WE CAN GO ANYWHERE - Monty's Story - Kindergarten Gameplay #6

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hey there nugget remember how we're best friends behold the nugget cave it is very deep and very dark what secrets does it hold do you want to find out sure you didn't empty your pockets though [Music] hmmm that might be a problem what's up guys welcome back to kindergarten and for today's episode we're hopefully gonna get the final item that we need we only need one more item before we could find out what happened to Billy but it's some kind of key and you guys will remember that a couple of episodes ago we got a key mold from Jerome it says this is a mold for a key to the principal's office that I got from Jerome because he is the principal's son if I take it to Monte he should be able to get it made for me or a price now I've already looked into this a little bit I've run through a few days and Monte apparently needs twenty dollars to make this happen and we can only bring five dollars with us at a time so we need to somehow earn fifteen dollars in one day how we're gonna do that I'm not totally sure yet the good news is Monty's quest only has five steps but the bad news is we only have one useful hint the first one is telling us that we need the key mold we already know that and item number four is a box in the janitor's closet has five dollars in it that's right we figured that out before so I can find five dollars in the janitor's closet I think there's a little bit of money stashed away in a cubby we might be able to sell some items stuff like that I'm gonna do a run through the day just to try to figure out what we can do and maybe grab some monster Mon cards while we're at it and then I'll try one successful run after if we're gonna get into the janitor's closet I'm gonna bring the lunch pass with me and I'm also gonna bring three dollars because I don't really want to donate to the fat bully fund today but I might need to buy something I definitely need to buy a screwdriver I might want to buy a yo-yo because then we'd get Jerome to distract the teacher at the same time I could just get pills from you couldn't I great then I don't need to buy a yo-yo kay first let's go buy ourselves a screwdriver and then we can talk to old cockeyed glue-sniffing nuggets hi my friends call me nugget or they would if I had any nugget nose no lover friendship since Bailey went missing what happened to Billy because that's a dialogue option that we pushed last episode but it gave us a whole bunch of options that we didn't go ruefully so I'm curious if he has anything else to say at the very least we need to get a pill from him Billie is missing poor nugget mrs. Billie butt nugget cannot help him now it is too late do you know where he is look it does not know nugget knows who knows who knows your questions upset or nugget you push too hard nugget means his pills gulp much better what were we talking about Billy who I don't know what you're talking about oh yeah that's right okay we were just talking about him you're speaking normally now or what's in those pills so I'm pretty sure it shows both of these last time let's keep pressing about Billy we were just talking about him but we were not the principal has forbidden me from speaking about it and if you press any further I'll report you to him really I need to know know what you don't enjoy your trip to the principal's office did nugget just sentence me to death whatever nugget oh my god are you kidding me the principal just called me he wants to see you in his office he needs to shoot a kid in the face what did you win there's a little weirdo - good question well get going then the principal is an impatient man you're telling me so I've been told that you're feeling sad about Billy who told you that oh you know word just gets around you know it doesn't matter how I know it's that I do know so I can say that I'm not sad about Billy or okay so what about it okay so what about it that's all this is about right Billy's missing and is making you said you're not trying to find him or anything you're just sad he's gone right whew okay that makes this a whole lot easier so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna give you something and I want you to take it to whenever you're feeling sad about Billy oh he gave me pills bottle of pills nugget only gave me one pill last time I better be able to use that as a distraction just a little something that ordered for this exact reason here take one whenever you miss Billy too much okay people were telling me in the comments over and over again in the bottom right hand corner there is a rug with a little bit of blood underneath it and what looks like claw marks leading to it who knows we need to get a key to the principal's office for a reason so I can imagine there's something going on in here you're giving me pills just don't tell anyone you got them for me the hall monitor is waiting to take you back to class please head outside okay I can walk around ooh what's over here this rug seems a little out of place ignore the rug yeah it's probably a good idea considering he's right there and I look in your garbage there's some papers and a monster mom card in here take the cards and I got a hint sweet I don't even think I need these apples of right now DUI because are these morning time apples or preschool apples I'm not 100% sure oh no they're morning tide apples okay it's fine we got a card I want to collect as many cards as I can in this run we just need to explore a lot of dialogue options we haven't tried yet welcome back I hope everything turned out okay with the principal clearly my face does not have a bullet in it so everything is fine say the principal didn't happen to have given you anything did he uh he gave me some pills I really want to tell her about that I feel like yeah I want to try to use it as a distraction give me some pills oh lucky day you wouldn't want mind if your lovely teacher had one now would you I I don't know again I'm afraid the principal's gonna kill me these are mine I'll give you a dollar oh we can earn a dollar that way okay we need to remember that deal good boy go oh that's nice thank you for that go on and enjoy the rest of your morning time I know I will me too so is she high as a kite right now can I just grab his money and she won't care don't go snooping around in you know what I don't really care do what you want sweet okay so we'll take this money this is Monty's cubby naturally it has money in it steal the money how much do I get two dollars a dollar I can't imagine he's gonna be very appreciative of me giving him his money but whatever this is Cindy's gubby there's a monster mountain card in here take it what else do I want oh we should get the Nugget because then I can go down in the Nugget cave we can get the card down there yeah this is the the friendship nugget we'll take it anything else I could take the bomb or I could sell the Apple for a quarter hmm let's take the magnifying glass I don't think I've ever taking this board there's Lily's cubby there's a magnifying glass in here she's probably using it to look for clues about her missing brother not anymore she's not I just robbed the kids blind the whole class's stuff is mine now okay kids that's lunch pal let's go down to the cafeteria for a nutritious meal I hear we're having slop today how exciting I have a lunch pass oh damn I screwed up no I don't want to spend a lunch has to be with her right because or do I I don't think I've spent lunch with her without her poisoning me before I think that would waste lunch I don't want to do that I want to use the lunch pass to be able to get past the whole guard and to get into the bathroom in the janitor's closet and stuff like that so oh you're not gonna let me leave though are you hey stop you can't leave until your lunch is over okay oh that's not good because the only way to get out of here right now would be to have the janitor murder Monty and I can't imagine you're gonna be willing to make me a key if you're dead I don't suppose I could just ask you to go to the bathroom can i how you doing there Sonny you want some tasty nutritious slop for lunch can I go to the bathroom oh I'm not allowed to let any of you kiddies out in the hall during lunch but maybe you should do me a little something if you want to me to look the other way like what well it seems I have misplaced my glasses these the eyes can't read the menu without him I know I'm sorry I can't get it off the dead Monty I need him to make me a key not be impaled on a mop Oh will this work sure it will I can give her the magnifying glass okay that's good to know thank you so much honey go out there and do your business I won't stop you all right and then Lily it runs out hmm all right do we need anything else in here I think we're good so we can go out here and we can do this you see something behind the air vent but I need something to unscrew it with yeah we do that should I have done that okay no it doesn't take an apple to pick it up it just cost an apple to get rid of the air vent I really hope the janitor doesn't catch me this is the door to the janitor's closet it's locked oh crap I can't do this at lunchtime I need to do Jerome's quest give him the yo-yo have him send me out here for the laser pointer and do it during morning time you see that this game is such a mismatch it's so difficult to figure out but we've got three monster Mon cards so as long as I don't die we should be pretty good do we want to screw over Lily I don't think we do I think we're good here yeah I'm just gonna go I can't sell my apples we'll go back in here right we're gonna sell some apples 75 cents maids and then we're gonna go through the final evening and then I do have the Nugget of friendship so I can definitely get down there people were telling me that there is a some kind of code to these I don't know what it is though they make some great noises but I don't know what the code is hey there nugget remember how we're best friends behold the nugget Cave it is very deep and very dark what secrets does it hold do you want to find out sure you didn't empty your pockets though hmm that might be a problem this game has so many layers that I'm just getting all of the quests mixed up so there was nothing else that we could do there I couldn't get into the Nugget cave by showing him the Nugget of friendship because I have to be doing bugs his quest to do that so that monster mom card was out of the way we couldn't do anything else everybody else was all locked up so I sold my apples we actually got our first three monster wrong cards out of it so I feel pretty good about that but I think I know what I need to do now I'm pretty sure we need to sell a pill to the teacher we need to sell random items that we acquire to Montee we need to steal from a janitor possibly steal from the cubby not a hundred percent sure what elves distract from Jerome I think we got to figure it out let's give it a try we're gonna take the key mold with us this time and we're gonna take all of our money so if we take ten dollars we're gonna have to give five to bugs that will leave us with five so like I said we're gonna have to earn $15 somehow I don't think there's any way of getting it back from bugs you can get them suspended but I don't really want to waste my apples with that right now no matter what the money is gone so yeah you just just take it you stupid little pig head excuse me Monty you little balding ginger I have a job for you I'm Monty if you need something come talk to me odds are I can give it to you for the right price what I need what I sell changes throughout the day so come see me often I need a key made that the mold you want to use sure no problem it's gonna cost you twenty dollars I'll have it made by the end of the day you can pay me for it then how am I gonna get that kind of money I'm sure there's a ton of ways to do it I'm still open to selling stuff to you try and gather some rare items is definitely possible okay Vienna has been updated no new hints though so not particularly helpful rare items I don't know what that might be he doesn't buy monster mountain cards because they're collectibles okay we'll keep that in mind so I also need to buy a yo-yo because we need to get Jerome to distract for us and then we need all of our apples during morning time because a lot of stuff is going down during morning time so I'll buy that spend money to make money and then we should be good nope nope that's right we need to get sent to the principal's office no get talked about belly didn't get shot in the face by the principal managed to sell one pill to the teacher and now we're gonna get the principal's pass from Jerome and that way we can actually get past the hall monitor and not just have to go to the bathroom we go to the janitor's closet right so we're gonna get him to do the distraction we gave him the yo-yo I'm ready to go distract her and then we're gonna make a run for it okay and then you should let me buy old pimple-faced not so fast there little dude I'm gonna need to see your Hall Pass before I can let you buy here you go the principal's pass whoa yeah go do whatever man sweet can I get in here oh wait is it no it's not locked okay it's only locked during lunch time okay where was the money stolen stuff was the laser pointer I think this was the money there's a note a monster mom card and a $5 bill we're gonna take ourselves the money okay we're up to ten bucks now do I take something else I have another Apple before he's gonna get back or I can go back to class and I might be able to take the money out of the cubby at the same time I'm concerned that if I get a rare item and I've taken Monty's money then he won't sell it to me and that would have been a mistake this isn't the place to be indecisive oh I know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try to sell one of these things to Monty right because we have very rare pills as well as a principals pass and we don't need to give back to your drum screw Jerome that was fast did you get it I couldn't get it I bet you didn't even dry thanks for nothing kid give me my pass back it laws dammit okay we still have the pills so I can either steal money from Monty which is a dollar or do you want to buy some pills look at a bottle of pills whoa a whole bottle of those things my guy who likes him is gonna be thrilled I'll give you four dollars I'm so happy I didn't steal from you Monty we're up to 14 bucks okay think we're goods I can technically steal one thing can't I because we have $14 one Apple or do I need to sell that a HEPA okay what can we possibly need this stuff for moving forward we need oh I really want to take this money mm-hmm yeah let's let's take this money how about that yeah we'll steal that money there we go we got another dollar okay we're gonna go to lunch now we're in here what do we need to do at lunch time who had money for us here and we have $16 I need to make $4 before the end of the day crap I really don't want to spend 25 cents on Slough because an apple is worth 25 cents but I need an item or I'm going to get killed and if my only item is the key for show-and-tell I'm gonna get killed so we're gonna buy some slop and then we technically have $1 worth of apples right nobody wants to do anything for me right now so we're up to 17 dollars and then we can go to recess need to earn 3 bucks and I got nothing going for me how's that what can I do for you I want to sell something I got slop no okay nobody wants to do anything for me I screwed up something again I must've unless I sell these apples were up to 1825 if I can earn a dollar 75 between now and the end of school but I don't think I can write because I need to sell that yeah stuff is gross I know trust me I got slop in my pockets lady I'm not exactly a happy camper right now the end of the day comes and then Monty is gonna want his 20 bucks maybe he'll give me a discount 15% off what you got to say about that okay kid it's the end of the day you got the money no oh geez well that sucks screw you man I'm gonna have to eat the cost of this get bent you two I screwed up somewhere where could I have possibly screwed up I finally got it okay this took like half an hour because we already had everything figured out it was just the order that I did things in if I sell the pills to Monty first I lose an apple and then when I return I have one less Apple and drone gets cut off the teacher stops him from taking back the hall pass because it's lunch time we'll talk at lunch so now if we go to lunch egghead over here well did you get it I couldn't get it oh man that's a shame looks like I'm just gonna have to deal with whatever punishment I get from Nicks you can keep the pass I'll see you around so for some reason he's feeling a lot cooler about it we'll keep that pass and then I'm willing to bet we can sell it to Monty I don't want to sell something I have a principals pass oh snap you got that from Jerome didn't you I'll give you $5.00 I need exactly five dollars I'll take it well you're doing business with you okay we have 19 dollars now so I need one more dollar where did I get that dollar from I'm panicking I've forgotten already I've been playing this game for like an hour and a half where did I get an extra Oh selling apples of course I'd spoken to everybody nobody was helping me okay we have our $20 we're good right I don't even need to talk to any of these little idiots we're just oh I do wait I need something I need an item I need anything just just sell me something otherwise I'm gonna get shot a monster mom card what no the holy night cards 1250 I can technically afford it but no it's not what I need right now I don't want anything oh snap am i screwed again I had figured it out but I'm gonna get shot for show-and-tell because I don't have any items damn it lunch lady I never thought I would say this but please give me some slop just give me a pocketful of slop there we go okay so now that we have slop to show people for show-and-tell I can sell this Hall Pass and we should still have more than enough money I want to sell something Hall Pass there we go right and then I can sell three apples right now and then all of my evening apples and we should have more than twenty dollars and an item left over twenty one dollars okay that's the Bell let's all head back inside for show into hell please please work I hope everyone had a good reset so let's all get together and show and tell why don't you go first what did you bring I brought my lunch I can't believe we make you kids eat that stuff pretty sure you wouldn't be able to pass a drug test after eating that anyway who's next didn't I well children that was a fun little show-and-tell oh there's the Bell I hope you all had a fun day today I'll see you all tomorrow yes finally did it unless Monte for some reason decides to Guidice me here but I can't imagine you will I got $21 kids okay kid it's the end of the day you got your money yes Wow you raised all that money in one day I'm impressed Thanks whatever you plan on doing with that key be careful something fishy is going on at this school I will I'll see you around pleasure doing business with you and a pleasure yeah all right we got a key to the principal's office which means next episode we're gonna find out what happened to Billy but that's gonna be it for this episode of kindergarten guys what a messy episodes I'm just gonna say it right now if a single quest was this difficult I would have never gotten this far I would have given up a long time like a hope but we did get a bunch of monster mount cards we got all of the items so next episode were set not technically the finale we will do Lily's quest I know a lot of people want to see that we will find out what happened to Billy now that we have all the items I couldn't do it any sooner than that but like I said not the finale because I do want to get all of the monster wrong cards I'll do another video getting all the cards and see if we can actually destroy the world thanks for watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,241,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindergarten, kindergarten monty's quest, kindergarten monty's story, kindergarten monty ending, kindergarten gameplay, kindergarten game, kindergarten walkthrough, kindergarten playthrough, kindergarten guide, kindergarten funny, kindergarten funny moments, kindergarten let's play, kindergarten ending, kindergarten earn money, kindergarten principal key, kindergarten playlist, kindergarten game playlist, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: VoCHgwgAtUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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