How Orks Saved my Life! ...Yes Really!

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all right internet you keep telling me just to make videos on stuff I love and you'll watch it regardless so today I'm talking about something that I love very very much Orcs no not those not those and not even those these these based silly green skins from England's greatest tabletop Financial sink Warhammer 40K 40K Orcs are my absolute favorite take on green skin orkoid and Goblin white races in fantasy to sum them up they're an anarchal semi-capitalist society that are made for fighting and winning literally fighting for Orcs is a physical need like food water or sleep as they're a biological Weapon made by god-like space frogs to fight Egyptian terminators God I love the setting so if Orcs don't fight they literally become obese and die but fighting for 40K Orcs isn't just axes Spears and headbutts to nose Bridges either sure they got their choppas stickers and such but Orcs in the setting have one thing that makes them stand out to all other Orcs And fantasy the best take on diesel Punk that I've ever seen and this is just what I adore about them you don't mix as they're called create some of the biggest and dumbest guns Vehicles Walkers and robots that just man look at these things I freaking love it more specifically the Orcs take on the genre of Mecca are so unique and fun that I can't help but collect all of them Killa cans death dreads not stompas and darkens it's like metal slick and Gundam when added on top of a DD table in fact I love or Mecca so much my very first kit bash was a Space Marine tactical War suit that I looted into a raw suit complete with multiple magnet options for weapon swapping yes I am that much of a nerd now if you've been around my channel for a while you've already seen hint of my horrible hyper fixation from the handful of cultural analysis videos I did on the Orcs And The Tau but I don't think you understand just how insane my love of these tus fungus people are wait Tusk fungus people huh anyway I've got a lot of Orcs And by a lot I mean I have almost every orc model from the core 40K game either painted assembled or unassembled don't look at me like that I'll get to them eventually over a hundred boys be snag is a plenty every single funny buggy battle wagons Mech guns docket Jets stompas knots cans dreads bunkers and workshops I even committed the greatest sin of cringe by creating my own unique orc OCS with a backstory the size of War and Peace nestled deep within my Noggin but I know some of you are very very curious to hear the backstory of this guy so let me sum it up in one sentence through gorgon glitzstock and is instantly regrowing teeth gork and Mork thought it'd be absolutely hilarious if they ruined capitalism and this is just the official stuff I haven't even begun to talk about all the third party orc stuff I got chromlike puppet sword gear guts modular not only do I have a lot of brand new flavors of orki Ingenuity but I'm also ankle deep in building a full-on space Samurai orc Army because of course I did remember who you're talking to here also if you forever looking for a sponsor dude I don't even want money just throw a guard get at my face and we'll call it Square however before anyone one accuses me of throwing adulting to the wind and reinforcing satire Comics created by out of touch conservatives firstly mind your own business secondly a huge amount of these models were gifted to me by some of the most insanely kind people from my streaming Community who have thrown massive amounts of high-priced plastic and resin in my face because they knew it would make me happy so I just wanted to say thank you to the kind heart of people who bullied me with kindness you know who you are and yes these brutal warmongering cannibalistic violent fungus people do make me very happy because despite these aforementioned adjectives not only did these funny green boys essentially save my mental health during covid they also reinforce some of the greatest life lessons that everyone should consider every day you were at this point you might very logically be asking Gaijin how do a sentient fungus obsessed with fighting guns and brutality make for good life coaches well honestly it comes from their simplistic views on life in lore Orcs are the most content race in the Galaxy the entire Milky Way is at war with itself and while the space humans space elves space dwarves and space socialists lament about it space Orcs are having a grand old time they just want to do one thing fight and that's all that anyone is doing they're also basically immune to Temptation by space demons from the hell that is the warp because they don't need anything more than what they already have in fact it was a space elf philosopher named utham the perverse who stated the Orcs are the Pinnacle of creation for them the great struggle is one they have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst who are we to judge them we Eldar who have failed or the humans on their road to ruin in their turn and why because we sought answers to questions that an orc wouldn't even bother to ask we see a culture that is strong wrong and despise it as crude but there's actually eight specific life lessons that orc Society revolves around that honest to God has saved my mental health as a content creator and as an individual caught up in the nightmare shellscape that is social media yes I'm being very serious in an age where we're bombarded with seeing the best of everyone's life of beautiful people on tropical vacations artists who crank out masterpieces at the age of 12 and where likes are attributed to self-worth the philosophy of these marauding goofballs actually holds the key to unshackling ourselves from depression poor self-esteem and anxiety lesson one be Crave in the world of 40K the Imperium of man believes all their old Tech is just the best thing ever because they were made when the Imperium was at its peak therefore if someone was to suggest that I don't know a Lehman rust tank would work better if it had a more advanced engine or gun they would be executed for Tech heresy obviously this has led the Imperium to a much larger state of stagnation than it already was but is a concept that the Orcs wouldn't give two squirts of a squigg's drops for as previously stated Orcs builds some really insane crap smash of guns that use tracking beams to pick up and Smash down enemies bubble chukkas that launch weaponized force field bubbles a wormhole gun that teleports frenzied goblins into crowds and even a rocket Hammer that has a warhead attached to it all these are incredibly unstable but highly effective weapons that have come from the orc imagination when Orcs get an idea they try it because why not if it doesn't work sogit try something different but if it does work then get the boys and go krumping while the Imperium is hyper obsessed with their past success and never evolve from technology or ethics from that time Orcs aren't Shackled by anyone else's concept of success except their own even then Orcs in different occupations bicker back and forth about what method is the best way to fight some say big choppers some say big Shooters but to the individual it just doesn't matter orts think create and do based on their own creativity and perspective and this has been the best lesson Orcs have taught me for those of you who have been around for a while you'll know that I got my big break on the game theorist where I would get millions of views per upload where now on my own channel I get a fraction of that much like the imperium's obsession with past success for a long time I was obsessed with trying to get back to that viewership size that I used to have which did nothing but stagnate my thinking and stress me out but after I stopped caring about numbers and just created in the way that I wanted to create I was infinitely more happy like this video for example there's no cultural analysis here no hot takes on Japan but screw it this video is my personal shock attack gun of YouTube and if I Wormhole the crazed snottling into a six-digit view count then we did it boys if not try something else the same lesson could be applied to anyone try not to obsess over the past or what works but now doesn't try something new create what inspires you even if other people think it's dumb who cares about them this is for you and the people who you think will love it do it for them listen to don't be what you use eight within orc Society all the odd Boys The Specialist Orcs that make up all these specific occupations have a genetic inner understanding of that which they do Orcs are not taught how to practice their occupation they simply realize that one or two things that they're really really good at and love usually revolving around fighting and to vote every waking moment to bettering themselves in that field orc mechs constantly work to make bigger and badder Contraptions orcapane boys find nothing greater in life than learning how orc physiology works sometimes leading to the disastrous and other patients run herds find no greater Glee than sharing orc Legends pass down the generations as well as brutally raising and hurting stylings and grotz even the humble Brew boys want nothing more than the ability to make a better fungus beer they don't try to be anything they aren't and orc Mech boy doesn't try to be a run herd and a pain boy never tries to be a brew boy they discover what they're good at and then hone in on it likewise we humans in the real world have multiple examples of this mentality the Epitaph of the grave of the famous American poet Henry Charles Bukowski Jr reads don't try within Chinese taoism there's a great philosophy of non-doing called Wu way the idea here isn't not to try to do anything but it's the concept of not putting effort into anything that doesn't come naturally this in my opinion is the secret sauce to success in life for example throughout my career there have been a lot of people telling me that I need to make certain kinds of content I've been around since 2013 and I've had a lot of these people tell me that I need to be on camera more follow certain Trends get rid of little G make prank videos make my specific brand Focus only around one game or franchise and in some cases by not doing this I've actually lost friends and I've lost a lot of work I mean you want a little Insider secret not making certain kinds of content is why I'm no longer with the game theorist but that's because I learned that trying to do or be something that you're not is both a waste of time and impossible to maintain I could follow Trends and be successful people talking about things I personally don't care about but the majority does but you guys the people who watch everything that I put out would know it and be disappointed by it rightfully calling me out for not doing what I actually care about but I'll tell you what gang the exact same could be said for all of you as well I firmly believe that everyone is good at something big or small the problem I think a lot of people are facing is that they either don't know what they're good at yet they're not sure how to make that into a job or they're trying to be something or do something that they're not because someone else more popular or successful is doing it and they want in on it don't fall for these traps do what the Orcs do as you grow up or even after you've grown up think long and hard about what you love as well as what you're good at if you can focus your mind onto these things you'll find a great amount of happiness in life I personally was really lucky I learned at the age of 18 that I was put on this planet to be a cultural bridge between the US and Japan from talking to Big groups of people to intimate one-on-one conversations and I've accomplished that goal several times over through different methods studying abroad teaching abroad doing YouTube I figured out what I loved and what I was good at and I never tried to be something I'm not so don't waste your time trying to be something that you aren't give yourself a lot of time to figure out what it is that you love and are good at and then zero in on that with all of your energy where they end up being a Mech boy or a run herd you're gonna be happy with life lesson free grope everyone the same now this one might seem a little bit odd considering Orcs want to fight and Crump everything in the known proxy including themselves but in a way I think that makes them one of the most unhateful races in the setting Orcs don't have a beef with anyone specifically they just want good fights Orcs don't go out of their way to slaughter one specific race in the galaxy in fact many times Orcs will completely ignore Villages and towns of common folk because there's no fight there then just want a good scrap and if you give them a good scrap half the time they'll respect you for it the biggest baddest Orc in the Galaxy gas cool mag urukthraka released a human commissar named yarrick From Slavery because he consistently gave gazzy good fights in a way this is a superb life lesson though better taken from the other side of the spectrum Orcs don't hold grudges because it's a waste of time and can keep you from finding good fights in the same vein holding grudges and hate with specific people does nothing but waste our own energy and either keeps us from doing something more productive or limits our experiences with other people in the world look there are a lot of people in this industry of content creation that I just don't care for but I don't Harbor any hate for them because it does nothing but waste my time and energy I don't care what some other Shady online personality did shut up it's distracting me from making my stupid cultural analysis videos if you hold on to grudges and true hatred then you're gonna miss out on some of the biggest metaphorical scraps you ever had and you're you're going to regret it lesson 4 don't be a boy to me as I said before Orcs are constantly trying new things new weapons new vehicles new Contraptions and in the blood X cases new tactics I mean orc Mech boys will continuously be inspired to create new technological wonders to crump their enemies with and more often than not though these will actually backfire and blow up in their face but they don't care no orc fears death itself only a death that had no flare style or meaning and if they do end up succeeding then they and their new tech become Legends so one of the last things that my grandfather told me before he died was to quote be Reckless and in the moment it felt kind of weird I mean I still remember the look of my mom's face after hearing her father tell this to me with the biggest smile on his face but 13 years later I think it was the best piece of advice I ever could have received in my career it was a massive risk for me to dump a bunch of time and energy trying to create a YouTube channel and twitch stream years of work went into its creation before I I ever earned a penny and even before I started doing this for a living it was a huge risk for me to go to college to study Japanese and Asian International relationships there wasn't exactly a big market for those skills at the time man God everyone in Academia told me exactly what I should do and all of it was low risk and cookie cutter but by taking all these specific risks I'm doing what I know that I'm here to do now I'll be the first to admit that there is a huge amount of luck that went into my massive success here on YouTube and on Twitch but as my father always tells me busy people get lucky and if I never took these risks despite the potential devastating outcomes and kept busy I wouldn't be anywhere close to where I am now look I'm not telling you to metaphorically make a brand new custom mega blaster and purposely have it blow up in your face there is such a thing as risk assessment but a life without risk is a life without success be like those orc mechs and go try something daring lesson five don't stop trying to get and even if you fail keep trying one of the most beautiful things about Orcs is that as they say they've never beaten if an orc wins a fight then congratulations boys wheeze did it but if they lose they went out doing what they love doing fighting and if they ran away well all that means is they get to come back and Crump another day with a different approach maybe more DACA or wrangling a Giant Squig off it's such a basic life lesson but when I think we ignore all the time there's a concept A lot of us YouTubers use called failing faster it's the idea of failing as fast as you can so you can quickly see what works and what doesn't what visuals work what writing Works what upload time does better than others I contextualize it as a YouTuber strategy but really it's applicable to anything the faster you fail at what you're trying to do the faster you'll learn about what not to do really failing is far more important than success because rarely do you learn anything from success the Imperium of man for example fail because by being the unmatched power in the Galaxy for tens of thousands of years they haven't and refuse to try anything new which as we've already mentioned has led them to do nothing but stagnate technologically and philosophically Orcs they lose all the time but they keep trying new stuff until they do win and even if they never win they keep trying new ways of fighting all I can say to you everyone is keep trying to find new ways to fight lesson six follow the boss work Society is very very simple the biggest and the strongest lead the Oracle takes on every single Challenger and wins is deemed the war boss of a tribe or even their own wah and Orcs have zero problems with this to them the biggest and the strongest boss logically will bring them to the biggest and best fights such as the single thing that all Orcs want it just makes Hogan sense to follow the biggest boss now on the flip side one of the greatest failures in Real Life Society over the last 30 some odd years is that we've all been told since birth not to be a follower but a leader that each one of us is special and destined to do something great by ourselves this of course is not only horribly untrue but it's incredibly dysfunctional now you might think that's a counteractive point to what I've said above but all I've said is to find out what you're good at and pursue it with all haste I never said you had to do it by yourself or that you alone could be the only Master of the thing that you're good at there's nothing wrong with following a leader and working as a group whether it be working under a supervised advisor on a project under a team captain we're under a parent trying to keep a family healthy in most cases these people are in those positions because their experience and understanding have put them in those places yet our society has told us over and over again that all of us have to be leaders we all have to be supervisors we all have to be team captains and we all have to be our own authorities because to follow someone else shows weakness I think that is one of the stupidest things to come out of our generation and I'll give you example of what I'm talking about most people think that my job of doing YouTube has all been about my decisions my efforts my skills and so on but nothing could be further from the truth when I worked under the game theorists I was part of a team sure I made content from my own ideas but Matt was our team leader and he was a damn good one he taught me so much about working as a content creator he introduced me to all kinds of connections and people he taught me how to create better videos but I still had to answer to him and trust me there were a lot of times where we absolutely disagreed but I trusted him as a leader and it's paid off even to this day in fact I actually missed those days when I was part of a team I do everything myself now scripting recording editing everything and while sure I have complete creative control I legitimately think my best work was done when I had a team to work with I honestly think we just like the Orcs need good leaders and guidance but lesson seven Bad Bosses get crooked don't be a Mindless lemming for his lacking in intellect as Orcs are and trust me they are the dumbest race in the Galaxy even they know when to get rid of a bad leader the position of War Boss is a double-edged sword sure you have an entire wall of thousands of orc boys to tell what to do and where to go but if you're not taking them to the biggest and best fights it's only a matter of time before someone steps up and crumbs you because they think they can do it better all Orcs follow bosses but all Orcs have ambition each one very much willing to challenge leadership when leadership is obviously terrible and in orc Society leadership changes constantly so too do I think that we should keep an eye out for bad leadership if someone sucks at leading and everybody knows it call them out on it a good leader should always be open to criticism and be willing to change now you 40K fans might be saying but Gaijin Orcs are one of the most stubborn races in the Galaxy War bosses usually have to be killed off in order for new leadership to Blossom which is true except for one the aforementioned Gaskell magroxraka not only has he openly admitted to being wrong in the way that he handled doors of Armageddon he admitted that he was wrong about his Goblin grot Makari and if you know anything about Orcs you know no orc would willingly admit to being wrong with a grot but this is why he's held the title of War Boss longer than any other organ history good leaders need to understand and change when they make mistakes and if they don't listen to you and the boys then they needs to go find someone worth leading or if you have the chops and will to do it be a leader yourself I know this has been a really weird video especially coming for me but it's been a weird last couple of years I've been fighting my own issues of mental health and stagnation to a point of actual depression and needing the help of a therapist but if I'm being totally honest I owe my mental health to these little green dorks not only has building and painting these boys help create an environment of dopamine detoxing away from analytic pressure and performance anxiety that YouTube brings they've reminded me and continue to remind me of what's important in life and I don't know I guess I hoped by listening to me Hyper fixate on this new tabletop Obsession I have now maybe these boys could help you in the way that they helped me but hey either way if you made it this far in the video man thanks for watching and listen to me ramble this is a video that I've been wanting to make for a very very long time but since it's got nothing to do with Japan or cultural analysis I was worried it was just going to perform poorly and spiral my search ability into nothing but screw it man you gotta be like them works and just do what makes you happy and say so good to everything else so thanks for letting me have a break on this one everyone and be on the lookout in the next week or so for actual cultural analysis videos I got a lot of hot takes on Japan that I don't think you're going to want to miss such as Japan being a country of pure liminal space or that Oda Nobunaga the demon king of the sixth heaven was actually the most level-headed of the three great unifiers of Japan but in any case until next time everyone this is Gaijin Goomba signing out
Channel: Gaijin Goombah
Views: 167,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer40k, warhammer 40k orks, orks, warhammer orks, orcs, tabletop, gaijin goombah, which ninja, which samurai, culture shock, mental health, life lessons
Id: KeTWGUhUl9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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