginning visual effects on our first quarter video of the year and I'm actually really excited it's been like a month and a half since I got really dive into some visual effects so let's get into it they spent the last couple days editing this sequence that they shot over the weekend it actually turned out pretty funny at this point you probably know the concept he shoots webs out of his butt there are a number of effects here I think there's at least a dozen it's not too many but a couple of them are gonna be a little challenging we have to do some rope simulations there's several shots where I gotta like add like this mosaic censored effect over his but here's the thing though I do not like spiders and that is an understatement I was I've resisted my whole life from doing any sort of spider effects cuz they make me sick this is like the classic spider-man shot where the the spider dangles down from the lens as the lenses pointed down and I realized that wasn't as bad as last night was that Brit I might head it now viewers might not believe me at Dubai I have to actually find a high quality spider model which I want to absolutely not do and then also animate the legs another thing that I have dreaded my entire life and then render it out as photo-real as I can I'm just gonna type spider I'm already is that even a 3d model that looks real man I mean that is a pretty nicely detailed video you know how like you're supposed to face your fears by the picture can we like just pause that for a moment please man now I'm getting flashbacks it's like times in my life there's a time when I was doing construction on the house and I picked up a rubber boot and a black widow crawled right out of it and over my hand and I dropped it and went home here's $100 black widow it's this really high detail pretty dang high detail there's even hair on it yeah this one's not bothering me as much your head I'm sorry I'm sorry I ran so funny so funny everyone blanks here check this out it's the easiest simulation you can do is I have 3ds max open right now and if I just make a box then I make a plane just make a big planet plane is just like a flat box hit the t-shirt button move it up and over I'm gonna hit the play button basically you do a cloth some and then you render a web texture on top of that using the web as also an opacity map so that it's see-through in the places that the spider web is black where the spider web is white it's a fake okay the web even though it's a cloth that's being simulated over something you're only seeing the web pattern and you're seeing through everything that is not the web so it looks like there's just a spider web draped over Jake whereas in reality it's a blanket what I did was I simulated the blanket said I had gravity going this way the blank is fall wrap around him then I turn off gravity I turn up the wind turbulence a little bit pin the blankets to the wall and plate various places around him which gets like the little jiggly effect villain the original footage he has like silly string all over him and that kind of just helps add some parts to it so you can see the spiderweb on on off so yeah that is a Jake on the wall I'm still gonna put things like blurring on it to match it to the shot and the blurring just kind of crushes the detail the extra high detail you get from the render basically the more crisp your 3d render looks the less realistic it looks see that's that's the thing I'm like hyper like hyper sensitive to this stuff right now just because I'm on edge so a reason why I have this big fear is because when I was a kid I lived in Louisiana and they have what are called banana spiders I don't know what their actual name is but they're literally this big to have these abdomens that are like frickin bananas are huge and they like to string webs between like towns so you're walking along and all of a sudden you have this massive spider this big just on your face wanting to rip my eyes out google it [Music] [Applause] background that's a spider I apologize for this intentional infliction of emotional distress it's totally worth it we're done with this segment I'm gonna move on to something non spider right urban it's easy for me when there's not actually one there or an image of one I'm going to focus on just making all the project files and starting with like making webs and stuff I'm looking forward to doing a rope simulation I just want to put off that spider stuff man cliff so freaking funny yeah like I was saying I'm actually really excited to start these effects where did you get that desktop [Music] [Applause] can you change that I don't want to I want to change it so no way to save the original rendered find thanks a lot [Music] [Music] having to animate the legs the shot is literally the spider falling so what do spiders do in their legs fall they kind of just like dangle there and spread out and stuff so it's like I had to actually animate those legs fortunately the model came with some like really good rig controls so I was able to really easily move the legs but I still had to do it [Music] hey Carmichael I have finished all of the effects except for this one and the money grab shot which is just like a cloth some rope sort of thing it's it's not real I have learned that you guys are all jerks I've learned that Gabe just laughs here's the thing I'm not as afraid of these little guys as I used to be and by these little guys I mean specifically this Black Widow model if there's an actual black of it on my desk that would be an entirely different story a freakin crazy spider bit me I got all those powers I just wanted I got another ticket for to make sure so what happened after that
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,800,162
Rating: 4.8980455 out of 5
Keywords: spider, Spider-Man, SPIDER IN ORANGE, Deadly Spider, spider in, spider in food, black widow, black widow bite, black widow spider, do spiders crawl into, arachnophobia
Id: N_Z8TR3iGsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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