Walmart Secret HIDDEN Clearance Deals - Use App - No Coupons

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hey what's up everyone if you want to find amazing deals at Walmart you're going to want to watch this video all the way till the end because let me show you this right area this video game is only three cents that's the Walmart hidden clearance price see the price tag said that was originally $20 it was clearance marked for three dollars but when you scan the tag it's actually only three cents so people were walking by this over and over again and it was a three cent product and I show people how to do this all the time and they're always like yeah but um what do I do now do I go and show my phone to the employee how do I buy it so I took all five video games I brought them to the register and this kid rang these up and he was like um dude these are three cents dude and I was like yeah man I know they're three cents it's more my hidden clearance that's how we roll bro and basically it's kind of funny so these games were originally $100 but at the end I paid 16 cents for five video games pretty cool pretty crazy but you can do it with any type of product so you should really subscribe to my channel because I show you deals on all different products all the time I love doing it and let just get to it I'm gonna show you how to use the app and I'm gonna change the way you shop at Walmart forever so you're gonna want to get the Walmart app nothing fancy 100% free anyone can get it so once you download the Walmart app make sure you open it inside the store because you see this address right here this is the address of the store man right now this is super important because now the app works as the store assistant which means that everything I scan in this store is going to show the price of the item for this store specifically now you see this little icon over on the right this little barcode you're gonna want to click this little barcode icon and it's gonna open up your scanner so now your camera on your phone works as a price scanner so you can go to a bar code you can scan it and you're gonna see right now this item right here when it scans this is three cents in this store specifically not the store down the street but this store so make sure you open up the app when you get to the store now one other thing real quick I want to touch up on is every one that I tell about this strategy they say look I get bad service inside of Martin and I'm always like well you need to realize Walmart has free Wi-Fi so you could take an iPod or a tablet and you could download the app and you could use the free Wi-Fi and essentially your entire family could go around scanning for hidden clearance if you wanted to it does come in handy keep that in mind all right so this tip is so important I truly believe that everybody watching this should do what I'm about to say so basically what I do is I follow different accounts on social media Instagram and it's really why you should subscribe to my youtube channel right now because I post about deals and I'm gonna give you an advantage so basically what happened was I saw someone post about this item being on clearance and now I'm seeing it at my local Walmart but in my local Walmart it's not marked clearance so I'm gonna give it a scan it says it's $300 here at my Walmart now when I scan it with the scanner the actual price is 150 so this is on hidden clearance but I would have never known that if I didn't see somebody post about it that's why you should be following accounts like mine and we'll give you a head start you get a total advantage when you do this everybody should be doing it honestly look every time you go into Walmart looking for hidden clearance I want you to remember volume is the game the more you scan the more likely you are to find hidden clearance deals so for example this item right here when I scanned it it was five dollars cheaper so it was on hidden clearance and it got me excited so I didn't want to go too far because this price tags everywhere so I dropped down to the next price tag this was $89 let's see if this is on hidden clearance as well we're gonna scan it and when we do we find out that this is $15 cheaper it's on hidden clearance so we're like all right so I see a theme here so these tags are on hidden clearance so I go right next to it this is 149 dollars for these Skullcandy headphones I'm gonna give it a quick scan a true and what we have is another example of hidden clearance for a hundred and twenty nine dollars so really simple I just want to tell you this if you have your phone out if you have a second scan it anyways because scanning in volume is key and look not to be dramatic here but so many times it will say an item is out of stock and a lot of people just settle for that you know you're looking for an item you see everyone's getting a great deal and you look on and it says there's none of that item in your local Walmart now I say don't trust that because every day I see this see this this item this pillows $50 it's marked for 35 on clearance now I'm gonna scan it and the clearance price is 13 dollars it's on hidden clearance but notice how it says out of stock that's obviously not true because it's right here and I actually bought this pillow but you have to keep in mind you know anybody looking for this pillow on the internet if they wanted to get that deal they saw that it was out of stock so they didn't even come and look for it they just you know they took it for what it said and if you really want something always check the store it's always worth checking the store so when you see an item that has no tag on it it's in the clearance section or it's in any section and there's no price tag on it or around it what you do is pretty basic you just take it and you scan the barcode on the product itself it's the same barcode that would be on the tag or the sticker so in this case this Harry Potter thing the barcodes on the back of the box and when I scan it it's ten dollars which is clearance because it was regularly twenty dollars so that's just something really basic but make sure you scan the barcode on the product if you have to now this is a lot like the last one but we're gonna handle it anyways sometimes the tag won't skin now check this out this clearance tag says nine dollars on it and for whatever reason maybe the tag got damaged or maybe the tag printing just isn't good that barcode is gonna match the barcode on the product itself so I go right to the products barcode and I scan it and the actual price on this items only seven dollars so this is on hidden clearance but that's very straightforward and just go right to the product barcode if you have to do you know what a yellow tag misfit is let me show you real quick so when you're walking around Walmart and you're just looking at regular items that aren't on clearance you see this yellow tag and it's a clearance item but it's not with other clearance items that's something that you get you excited because look what happens when you scan it it's 50 cents it gets almost always a good sign when you see this scenario so other people would have probably bought this if they knew it was 50 cents but because we're out here scanning we're always at the advantage one thing to realize is that every single item inside of Walmart is fair game to be hidden clearance everything has the potential I'm talking it could be food it could be clothing it could be arts and crafts stuff it could be anything so let's scan this TV right here it says it's 158 when you scan it it's 138 it's $20 less it's on hidden clearance but nobody knows because nobody sees the true price of the item that's why you want to scan it now sometimes you're not going to be able to scan an item so let me show you how to handle that so we have this item on the other side of the glass it's a Nintendo switch thing it's called a lab oh and there's no barcode available it's locked in the glass there's no price tag on the outside and there's no employee around so I'm gonna show you how to find out the price on this really quickly and check for clearance you go straight to your phone and you're gonna want to do a Google search with the name of this product and at the end you're gonna want to type in the word Walmart when you do this you're gonna see a picture of the item for Walmart com and when you click on that picture it's gonna ask you if you want to open this up in the Walmart app and when you do that you find out the price of the item in this store so this this item is on clearance it's $39.99 it just wasn't accessible because it was locked behind the glass so this is an extremely easy and useful way to find that out so this is easily one of my favorite strategies to finding Walmart hidden clearance so check this out right this is fun when you're actually in a section looking at all the stuff try to find something that just doesn't have a place on the shelf for example this DUPLO Princess Sophia thing Sophia the first actually it's um it has no place on the shelf there's no price tag on the shelf for it and it's the only one of its kind that I see available which makes it interesting which means I'm going to scan it now when I scan the box because there's no price tag on it the item is actually on hidden clearance because this is a $30.00 item but it's showing up for 15 and the most craziest thing about this right here is people are walking by this every single day but they have no idea of the true price I will never be able to stress to you enough how in love I am with items behind the glass in Walmart now if an item is locked up in the glass there's a great chance it's gonna be on hidden clearance the probability gets to be so high and let me explain to you why so you saw me scan that videogame earlier for three cents now this video game was on clearance for ten the real price is five dollars and if I keep scanning items behind the glass there's a good chance I'm gonna find tons of hidden clearance and if you go to your local Walmart and do the same thing there's a good chance you will too and the reason is because just think about it if you have to get behind the glass you have to ask an employee the employee has to get the key sometimes they have to call the person with the key everyone has to wait it's a big long song and dance so if they're not gonna update all the tags inside of the Walmart what makes you think they're gonna update the tags behind the glass behind the glass takes the most effort for them so they always do it last and if there's gonna be tags that don't get updated it will be behind the glass so this is a great opportunity for you sometimes in Walmart you're going to see an item that has no home and you don't even necessarily know what the item is like check this item all right here there's no price tag in front of it it was just sitting there on the ledge it says best of the 80s on it I'm kind of curious about it because I'm like what the heck is it you know what's the price so I'm gonna scan the barcode on the box and it turns out this item is five dollars on clearance and it's not available at this store yet I'm holding it in my hand at this store so that tells you something I don't know if people just found it in the back and they threw it up front to see if someone might want to buy it but it's originally $15 it's on hidden clearance always look for these types of items perhaps one of the most important things that I can teach you about Shaw been clearance at Walmart is that not every Walmart is going to be the same so check this out right here right these are like cake decorating candies they're kind of like six let's and they're regularly $12 and they're on clearance for five dollars so when we scan it with the app the hidden clearance price is actually three dollars which is really good gets people excited but just yesterday believe it or not I bought the same exact item for only one dollar at the Wal Mart down the street just a couple miles away I bought the same item for even less so keep in mind that just because you see an item on clearance it doesn't mean it's the best price so a great rule of thumb in order to find hidden clearance inside of Wal Mart is to look for pattern recognition so one of those very such things would be to match items so check this out right this item is blue it's like the goodie bag thing it says it's 50 cents on clearance which is a good price but then we're gonna scan it anyway so we're gonna find out it's actually only ten cents on hidden clearance and you just saw we have the pink ones right next to it it's the same type of product but it's in a different variation now it's the same type of item right so you're gonna scan it and we expect this to also be ten cents and it is it's also ten cents so that's just a little tip and trick look for the pattern recognition between items another prime example of how you can use pattern recognition in order to find Walmart hidden clearance is to match the category of the product to see if there's other products in that category that are also on clearance so here I am in the actual clearance section and as you can see there's lots of party stuff we have some hats in most plates and napkins there's some cars stuff right there and it's just lots of party stuff right and they have the clearance tag on and we know they were marked down clearance so that makes you think what if we go over to the actual party section and see if they miss something you know maybe they didn't tag something that's clearance so here we are we're actually in the party section we see some pinatas up top there's all sorts of stuff and I'm looking around I'm scanning a whole bunch of stuff I haven't found anything yet so here we are and then I'm like get over here get over here I have something so I scanned the Star Wars pinata it says it's 18 dollars and 88 cents but when I go to the barcode and I scan it with the scanner the actual hidden clearance price is five dollars so I only knew to do that because I just saw all of this clearance stuff over in the clearance section that was party stuff so I matched the category this is an extremely useful tip another thing that you always want to look at when you're shopping for hidden clearance at Walmart is the clearance tag underneath the barcode on the clearance tag there's gonna be a date now in this case it's November 2018 which means that this clearance tag was generated November 2018 as you can see on the receipt I purchased this item June 2019 for three cents now that's kind of how I knew to scan this tag because anytime you see a tag that was marked clearance a long time ago the price is gonna be much lower so anytime you see a tag let's say it was generated a week a month ago you better scan it because the system lowers the price continually and you can find a better price that way this is a serious one so this tip is gonna be a total game changer for everyone that you know that Shops at Walmart every single person I don't care if you're trying to buy milk or you want to buy a shirt or you want to buy a pack of gum do this it doesn't even have to be on clearance do this though this is crazy so we're gonna scan this $1.00 item and we open up the app we do everything and when we scan the item write the actual price on this item in this store is going to be $1.00 it's gonna be correct but look at the top right hand corner it says change if you click where it says change it's gonna populate all the stores closest to you all the other Walmart's so if you click on the next door closest to you for this one the item price is two dollars and seventy seven cents so we're gonna go back we're gonna click on the next door it's also two dollars and seventy seven cents we're gonna go back we're gonna click on the next door it's also two dollars and seventy seven cents we're gonna go back and click on the story in so at one dollar this is the best price for this product and you can price check every single item you buy [Music] hidden clearance is an amazing opportunity and let's face it most people know nothing about hidden clearance so if you just watch this video you officially have the edge and the advantage over other people shopping at Walmart now you see up in the corner where it says 1 million people that's a pledge that I have with my wife and my two sons and we go around and we make videos and we post them to the Internet and we just show people the deals that we find at stores we go shopping so if you want to subscribe to this channel I promise you you're gonna see lots of other deals that we find and we would absolutely love to have you come shopping with us and on top of that which is we're so honored that you watch this video for this long and we put a lot of work into it this is a lot of our little secrets and tips and tricks and we put it all together because we want to see you save as much money as possible and we would just love it if you could share this video with anybody that you know that Shops at Walmart because everybody that Shops at Walmart should see this video there's so many little things and um we could just really use your help because we want to help 1 million people save at least one dollar that's our family goal I know it's a little corny but it's something that we talk about with the kids and they get excited and that's what we're doing here thank you so much for watching it really means so much to us thank you [Music]
Channel: Super Unsexy
Views: 673,885
Rating: 4.9295669 out of 5
Keywords: How to find Walmart clearance items, How to find Walmart deals, How to find Walmart clearance, How to find Walmart inventory, Walmart clearance haul, Walmart clearance shopping, Walmart clearance app, Walmart clearance electronics, Walmart clearance 2019, Walmart deals this week, Walmart deals today, Walmart deals under $1, Walmart glitch deals, Walmart couponing, Walmart price scanner, Walmart, Clearance, Hidden clearance, Secret Clearance, cheap, Walmart cheapest
Id: hpXL4tYTiiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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