STRANDED! Will This Old Truck Bought Sight Unseen RUN AND DRIVE 250 Miles Home?

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hey welcome back to vice grip garage the wood bini blew up on me my handcrafted wood Lambo kit car which subsequently left me stranded in this very small town in Eastern Tennessee well the guys got to get home so I did the right thing jumped on the face space and bought the cheapest closest vehicle to me which happens to be this million mile 3/4 ton truck that's been off the road and not registered since 1987 it's got a straight six and a three-speed got 250 Mi home seems [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] fine so let me catch you up here that Lamborghini was going down I just had a feeling so I started crawling around on the interwebs looking for rigs happened to make a deal on this truck here a nice guy named Jason and he let me know it's got some quirks but it should run you know and on the way to his house he said oh by the way it's got a it needs a tire really bad but it's a 162 so on the way to his house I stopped at a little tire shop in town got real nice guy and talked him out of the spare tire on his 97 Chevy cuz this is an 8 by 6 and2 so we didn't have to get a 16 and 1 12 Tire bought it rolled it behind a dumpster I thought well I'll come pick it up later on the way to Jason's house Lambo blows up engine locked up going up a hill so I called him and said you wouldn't happen to have a Traymore would you and he said you know what I don't but a guy and a fell and my dad does so an army of nice guys show up We Roll the lambo on a trailer we hauled that to his house by now it's dark and get this truck his dad also loaned me another spare tire off of his 2011 pickup so that's in the bed and crawled down the hill last night through the other spare behind the dumpster and here we are so this is the first time I'm seeing this truck in the daylight we miles will walk around it drink this thing up see what we got going on and then we got to start putting miles our belt there's the title from 87 I went ahead and just put the tag from the lambo on the truck cuz that's neerish and that ought to get us home probably not so like I said pick this up in the dark it looked pretty decent though and it looks halfway decent today I guess so this is pretty rare long bed Stepside you don't see a lot of those of course it's got rocker rust got some Rust coming through in the fender Hood pins that's for racing I pulled these out I was going to check on the Earl there look at the Chrome hopefully gets us home we got one newer headlight I don't know what this one's doing the classic white bumpers o we got some self tappers nice yeah that's a bias pie um premium Highway rib yeah we're going to have to probably address that I'm thinking it's a custom due these mirrors got to go quickly very quickly but look at the fenders they're in really good shape I think you know and then uh needs a couple pieces of wood for the bed here this is a tire that was on the front I thought maybe I could just crawl it down the hill but she was just way too shot so this is the tire I bought from the 97 Chevy this is the tire off of old boy 07 Chevy I think that was so now I think I'm going to put this other Tire on the front so we don't blow a steer tire and then we're still we're still in the Danger Zone look at this thing that is not good that is most likely going to blow apart if you're looking for convenience and Time Savings or Riley Auto Parts has you covered you can go online to Ay and add vehicles to your garage now you can easily select your vehicle whether you're on the go or in the store search for parts and even have access to vehicle specific documents and diagrams for free you can personalize select delete and manage up to 150 vehicles in your garage you can also locate stores that have the parts you're looking for in stock and even prepay for them if you want and just snag them up so that easy the exact Parts a guy wants are ready for pickup so I can head down and grab them so what are you waiting for sign up for an online account at O'Reilly and add your vehicles today ding oh yeah what okay oh we're starting off strong that is metal it's like an old can or something rolled out I like it we got the old arm cutter 200 we've got taped and painted rocker panel that's custom I've already patched the floor that's a sign of some kind so that's pretty neat mismatch seat approved moved look probably a different D yes it's a cover seems to be covering pretty good you can see it's a manual but what you might have missed is how you actually shift it yeah this is that this contraption here reminds me of the orange ramp truck except that was an automagical this is a man well and then the columns been changed ched and then it's got an earlier or a late model wheel so she's kind of hodg podged and I like it a lot oh boy let's get under the hood yep I know what you're thinking she's going to pull Wheels nope oh it's been Craigslist rebuilt look at that it's probably got new bearings no definitely not does have a new charging wheer see that got boosted brakes this has got to be the original million mile maker 473 483 can't remember if it was 74 or 75 maybe 73 anyway mid 70 is to 79 250 250 cub inches got the OG Jack handle that's pretty nice I think I'm going to go buy a four-way this one looks a little crusty we'll just leave that there for emergency use R king oh this is how you turn the headlights on that's how I got down the hill last night we were up in the mountains I tell you what okay well that's uh I'm going to check the oil quick and check the water oh I got to find a rag it doesn't look like much on there and then we got to swap this front tire and start hitting the road it's a little low but should be all right is about a quart low I think we'll when we stop and get a four-way I get some snake oil maybe some bear oil I don't know here's why this has the smallest engine you can put in 3/4 ton basically which means it's geared low we're going to be doing 5055 hindsight not a good vehicle to travel home in okay so I want to make sure we got plenty of oil and lubrication in this thing cuz we're going to this thing's going to be singing like a sewing machine tell you what all right it's fired up oh yeah okay so to shift it that's first yep and then to go to second third and so on oh it's going to be a long day get way more torque out of this bad boy I think unfortunately we're going to be doing a tire dance today you know what I should do and I think I am we was trying to make it uh Cookville over to volunteer Muffler performance in the lambo obviously never made it there but I'm going to have those guys start searching for some tires for me and we could swing in there do that and then we'll also have some room to work on this truck if need be then we'll snip back south down through natural and all that stuff all right I'm going to jack this up get this bias pie off put the other spare that's not the spare but the spare from the other truck on the front so I have same size tires up front so it's not pulling so hard and they're the least as likely to blow blowing a tire is not fun but you don't want to blow a steer Tire well wasn't EXP expecting to see that we got new wheel bearings on this side huh well she's got old rotors pads caliper but a new brake line so that's pretty nice basically this is fine wheel bearing wheels so sure look at that old shock goodness oh we're already leaking oil [Music] too that just looks like a rear man it's fine wow that looks real nice cust well let's Jam this thing on the interstate and I almost grabbed the shifter again try to get some miles down see what the top speed is on this [Music] thing well as expected about 55 is full scand you can hear this thing buzzing away still faster than the wood beghini was I guess in a way but just going to enjoy this beautiful fall Drive see if we can make it to cook field we got a big mountain PL to go up over here see if this is going to want to pull [Music] that [Music] well we just climbed that big hill I'm just coasting right now in neutral hey how's it going man and uh I don't know if it's hot or not just got dummy lights in here I'm not smelling anything on my smell gauge so hopefully hopefully we're just fine speedometer works that came up out of nowhere but the fuel gauge doesn't seem to do anything I topped it off but it's at 3/4 so I don't I don't know well it is very very slow going but we're making progress we're getting miles down that's the big thing pulled over here to give the truck a little bit of a brake also going to throw some fuel in see if I can figure out the miles per gallon ish cuz I know that gauge isn't working and of course you can't pass bies Jessica my wife likes the chocolates here so I'm going to run in and I get her some chocolates and something to wet my back neck getting closer to Cookville truck is running fine but I'm getting a real bad headache carbon monoxide is terrible the exhaust is gone or missing I don't know I've never even been under the truck but all of the exhaust fumes well 94% of them are coming through the hole that's crudely cut in the floor for the shift levers so it's like the entire time I got to do something about that fuel necks right here that's probably an easy fix couple screws or something get that rerouted some point tell you what I can e a whole JY pickles it's a healthy snack too okay let's uh let's continue on called the guys in Cookville they're waiting and the Feller that I borrowed the tire from also drove over so he can get his wheel back and he hauled the lambo for me so that was really nice and uh we'll get the Tinker on this a little bit I got him looking for a muffler a quiet Muffler we can put on this so and fix the exhaust cuz I'm getting woozy in [Music] here [Music] oh we're actually going to make it I cannot believe this rear tire held on oh there's the tow truck well we got the truck in right up on the rack we'll be able to get underneath see what's going on with the exhaust they're doing a really cool square body over here it's got a five 2 big BL in it running some duels on it while that truck's going up the money borrow let's go check this out things have changed since you saw this last on sick week we're going a little more race car these guys are helping me out big time we pulled out the old engine and uh it was just tired it really needed to be gone through and we got one right here we're going to be building up that's back from the machine shop and now we can properly clean all this stuff we got the firewall blocked off things of that nature we're going to try to stiffen the frame up a little bit as well so it's not twisting so bad and then add some more bars but this will be coming back eventually it's just it's so much worse isz just a little bit at a time all right let's go see what's going on with the truck what do you think I think it's sweet it's a lot better Rigg than that uh Lamborghini yeah it does have some rot a little bit I was hoping to see what kind of sign that was but that Lamborghini is a f unit though yeah where is that it's up there it's out front somewhere yeah the ter are on yeah I was going to stop and get some Thompson Water Seal but I was kind of in a hurry to get here so yeah whatever you think boss but I'm thinking just simple and just a real nice quiet going to town Muffler look make that happen and further back cuz this this must be what was coming right into my face yeah this is being now I was getting a little woozy but that's why they make rumes I can't believe this tire made it I had a massaging seat the last 15 miles this started getting out around while I'm in here I think I'm going go ahead and check the rear diff it's cool to touch but it's right in my teeth we'll check that these going to start cutting all this old stuff off this is impressive work here it's like uh I don't know side of refrigerator with tape on the other side it really does look like I've worked on this at some point this is like cardboard or something but so here's where we're going to be starting with 2 and 1/2 in quiet that down I should look oh yeah we got a rear main issue bomber new muffler I can't remember what that is even called to be honest I just wanted something really quiet right off the side we got this filled up took two quarts of course write the date on it fell you know what's going on that should fix the carbon monoxide issue for sure now we got some different wheels for this thing and tires let's check them out so these here are off a 2004 Dodge 2500 the guys grabbed them them for me and they got plenty of tread on them you know no not even remotely close but hey for 200 bucks it's going to solve our issue if we do have an issue with the tire these are uh 17s going to be a lot easier to find we'll put the best two up front and the Worster batter ones in the rear and because these are a 28570 they're a lot taller so we might be able to get another 5 miles hour out of this thing and then I've decided while I'm here in the shop with the lift and tools and everything we're going to go ahead and fix that rear main seal let's just get it done it's leaking you know and uh we don't know how fast it's going to pick up if it's going to get a lot worse we still got a lot of miles to go so by fix I mean we're just going to dump this in and pretend we didn't see how bad it was leaking basically and somewhere back here drink up little buddy this should swell that seal up at least slow it down enough where guy can get back home and then we'll figure out how to ignore it better once that happens got one throw it on but we're having problems the original lug nuts are not going to work on these wheels they're biting in so we had to order special lug nuts with the 60 Dee bulge on the half in uh stud so now we got these crazy looking things and that should work with those Dodge wheels and have the right yeah so I think we're good I know these wheel bearings is new but I'm going to repack them with some d634 and then also install a new wheel well in here clean this up a little bit masle you know yeah brand new replacing Parts replacing things oh got a little mud that's all right let's go right over top wow we got ourselves to going on the town rig and it sounds so much better nice and quiet no leaks can actually hear the motor doing motor things it's going to be a nice ride all right it's getting close to evening again we know we got headlights though with that wire thing but I'd like to hit the road any ho in case we blow a tire out I planed ah head I'm going to jinx myself but I'm thinking this one's going to blow so I put it on the Drinker side so when we're on the side of the highway or the interstate we're not in traffic changing the tire we can do it in the in the ditch I also put these on way too tight with the impact so we can't get them off with the four-way and we got this good Tire still so as long as we only blow one we should be all right well let's hit the road we got about 150 mil I am going to grab some back roads a few exits down and just stick to the two-lane Highway if we can I just feel bad beating on this thing on the interstate and getting in everybody's way especially truck drivers it's my [Music] bad [Music] guys stopped for fuel and I'm also getting some really bad noise over here only when turning to the right so it's putting more pressure on this side and I it's got a little play in it I can't tell if that's bearing or ball joint could also be these terrible tires but from experience it sounds like an outside wheel bearing I think I'm going to pop this cap off after I fill up and just take a look at it really quick I'm also smelling oil really bad it's that rear main I don't know if that no it's already hopefully that Blue Devil stuff gets to working seems fine top off here pull off to the side we'll pop that dust cap off checked on the oil just a little low not enough to put any in yet see the puddle going there I'm going to leave the hood up I come back out I'll juice up my headlights man I struggled getting that off I don't know if you could tell ended up having to do this and then putting this in here to get in there and twist I think I bed out my leather anyway definitely outside wheel bearing got some play going to going to pull this key out I don't think I have a croissant wrench big enough so it's pretty good but I'm going to try to get one more out of this and then we'll pretend none of this happened well I got updates the uh nut was loose I was able to get another out of it Cotter pin's in bad shape but something's in there and that seemed to have soaked up the wobbliness but hopefully the damage isn't already done you know what I mean yep wow can't even tell I worked on this all right got the gator clip on boy this thing is so quiet now hopefully this wheel bearing hangs in there probably already ate the race up but she's pretty snug at least it won't be grinding as bad as it was and the nice thing is this is going to be all slow back roads so something does happen we're not going to be stuck in 85 mph you know that [Music] stuff [Music] well I can't believe it but I guess I got to I'm looking right at it we actually made it home in the [Music] old work truck farm truck I don't know it's done an awful lot of work in its day today was not an easy task for it either we sang that engine all day long still I think we're okay now for sketchy Tire miles we're that's that's not do that anymore I don't think that was pretty nerve-wracking tried to cut through murus b and got caught in some terrible traffic and the whole time I'm thinking man if these wheels blow off right now it ain't going to be good so I'm going to have to try to I don't know I guess buy real tires next time that would be pretty good but we got another square body in the fleet it just happened to be a square I was fixing to buy anything and I'm glad everything worked out out so good uh nice f i got this thing from now we got to figure out should we keep this one around it's pretty rare long bed Stepside and it was ordered with Weir option deletes like no radio no dome light no 12volt lighter and the astray so I don't know might be kind of cool but anyway thanks guys for watching appreciate you all so very very much and I'm sure I'll see you very soon [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,500,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, will it run, will it drive, revival, rescue, road trip, chevy, chevrolet, step side, long box, long bed
Id: wdHsYRGIRb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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