The Story of ROGAL DORN

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I was there Unholy Terror I was there when we almost fell I'm here to see you all rise I have seen a thousand times before her names will be engraved on Golden Plates as old as our home run the names you bore before your Ascension to the ranks of a hollowed Brotherhood and I'm gone [Music] no you will take a new name as I did I chose the loyalist now it shows Puritan and I chose human not for us the witch burnings of the black Templars not for us the Wrath of the righteous angel no we are the excoriators second founding we bled for Terra we were led by rogel Jordan himself my name is Demetrius catavalka you have earned your blood and pain the right to stand here Dawn and I walked these Halls long before his disappearance the organs are played here for a dozen millennia the song is out of History oh an honor my brother and friend Dawn knew the truth you two will learn it Here and Now when Dawn was cast into the walk by the vile ones If U through time and space he landed on a dead world a cold wound he landed on the glass didn't hateful waste that is inward and offers then when an office today nothing nothing save its people ferocious and proud Warriors to a man the cunning of negotiations outdone only by their cunning with the blade and only the stoic survived such a world a world filled with apex predators locked in a killing Embrace by its almost dead star if the cold doesn't get you the Beast will every moment on that world is a war and one must become an enemy of the world in order to survive one must learn how to cut what is costly to save the whole you must learn the traits that came to Define my brother dawn you must become stoic cold and honest no matter the brutality of the situation you must understand that the truly difficult decisions must be made where all will fail you must be able to bear that weight and what a terrible weight you came to bear and what grew long before the emperor came to be is not heresy it is fact the men and women bred by that code pragmatic World LED Allegiance built starships and conquered under their own Banner it was among these proud Noble Warrior Clans that a young rogal Dawn was raised just as the world of inward itself was divided by Perpetual nights and Perpetual day so became Dawn and now legendary tactics of rogal dawn were taught in basic form by his adopted grandfather of that world as Dawn LED those ice-born Legions forth he carried with him the lessons he had learned from those Clan leaders lessons carried forth on the Winds of legend by generations of bitter Edge Warriors and their kitten with age came the refinement of the Warriors ought don't forged ships and weapons beyond the imaginations of the Inwood natives those ships and weapons were amassed into perfect Legions by Dawn when the Splinter fleets of the great Crusade arrived 40 years after his adopted grandfather's death Dawn Stuart as the figurehead of the Inuit Legions his ship the phalix now a vessel of dread in a legend was the meeting ground between the emperor and Dawn [Music] Dawn's loyalty to the Emperor as Devotion to Justice and righteousness was wrought an iron from the first moment the meeting aboard the phalanx the emperor introduced the astartist Adorn a thousand soldiers who came to encapsulate the best of his streets pragmatic tactical and willing to be the last Soldier standing the last rock against the tide a loyalty and devotion that still resonates through the Imperium to this day though Dawn was the seventh of the rediscovered primarks he stood High amongst their ranks from the first moment as time went on as we carved our place amongst the damn Stars rogodorn's tale was being forged in the light and steel so profound was his faith so in faltering his loyalty that to this day unless mccrack sends a statue of your Gene father shoulder to shoulder with his brother Gilman that statue still stands today crowned by an iron Halo forged from the fragments of a thousand blades from a thousand worlds blessed are those Souls who Journey To see such a hollowed statue blessed are those who kept the memory of my best friend alive to this day have you ever heard the words that rogeldorn spoke to the 300 magistrates do not look at us for kindness do not look to us for hope we are the rocks of its foundation if you wish to Hope and look to what we make if you wish for kindness then look at those who will come after us do you understand do you see the burden that he carried even in those early days the Imperial fists do not forget we do not forget the sacrifices of the humans on terror we the excoriators bear the weight of the sins of mankind we bear the fist of dawn just as The Descendants do we remain stoic or out and defiant the long gone are our days of waiting for war we do not build as Dawn built we fight as Dawn fought his brother Russ described him as Swift and unforgiving as the falling edge of an ax beneath that stone shell that Dorne wore reached a permanent storm he was consumed by the need to perform his duty and the need to be human a need which our Gene Brothers often forgot who if anyone thought has ever broken Dawn's heart broke when hearing a horse betrayal I was there I heard the words of Garrow and the other survivors of the Butchery of isron 3. I'll never forget that day so long ago aboard the failings after we saved the eisenstein from the clutch of the Walk Commander Gara of the death God had told Rocco Dawn told all of us in fact of The Butchery the depravity and when he proclaimed Commander Garo a traitor Garo saved us all for he was aboard the eisenstein he had seen firsthand the barbarism and he escaped to tell of the sights Dawn raised his voice for the first time and the room shook with it this is what you come to me with a convoluted story of drudgery and conspiracy amongst the emperor's Sons I know this is difficult to accept difficult I do not know what to make of you girl you carry yourself like an honest man but if you're not a traitor and a deceiver then you can only be possessed by Insanity girl heard the sound of blood rushing in his ears everything was going wrong falling apart around him he looked away look at me when I speak to you death God these lies you bring into my personal Sheamus they sicken and disgust me now you would dare to say such things about a hero of such matchless character as my brother Horus it vexes me beyond my capability for description how cheap you must hold your integrity to give up so easily I weep for my Darian the only reason I did not rip you limp from Olympia defamation is that I know my brothers will Reserve this pleasure for themselves Guru felt the decking turned a mud beneath his boots but he found the strength to carry on are you blind or did you say to me I asked if you were blind Lord because I fear you must be only one struck by such a terrible ailment could be as you are yours is the blindness that only a brother might have that of a king judgment clouded by admiration and respect clouded by your love for your Kinsmen Dawn broke before I go blink his blade was in his hand roaring instantly to life get to your knees and accept your death while you still have the chance to die like an astatus we believe that was the moment when Dawn would lose his composure I know I did but Kila that legendary remembrance her saved garrow's life the pain in her voice the raw human emotion had stopped Dawn's blade from striking Garrow down she had captured proof of the heresy scenes of depravity barbarism betrayal she saved Girl's Life and who can even guess how many more do you know why I told you that do you see where the fury of the black templos comes from don't doubt his only weakness was the truest gift of mankind love he loved his brothers especially Horus that rage came to be the main characteristic of so many of his fervent Sons Sons born from his Jean seed well that wrath has always been there harassed shared by his huskars those sainted bodyguards made by Dawn himself they alone know the depths of Dawn's pain they alone knew the tales of the man and I cannot say if their Tales still live on with a legacy the legacy is strong every world that an Imperial Fish visits each Stone raised in defense of the Imperium shell loaded with malicious intent they all bear the legacy of Dawn's stoicism the legacy of his belief in mankind but who else who else but Dawn's first Sons could have weaseld out the traitorous 20th who else were the first Captain archimus would have been bold enough to lead an attack against the 20th Zone Primark the alpha Legion believe themselves Untouchable and genius far more genius than anyone else it was their arrogance that saw their assaults on Pluto Veil it was Dawn's lack of arrogance that saw him succeed it was a various to overconfidence that saw him dead at Dawn's feet I believe more of dawn broke that day being forced to exec Justice upon another of his brothers the 20th had murdered so many had committed acts of terrorism subversion and Hate doing couldn't forgive that he couldn't forgive the treachery the base inhumanity of it all he struck down our various killing his own brother terrible ghost a cost and Only the Strong can bear it was after this that he and his sons returned to our home to Terror I will not go in detail about every single Stone laid in defense of thy world I will however do away with a pathetical lie often told about my best friend Dawn did not gladly hide the odds and hair into our Homeworld having to hide Humanity's achievements behind Pharaoh crates and Pulaski was not a happy chore to him he knew that in order to ensure Humanity's ability to create more works of art Humanity must first survive so we hidden those frescoes and panels of mastercrafted gold he hid those statues and monuments because he knew that to live in the lights one must sometimes prepare divide in the dark a million and more guns were raised in place by Dawn and his first Sons but I know that he resented being put in that position but again you bore thou weight he knew the cost as the war spread like a cancer towards Terror and then eventually unto the very walls of the sanctum imperialis itself Dawn prepared to enact the Justice brought by the 20th once more however thanks to their schemes of the wolf Dawn and several dozen others were teleported to the wrong end of horse ship they were forced to fight forced to carve their way to that final Dreadful place I cannot imagine the strength needed to see what he saw and was Dawn who found Horus sanguineous and the emperor the pain of seeing one brother dead and finding your father dying Wells Fargo Dorne could shoulder that terrible awful evil weight it was in the door's ear at the emperor's final words were spoken no one knows what he said now many have speculated it was rogeldorn who carried his father's broken body to The Golden Throne it was rogel Dawn who carried a god as he had once been carried as a boy on Inwood so very long ago I've heard rumors that it's up his dying father to replace that for cloak knowing that with his father's passing his Last Vestige of Youth had gone the years after the end of the great heresy now years of conflict strife doubt and guilt Dawn laid at his own feet the blame for the death of sanguinius the emperor and billions of humans though it was not his guilt it was not his lack of action that caused such awful events after Lord Gilman ordered all Legions to abide by the Codex astaties Dawn founded sense to expunge himself of that guilt he threw himself and his sons into the iron cage once again another of his brothers had decided to devote his life to slaying the innocent and it was in that trap that Dawn excoriated himself it was there that from him was what the guilt of Ages past each wound each Fallen son he'd shot fired into the iron Warriors Baroque Rocco from his self-made prison as he broke from the iron cage from the cage of his mind free of guilt free of regret the toils and trails of the weeks in the iron cage had remade him he had been forged in flames of suffering tampered in the blood of traitus and heroes alike Dawn was bowled from his iron tomb by Gilman for the Lord region feared that Dawn was to be killed by the iron Warriors and perhaps in his own way Dawn didn't want to die but he lived on he was free of guilt of the heresy but he fell keenly each death suffered by his brothers as more primarks fell or faded so grew as Tampa his Wrath many believe rogal dawned to have died by the blades of the First Crusade many believe he was simply overcome with grief and surrendered his life there's no proof of his demise other than his aunt that skeletal Relic scrimshawed and venerated by his sons I do not believe Dawn to be dead if I have proof of his life and will not share it but I have even less proof of his death I do not think he is dead I believe that he still brings judgment to the foes of the Imperium sailing on darker tides at the reaches of his father's Galaxy bearing that weight on shoulders that carry it shoulders their best scars from ancient Wars rogaldorn lives on in his son's Hearts lives on in the countless statues and works of art every brick and bolt lead against the foes of humanity as an act of dawn-like Purity he still lives on and always will he is the Imperial fist the bulwark The Shield that guards the innocent and you all of you hold within you the spark of his anger you hold within your twin Hearts the chill of the Winds of Inuit you bear the legacy of Humanity's truest son go forth into the dark of the Galaxy and spread the truest gift to our species as spread the blinding light of our father into the dark spread the flame of righteous unto The Wretched hives of the villainous for you are imperial fist you are the mountain that blocks the storm you are the excoriators you expunge from the fabric of reality the weakness of the Soul you forged in the fires of War a blade which carves out the cancer spread by chaos go forth and bear my friend's name with Bride for you are the sons of rogeldon and he lives on [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Warrior Tier
Views: 187,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iZ8IMdm6T9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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