WC3 - W3C S6 Finals - Quarterfinal: [NE] Foggy vs. XlorD [UD]

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hey another quarter final ladies and gentlemen the final best of three of the one-on-one tournament from here on out it's all gonna be best of five who's gonna be fly's opponent is it a rematch of fly versus x-lord we've seen that almost a year ago at wgl that are nettie's servers obviously ex-lord defeated insa foggy defeated neutron both 2-0 both very clean and now these giants clash the best player from the ukraine versus the best player from germany let's get it on mr remo demo i think it's actually wait ricky didn't didn't you want to cast or something let's get it on oh us i doesn't bother me if you want me in just tell me open the door and let me in if that means yes by the way okay a good good savory good save that's uh everyone you're casting you were supposed to right oh god i can't now i have to sing a song and then throw it to remo again cause that was happening okay who's casting with me now all right all right we have a keeper of the grove it's an incredible concealed hill it is our final best of three of the day one of these gentlemen is going home out of my house and this is my house i'm getting admin privileges in ward 3 champions after today after i cast this series with neo how are you doing my friend i'm super excited for the last series here i've casted foggy versus happy so many times so i'm glad to see him play another elite european undead so not too much of a cup player uh so it oftentimes is the case you see people playing happy and here in this case pretty much 50 50 at this point and then you see the same matchup but not against happy but against another player and foggy is just stomping so i wonder is that going to be the case here does x-lord stand a chance against one of the best knight air force undead players in the world yeah we interviewed foggy recently i believe last month under a month ago perhaps when he beat crab in the finals of dust league and he said no one quite feels like happy he's just way faster than everyone else and he's like you know his micro is just better he's cleaner his strategy's good he kind of destroys me in every fight so you have to find like workarounds but xor or perhaps the same mechanical level as foggy maybe you could say so maybe the strategy is there and the micros even perhaps foggy has quite a big advantage with all these uh best of fives now that he's been playing against happy oh yeah he's definitely very well practiced against that is axelot ready for this he of course knows what foggy is gonna be playing or should know at least he's watching a couple of these esl cup finals as their banger matches especially the ones that foggy wins a lot of hype going into that so what is the answer what do you even play where does this match up stand it's a little bit of the question we saw especially on this map couple of mountain giants but mountain giants are out of the meta so foggy what are your new solutions to this axe lord will you go back to gargoyle play are we with the absence of uh mountain giants going back to fiend play excellent here with a little psychological wind faking the coil foggy still detonating also great items plus the telestaff lots of action already yep and a good scout that whis did go down but the tree of life is now safe the ghouls were scouted and the death knight was scouted that means the tree of life can go up but export is coming down but the tree life is extremely safe next to the base no need to pull the whisk because they are right there for you foggy so straight life is going to get up at least it seems as though now unless the ghouls would march across the map right this second then i think this expansion will get up safely and that's the first step for this foggy style the the keeper demon hunter mask dryad expansion style it's the first step but for now oh and archer's surrounded but there's no dust of appearance was there one more whisper goes down the items are actually pretty spicy for axelord so far though exactly but what he's lacking is reveal is dust so this archer is safe he gets the turtle denies level three with that actually and he shouldn't get a skeleton that would be level three but axe xlr doing a decent job so far what is the play it is gargoyles i think that's a good choice on concealed hill especially and even against the style of foggy we saw dice doing it yesterday right that was dice and and the gargs were really really strong from crab i believe it was yeah it was crap against dice and you know he was trading so favorably with the guards because there's so many just uh triads early game and then garx can trade very very favorably we've seen happy do the same nice staff on the keeper though level three can go into the base especially if the tier three tech has already started which it may not be because of the guards kill an acolyte during that tech would be spicy for foggy but so far he finds no value from it to that five archers up so far demon hunter second is pretty much the norm especially in foggy's hands and here comes the keeper first arrest we got a couple of ghouls we got an arrow tower we got the dk with the staff as well so yeah bye bye jurass nice defense i like that keep it simple sells the slippers of agility still has nice items for his lich and the one thing foggy did accomplish there at least was scouting the guards he saw the two crips so he's going to be ready for that will he change anything up because of that scout probably not maybe you know he could go in earlier tier 3 tech perhaps because gargs of course are not really a timing based strategy they're more a a tempo based strategy you try to pressure you try to deal economic damage and you try to power creep the reds ideally so maybe foggy could go for that piercing early but we'll see what he decides to do we'll see if he gets the last hit here if he gets uh ghoul maybe dk and litch of course here coil nova is ready to snipe the ogres and the guards putting some pressure on the keeper but if they do some pressure on the keeper that means they can't put pressure on the expansion and that should come up relatively safe interesting approach by exo to keep on creeping but what's what's the decay without level three he's not a real dk i guess the wards as well which is going to be great to give a little bit of matte presence now that the lich is out with nova as well generally you'll see undeads go down and try to pressure this creep if the demon hunter gets this entire expansion creep to himself solo crept for that level two it's a very big advantage for foggy because he's so close to that level three none of the archers die that's coil nova that's why we see excellent coming down even with some ghouls if he can get a couple of archer kills this will be certainly worth it but the demon hunter has gotten all that experience already this is already a level 2 demon this is looking very good for foggy so far yeah axle was trying to get some last hits with garx but it's really hard and then he wanted to switch the focus to archers but the keeper was there with now the second entangle preventing nova into this group of artists was all clumped up but what he gets is a surround this is a little hard because the demon hunter is of course tanky lots of evasion lots of hp lots of coils thrown into that litch to get that surround closed and foggy has to swap the tp and that is delaying the expansion probably is still ghouls around foggy you need to rush over again after healing up yeah nice surround salvages a situation that could have gone very poorly for extort all things considered but at the end of the day he forces a town portal he gets an archer a wisp and he's gonna cancel the gold mine which is great because of course he's waiting for his tier three attack for those destroyers and he's trading off some ghouls that aren't gonna be too valuable later on he doesn't quite have the fighting force gonna get another archer that's really good thanks to the plus eight on the lich of course is helping out and this is a nice pressure from excellent wasn't afraid of the entangle brought the ghouls across lost some of them but he got a lot of value out of them riots are coming now so that's usually the sign of retreat for the undead doesn't want to deal with the poison doesn't want to deal with the slope to not lose additional ghouls to kinda or can use them later to tear down buildings and of course for creeping they're pretty good as well so exlord what do you actually do do you expand at some point or do you go tinker those are the two choices undead has against this expansion style yeah you can certainly go all in against the expansion when you hit tier three or you can go for that counter expansion for sure whereas with garg is probably more likely to see a counter expansion but at this point is it a little bit late perhaps after the tier three after you get that orb you could go for that counter expansion but fog is going to be ready soon enough with a decent anti-air force one side expansion to saturate actually forgetting about the wisp for a second foggy okay now he remembers we're pretty much on time but that's just a little bit of gold missing out all right an engine protector built in the base that's kind of new foggy always sets up very well defense at the expansion with moon wells with an engine of war with engine protector but so far pretty exposed demonic will be able to scout for the undead coming with that wind of illusion keeps the keeper away and that's also kind of weird because usually the keeper is roaming the keeper is in the undead's face and that buys the time for the demon hunter to creep i think he moved the keeper into xp range do you have to level three still quite a bit away should be able to just get it here it'll be yeah he'll be able to get it here and the ap is actually going to walk over from the main base thanks to that very early nature's blessing that foggy always makes sure to get of course for the trans and just for the static defense very very good and helps you get staffers too a lot of great things from nature's blessing nice surround from axle are gonna get the red camp kadgar's is incredible any of the auras is really incredible here for the garbage and for the heroes we'll see he already got a sobe mask earlier and now he's going to get how many of those have we seen today in the doobie two we saw like four man for the undead any of the auras eh this is the one which is of course crap as he got that already more darks destroyers coming against entangle against shrian's will still be happy about the gold can trade it for the orb oh he got the orb immediately okay potion of greater healing foggy what do you do now stuck on tier 2 for quite some time dryads only upgrades coming he got the nature's blessing he got ultravision and he got that ap over is he ready i don't think foggy can quite win a fight yet he's got to try to delay these guards are going to be great against these dryads when they're in small numbers like they are currently and the nuke is good the level three three on the lich and oh the surround is already there involved forced immediately maybe a mana burn falling back foggy not on point with his man burns quite yet there's the first one luckily uses it before he has to run away when that embalm is over the ap not fighting in range of it he'll scroll used x-lord having a great beginning of this fight i think so he's fighting into the ap now which of course is a little bit of area of effect the ghouls are falling rapidly against this but the gogs are raining supreme in the north how many of these schools can actually save one down two down three well soon i guess yeah there we go but the air force is still there trying to switch the focus a little indecisive by axolot maybe moving back and forth and not uh retreating fully or attacking fully that cost him some hp and some units he's got to be either 100 in or 100 out there and he was a little bit in between lost a few more units than he maybe should have but at the end of the day he kind of i guess just wanted to contest that red camp and he could get it if foggy gives him a minute last coil used before the mana burn comes in still a greater heal on that lich though so actually pretty safe with that secondary hero foggy no teleporter though only has little potions of healing and he doesn't have a sound for preservation it seems as though you have no way to stop excellent from getting this and he also gets the lionhorn that's a great item for the guards absolutely there's not too much damage in this army except for poison demon hunter again going a little rogue and now the guardsmen they are doing so much damage keeper all of a sudden has to use the potion here no tp anymore of course he used that earlier and all these giants man if the guards are in range and can't snipe once or twice or they might be dead so is the demon hunter the staff ready for the keeper foggy this game is in jeopardy this is scary he's gotta buy a lot of time has he been going tier three no staying on tier two massing dryads but of course no well spring upgrade no potential for bears so one the shop runs dry of potions which it may be now actually having bought a third i imagine recently he might be running out of ways to heal the demon hunter is half health gonna probably buy a heel scroll now is there an involve available okay there is the involved and heal school available i imagine foggy will get both and he is buying time pretty well and of course excellent cannot counter expand there's a wisp imposition for foggy excellent has to retreat but that is buying the necessary time for foggy this is what we see so many times when foggy is up against happy if happy is able to break that expansion somehow happy is winning the game that expansion stays up then foggy is winning the game and this is exactly what might be happening here are the trades so favorable that they make up for that second base i don't think so it is both players in upkeep so foggy is paying a lot of taxes but excellent as well here can't really afford a big army supply-wise it's kind of close but gap is widening yeah do you think currently the supply is fine for axle to fight into foggy because these guards are good but the upgrades are coming in as well that is a luxury that foggy can't afford heel scrolls involves upgrades eventually tier three tech you know static defense a lot of things foggy can get that xlr cannot so the supply does not tell the full story of course but so getting a lot of experience if you can get up to level five heroes and nuke becomes a real threat for foggy who has in the past been a little sloppy with his hero control that's the one thing he normally slips it up on is he getting a second staff yes he is inward potion as well double heel scroll next big consumable here axel are you ready to steal this might be a good engagement with the garx experience goes to foggy big involved potion really good catches the nova blocks himself a little but distract from that dryad one more snipe is enough for the kill the rest of the creep camp should go to excellent who now has a level four legend close to level five decay there's a three tech for foggy but more and more drives going down as you point out yeah the experience is definitely rising in the favor of ex-lord not even close to level four four is foggy still got those heel scrolls has lots of involves to save his heroes so at least that problem taken care of for the time being but now foggy has to buy time yet again just to get up to tier three and will he go into just pure dryad or will he go into triple wind is something you can do but you need to go full out and here comes a big push from excellent okay uh it's night time is over one destroyer up can get rid of entangle can get rid of treans and dust so these guards are tearing the dryads apart and fog you gotta be careful with that keeper here very very low but also the statue there's almost no region but there's almost no giants anymore foggy losing a lot in this nice positioning initially and there is no orb quite yet so i think a good timing for exor to fight right there the foggy splitting into two groups keeps that keeper alive low on moon juice yet again but the wellspring will come in and then perhaps a moonstone could help out foggy with that issue and we'll see again i asked the question is he going to go for just pure 80 supply dry as i guess that can't work but excellent still keeping the supply even he's going in for small trades he's investing all the mana but isn't losing too much and he's keeping the supply even despite being down a base this entire time even as the supply lead right now he's gonna kill another triad maybe even two that seems like the critical mass where one volley is enough to kill a giant that's super sweet that's the sweet spot of the undead army going for that keeper here has to pump the involved already one two drives down immediately but the demon hunter is taking care of that statue so actually not so there is still reach you in an axe lord on the back of things was building another acolyte so this is going to be an expansion on the high ground eventually yeah i feel as though he would have to expand like you say on the high ground if he goes back to creep his natural that's going to give foggy time to get up to 80 supply and he's going to have double orb kicking in now he's got one he's got a second shot but his expansion building which is something foggy always tries to do get that double orb immediately which is something i love the other red camp i believe this is three out of three reg camps yeah for axe lord so very nice creeping and now he's gonna go back and creep that expansion of his own but will it end up being a mistake i wonder but he's got he's probably got enough supply that he could honestly fight foggy even if foggy gets up to 80 85 supply at this point super cool play by excellent by the way he sniped the drake earlier with the garx as the anti-air is just so good and got the soapy mask for it so amazing items for that foggy now what do you do zeppelin drops no of course remo mentioned that earlier in the game against neutron he's in love with the zapper and what can he possibly blow up i'm in love with the sapper is that what i said what i heard your voice there yeah yeah a little bit very nice all right double zig oh one second one goes down the other one can be repaired x-lord 70 supply is not going to be that easy but it could have been even worse fast fingers by alfredo coco yeah very nicely defended that could have been an absolute disaster especially right before the expansion is saturated then foggy pumps up to above 80 supply potentially and breaks that expansion of x-lord it could be big but only one ziggurat definitely acceptable probably gonna need to build another necropolis anyway by that that uh natural expansion so very well defended and a huge investment from foggy who's still down in supply still doesn't have the second orb yeah still doesn't have two orbs yet exactly and maybe exot can go into upgrades anyway he has good gold he has good lumber would love to have that 2-0 maybe 2-1-1 foggy now with the panda third that's all the rage at the moment pandas are decent or carry at some point but of course drunken haze it's all about drunken haze in these fights when it's at 70 80 supply and excellent he has a lot to dispel at some point and triple orb is going to be great he waited to pick up the panda before the cooldown was over at that shot but he hasn't gotten it on the keeper i always talk about this but give me all those orbs man give me all those lords but yeah the drunken haze is going to be incredible to keep these dryads alive it could make the difference in these fights if the devourer magic is not quite their expansion is done for xlr who is going to saturate it with accolades not forgetting about that but it will take a little while before it fully kicks in can foggy find the edge for the first time i feel like in this game with the little bit of economic edge he still has left he scouted it he sees the expansion starting now and there's no transition to bear ah there it is i was waiting for it roar redo bear damage in general just way too good to skip it now and what do you think about axel playing this dual hero well he's got the crazy nuke which could of course if he nukes that panda down nukes that keeper down it's going to keep at least the panda levels very like once that pan against level 3 can be very tough for exor but if he nukes the heroes down with that five five it can be great and of course getting the aura level three to kite with the guards is not bad either but um yeah maybe the third hero could be decent a tinker against this amount of dryads isn't bad if we've seen we've seen happy do that but with garbs i guess it's understandable all right foggy going for a big push with lots of items lots of wisps we get an involved we got heal scrolls we got dub uh orb of course going for the demon hunter right away nuking him and will potion here drunken haze and look at the misses it's so much red everywhere drives are still falling demon hunter involved will last for a while guards are also disappearing quite quickly the heal score was big though and foggy's army down to 61 this expo is not kicking in but the narrow tower is soon to kick in and then foggy is in trouble i feel like x-lord as long as he has no drunken haze on these guards is tearing foggy a new one he's running away in supply level six on the dk now that's level three aura can ex-lord hold this mana super low d8 and panda not looking too healthy anymore here's the next nova the burns maybe not perfect game on the knife section yeah a couple of towers are helping out so much if these towers were not here for xor this probably would be breakable for foggy especially with that level two panda coming in 150 experience on that panda all from the fight that is an indicator of how many units have gone down but certainly more have gone down on the night out side of things ghouls are helping out a lot in this late game two gargs left but the two destroyers are pretty much all x-lord needs paired with these heroes currently what a game this is x-lord transitioning oh he wanted to transition from guards into fiends but switches it up once again main gold mines expired is that the moment where foggy is going for quote-unquote stale mate breaker high ground expansion definitely is excellent has the scout this actually has to prevent this and that's the tough tough tough task for the undead in that stage of the game yeah i feel like what foggy should be doing now is probably uprooting one of the shops uprooting his ancient protector from his natural expansion bringing it to that high ground and just holding he of course needs items from the shop which is why he's being aggressive right now but foggy just take the advantage on the high ground i feel is the best way to win this game of course excellent in the long run is gonna have more at his natural because 4.5 k to of course 11 000 for excellent at the natural but this high ground expansion is always the win condition in the late game and that's how foggy generally beats happy on this map but the guards are smartly scouting it and gonna cancel that gold mine in the meantime they're missing in that fight so the dryads reign quite supreme here demon hunter again catching some of the hits mana was burned lich is super close to level six by the way and then level three dark ritual that's nasty around town the heroes are trying to defend the gold mines smartly but maybe exxor could catch the panda or the keeper out of position with that massive nuke is always going to be a threat now for foggy to deal with needs involves needs to have the staff on point cannot slip up his hero micro one mistake from either player is going to cost this game definitely 2-2 upgrades for the dryads love to see the empathy is on especially armor upgrades so good to have more is it just he did make an attempt to go to bears but never followed through panda close to two that would then be breath of fire and there's no stone form it's only in research now yeah important for that drunken haze of course and to save against the haze fire but wasn't necessary before i suppose give you a little bit more micro ability with those guards but certainly wanted the masses this whole game 61 against 66 supply ap and shops still end up rooting for foggy who may have to give up this high ground unless he wants to fight right now but it seems as though he may want to buy a little bit more time healing up has a little bit of time because the guards cannot kill the tree of eternity so fast but it's at half health lich can easily oh there's no way spectre to repair has to get in here exlord moving away doesn't want to risk losing so many units dodge is that nice okay i don't want to level the demon hunter up too much you don't want to level up the pilot too much so retreating here and chipping away slowly but steady at the true eternity might be the right call while mining foggy has a few wisps in the shredder so he can always bring every single wisp to this tree of eternity to repair to mine now the gold mine is entangled has to be careful with the heroes one thing foggy is missing he only has one involved right now a coil nova would just kill this panda i believe he hasn't certainly would he has a mana potion foggy gotta be careful he has 15 supply more but his objective is this high ground expo and that's x-lord yep once these nukes so bad but that was the potion no wasn't it was just the stats used so the demon hunter has to get out he's not part of this fight level six lich excellent are you doing it now drunken hayes breath of fire is finally available how quick is the stone form he's looking that panda gets the coil but oh the lynch long distance nova so one hero in the base oh no he's actually not in the base he was snapped to the true of eternity where is the demon hunter actually maharaja was stabbing back to the moon walls i don't know where he is back in the fight now okay mana burn but too little too late coil nova uses still two novas left leo on the lift and the tree of eternity will fall if foggy retreats from this position and he's going to have to certainly i do not think he has the forces unbelievable from x-lord crazy patience once again he actually hasn't supplied it he was 15 supplied down just a minute ago panda of course uh five supply gone he's getting a lot of these guards now as well still said 57 again a step but he's here of eternity that's the downside of not expanding once again that's another euro kill level 7 gg x-lord with the lead this game of the day baby yeah really good game i think in the early extort squandered his time a little bit when he came for example towards the expo harass it seemed like he was there a little bit too late but again he reaches tier three he reaches his late game at 50 supply and he knows so well how to play it patiently and to look for his opportunities foggy didn't really over extend too much he didn't mess step too much but he made some macro mistakes he was hovering at 700 lumber for a long time and didn't get enough dried upgrades if you're staying on tier 2 for a long time which you have to do you need to pump out those dried upgrades he got one o fast the one one was a little bit delayed and then he was stuck on one one for a really long time at some point he got two two but that was way too late by the time you're tier three you want to start the 3-2 upgrade the 3-3 upgrade otherwise those triads aren't going to be that good of course when they got 2-2 they were pretty decent but they were stuck on low upgrades way too long which is something that uh foggy doesn't mess up usually yeah pretty big decision too like the nuking on the demon hunter and then he actually staffed back home and then he has to walk all the way back to the middle expansion and ex-lord totally took advantage of that like no demon hunter in this fight because you didn't stop him because you can't because this is your tree of eternity that was a huge uh advantage that xlr took uh took full advantage of if you want to use the same word twice but uh yeah it was it was a really good uh play from xor just to be aware of that and then fight without the demon hunter and then the insta nuke on the panda that's two heroes out of the fight and all foggy had to do there was hold that expansion because yeah that was his win condition tight hunters is next ladies and gentlemen we got a more support streaming into our wonderful channel thank you whoopsie fourteen one threes up up for zine bomb six months sick boy border war three champions t-shirt back to warcraft and war three champions are role models for gaming and esports communities all over the world much love keep it up folks that is really sweet of you mate flash cow po and victor gina with a five month resub thank you guys hello you think that's funny eh sorry i go yeah i'm like that man i'm sorry dude we had we had the biggest giggle over mr butt licker yesterday and today so you are certainly excused for that yeah they're in the same family tree mr butt licker invicta gina all right we had a little bit of a break here but man i thought foggy is gonna win this pretty clean but exlord is playing way better in this matchup than i imagined and everything seemed to work out remo of course pointed out a couple of inaccuracies in foggy's play but everything seemed to in the early game go pretty well like the expansion creep was cleanly done he lost one archer which actually was a little bit late to get maybe generally get about two at least in that harassment but the expansion gets up all the experience goes to the demon he gets level three he has heel scrolls maybe a couple unnecessary fights but you know it's tough going into game two if you're going to continue with the strategy of foggy knowing that there wasn't any huge errors really and expert kind of dominated him one base against two for that majority of the game yeah and we haven't seen warden yet either we haven't seen warden but uh on this map tidehunters i've seen my fair share of undead versus elf you can definitely see an air battle on this map uh carson correct me if i'm wrong we could definitely see gargs and then maybe even hippogriffs uh on this map because uh mass air is still very viable so if if xor's buzzing off the guard game on concealed uh definitely gonna be you know firing all cylinders on tight hunters you might see the same thing yeah yeah we might see even remo you might be able to touch on this with tier one expansion very possible on this map you see happy sometimes harassing with the death knight creeping with the ghouls while expanding and of course tier two expansion very much possible as well but counter expansion earlier than xlr did it on concealed hill i imagine is in the works for him right urema um yeah tier one expo is uh sort of like a flavor thing some undeads just don't like to play it although it can be really good on the right map like echo isles and like tight hunters but some others just prefer much more to go tier three quick and then get the destroyers half the dispel against the keeper and then counter expand late like we just saw with favorable trading before that the only thing that really seems to be falling out of favor is the tier 2 expo which is like between both worlds but if that one fails if the keeper cancels it over and over that usually is the game lost so that seems to be the unsafest of all the options but yeah tier one expo especially here very much doable and foggy loves all inning that kind of an expansion if exploit now having the lead wants to trick foggy into an over extension into an all-in uh fast expansion option by him could be a great plan a great strat yeah it feels like all the night elves have the trigger on the hunter's hall mass hunt ap push build uh it seems that everybody is enjoying that so far excellent is certainly playing a very different style from happy for example no tinker no early tier 2 expansion also no meat wagon no abomination at all just straight up no fiend transition either straight up guards statues destro's two heroes and this was working really well against foggy as we get another sub thank you nem182 not only a wonderful patreon supporter hey but also a continuous sub love to see that and i love to see map too here we go tight hunters all right lots of variability in the strategy as we discussed we'll see if foggy sticks to his guns we're of course assuming he's gonna do that keeper demon dryad style but um maybe ty hunter is not exactly explored with an ancient war creep like this i would expect i would expect to keep her but maybe with some tricky ancient awards in the future this could be a warden map maybe not but maybe maybe i don't know maybe we'll see uh we've seen some some night elves doing some fancy stuff here on the high ground at the lab i think sonic planted an engine of war there somehow i'm not too sure how that works uh maybe just sonic was screaming at the creeps and i don't know they left him alone or something you never know with sonic i would imagine a keeper here as well a it's working really well in general b it's super good against undead expansion so spam tree and spam tree and spam trans kick that haunted gold mine win the game and that worked very well for foggy that worked very well for starbuck versus moon and yeah maybe it works here too or if x-lord is going for that yeah and going for an early expansion or tier 2 expansion like remo mentioned um you know you're kind of playing into the strengths of the keeper of course you also mentioned that they're already they're always ready with that double ancient war hunters all in but of course going for a tier 2 expansion you're playing into the power spike of level 3 keeper almost 100 percent of the time so he's able to cancel your expansion with treants over and over you'll even see foggy around that time go into the base and try to pick off an accolade before the tier three attack so you're very much at risk of getting it cancelled despite the creep being easy for both the night elf and the undead yeah it certainly is easy so let's see where does x-lord go and how fast still waiting for the heroes keeper is out okay interesting dangle first i suppose that's uh not unheard of to deal with that accolade and of course if there is a 21 expansion dealing with it without letting it get away and and scout another day find that tree of life potentially early on and to maybe expand himself it's worth going entangled just to get that kill even if you're a little bit slower on the creeping and excellent not gonna be slower himself pulling a couple ghouls and getting that circulate immediately boom boom boom where do we go next it's quite some ghouls early on this camp of course at the gold mine as we said very easy to creep but foggy not even going there but he's preparing that tier one expansion that we talked about foggy's preferred style to get that second base not only can you push the undead expansion very well with treants you can also punish knight of expansions really well if there's no whisk with skeletons with ghouls in general and you can creep level three relatively easy yeah this is really on point from both players the scouting immediately into the main base seeing that there's no uh tier one expansion from foggy and then the skeleton immediately finds the expansion and foggy even himself using a wisp to pull the expansion to make it easier on himself some very high level stuff going on the death knight comes across the map finds an archer doesn't have dust though and the expansion is being crept solo i think this ghoul is going to lose this one-on-one though neil yeah it's uh okay maybe it's not as easy as we thought needs a couple of reinforcements whoopsie that's a little bit of a blunder so he can't expand there either and it's 120 gold gone but hey ghouls are moving across all he wants is to take down this tree and he's managed to get across without finding the keeper if the keeper catches you in transition he can pick apart your ghouls with entangle but being here he could go for the tree right away and then maybe town portal out but foggy very aware of this play wisp detonate and tangle treyance trying to block ghoul's actually going for the archers they could dive on the tree but maybe it would be too big of an investment for no gain whereas the archers would be an immediate gain if he's able to get one of those kills it's also so far foggy beautiful i think so too no rod of necromancy here anymore no counter expansion just quote unquote attack no second crypt neither it feels like whoopsie i think i got pink there uh so yeah i wonder what is this what is this play by xor is it a tier 2 expansion with this build it could be a tier 2 expansion absolutely or it could be that tinker style that we're missing last game the the sort of tier 3 all-in with destroyers and fiends that happy plays very often but of course it can be tricky to play that it very much simplifies the game down to one fight can i break the expansion or not whereas last game we saw excellent not break the expansion and then go into late and look dominant the entire time so perhaps the trickier style but x-lord feels competent perhaps being up one game yeah and he is a very very patient player so if it takes him a little longer to creep this gold mine then hey maybe so shall it be this is one guard maybe two one or one base garg into slaughterhouse a very different style compared to ch okay can pressure the expansion a little bit can be annoying can delay dryads and might secure an expansion with that delay but for him and his scouting is really out of this world boom here's the whisper the gold mine boom here's a whisper at the lab he knows exactly what's up yeah he's got all the information but he did not have a scout to see the death knight coming and creep jack and got the level three off of an archer which is very fortunate for exor because he didn't have that level three at this point it would be a big error in creeping but the panda second from foggy okay switching things up it got buffed recently we haven't seen this i haven't seen this for a long while from foggy actually okay no demon hunter huh more breath of fire i'm gonna need for a little bit of barbecue foggy if he steals this one that would be so big but nope a breath of fire and this is super old school undead just garx and dk hunting down archers this like mad frog day and age yeah and he's going to get three archers i think at the end of the day this is why this level two death coil is so important there's three archers in total going down lich goes with the sacrificial skull to the expansion which was scouted by the wisp the wisp could detonate on that actually foggy maybe not noticing exort of course not able to see that wisp that's there and not detonating ooh is he going to let the ziggurat get up a tiny mistake of course but it ends up being pretty big at the end of the day if he gets that up wisp also killed by the creeps here for foggy that's an unnecessary loss and here comes a little bit of a push does he have new skeletons yes he doesn't there's no wisp around at the moment ziggurat does come up and foggy is only creeping and the panda not level three he's not even gonna get level three out of this camp and of course the demon hunter is able to apply a lot of pressure because the undead does not want to just lose all their mana for nothing and the gold mine is killed and the wisps could now be killed as well there's going to be a staff back somewhere it's going to creep jack the panda with nova and it's going to kill a fifth archer or that fourth or fifth something is a high number oh man and panda used quite some mana panda's quite hurt it just turned day time and the moon juice is empty axelord playing an incredible game on tight hunters it's very um like it's not very like fly-ask almost i would say you can't emulate this what he's doing he's just making play after play after play he's finding archers he's finding openings he's cancelling the mine you can't really replicate what exwert is doing but he's definitely dominating foggy and he's gonna have a counter expansion up in time to be on even economy before foggy starts mining anything from that quick expansion he invested into this is just very heads up very beautiful so far from explored seriously this was a tier 1 expansion against the tier 2 expansion and axon is the one mining faster so crazy and it's fortified with two ziggurats these ziggurats would never have gotten up if foggy had just detonated that wisp earlier and maybe he could break it with the now level three panda so foggy definitely in fighting shape but uh he's got to do something he's got to make a play because even economy undead against night elf the undead is stronger i feel okay he wants to contest this is a good experience for fog youths of course is way in the lead when it comes to xp three one versus three three second crypt coming now for xlr that he knows that this haunted is up oh scarcks get intercepted by creeps man these creeps are seriously getting some kills today huh yeah i don't attack move over those bad boys you gotta move command or they will they will definitely kill you and now the towers are going to get up but exor really was doing a lot with very little previously and very little is meaning he doesn't have anything really to defend this expansion just two heroes a statue one low hp garg and some towers and of course a dream and some beautiful locks of hair on his wall but can he hold the level three panda oh yeah maybe maybe he needs that little lucky charm here but he has the double crypt he has quite some time two ways to base you're comfortable with that as long as that's not three base two base exxon has no real need to push or anything you just have to hold with the two towers it's a good chance plus immediate reinforcements thanks to the crypt at the expansion which is an interesting move yeah g3 is coming i wouldn't be surprised to see foggy like you mentioned that that two base two base to see foggy go for that third base he very often does that not generally until the map is entirely crept out so that he doesn't give up a little bit of creeping power or math control by going for that extra attack point for his opponent but because it's too faced too based wouldn't be surprised to see another tree life coming down an xlr smartly scouting for everything with these couple of guards now because they're not going to give you a ton of creeping speed might as well get all the information on the map with these guards oh my god foggy just planted that tree and he scouts it incredible oh and now he's trying to scout everything else with that zoom 2000 but uh not going to be able to see you know what export is doing in this main base excellent of course is going for tier three and transitioning to fiends now okay and very very hard to kill by dryads also for the panda not too easy to do panda definitely better against garx than it is against fiends so i love that [Music] yeah transition definitely agree with that maybe that's why foggy's going for this panda he's saying you know what gargles are too difficult to deal with even with the 10 supply advantage he cannot seem to win the fights with just pure dryads so the panda good to avoid something that maybe foggy isn't entirely comfortable against but three towers is going to make it really uncomfortable to break this expansion okay oh my god the sapper sapper at the expansion of the tree it's not blowing up though he cancels it in front of it xlr was not quick enough oh my god foggy also with the zapper that one might go down to a coil those were the most useless sappers i've ever seen in my life not dedicated enough to the cause and the other zapper is going to it tells the tale it's going back to x lord's base maybe can sit around and try to i don't know kill the tree of life a little later i'm not sure what he's going to do with that but uh two supply kind of chill in there that was thank you for that ping whoever that was but that was clutch oh man when the terrorists have second thoughts huh unbelievable excellent with the shade as well has good vision also with that one remaining guard foggy is just provoking some defensive moves he's just poking at this expo but what can you really do against double tower quick reaction drunken eight worth of fire of course amazing against that but axe lord pulling back and fiends with one o do a crazy amount of damage to try it oh nice staff actually nothing going down in the panda putting in a clinic the nerubian goes down and that's really the big carry of these three towers to hold the expansion but the keeper passed it involved one more nuke and that keeper will certainly be dead but a fiend or a ghoul rather taking a lot of damage but it's going to secure that kill foggy seems to be micro pretty well loses one drive to the tail end but now oh the death knight this is going to be a town portal temple to the expansion to continue to hold but foggy the panda is putting in work at least it's out of mana though for ex-lord's sake this is such a weird position to fight and i guess for both players excellent coming from the north everything is just chokey here on the other side uh a lot of buildings are preventing direct attacks from dryads you have to dive pretty deep and things are not getting better with bears here they're all pretty clunky as well oh man what they can do though is they can they can tear apart the ziggurats to make it a little less clunky if he desires true so we'll see true still yet oh it's a while before master actually fog he can't fight he's got five bears but he's still gotta wait probably close to a minute to have actual bears okay so i guess he's retreating waiting also needs orbs of course shade scout everything see hey no nature's blessing should i blow something up i still have that zapper left somewhere double ancient coming lich is stuck lich is stuck the pink usually i hate pinks in the broadcast but oh boy are you saving us here can it knock it behind the ziggurat and to the are the acolytes oh it's actually stuck but oh my god that is such a weird it's actually stuck between those two buildings what i guess so exxon does not realize he has him in the group he must be thinking like oh no where ah there we go acolyte opened up the way he wasn't entirely stuck the telestep was on cooldown okay here's a connection here was the zapper here's more focus fight but of course the lich is now heavily missing he would love to nova but she can't oh my god anova could have been see this this attack wasn't necessarily to kill the tree it was just to stop the mining one nova he would have killed probably five wisps with the fiend focus fire following it up really unfortunate that lich was stuck or else the mining would be stopped entirely but he forces the town portal explored and foggy close to panda level five and there's a red camp left oh my lord mia we could be seeing it okay what the hell it is massive pose it is temple of the damned on ex-lord's side and it's an incredible game maybe possession could be the of course the temples are for to counter the panda in the future but the hippos have counted the destroyers which counter the bears follow me so far and then possession could be the counter to the bears that the destroyers cannot um give you once the hippos hard count or the destroyers so they could see possession in this game calling it now let's see you know possessing bear is pretty good roar rejuvenation the damage can't complain if you're ex-lord so we'll see especially with all that mana here we go again foggy was repairing this so it's not an actual danger anymore but good snipes i can't get burned so spam that coil spam that nova then she adapt coming against that breath of fire xlr 62 supply 70 for foggy one orb double claw devotion aura as well exercise is constantly poking so annoying oh he can't get this granite he's going for it now but he's gonna lose he's gonna be forced to repair and this is when we're going to see expert able to kill those mining wisps oh actually forces a town portal or just a staff rather gets endurance or a foggy that's incredible that pickup for the bears and the drives of course he had no gp actually can he kill that hippogriff yep one for free basically free now the slow comes in which is not level three export is delaying leveling by a lot to just continue poking at this expansion i wonder if that's the right call and he does need those hero levels to force this panda to not just kind of kill his whole army once that panda does hit level five which i feel is inevitable at this point one big fight in the panda will be five you know and the nuke on that keeper is what you really need to do we saw that ending the last game on concealed hill the nuke on to the heroes there's a bunch of creeps left though it's not as though foggy has gotten all the creeps on the map there's a couple extra to boot and now xlr is going to start the creeping and he is getting his banshees out at last 70 supply already against 76 for foggy 3-2 upgrades for axe lord that's big 2-1 on foggy side but we also got the banshee tag we got the adapt we got the first a bomb of the game still lacks disease clout but hey he's gonna get this third attack upgrade making good use of that expansion and maybe foggy is always shooting on the hippos it's eight nine i think he's happy as long as there's zero destroyers in the air and no destroyers ever morphed again because then all it takes is about five bears and fiends no longer get any value so i think he's happy to over produce them oh this position this is not the fight that xlr wants i believe the panda destroying everything the story is going to fall the bears are on top of everything excellent gets out and this is rough i don't see a great army for xlr that he can build with this amount of hippogriffs you kind of need heel scrolls and you need abominations i imagine at this point yeah a-bomb's coming but only one he's floating in 1200 gold 12 supply away from max out foggy already at 80. going for 3-1 attack upgrades and chimera roots for foggy to counter the abomination seems like mr potter is always one step ahead yeah beautifully done for foggy he can break into high upkeep probably after getting corrosive breath i think would be advised and then he could just break the expansion with chimeras so it's gonna be a tough position of course the banshees are going to help out quite a bit against the panda and the chimeras but eventually anti-magic shell will run out and there's only a couple banshees on the field do they have master by the way no they do not yet excellence going up to 80 as well still floating in a thousand gold lots of mana on this dk level three on the lich that's good and foggy po oh that's a free fiend limited amount of dispel so curse could hit real hard dark range and alpha foggy very interesting another orb carrier of course which i love to see the third orb on the panda yeah but all the reinforcements are huge pick-offs here for foggy yeah fiend and a bomb for basically three the other a-bomb in the front gets taken out there is silence but there's no dispel there is okay frost armor everything is slowed down step of course to get rid of the bears destroyers out of that fight excellent dropping to 70. no mana on the lips anymore dk dropping down in health pretty quickly gotta be careful but axon has a little bit of a high ground kills a bear trying to get out statues and focus fire gets away but only 60 supply left and that wasn't even foggy's final form as there were no chimeras involved in that fight yeah i think the supply is still decently even because remember there's always going to be 14 supply and hippogriffs and the hypocrites are just to make sure xor cannot build destroyers it's not necessary to counter anything so the supplies are still kind of even but the heroes are not i mean this panda is going to destroy everything the chimeras are going to make sure there's no counter of the panda either in the way of abominations and the banshees are not able to possess any of these bears and even if they could i feel like they would just die to a breath of fire immediately almost very very limited drunken hazes i mean uh and her magic against the breath of fires and the banshees felt that in the straight up fight bears are still suffering crazy hard against coil nova still a thousand gold but the breath of fire sitting so hard man but far away from level six oh my god no way and the supply is even is it even an advantage it's an advantage for exelor and again i say 14 supply in hippogriffs that are not going to see any value and you mentioned the coil nova no mana burned the counter at one after the next after the next bears fall and then eventually the first hero and is that what xlr needed what the hell was that out of nowhere he seemed to have no shot in this game oh my that was an orb i don't know if the staff was ready pushing with abominations now still missing disease club but he's getting the beloved banshee master upgrade maybe possessions against night elf unheard of no third base for foggy who's in a world of trouble now breath of fire does nothing really against the anti-magic shell and the lich does he get an invite to that nova mana is good but he wants that bear i guess i actually love this from export he keeps webb off on auto cast so that the he doesn't use attacks on the hippogriffs that won't do anything i love that the shredder comes in the first chimeras come in the first one is dead he auto cast web or a cassette on the chimeras to make sure to focus it down the panda no way he kills the level five panda level six almost level five on the lich x lord you mad lad what the hell he's gonna beat foggy 2-0 2-0 man that's that must be it heroes all benched or all relevant heroes benched foggy is trying to get anything in here panda back from the tavern but he has no mana what's the moon juice oh very good actually maybe there's a second breath excellent playing it's so calm so collected once again level 60k so close to five on the lid and he's just expanding again yeah why not oh my god the panda stats in nova there's nothing to save him he may just be dead again the staff of preservation is there on the dark ranger but rejuve over top of course no destroyers oh my god is going to be good no anti-magic shell used at the last second to save a couple of those units keeper back orb is back two of them in fact panda has a couple more breaths can foggy hold on he's held his expansion that's still mining if he can hold here there is another shot another breath as you eloquently put it but so many units and the pan down the silver platter once again unwilling to use the coil at the moment heroes hurt getting away again excellent burrows again by axelord saving 9 12 supply of fiends statues can still heal they're still cursed they're still anti-magic but axor didn't break this expo fog is still on too big oh he's not on two bases the main base is expired time's flying here 24 minutes in excellent second base 50 percent done he was scouting with electric is there another base for foggy answers no i think he was actually excellent trying to build an expansion at that other gold mine that's how confident he feels right now but of course there was a couple turtles still there one base one base soon to be two base one base fog he could break down an expansion with breath of fire very easily at any point in the game but for now he's got a hold oh the pants he's taking a lot of damage but really you're gonna need ultimates i feel if you're foggy here and you want to hold oh definitely he needs the panda ultimate he's trying with a little bit of focus fire on the dk as there's still no destroyer lich as well has to staff out that bear not enough mana for possession at all slowly but steady exxon is taking out this entire and then it might be another chance for destroyers which of course would be great would pretty much negate that entire keeper takes out one hippo after the next good experience the breath just isn't as effective as it needs to be of course eventually the banshees run out of mana but you need these breaths to actually be chipping away at the army you cannot you know play the long game when you're about to lose your tree it's gonna fall nature's blessing finishes at the last seconds of the tree of eternity you can walk over and root although it's being killed by the creeps and gg is called an x-lord absolutely dominates foggy despite both games being 25 minutes that was a very well played for maxlord incredible foggy out of the tournament on day one he defeated neutron but no chance against x-lord who didn't drop a single map in this tournament 2-0 in sub 2-0 foggy really impressive yeah that was exceptional especially on tide hunters the decision to not kill the hippogriffs carson pointed that out that was beautiful that was so much supply built up useless and that fight in the middle of the map x-lord was probably actually up 10 supply and we saw uh foggy just had nothing there like not enough bears not enough dryads not enough there and the keeper got absolutely nuked down and and uh that was just a great decision for exceller to turn off webb turn off the autocast and i just want the chimeras i don't even care about the hips i'm not making destroyers i'm making nine to ten fiends uh beautiful decision from x-lord yeah it seemed like foggy wasn't a good position but he had a couple big blunders there excellent counter expanding on tier two he could have detonated the wisp didn't do that in time he crept heavily with the panda instead of defending his own expansion which really came to cost him he lost wisps and archers and entangled over and over the pan now of course he was banking on for the late game and he got really leveled third hero choice was the dark ranger i think if knight of managed to get to the triple hero with keeper and demon and panda they're really strong the dark rangers of course supposed to counter the banshee possession that can be coming in but you can count that also with the staff i think if he goes for a faster third hero and that being the demon or if he'd gone demon second and then panned a third it would have been much better for him couple of mistakes definitely there in foggy's play we didn't see the perfect game by him and ex lloyd surprisingly banshees and fiends you know it always used to be the perfect army in all matchups but against night elf but now we see that even against night of it can work the cool thing about ams is it also protects against poison damage which is not something that everybody knows plus of course the panda and so many other things the gyms and so on and explored i think somewhat surprisingly here in the semifinals now isn't it beautiful that we got one player from china one player from korea one player from the cis and one player from the eu [Laughter] all relevant region represented okay all right yeah no it is cool though yeah it is great players all all players still involved and all players involved entirely but you know certainly the best of the best the players that have impressed the most are still in the tournament the players maybe slipping up once or twice we just saw foggy make a few mistakes in our last game deservably out of the tournament and we're gonna see some incredible games tomorrow i'm more excited about tomorrow than i was about today even more man you were already excited about day one then even more about day two and now even even more you're just a small body how do you contain all that excitement i don't know i'm just a little growing boy right yeah there we go oh man these semi-finals are absolute dream happy vs lawley was the game of the year 2019 fly vs x-lord was crazy at wgl summer 2020 and now a year or like one and a half years later we get these matches happy law light flyx lord that's the final four yeah i i think uh just tomorrow's gonna be great too like the 2v2 the story that we got today with with shocker putting on a great performance with talks eliminating the korean team that we all thought i think lolita and stone would be in the finals against crab and starbucks not going to be the case you know shocker carried against smd sdmk and uh and why dk can he actually do it again against crab and starbuck craven starbuck looked really good today against sheik and bizarre chica bizarre our our team that have played together for a long time so if shocker can carry he's got to carry against one of if not the best 2v2 team in europe exactly that's the that's the schedule for tomorrow everybody ffa also gonna be streamed by myself high tech and a sexy you three wonderful people can uh join me a little later than when we go into the two and twos i guess i have the schedule here yep uh we're gonna probably start at noon central european summer time depending on how long this ffa final goes but if you're here at noon you this is probably gonna be good then the two and two final and then best of five one on one semi-final best of five semifinal and the best of five grand final today was good tomorrow's gonna be even better it was uh where do we get a fifth caster though do we need to increase to five or four four okay chad's probably gonna say three is plenty let's not go let's not go there i think it was a great day and i think we should end on a good note please be gentle uh yeah excellent back in the chat by the way after his victory against foggy he says n.a warcraft 3 lol but are we down from omega lol to just lull is that a little respect to insep maybe so you're saying there's a chance a little bit more respect yeah a little bit a tiny bit yeah man that was a great performance by axe slot all kudos here if i would be uh the opponents in meisterstuff's finals at the end of the month good luck also all the dreamhack opponents good luck we'll see 4200 viewers pretty damn dope and of course you can support this tournament and raise the prize money we have 7 600 already as governor will chip in tomorrow but you can boost it even more that's a cap of 10k can we reach that cap can we create the biggest walker three crowdfunding of all the times in the biggest walker three champion season tournament of all the times it's up to you out there on maturino exclamation mark w3c finals they also got merged of course at shop.back to warcraft.com and we are very thankful for every single bit of support as well you
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 10,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: lOtyeBOoZMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 49sec (3829 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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