We broke Super Mario 3D World

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this is totally a mario party game it sounds like one and looks like one can we just ignore i know it's capped off i guess we have to do this all right come with me kitty shortly at suit hey all right no murder this time we're gonna play like civilized gentlemen this time sure all right so i know everyone watching this video is already smart enough to be subscribed to my channel that's that's without a doubt but the question is are they subscribed to your channel as well and only hope if they're not they should kindly after this video go subscribe to kai as well you know after they just check that they're subscribed to my channel and uh as a showcase of my skill i'm gonna single-handedly uh take out this boss yeah i'll give you this crown because you clearly have the lead here and there's nothing that i can do unless i come in at the last second and nab that star this is supposed to be a nice dinner what is this applebee's oh oh this is great i'm way faster than you how i'm toad toad is sonic the hedgehog in this game why is peach just as short as toad it's kind of weird i came in last second and took that from you oh all the credit all right pop that cork wait look at the crown on top of toad's head look at his head it's weird it looks like a heartless they do kind of look like heartless this is actually kingdom hearts mushroom kingdom hearts let's go you know how good a kingdom hearts game would be if there was some kind of mushroom kingdom world you might not want to jump on the spikes i don't know if you know i completely missed let me just make sure i survived this hold on you do that i'm just going to climb the wall because that's what cats do do we have to do some kind of mario maker garbage here uh yes god damn it this is obnoxiously hard a mario game i died i also died let's go let's go speed no double crown it's supersedes the other it's just gone we're getting into the territory of levels that i don't remember because i don't remember this at all i don't remember the game being this diff i'm not saying it's super difficult but i don't remember it being as difficult i got eaten by a piranha plant let's go what i'm just gonna oh i got it you know what you gotta get there i think i still got it though oh do you is that a golem yeah like the pokemon yeah it is just just throw them in the lava they're so cute i feel bad damn it figures i do all the work all part of the plan you see how it works though you do all the work you get uh screwed in the end i got sunuki and i got the uh peach powers let's go look it up double float this combination is too powerful i really should just be sending you to get all the stars which one is the real toad i don't know who to shoot ah crap it's so hard to tell what's oh no your comment section is going to come at us for this performance they're going to come at us telling us how great we are at video games of course that's it that's the one oh it's fine me my toad army will carry come on you must have you know what you do it all right this is the one this is the one i'm feeling this is great what's around the park winston i'm feeling it now mr krabs you know what let me handle this we got a game over because of you allow me you weren't even able to do this with easy mode [Music] oh crap i got this i mean you also kind of got it but you can't be trusted you know what just take the crown i don't even care at this point get us out of here all right so everyone who uh previously just went to go sub zakai you can now unsub all right this one's gotta be better right let's go this one's gonna be down because there's no we don't have to keep the beat you know the one that i'm looking forward to the other one i'm looking forward to the one where like when we jump the platforms like switch you know you know what i'm talking about you're looking forward to that i think it'll be fun famous last words before disaster burn them burn them all crap damn it oh you know what i'm changing it up i probably should stay this oh it's too fast it's called a mad dash for a reason oh we have to get 10 green stars no he's just so much so much faster i don't know how i'm a portly little plumber peaches and he'll just oh we have to go the other way oh god this is this is hard oh it's too narrow i don't know why i did it like that i tried to are you going are you really just waiting for me to die that's what life is we're all just waiting to die i have a firefighter dying since the i don't know i'm having an existential crisis i don't even know if it's possible to win at this point oh oh come on this this is how mario's gonna get the girl by dropping her through her death i don't know girl i want the crown no i'm not chance so what's the uh what's the crown tally by now anyone keeping score anyone in the comment section who wants to help boost the algorithm spike's lost city is this guy spike yeah that's you don't know spike i'm not good with names this enemy is spike i never uh read the manuals as a kid yeah but he's like playable in super mario party the game that you said you liked i mean i never said i played as him we stand spike in this house oh this disaster my guy we want them to be yellow i was just trying to play it so i got the green all i see is green oh anyways that was a fluke i'm gonna get it back on the next one i didn't realize we're at the castle already it goes fast time flies when you're struggling to complete basic platforming i'm gonna play some ouija oh i saw you going for ouija fine the change has happened can i just say that i would love this game even more if donkey kong was playable all right just take your cards don't you know i wish don't tease me like that i'm sorry i never made like a sequel because like co-op mario is just too good they don't need to make a secret because they can just support the same game that they made eight years ago and we'll buy it we have no more lives so this is now a solo level probably a lot less chaotic honestly which means i could i could take my time i'll do it right just we have to come on i'm not i killed him do it right you're not gonna get those coins so i don't get a life huh well how do i get launched no no wow that was agonizing luigi yeah i'm not getting that one oh my god toad's op got the speed of the gods luigi's got like this higher jump honestly the speed is hard to control you know they say with great speed comes you know what spider-man said pizza time all right this time we don't murder the chucks that's not their names screw you this is daddy rock wait are we supposed to oh supposed to kill him by throwing his children at him yeah i was gonna say that we have to kill him by means of his children if i ever have to go in a battle that settles my fate i want it to be by my child's hands i also thought you're gonna say that they should throw my cats at me that should be it no they're too derpy this is everything that king of bombs strive to be oh get out of there yeah oh my god toad takes the w thank you did you really just speechless i have no words damn the offensive line working real strong on these guys yeah but they're owen 16 like the new york jets blessy all right all right remember that we have to be in tandem in sync at all times see i i'm i have a vested interest in us surviving because i have the crown right now yeah that was easy easy easy easy that wasn't me thinks i'm playing on a single joy-con you are though right you're playing on a single joy-con we all know absolutely no human being would actually subject myself to that you guys hear that kai is playing on a single joy-con oh necessary roughness yep nope you know what you know what yeah oh you tried it you really tried it oh are these matches so close all right toad squad good job kill himself instantaneously no no no we can't just go without getting these listen i'm not about to just abandon everything that we've worked for a few months more importantly i'm more interested in the crown [Music] oh my god what happened to the crowd i guess nobody gets it it's the crown mario luigi used to be very close brothers but greed got the best of them i like bounced off your foot oh god it's time for mega mario and mega luigi oh how'd you get here i think this is a missed opportunity they should have let us go through the pipe as gigantomax mario and luigi i'm sorry i'm planning my trip to nintendo world i could buy are you kidding me okay oh it didn't even work it didn't work you know what you know what [Music] i'm planning my trip to nintendo world japan oh yeah as soon as i get that shot yeah same actually it never gets old it actually killed me you think you think i'm gonna let you get away with this how did that even happen um excuse me now this is the new york jets yeah that's more accurate literally carried by the crown i'm not holding the crown the crown's holding me wait touch fuzzy gets dizzy we know how that works never played earthbound what is that not from earthbound no that's from yoshi's island i thought there's also an earthbound reference help just go go uh i could have but i didn't you're just out to get me i thought we were friends this is a war my friend why does nintendo have a hard-on for catching rabbits come on come on you might get the rabbit star yep all right hold this i thought that would actually kill me oh we're going to fart town this is not like oh this is okay if you hit the pal block what have you done i hit the pal block where are you you knocked me oh you don't get to enjoy the bonus level i get it mario's like excuse me why like color in this mosaic of me nintendo was very sega with this one they're like all right let's have we'll have boost platforms yeah when's the actual mario and sonic crossover you don't count those olympic games i don't know i to be honest i don't think it'll ever happen i think the olympic games is the closest we're ever going to get i mean but then mario beats sonic in a foot race and the whole world goes crazy oh it's this switch okay this is what you wanted all right wish granted i am not getting rid of this snooki lee from anything right now because okay i see what you're doing over there get i'm not going you go wait can you jump and change it i hate you that's vengeance oh my good god why it's payback oh the nintendo switch oh ha ha that's what the level is based on yeah the level is based on the nintendo switch because this game came out in 2013. yup it was it was foreshadowing they knew what they were doing why are there three luigi's because two is not enough oh no damn it why did i go first how did i get over here imagine this with four players i try not to if you have desire to play this with four players then you should not get to eat for a whole week we don't need this stamp we don't need the stamp we see luigi looking oh no wow did you even try how did that happen all right not gonna lie everyone do that again oh this is the one where we have to avoid the the lights otherwise they shoot us with guns oh so it's gone luigi time because the last time i remember what happened last time stop it you can't get the top if i never let you out of the bubble nope nope no are you kidding who needs the pole king ka thunk's castle got some kethunk in that trunk oh god i don't have any lives so we're relying on you i mean please entertain the viewers no no no you got it easier come and you got us a game over this is screaming boss fight that does not look like a boss it's like a game show oh now he looks like a boss yeah he had to be top right he's already got a boo boo i feel bad now your boo boo on his bum bum oh you want us to do kissy good thing he's got the one weakness of uh jumping are you serious are you serious come on come on these are i don't know who you're paying off but this is clearly rigged i'm paying off bowser a ceo of nintendo i gotta say every track in this game is a banger really is this entire playlist they're all all bangers that's fine i'll just stay in my bubble while you do all the work really well i i don't want to touch fuzzy get dizzy i'll take it no i wanted oh crap oh all right nice let's go out of my way why did i die you tried to take all the piranha plants for yourself wait captain toad's in here i'll help you i i guess i can't it didn't work don't mind me i'll just be bullying i know these guys name can we cancel mario and luigi for cyber bullying they're too powerful they have too many followers mario can't be canceled it's not possible no amount of italian stereotypes could do it mama mia it's very easy to run off clips in this game i think we both realized that the isometric angle now damn isometric mario games brings back mario rpg memories well that was a good isometric mario game not that this one is bad this this is a good game it's just it's chaotic this is the chaotic neutral of mario games can we get a whole alignment chart of mario games what's the chaotic evil of mario games it's gotta be hotel mario right i was gonna say the same thing hotel mario or uh mario teaches typing that's lawful good how i i don't know how i'm just as baffled as you did i really pay bowser off this is where they should introduce donkey kong maybe he's here maybe just look in the background i wish what's that tropical freeze play through uh i mean i played the game and beat it already but i totally would play through it again i did not i'm not proud to admit this tropical freeze kicked my ass oh come on it's not that hard play donkey kong country two if you want a challenge oh no no no oh no i don't know if you're ready for this kind of tech [Music] nope the world was not ready it's like the log flume in disney but with poison water and actually no it's the same luigi's like me too it should like rig it so it so it looks like i got the crown after that we could we could have just a really bad photoshop so clearly this is the uh the dark souls of mario games correct what just what is that we gotta turn into a tin can gotta throw them in the compactor it seems kind of painful get in there that scream is horrible kick the baby don't kick the baby leave you in the dust bro you're dead you don't even get to join me on the world map anymore oh yeah hey there he is wait five free one-ups you def you paid somebody i think i'm going to mix it up here i'm saying luigi i'd rather tod i almost got blown off the stage you took my shoe you will not take my crap all right cinderella how comfortable could it be wearing a shoe made of glass why would anybody think that is like the height of luxury that thing will break in a second walt disney is like what is the absolute pinnacle of wealth i know let's wear a shoe made of glass let's make it a diamond shoe probably just as like functionally bad but equally impressive nowadays i'll just like put a storm trooper on her shoes and be like boom star wars shoes now on sale disney store instant money yo let's go and i already have a crown it's fine i don't need a second one people have been asking since i correctly predicted uh mario golf they're like can you please make a prediction for strikers we wanna do striker's game like like i have the power i mean please do it because i kill from you striker's game i have to use this power responsibly i mean i don't think that's a hot take though i think it is the best part of sports game i didn't realize there was a uh you see you're seeing this you're seeing this mess following us was this devil may cry i'm trying to get up there oh my god i think i've gotten to the point where i'm not really trying to go for the crowns anymore but i just want to survive peach with the uh tanooki costume she's got like a lucario shape she's shaped like lucario all right we need to end this on a high note aka i need to get this crown here and now oh this is the brigade that scatters like cockroaches when you kill one of them whoa did you just launch me off catapulted you let's go all right it's bowser time no no it's not we gotta break this one two three that didn't work how do we fight now boom boom bam bam poo poo pee pee that's poo going pee pee ha ha he said pee pee it was funny to me as like as like an adult people like yes pee pee is funny but the words that are like like the the baby versions okay that are way more funny than actual curse words sometimes we can see all the pee-pee and poo-poo we want on this channel and not get demonetized all right so clearly this is my crown we just have a chance i'd just like to thank all my supporters rightfully bestowed we'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Choctopus
Views: 308,517
Rating: 4.9315009 out of 5
Keywords: raid boss smash ultimate, raid boss smash bros, raid boss amiibo, choctopus raid boss, choctopus pumpkin, amiibo smash bros ultimate, choctopus raid boss pumpkin, smash ultimate, amiibo training smash ultimate, amiibo training guide, amiibo training tips, amiibo smash ultimate, raid boss choctopus, raid boss charizard, bowsers fury, bowsers fury ending, bowsers fury full game, bowsers fury final boss, super mario, super mario 3d world bowsers fury, super mario 3d world
Id: lA9DI92O3fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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