We Made Marvel R-Rated

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It's a shame Peter has to leave to return to school. I hope they hire him for real after he's done with his studies, he's crazy talented!

👍︎︎ 79 👤︎︎ u/_asteroidblues_ 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man, Niko if you're reading this... I personally love your remakes of the movie scenes, peter's version is just the icing on top of the marvelous talent you guys have at corridor. Please dont get sad that peter's version gets the most views. Majority of the people love the spectacle and dont care about the finer details.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/ImSoBoredThatiUpvote 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Loved the vid and really sad to see Peter go. Where ever you are the BigWick energy shall forever be with you.

Anyone know the song right at the end where Peter is leaving? Been looking for it a while but can't seem to find it :/

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/SlugMouse 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just imagine if they were to make Infinity War and Endgame R-rated. What would they add/change?

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/cammurph01 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone know what the song at 17:44 where peter is leaving is?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/newimprovement 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hopefully Peter makes a return. Love his interactions with everyone and the dude is insanely talented. Good luck with school this semester Peter.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/killey2011 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Had a full belly laugh going watching this! Great video guys!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/squeak0192 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Peter's goof version at the end had total 'The Boys' feels. Hope you're back soon buddy!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/pblank99 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

See you soon Peter !

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JudyMaxaw 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
So if Thor's hammer is supposed to weigh as much as a planet, what do you think would happen if he smashes someone with it? Well, they wouldn't go flying... ...they will be completely OBLITERATED. I love the action scenes in Marvel movies, but every once in a while I can't help but think they're holding back just a little bit. Especially after seeing Logan and Deadpool. We've seen what it looks like when superheroes truly unleash their powers. Today using VFX we're gonna bring some of that to our favorite Marvel movies. What would they look like if they are Rated R? So the first step in this process is going through some of our favorite scenes, and seeing which ones bend the rules just a little too much for our liking. We're gonna take a look with these things with Niko and Peter. 'Sup guys, my name is Peter I'm 21 years old and I'm a fat Marvel nerd. I've seen every single Marvel movie. I literally saw Iron Man in 2008 when it came out. I was like I was 10 years old. I didn't watch the most recent Avengers, because I think anytime somebody breaks like a finale in the two movies I just don't care about the second movie. Wren was talking about this one. "All of his internal organs would be squished from the momentum." "It's the same with Superman when he catches someone who's falling outta the air, they'd be dead." "immediately they'd just, agh" His body would just liquidify. There'd be like a juice coming out the feet right there when turned around. Iron Man would probably have cancer from the gamma radiation. Just construct a scene of like Tony Stark in a hospital room. Alright so Loki, so he gets bonked off his air scooter. "I am a god, you dull creature." "And I will not be bullied by-" It's not realistic. It would look like taking a towel, dipping it in red food coloring, and then slapping that wet towel around but is it because he's a god? He's an alien technically. He's not a god. So if you smacked an alien into a floor would they die? Iron Man just flew all the way to Afghanistan. Juice, just so he lands in juice on the ground. He loses control of his bowels too because he's traveling fast, there's just a brown splat on the ground - did you hear the farting? YaAaAa there we go, that's the first shot. Look at that, it's just doOooOomhsajd That's...DEATH This is like straight, like, obliteration. This is , like, shreds. It reminds me of True Lies, when she's like, "Did you kill them? He's like, "Yeah but they were all bad." So this is the opening scene of Captain America Civil Wa- -oh that guy would be dead. Sorry, just, that guy'd be dead, that guy would be sliced in half. I'm just imagining that blood splat on the wall. Captain America just wasted like four upstanding SWAT team officers that all have children who are like two years old. The visual effects I'll be doing is the crying wife as the car rolls up with the two people dressed in suits. Straight up shot him in the FACE. Wait this scene's perfect. You see blood drippin' outta him right there. Oh my God. Dude right there, this guy just gets his head chopped off by the shield. Coming, BOOF. Oh yeah he's done. Oh then he just kicks the corpse. Dude what if he just runs up, kicks him in the head, it stays in the spot and the body goes. So after scouring through these scenes, it seems like really some of the best clips we're finding are in Captain America. We have a superhero, and superheroes fighting actual humans. If they were fighting real people it would look very different than what you're seeing in the movie. People would be decapitated. They would have their spines broken. They would kind of turn into meat sponges and splatter everywhere. Out of all the scenes that we could tweak to make it look realistic, that one kinda stands out to me. So, we have a lot of work to do. We're gonna divvy these shots up because we're all gonna tackle it as a team. There's gonna be a lot of 2D compositing, maybe a little bit of 3D work, we'll see. And then I think at the very end top it off with a little bit of sound design to hopefully make all the extra visuals really pop. This scene is gonna feel like it's straight out of John Wick. Hey Jake, sooo what's goin' on here, man? I know you guys are getting used to seeing me and thinkin' oh here comes a brand integration 'cause Jake's on camera. Well, guess what? Today is absolutely no different because this video is sponsored by Squarespace. But let me tell you why that's important. I really think the guys pay a lot more attention to me when I'm dressed up as their favorite characters from pop culture. So we have this Iron Man suit just sitting there Let's see how believable I pull this off and I think at the end everyone's gonna learn something about Squarespace. Hey guys, billionaire playboy philanthropist Tony "Iron Man" Stark here. I'm gonna go tell the guys a something or two about Squarespace. Yeah, yeah, this is how Iron Man gets around. Hey, are you a billionair- uhhh do you know billionaire playboy philanthropist Tony "Iron Man" Stark? I thought I'd come down here and tell you a little bit about Squarespace I'd love to hear about their award-winning customer support. They also allow simultaneous posting Meaning that you can post to your Twitter, Facebook, and tumblr profiles. To my tumblr as well?! Look at how much he's paying attention. Hey Wren, it's billionaire playboy philanthropist. Tony "Iron Man" Stark here. Hey! Nice to meet you Iron Man! Be careful with those. Those are lasers. Did you know that Squarespace now supports audio podcasts? Meaning that you could put your podcasts on Squarespace? Didn't actually know that. See, you learn somethin' new every day! Look how much you paid attention to me when I said that. Oh hey, Niko. Hi, Mr. Stark. Using Squarespace we're also able to do multiple contributors. That's cool. Hey, which version of the suit is this? UhHh this is one of the. um, early ones. He thinks I'm Iron Man. Hey Christian, did you know that Squarespace allows for traffic overviews and content ownership? So everything you post on the website you own. We use it all the time at Stark Industries. That's why Squarespace is the best. Hey, that's great. I'm glad we're on the same page. Thanks, Tony. You just remember guys. Hey guys, remember? ᵀʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ᴶᵃᵏᵉ ʳᶦᵍʰᵗˀ Go to squarespace.com/corridorcrew and get 10% off your first purchase. It's great meeting everyone. See you guys later. I'll see you later. ᴰᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏ ᵗʰᵉʸ ᵇᵉˡᶦᵉᵛᵉᵈ ᶦᵗ? Alright. I'm kicking my teeth and I'm not gonna put this in my mouth. I was tasked with this beautiful shot. It's like throwing a frisbee. Look he's throwing a frisbee at him and it ricochets off and the guy goes pOoF. We're thinking well the velocity that thing's travelling at is pretty high. Captain America's shield is so strong. It deflects explosions and bullets and lasers and hammers, so it probably can slice through a man like butter. I'm cutting him in half. I want the bottom half still, the legs are great but basically I need to replace his top half with a new top half. I resorted to one of my favorite websites, Mixamo. They have a really great SWAT model, same model that Peter's using. I take that I basically just deleted the second half, put kind of like a meatball I threw this like big ol' meatball in there and jammed it up in there man, dude, Mamma Mia. That's the shot. Okay, I'm regretting everything. I think he's thinking about his family, his life choices, and country. And patriotism is worth more than a paycheck from an evil corporation Basically a little color correction and I just kind of add that. Here's what really is making this shot good: the shield bounces back still. If it''s slicing through him, let's yank the shield out completely after it hits him like this. Let's just kind of have it carry on for a little bit more. It may be a little bit wobbly, wUuUoOowUuoO And I think that really helps sell it. Now it feels like you know, it's a slice here. So that's the finishing touch on this shot. We're doing a fan-made, re-release of the whole movie Rated R. Actually, that would be pretty dope actually, you know, there's the proof of concept for anyone out there who is interested. All right. I'm doing the guy who gets ostrich knees So here's the finished shot. Oh my God, dude. Yeah that works, Bskthchthc, cronch Just turns into an ostrich man. So it's quick and dirty. So here's base shot right here. Gone through and I've masked out the lower halves of the legs so I can erase them. So here he is with his legs painted out. And something I noticed, 'cause I need to put legs back in, is that his leg rotates just the right way that would match the perspective shift where I can see the bottom of his feet after they flip up all the way. I stuck my two ostrich legs, and here we go. Kchhhchh ErrRr Erwhrhh AhhHh my knees Ewhww Next up is the guy who gets hit in the neck with Captain America's shield. RIP Alright I'm back, took me a day I got a little busy. I thought it'd be really funny to do kinda like one of those anime things where the guy gets sliced, but then when he gets hit he breaks into pieces. So the very first thing I had to do was I had to erase his head. Now you can kinda see some feathering and some issues around it but once all the other effects are in there you can't tell. So let me put the other effects in there. The next thing I had to do is I had to cut out the guy's head. Then after that animated it to fall down. The last touch here is I need to put in blood splatters. What I'm looking for with the blood here is that it needs to be going in the right direction. So when the shield hits him I need it to splatter out sideways. If I were just to drop that blood in without any effects, this is what it would look like. Totally doesn't match, the color is completely wrong. If you look at the image, the image is kind of all one color and that's because of the smoke and the lighting. So the blood just has to be the same darkness as the guy and it looks great. mwAH And once again, it's not the most sophisticated VFX shot, a pretty simple approach. But I didn't have a lot of time and I'm imagining that a lot of Peter's 3D effects are gonna steal the show anyways. I looked over Peter's shoulder. There's a lot of good stuff he's working on. Just doing some fluid simulations for this blood. Using FLIP fluids, a plugin for Blender, which I like very much. I was having a problem before where the blood was sliding all over the place which isn't too realistic, and FLIP fluids has this nice viscosity feature so I can turn that up a bit and you can see in the next shot here it's sticking to the ground and kind of clumping together a bit more and it's still kind of janky because it's a fluid simulation but it looks just good enough it's pass. Oh, I put bugs on Falcon's face, you know, if you're flying that fast you're gonna get a load of bugs. I decided to do the Falcon head slice here. It was actually similar effects to Brett's head spin in the Keanu video. So we go ahead and paint his head out. We take the original footage and we stabilize the position to his head. So the head spins around its center of gravity. With the sound design this is gonna be so funny. I keep telling Sam and Niko we have to record our own ADR for everybody screaming. We're gonna add some extra screams and kind of take it up a notch as far as audio is concerned. I really think the finishing touch is going to be fixing up the audio here because the visuals are gonna be substantially different so we'll want the sound to match that. We've done this before, you just take the mic and you give it a hundred percent. Just yelling as loud as possible. Okay, sure, I'll just do my best and I'm mhgHmhH AhgGh I'n just gonna wing it. nwAAAhHAHha RharHghhAaa ugRrrhg ᵒᵘᶜʰ aHaHhha NuaHHHah AHHHHhhhₕₕₕₕ ᴏᴜᴄʜ nwWaGgghaaₐₐₐ ᴬᴴ AH ₕₕ AHHH ahHHHHAa ᵃᵃᵃᶜʰʰʰʰ ʸᴬᵘ ʏAᴜ AHHHHHuuAaHheheheEh huWehwEh oWie ᵃᶜʰʰʰʰᶜʰʰʰʰᶜʰʰᶜʰ AHHHHHHHHHH gWrwghRgwhhh ᶜᶜʰʰʰᶜʰʰᵉᴳᵍʰᵍᵍʰʷʰᴜEʜGʜʜɢʜʷʰᵃᵍᵉʰʷʰʰ nwHA AH ouwGhHghbwhbhwbwh See how the stocks crash? Yeah the portfolio's just not what the fhhwd oh shi- uAWHAAwAaᶜʰʰʰʰᶜʰʰᶜʰ Hoᵒᵒ I feel sweaty it's hot in here, but we got some good stuff and it's gonna be disturbing. Dude, this is so brutal. Ahh, it's good, it's good. What do we got? Got sum 'ffects ere Y'all boys wanna watch sum 'ffects? All the shots are finally done. This is my favorite part of any video like this where all the shots finally come together. Now there's a lot of shots in here, and honestly we really have to give it up to Peter because he did a lot of stuff on this. He did multiple effects shots, but he also did the sound design for the whole piece. Guys, where is Peter? ₚₑₐₜₑᵣ ᴘᴇATER ᴏɴᴇ sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ This is also really really special because this is Peter's last day in the studio this summer after which he has to go back to school and keep learning more things. Goddamit. Here's the original scene for context. Here we go. It's such a great scene still. Dude, iced him. Last part here. I mean it's, this is the beginning of Civil War, right? It's okay. It's a great action scene. Captain America, uh Captain Falcon, whatever their names are. Cap'n Planet, they're all actually super powerful beings, you know whippin' a metal shield at somebody wouldn't just make em go eUwhW and like be all woozy. I'm really curious to see your shots how they turned out, Peter's shots as well. I am a little nervous to hear the sound design because you lose control a little bit you're like it wouldn't be funny if it's even crazier and even more over-the-top, and I'm just hoping that Peter has kept this at a restrained, respectable level that still honors the original action scene. ᵤₘₘ...yeah you guys watch, I'm just gonna...I'll be back. So it's already an incredible scene. Here's what happened to it. Here we go. ᴏʜ sʜɪᴛ AUAGHHHhh AhAaHH AH ᴬᵁᴴ ᴬᴴ ᴬᴼᵂᴴʷʰ nwhAUh AGHh ᵃᵘʰᵃᴴʰᵃ ᵍᵃʰ AHHh ᵒ ᵇᵒᶦ ᴬᴳᴴHH ᴬᴳᴴHHᴴᴴ ᵐʸ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵘʷᴬʰʰᴬᵃᵃHhh ᴡᴀHhʰʰʰ ᴜʜᴀᴡʜ ᵍᵂᴬʰ Holy shit, wow. ᵒʰ ᵐʸ ᴳᵒᵈ ᵘⁿᵍʰʰ ɢᴡAUHᴀʜ ᵃʰᵉᵘᵃʰʷʰᵃ ʜɢʜᴡᴀʜɢᴀA ᴀHHʜɢᴡAʜᴇʜEʜᴡᴇ Wow, that was great. That was so good. Can you guys guess whose screams are whose? Alright, so Sam was obviously the first one. I see this guy flyin' down outta the sky That's- That was me Oh that was you! The bugs in the face was so good. That's why he's wearing goggles. I just hear the wet slaps like ᵐʷᵘᵒᵖ ᵐʷᵘᵒᵖʰ ᵐʷᵘᵒᵖʰ ᵐʷᵘᵒᵖʰ ᵐʷᵘᵒᵖ ᵐʷᵘᵒᵖʰ ʷᵒᵒᵒᴼᴼᴼOOO That's a hot clip! That was so tasteful and respectful. It's almost like all that vicarious like, cathartic violence you see in John Wick. I would really enjoy a movie doing things like that. I could totally watch an hour and half of that How will we do without Peter? I don't know 'cause he brings this like glee to it all. ᴏᴏᴏʜ I'm gonna have to like step up and try to channel my inner Peter. This was really fun to do and if you guys can think of any other really cool scenes in Marvel movies that we should make Rated R, let us know in the comments below and we might just take a crack at it. Also consider subscribing so you don't miss it. Aw school, dude. I'm out of here dude. Corridor sucks, dawg. So we just happened to be working on making the specific Marvel scene R-Rated and it turns out that one of the stunt performers randomly here on the same day, we're making the scene he's in R-Rated. Yeah, what's up guys? My first stunt gig ever was the elevator fight scene in Captain America: Winter Soldier. So they pulled me along through the journey. Civil War, I'm a Rumlow agent. Cap jumps in catches us off guard, There's Victim #1, me. He just rips my mask off and then back kicks me through the door. It was a good time. Oooh Yo Yeah he's dead Ohhh, with the wings? Oh he's gonna kick me in half, kick me in half. YES Aw James, dead Yeah, he's dead. That is *SUBSCRIBE* sick. DAMN man I replaced your voice we'll have to rerecord you. Yeah, we should. I'm down let's go. This is me getting immortalized in the Corridor Digital fam. Go for it. ᵘⁿᴺᵍʰᵘᴴʰ ᵍʰ ʜᴜAHHHWAᴜAʜᴜUHᴀ Perfect, amazing. *SUBSCRIBE* yeah, woo. Yo, pleasure. *Song: Cᴏʟᴀ ʙʏ Pᴇᴛᴇʀ Fʀᴀɴᴄᴇ & Gʟᴀᴍ Cᴏᴡɢɪʀʟ* If you're watching this I'm already gone. Up to a place up north a better place. I thought before I left I would make you guys one last goof. Just to remember me by, you know me, always making those goofs. Maybe you can save it to your desktop and watch it every day. Hopefully you enjoyed this video I also make music. So this is a shameless plug for that too, under Peter France on Spotify or whatever streaming service. See you on the other side.
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,582,510
Rating: 4.9316697 out of 5
Keywords: vfx artists, CGI, marvel, captain america, civil war, makeover, fixed, experiment, captain falcon, captain planet, black panther, rated R, R-rated, VFX
Id: k5-3eujJyZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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