Grubby | Pala Mass Expo

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we're against sucker but what if he would have gone demon oh that's a different time like it's not our reality if he had gone for demon it may have been worse but as a pro player you need to trust your instincts sometimes trust it when it's gonna be right don't trust it when it's gonna be wrong no but there's something magical about preparing for tournaments being in good shape playing a lot and studying your opponent's you will reach conclusions that seem to fall out of the air but they're more often right than not just because you're living breathing the game yeah I think he might be polish too and I think he might be a player elder wolf who won yeah I won that finals maybe in part thanks to that did you just put a smiley face because of what I said Harold oh all right so we're gonna go up on a rifle and then expand to his location seems legit it's not the fastest rifle build order no there is one that gets the rifle ten seconds earlier and gets the hero ten seconds earlier but you end up having less gold like almost everything is faster but your economy is tighter which gives you zero room for error and also I forgot it the building now 13,000 for the no key it's very NIC ability hotel go will you ever straight home on three I have done so before but as I said there is a game that is part of my to play games planetfall that embodies a lot of what home um scratched my itch for which I would play planet for now or XCOM or something is not at all the combination of that of those two you know in a way actual cause it shall be done exactly new key XCOM is just an orangy fest I'd avoid it yeah honestly when I looked at the planetfall gameplay cuz I just looked at XCOM for the first time today I feel like the fight system has been done better in planetfall because like you don't have a chance to miss at melee except if there's maybe like insane moats it just feels less rng take your request again yeah must've spent I know but come to tier 1 and expand on this base and XCOM you can't miss in melee either oh my oh it's just you need to go dishes well I can still get this yield second I saw someone miss in melee though with a gun we're both grouping it at the same time I think aren't we I thought I said yes there's Archer show strike pretty good damage nice screw of the beach that'll be done and if I kill that blood mage ogre mage of blood race then even better off I'm gonna get Holy Light now this shield doesn't make sense occasionally I have to take artistic license with the bill so that it still makes sense so I'm not free throwing I've lost enough games today as it is playing low chance requests what I will do is solo Paula then you can still feel like I am doing justice to the parody shield part at least more likely to get enough levels to make that work lots of lumber so I can make this expand work we momentarily leaving so that I can get some levels talks about warden opponent play ward and predicted long casts see exactly is sickness it's okay he's taking down some oh okay that makes sense [Music] [Music] [Music] what so for now the plan has failed but we will revisit this plan laser will strike with great vengeance as you can see I do not require detailed right now I don't consider this a bailing off the request it wouldn't make no sense he's not focusing oh my my appellant so ever nor should he nor would he obey that command even if I had it we just need level 5 fella I'm gonna enact the second part of the request which isn't on his face but on my base nice double claws gonna get an attack appraised here [Music] [Music] - I ain't I am Not Afraid what what would you ask I am Not Afraid just be done actual what meals what let me paste in there be nice at your also I am NOT is my age at your home let me paste it what is actual call or my is my life now I just needed a distraction right away strike I could do with one more cloquet I think we have a chill moment Dewey you always get our three first no but when I'm healing rifle Paulo rifle Prix sir there is not much else that is sense of hope to get I am Not Afraid I'm gonna do some Blademaster action the flows of magical whimsical today what is it that is my aide required of course what would you ask of me yes me no only faced a denim defending your word bigots gonna get inner fire now really big hits is this gonna work it shall be done woody I need all the fire kind of how do I get over fire and I have to sell stuff tele +34 damage now if only we swung this hammer nice in an agile manner maybe I get an alchemist second with you spray and you'll scroll it will be my healing bottom of course Paula will do even more damage with inter fire it'll be done plus 3816 armor by the way actual coal strike yeah strike three I am your good margos hey hey tippy there's fruit I've got position on this expansion okay Valon is dead for sure now I think we can creep now we've got that space we've earned it I'll send my alchemist I'm on my paladin up to fight them alone it shall be done [Applause] you need a respect detail bubble hasta I could do that maybe kind of sick by the way that we got endurance our didn't really remark on it but that is bonkers good does he have TB he does okay so we're gonna get him to TP into these towers let's prepare it's the final countdown he sees this of course because ultra vision but that's okay if he comes on the wrong side we can just cancel good luck job is done [Music] what a nice position and it still creeps less [Music] you know I think the century worse for now just let me come over he should want to get my alchemist solo why did you know you should have let me go over [Music] right no peasants left there staff he really is a healing boss yeah this is a ghost town no peasants live in fact I have almost nothing mining lumber here didn't have any cool items here Claus it's kind of cool [Music] sorry buddy if the Way's blocked buddy mcdu [Music] do I get these shield for the requests or do I get Resurrection because it's awesome I shot votes with Resurrection and I voted with my heart three subjects to do resurrection focus we can even kill three two mountain Giants would pull up grates with this army no no I got like three priests maybe even more than that this is an unkillable are JJ really cool but without look at the priests mana man without Ark mage for brilliance it's really unsustainable [Music] once the calendar about actual we countdown until reforged 1x per day it was gonna come out in December he did have a mining baseball team right by the way I'm gonna keep killing buildings while I eat but for the YouTube guys see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 36,038
Rating: 4.9405942 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, paladin, pala, expo, expansion, hu, human, alchemist, reforged, blizzcon, 2019, 2020, build, grubby builds
Id: ggKi2MmUuuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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