WC3 - W-League EU - PD3: [HU] ThorZaIN vs. SyDe [UD] (Co-Cast: Knoff)

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we do have the first game started already we have a best-of-five between there we go can off got it we have a best-of-five here in the losers round of double unique Europe Thor Zayn was invited to this league side qualified for it both of them lost their first game so that's why they're here right now in the lowest part whoever loses two games today is out the loser will face cash afterwards and without further ado we let's go and who I was hoping for this my friends because Thor Zayn we have seen him recently but what made Thor Zayn in everyone's mind and attention again how did he grasped the European limelight that was with his rifle play against happy and then something happened something changed nobody really played rifles anymore other than star-shaped I guess but he didn't play anymore Thor's I went back to more standard plays but now it is the return of the rifles as we can see him spawning in the bottom-left thorazine going for the rifleman inside top right he's going for the standard head fiend opening no dreadlord here not just yet anyways and this was there one of the reasons why I was looking forward to this game I hoped for riflemen play here paly rifles and also side sight is a monster in this matchup he is so good against human so this should be a killer match here for us so force gonna be the DK here coming out sooner with the rifle build the hero will be delayed should most certainly be a paladin tonight anything else would be a great surprise it is the Palin first indeed and the rifles to be following shortly it's gonna be a lot of firepower from this army once it gets to a certain stage that's the thing about the strategy it takes a while to come online you need like three rifles four rifles plus the aura ideally even level 3 on the paladin and see until you can feel safe on the map you can feel comfortable on the map of course Thor Zayn is known to be a rifle player every now and then so Thor Zayn scouted this F aside scouted this what Thursday is doing and now it's gonna be playing aggressively as it seems with a DK early on you know if what can you tell us about thursdaya as a person that has a player and maybe his current shaver attack seems to be a little bug maybe speaking of bucks our production tab hasn't budged as well but we are about to fix this there we go so we have both players you're starting off with a bit of creeping an advantage of course for the undead is being able to last it we are the coil had also tried this didn't quite get any or did he know it's gonna get one peasant though which is okay and yeah at the moment this paly rifle strat isn't at its power peak just yet in fact pretty far away from it probably gonna see a blood mage later on but it's also a thing here about this strat it's a pretty late tech you can see tier two tours Ain starting it right now whereas side he's almost halfway through already and Thor is in trying to save some resources no arcane tower in the main the skeletons they are now really annoying I was gonna call the militia that seems to be good enough inside is still looking for a little opening still looking to harass as much as he can and the decay slowing down this paladin quite effectively yeah I like that so far as well you mentioned it how good side is in this matchup with this special dread Lord plays not only first this is what we kind of know from him and from his dreams but especially third like silence against the heroes carrion swarm against some gyros or the unit's I mean it's gotta be a lot of rifleman and Nova carrion swarm can definitely be a solution against this if there's when we saw him playing a WC against th he played completely standard but he played like yes yeah off his back finally the expert I was talking like hmm Reva continuous and I was like okay well whatever I would never do that well it's me about to sign as a person and now he's playing right yeah exactly yeah and well lose too much of the game here but I'm gonna I'm gonna be quick I will try to well Taurus on he has almost been a really cool guy both in the game and outside the game I mean we have known each other for a long time and we actually played two and two back in the days when we were professionals as well so we we have known each other for many years now and yeah as you can see we also have a lot of time together now with our boot cans etc and he has been [Music] that much but he still play on a really high level of Warcraft and I think it's a lot to fact for him because of the Starcraft to a career that he has behind him his game sense and it's just another level so a big plus and he has been improving so much since he came back like if he compared to his skill level back in the days yeah I remember you guys all being very frustrated when it's like some I don't know free-for-all games against him like okay it's kind of all about who's getting second place I can tell you what time I was in the finals with poor son only left and I mean I was hundred percent sure I was gonna win that one I had like yeah the complete lead and poor son had two hairs left and still he managed to win that game and I flied out my computer and was trying to get away from the land and that's good stuff yeah one time I actually saw you a little bit like angry but of course it fixed I mean I like to play width or son but not against him that's the worst thing you can do it's like I don't know and he also know me so good as a player so he know my weaknesses etc so he plays a lot on that the mid game is starting to shape up here we have the blood major now out for the paladin is fine your level 3 and we have pretty high rifle numbers and Thor Zayn onto your two decided to go for the expansion before hitting 50 supply side in the middle still creeping from the mana stone and the rune bracers both great items rune racers of course only dependently so if the hero does get focused before that could be really good skeleton is gonna Scout the expansion and that is starting to shape up like a pretty good timing attack because side has the Tier three timing soon to be approaching you have double slaughter house for mass a bomb soon and the Crypt Lord third it will be a critical moment here when side is going for the for the push it's probably gonna add the dark Ranger as well and if Torsen can't hold this push it's gonna be really hard for him he needs to get that Expo up and it needs to be running so he can get up to like yeah that extra supply for additional rifles and dark Rangers gonna be a little difficult with three heroes already picked Crypt Lord gotta be good yeah I'm a little like 5050 what's your opinion on the as a third hero I think is really cool but against Paula Dean and blood match I'm not on the player so I'm not gonna tell what's the right thing to do here but I do think the silence is really nice against blood mage Shambala to interrupt the spells but yeah we will see the Crypt Lord has I mean seeing like happy playing against Todd or any other human you can see how we reduce of that hero with all the impairs in the rifles or attack the Lord is kind of like many strength heroes really good as long as yes mana and with good impales he's a great starter to the fight the dark Ranger is much more enduring she's like good for silences early on but the excitons are kind of you know nice and all but they're not the same effect as an impale might have on a whole army I just especially once she hits level two because she's good at all stages even when she's slow manner thanks to that black arrow so the Crypt Lord is kind of more hit or miss but he has a lot higher potential to be very impressive besides still continuing to creep you're not concerned with the expansion just yet gets close to more level of script or almost level two gives him the mana items interestingly not to the Lich which normally we always see that would make it so that there's three impales actually in the first fight and that does make a big difference what's a little more tanky with the talisman and the additional strength so the damage output by thorzain is really high with banished Holy Light and all these rifles so I kind of like that choice by side it tells you that he has a little bit of brain while playing Walker it seems he won't that level free lich before he is pushing this is gonna be very crucial for for side now to make a strong push at the expo Oh actually he puts up an expanding myself now at the red spot so that's a good call these are always such great games when there's two expansions so close to each other and Thorazine a little greedy only one tower yes sixty supply so he is pushing up creeper that's a free kill force I to stop this it's like mistake not having the Paladin in range that could have been a pretty easy save but he does have level to siphon you know how much I like that blood mage getting focused heavily in the frontline but there is the Holy Light doesn't even have to go for the involve and this was a lot of mana committed already by side and back it up gonna split his forces and not gonna lose anything here just yet this is the big downside of this human army it has zero catch it's nice and tanky it has a lot of damage but no catch at all but it's gonna be finding the expansion here seize the necromancers coming really big that's a very good scout from from Tora and actually the timing is just perfect he probably can cancel it and TP back or even walk back to they exploded up losing that much yeah exactly and with that side not in the best of positions becomes the TP back and looking at the manner it's already favoring Thor's in it might be even most of the case here with more siphons coming in when you watch players like happy play it's all about aggression aggression aggression from tier 200 but here that was a nice and pale countered by a few throw though right away and here come the siphons DK out of man on no more coils to use and that means no more healing for the undead units first a one's gonna fall and more and more holy light endless holy lights for these rifles I don't think stores ain't lost more than a single rifles so far there was a nice impale again but banished saved along with the whole light follow-up probably after great chase by Thor's ain't showing again how strong years with this rifle strategy his execution second to none o last second holy light again and just complete man up dominance by the human that was tore son is doing really good with keeping the unlit low of mana I mean it on the play without mana eyes yeah they can't do much so this looks really good so far for tour signs it's spreading though he eats the a bond there for more Nova that one came as a surprise humor rifles are dying and man what Thor they wouldn't do for a healed score right now but of course no time to go for one so Thor's and is nosing units but he's trading with side and of course those he loves the trades right here having the expansion fully mining all the time hardly we had transition to tier 3 which is realized with Griffins now coming into the mix and side dropping down to 44 seems to be out of chances in this game yeah he is trying to expand again now at the red spot as we'll see if towards Sonia he acts as a peasant walking there right now you would probably know okay staying there we'll see but if he scouts that now I think this game is especially was Griffin's canceled is so easily it was real nice house I'd said in that fight and there was no heel spur anymore there was no consumable anymore but throws I'm still like checking during that fight pretty ballsy move I'd say and he's gonna get that catch that was missing before as the Mountain King is added as his third hero and this is basically where this army hits ultimate peak now it has everything only thing missing I suppose is leveled on the MK but this is already a super strong force he actually bought an ancient django of endurance and all rather is always very helpful same here and I think it's just you know kind of too late now that important scout from tour sign is really really good he even made a scout tower there now to have control of that goldmine Scout see if actual scouting Wow we will see if site is say yeah he's actually going to try to explain now and the top left least will four stores a little further out on the map to prevent that but I think you can just expand it but bottom right it will be scouted of course but can't be prevented I'm not too sure about that side is pushing again with 50 supply but the problems once again man after it's not a single man up potion Black Mage will do a great job once again but disease a spread until Thorazine arrives but again no weapon now finally yes there is so can you take out these Griffins don't have to kite back because a storm Balderas sighs oh my god that was beautiful plus the archeins is zero manner so it's super important that tour sign continues to scalp now because without an extra income from side it's gonna be hard for him to to win this game so you should try to keep scouting now it looks like he's sending the Griffins over there now to the $2 at spots third I'm upgrade by the way we're gonna have rifleman on what is this 9.5 are more very soon that's crazy I think it's interesting since the last patch how much more value there is an arm or would you agree yeah actually I how much difference is it did they buff it or the the devotion all right it's a little stronger the Rings are all +1 yeah so the Mountain King is a lot more tanky usually or heroes in general a lot tanky earth and we used to see you can see that the most of the players that keep the ring of protection analysis plus free so yeah there is a difference but if you prefer equality yeah I don't really care much about damage alright we start this fight it could be the last one impale was good but everything for site is already pretty low and the damage is so soon this is unbelievable he is siphoning the lips as well so there's not much ie another impale he's really hitting these nicely but by now we have an orb of fire as well to reduce the healing and the under is just losing more and more and more they can't even coil anymore this time he has a potion and was quite a big investment but the mountain king was just chasing at this lids oh boy stumbled holy light GG well played 104 for Zane that looked like the Thorazine Paley rifle play that we saw before man super super strong and I think side taking too long like on paper it sounds good to go for a bombs they're supposed to be the hard Connor two rifles but it's not just about the rifles it's about the heroes and if you go for the a bombs you have no real early tier 3 presence you can't contest and my opinion you must contest you can't give this blood measure level 3 for free you can't give this power in level 4 for 3 for free and there I think side was a little too complacent I agree and what will be interesting now is to see if tourism will continue with the Paula Deen play I'm not sure but I think he went for example when he played against happy he played a part in all game so it would be cool to see I'm not really sure what map is good and which one is bad for for politics so what do you think did he really play apparently rifle every single game against happy but it's a while ago and that that's also one of the biggest strengths of Thursday and that he has like compared to other humans he has a lot of different openings you never really know when he's expanding if he's expanding what she was going to pick I feel like like you have to scout constantly against Thursday otherwise he will just be surprised okay so concealed he'll it's the next map and we will see if tor sign he's going for a fast I'll turn now so probably not the palette in this time yeah absolutely nope Ally rifle opening here going rifles here is still very desired on concealed it's much easier to creep the Drake and also the red camp with rifles than without MK first has been all the rage here recently it was a specifically th who seems to be favoring this strat above all others MK first into one base tech into tier 2 expansion but side played against that himself at WCG was surprised by this strategy was not aware of its existence really but now he knows is that even what thought is gonna play probably not it's probably gonna be an IM but he's gonna have the MK first in the back of his mind yeah and I wonder if there's anything he can do to take care about the healing fountains here I mean he's probably gonna try to use them because I know he likes that he always when he plays against me he likes maps where he can heal up the food pants etcetera so we'll see if you do something about that and it's the a.m. first here no mountain King so I guess that is pretty much the expected play question now is is he gonna one based tech or is it gonna expand early expansion can be painful here this is one of the hardest expansion maps in the map pool but it's doable after all it's only early game Undead that you're facing which is the least threatening of all the races so expansion is still doable it may become somewhat costly with a few peasant losses but is still always doable if it is a Ted fiend build which it is from side we know that already and Thorazine is gonna confirm that in just a moment site could go up for a bit of creeping first before being aggressive towards the a.m. or go across the map right away that's what he's gonna do inspired by happy perhaps who as we know does that always acolyte trying to distract trying to buy time for the DK to arrive with a finishing coil and this seems to be working out this acolyte is drawing a lot of fire so the trapper might go to the DK not quite though it was really close but not quite fast enough I am taking a lot of damage right here needs to be careful but this is what the fountains are good for he can always get free healing over there as long as he's left alone yeah and we do see the take from from tours on now so no I expanded Taiwan rifle Sunna MK ii a' maybe the tire to lay that human is a very popular ladder build but if there's a crisp tear three-timing against that from the undead with dark Ranger + lich can be really really really difficult to hold if wielded by potent under players which a side certainly is one of those look at the 40 block are you serious torsion is so ridiculous nobody was trying to go first around there actually yeah third in surrounds against undead a pretty legendary i hope one is watching we will never forget do you know what my favorite clip is playing I'm playing bad I mean it's deserved I mean I haven't been really doing well in our leaks and stuff so I mean I need to be competing in it and challenging the best players and when it's really counsel but I think my time will come for sure with the practice your putting in right now definitely and if you lose you just can go to the people and knock them out videos the your much flight so Dan for the sub so we have both players creeping now but of course those in can still creep much faster with a number of foodies he has side at the moment was only a 2-1 fiend now he has two fiends have been previously the starting to ramp up and those in creeping very unusually across the map natural dam trim very very good campaign to get inside is probably wondering where he's creeping right now he do scout but toward Zion to go for his lateral ISIL kicking caps away from the human side though and that does matter because MK will be the second hero most likely yes it will be and that heroes very very level dependent needs to be level three by the first real tier three fight on level two does just not cut it whereas the Lich is fine on level two and I imagine that it's the second hero yeah anything else would be quite outrageous and as you said no if he's making good use now off the health phone this is the issue with these poison creeps will damage your whole army yeah with the earth fountain it's no problem can he get to cancel there on the slaughter it looks like it yeah you know II had some of the footman's as well there said a TP no it's not of duration on this water elemental so yeah definitely false this by so much time DK is quite heard of course you can go to the fountain but it's kind of far away you want to creep at the same time you're with you to be with your entire army not as easy in this slaughterhouse cancer place are so rare to see nowadays but it made so much sense in this scenario he was close already anyways having crept the natural and with that God level 3 for the increased water elemental effectiveness and then he get the cast without even risking any footies this was actually an amazing play by forcing yeah did you mention that Torsen is taking time free as well because we see the workshop coming now and not ready oh yeah over here night with gyro yeah that's an outdated build though thank you rifle is the way to go nowadays but we'll see what he decides to go for ogre Lord trap right here you saw this already earlier today but side is aware of this possibility and with it Lich coming in he's gonna threaten this camp now stumbled on the fiend might result in the kill but if both players here are busy just fighting each other and not creeping this is better for side MK Nixa levels much more village does one more coil fiends surviving for now but that one's gonna fall and that is certainly a big killer for throws intergraph really big deal it's still okay for side this MK is still not really loveling oh but the Lich getting surrounded that's the problem maybe you can fight his way out against the watch elemental that's so I know the MK is basically out of mana tier 3 is done Thorin could go as I could go for a doc Ranger right now and keep up the pressure but he decides to instead go for crypto it again and the double slaughterhouse again Taurus on try to go for their Overlord again here oh that's trapper what a troll like not not here not with me I'm taking care of my buddy we got flak cannons we get Knights we get the Paladin on Thorazine side yeah how to level the Mountain King without being pressured through hard and I get the good camp now though so that would be like two and a half probably if you solo creeps in can I take a lot of damage on the footage though perhaps a bit on the MK and that seems to be fine I guess kaolin coming out now okay sharing experience you still gonna get double to MK here I believe but dad stuff where he wants to be wants to be level three and that is still super far away and that's the thing about concealed it's always hard to creep this MK there's like very few safe camps on the map to take site is going into a creep game now which is always a risk just seems to prefer to play it more slowly on tier 3 didn't work out too well for him in the last game but he's facing a very different strategy now yeah last game he had no banshees and no anti magic at this game we will see the temple of the day in the 12th of the vase what do you think about banshees I think banshees I mean on that generally has been playing more casters than before so I think that's a really good addition for them in here trying to steal something the gyros could actually detect him but Giants are flying away as it seems see if it gets to drag on there that would be pretty big or just Titan without far away is it looks like he's just trying to go for the last hit not the item oh but the gyros here they are nice nice well done by Thor's in Manatee P what's bash so always the possibility to get stunts there we have to flute not that great actually from flying machines alright but it's only what's gone rifleman who can really sick thundering blades defense upgrades weeping for side lever to crypt Lord pretty tanky it's time for the anti magic shop overlord finally it works dude third time's the charm it's gonna get the big item but this also takes a long time not much can attack this again the lack of rifles being a problem here so the experience gain isn't the most efficient when the gyros get swept to the ground and taken out but the dryers are gonna be useless anyways we're probably gonna be seeing any destroyers just one morphine's and soon-to-be banshees any good item for the fourth sign the cloak of flames it's just great and girls as well I would say yeah can be really good but anti magic works against that as well we'll see how that comes into play what makes a mare like the experienced distribution on the other heroes looks pretty good to me got the necessary levels I guess Crypt Lord God the necessary HP and a more he needs DK has the level to correlate couple of into Nova we still miss the level 3 MK we still miss a little three paladin four arch mates there but we have the over fire super strong against late-game on dead horse but still fifty supply with just considering armies though I much prefer scythes does you have frost armor yes yeah then I'm definitely prefer sized this is basically the knight gyro counter just fiends and banshees and triple hero of course almost level three if he creeps the green on the left hand side he is gonna be level three it's gonna be an interesting fight coming here any minutes we'll see how that goes expansions coming about to be coming here for Thursday and that's his late game on condition ok if there's a fight before and all those resources will not be put into an army or consumables or anything this could be a very good situation for side so the map on him as well lots of mana this time it's completely different than in the game before where the Black Mage was sucking at this time he can actually work the tele style work Tina yeah wow that was actually really cool website that's a nice move and this can't wait see the expansion here in a moment but it's definitely too late to cancel besides were going to upkeep right away well that takes some time until the unit's actually come out he still is waiting for Banshee massive train under siege he's gonna get that yeah so side will go up in supply now and probably pushing at 65 now looks pretty promising man once again only one tower F Thursday and I guess always does it really really rarely see him with more than one tower just not his thing I guess yeah so late in the game it's not like you can go for too many run bars or anything anymore doesn't even creeps on the map really so your main objective is gonna be defending your expansion with the army but it's only three Knights right now this is not much at all these heroes for Thor Singh will have to do a lot of heavy lifting we are starting to see more teams coming in as well which are really good against banshees but you need a few out okay before this fight we got two nice contributions here thank you alpha codes for the six-month risa ed modes or for again the 10 euro donation good job guys like always always but because we have three people here not only two but a part of that you're absolutely right thank you so much for helping us out a little so Thornton is breaking upkeep as well easy in time with a production to hold this some that many batteries out just yet so it's not gonna be cursed everywhere it seems it's also not anti magic everywhere don't know about this choice to go for mass or set off more banshees production I will say Thor Zane if he holds here this game should be his it's not gonna be an easy hold still waiting to engage waiting for more militia to be coming in the ball in front could be a target but it's like the worst target you can go for he's super tanky especially with those items all I say but also nice and paying holy crap that damage and the more team gonna be taken out right away banshees getting focused on the flip side and one of them is gonna be falling as well DK in the front something pretty low already now anti-magic on him has to go for the in Vallely was feeling the stomp all coming in so I really like how Thorson is trying to focus down the banshees here because he knows that's gonna make a big difference with him ease in the antimatter shield so that's a really good move even added the mortars for extra damage against them nice man they're pretty tanky with seven or more these fiends have no attack I present a DK getting focused it's about to die has to TP away it's gonna save most of his army on the way out nothing actually is gonna die but behind this side has his own haunted goldmine coming up and one night was stolen actually didn't even see that yeah I was about to say that that I'm siding with no fear taking out the banshees against side especially as such a big deal I remember this game I think it was against talk at the WCG qualifiers where side stole like ten nights depends of your on the undead side that's a lot of fun I can tell you that yeah that's true like losing a Kudo to the undead army yeah feels good I'm at a price it does come at a price like considering he was going for timing push he could have had three more banshees basically instead of massive training and in that fight the Knights weren't cursed up at all so they were doing a lot of damage or nice impale catching out two more teams hurts a lot and this level three for the D K now we can make use of death pact if you wants to the expansion survived with seven HP of course there's no mining but at least the building is still there doors a still with double production once again looking to commit in the Banshee gets take out once again stronghold and holy night place bite or sign they're good I sniper indeed how to take out the nights now without possession without too much mana the Lich is completely dry can go for one more impaled us so no three units was okay I guess it's night falls finally step being using something else there's a lot of coils that's about it seen they're in trouble as well but there's gonna be the coil saves that one for now aggressive toilets coming out actually against the fiends here one of them has been killed with the right-click DK needs to make use of his coils the Crypt load and the Lich is really out of mana now so he only has two coils to play around with it now can't really eat anything as well because he decided to go for frost arm or no Dark Ritual these Waterman's are pretty strong as well in the absence of dispel of course Thor's and he's just not losing too much he said that 74 reproduces immediately it's a little low on number but that's about it Knights are shredding these Krypton's site is trying to kind he's doing a good job doing while doing so look at the supply now Taurus on is almost at eighty and also he sent a footman up to the Expo to secure that he wouldn't start a mine there so that's a nice move from him meanwhile the fight was happening such as Thor's I move to do that it doesn't matter if it's one on one or two and two he constantly has these split of units somewhere on the map doing them at the macro is on another level yeah and that's exactly what you said like the Starcraft experience from back in the day same with happy I would say since he came back after this Starcraft more teams now kind of exposed but still not too much mana on side especially the Nova here was missing for a while now there is a single Nova left of Thorazine do so 74 for him and a thousand gold amazing traits for him in the DK guys stone balls holy light right flicks first hero ded GG on the 204 Thursday all right again that was a good game yeah was again once Thorson had this Expo up there was not too much that side could do against it yeah I think master training was a big mistake he got one night one night is not worth master training I think it was really I mean if it was kind of hard to say it was leading that game it looked very equal I mean they both had three three heroes and kind of equal armies I would say but in the end the expo paid off a lot some tours and get the supply lead it's nice to do more damage in that situation I can definitely understand side going for master it doesn't really matter what you when he was facing it doesn't matter if it was hawk or th or in feed he always had good success with possession because it comes so unexpected usually but maybe Thorazine was practicing or watching replays or so and no was that because it was about a timing push though and Thorazine had to defend like the around 60 supply timing by side and his Banshee count was greatly delayed because of that master training if he has as I said earlier five banshees there instead everything is anti-magic everything on the opponent's side is cursed this will be a much easier fight to take and perhaps side can win the game right there also going Lord is debatable I'm not saying that it was necessarily a mistake and he goes a dog Ranger he can play a much more aggressive style and can also be pretty good against more teams and stuff but I'm gonna I'm gonna say Crypt Lord is is an okay choice but master training there I believe was a little too greedy yeah so we're going into last few now I have seen tours I'm playing both Paula Deen and also the standard am play here and we also gonna be interesting to see if side decides to go for maybe dreadlord now because I know he likes to play that's on this map yeah I think an expansion play absolutely possible here it's too hard and concealed would have been a big surprise if he does that but I can definitely see that I think the chances to get a paladin versus dreadlord are kind of the highest we can get in professional Walker with these two facing each other here but yeah it's match point for thorazine if sight loses here now he has to go into the next losers match against cache if he then loses he will be eliminated from WD Europe side in the upper right and throws in bottom left and it is a goal build here so it could be a dreadlord first indeed isn't going for the fast 5 acolytes with a delayed altar which usually always means dreadlord so could be DK could be dreaded could even be Lich in a crazy world this map is also pretty good for Paley rifles but that is not the play here by Thornton he's going for a straight up normal bill order here early on and most likely the a.m. we have seen more and more MK first returning but not yet with Thorazine it's sort which I was hoping for the blood mage spots the special blood mid-stride I think I haven't seen him both blood mate first no I made a yellow sock doing it but yeah there we go once in every series man he throws them in the lord of the dread is coming i think it's a really cool choice by side and i don't know how much experience for son has playing against the dread lord I wonder if he did face side when he played red low before I'm not really sure about that but I think it's a Vantage for for side because it's gonna be something and you show foretold sign to play against and that's I know he was insecure about what to do and how to counter it it's it's a problem for him already can you cut out right there and he's gonna see the red boat here very soon with the footing it's scouting this the best weapon against the dreadlord early is mercs chatter priests against the sleep and the berserker against the ghouls is really good but really hard to take your Merc am not really easily doable early on at least not quickly am is gonna decide to be aggressive right away on level 1 only this could very well be him getting sleep surrounded in a simple one two step process by still gonna try to see how much damage you can do skeleton scout early sees the im's approach don't have enough units right from surround at the moment oh it's trying to but counters around by forcing pretty much instantly Oh against the trees now though that's gonna be tough to get out as tough as I thought is he still stuck yet out looks like it will save to the back footman are coming in to the rescue or not much damage thanks forever yeah die is the question or he's gonna TP out it could be worth letting him die none of these getting level two before no and he gets level two all the way out pretty much perfect outcome for that throne situation but now what do you do with the a.m. he's so low he's got no TP anymore retro does have more sleep again a rough early given thousand coming in for the arrests once again is tacking waiting for the shop but distracting already with the footman in sight must be like okay right where's your Archmage where's the rest of it is still pretty scary acolytes still not going for the hot doesn't have the lumber actually it's a tech instead it's a fake out Expo it's a to to tech by side here one kill will be level two for the dreadlord by the way that would be a big level up for him not of skeletons shields like things are not really working today for side like the surrounds are not perfect these Expo plays didn't really work when he tried to plan listen to to take care he wanted to secure that goldmine but yeah it was a interesting choice by tor sign to go immediately over to the side space or not the base but the goldmine we do a little too dreadlord now he's gonna be going into carrion swarm here as it seems boots for him as well everyone's level 3 now if thorzain decides to expand there could be a cool threat not play by by side to just staff on to something or walk down user carry and swarms kill a couple of units and then step back and in the meantime try to establish your own expansion I was trying to get some lasts here with the carrion at the same time damaging the footies authority is playing around nicely not giving him an easy entrance for that was no damage on the merlok right because five targets I think it's max yep so we have a straight tired free here from side adding slaughterhouse is he really playing dreadlord solo for the infernal damn yeah I know he loves that one when he streaming is always talking about that freaking inferno so freakin infernal sounds like you have you play against that several times actually now at least I seen a more and more Chinese understand also side playing more with a dread Lord and one zero is picking it up Reese again with like mass rules and some matchups so tour sign going for its natural now and I'm pretty sure he will try to expand out also scouting with the illusion at the same time to see if as a footman at the natural from sides you got good map control now you know pretty much everything that's going on at the moment rifles too this time it's no Knights and gyros tasted tier two this is I guess something you like better Remo yep rivals are always good and also with spouts from the priests coming in pretty soon he's gonna have an answer to the Sleep which is always a danger like just because you have a big army doesn't mean you can't get sleeps around and kills item four towards Sun hair flute almost done and he sees it now with the skeleton she's how and how fast can he react he still has a lot of ghouls and once frenzy is done it's just timing working out that's it may or may not I guess but this is society spin scouting that exponent so I wonder what his answer will be seems like a push will come out soon here upgrading the Destroyers - is he gonna pick up a second hero or not is the question second slaughterhouse foresight super late man I agree like this delays to push by a bit and everything is scouted as well first thing can pretty much choose how to play against the towers are coming lumber mill priest and he still has stuff to creep next to his base like it's a global corruption that no don't the greatest or up carrier but can still be a big help hmm this foot is scouting over and over it's gonna see the cigarette now with the expansion so now Thornton's gonna think okay maybe he is actually gonna try to counter expand but that would be really late what sign is lacking Lampard Oh should probably try to add a shredder but he makes more peasants now instead so that's a good call making two extra from the main and the Expo they're gonna get here three so it feels a little weird when side is doing like this solo hero but not power creeping then destroyer early and rush Tier three but then expanding I don't see a super clear game plan to be honest side forces the TP back easily though and that could be enough time for the expansion she's got fully up there was taken out where's the Zeppelin I saw the Zeppelin a moment ago still at the lab Oh forgetting about that a players forces are under attack mocking to heal scrolls already against the carrion swarm now he remembers that he had a Zeppelin 38 supply only but that's okay so now sides want to harass here at Expo with his red Lord the next carryin that will hurt yeah yeah oh yeah Thorin is splitting already he knew that's kind of cool more experience for Thorin in the mid up in more potion we find more angles of attack with the Zeppelin I wasn't the main I like that we save but it's all time for the expo it's coming all the towers is actually coming up now for 14 girls were a little bit faster down there have a TP down so it's probably all right anyway that not in the main carrion swarm that's a lot of damage arcane doesn't reach and he has the mana stone that's a lot of a lead and at the same time the ghouls of the destroyers are coming into the expo nice play by side so action at three plays at the same time we're Thorton in the north trying to go for the expansion their cancer cigaratte and mining they are prevented as well as mining prevented like everywhere at the moment actually sit down sides base I guess there was a triple kill at least in the main for the dreadlord super kill two-pronged attack man Thorin is gonna kill the haunted and then can TP back to one of his bases to secure it again I take everything back that I said about not having a game plan oh yeah and it's very close now below five finding more pets and kids on the right-hand side it's almost there slide is really doing a good job here kill all the towers and the mining to expand sir it's really Bay since the ghouls back to take care of the Town Hall creating some space for the dreadlord who might be coming in as well probably make sure that this haunted gold mine is dead and croppers that as well as the site is gonna be supply stuck and we have low five there we go and now it's time to count down until level 6 it's still a long way to go but every kill is a step in the right direction it could consume the mana stone and kill these priests but okay Thorin is coming back he did damage in the north oh there we go - don't consume cannot be nicely that's the one ghouls gonna die okay so who has the better end out of this crazy Akuma res probably 13 he's still mining whereas the home that has to be reset up in the north which is being done right now there was quite a few resource on side but now level to level to carry and that's a lot of there it against peasants one hit after and they died and we're getting closer and closer to level six of course is getting a lot of bones experience being tier 3 I want to see in frontal so bad - I want to see infernal so so bad a player's 4sight doesn't really need an army at the moment it's just distracting and the AoE something kind of mountain king of the north was a tele staff what's a mental harassing as well causes a response and some more experience if he gets to kill it's good experience as well I think he got it five and a half yep you did slide get some a bombs now as well Expo will come up things is I think it's starting to look better and better for slide right now in the dreadlord really suits us play style disease cloud coming export up all the clothes thoughts and it's like okay man if you annoy me with this area-of-effect i will show you my hero can do that too always risky of course is the dreadlord is around he can just sleep him not sure he could have just died there actually dangerous so i gonna creep the red cap now does he want to go to three bases wouldn't surprise me side we're talking about there get some metrics finding the claw maybe not buddy wish for now but i don't know that good is it cannibalize would be very useful now was a medallion of courage always good for an MK this time no temple of the dams game is slowing down quite a bit 14 still on tier 2 not attacking to castle at all I lost a priest here too the creeps but all right more peasants on the pick up menu this is level 6 this incoming as well like if you send an abomination it's kind of a preparation for the next carrion swarm and gyros of course they get hit by carrion as well it's not like they can own destroyer so easily what is pretty big right now is that we can see that Torsen is yes been over 50 supply the last like five minutes and society has been banking a lot at fifty pop so he is at 1500 gold and he starts to produce now so in my opinion this game is starting to favor side he will I mean tours and really he's going to melee build all a bombs and ghouls and upgrades that is so fun training to aura might be the right call you can see now how fast he's booming and supply it's already at 62 and he has 800 gold more so he's probably gonna make another to a bombs or something like that staff but there we go huh did he pass him yes I thought yet clap oh yeah yes clap what the hell for for the bolt again I wanted to save so he used to TP and said oh boy this is gonna be a fun slaughter voice yeah five a bomb six a bombs actually who's being brought though one Oh upgrade like we have Mead wagons on the way dude double-wide wagon production that Tony's father needs tier three dude he needs inner fire triple hero all that stuff yeah it doesn't have to lumber I guess watch elemental is more experienced though he's just trying to slow down economy he's in a horrible position right now he's definitely gonna have to TP out of this one priest dies but no experience given up recover we're at Lord 6 this really kills right now I was 5 acolytes against the TP and two priests and a sorceress though that wasn't really worth it and it's not like Thor Singh was transitioning to tier 3 behind this it feels like he's playing a tier 3 transition with the way he plays right he's constantly distracting he's constantly buying time but I'm not really sure for what next next for my side upper left ha this is actually working man how cool and not experience dude only a hundred away from that level of so easily get that now with the workers here when you come to meet wagons they're gonna add pressure from range I really love this all in man the disease clouds man how cool oh god just carry in there with the flying machines why didn't we go alright then let's see a lot of these destroyers last exactly three seconds we have a level of the Mountain King big stop will he have to use the mana for the sleep to save his hero but the next carrier is gonna be his level six guys to talk to stop through the forest blindly and now we got level six has to disengage on the cost of another foundation so what what just happened here I mean two destroyers immediately disappeared and force any sets fly late now that's the second expo coming up so maybe if it gets enough time he can come up at supply but I think it's starting to look hard again now since the MK it's level five - that was a big one indeed I've made close to five as well such a big lead in this fight back but we got infertile now yeah he needs to keep the dread out in the back like don't attack the right clickers don't matter just don't get stone balls inventory for Taurus on its it's really good you're doing repulsion to scroll and go off the beast as well a lot of rifle damage but damage is already done to them there's not too many trees and yes that she can operate from range the one point rosin kind of has to die for the backline he's able to assign to trickle low though they're taking potshots here and there Oh in the scroll now not ending fertile here comes the ultimate oh and bottom as well by a carrion swarm oh my god somebody on a great the infernal is just the focus yeah okay no in fact at all just cuts it down get slow stumbles of course the Braves Aras working nicely as well for this MK and thought is like the most unimpressed person about the unfertile I've ever seen yeah I thought that would do more as well I guess not though I focused and read lore now is a good thing nice tan oh but sleep only throws up the surround oh my god yeah really crazy fights again a free unit after the town for Thorazine so strong at seventy-seven supply 1200 gold could easily go to three main gold mines by the way down for this week we have 100-year foresight and he has two bases up so if he can stole more time he will have the echo advantage 6000 ft excellent scare with me okay Scout the extra the second the expand now with the peasant air so that's really important so he know what's going on right now that we can scroll dude Oh makes you hard now warm around the art yes predator Taurus on adding two Scrolls now and hitting that second Expo he wants to finish the game now both sleep a little too late and you just reach for throughout there's no staff no TP now another TP gone oh that's like a third time this game he does that yeah if this goes wrong once he loses the game because of it but the counter expansion that though they wanted to do has been canceled he's getting the upper left another side can run towards the natural of thorzain though and with frenzied ghouls they're gonna be arriving pretty quickly and this is gonna be painful Thor Zane he either has to let this haunted goldmine stand or suffer a lot of damage at the expansion waiting for the carrion swarm everything is perfectly lined up for it only one cuz he went to save Lana alright haunt it still standing very aggressive TP gets another kill despite the sleep Mountain King is close to six now as well avatar I guess we will see that here right chase one more strong bolts this Mk the Beast looks nice even close to the level 6 on the Mk now pretty crazy game and site is trying to the basis of K is too many towers maybe but it is distraction and the longer the game goes like it's only 2300 gold remaining Thorin has to establish another base or break to it pretty much the same time under attack and I think side has to keep on throwing counter-attacks punished Thor's in every time he moves out to kill the second expansion but now decide going towards the natural himself grouping up his forces again and yet throws in going for the second expansion that's the safe play that's the right play feels like the game change to the left I mean society was doing a really good job with his harassing and he destroyed toward science economy a lot but it's like side is trying to fight but he can't really win person is doing a good job with every fight now and he's always trading better and side is just every fight so I don't know I don't think side is gonna win anymore in for the Mountain King again it's of course will trade sometime site needs like a little more time and then it combined push not too sure how to do it like kind of easy hold here on the high ground at the bottom right Mountain King is distracting Klepper such a big range and it's kind of you learn exactly okay haunted stance we drew of the infernal again is it gonna have a bigger impact this time definitely last time it was I don't think so guys some story but let's close the bees this time there's not so it will last at least let it I need to give scroll again was that the last one no he has one more right so there no disappearing here okay I take that back you were right that doesn't do anything except the initial stun and impact yeah it's it's not doing enough though true the rifle army once it gets to 70 supply just seems to be too good too good for this army anyway it's even backed up by Ultimates it seems like as long as Thornton has enough healed scrolls he has no issues fending off any kind of attack yeah so Torsen is playing passive now just holding you know sees ahead and he wants to get that extra mining we do have a side coming down again now something work out there - I lead what can help really likes us he's continuing using the English on his MK it's such a monster with the staff in the port and a lot utilizing all the human tools a lot of players just forget about image oh sweet carrion swarm through the forest hide with good place here as well and so that expansion is almost up so it's gonna be two bases against one for a long time next Carians bullet kill - that's level 7 right there very cheap sleep now prevents level 6 from the MK or does he know lapsim and hello I'm a genie for choice hits level 6 as well then it's completed or yeah actually not avatar it's flapping ball 3 ah ok kind of makes sense he doesn't need avatar to stay alive just spend all the man on the damage spells and he has enough priests to always dispel the sleep this is the late-game advantage of human over undead this spell is really good in the army priests are good late-game units destroyers not so much more than kind of have to hold this otherwise he has no income anymore you should probably TP now but maybe you want to it because it's gonna be hard to get a good position there okay and again the homes of gold mines still stands in the upper left and now it's one base versus two its mining yet though on the second one but yeah first time he's not mining at all right now but sending up the militias to his second Expo site is still tense man if he holds a lot a little longer he only has to focus on defending right now right he doesn't have to attack anymore I don't know yes to continues the counter attack because he can't win a fight if Thor's a enforces a fight he's gonna own that fight if side has more time to make like for more a bombs maybe then but at the moment I see no way that thoughts is actually gonna winner also close on the level 600 smash now a game change a lot yeah Thorson keeps on making more flying machines is that the right call they are the only thing that kills killed easily would be nice to have like no destroyers on side side they dominate so much with water elementals and harass a lot maybe that's the pool right here we go big attack by side one more time in this MK in the front or the subsequent position behind the tree line it's so hard to reach there with the a bombs of dis damage well another inferno yeah he has one more huge scroll on the Archmage and one more on the mountain king this again doesn't do any difference at all next carrying swamp could be great though okay not great enough I need you screw okay viii now you both still up needs it too it needs it now three abominations about to fall for the blade is about to fall the AU is too crazy can you keep these units up oh that's level six for the Archmage right there double kill on the way out and have fun dealing with mass teleport now elemental sent into the expose town portal on it boom this gotta be nice it was a little scary there for thorazine when he was down to one mining base only he wasn't that rich but he still had enough years Scrolls and that is the most important point as long as Thorin has enough healed Scrolls he is winning every fight at the moment though he doesn't have one curing one now I think yeah besides using cannibalize in his face now for Evans it's actually like yeah and for the first time we have vamp aura will also help with this it's only one one upgrades but still more sustained but the supply is a problem ten supply difference with two mana potion on the dreadlord there's carrion swarm again oh what's happened it killed like four gyros and yeah time was trying to teleport to his peasant up in the left but he cancelled that was it because he saw side was coming down to the expo again for him to be there of course one useful only instead of two so supply kinda equal tor sign with a yeah it's 64 versus 64 now see the first mass teleport ah there we go yep of course on the how the goldmine where there's still 7200 in and where side cannot TP - he's the master of town portals in this game I think he spent like three thousand gold on them but not here particle mind down question is Ken Thorazine hold need to get back you soon damage a dangerous position being stuck against the trees and whatnot but here we go TP coming in good position just right this big AoE that was the only new strong and there's more carrying swarms look one potion he just has persons blocking device there know why Wow inside says well-played sir and level eight dread Lord cannot help so this is the first win for Thorazine here side is facing elimination if he's losing the game to cash as well he's out of w-league cash versus itis next we might see Thorazine later again if cash is winning against those if he's losing against side then we need cash with us for them as well and yeah next game is starting soon and then of course we have the full work expertise if cash is playing awkward is what we all hope thank you Oh Lord in cash plays you mother I could see that word we're going to little break our broadcast is already 5 hours and 30 or something so little break right here we continue with w-league europe thorzain 3 owing side side has to play cash stay tuned be right back
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 5,188
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: QvdxHI_qD4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 24sec (4584 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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