We HUSHED another room in our house!

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so a month ago we hushed our kitchen and it was so powerful to pull everything out and to reset it so today we're going to hush another room in our house we're going to hush our boys bedroom this room is just it's just always been so hard to stay on top of we need a fresh start so we're going to pull everything out I'm going to get the boy started on just we're just literally just taking every single thing out I'll explain to you exactly what this process is and how it works and it is going to feel so good okay so this concept of H she your house comes from millin Smith she is the author of the new book house rules which is so good I highly recommend it and knows that sometimes we just need different tactics to switch it up to declutter our house and to just get a fresh start to be able to like push the reset button so many of us need that so that's what we get to do when we hush our house so step number one is to pull every single thing out that you can you leave the furniture and the big stuff but all the little stuff it all has to go so we are going to get busy pulling everything out it's not a big room there's not actually it looks really messy it's not going to take long I don't think and then step number two you let it sit for at least 24 hours with nothing in here just experience the Peace of it and then uh step number three is you very strategically just put back a few things a handful of things but we'll talk about why it's so much easier when you go to do that and how you don't even end up missing like hardly any of this stuff so let's get busy and get everything out of this room okay so this bedroom if you've been hanging out with us for a while it was a few years AO ago that we redid it it's small there was just no perfect solution for how to have the beds in here and still have like a little bit of space to play so we decided to Loft the beds so the boys could have their clothing bins underneath and a little bit of toy storage not all of their toys staying here they have some stuff downstairs as well and it's worked fine the problem is it's small so even when a little bit of extra stuff accumulates in here it feels messy it feels trashed and I don't even like showing this room because it's just like I don't know it's like why can't they keep it clean you know so anyways it is what it is and I understand how kids bedrooms get messy so quick especially when we have one who is really neat and one who is the ultimate treasure collector and a little bit later I can talk about treasure bins and how we've worked with Gage to manage his treasures he sees everything a candy wrapper a painted rock um a thing from the dollar store the other kids stuff he collects all the other kids stuff too it's so much so we can talk about that how to manage that so so anyways if you're thinking like that's not really an ideal kids room setup it's not and it is what it is and it's messy um but every once in a while we just we go through it so uh I gave each of the boys a bin for them to put their toys and treasures into I have a black trash bag I grabbed a basket to put all the clothes into and so we're just going to gather it all up and get it out of here I was actually really surprised as we were going that uh Gage didn't even fill up one full bin of stuff from his side of the room and and corbins was um just full I didn't know if two bins would be enough so again there's not actually that much stuff in here and even the trash bag is probably only about half full and yes I was sneaking some stuff in there we know our kids and it's our job to keep the peace in our home which means we can't keep everything so I know the things that can just get tossed but I was trying to be respectful and anything that I thought he might be attached to was going into the bin I'm going to talk later what we're going to do with all the stuff in those bins um cuz there's more in there than I want to come back in the room but anyways we're getting everything cleared out it feels so good so um let's see here's where we're at right now did you guys think it was funny to stack it up as high as you could wow it's taller than you that's pretty impressive so I strategically planned this though so that they could help me pack everything up so they know what's in here and again if you have a lot more stuff I would recommend having like donation boxes definitely black trash bags and it's okay to decide to like declutter stuff as you're going through this process totally acceptable but I timed it then so now my mom is on her way to get them and they're going to go do some homeschool stuff at her house so now I get a little more time in here so my goal for tonight cuz again you want to let it sit now for 24 hours so my goal for tonight is uh just to have their new bedding on and then that's it and today's video is sponsored by Helix sleep and now is the perfect time to upgrade your mattress because their Memorial Day sale is going on and here's how it works you can save 30% off an elite or a lux mattress and get two free pillows or save 25% off their entire site and I've told you before but we have upgraded all of the mattresses in our home so whether you need the Helix kids mattresses like the boys have here or you need to upgrade your mattress it's never been cheaper and of course it's still super easy Helix sleep are premium mattresses that come rolled up in a box and conveniently delivered to your door but they're premium they're awesome you sleep so well on them in fact we have upgraded every single mattress in our house and these are Helix kids mattresses uh my grandma sleeps on a helix my parents sleep on a helix so what you do is you go online and you take the Helix sleep quiz and you're just going to answer a handful of questions for you and if you sleep with someone else they answer too or you fill it out for them which I might have done for Tom but it's okay so do you like it a little more on the soft side where you just snuggle in do you like it a little more firm tell and I uh just like a hair firm not too firm right a little bit firm so you answer their questions and then they match you with your perfect Helix mattress for us it's the Helix dusk Lux and so like I said 3 years ago already it came conveniently delivered to our door shipping is free in the US it comes to your door you unroll it you watch it take shape it's so easy and that same night you can be sleeping on it and getting a really great night sleep and then because of their sleep guarantee you get 100 nights to test it out so this is like low pressure low stress right beyond that you also get a 10-year warranty and you're going to sleep great knowing that it is completely fiberglass free and their mattresses are assembled right at their Factory in Arizona so again to take advantage of the Memorial Day sale visit helixsleep.com minimal mom and you're going to save 30% off an elite or a Luxe mattress plus two free pillows or take 25% off sitewide but it's only during their Memorial Day sale running now for a limited time okay so you can't really see how dirty the walls are until you get up close I was tempted uh to just put the pillow in front of it and forget about it but we won't do that so I'm going to clean these walls a little bit okay so I definitely wanted to get the room back to a point where they could sleep here tonight right so we accomplished that everything's out um they're still gone so I want to do a little bit of cleaning and then we're just going to let the room sit for 24 hours let them experience it this way I imagine the first thing they'll do is come up here and just start playing like they'll bring one Lego thing or a game or something from downstairs and they'll just start playing because that's always what happens right when we clean their rooms also it is like really raining um right now outside so if you hear that that's what's going on so let's do a little bit of cleaning we'll let the room rest and then we'll talk about my strategy for bringing stuff in because now that it's out I definitely do not want all of that other stuff to come back in here again and so the reason I think this method of decluttering is so powerful is because because we have to get removed from our stuff we have to feel what it feels like it again for it not to be so cluttered and not to have stuff everywhere and a little while ago I shared about our missions trip um to Mexico that was a great way to get removed from our stuff and we came back thinking like I don't want any of it get rid of all the stuff or I've noticed the same thing when we go camping too we go camping for a long weekend or a week we live with a very little and I'm like this is awesome you would think it's limiting and uh that you're roughing it going with but you realize there's so much freedom and just having very few things to manage and maintain and so the same thing happens when we hush a room in our house we pull everything out we're like oh yeah like it's it's still a small room but it feels so much better in here and there's room to play and to live and to imagine and to create in here again and it's just it's more peaceful and again I know you've experienced that anytime you've cleaned your child's room or your craft room or another space and I often say that kids aren't good at managing inventory so we can't overwhelm them with so much stuff but the truth is as adults we're not actually that good at managing inventory either we all Thrive and we enjoy our things more when we are in simplified spaces so whether it's your kitchen or your craft supplies I think you're probably finding too that you enjoy those things more when you have much less stuff to manage and much more room to work and to move in okay so now we have all the other stuff to deal with this is where I get a Diet Coke and I'm like okay okay we can do this right um so like anytime you're feeling low energy I'm just telling myself I'm just going to sort and just kind of straighten all this up I don't have to make any tough decisions right now that doesn't matter so we'll just make it look a little neater and nicer and make it easier then for the next step when we do um start putting it back in their room okay so I do want to keep these chairs they still like them a lot they're um they're just from Walmart and they're holding their shape pretty good and everything and then they don't have like a ton of stuffed animals or squish Mellows so I'm okay with the current quantity of those as well so that can stay and then all of these storage containers were in there and things that will hold things hold things right so I don't want to have any extra containers in there cuz they just fill up with random stuff these ones were in their little Cubbies so these can go back in and we'll use these for some of the treasures that they want to keep so those I'm going to keep handy and then the rest of these I have a spot in the basement where I keep containers for a little bit just to see if I want to use them like somewhere else so these I'm going to put down in the basement I'm going to take them there now so I don't have to think about it anymore um and I'll just hang on to them for a little while but I do not want them going back upstairs to their bedroom and then their comforters are so dirty so I had made these back when we originally did their room I took two and I cut them in half and I sew them together so we could have like two matching comforters they're super cute I really liked how it looked but up close they are so dirty I'm not sure if you can tell um it's just so dirty and I've laundry strip them I've washed them we're we're kind of beyond the point so a good thing for these now I think would be to go to an animal shelter and I have some other stuff I've been saving up for something like that um so I think that is the destiny of these actually Gage never liked that I cut the comforters in half he wanted to keep the blue one he wanted him to have the blue one and going to have the U pla one so literally for like the last 3 years he's he wanted me to cut them back apart again and sew it back together just to be one solid blue blanket um so I finally as him I'm like is it okay if we let these go but I have a new one for you right so he was okay with that but I get it if you have children that are like super attached and sentimental to things I understand and like I said we'll still talk about the treasure bins and stuff too and then Gage likes to like nest in around his bed so he always has extra ra blankets and pillows and stuff he's probably still going to want to do that so we probably need to hang on to this stuff so it just kind of is what it is um and then let's see so this is Gage's bin there's more garbage um and then we have all the clothing so I didn't show you where we moved our clothing bins too I'll show you when we put them back but I think what we're going to do is ah bring their bins back downstairs get them everything switched out for summer um since yay finally Minnesota um since now here in Minnesota we can do that right um so I think we'll bring down their bins and then we'll go through their clothing together there's probably some dirty stuff in there we'll get everything swapped out for summer have their bins all set and that will feel really good because this is this is obviously more clothing than they're actually wearing okay now this is the point though right where we start to get a little nervous whether you're doing your own space and you've pulled everything out or your children's stuff that like there's a there's the possibility it could just stay like this forever right that we box stuff up and then we then we never actually come back to it so I fully understand that and that's why I do want to make a pass through it quickly uh right away and then also with them so Gage is nine and Corbin is 11 so absolutely they get a say in what they keep what goes in their room I do some decluttering without them but again it's stuff that I know is clearly garbage they've fully lost interest in or they don't H that has no value to them okay I have no problem donating or decluttering those things every once in a while I've made a mistake but I have good Equity with them I make it up and we're okay and as I'm going through this I'm reminding myself that kids thrive in highly simplified spaces they don't need lots of toys or craft supplies or gadgets or craft kits or robot kits or things to be creative in fact if you give kids the bare minimum that is when when you will see their creativity come alive and we've definitely seen that over the years and and so I know our kids and they really do well with very little inventory to manage so I'm just trying to get rid of as much as possible also remembering that there's always more stuff coming in right I mean we try to keep very little coming in and there's still always more stuff coming in right so anytime we declutter and minimize we want to make sure there's room for to grow for more stuff to come in as well okay so here is stuff that is this side is garbage and this side is stuff that um like does not have to be in there painters tape Hydra quone cream like this stuff can just get put away elsewhere this stuff can go in the garbage and then otherwise has been looks like it's in pretty good shape oh man I'm like getting sweaty this rain is bringing humidity too it's awesome um so engage has been there's some garbage I'm throwing away but also he had a lot of toys that don't belong in there like blocks and Duplo um and dominoes so these we have a bin each for blocks and Duplo so I want to get those put back where they go get the dominoes all back together so they can go where they go with our games otherwise he actually has less stuff in there than Corbin does I'm shocked but don't worry he has his treasure bins and everything too so this is not this is by no means all of his inventory and treasures so he's still in good shape and so I decided to go through the boys' stuff with them during one of our live decluttering sessions in our mentorship group so here's what that process looked like we pulled it all out on today's Friday Wednesday maybe Tuesday it's been a few days and so again this idea of hushing your house comes from mcquin Smith and she recommends that if you do this on a space and I done it in our kitchen like a month ago that you pull everything out that you can you leave like the big furniture and then you let it sit for at least 24 hours and what's really interesting is that initially when you look at the space you're like oh no it looks like we're robbed or we're poor or um like we're moving like it's it it does not feel right you're just like well this is sterile and like who wants to live like this but then what happens after about five minutes of that you're like it's just so peaceful and open and spacious and there's possibilities and man I probably wouldn't mind cooking as much if if my kitchen were like this all the time and be a breeze to clean up right and so then you kind of get into it and you're like this is actually really awesome so then when it comes time to put the stuff back in you're very protective of the serenity that you created in there and you don't want to just go and put everything back in I actually asked them last night I was like hey what do you think of your room like this with everything out and hey buddy what did you think of your bedroom having everything out of it felt really nice it felt really nice yeah what I was hoping we could do now is both Corbin and Gage each had a bin of that they put their stuff in there there wasn't actually that much stuff in your room right I was surprised that it it was only a bin each so could we go through your bin quick and decide what things you want to put back in and then maybe there's some stuff that wouldn't have to go back in okay oh so these are all of your like magazines and and car books that you have do you want to go through these at all or you just think you want to keep all these I want to keep all these you want to keep all these it's not actually that many is it so I think that's good oh actually your canvas is in here to this guy do you want to hang this up or just like put in your memory bin or memory B memory bin okay you're okay not having that hung up right now okay got it okay so these are the books and magazines we're going to put back in your room I think that's reasonable do you want to go run them up quick should we just put them in one of the Cubbies yeah we'll just have one of your Cubbies be for books and we won't put a bin back in it okay awesome thank you so now these are the bins that were in your cubbies in there so you have like a lot of it's I mean it's not like overflowing you just have a lot of little stuff do you think I'm trying to see kind of what kind of themes we have I mean even this one is not really they're not super full that gauges okay probably the ball doesn't need to be in there but that other stuff is probably stuff you use so I'm I'm fine with that we might decide to put some of this other stuff in them too yeah do you think like this kind of thing was fun to make but do you do you play with this anymore nope okay should we let that go oh where my I have a black trash bag here you go so you want to put that in there we have to not let Gage see this stuff because he will he'll dumpster die to get it back out okay see shell that's actually a cool shell okay so these are some of your little Motors and stuff so that will keep with a skateboard keep okay um painted rock that can go oh there's Gage all we'll go through ear in a minute okay we're not getting rid of any of your stuff again there's not a ton of stuff in here but if we can get rid of any of it there is like some garbage and stuff do you know what these stickers are for anymore uh my Lego they can go okay and then I'm getting rid of Nerf bullets we're not doing Nerf guns anymore okay okay does this headlamp still work uh yes but missing the back C so that can get thrown away okay all right well I think we're doing pretty good then good job okay cool that was our warmup now we see if we get gaug to be as reasonable there's really only three Cubbies wow all right thank you all right buddy so how have you liked having your room more empty and not so much stuff in it you didn't really like it or you like it you like it okay um you don't have to say you like it do you miss some of yourself stuff in there though are you kind of looking forward to putting some of it back yeah that's cool okay so this is your bin we're just going to put it up here so we can go through it quick him we want to keep right he's super cute um no problem you guys don't actually have many stuffed animals do you want to keep hats in your room or in the closet the CL in the closet okay we have some other stuff here to go to the closet okay so we have these three guys you want to keep them all okay sounds good good that we can do that your bag from theater do you want to keep that yep so we have these three bins here we actually emptied them out as we were going and Gage you don't actually have like a ton of stuff in here to put back right so that shouldn't be hard so I think most of the stuff you can keep and it'll fit just fine let's just try to kind of sort it into Kies yeah that's not yours right that doesn't need to be in there this will put in your memory box well it' be nice if we could just fit everything into these three bins well use the container concept so if I can get theart okay so maybe one should be like trucks and like this kind of stuff into one this this we don't really play with but it's just more of a Sentimental thing to keep right well put in closet because it was in there for a while okay yeah I don't think it needs to go into your bins okay good work so we have everything into these three bins and they're not even stuff full so you have more room to add new stuff to them does that seem good okay anything you're worried about or sad about or no we did okay awesome your guys' room is going to feel so good so I was really impressed they went so far and I think too they wanted to protect the piece that they were filling in this room they really liked how it felt with all of the stuff out of here now I could tell Gage Miss a few of his things so I was glad we could pick out the true favorites um to put back in but otherwise the rest of it was staying out just so you know that's not all of their stuff so they have Legos um that live under the coffee table and then they each have a shelf in this cabinet over here that has more Treasures in it as well and gauges treasure bins are in there so again if you um have kiddos that are like super attached to things which is great they come in all shapes and sizes right um treasure bins are just I know I've talked about them before but so many questions come up about them treasure bins are the way to go that it just gives them a home for it we use the container concept we only keep what comfortably fits in there we go through it every once in a while so Andrea says treasure box and memory bin let my son getting started now two years in heated clutters without asking him yes Andrea that is awesome okay and now just in case you're saying like but Don my kids are not that reasonable right I'm going to show you some containers that we can use that are such helpful tools and remember we didn't get here overnight so we've called ourselves minimalists for over 8 years now and this is something we routinely do with the kids I'll link to other videos where we've gone through the room and gone through their clothes and all that kind of stuff as well um but there are tools that we can use so if your child is super attached to everything then we have the treasure bin now this is different than their memory bin so for each person in your family we want to have a memory bin and that's where we put the most special of special things so this is gauges this is the blanket my mom crocheted for him when he was a baby um this is a piano certificate he got recently this was an outfit he wore all the time when he was a newborn we have uh the little tie he wore for Easter right um so all all of the most special things what he wore from the hospital those are in his memory bin and pretty much I curate this but the kids can also put some super special things in here now the treasure bin is different Gage can put whatever little trinkets Treasures crafts wrappers anything he's attached to can go in here so let me show you just like some of the randomness that accumulates like extra material that he didn't want to throw away um empty gum wrapper was special for a reason a little drawing of a car what else is in here keychain um rock rocks lots of rocks glasses I don't know where those are from but it is just legit like I don't even know what a lot of this stuff is but it has a home now right so that is the treasure bin he can put whatever he wants in there he actually has two of them because he is so attached to things I actually just found too um when I was making his bed he had like the little jar from the syrup from um the Cracker Barrel like next to his bed I'll put that into his treasure bin for him um and so he can keep whatever fits in here the Only Rule is that the lid has to fit on so anytime it starts to get too full then we go through it make a little more room um and then he can fit more Treasures but the good thing is is that by the time this gets full usually there's stuff on the bottom that he's kind of forgotten about and he's not as attached to anymore um so we can always find stuff usually down there to let go but I want my kids to learn how to manage inventory while they are in our home so this is super helpful what I tell them is that you can keep any Treasures that you want anything that is super special you can keep it as long as it fits in the bin and this has worked well again we practice it but it's really not a big deal now when they start to get too full and we have to go through them now lastly we have the time will tell bin so maybe you go through this process and it's really good but there's still extra stuff your kids you know they're not using but they're not quite ready to get rid of so I packed up this time will Tel bin um I think last fall we were making a pass to the room in our mentorship group again and I just put a bunch of stuff in here so it's a lot of clothes miscellaneous toys um hat there was some artwork in here um like that kind of stuff magazines that they like to keep it was just a fast like there's way too much stuff in this room and we need to get it out of here so I just came in I packed a bunch of stuff that I didn't think he would miss and put it in here and again with the understanding that if he came to me and he was like Mom where's my Lego book for the John Deere tractor right I'd been like oh I know where it is it's in a bin I'm going to go grab it quick he never asked for a single thing out of here so now like I said this is many months old now so I look at it all like it has been time tested and now all of it can get donated or thrown away I mean there might be a thing or two even like these jeans and stuff are too small um I'll go through it real fast but again it's been time tested we haven't missed anything in here I had completely forgotten what was in here so my mindset is that all of this stuff can go unless there's something super special but I wouldn't put something super special in here like that's just not how I use a Time Will T bin um so it's been time tested we haven't missed any of it and now after it's spend set aside for a little bit all of the stuff can go so these tools are super helpful definitely make sure you have a memory bin for every person in your household and if you have kids that are super sentimental the treasure bins are really helpful as well now we also needed to go through their clothes but again since we keep their clothes really simplified it actually didn't take that long and here is that process so this is their bin of stuff of off seon or stuff to grow into so like if Corbin has hand-me down STI age they go in there if we get hand me- downs from someone else if I go to a thrift store or offseason stuff all goes in there what I think is really helpful is to have numbers so to say like five pairs of pants five pairs of shorts five t-shirts two long sleeve sweat something like that even we wouldn't eat five pairs of pants probably going into summer but having some kind of number you could do 33 like project 333 like let's try and not have more than 33 items but I don't think these guys need that many so let's try and keep it to 25 or under what do you guys think can we do that so let's put sweatshirts here sweatshirts and long sleeve shirts and then pants here so we have two pairs of shorts um we have quite a few t-shirts there and actually this isn't too bad you have three sweatshirts and two long sleeve shirts three long sleeve shirts that's probably fine just to keep out for now huh um are do any of these pants not fit and I don't know if we need all of these out anymore I think we can retire these these have really big I know but you have you don't need to wear those look at all these pants you have okay pick a pair that we're not not going to you don't wear all these especially I hardly wear this pair really those were we just got those we did we take a wh okay but I'll let you choose these are gauges no they're not they're size 10 that's you okay silly how do you handle when to change Seasons it could be 70 or 30 here uh yeah I know what I can like hear the wind outside it's like miserable outside today I pretty much always leave out long sleeve shirts and pants in Minnesota you could never count on anything we just add in shorts basically and some more t-shirts so uh pull out their their swim trunks so we leave a a variety of of stuff out but again you only need like two sweatshirts in the summer right like you don't need as many as you would in the winter but what age do you think kids can start doing the decluttering themselves or is it solely based on their personality it has a lot to do with their personality so I would say Adeline could declutter on her own and like go through her desk even oh now she put she had her desk all cleared off but now she was doing watercolors it looks like I mean at the age of seven or eight she was able to go through her stuff uh really levelheaded and know what she was using and what not that was the earliest probably on their own but then like Gage is nine and he wouldn't be able to Corbin's 11 Corbin does a good job now and even when they go clean their room he makes good decisions about things and like he's kind of always decluttering if he's recognizing there stuff that he's not using so definitely depends on their age and and personality okay so that actually only took 9 minutes to switch it out we do we do know that we need a couple pairs of shorts um like nice dresswear shorts for both of them and then I think we'll be totally fine um Corbin might have 25 pieces but I don't think Gage you don't by any means so again I do think it's really helpful if you pick a number all right thank you guys for helping and you can go bring your bins back upstairs and put them in place and we all set awesome down and you hear me talking about our mentorship group from time to time and what it is it's just a safe place where we get to work together to declutter our homes and so we do lots of live decluttering uh sessions I've found that body doubling is one of the most effective techniques to help you get your house to cluttered and so it does cost a little bit it's $15 per month but if you want to multiply your time if you need some accountability if you struggle with motivation if you have physical or time limitations you might find it incredibly helpful and do know it's for everyone we have all stages of Life represented in the group whether you're a young mom a older Mom an empty nester never had kids at all you'll find all groups of women represented in there and it is the kindest most encouraging community on the internet so if you need a little help to cluttering may I come alongside you may we come alongside you and help you achieve your goals so much faster I'll put details down in the description now when we had first redone the boys's room their uh clothes bins were under their beds but as they've gotten a little bit bigger they didn't fit quite so well so we pulled them out here attached them to the wall so they can't uh flip forward and this has been working really well so we got everything fitting back in here very comfortably I mean the bins are nowhere near full and I really like how that works and then I also decided uh I had these picture frames I had thought we would use them on the gallery wall downstairs and they were too small for that and I thought ah I have just the place so I put them here and I'm going to let the boy always pick out um pictures to go in they love having photos around and on the wall and so I'm going to let them pick out the photos that we put in there but it's kind of fun to have this little Gallery wall in their room now as well obviously this still isn't a big room and yes eventually the boys are going to outgrow it but man when we keep the inventory down it works it functions it feels so good in here it is like night and day difference compared to how it was before and so again even if you have a small space that you're working with remember kids are not good at managing inventory and so if we can keep the inventory really low it gives them the space and the freedom to play and create and to use their imaginations that's what they're made for right that's what they're best at not managing all of this inventory also I didn't touch on stuffed animals too much because that's generally not too big of an issue in our household I know we're very fortunate but there are some good um tactics for stuffed animals too you've probably seen on Amazon you can get those like um bean bag chairs that you stuff with stuffed animals you can also just get a h ER to put them in or I also like those like triangle Nets that you can put them in as well basically we just need to find a way to contain them and if you're kids are still young um you might want to head this off at the past I love the rule that you can have as many stuffed animals on your bed as how old you are so what if ever your age is you can have that many stuffed animals on your bed and that can work pretty well too there's a couple fun things we did when we first designed this room I made a faux Roman shade that is still working perfectly so we really like that and then also I did the magic light Puck Light uh trick too by putting a wall scon on this this light on the wall and then just using the magic lights in there and it has a little remote so that's kind of fun too so if you don't have wiring for w scones it's totally okay if you want to make like a reading light or something like that by your child's bed best to do it when they're a little bit older though all right and then I can also link to the monster truck artwork in here uh they still really like that a lot too and they did not want to update that they they really like their new bedding too in the new sheets so that's fun as well okay well I would highly encourage you to test this out try hushing a room in your own house it it is it feels so good like we just need a fresh start sometimes and then I'll also link to that video where I hushed our kitchen as well so you can see that in action too but if you try it out let me know how it goes I love you I hope you have a really good day and I'll see you again soon
Channel: The Minimal Mom
Views: 227,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minimalism, family minimalism, minimalist, the minimal mom, the minimalist mom, minimalist home
Id: czSSgSSoUmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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