WC3 - ESL Cup #17 - Quarterfinal: [HU] ToD vs. Sonik [NE]

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so let's go into the quarter final best of three finally mom and dad are fighting again just like in the back to warcraft final just a couple of weeks ago it is todd versus sonic night off versus human of course and we start on terena stand and this is so promising we've seen this matchup a couple of times in recent weeks all started with that invisible water play by todd on this very map since then there's a little bit of a competitive uh feud between them i guess but all in good favorites it in in in good spirits it's the no gg game i would be very surprised to see a single good game until the very end the winner of this will probably face happy in the semifinal briston vic thank you with the 15 month reserve first hero what do we get almost every human plays mk but todd usually doesn't on this map and indeed it is the am once again question of sonic what does he have planned demon hunter sonic back to back sonic back to warcraft champion he is playing this a little different than most night elves as well i'm expecting demon hunter hunts mercs panda yeah i could also like see him emulation yeah absolutely it's going to be fun oh sonic games always fun todd games in the past three weeks also super fun this series against intro man i just got remembered of it how crazy that was in the best way possible throws an insult and salt all the way but only in game in the post game chat between them everything was fine already neutral was venting a little and then everything was uh on bro level again thank you james levan for the prime sub instant expo by todd i never understand this on taranis how is this better than the mercantile but the obvious question of course is it's faster i do understand that but you don't get level three and you don't get merc camp x especially against sonic if there's one guy in the world who might be double ancient of war pushing you it's this guy isn't it probably what he's not he's not he's got he's got a tree of life coming up yeah and it's also not going immolation it would be a lot of immolation by the way with that great armada and mantle of intelligence but the base base distance being so far maybe not so maybe this is just to not play the same all the time to not be so predictable but sonic scout just gave all away really important nice thing about the demon hunter here is with his excellent stats he can creep camps really well dude isn't the demon the best hero in the game for creeping not only does he have good damage but he also has high armor and evasion before for creeping like this yeah but there's no aoe there's no real nuke against ogre mages of course it's even more excellent than just straight up please pretty good yeah you can't you can't do this with the warden at least not so easily and with the keeper you have to use mana this is always the nice benefit of the deem hunter usually has tons of mana so you have efficient healing from the moon wells and indeed the dehydrator is still full hp over here for mana that's what i was trying to say and full hp i guess level three i got confused by myself right there for a second that happens i know that fear will green chad shout out uncle greetings to the falls are under attack lumber will coming for todd that means tawas does he even know that there's a demon hunter pretty sure right he should haven't seen the scout though but claims the middle pretty easy for him that's double three early boots as well and sonic is attacking no double engine of war no er super early huntress transition oh but there's a hundred soul okay yeah okay that's exactly what i expected all right take two tier two tech four todd starts here in this very moment a few towers coming up i imagine we're gonna be seeing a shop somewhat soon and the second bear axe for plenty of rifles would not be unprecedented for todd has played that before has made that look really good before coming in here for the expansion harass but the tree of life is long finished also pretty hurt but he has a lightning shield this could hurt as well we got it confirmed by the way that happy to owed phoenix so he will be the opponent of the winner in the semi-final a nice tournament branch to follow hawk equalized by the way so it's 1-1 now and the third game hogwarts is chic right so sonic just waiting for talk to arrive oh nice reveal nice block nice kill oh kryptonite yeah right looked like it and the bash oh another one lord that camp is not very forgiving second barracks by todd i i feel like he's a little too impatient here you know this is two base two base you know he's playing demon hunter that means he doesn't have the strongest late game hero unless he gets to level six but that's not very realistic so i would have much prefer to see him play tier three but with a second barracks that doesn't look too likely second hero now for sonic is coming out panda says hello not yet with a breath of fire uh there's a cluster of footies right there you could use it on it wasn't too great this double racks oh that's pretty good though lightning shield into the footman also his own archer but in combination with breath of fire this is nice double aoe like that play has to split everything tons of damage for sonic gear yeah this double rifle plays pretty standard dish for taught on this map this was the build that threatened foggy a lot when they played each other here and it's very very very powerful so and with sonic you never know when he pushes so getting an army early against this opponent isn't the worst thing in the world yeah i suppose so but i mean this thing signifies that he's going to go into upkeep pretty soon right he's going to stay on tier 2. i think it'll just because could have just towered up a little bit make a 50 supply army and then take the tier 3 behind because again demon hunter is a very bad late game hero normally let me see nowadays nice footy saves here did a really good job saving them at the expansion oh one of them though is quite suicidal all right we'll make it back the am for todd is pressuring but uh the mercs will be winning this little trade oh nice slow from the mud golem pushes the tp out the big army he down for the two the expansion that's a nice region scrub that's also lightning shield he's trying to get in with the demon hunter there's the breath oh but he used the potion sonic a tiny bit too slow but it can cancel a lot of healing right here also with the glaives three nice you didn't have the mana for the breath otherwise that might have been a kill tier three oh damn todd is actually going to three with double racks well that's unusual double racks double sanctum i like it on the other side it's lots of mercs for sonic it's tier three it's double lore it's a long q in the ancient of lore this is lining up to be a phenomenal tier three what third hero do you play here is todd i guess palin blood mage is always good right to out siphon the demon hunter once that is done you get rid of the strength of the panda as well yeah but healing is also pretty nice i wouldn't even mind alchemist i think the strongest human hero combo nowadays oftentimes is am blood mage alchemist but uh well the naga is in the mix so we won't be seeing that zeppelin drop into the main oh there's only a single arcane here this can do a lot just use this already it could threaten the second one he needs a quite some number for upgrades this is not an important one god not willing to dp just walking back mana's low health is kind of low on sonic so he can't really take a very good straight up fight but he can certainly harass and make this expensive for todd and buy time for tech to come up this is basically distractive play for sonic not looking to actually fight you notice what i'm saying here he's not looking to fight crazy compared to yesterday where he went real ham and i'm very glad to see this again by sonic some restraint here being shown yeah but you know when he's not willing to fight he's still not creeping or stalling time he is somewhat aggressive so he got that archmage level 4 naga still level 1 this will change soon get double heel scroll double clarity still lots of footman tier 3 has been done and it is thundering blades into animal wartrain into master swords what into master swords ah cancel that that was a lot of time though in the meantime zeppelin back towards the expo oh if todd focused the zeppelin it's definitely gonna fall busy with the creeps though at the moment over at the lab todd now has to do with two two things at the same time takes out the zeppelin still has the tp lots of heels both as well trying to evacuate these workers doesn't really work too well now it's on portland and that is a guaranteed tp trade step out before full of lightning rifle fire is good sonic is willing to walk out i would love to see your shredder enough for todd but he's actually instead queuing a lot of production oh my god it's like 14 supply in queue with a pat with a hero that's like 20 supply and q so many sorts as well he has no priests yet yeah he got into fire but that's good arcane tower is gone trying to get as much damage as possible oh mass repair i was a little too panda oh what focus fire only level one he's gonna be back soon that's good however the previous statement only level one is not good panda needs levels needs good experience and high level spells and yeah this comes back to your point from earlier yeah he's not looking for a fight but he's certainly not creeping either those fairy dragons it's not too many rifles in general not too much anti-air but you can easily counter that there's no workshop as well we actually go source with master training yeah yeah bro i've seen polymorph already once this month how much mana is there again a lot right opens up the top right base this could be another expansion if he wants but for that resources are pretty low four three one hero levels not too bad certainly better than sonics illusion scouts everywhere by tarda like that scouts by sonic as well that made in time doesn't hit anything but doesn't give any experience not all of a sudden level three good dps archmage is getting close to five something a little risky that's the item though finding level two for the panda needs to soak up this experience and difficult to attack for todd now that's a lot of uh slow through the forest though the seal scroll comes in counters the panel damage quite well and these bears all slowed down now quite easy to control for the fire dragon haze hits one more time thanks to the mana potion alden taking a good bit of damage but the ark is still protecting him level five demon hunter level two paladin going for the aura not for the divine shield fight is raging on for quite a long time still somewhat even supply at least says it is and that's the irk you hunted down to like one third panda out of the fight can you take a bear with them no another night exit kill a giant okay [Music] dust settles with 68 supply for tort 63 for sonic hero levels look good on both sides now but a lot of hurt units for sonic how long will these fairies do something more priests more nights no workshop yet i'm always kind of doubtful of knights we saw it quite a bit recently but mostly on terenas against the warden tinker and i did appreciate them after some time against the fan of knives and cluster rockets combo knights are much more durable there than rifles but this is only a panda this is not warden plus tinker do you really need to go knights and you also don't need to go source with master training i feel like todd is having some fun today [Music] trying to expand now but sonic smells it level three that's a good level of oh until he and the heel awards that's also juicy juicy normally late game night elf dryads are really underwhelming because they get hard countered by more teams and rifles but todd's army here only has two rifles that's all of it the drives will be surprisingly effective however their numbers are low three dryads only sonic pushing towards solid expansion gets one night for free took out the shop as well todd is going for the counter attack though all right knights versus bears and a panda against the repair not sure if that's the best trait but good sim city so far panda's trying to reach from the bottom there's no arcane tower so another breath of fire coming and that should be the expansion and a lot of experience so bye bye and todd without mortars still gets it for lightning zap level four level five archmage as well moving forward no lumber anymore though and supply search yeah try to supply suck for a really long time so they get 70 as well can't go higher three nights in the main cube now rebuilds all the farms there lights are 2-2 by the way shop gone no mountain giant transition anytime soon jesus christ these nights 16 are more 49 damage reduction were you still there when we had the plus 20 uh the the 24 armor hero on infie no another ielts that was ridiculous wait wasn't that a tc what was it a tc yeah something something there's something in an infj game that was sick yeah i saw an image of it later double heel scroll for todd is gonna get a protection scroll also he wants more armor all the armor he's the anti-neo not like damage but rather amore and here we go nice detonates coming in what to do against them zap them i don't think so a big breath of fire big drunken haze big heel scrolls everywhere looks like the swords are all extinct sucked down to 64. no polymorph to be seen anywhere can be dispelled anyway now it's the falling of the front lines we have a heavy melee fight polymorph here it is a bear turned into a sheep pretty much useless all right bears or knights what's stronger these fairies did a great job the anti-casters in the back against the swords took him out really quick but still the knights seem to be superior with their crazy upgrades demon hunter in trouble inval is forced cali level for this fight and that's it sonic taps out that's the one over top the polymorph build prevails oh yeah and knight's greater bears nice different unusual game as it always is the case between the two and todd is one map away from the semifinal against happy that is probably well that would be probably the best clicked youtube video of us in the past 18 months or so there was a lot like a lot of armor a lot lot lot armor on these nights and pretty cool that this worked second map echo isles i have seen so many games by sonic here playing keeper push sometimes successfully sometimes not so much i can tell you exactly how this goes todd goes fast expansion sonic is harassing a little then pushing with hans and todd it will look super dire he's about to be eliminated but then there's some kind of fantastic move that keeps him in the game then there's tier two rifles come in and he holds miraculously and then sonic doesn't have attack and uh todd takes it from here neo stradamus right there for you all right which first hero archmage yeah i mean of course ultramix but for sonic ah could be demon hunter or keeper keeper all right could also be a ward actually hmm thank you paulo where are the two players in the lobby and we're ready to go todd extends his map record to four and oh could make it five now in their recent encounters but before the latest 3-0 victory by todd sonic was able to get a 2-0 in uh i don't remember the tournament but the time before they played uh that one he got the 2-0 so he has beaten todd before we'll try now to come back into this series but todd one map away from the semis all right game starts echo ielts oh we've seen this a couple of times recently also todd vs neutron and todd always looks so so so good this ulta position is already interesting so merc camp creep here by sonic so a slow start slightly greedy start you could say you could say yeah but if you want to play like him you need kind of like mercs as well [Music] i think this map is super strong for playing warden counter expo and then just defending until the human runs out of resources so that by the light plenty of times it's not exactly sonic's style so curious important okay you can still all in with the warden sounds like it's impossible if todd gets the mercamp though it's gonna be very difficult to pull off a push i don't think he's going for a mark that would be pretty atypical for todd like he doesn't do it on ts and i think he doesn't do it here so next warden is pretty powerful one of the better one players in my opinion but also sometimes a little suicidal a player's forces are under attack i expect a lot of aggressive blinks all right go oh not instant expanding rather green first sonic checks for it nice claws of attack on the am very good start for him warren wants to see one of two items here panel of energy is the best but also claws are very nice even ring of region is pretty damn good the players forces are under attack green into green level two for todd claus for the warden and level two we got a new sub thank you the stud for the prime serb very nice wisp scout timing here wisp is lost but sees what's happening sees where the militia going and with that intel sonic knows he's safe to take the natural okay that's also quite some hp second claw nice oh that's so much damage yeah a lot of damage on the warden so he has to go back and then across the entire map that's a lot of time for talk yeah but if he goes for shadow strike with these items he can hunt down for kills like crazy if he gets boots wait he's not attacking sonic has a hunch saw his transition forces are under attack yes uh that's looking quite all in of course the ton is creeping up to three now towers up expo up he knows exactly what's coming he's just counting the seconds scout footy is not around anymore to look for expansion or look for the tech i am also got nice items by the way level three very very important level up against the warden who's very close to three sonic denied one creep with the ancient of war by the way and this is where this deficit comes from but see sonic moving over shadow strike number one he's counting the seconds for the scout tower to finish did you know remo that there's one race that didn't win any sl cup yet oh wait who won the cup when happy lost to agent chad help me out maybe i was lying but here's the big push this spells big mercs level three ordinary down to fifty percent though and only one hunt and everything for todd is solo and he canceled that tower fan oh damn that hurts god needs more footies todd needs militia todd needs a lot we'd love to have a tower here as well but that one's getting canceled militia is coming 100 is low second creep is also pretty low but yeah this is feeding the warden quite a bit the right clicks as you mentioned decently strong can you deny this that's what elemental yes yeah that's what makes thoughts so good always outstanding with those denies some dota in the late 2000s another attempt to get sex bob you should prevent this pull if there's a pole okay not going for it morning archer fan of knives again this tower is not finishing but this arcane man would be such a change a pace by todd holtz all right forces the staff out towers will be finishing very surprised todd didn't try to set up a shop yet at the expansion resources are however very low he's just trying to hold on to dear life and sonic's all in continues no mercs available at the moment he just went for the shadow priest next berserker becomes available in 30 seconds it's going to be a very important addition once again the first berserker died taught now at the shop could go for a dust but i guess it's daytime soon anyways ah thank you amazing style was terra of course winning so remo did you know that there's one race who didn't win an esl cup yet is that so that is so take a guess well it's night off or human you are always forgetting about police who won episode number four or five and there was terror unhappy of course and spiral wanted for the orcs so it's only one race left and that is human could be the top tonight today could be the day tier two started for todd on two towers one more is coming shop far in the back all right so two base two base both on the way to tier two todd with his trademark second barracks once again blacksmith and soon-to-be rifles a player's forces are under attack kind of a cool shot positioning down there sees a little uh swing around the tree lines coming a little bit earlier some x pull up but as an attack yeah fifty percent pretty much on par with todd going blacksmith double racks again well this could be cancelled though it's a big delay could be lots of penguin kills also warden would love to use this fan here for more i tried to deny the arcane not sure if it worked for the first time todd is brave enough to move out of his side of the map second barracks now at the south but he shouldn't lose this also make another one at the expansion i guess i'm feeling it already the top weather the storm already i mean the storm before the level 6 warden avatar super op storm a little bit away panda second for sonic again [Music] if todd had more footage he could seriously pressure this counter expansion but as it is i don't know cool play by sonic not straight up stubbornly breaking the expo switching targets and he's doing a lot of damage here they got so many kills he's gonna get another rifleman here as well i don't care now he's trying can't he just right click down he's going for the repair oh yeah your biggest acid bomb possible but that's a hold that's expensive again that bought sonic a ton of time [Music] todd's lumber in the dumpster here with all the peasant kills all the repair and everything else typical human echo out problem getting improved lumber harvesting needs a lot more workers make up for it and quite some experience as well not looking too great but todd has sick survival skills and sonic has sick throw the game skills this creep jack though could be painful i thought at least once the big item and we'll get that but doesn't have a clear way of getting out of this mess now he's a little runaway rifle walking into the army punished for that immediately thank you daddy [Applause] what now he's kind of trapped warden doesn't have much mana but this is a lot of huntresses still because i have a few rifles now at least but no lumber no lumber for todd but also no tier 3 for sonic so no bears no giants coming and rifles are still a great answer if you can mask them a little well enough yet though they're getting destroyed by these bouncing glaives at the moment yeah that's really rough it's really rough 2k gold almost another barracks kill that's almost the foggy-esque approach to kill so many production buildings and i like it a lot slows down everything player's forces are under attack it's right now even creeping camps away from the opponent's side todd wants to try to come in and disrupt his best as he can but he's a tiny army it's hard to kill anything with this one you just got a shadow freeze but it might be the only realistic killer you can get yep and snares working in sonic's favor good mana on the panda outfit super low feels like it's just a matter of time until there's no gg but next game after these two guys you never know tonsilles 2k gold though if he's just finally left alone if he should finally be left alone he can make a lot of units but of course sonic isn't giving him that luxury and why should he there's no real reason until there's a hero focus or something or he's in danger of losing the expansion and neither of that is the case todd doesn't even have long rifles by the way so this is 500 400 range on these riflemen getting it one staff's back all the mana in the world and she's like one or two kills away from level five oh boy long rifles almost done double racks reestablished workshop as well mortar teams when protected great sonic is on the way to tier three well that will take some time so if he's pushing now with hunts and giants mortars and rifles could both be huge there is over commitment potential here i thought it soon to be supply stuck that's not good i can't repair against these glades i use this more teams very very very badly i want to break up keep though heal free is good enough for the moment shadow melt as well no reveal the slang is dang best to keep this barracks up but it's always losses finally production starts again three buildings here were not doing anything for the longest time bit of a macro mistake there by todd but he holds on the shop is down there the alchemist survives some huntresses are falling and todd holds and now the morning team is almost out along with two more rifles but i don't know how he does it sonic is at 72 supply mg's are going to be the real problem though dealing with mgs when the human doesn't have tier 3 is extremely tough definitely needs to get solo levels for this alchemist and mgs are coming horses are under attack far away quite some time for todd's going tier 3 nope no lumber at all so will he be able to spend all his gold at some point yeah he's like a little trust fund baby this game just so much cash in the bank not spending it on anything yet so how long can todd hold four knocks and she's on the way right yeah number one also a bear for roar level three alk though sonic just aiming for a keep ah todd okay there we go tping now i like that position here okay slowly but steady getting there but lumber's still an issue 600 gold spent and supply stack again can't really power build right so hard to do killing the hunches sonic is for better units resistant skin defense upgrades fairy dragons soon to have an ultimate army todd of course finds the beloved crystal ball he hasn't scanned with it yet here we go again siege sticks todd is trying to hold on until tier 2 but will sonic give him the time again keep some supply stuck one of the keys to victory if he wins this but with water teams todd might have a chance to go for the tree that's so much damage in the main man so many peasants falling i don't know todd if that was the right call just abandoning your main like this they felt a little desperate already it's a huge rifle concave he's not supply stuck he's getting that 70 army and he's forcing a tp sonic is a high upkeep by the way is he just giving up this expo yeah all right now todd needs to tp we have to cancel the technical players he's just going full base race okay all right oh we've seen that before yeah i mean why not three mgs and the bear and the panda though i'd love to see like more buildings everywhere for todd how many buildings are there that's quite a few he scans now as well and yeah sonic has a tp home this is the last base both are supply locked main base wiped out there's a couple of buildings left so many farms the missing tier three is gonna hurt him hard though yeah dealing with these mgs man maybe he doesn't have to if sonic is going for another attack he can go for an attack because oh cool reveal mortal shots but only for so long big drunken ace big breath of fire one heals for only the fairies need to be shut down immediately otherwise they do way too much damage and he reacts nicely that opens up the back line for the one though waiting for the fan here we go level four on the panda scroll protection is helping archmage down to fifty percent need to use another scroll two more still alive riots are falling as they were diving and sonic down to 67 both equal supply so at one point it would come down to the heroes of the mana tpl by todd as the mana is all gone the hill squads have been used more kills for sonic got like three rifles or something like that on the way home on todd's way home and that's almost level six for that part priest as well sonic is he expanding again no instant reveal as well one thousand gold in the ma in the main three thousand left for todd it's not impossible to win this it's hard it's super hard it's not very likely with like looking at the wardens level but it's not important not important not impossible man but this is a big night for me now players mg's strong heroes two one upgrades am almost level five that would be a nice level up a town is under siege looks like sodas expecting a new expo somewhere but he scanned for it so rather not both are a little afraid i feel level five watch mage nice should be brilliant over three right it's all about mana no it's not the washington is also pretty good since dryads now are useless and he does have a severe lack of frontline one bear clears the main sonic has a very good idea of what todd is doing todd really cannot afford to lose many units at all he's got double heel scroll alchemist with the heel spray oh why loses the racks uh the blacksmith oh the smaller team is important fairy dragon again i don't know if that's the best choice to go for it this is so hard to fight yeah this these fights are such a nightmare yeah but sonic it's really easy he just a clicks in he uses his spells and he dispels the watch elementals 20 supply down main goal mine for sonic has expired though so every pickup now is very big but the tree is walking over as well one more water elemental and this warden's level six a town is under siege i think with automated level 6 there could be an answer to it but no no frag shards as well no front line for todd big aoe with a fairy fire uh very fairy dragon adding to that as well damage just simply everywhere on these forecasters hello level six everything is down already avatar vengeance summoning a lot of spirits alchemists about to hit the deck getting grilled and that must be i mean not gg obviously but must be game yeah this is over in this ultra late game if you don't have mk and paladin i guess tier 3 human is basically impossible almost killed the warden but didn't work you know what was missing the tier three and the polymorph the polymorph won him tearing a stand obviously was missing here it was a little off with my prediction yeah good game by sonic though uh classic sonic pressure you know it's easy to say uh todd did was supply block you know 2000 gold why didn't he make units when you're under so much pressure all the time it is insanely hard to macro perfectly and yet todd could have done it a little bit better but that was also very well done by sonic forcing those mistakes very tough to play such a game without making any errors and sony was able to capitalize on those gets the equalizer brings us to map number three that's how we love it long and dirty to the side happy's opponent in the semi-final happy still playing night elf in case you're tuning in late you wonderful 3200 viewers out there who would he prefer todd or sonic i imagine sonic i think uh you won't be too happy with both thank you brickball with the two month resub grub p thank you sheik who has defeated hawk will be playing against blade in the other semi-final what hawk losing to shake again he did yeah blade is pretty damn sick versus undead these days i expect him to be in the final we could get a human mirror in the final true give us the go and we shall follow good old gg discussion in chat for some people it is important some people think it's absolutely meaningless we go into game three and this the last quarter final about to be decided sonic bottom left northern isles taught upper right so seeing a warden on echo isle is not a big surprise oh i didn't see her on terenas that was quite unusual what was that thing i'm not sure warden here nowadays also the most popular choice for northern isles but it's sonic it could be a keeper it could be a demon could be a beastmaster but as we have the altar already that is out of the equation so what is it for uh todd very very likely an archmage sonic warden again [Music] no merc camp here so if he plays her aggressive again this will be a little different also a bit harder of a level three creep route for the warden here not really hard with the toast car camp into triple green you can still get it fairly easily if you don't get pressured over on nettie's we see plenty of humans creeping level 3am and then going across the map with the help of militia level 3 am is faster acquired than level 3 warden and then try to do a lot of damage with the level 2 watch elementals not playing the expansion but todd usually is very fond of the fast expansion i expect to see that here again tusker cam first on both sides sonic not repairing now starts it whisper a little out of position damage a little spread making sure that engine of war is not denying anything and another engine of war in the six o'clock todd playing with fire here that's a little very hard peasants right here and the wisps should have seen it the kill for the am very good beginner for the one decent already committed to the shadow strike so no blink fan plays here start going for this expansion once again again pretty early seize the wisp move okay on the course of equipment er not perfect happens i guess he was busy starting this camp warden is busy starting this one as well but that should be two foot and kills already playing a lot of time though on these footies am level three talisman of evasion uh certainly not the best and now todd is moving south can he arrive at the gold mine in time to stop the wardens level three and they've been pretty close knows of course the warden is here he saw this ring of regen we love that saves some moon juice todd arrives lasted on the tuscan is huge but he misses it lasted on the priest is huge but oh god it actually prevents level three no dust of appearance so these archers are safe for the time being warden would love to find just one more kill creep would do it oh he moved the water metal out of detonate range that was pretty sweet good damage like that okay ancient of war at the expo though the warren is ready with the fan oh jesus can go home now town hall is finished what does this cost though it's trying to kill the tower nice militia call so you can almost repair instantly one is taking quite some hits can't commit to the involved though repair continues still waiting for the militia duration oh fireballs arrived from off-screen didn't even see that and again the tower falls early at least he's gonna get the ancient at least gonna get the warden but this is very expensive again oh [Music] dust of appearance missing god getting punished for it super heavily well we got the expose up though or the x pull up though tier 2 attack by sonic still good damage level three and a half one tower started again but probably because again that wasn't a town portal and a big involved and of course sonic is not re-buying a town portal at all warden back in against the tower as another cancel breath of fire lots more damage final knives used and more peasants going down oh my god dude this missing dust is being abused so hard breath of fire almost needs more reinforcement from the main and here they come all thrown at the warden but this won't save the tower yeah yeah i tried to block the panda in oh wow nice idea yep really cool move no staff no way out bye bye these are the moves that can give you some momentum only level one hero though honestly doesn't matter that much in the meantime expansion is coming up sonic is staying on tier two todd is forced to stay on tier one oh my yeah for quite some time and expose at one third after some moving back in so there could be a staff down the road actually it's night time for a bit one getting hurt getting hit being poisoned and no step for her there's a lot of juicy pickup kills here for the am there should be level four for him with the archer kills one denies herself well done finally tech started seven minutes er 50 in that's a lot a player's forces are under attack at least we got one tower up out mage heights and another lack of dust a player's forces are under attack oh nice the footies exactly cancel the entangle wait can he get this tree and sonic is moving back so i don't think so how much man does he have two fans how do you get out there now okay one more cancel greedy admit is here oh willing to tp and that's coming they're all hurt oh they're fatter [Music] i triple killed that was sexy [Music] second back i thought it had one heal scroll here maybe he could have even killed this tree but the entangled once more and then tp out or he's just committing every single footman oh he's not even getting the entangled not looking that way huh you can't kill the pandava that was not the right choice not to go for the entangled worked so well two weeks ago against neutron trying to kill the heroes not today rifles are coming so he freed up all the footman supply for right jesus christ once these two dryads out but sonic has good macro more rifle streaming it at one point sonic has to back up doesn't he okay fighting only with the heroes that's quite smart [Laughter] they're brawling what is this nonstop fighting an all-out brawl for which the ring of region is crazy good love it long rifles coming soon the players forces are under attack sonic on the way to tier 3 yes and todd has like no lumber at all tier three if he wants to go there will be far away yes lots of triads now at some point todd should be able to contest the giants and fly up in supply and inexperience no tp no staff almost moon ask here with the dryad run byes trying to kill off some peasants but not willing to fight rifles as we know do quite well against ryan's sonic is getting ready for 80 supply sonic is almost at tier 3 getting ultravision then workshop by todd again double rex priests and workshop wait where's that workshop overlay was lying or he canceled it oh i just saw it one of many possibilities zeppelin by sonic seems to want to drop into the main once again start just doing the same that would be so nice toilet 66 this todd sees this this despite night time oh the farmer could have been close yeah it's gonna have to tp certainly because there's no tower in the main and that is a sizable knight of army unloading waiting for the tp there we go there is this time a counter tp wrong position he expected sonic's movement to go to the upper right and then it would have been this crazy snipe like what a risk by sonic though like the same play there is definitely just tpi ah there's the workshop our overlay was not lying and now there's gyro soon is that the expansion [Music] okay little bit of slow limits the movement at the moment so what's the lumber looking like for todd now it's not too bad he could go tier three but it would be quite late but against five three heroes for sonic and his tier three ready i think todd has no choice but to go to tier three himself i don't see him being able to compete on tier two in this ultimate stealing the tp and protection scroll but two involves to heal scroll for sonic and with that in this archmage he must know what's up that is a lot of damage first mg about still a rifle in the base that's lacking oh the wisp season wants to get this red camp here before he gets creep jacked or something like that more than level five this would be the perfect time to retrain now into blink fan sonic like shadow strike so perhaps he won't cut this pipe nice to take it away from panda and warden obviously useless photo himself if you want to fight this already 78 or 79 but tier 3 vs tier 2 or 3mgs again the fairies shouldn't be useful at all but turns out they are because they're not focused past enough way more team from the back big impact on these giants ultimate is quite low spams the heel strike rifles might be finding a nice concave tp out that was a lot of dryads falling for sonic though did he kill a lot not really right yes he did sonic was down to 65 at one point no no i mean sonic yeah no no he didn't look at the production there's nothing happening all on the field was a lot of damage but now that's one of these cool tps where you can just clear out the other red spot of course very obvious but with all these rifles and 2-0 there shouldn't be time for sonic to engage into this he's trying though of course brilliance three this time by todd by the way still not going to three todd could head there right now again but even without fractures more teams do pretty good damage against giants zero one upgrades versus 2-0 how can you prevent these bears and mg's from doing some damage okay he's focused firing these bears hard one is about to fall this here what got a cancer archmage in a world of trouble stays in this fight really wants to stay in this fight not tp out again but he has to otherwise he's losing way too much one one kill that was all right though it should be the red spot for sonic the top portal 2 is xbox where the sharp is so you can engage again maybe that is too risky and tier 3 just started so paladin about three minutes away blood major or yeah blood mage right blood meat will be better actually i think that could be really good you have the healing already on the alchemist single target against the fan of knives and breath of fire doesn't do too much devotion r is already all is always okay i guess but siphon mana is just so a player's forces oh much better yeah especially against the warden who doesn't have blink it's crazy strong all right battle for the red camp so let's dive really quick to these rifles oh but he walks back no how unfortunate man what are these fairies he has way too far yeah and way too many that's just suicidal ultimate in the world of trouble against heavy heavy snipes on the one but man sonic is losing everything that's not melee i think todd lost a single priest right there only well he kind of lost the red spot sure but apart from and three tp's in like two minutes gloss plus 12 not the greatest thing oh sonic has an ex bottom left top nose a player's forces are under attack not on purpose where's the alchemist yet another tp doesn't mean zero priest it's super hard to heal up these heroes i think that's a problem with his production here orton did get the tp but it's not in time to save this tree too much dps tree down it's like gold difference but not too important man it's a cool game this goes back and forth all over the place a town is under siege more upgrades oh it's continuing the siege sound like a supply stock so if he loses more units in the next fight it's a backstab though why did he build six fairies that makes kind of no sense anyway when i post on the one i like that thought the scout farm here does not add a third hero he's making a knight instead frag shots in a fire is that the time to fight not really but of course after so many town portals you kind of really don't want that and this army is not connecting the fight one more the team okay but that is uh what 14 supply distracted how long can he stay in this heal spray alchemist a little bit in trouble close to five now couple of losses for taught now we could build the blood mage but maybe it's also too squishy it's so good though doesn't have the lumber looks like he's waiting for it alchemist is out of the fight for a long time if he's concerned with too much damage like actually paladin could also be really good here but here it comes blood mates there was a little oversight because the archivist is tanking all the time and if he's getting holy lighted and he'll sprayed it's going to be near impossible to kill him off he goes blackmaid now though expo by sonic upper left expo by oh not bottom right i thought he would expanded two spots no todd can't really go up too high upkeep archivists are not ready flat mage still not there two one upgrades nothing on the knights also no sundering blades crack shards are done though and what an upgrade this does by the way happy being in the game he will have a lot of forces game tape basically to learn from yeah all right how many more times four oh that's so much damage does anyone need an example of how good frag shards are we'll see that this game sanctum taken out so sonic may be identifying that there's not enough priests a single priest only but that means this army has crazy dps yes but the armor upgrades for sonic two armor upgrades okay pretty good pretty good gonna get up to two two upgrades here in a moment he's so heavy on bears is that the right thing he i feel like he's like he feels that he's missing damage because the fights are always so explosive and then there's a tp i'd like to see at least one more mg certainly sick games for sure two heal scrolls oh dude todd expo is running out of gold so is his main yep yep oh he's going ultra all in he doesn't have the lumber for another base that hurts oh boy tense moment high upkeep for todd 2 300 still but if he kicks this tree it's not that bad sonic follows him to hypeki oh tp immediately retreat immediately very aggressive i imagine hey oh this blood mage has no potion shadow strike immediately is there a staff yes there is so can get it out but not a single siphon yet holy smokes that breath of fire drunken haze was surreal good finally siphon fairy dragons kind of untouched another oh my god this is not working alchemist way too hurt mountain giants took up more damage the bears are everywhere jesus todd is trying long distance mining or does he actually looks banned again there's not enough swords there's no enough slow to go around against these bears yeah some of them are slowed but many of them aren't going in again let me get just 20 xp that's not too much panda not level five is going to be a huge upgrade one went to the shop got an involved closer to five essex so many fairies once again [Music] good deployment the heroes are constant pressure on them there's nothing on the archmage needs to be set up for the staff is on him trying to get the kills as many as possible outfit mage ultimate how do you save this guy didn't pass the staff just walks out no brilliance anymore and everything is getting shredded to pieces by these bears level six so many corpses and the alchemist is falling as well [Music] the bears are chewing through the front lines with the strong upgrades am close to dying alchemist is dead top down to around 50 supply only now and that must be the game warden doesn't even fall herself and even if she did didn't matter sonic is rich with almost a thousand gold that's it gg moves on into the semifinals does sonic and we get a happy versus sonic night elf mirror ladies and gentlemen that is gonna be our semi-final blade versus shake has unfortunately started all ready uh a couple of minutes ago so we this week we will only see one semi-final but that's a cool one man can happy do it despite uh despite playing off ray sonic looking pretty hot today won back to warcraft cup yesterday so it's definitely not to be underestimated this is quite some hype semi-final will happy still do it that would be so surreal get the answer a couple of minutes stay with us tell your friends tune in with your ipad your phone your dog and then be right back
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 9,110
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: eivXPR32ELc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 18sec (4518 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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