We built A Truck Secretly - Will It Make It To Bristol? (Tour of Destruction, Burnouts & Crown vics)

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welcome back to vice grip garage Bristol Cletus and cars well it's here now we're going to do something a little different this time instead of coming to you right from the great Coliseum I'm going to take you through all the stuff it takes to get ready for it and then the road trip there and then obviously the action at the track and there's a lot of it this time I'm going to be doing the brista 1000 of the nitrous powered Crown Vics the drivers list I don't know why how did I don't know why I'm there I guess there's like formula dudes there's drift dudes there's NASCAR guys there's a monster truck driver there's Pro off-road dudes there's guys that get trophies for a living and then there's your and then there's a guy that's right as long as I have cruise control and AC and an AM radio I'm happy plus we're going to be doing the tours of destructioning there's destruction and there's a I'm racing in the tour of Destruction I think it's a race maybe it's just uh destructions anyway I've got an old retired Crown Vic there's a flagpole race and a reverse race and a chain race whatever that is tell you what if it's hooking a chain on a car the fastest put your money on me you know what I mean plus of course we're going to be doing burnouts in Charlotte hopefully in a couple different classes but like I said we've got to get this prepped and ready we've got to get it loaded on our new car trailer and stick around because we're going to be pulling it all the way to Bristol and taking you guys with on our new shop Truck Yeah kept a secret from you for a little while it is one of the most insane square body dualies on the planet this is my personal opinion but I'm going to take you through all this and of course the action of the track so hang on this is going to be fun oh there's a table here let's go this way [Music] [Applause] [Music] um so as you guys know Charlotte did pretty good in Indy it was actually just supposed to be a test pass for data but we ran our pretty near the end until we had that brake line fire we got that fixed however there's been some more brake work to it now it has new calipers and a new Wilwood master and brake pedal assembly because the other master cylinder wasn't creating enough pressure for me to even lock up the fronts and you need that when you're going 50 miles an hour towards a concrete wall and then we had to change the exhaust system Chad from volunteer Muffler came down two hour drive from just to make this thing right it is absolutely it looks like the inside of a if you've pulled off a panel inside of a NASA ship but it works I got to show you this and so we could get clearance onto the trailer plus we added an x-pipe to it however that's created some heartburn on a couple other things trans brake wiring starter wiring we're going to have to add some header wrap to one of the pipes I've got a dead battery I don't think I'm going to be able to get one of time we're going to have to assess that as well and then we've got to do a basic oil change and I think we're ready to get this on the trailer I have to show you some of the other stuff we Haul with too tents and tables and chairs and skirts and mats and shelving and point-of-sale systems and internet boxes and generators and cords and totes and doodabs and whatnots and then of course the truck that's going to pull it so let's dig right in you know me I'm lazy so let's start with the easiest thing oil change always are going to do it oil is not getting cheaper fillers it's going up about a minute in fact it's going to be about 200 bucks a barrel here any day but when you have this much ethanol or methanol flying through your engine a lot of that ends up in a crank case especially when you're holding that 6 500 RPM for two minutes so let's just be safe remember I built this short block in a barn literally with a vice grip so let's take care of it if we can all right okay good plan go get the oil filter wrench meet me under here you guys saw a little bit of this exhaust system when we were working on the Bland National there but I'll show you the whole thing here in a minute once I get this Earl dropped I want to say March was the last time we changed this we've got a couple runs on it boy this plug doesn't doesn't feel right you know what I mean foreign oh I see looks like it was it got bottomed out it's not gonna help oh boy Earl coming down Bay one dropping oil no one okay anyway it looks pretty good uh definitely smells like ethanol tiny tiny bit of metal we'll just pretend we didn't see that you know what I mean gonna drop this k n out of here and put up my boil wicks guys gonna go ahead and do a little quick health check here we're going to cut this oil field tray open see what we got going on inside it sounds healthy but never hurts to look really quick follow me come on man stay on there there we go first thing we're going to do is pull the element out if I can I got her pretty smash trying to get it off why this is gonna be a fight come on now why the denser or not allowing me to do the thing well it's weird I know guy crushed it too hard getting it out of there and I think if I keep prying and bending and cutting we're gonna not come to the correct addiction because I'm going to be adding metal into it trying to cut it open but I did after I got the lid open let it sit here and drain I'm not seeing any huge flakes or anything that scares me it would have been nice to comb through the pleats and look at those maybe next time if you guys are ever curious I get asked a lot why do you use Wix and K N pretty much solely well cut a filter open and cut open whatever brand you use and compare the two pleat quality pleat length meaning how many pleats there is o-ring quality all the way to the cone quality that's pretty clear let's be honest all right got the other filter already full it's up on the truck let's drop her down fill this thing with oil I got a couple other things to show you so up top here you can see the new Wilwood Masters it's the same cheap little single pot thing that the other one was but it's just newer the other one just was not working and then it came as a kit what's a new pedal there but this one doesn't have that goofy bias control there used to be a knob here you could dial in how much front and rear brake you wanted we eliminated that and this just has a pin it's analysis front brake it's spongy but I got a lot more break tell you that much also the valve covers are new they're identical they're just the cheapy cheapest possible no name valve covers but these are the tall ones remember we had clearance issues with the big valve training here so there was a big like one or one and a half inch spacer so we had gasket spacer gasket valve cover and that was leaking back here on the header and maybe I'm getting old but I kind of really like to not light on fire while driving anymore I guess I just I can't get out very fast anymore and then you can start to see some of this crazy exhaust that I'll show you here it's really really cool it's stacked up in there kind of like a late model but anyway going to dump the oil in here and we can cross oil change off the list oh she's tight blue went ahead and threw it on a sticker on them I don't know I was just missing a little bit of color anyway this exhaust I'll show you the bottom side to really get the gist but instead of going under the truck it's tucked in here now and then look at this it goes from being stacked and then rolls over and then splits out and re-aims to the rear of the tires and we took in mind you know we had that issue with Independence where the pipes were dragging on the ground when the tires were going flat but not popped and I was hearing it thinking it was a wheel but it wasn't so we took that into consideration chisel tipped and everything and here's the cool thing that pipe is actually the right side of the motor this pipe is the left side but to get the lengths correct where they're both equal because there's a crossover in the front this is how Chad did it and then there's an x-pipe in there so let's go ahead and put the truck back up and we got to move some wiring or take a look at it at least make sure we're not going to burn anything up wire wise one of them being the trans brake can't burn that puppy it's the ground and if we burnt that up well then I don't have reverse I'd be stuck and then we also need to move this ribbon cable which went under the truck we're going to have to come through this way now and pop it out way up here because well you can kind of see right there the ribbon is very close to the exhaust now and as we learned shut us down last time that ribbon went bad that one little ribbon controls well maybe not the wheel bearing but this so before the dual exhaust used to just run straight back and then it was pointed like uh actually here's the old bolt it's pointed like this well it was too low we couldn't get it on the trailer it was dragging on the pipes causing a bunch of issues the dovetail on the back is much more sharp of an angle it's a little gooseneck you'll see here in a bit so we had to change this up and we wanted to add an x-pipe anyway for Scavenging we're at such high RPM and on and off the throttle so now one side Heads This Way this one comes around and keep in mind this is big three inch and it's something you would normally do with like two or two and a quarter and he's got a bent here here here and then it rolls up and twists into an x-pipe that's a handmade x-pipe there so then it's stacked vertically in line with this roll cage bar and then splits off right here and comes out like this now so I haven't heard it run yet actually so uh it should sound a little bit better should sound much better at higher RPM and give us that trailer clearance we need however that is going to cause some heat issues now on our trans pan we're going to be cooking the ATF also known as alien transfer fluid and then I've got this little guy right here beep boop that controls the trans brake right there and if I if this thing burns up we're done so I think I'm just going to take this out of there and swing this back to here and try to pull this taunt and then starter wires boy that's there's really no good spot for them they're almost in it now maybe that wrap here will help the header is really what gets the hottest and then we'll have to try to zip tie up that ground that's just a second engine the frame ground I got another one up top but we got a lot of digitals in it this battery already went out on me and these things are not cheap that was kind of disheartening I'm not going to replace it now maybe we'll bring home a w and then we'll see what happens um well that's not true because I would just donate the money so we'll see what happens uh I'm just gonna we're gonna be running on One battery that should hopefully be enough I think it will just make sure she's really charged up was thinking about making plates in here and uh heat shielding it but I don't know that might be enough room quite honestly and if we melt up this battery it doesn't matter the sucker is just dead anyway so I guess maybe we'll run it see what it does to this if we're having heat issues then we'll make some sort of plate so let me grab a Allen key I don't know looks like a 3 8 see if we can get into wiring I've got some header wrap already soaking in water and maybe we'll just start all the way over here wrap this around my feet are right here and they get hot boy I I forgot how tight this thing was in here I had to put a new fitting on here no big deal let's go that then the you know let you keep her out of Harm's Way wouldn't be good to get up against K barrier and then have no reverse it's already a process because I gotta throw it in neutral flip this on and grab reverse not a leak out of this trance though that's something else okay you know this starter wire this one right here I think I might leave it right there it's like sneaking right between everything does that make sense I can't go in more because that pushes this out maybe I just put a clamp here just to make sure it doesn't swing out I don't know well a guy did find an insulated clamp here we'll run that in and see what happens safety squares lots of safety strengths I ain't wanting to drill more who's it I try to pre-drill here which I don't think I've ever done in my life I'm being completely honest old dog learning old tricks I could just snap my drill a bit yep that's why you don't freeze real Fellers just Jammer through there we go boom lock down well guys got this header wrap here soaked in water for a while and that just makes it easier to apply and keeps the fiberglass particles down for a guy and then allegedly I don't know if there's any truth to this as well but when it dries it shrinks up even tighter but I'm going to go ahead and start on this end work my way this way see how far we get with the chunk I cut and then we'll clamp that down and hopefully that'll keep our transmission fluid much cooler well the guy's got that wrapped up I think that should be enough of it anyway decided to put this tape up here too on both batteries so it's so easy Dei makes this resist heat up to 850 degrees I believe so I think the truck is ready to rock if we can get it on the trailer still got to mount some burnout tires but the truck itself we can get up on the trailer and strap down and I'll show you this dually well I got this rig plugged in you know she's a hybrid Bots charge relationalizing let's go ahead and fix this ribbon so instead of running down there like I was saying we're just gonna go oh we uh have a lot of extra but also eliminates that sharp edge down there got the old Christmas tree bit out okay I'm going to try to find a rubber bushing we're gonna have some new fresh sharp metal there in fact guy might even just put it over here we can well no it's hard to strap to that uh yeah we'll just go straight line I guess do all the wrapping on this side safety tip number 214 subsection C I always drill towards your stomach as hard as you can that about there looks in the center nope oh okay I got this here grow me I think we gotta go a little bigger wow there we go I think I gotta go bigger [Music] I think I have to go bigger this might work probably not okay now ease this through this side come on little buddy there you are huh progress guys got that finished up went ahead and ran the Melissa tape up through here drill the hole put a rubber grommet in round that down and then put a gentle zip tie after some of that Melissa tape there so it's not the weight isn't hanging on that ribbon so we don't lose that last thing I got to do it's top this bad boy off and then I'm going to get this thing loaded up here pretty soon Chargers drop and this started at like 48 amps it's down to eight so that it's a smart charger I don't know what it's doing but it's almost full on battery one then it'll flip to two and then we can roll it on the trailer and I think it's done done just have to mount some tires eventually here at some point tonight cold start time let's build some oil pressure here before we fire this thing up so no ignition there we go ignition on and Fire guys having to modify these wheels I don't know where my other chartreuse salmon reddish maroon Wheels man so I gotta drill these out with a Christmas tree bit so the larger studs on the truck will fit and then a guy can actually get these colored tires and stuff on there so just running this through and then I'm using this as my gauge essentially that chunk of ready rod get everything loaded tables temp of course Charlotte we got fuel and stuff on the inside of the rig now we got our tires ramps and stuff back here pulling this get up here is a 1987 one-ton Chevrolet single cab long bed dually now this is a truck I didn't really intentionally hide it from you guys it's just I built it on roadworthy rescues with Dave Chappelle or dirt head Dave and that episode actually has an aired yet so I'm not even really sure if I'm supposed to be showing you this now I need the thing that's why I wanted to build it I needed a shop truck a dually something I could pull a goose and it was an old retired I think it was electrical service truck beat up it was blowing up had a big block hadn't run and I think 15 20 years something like that anyway I wanted to do a budget build on this thing so I just Dingle ball honed a little 400 put a turbo 400 behind that clean the interior up while I was doing that Dave was in the back and did a giant step notch on the thing put bags in it and you name it and we use it on the episode then immediately after that and needed some upgrades it definitely needed better pulling power it needed overdrive and some other things so the boys over at uh volunteer Muffler and performance helped me out there and we thrashed this thing together basically went back and fixed everything I wanted to originally do we just didn't have time to do so let me show you our new Poulan rig [Music] thank you [Music] so there's a quick introduction to Woodford the shop truck now you can catch that full build if you want to over on roadworthy rescues otherwise you're going to see everything here on vice grip garage moving forward if we do any upgrades or changes or fixes or whatever else it's going to evolve over the years but right now I'm really happy with it 8.1 liter 496 big block backed by a Hughes 4l80 it's on bags as air has Vintage Air cruise control pretty much my dream square body and a dually I've got my crew cab long bed I love that thing the cat Farm crew cab guy set so we'll be using this if we got one Reagan supplies we'll be pulling this all over the country to events and then I'll be driving it back from vice grip garage to volunteer a time they do all my exhaust work and stuff like that so let's uh go fuel up we got to get on the road we got about a six hour drive to Bristol we still need to set up tonight and now we're going to get ready for the burnout competition the Bristol 1000 and I gotta find my Crown Vic for the tour of Destruction I don't know chain race I don't know it is actually pretty quiet has two different Mufflers on it that's it Bentley's up there checking straps he's riding with dad the other two boys are riding with Mom we're up in Cookeville just filling up that's how far I got with the big old 496. everything is going great you liking the ride so far awesome we're probably grab some lunch here I don't know they have a lot of stuff here uh real quick something might get the trailer in keep on heading to Bristol got about three and a half hours more fuel yay uh we did have a little scary uh incident there on the interstate what happened to us there I was driving there's like smoke everywhere and we pulled over and we like blew an airline yes we lost all air pressure in the rear instantly tires went to the fenders hitch went to the highway I was on ice skates thank goodness I caught this thing to the shoulder told Bentley just to jump out and run into the ditch um found a pop line down here I think the exhaust got it so what I did is I had a spare Lion in here oh I can't get to it had a Schrader valve on it cut this a nice FedEx guy stopped he must be a smoker who had a lighter melted the line pushed the Schrader valve into that and then you round the pump while I looked for leaks and we have just enough air where this thing isn't hitting the ground I also got something going on in the rear end it's hot really hot I'm smelling gear oil not sure we did re-gear this actually it's it's all rebuilt internally so not quite sure what's going on there but we'll have to keep an eye on that everything else on the load seems to be going pretty good nothing's loose straps are tight all right good job buddy we made it to Bristol bright and early the next day just starting to get stuff unloaded I already see some tour destruction cars they're getting ready for the pit party today is the burnout competition well actually this evening the burnout pit is huge this time it's pretty awesome we're gonna run to the hardware store we got to get some paint and stuff for the Crown Vic and then a bunch of wood and miscellaneous items to get the car off the trailer despite moving the exhaust it's still very tight actually kind of drug the frame with the winch getting it on so we're gonna run into town grab some stuff we got some Fixins we got um clerkin kensingtons I don't know it's a cheapest one to have buy one get one half off we're going with silver believe our car is black this time Fellers we're rolling the paint on because we just we go through how many cans of spray paint you think we use yeah that's a lot of just this got some rags and some two by fours to help get Charlotte off if anything we could just use these as like pole volt joust things and just pry not quite sure gotta go fill up the little Jenny this is the hobo Freight unit we use to power the truck and I think we're ready to start painting cars we're doing I don't know what we're doing let's go yes definitely not my trailer this is Travis's trailer he's nice enough to help us unload so what we did was we backed the truck and trailer up to his ramp drove into his trailer now we can lower his ramp and get off because he's got Rolls Royce that's also low to the ground and he can get his out so now we can get ours out good is the rod gonna hit yes thanks man Charlotte's under the knife we got battery problems thought everything was fine charged all day before we left got here we're down to 15 volts already just sitting static this one's leaking a bunch of juice I was able to order some but they're out of summit in Ohio huge thank you to a feller named Hunter who went two hours out of his way and picked these up for me I just paid for him I had him sitting there so we're gonna put different batteries in this is a different model number the nose and I hope they last longer because these ain't cheap you're not going to believe this but we're late we're behind we got the Crown Vic down at the pit party because we gotta have it painted today for tomorrow but we ran out of time to do it up top you guys want to say hi [Music] so we're down here with the fans painting up the car you know the deal bars and cars we're gonna get the start of the stripes out Chad's doing his favorite thing ever taping right now we're gonna do a little bit different this time we got a black car this country song goes all the lights are on you know what I mean but that's all right we're happy check out the seats they added uh flooring and insulation back in keep the floors cooler and went straight up legit on the seats full containment seats it's got all the correct support and everything really nicely done car I'd open the door for you but I got tape in here these guys are helping set out the letters for me because I'm not good with the alphabets we're missing an eye yeah [Music] maybe we could turn that into an eye something oh well we're gonna somewhere maybe I'll look we'll put vice grip on the roof and we got some star stencils to make it go faster this time let's see what we can get done I'm gonna admit taping's not my thing took me a while to figure out this because this is going to be silver this is going to be black but we have to include the widths of the tape and the measurement I don't know how to do math there was a lot of things going on but this is kind of the look we're going for here we'll have stripes down the sides trunk the roof and then we're gonna have stars wrapping the other side there it's 700 degrees and the car is at least 900 Degrees so that's pretty cool but we're making progress 74 hours in the sun later we finally figured out how to use the canopy apparently put it over top of you and create some shade watch out this is looking really good dude I'm liking the coverage it's the car is like 712 degrees the second you put paint on this it's like it's just dry immediately but we're gonna get this thing dialed in real quick with some colors this is like vintage midnight closet gray it was supposed to be silver but it's close enough Chad's painting some Happy Trees over here just touching it up here we go boy that's a good looking car oh blacked out the front we don't need headlights and we also blacked out the rear kept it aluminum on this side I brought her down to Black on the back that's this cheap Rust-Oleum looking good hopefully it runs good [Music] latest is opening her up [Applause] [Music] folks are filling in we're still a ways away from starting but see it's filling all right we just finished the meet and greet batteries has changed water's topped off it's fueled got these Optima I have cookuses I don't know what they are but they're brand new they came off of some project I guess I must have switched tires right away we're gonna go get lime the line goes oh all the way around [Music] we need to stop both of them nice attention burnout Rivals competitors burnout Rivals competitors please get in your vehicles make your way to the starting that's my man Joshua killing it get that diesel running the open burnout we have vice grip garages Derek [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as we made it out well done both tires are off Legends first runs good in the books uh truck only got to 184 degrees a couple tires off but my concern is happening we don't have the right rear gear this has a 342 rear wave all these other cars have like two series gears 273 or a 308 so we don't have all the wheel speed we need it's a lot of RPM but it ain't spin of the tires fast enough and we popped them right before the buzzer these were hand Cooks which aren't that good of a tire now we're putting professional burnout tires on colored smoke tires and from experience with the Chevelle they last a lot longer so I'm really gonna have to bring the RPM on this thing it's the only way to get more wheel speeds fans running and the water pump running trying to cool it down even more that's helping me swap Wheels [Music] back in line we're jumping convex I better go get this this guy's gonna drop this Crown Vic into these cars [Music] oh man oh wow he's all right that's wild all right [Music] hours wow both our DARPA that's gonna be one of the top three runs of the day well guys we uh it took a lot of time a lot of engineering engineering stuff out this Old redneck instead two back-to-back runs popped the tires both times with an engine I built in the barn on a budget and then we rebuilt the top end in a barn again I don't even got a body on this thing I think we did pretty good I don't care about winning or placing or anything like that it's just it's just to have fun and come out here and show that you know country boys come out and have fun too now listen in the Rival run we did hit the wall a little bit this is normal this side [Music] it squished in a little bit but the bars did their job which I'm super happy about if I pull that bar out with the port of power or something like that in forklift your tractor who knows that fiberglass is going to come right back and we're good we're back in business frame's good the structure on the top is good no issues uh 46 Pounds boil pressure 186 degrees pulling off the pad in that time I put her on the chip because I knew I needed the wheel speed engine is we're doing good guys so super super happy Chad's throwing on the show car tires which is just cheap used steel wheels that I have the tires I got for free I'm gonna put this back on the trailer at some point and grab some shot eye tomorrow we have tour of Destruction and the nitrous powered Crown Vics it's going to be a ton of fun everyone here is having a blast if you guys can't make it in person I strongly recommend getting the pay-per-view it's 14 bucks split it with two or three friends have like a Super Bowl party you know the chips and the guacamole and the beans five bucks a piece or whatever it's a good show it's a lot of fun to watch well early this morning we got Charlotte loaded back up started figuring out how to put all of our Junk and Stuff in here on the old tow rig here coming up very soon tour of Destruction these are the kind of cars there are a lot of compacts mostly compacts all the way through here there's like an old LTD or something they're Lincoln I don't know big body car this is the chain race now if I'm not mistaken this vehicle is going to be pulling this vehicle this vehicle cannot use the brakes this vehicle can only use the brakes so this is not running no power steering no power brakes trying to slow this car for turns this is the power of it it's nuts basically I've got an old Crown Vic we got to go fine I'm gonna do that for the flagpole race and the back hurts race but I need a partner for the chain race and the steps Towing crew these guys are awesome they're like hey we got another car we're looking for a partner too so this Ford Taurus cop car I'm gonna be operating that bad boy getting towed by her and that bad boy we got a real chain situation going on over here so that's going to be a lot of fun that's coming up pretty soon drivers meeting shortly just got to do an awesome meet and greet I met so many of you guys thank you for coming out and supporting this stuff it's just incredible everything from a six week baby all the way up to who knows it's really cool to see you guys come out and enjoy this [Music] he's jumping again this guy's crazy wow [Music] well I'm suited up with the chain race that's going to be Hannah's going to be pulling me in that they're kind enough to lend me their other state patrol car thing so I did confirm the rear car is not running no power steering no power brakes nothing and I'm just being towed around and if she wants to slow down I'm breaking okay it seems fine really you know um also the doors tied shut and it's just a seat belt but I don't have a neck bone thing so we're going full I'm gonna do the first couple laps not hit the brake at all just to see what happens and then we'll over back if we need to [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] okay that was wild the old uh pull race there were cars complete chaos total traffic jam I started figuring it out you just got to be rough I guess we were dominating that like I think it was a lap up at one point 48 seconds or something and we were holding 28 seconds but the Crown Vic was pegged hot all the way hot and the motor went I kept throwing a neutral restarting it trying to clear the code but it wasn't going to happen but man that was a lot of fun the bad news is I'm out of curse I wrecked one that's not mine and I wrecked another that's not mine and now we can't do the reverse race I have like 37 seconds to wet my back neck jump in the Crown Vic get my belts ready and now we're doing the brista 1000. well that never gets old wide open into the corner this car is way different than the last car we ran here in Bristol this has a uh different rear end gear so I'm on the chip or the RPM limiter about three quarters of the way down the back straight in the front straight or maybe even less than that it's just on the chip I got behind JH diesel because he was so fast here last time I just wanted to see if I could keep up with him and every time I'd get on the chip he'd start pulling on me in the corners so he must have a car with long legs I'm guessing the handle is pretty good we're all happy with the car we actually got a live feed and the car over there that's what that looks like so for those of you that rented I guess you're going to get to see a lot of this in car action before arrest now previous you're in the future somehow but this is in the past you already saw it that's what I'm saying but awesome everyone's doing great out here I think it's going to be a lot of fun there's a lot of professional drivers this is gonna be really cool I mean it wasn't me the fastest Applause Kevin just got moved to the back of the pack from six for the uh incident last time foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] calm down all right Derek so you see what's wrong overheated it's done well we're all loaded up it's actually the next morning this weekend was crazier than Gary Busey I mean it was just an absolute blast I have so many good people to thank uh Chad and Haley for all the help and support behind the scenes Hannah for letting me break her patrol car on the first lap I don't know what happened there sorry about that Cletus for bringing another control car Cletus for letting me race his Rigs and we did pretty good started 15s crawled up to Fourth I think at one point and then she got really hot and I think the motor just she just was tired it wouldn't start I kept putting it in neutral turning the key off turning the key on trying to see if it fire back up no bueno nice fun clean race I was on the chip all the way around that track and I'm sure that's what caused it to overheat never driven that lower gear before we've always had the Long Highway gear so that was a different experience for me so I could run a pretty high line actually and keep some momentum it was so fun we did get one little skid there I'm not sure what happened in front of me I was following Kevin really close getting the bump draft he checked up super hard and I smashed the brakes as fast as I could and when it became evident I couldn't avoid them I bumped him a little but I I turned so hard to try not to hit him I actually put myself on the inside wall thankfully I hit the quarter panel and not the front because those tie rods as we're learning are really really weak in these so I was able to continue on from there when my car died I should have should have looked at it with you but the front right tire was really really good I think I did really good on Tire management this time so we're dialed for next time hope to be back from Bristol again oh and check this out burnout competition we got it we won the rivals look at that burnout Rivals Champions took us a while but we got there thanks guys for all the continued support with that I know this isn't some y'all's handbag it's just a wild sport you know the Australians kind of started it for learning how to do it up here I still have fun doing it and uh you know we're trying to do it naturally aspirated without belts and we're going up against a lot of turbos and methanol and blowers and all sorts of stuff which makes it more fun it's more challenging you know and I'm just so happy to see that sport growing we are all loaded up we're headed back to Tennessee let's go build some stuff in the barn huh over at the gas station filling up Bentley's I don't know little man's over there on the other side somewhere he's my strap Checker every time we stop by the way huge thank you to uh volunteer Muffler and performance those guys drove hours while I was racing the Bristol 1000 they drove all the way up here the brand new wheel seal on this axle failed it's hard to get good parts anymore they replaced the wheel seal and that junkie again new Airline just I don't know cheap they replace that Airline for me too so truck's good to go again I like Towing on bags it's a new experience for me but it is so smooth compared to a huge Leaf sprung truck it's hard to even explain there's no jarring and bouncing and jumping and all of that stuff so that's gonna do it for Bristol 1000. fetus the cars here beautiful Bristol Tennessee thank you guys so much all of you that came out we've met so many of you all over the place I just appreciate you guys so much and all of you at home that got the pay-per-view commenting liking we feel that too thank you so much for the support it's just words can't explain how much we appreciate it now let's get back to Nashville back in that Barn let's build some more stuff on budget thanks guys for watching [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 881,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, 8.1, big block swap, dually, chevy, chevrolet, square body, lowered, bags, bagged, lowered dually, bristol, crown vic
Id: yp6F86RacuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 46sec (3466 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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