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you do not know us yet you do know us we exist for reasons beyond your comprehension we are no one yet we are everyone the fleeting shadow in your periphery The Stranger on your factory a friend of a friend whom you've never heard of before we are the eye of the god emperor were you there at The Purge of armageddon's hives did you burn a billion Orcs to Ash have you ever stared into the eyes of a thousand nightmares made real no we are the blade in the dark poised us striking the hearts of those who see God demise we are the dam that stops the flood [Music] did you have to crack a world apart as we did after the fall of ignis Bryan no we act in secret for reasons Beyond imagination we crush the mutant the zenos and a heretic we are the fist of mankind we are the best of mankind our Legions are drawn from the whole Imperium we are the magnet that draws the true that's just the honorable you do not know us but we are always there watching waiting learning our enemies are infinite the will will be fed to the ever sweltering grave oh we are ever vigilance have you ever had to crawl through the sewers of a chaos cultist infested Mega City have you ever heard the torments of a whole world torment of its citizens have you ever had to choke the life from the corrupted have you ever had the burning blade or reefed in holy lights no ours is a history of Whispers a blacked out documents we judge everyone we see every Pips [Music] the heretic mocks us still looks over his shoulder as we will be waiting for he knows the executions of Allen arteries the xenos think of some myth they will come to them they will come to learn of the broken mountains of foul scum that have sought to mock us the mutant has not the minor realizes nightmares are real as real as the righteous cleansing of Goro before its death by my hand we are no one we are everyone uh rosette carries power beyond the feeble limits of a man's imagination some go as extremists I asked him why we shouldn't be extreme in our faith to the god emperor we are countless some call us overreaching I asked him is it better to have a striking arm that is too long not long enough fools say are members of a doctrines to Stanley they call us Puritans I wonder why they want us impure in the first place the close-minded ask why we allow radicals in our ranks so why they shame those whose power they fear they cannot control and many cause of phantom a myth no yes um what then is that behind you we are the first point of contact We Are The Last Shadow before the dark fools accuse us of being dishonorable let me ask you this what value is honor when you're the last living being standing before a mountain of a trillion trillion Corpses do not listen to them listen to us instead listen to the tales of Worlds Beyond count that have been saved listen to the cries a billion suit thanks to us live in peace listen to The Wailing newborns in a million Medicare units who have been born thanks to our ever-waging war and let me ask you this have you heard the tale of real the Mata no you can't have heard of it well you will hear it now and the world of course a small unimportant world of neglectric fringes an inquisitorial investigation was requested Imperial citizens had started to vanish in Mass not good real world which only offered a small tithe overall resources it turned out that the planetary governors only called us sin when one of their own vanished some minor Noble from a minor house from another minor world isn't it odd how they only contact us when one of their own goes missing I'm curious a team led by an Inquisitor Who Shall Not Be Named landed on world and began their investigations led the small Squadron as a captain a small rank in our organization he and his Squad began based on investigations they infiltrated the manufacturers the mini storm and of course the criminal underbelly that's also criminals who know the most they have ears everywhere and how the corrupt love Whispering when they think no one is listening was the squad successful of course it was the squad uncovered now of course it wasn't [Music] it took two months for the crew to ingratiate themselves on world they discovered that a gang had stupidly called themselves the quartet they've been kidnapping people and selling them to a low-level manufacturer line manager the manager was then using them in some head that's an unknown scheme another month in realness team had found out what had happened to the captured Souls they were being forced to work in an underground Factory creating armor for vehicles it doesn't sound too bad does it no wrong the armor men's and Heavens is being hauled off world hold off world to be sent to other worlds in additive vehicles Vehicles which were built and full and sold for profit to zenos and traitor forces real was horrified that Imperial labor energies and resources were being used to create such blasphemous but once again we are the knife first then the hammer well I spent another four months on world this squad infiltrating is high in their various organizations as they could the corruption ran deep and it almost does 138 individuals were identified across three worlds 138 cowardly Prophet obsessed scum I cannot say with certainty how many Souls they fed into the traitorous manufacturers but I can't say that real ordered additional support from the Inquisition what support it was three Inquisition cruises sped to the world their guns training on various high-value targets twelve thousand soldiers inserted under the command of real The Horde they soon the command Squad already on world began by doing what they did best they cut the head from the snake in the dead of nights real and His Four agents suited up and without them their hearts and Justice in their fist began first they smothered a planetary Lord in his bed it profited the most hiding the cabal's earnings secondly they detonated a charge in the command towers of The manufacturem's Residency block killing a dozen shift Chiefs and kidnappers and holy via third a Communications block was raided by real and two others killing everyone Within by the time the soldiers had landed real and his Squad had killed hundreds of the traitors one was allowed to escape off world with his family he led us to another world he led us to a high Block located above a manufacturing unit the warship the Silver Star fired on the block from orbit turning into gray paste in melted Slack along with all those fools within I wish I could tell you that real and the squad lived but as they are often facing to do these Heroes fell in the throes of wool in the last desperate moment the remaining on world cultures activated a hidden final Blast for me from the rubble of a half unit quad forth the curse corrupted form of a defiler fueled by innocent Souls fed on the blood of Imperial Saints and turned against the emperor's most faithful the machine ripped through the city murdering countless thousands to drinking their pain in fear as the sun began to rise on chorus Brielle made his stand and issued a challenge step fourth evolve blasphemy and face us monstrous engine and sitting of Lies the five-man squad fought for five hours against the defiler each fall with time until Rising one last time Rael detonated a melted charge inside the machine's Mall in order to destroy you knew he had to die that is a hero thanks to him the world was ours within 16 hours thanks to him Witnesses were arrested questioned and released thanks to him the tainted were fed to the pie as lits on every street corner and the events of that night were expunged from planetary memory names of the traitors were deleted no marches no fallen heroes just elated cowards our ships left the world after three weeks bearing the bodies of the heroes who fell Rio is still venerated on his blessed beautiful paradise world of Krieg you can visit his tomb see the statues see the carvings depicting this Hero's Final Stand you can live a life like his you could die a death like his do you doubt that too Moon's within you isn't it the need to doubt all stories you hear are you so incapable of believing that Heroes exist and you're so incapable of cheering on the deaths of those who would harm your family oh you truly so lost already all I can say is this he not those Whispers the woods of our sainted sisters instead blessed all the ignorance who are mine closed as a mind saved repeat the Mantra of the breacher his is the Hand of Justice the hatred is the truest weapon and never forget the words of the Damned spat between broken teeth and bleeding lips forgive me Father too late in the hour of repentance when it Shadows one's death take our hand pull yourself from doubt from Darkness from Damnation from doubt and pain for we are the all those xenos the shade that hurts the alien we are the auto hereticus the blade that plays the faithless we are the order malleus the fists that breaks the spine of the Fallen ah the Inquisition [Music] foreign
Channel: Warrior Tier
Views: 119,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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