My Friend Lost His Finger so I Printed Him a New One

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[Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so jan he's coming by today because i want to do this project with him but because it's also jan he's going to try to murder us all with nerf guns the thing is jan has never been able to get a full team wipe and i think it's because he has a slight handicap basically jan's missing his pinky finger do you know how he actually lost his finger uh well i heard that he lost it in a blender like it was a mad weird blender incident i heard it was in a threshing accident in the old country every story he tells us he says is the right story but i want to know the real story so what if i do him such a nice favor that he has no choice but to give me the real story and that is why i asked him to come by the studio today did you hear that yeah i'm here to upgrade myself well wren's going to upgrade me he's going to give me a whole hand so this all started when i found a 3d printed prosthetic finger on thingiverse and it turns out the guy who made that named nick has a whole website dedicated to this prosthetic he wrote an entire program that takes measurement inputs from your finger stump and it'll actually generate an entirely new 3d model specifically designed for your finger socket so you've already read up about this guy a little bit because you share an injury and you're like i can relate to this guy i mean we we have very very similar stories there she i was kidnapped by the old man that lives out in the sawmill and i was tied to a a log and being put through a logging machine and you know i was trying to push the rope toward the saw and my finger got caught in there luckily it got the rope uh i i got free and then you know we we duked it out for a while and yeah yeah what happened to the old man oh man we're actually real good friends he feels pretty bad about the finger so i know jan likes butterfly knives and like spinning blade tricks and i heard he was using like a cigar cutter it's kind of like a fidget spinner in a bar once and it pinches him right up against his body as he's spinning it and i guess the rest is history all right so here's what happened jan as a teenager used to work in a morgue he helped his dad out one night they were staying late he was down with the bodies he heard a sound what did you say something or did you hear something i heard the scrape of what i could only call a creature too large for the room and as i was running just just pulling myself through the room i remember seeing red somewhere around the stairs i realized i was missing a finger was that before or after you got kidnapped what is before what is after i have reasons to suspect that maybe that story was a little embellished you solely my name sir well i mean i don't have to make this thing for you oh oh i would like to have a new finger tell you what jim if i succeed in making you a new prosthetic finger you have to tell me the real story that is an interesting dilemma isn't it yes i have to take the lavaliers i have to make sure there are no recording equipment going and then you may have that story in exchange for a functioning hand [Music] deal all right jan i think we are ready to start taking measurements i have been waiting for this since i lost my finger in that deep underground military base in the desert it's really important we get these measurements right so that this thing will actually fit i don't want this to be a gimmick i don't want him to throw this away the moment this video is over i want him to actually find usefulness out of this thing so for that's work it has to fit him well and it has to work well i want to wear this i want this to be a new part of my look putting on a prosthetic should be as comfortable as possible so you are actually going to use it the second it's more of a hindrance than it is a help what's the point so we got the most important measurements taken the reason why the socket is the most important part is because it is the point of contact between the prosthetic and your hand and so that is where all the force is going to be applied that's where all the abrasive like rubbing is going to be applied you want to make sure that is the most comfortable fit as possible because after we're done with v1 i'd like a knife finger i'd like a you know what i do actually legitimately think we can do that okay so i guess now i just gotta go sit down on my computer and see if i can actually input these things this is where a bunch of problem solving occurs where i try to just get something that works this is supposed to be easy it's supposed to be the simplest thing ever but no jan's involved so it's not simple i mean that's pretty much par for the course of my entire life so yeah um let's just see how it looks so jan this is not a good quality print what happened anyway um this in theory should fit no there's too much room that's way too much room yeah what about length and stuff no i need it it needs to be a wee bit longer so i think it's just a matter of shrinking that diameter dang i was really hoping this was going to fit a lot better i just gotta print a bunch of variations i think so i think i might just make small little variations jan's gonna come by tomorrow afternoon and hopefully by then i'll just have like a selection of variations i'm gonna try each one out on jan to see which one fits the best oh god i am just oh hold up [Music] okay so i've done some printing jan i can't wait to see oh shut up you got like a full finger apparatus going i printed three different versions of the socket sure and this is in the flexible uh oh yeah shut up that's tpu so i'll have you try these on one at a time to see which one fits the best let's start with this one i mean that does not feel terrible i'll tell you that right now if it was a little longer it'd be i think a little more secure how does like the squeeze feel feels good okay so these two are going to be a little bit different let's give it a shot it feels looser but the fact that it's holding and i don't i don't feel pressure on it i think that's actually a good sign because maybe this i would forget about after a while you know this has a bit of a bigger taper so yeah this one legit feels like i would eventually forget about it like it would just uh after a period of time this one it felt more snug exactly too tight like tight to a point of discomfort i would like it to feel like it's not going to come off but i could also forget about it this is what it's going to look like on you that would be radical just get a little knife on the end of that yeah that would be amazing this is cool it does look good on you i need to mark that one that's the one you want i still got to figure out exactly how the linkage system works and additionally i need to actually get a proper print of that socket jan you are this much closer to being able to do this to the power of 10. so check this out we have this actual working prosthetic finger it's actually kind of funny this was actually a little bit more challenging to put together than i anticipated i don't know if this is technically the way it goes together but you know what it does work there's like basically the series of strings there's three separate strings woven inside here two are elastic one is this high strength fishing line and they each serve different purposes the two elastic strings serve one purpose which is to actually keep the thing extended straight and then the braided fishing line here serves a second purpose of actually pulling it closed this will go on jan's stump of a finger like so so then the idea is that this attaches to there so then every time the finger then bends forward it causes the fingers to bend biomechanics took billions of years to get to this point and i made it in a day so the big thing is i'm just going to have to grind down these center pins for the hinges i need to file the actual gray plastic parts here so that they're smoother with less friction and make sure that i can print the tpu bit without having an entire layer shift two millimeters into the print my hope is that jan actually is able to use this next time he comes in it's because i need to deliver the final thing to him because if i don't do that i'll never hear the real story from jan stay with me here for a second okay jan loves to listen to music he rides around on his onewheel and every month he has a new discography of a new artist that he goes through and listens to until he's done with that artist courtesy of today's sponsor ray khan i wanted to propose a few design improvements as a nice personal touch now ren's pretty particular when it comes to his engineering hopefully he'll be open to including some of these ideas oh what i think it would be really cool if not only did we give him a new finger but also we included an audio feature to that finger imagine sticking your finger in your ear and hearing crisp clean audio providing the same sound quality as any other premium earbud on the market but coming at a much more affordable much more reasonable price they have more bass and it's just pretty much a nice flawless clean design who wants to listen you just be like hello he's getting it now i noticed that you've printed this finger in green raycons come in all of your different favorite colors so check out this carrying case right not only does this give you a convenient place to keep your earbuds when you're traveling about town but also it provides recharging and each recharge gives you up to six hours of play time that means jan can ride around on his wheel for up to six hours without having to stick him back in the charging case i love charging cases i think they're a brilliant idea the other thing that they do is they have seamless bluetooth pairing so if you can get bluetooth in this it'll seamlessly bluetooth pair with the raycon buds without your finger open up the finger yeah and then you got earbuds and uh we give them 15 off by going to corridor crew is that by corridor crew for 15 off 15 off wow what up i'm kind of curious how did you lose your finger so remember that um it was this video for far cry part of the script required sam to lose his pinky on set right it was a knife going into a pinky that was supposed to be the gag but the effect was actually so difficult they started saying well it'd be way easier if someone just actually did it i'm no wuss so when someone said just cut off your finger [Music] that's why that looks so real exactly exactly got it working i've got it working check this out it works and now i just got to fit it to jan so there's a little bit of left to do but it requires a jan stubby mcnugget here to actually work wait that's jen is that jan is he here wait are you actually gonna get a team sweep i might yes you got him come here you did it dude enough of the team wipe i gotta give you the finger i i can't wait to receive the power of ten oh man oh man that's so cool that's good yeah no that feels comfy we're gonna make jan a little bracelet real quick this bracelet is going to go on his wrist and that's what we're actually going to tie the ligament to that will actually cause the whole finger to curl closed yeah yeah it's working we're in there oh my god it's working it's working you made a pivotal mistake ren you should have never given me the power of yeah dude that's so crazy to see can you give me one of these yeah this cat was just open if you can pick this up with just your thumb and pinky i'd be incredibly impressed [Music] [Laughter] there's like all these muscles in my hand that i don't think i've ever activated it's a weird feeling weird feeling because all those muscles would have atrophied from never being used yeah all right before we go show everyone i have one more surprise gift for you okay shut up it's a knife finger i modeled and printed this this morning hey slick the pain flick is the pain i think i may have unleashed too much power into this world you really do have nice hair nico do you do anything to that hair pinky swear this is the first left-handed pinky square it's a corrupted picky sweater that's really cool so these are my my greaves um i wear them when i ride one wheels and that combined with the finger works so well let's see it yeah [Applause] oh yeah wow do you feel that pinky i do it doesn't even feel any different because it's part of you wow you've never felt the grasp of your pinky before well at least on this hand sanitize your hands now sanitize your hands all right jan it is time i fulfilled my side of the bargain i deserve the pure story i absolutely will give you that story i'm reiterating no mics in the room no no tomfoolery you get the story and you alone and uh yeah you have given me the power of ten i have to give you the power of pure truth pure knowledge [Music] dude nick you won't believe the dream i just had i guess i'll never actually learn what the real story is behind jan's finger if you think you know what it is leave a comment down below i'd like to read what you think in the meantime thanks for watching subscribe for more videos like this but for now nighty night
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 5,074,217
Rating: 4.9110131 out of 5
Keywords: 3d printer, make, build, prosthetic, cyborg, vfx artists, DIY, nerf, new, finger
Id: 1Y3LRg9BakE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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