Warhammer 40K: Inquisitor Martyr "GAME MOVIE" [English/PC/1080p/60FPS]

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[Music] you for ten thousand years the Emperor's Inquisition have fought a secret war to defend humanity we keep vigil in the darkness we hunt among the shadows we pass judgment upon the mutant the traitor and the Harrison [Music] our inquisitors we shall fear nothing we are what you fear you inquisitors vlog classified report scheduled for late of transmission I am closing on the source of the inquisitorial distress signal I was assad in to investigate the coordinates i received from the Caligari Conclave led me to a desolate system there were many delays during the journey the intensity of the Caligari warp searches is beyond anything they've experienced these anomalies are spreading to the sub sector like a tidal wave the distress signal has an ancient encryption used by the Holy Orders it is authentic but extremely old the signal is coming from a battered fortress monastery that was likely spat from the war when the tide of the surges swept to the sector there is no response to our Gaelic symbols Inquisitor this is your captain speaking I'm still trying to hail the monastry but I get no response the whole looks intact though I think it was simply abandoned a very long time ago what do you expect to find over there something that once belonged to the Inquisition lots of empty holes sounds exciting I've instructed your pilots to land on the hangar deck stand by and wait for my signal Inquisitor the automatic defense system has been activated the turrets are attacking you captain do you copy captain van winter can you hear me [Applause] strange folks communication is jammed and I can't use my teleporter device something must be disturbing my signal I will record everything in my audio log in case I don't return inquisitorial all new entry while attempting to darken the hangar of an unknown fortress monastery my transport took heavy fire I suspect the automatic weapon systems were activated but I don't yet know why the Transport has been destroyed along with my equipment my pilot is dead I will pray for him later interesting mindless server chores were created for menial tasks but having a flesh drone just for operating the door seems excessive open the door [Music] mmm an ancient cogitate er let's see if the Czech prayers still hold it might have information about this place just as I suspected it's a pile of rust at least I found some interesting Diagnostics I should check all the quarter taters on the ship for other details new log entry I have found some human remains the time of death seems recent I don't like the look of the marks on the bodies something killed them with mindless brutality the perfect weapon to deliver the emperor's justice creature of chaos can you withstand my faith in ancient Imperial ship infested by chaos so be it let's cleanse the tape they're reloading new log entry I have found a room tainted by the filth of chaos there is also a tech priest maintenance shrine with a functioning cogitate er it could contain information on how I could turn off the Vox jammer I found a new information there is an emergency container nearby row I could turn off the jamming signals open the door it is in the walls now everywhere taint in the machines by the Emperor would foul abomination is this talking servitor it might be mine Lord this is still unusual well met heretics it is time for you to die finally that's the cogitate er that will disable the jammer I couldn't turn off the teleportation jammer but the votes should be fine now captain Van winter can you hear me Inquisitor finally I thought we'd lost you it would have been quite convenient for you I suppose just me I'm on your side I'm not saying I don't want my ship back but who would clear my name if you died in battle your loyalty is quite admirable captain our augers have picked up a VOC signal not far from your location it is transmitting on an imperial channel it could be important I'm on my way there by the Emperor what have you found down there Inquisitor some unlucky members of an imperial retinue this is a shrine dedicated to the ruinous powers somebody really wants his job wishes to be fulfilled in other words there's something on that ship that requires human sacrifice wonderful [Music] I have found a corpse of an imperial soldier I'll take his data slate it could contain a recording that could shed some light on what happened here I found the body of a fallen adept assist artists what did you just see that there was a dead Space Marine down there he must have been a member of that unlucky Imperial reconnaissance team I found allow you to clarify that you only found pieces of them so it'll be just you against something that tore apart one of the mightiest champions of the Imperium don't jump to conclusions just yet captain it could easily be more than one creature [Music] come at me creatures come at me [Music] [Music] team Sigma this is chaos thorn speaking team Sigma come in I'm afraid team Sigma won't be responding anytime soon what who are you and what are you doing there taking a stroll on the decks by the Emperor mind your manners I am an Inquisitor and I don't tolerate Inquisitor about bloody time I thought your LAN it followed Lord Closter Jaime to the dark zone listen we're under heavy attack in the control room so I'd appreciate it if you could join us while we deliver the Emperor's will until our most triumphant death thought out new log entry I established a connection with someone from an imperial expedition on the ship but he is clearly confusing me with someone else it's all again another wave of Filth is on its way to face me in a glorious carnage I want your help as soon as possible careful thorn that was dangerously close to insolence and you are definitely confusing me with someone else you are Inquisitor which is enough for me right now the whole deck is swarming with the local mongrel tribes and they've sent their champions to rally the troops I need you to eliminate these creatures it will slow down the tribes new log entry I'm entering the sanctum of the deck it clearly used to be an imperial travel but the statutes there are not familiar when did this sacred fortress drift away from the light of the god emperor Inquisitor algas are starting to pick up huge waves of hostiles approaching your position can you hold them off on your own captain a long time ago I made an oath to protect the Imperium with no regard for my own life do you want to question my dedication so what is your plan my faith in the Emperor will protect me from the faithless that was also planning to blast through the unclean with the devastating force of my weaponry how the transport ship ready just in case welcome to the martyr Inquisitor not exactly the army I imagined but reinforcements at last so you do realize now but I don't belong to your expedition I do and I regret the confusion we were not expecting any guests on this Emperor forsaken wreck and first I thought that you must belong to cluster Himes retinue that fool brought a whole army of busybodies and interrogators with him you must tell me everything about this man his expedition and the martyr but first I'll disable the teleport jabber the Concha Tator that overrides the chammy is two hallways away and the whole control deck is swarming with feral tribes why do you think I'm stuck in this hole they're keeping us pinned down in here time to turn the tide together sergeant we now is not a good time [Music] well then that was a pleasant warm-up wasn't it but Inquisitor I'm sure they will drag their filthy guard here to help them out there what we interrogated some of these tribesmen they are all descendants of the original crew anyway during centuries are drifting through the void one of their generations forgot about our holy ember and found new things to worship and what would this God be madness incarnated the gods it could be anything if you ask me but nothing good oh the thundering blast of weapons I wish my brothers were here to hear this canticle of death talking about brothers which chapter do you belong to I'm a familiar with this iconography I am sergeant chaos storm of the storm water Space Marines explain I don't know that chapter I would be truly disappointed if you did our existence is secret our numbers are few and our burden is terrible we are the Watchers in the shadows but rest assured we are the sanctioned blades of the Calgary Conclave doing what exactly dying gloriously during classified inquisitorial missions could we talk about this later [Music] [Music] [Music] boy you are truly doing the Emperor's work Inquisitor keep it up we've crushed their main forces let's move out and disable that jammer before their what's their god arrives trust me it is already closed I wonder what it looks like after we have disabled the jammer we must find Lourdes cluster heart oh yes that two-faced hypocrite I have already lost a battle brother because of him and then he left me down here to die but now Oh traitorous scum mockery to your honour parachute [Music] what's happening down there are you alright I'm great I've just killed a hell brute a twisted mockery in a Space Marine praise the emperor I also have an imperial Space Marine with grievous wounds and I want to bring him aboard our ship Inquisitor listen to me the monastry has turned on the warp drives and is ready to leave the star system disabled the jamming now I've disabled the teleport jammer at least I hope so you must teleport back before the ship leaves we don't know where it's headed and worse that jealous years are probably compromised warp travel would kill you hurry up you don't want to get stranded over there because the sir are you all right I'm fine captain I'm back on your ship leaving the teleport area as we speak I need medical assistance down here for the Space Marine what is happening to the bottom it's preparing to enter the war I thought it was a derelict [Music] [Music] Inquisitor my astra path has sensual audio look to the Caligari Conclave as she requested let me guess another local warp search manifestations swallowed the message oh no actually we have received an official follow-up on your report there must be a mistake it's the Imperial bureaucracy I wasn't expecting to hear from them for a few standard years I have no idea what we found out there but it must be really important see for yourself Inquisitor we are raising your clearance level you are henceforth authorized to listen to confidential information without facing immediate excommunication your discovery has greatly intrigued to the Conclave you have found a ghost of the past Inquisitor the martyr had strong ties to the Inquisition and as such it is very important to us we all thought that the fortress monastery had been destroyed with the exception of Lord Inquisitor Klosterman he dedicated his life to finding the martyr only to disappear without a trace now you have proof of both the existence of the martyr and the whereabouts of Lord cross time we want answers continue this investigation evaluate the data Gavan new clues and find the martyr hopefully with Lourdes close to Heim on board so he can explain his disappearance we must remind you that this investigation requires actually two secrecy and it will be your task and your task alone our task is to find a ghost ship in the vast expanses of the Imperium how hard could it be the Space Marine I rescued was part of the expedition that found the martyr somehow if I can interrogate him I'm sure he can help us that man is in stasis at the moment he was torn into pieces correct me if I'm wrong but a warrior of the adapter societies is not a simple mortal we can treat indeed we need a Tet priest with unique skills and knowledge of the genetic material of the adept assist artists we need a meadows BioLogos specialist which could be difficult I come from a long line of Rogue Traders Inquisitor I know the secrets of this sector and I can tell you where to find the tech priests do you need the merciful agony is a hospital fortress in the Chernabog system it's also a secret research station of the adaptors mechanicus you'll find a mega spy August there you have called for me Inquisitor and I am here to serve from now on I will need you on the bridge astral path connect your fellow Astro paths in the choir of the Caligari Conclave and pass me the messages which deal with priority assignments Inquisitor [Music] who are you thorn you and your mysterious storm watchers we will make you whole again I have questions for you [Music] [Music] this is meta surgeon Agrippa 7:23 Thetis speaking how can I assist you Inquisitor the request cannot be granted I suggest that you seek medical assistance elsewhere allow me to clarify the Magus bio locus with the required skill set is unavailable current status assigned to a priority level research for atonement and gathering of sacred data our brethren have been studying an epidemic on the Saint Abelard relay station we lost contact with the station recently [Music] [Music] quarantine doesn't concern me captain think of me as decontamination crew and support team and one there are still people on the station metro-north Elena is a sacred priests of the omnis aya I believe she can take care of herself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you don't mind me asking why are you so sure he is a Space Marine a legendary defender of the Imperium it makes him the most important member of Klosterman's retinue even if their relationship was a strain as it seems he must have been very close to the Lord Inquisitor and he could have knowledge of important details [Music] [Music] [Music] he gave me this ship is ancient I suspected that much it was worth a try received the water to trade what happened that destroyed headquarters it is indeed quite unfortunate captain [Music] [Music] twisting our greetings of self into loving those you reach the center of the station this is the central cogitate er of the station if this may go Spile Ogas tried to send a report to her superiors it must be logged here I missed the Megos BioLogos on the station I logged the three potential destinations where I could find her hope she's worth all this trouble I know you're getting impatient least your search is doing too close this could be [Music] [Music] this is an addictive mechanicus quarantine zone a visitor you must leave you should talk too risky if that was an attempt at silence you're wasting your time rest assured who Conclave will be notified of your support I've been looking for you for a while I need your expertise I'm a high ranking geneticist of the Machine God my extraordinary skill set is undoubtedly best employed here I have an adept assist artists with grievous injuries on my ship and I need him walking and talking how often do you have the opportunity to work on one of the angels made flesh this new information requires me to reconsider I will accompany you [Music] I need an update on the space Marie how is he first you need to know that each Space Marine has an artificial organ called the sus and membrane it allows them to enter a state of suspended animation if their lethally injured I'm bringing him back slowly meanwhile I have already completed the sanctified surgical rites and supplied this man with Bionic and mechanical implants can I talk to him you can talk to me Inquisitor I can't promise to answer all your questions though first of all who are you who are the storm Watchers with all due respect I can't go into any classified details you need to get the necessary clearance level first but I can tell you this much we are the chamber militant of the Conclave we have been working for the inquisitors of the Caligari sector for a very long time in secret do you always work for untrustworthy inquisitors like Koster I'm Gloucester hein left me on the martyr to die a useless death do I feel furious by the Emperor yes but now I don't think he is a heretic if that is what you're implying do you have any ideas where he could be now I am certain he is still on the martyr is seeking something there but I have no idea where the ship went how did you find the martyr in the first place class time has ties to a mysterious sect of tech priests called the requisition errs they are the experts on the supposed tech relics of Uther Tiberius the leader of the martyr they helped him to find the wreck they have our search sanctum on Cardian - in the Chernabog system that's a lead of sorts they might help me to find the monastery again my assumptions were correct the research sanctum has been attacked I see signs of a recent struggle I found the corrupted insignia of the Imperial Guard on the corpses soldiers and heretics that's for sure they must be either extremely reckless or very determined I'll find out soon enough it belongs to one of the specialists two divisions of the Adapters mechanicus studying ancient artifacts the Marder is probably another ancient relic of the past if anyone knows anything about that ship they'll find him here there are orders if they have found anything useful it will be here you businesses they seem to target then I will do my best to protect it [Music] the blood thickens captain these former imperial guards were working for the Czech priests until recently then they were hired by a new patron to take out for this facility this infiltration team must have a commander I'll hunt him down and ask him some questions I'm sure he'll be willing to cooperate at least one of them should be alive the instructions I found were very specific [Music] [Music] [Music] the heretic [Music] mission accomplished I found the commander of the infiltrators I'm sure he would love to assist the Inquisition if he was still alive quite the contrary captain they found crucial information first of all I know where they took their tech priest hostage secondly now I have proved that it was Lord Kloster and who personally ordered the hit on these requisition errs it is a possibility but I reserve judgment visitors sometimes need to use radical solutions for the sake of the Imperium but it's true [Music] captain we have no time to lose the only survivor of the tech priests sect is the prisoner of these feral beasts he could be my only lead warp travel in the sector is still dreadfully unpredictable but I'll talk to my navigator your space marine is functional Inquisitor but barely reporting for duty Inquisitor that's absurd for the time being he needs constant medical supervision I'll talk to the master corrosion of the ship no I'll stay on board you evidently need a genius to work with your inferior equipment the Emperor's blessing be upon me I must get out of here and fight I stretched my mind deep into the wall and connected with my own kind and since the world's build and the cryptic messages flickering through the darkness you spare me the colorful details Astra birth they only need information on my assignments forgive me [Music] vivid descriptions my only joy in [Music] [Music] [Music] I have found him captain but it's too late the tech priest seems beyond repair switching language module from Kent mechanicus to gothic apologies Inquisitor proceed thank the Emperor I've come for you I'll explain everything later now let's get out of here [Music] as I've already explained I must find the mortar and I think you can help me correct I am a great 5 techno archaeologist researching relics tied to the martyr and an archivist of the in verified existence of Tiberius did you up cluster I'm fine the martyr we supplied the Inquisitor with the artifact allegedly crafted by Luther Tiberius codename booth is Tara it is a psychoactive set of cards I can grant you access to my scriptorium subroutines for more information so class time has this Luther's Tarot which led him to the martyr how will this help me according to current research with the Tiberius gave sets of this Tarot to his acolytes to enable communication through visions for the advancement of his grand plan and if I had another set of these mysterious artifacts I could contact Gloucester I'm and find the martyr right only one remaining set is known to exist location both zetas eleven jurisdiction adapters mechanicus current status complete lockdown reasons classified location coordinates are being exploded - your navigator as we speak I'm going to investigate the place you stay on my ship until then acknowledged triggering mind cleansing sounds type 3.43 standing by [Music] Tech reased this might be a good time to tell me about the reason for this lockdown let me guess something exploded or broke free [Music] Damon host what have you been up to here you experimented with this are you insane the creation of a Damon host condemns the host soul to eternal torment [Music] Hey salvation I have found us a sterile now like the Emperor's terror you must talk me through it when I get back to the shape [Music] Tech priest I have obtained over stero now I want you to tell me how it works research is still in progress insufficient data if a deck like this was good enough for cluster I'm I should be able to use mine to find the mortar correct assumption booth is Theriot is a psychoactive set of cards that needs a mental focus to search for echoes in the warp related to the given focus wait if I concentrate on a specific idea that taro will guide me there define guide the carts might show you a vision of the past the present or a possible future more research needed but the short answer is yes I will need you to talk me through this again then I'm going to attempt to focus on the martyr both Estero is showing me a vision of the martyr I've been expecting a prophetic message but what I see is a nightmare there are places in this universe where madness reigns dominions of evil where the taint of the Otherworld trickles through the martyr is one of these places and fate has brought me to this haunted ship [Music] the martyr has been drifting in the war for millennia the wandering fortress Monastery of Uther Tiberius has become an enigma I need to solve I have sacrificed everything to find this ship [Music] I've been hunting relentlessly for the MARTA since I pledged myself to this cause driven by my sacred oath I've been roaming the Caligari sector for decades I killed I bargain I made pacts and broke them only to succeed where others have failed and I'm still paying the price for my curiosity I have lost so much I have lost my mentor I keep losing my allies I've been stranded on the derelict and the failed experiments of Botha Tiberius but I must prevail FIFA believe that the flesh was only a vessel he thrusted his chosen ones into foul darkness and pray to the god Emperor to turn them into holding weapons and he might have stolen and it falls upon me to finish what he had begun I believe the damata holds the key to our salvation there is something hidden on this ship that could change the future of the Imperium I will cleanse this place with holy fire and righteous wrath I will be transformed by pain and faith I will find the secret of boo thought I'd be Ria's [Music] captain I know where the Marjorie's Luthor's taro showed me a vision of the water and a fellow Inquisitor on the ship and it all came to me with a very clear sense of location in the sub sector we have arrived at the coordinates you provided I don't know how you did it exactly Inquisitor but the martyr is here uncanny and speaking of uncanny you also have a message from the Caligari Conclave we continue to be impressed by your progress Inquisitor you have located the martyr your methods might be unconventional but they are rather efficient it's time to land on the martyr again I can't stress enough how important it is that you find Lord Wolf's time remember we need him alive at least for the time being it must be a repository of valuable information on a legacy of other Tiberius the Emperor protects the turrets didn't open fire this time your binary Livesey has worked I'm rather pleased you didn't mention this before wait I have incoming hostiles I'll take care of this first [Music] [Music] so you had an idea about the [Music] [Music] I am Hanalei of dedication and I admire your decision I saw something a revelation I'd say possibly a holy vision from the Emperor of mankind call that must be answered nonsense captain and fly this is just a small inconvenience my father-god to take off what now [Music] I have the map of the local teleport beacon Network what now the teleport Aryan requires exact coordinates you must know log cluster Heights location and your chances to find him on the martyr on your own are approximately zero this sounds very reassuring so far the elliptical recitation show only one swift solution I must warn you that the suggestion itself could be a breach of several adaptors mechanicus protocols you must seek an audience with a great presence controlling the sensory systems on the martyr you need to talk to the Machine spirit how I'm not familiar with the process first you locate a mainframe cogitate ER then I will provide instructions you'll have the results of my physical checkup you know what could have caused that strange episode let me be very clear even a genius like me can't work miracles with inferior equipment like what you have on this ship still your test results don't indicate that you suffer from any maladies that could have caused your symptoms I have detected some interesting anomalies though what are you talking about very precise microscopic surgical marks on your brain traces of an old mind cleansing process I am an Inquisitor we carry the burden of terrible truths and secrets that sometimes even we are not allowed to keep for long of course I have been mind scrubbed before and I'm certain that I should praise the emperor that I was freed from dangerous memories could that be the cause of the symptoms normally no but you have only recently been experimenting with a unique psychic artifact there is no data about this ethers Tarot fact you risked using the deck and now you have had an extraordinary psychic experience I admit that it's a strange coincidence I want you to go over my mission details again [Music] I do that Tech priest did I know what that is [Music] tech briefs what shall I do when I find the mainframe you are aware that I can't perform any of those right I need more information on quantum I'm I'm very close now to him but I'm still in the dark about his obsession with the modern you used to be part of his retinue what is he looking for Ray Knights what did he do don't jump to conclusions just yet sergeant the Inquisition moves in mysterious ways thorn it's never just light or dark you should already know that my duties will not end till I have carried out the task you gave me I had another vision nothing serious but it's an aunt feeling I feel like something is slowly unraveling before me I don't know what it is I am here texting is wrong Tech traced I still can't log into the system [Music] I can't turn off an override implemented by a tech priest [Music] where are you check raced what are you waiting for I'll clear the area then you follow me [Music] [Music] [Music] I've heard the place join me now [Music] are you ready recharging devotion plans preparing to access the sacred presence of the machine spirit itself don't take that as a yes expecting significant resistance I'll protect you while you are working are you ready to talk to me Tech traced yes acquisitive we have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time Oh Mekong no this body is merely a temporary conduit for us connected to our network through his neural implants our name is sacred binary code and arcane hexadecimal chance but you can call us the machines spirits of the martyr we try to communicate with you through mindless flesh before but our efforts were ineffective the servitor and the hangar deck that was you it was an inadequate interface this method of communication is unconventional and highly dangerous for the subject but I had no other choice the martyr is harboring a great secret Inquisitor which we must protect at all cost before it falls into the wrong hands you want to stop Inquisitor cross time our goals correlate we will show you where he is located at the moment I must log off from this vessel before I damaged him beyond repair I will seek other channels of communication what was all that down there a priest did I witness some tech heresy just now no I connected to a pure machine spirit which had been upgraded to serve a specific purpose I'm 100% certain of that while my voice box was utilized by the machine spirits the communion gave me partial access to some routines so it is not an AI it is not an abominable intelligence it is something extraordinary by sacred a digital apotheosis and uploading rituals a penitent soul became part of this machine spirit it was not the creation of a sentient intelligence but the blessed fusion of man and machine what are you doing now filing away the memories in the sauna Creek will Aries giving you the coordinates are received from the machine spirit Lord cluster hime is currently in the research cloister I'm on my way I also need an explanation as to why anyone would tamper with the machines spirit in such an irregular way I want to know more about that keep me updated but that is impossible unless unless you sacrifice someone who demon and became immune to corruption I want you to find all records of demon that's nonsense stop obsessing about my mental condition so Tiberius was creating demon hosts whose Oh Tiberius condemned a whole army to eternal suffering that is insane after decades of torture he turned away from his own creations I'm in the research joist our check priest I found the remains of a dead I should return to my ship there and make preparations before I enter that area [Music] trust me it will be secured soon [Music] you really didn't remember anything did you something is coming back but it's unclear I underwent a mind scrub but so that is what you did eventually you sacrificed yourself but not in the way that I'd expected who are you Oh am i you used to be my mentor you are an inquisitorial assuit of the greatest secret of the Caligari sector the research of ether Tiberius I guess I didn't find it otherwise we wouldn't be standing here we got close and you got careless you made questionable choices and attracted the attention of first the Conclave then the grey knights and there is no escaping from the secret protectors of the Imperium only death absolves right so that was your plan you sacrifice your former self and I have returned as someone else you told me to take a real mental and I obeyed through pain and fire I hunted relentlessly for the martyr I did what she told me I fought investigated made pacts and broke them when I had to and when the warps parts are juices flows in fortress monastery I was ready to find it and my path eventually led to the martyr as well it cannot be a coincidence only the Empress will because you found me now when I'm so very close to finding ethers greatest secret we must talk about this but first we purge this area [Music] Luther Tiberius wanted to create an army of former demon hosts he sacrificed countless lives sentenced them to their nation only to make a handful of survivors immune to chaos I think I know why the martyr had to leave the segment in Pacifica's it's a whole army of loyal warriors immune to the wolf ready to conquer the immaterial once you would have embraced the idea I am not the same person anymore I pray to the Emperor that you are [Music] are you ready time to purge the unclean inquisitive side-by-side like we used to [Music] [Music] good work tell me closer are you miss always I refuse to burden myself with redundant thoughts and emotions but I admit it was a satisfactory experience to fight that battle together the research cluster is connected to ah--this inner sanctum butthis where huth has secretly dawei his most treasured research are you ready to enter I need to return to my retinue first and make the necessary preparations I'm not going to your ship trust me where would I go I will meet you here when you return this is the inner sanctum this is a janitorial for the powers of various dissection chapels and the laboratory um's in the sanctum but we are closed you are different inquisitive but yet you are the same but it is disturbing I used to be a while hunting for the martyr and now you have all the answers that's disturbing if it's any consolation you were right all along who the Tiberius had a secret that could have changed the fate of the Imperium and you've learned the nature of this secret myself indeed it's a weapon with immense powers have you ever discovered the truth about Hoover's secret weapon I have only heard the real answer lies here I know that it could save the Imperium of man from the tides of caves the net with the Tiberius risked excommunication from the Inquisition to create this weapon I have found some very old human remains here they belonged to the crew of the martyr Medusa's followers turned against him the monastery was consumed by war they crippled the ship eventually what's the sigil on the wall it resembles a demonic mark fused with xenos and imperial symbols booth are called the Imperial seal he studied forbidden summoning rights and the arcade machines of a lost civilization and combine them with sanctioned practices the seals trap the essence of destroyed demons so they can't get back to the wharf to reform both are wanted to conceal the existence of his secret weapon even from the minions of chaos I feel far too close to Hera say what are you talking about we must fight fire with fire you told me that and I am not the same person anymore the inner sanctum is cut off from the rest of the ship making it a black site even the Machine spirits doesn't have eyes or ears there how do we get through the stasis field I've seen similar security systems on the ship the status field must be deactivated using two different terminals in different places at the same time Tiberius was indeed quite protective of his secrets perceived to the first cogitate er it must be close I'll find the other one [Music] now you fairy cluster high senior sisters the territory who seems to be populated with the territory I'm ready to deactivate the stasis field are you ready proceed the stasis field is down where are you can you hear me whilst Jaime if you can hear me I'm heading towards the inner sanctum meet me there thorn I found the body of a ward Bearer there is just one and he looks dead I was wrong he is alive another traitor Marine eyes on the ground according to the message I found there were more of them and they were trying to extricate data from Pacific so there was a whole war band came here to find something but or trapped on the ship I'm to find out what they were looking for Tech traced in load the flag picked recording from this conjugate or this woman might be the key to other secret experiments is she a psychic blink the antithesis of a siker de luther Tiberius test his secret weapon on someone without any presence in the ward it is incredible soulless one absorbing psychic energy as normal but she's deflecting the attacks I have never seen anything like this deck braced I have no new records to send you I've discovered that even ethers people found that strange test subject extremely disturbing whatever this creature is she must have been ethers greatest secret and must find out more [Music] [Music] you hear me I mean the inner sanctum in a scriptorium I suppose must warn you Gloucester on several etherion seals have been destroyed here my guess is that it was work of the word bearers the trapped demons are loose expect heavy resistance on your way in the most disturbing thing is that they seem to be aware of the secret too [Music] [Music] [Music] spare me the monologue creature and prepare to die enough of your gibberish die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I have located who tha's personal conjugate Oh first I had to explain to the word Bearer filth that they are not allowed to touch it the proof we needed with a secret weapon was a unique pariah who is capable of the impossible she didn't just banish demons she utterly destroyed them and she could have had a significant impact on the fate of the sector or the whole Imperium we need to know what happened to her [Music] while star I'm I'm in new there's meditation chamber I can see a journal I [Music] have and contains some surprising revelations even loser Tiberius was horrified by the powers of the alpha pariah that's what he called her no he locked her away in the main stasis chamber and we have a kiosk sorcerer on the ship who knows about her - I'm on my way to the chamber [Music] together again at last are you ready the secret of the martyr is within arm's reach just imagine the possibilities of the alpha pariah still there in stasis now you are talking like the Inquisitor I used to know let's go to the stasis chamber they see you found reinforcements against the Water Bearers these men and other members of my expedition I thought they were killed I was wrong unfortunately in the darkest reaches on the first evening storms destroyed not while I breathe creature cursed the servants and calls [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you ready to open the gate wait I see human remains one of Luthor's acolytes by the looks of it let's take a look anything useful that is an understatement now we know that II thought Iberia's was gravely wounded during the rebellion in the monastery his trusted men decided to take him off the mortar with a certain captain Van winter at the helm of the rescue ship he had secured the secret weapon before he fell there what is this remarkable it looks like a barrier of pure psychic energy a tapestry of madness made substance another example of ethers arcane designs I suppose are you ready to enter I have died for this secret once I must be the one who walks through that barrier [Music] [Music] by the grace of the Emperor I cannot enter did you see anything she is there the alpha pariah is inside so close and yet unreachable there must be a way no you were right Sparrow was designed by ether himself and he made sure that nobody can enter without his authorization the barrier can only be disabled with his inquisitorial rosette but a rosette is the personal symbol of our authority each rosette is unique and has been dead for centuries it is impossible you are telling me that it was all in vain we have failed now Luther Tiberius was taken from the martyr to an unknown destination and I will find one that places I am an Inquisitor nothing can remain hidden from me I will uncover that rosette even if I have to burn down the whole sector what is our next step they're treading on dangerous ground though Tiberius was so obsessed with fighting the powers of chaos that he ventured too far even his most trusted followers turned against him when they realized what he was planning to do who cares of ours ignorant fools you must surely be aware what the Alpha pariah could become Luther Tiberius wanted to destroy the gods of chaos so desperately that he decided to create a God of his own yes I understand and this is why we must continue his work for the Emperor you're right we must use her powers to fight the tides of chaos the fate of Imperium justifies the means you are a dedicated warrior to the cause and I salute you and also risking excommunication and death first I have to find the rosette and I need your help to secure this chamber I'm gone I will remain on the martyr to protect the secret with my life but are you aware of the potential consequences [Music] captain are you serious you want me to believe you didn't know that the founder of your rogue trader house was the captain of the larger centuries ago I swear by the light of the god emperor Inquisitor that I am just as shocked by this revelation as you are I need a better explanation captain Inquisitor our house has followed strict traditions for long centuries one of those traditions concerns our sacred history our ancestral secrets were kept in a treasured logbook only accessible by the van winter sitting on a throne of the house nobody almost my entire clan has been purged on account of their heretical acts I was found worthy of redemption and I'm assisting the work of the Inquisition as a simple captain do you think your law book could help me yes it has been in our possession since Gregor van winter the man whose trail you seek received the warrant of trade it must contain all his accounts - what happened to that book it was hidden on our flagship the astute Cavalier but it disappeared when my father was executed the logbook must still be in the hold in a secret compartment so I only have to find a fugitive ship in this sector sounds easy my family had a hideout in this sub sector on a void station those who survived the purge probably ended up there and strangely it didn't occur to you to share this information with the Inquisition no don't answer that take me to the void station [Music] this place is a despicable hive of heresy and corruption it still won't absolve them from their sins against the Imperium what should I be looking for [Music] he doesn't look too talkative [Music] last refused interrogation tell me he wasn't my only lead I'll find that cogitate or kept him are you familiar with a man called Nathaniel Greg sis [Music] your former House members made a pact with a cult and he refused to follow them into total depravity they keep him locked up here somewhere [Music] captain Greg sis I need you to come with me I need a few bottles of Emma's sake to invigorate my weary soul and then I'm off to kill all these mongrels they have already paid for their crimes captain ah I hope you made them suffer how can I assist you then I must find the acute Cavalier it might have visited this station it was here I until the sniveling rats sold our flagship to a group of AB human filth do you know where the cruiser is now no but I've heard rumors about where it's heading take me with you and I can help [Music] my sweet Ragnar what a cheerful side for these sore eyes captain grexit I haven't seen you since you vanished without a trace right after you were proved innocent it was shameful of me I know but I simply couldn't bear to witness how others suffered for your father's misgivings you are talking about a house purged for charges of heresy house van winter was filled with shady elements no question about that some of them even kept me as a prisoner your point being not all of them are backstabbing scoundrels Ragnar deserves a clean slate and you won't find a better ally in the sector apart from old Rex's have goes start with telling me where I can find the Cavalier they overheard my former crew members gossiping about this cult in a world they were planning to visit with the ship I'll give your navigator the coordinates in a serious tone a conclusion this world is teetering on the brink of destruction which indicates that the cavalier could still be here those occurs at cultists spread the taint of chaos like a disease I may have arrived just in time but I'll find him and interrogate him about the cavalier [Music] the infamous blood drinker myth the target I'll take him out that'll use non-lethal methods I have the cultist leader in custody he is incapacitated take him to the ship and have the Megos biologists prepare the necessary serums [Music] the interrogation was successful Inquisitor the subject embraced the biochemical gifts of the Omni saya wholeheartedly you can find my report on your data slate give me an outline the chaos cult that acquired that cavalier was following the commands of a chaos sorcerer I won't utter its name it burns my tongue like payal so they were spreading the taint on the orders of the word bearers that sorcerer recently ordered the Cavalier to return to their headquarters I have the location for you it doesn't look good captain the cultists clearly didn't believe in regular maintenance protocols first I will take care of the word bearer scum then I will find the logbook [Music] I came to serve you the Emperor's justice just like I did with your foul brothers [Music] [Music] [Music] captain I have gained new insight into your father's case these word bearers were acting on orders from the sorcerer I encountered on the martyr they were trying to find who those rosette and lured your father into a trap to reach their goal your father acted irresponsibly but he was not a willing servant of Kaos we'll see first I need that logbook [Music] [Music] the doors open going inside I found the log book but I can't open it I have opened the log book Inquisitor it was extraordinary I held in my hands the entire secret history of my house I trust it will make fascinating reading but for now I only need the details about who the Tiberius I can't tell you where Gregor Van winters took the survivors of the martyr but that happened a very very long time ago it is the only lead I have take us to those coordinates captain I'll make the necessary arrangements meanwhile you have a message from the Conclave this is a message from Inquisitor helena Goslar I must tell you I was in charge of purging the van winter family I have learned that you have reopened the investigation and in all honesty I find your decision for flexing all my actions follow the decrees of the lex Imperialis and spiritual guidance gained through rigorous penitential practices now it falls upon you to make a new decision regarding the future of this house [Music] captain I have made my decision regarding the fate of your house door father participated in forbidden practices but his intentions were not reticle the name of your house will be cleared I'm still counting on you and your ship in the future though Thank You Inquisitor I am very grateful rest assured I will serve your cause with absolute dedication what is this place exactly it used to be a mining station I need more information on its history I will locate the central cogitate or it may be able to tell me more [Music] I found an area previously classified as a shrine that was sealed off all 2,000 years ago if this place used to be a sanctuary for puthur his followers must have walled off his most private chambers after he died or left and on my way there I have found the gate leading to those ancient corridors it is sealed [Music] great I wonder what I'll find inside station it is broadcasting on the inquisitor all those channels education is genuine [Music] this must be the right place looks like a tomb but it is empty if these etherion slayed their leader to rest here there is the body don't try my patience Tech priest even the bones are missing I'll take a look around I have found proof that this place was raided by an inquisitorial team they took away who those remains why the survivors suspected treachery that I know ship dispatched a team to the station I'll meet them halfway I am interrogator coat I you are in breach of code indigo protocols Inquisitor even the agents of the Holy Orders need a special permit into this area I must ask you to lay down your weapons and follow me into custody how dare you address me like this I will do no such thing interrogator my sincere apologies Inquisitor when I must follow my orders you have left me no choice kill him [Music] let's pick up where we left off shall we ladies Inquisitor I was only following the orders of Inquisitor Flavius Dragan why would an Inquisitor send agents against other inquisitors my orders were extremely specific to Inquisitor Drake and remove the body buried in this too he served up a team to monitor the station and act immediately if the area's breached Inquisitor Flavius Dracon took away the remains where can I find this man last time we had contact he was preparing for a special assignment the Conclave must have records on his mission trust me I'll find him [Music] we have a message for you Inquisitor and the coordinates of a world in the sub-sector I have received your request Inquisitor I would strongly recommend that you provide more details on the background of your inquiry next time still I see no harm in disclosing the current whereabouts of Inquisitor Drakon your fellow agent is currently doing the emperor's work on a world consumed by the flames of the war against chaos a whole planet cleansed with blood they could surely use the help of other inquisitors how am I supposed to find an Inquisitor in the middle of a war zone [Music] my own [Music] then I will requisition that take attention Guardsmen Inquisitor taking command at ease commander awaiting your orders Inquisitor by the powers vested in me I hereby requisition your vehicle take me through the enemy lines to the command center yes Inquisitor with an agent of the holy orders among us we have nothing to fear [Music] I have arrived too late the enemy has already captured the command center there must be some evidence of what happened to the defenders I'm on my way I'm at the communications center I'll check the logs the last few box messages the situation is very grave the traitor Marines have destroyed the defenses I even found a knight on the list of casualties the traitors took prisoners I'm going to rescue them there is still hope that someone has information about Drake the prisoners are still alive and brainwash them into servitude they will pay for this praise the Emperor you have saved a soul from a terrible fate Inquisitor I'm only doing the Emperor's work I must find an Inquisitor Dracon is he here Inquisitor Dracon had to make a decision and he made it with a very heavy heart when he realized that the city could not be saved but the rest of our world still has a fighting chance he has returned to his fortress is keeping the main Kaos forces occupied until reinforcements arrived [Music] Ambrose Terre doc the pilot of the crimson wanderer at your service well that sir you are a free blade aren't you the lonesome warrior reporting for duty sir Tara doc roaming the sector fighting our enemies and aiding the helpless that the traitorous scum really destroy your night they had something more obscene in mind but that would have taken longer and I know in my heart that the crimson wanderer is still waiting for me in the hangar I must reach dragon's fortress immediately you need to cross the city to get there and it has become a ruined battlefield crawling with armies of monstrosities but don't lose heart Inquisitor the true gifts of the Emperor come at the most unexpected moments what do you have in mind sir kara doc this is a quest worthy of the crimson wanderer I will take it upon myself to fight my way through the battlefield and clear your way to the fortress [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the fortress is under siege the gates have been destroyed and I see signs of heavy fighting streaking then I will find you without delay [Music] inquisitor that's what I call perfect timing did the Conclave send you now I came of my own volition after all you tried to have me killed ah you must be the one who sent my interrogator fleeing the time of reckoning is come is it not it seems so do you want to execute me we make it look like I perished during the battle that's what I would do I don't doubt it at the moment I only want to talk to you bragging about ultra Tiberius you really chose the most untimely moment to interrogate me I'll make sure that you survive and I'll get my answers after that sounds reasonable I'll take care of this side you deal with the rest is ready [Music] [Music] Susan anniversary do you want to know that if the Tiberius he removed his vestiges from his - and you set up a kill team to protect the secret I want to know what all those remains are you are looking for other sacred vestiges but you seem to have no idea which of deep inquisitive bacon I've been following the trail of over Tiberias for a very long time believe me on the margin could have grave consequences for the impaired so talk to me who visited earth is sacred one Street I didn't realize he must be the one our mutual friend mentioned my sincerest apologies I thought he was mistaken where are mermaids the tomb wasn't security the guardian of the corpus became weak and all made to make a hard decision they did transfer the sacred vestiges to a safer place his name in transit and find the coordinates of longitude [Music] [Music] [Music] Inquisitor we have arrived at the coordinates you gave me where are we captain honestly I have no idea this moon doesn't appear in any imperial records although it houses an ecclesia [ __ ] 'they drool anything else they should be aware of our argos keep picking up disturbing walk signatures from this segment of the void however there is an imperial fortress defending the cathedral it could hold the answers you need noted I will explore the area first a moon that has been erased from the archives also it is right in the vicinity of a warp anomaly which shelters the Cathedral from any psychic divination a clever hiding place indeed it could also mean the do those followers have considerable influence in the Conclave who is transmitting I'll look into it by the grace of the Emperor an inquisitorial agent at last in my darkest hours I almost believe that you had abandoned us who are you and what happened here I and I am sinner sinners we all were we brought this upon us we should have never have brought the holy relic to this forsaken moon could you be more specific priest you don't have to worry Inquisitor will alway through proper mind cleansing rituals rest assured I don't remember the name the imperial safety at least that information is still secure who gave you this assignment a most revered ancient of the holy orders he never told us his name when did the filth of chaos arrive when the Asian acre engines first manifested problems I begged my brother's to seek assistance from the cult mechanicus but they didn't listen and then the rotten stigma flared up the Machine started to slow down and suddenly the moon was teeming with these accursed traitors where are they I'm afraid they have entered the Cathedral but I can tell you the whereabouts of a secret entrance you must stop them you should go to my ship my oath prevents me from leaving this place Inquisitor but I'll stay in contact with you all along the way [Music] [Music] you have all super blessed machines stop those creatures before they destroy the evidence what kind of machinery would that be in other words I must not let the Black Legion destroy the teal heart is there anything I should know about these sacred machines you mean besides being swallowed by the warp surge [Music] [Music] stay alert and keep me updated it was the incoming vessel is transmitting inquisitorial of education codes tell them that you have engine malfunctions I'll deal with them later you only wish creature [Music] the rest of the traders must still be in the main engine room I'm on my way they are destroying the Inca machines the machines have been seriously damaged [Music] I'm returning to my ship to deal with another urgent matter are you ready to join me the inquisitorial ship is in orbit around the moon if we don't surrender they will purge my ship on charges of heresy I don't understand I've already warned them that we have an Inquisitor on board I will talk to the Inquisitor in charge what are you going to do I can't engage a ship belonging to the Holy Ordos the Inquisition is a colossal organization with several factions it must be an unrelated operation it happens they must be investigating the war but normally they have dispatched a dropship to the cathedral as we speak interesting maybe it is not about the anomaly but Luther's vestiges I'll return to the moon [Music] you are truly blessed with zeal encouraged I have no choice but to recover that relic before catastrophe strikes [Music] [Music] Inquisitor you are interfering with my mission I must command you to leave I shall not you will surrender and I will take the vestiges your methods make a mockery of our sacred doctrines I seriously doubt it my investigation has been sanctioned by the Conclave since the earliest stages allow me to rephrase it for you it has been sanctioned by Lord meld or the Lord mal door is currently facing serious accusations he is a man of grand illusions and questionable decisions we simply cannot allow a relic of such importance to fall into the hands of someone who contradicts the purity of our dogma I will not allow you to take this relic this is my mission this is my fate you have left me no choice Inquisitor [Music] so this is the tomb of somewhat underwhelming where's his body may the emperor give you strength brother I see festering nightmares walking the decks bloated bodies swollen with foul corruption creatures had no longer feel pain the martyr is in danger I must return immediately Inquisitor we have returned to the coordinates of the martyr I'm afraid there have been some troubling developments explain captain we have detected a void ship in the service of chaos near the martyr sensorium data shows that earthers monastery is teaming with the forces of Nergal this is not a raiding party but a full-scale invasion Inquisitor what is your plan the martyr has become an infested warzone I cannot open up the stasis chamber of the moment it would be too hazardous I will deal with nerville's filth first [Music] [Music] trust me we will soon regret coming here thanks to its shielding you can do nothing that would on the chamber emergency communication protocol active inadequate interface it is an honor talking to you spirit of the machines the thinner and allows is stirring what has been ensnared will be set free you are speaking in riddles I must know more every we'll concealed drains energy from the arcane technological security fluid the prime steel still contains the most powerful entity the thing the thing in the Wolves a demon that hunts the martyr alpha subject is in danger system shutdown in progress [Music] all of those decisions nice to meet his research if you gave me the key that was all you could offer freak show letter chamber to save this nobody don't succumb inquisitive Kilis well let me die I wasn't planning to negotiate with you creature but I always enjoy watching how your kind tries to lure victims with such weak I said we should stick to our traditions are you alright what happened to you I have failed the Emperor twice first I couldn't kill all of them secondly I let them take me alive come with me to the stasis chamber with the seals corrupted the whole ship is danger as far as I know some of them are still in tucked in a generator I'll guard that area to buy you some time the emperor be with you join me in the stasis chamber when you are finished I'm approaching the stasis chamber again give them no quarter are you prepared for what is to come I see that you have gained some control over these vessels the thing in the loss is a trapped presence that has been haunting the module for centuries I have been fighting it but now with the seals broken it could be free I will take care of this thing in the walls whatever it is I am ready to use the rosette on the psychic barrier Megos are you certain that this won't have grave consequences [Music] do you have any idea what she could be but that wasn't supposed to happen what exactly does that mean are you telling me that by opening the barrier I have unleashed that thing trapped on the ship now make the necessary preparations on the ship then before I answer doctor amigos what do I have to do to wake up the Alpha pariah from who will take a look at it first with those experiments serious origins of the pariah the prophecy I have bad feelings about this I need more information [Music] [Music] I don't really have much time a dose extremely disturbing to all energies indicates a greater manifestation [Music] [Music] Emperor grant me strength during my greatest battle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she has banished the greater demon are you certain about that this changes everything Inquisitor and with the greater demon gone part of a chaos guard has been destroyed forever soon she will be the most sought after individual in the galaxy [Music] who are you we're Emily I am an Inquisitor of the holy Ordos I've been looking for you for a very long time you are safe do you know who you are I don't know I don't remember did I just kill this creature you are the greatest weapon in the history of mankind and you need to be protected at all costs I can sense the power in me but I can't control it what is happening to me believe me you are special you can change the future of the Imperium for better or worse [Music] foster I'm what are you doing with her accept my apologies my mentor we all have our roles to play and you're fulfilled your destiny now she needs my protection open that door now don't you see that there is no one you can trust Puritans or radicals they are nothing but babbling fools they would kill her or lock her away without using her powers for the Imperium they cease heresy this is what Ruth the Tiberias wanted I will protect her until she can fulfill her true potential trust me the day will come when she leads our glorious armies into the war you have no power over this ship quite the contrary while you were away I convinced the Machine spirit that it was for this exact turn of events but Ruth er created it you will die out there I'm ready for the sacrifice it takes the Emperor protects acquisitive now you should leave DIC Rees I want a location for Foster [Music] [Music] [Music] Inquisitor you have returned what happened I found the Alpha pariah she is the weapon that could be our salvation or our total destruction and I had to let her go the martyr is preparing to enter the warp is the Alpha pariah dead the alpha pariah is very much alive she's still under hoofers protection in a way what happens now I have a strong suspicion that we have not heard the last of her she has a grand destiny to fulfill but I swear by the Emperor should she turn against what I hold sacred I will destroy her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Game Movie Entertainment
Views: 937,646
Rating: 4.7783327 out of 5
Keywords: cutscenes, movie, german, deutsch, film, gme, warhammer, 40k, 40000, inquisitor martyr
Id: R5D3mDuEieg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 6sec (9846 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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