WC3 - ToD's Tag Team 3 - LB Final: 15sui & XiaoKai vs. ThorZaIN & Starshaped (Ro16)

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i still have the uh application email that i sent to esl radio and it was back then to take i archived that in my email account and it is so cheesy it's so cringe it's crazy but it's kind of fun but yeah me as an how old was i 1819 a little cringe a little cringe can i can i flip this somehow i don't think so all right our 2v2 begins finally friends finally we are ready to kick things off this is it seems a little quiet does it let me know in chat if the sound is working fine and all that stuff thor zane and star-shaped spawning on the right-hand side of shattered exile going for the natural creep right away thank you cuties pubes 420 with a seven month three sub says b2w less than three thank you my man what item do you get here crystal ball yup pendant of energy in this case with water elementals and militias was pretty easy to creep and with treants and we're gonna have a fast expansion by both players on this map it seems like fast expo it's a pretty wise thing to do easy to creep at the beginning if both players go for it and it's nicely protected between the two bases we're gonna come in for a bit of harass can't really do that much though as it would seem wow lab creep as well seems like it's an easy lab on this map shredder in 2v2 should be really good right that's unlimited lumber for two players oh the keeper dies i like to let them die actually only level one hero it's going to be revived soon anyways ring of regent for the crypto by the way very nice haunted was damaged a little bit i don't think he was able to get the cancel though thank you kooba creighton with a sup welcome i think this is a beautiful map how do you guys feel about this map as i said earlier it's made by mafi who i think is a great map maker in 1v1 by the way it has forced cross spawns and in 2v2 players will always be spawning on the left and on the right find level two for the keeper we don't have level threes reached yet do we nope but oh starship is very close thought i mean and there we go there it is am gets the level three the level two watch elemental certainly very nice right now at the mercant by the way there's unusual creeps there's a high priest which is really good but also 300 gold very expensive there's a geomancer who can cast slow and there's some uh rogue dudes the rogue isn't that good but the um what's he called the assassin something something assassin who has the poison spear damage that one's pretty strong oh look at this two wisps at the expansion to be ready to detonate against summons that's pretty cool xiaokai is still not mining over here fully start the tech he has to wait for the necro so big goal difference here 700 gold already i thousands getting rich he's also getting tier two he's getting rifles star-shaped going to tier two as well playing huntresses his favorite unit but the strongest thing that nightlife can play especially in 2v2 and in team games in general is mountain giants i wonder if that's going to be the plan mountain giants and rifles could definitely be a strong army altar of kings is getting destroyed that's a big delay on the mountain king very good attack here by the swedes shuttle by the way to end ours who i saw earlier in chat as well the sweden team captain always proud of his boys oh detonate good split though nevermind wow that was such a bad impale he only hit one footy not the greatest crypto reached level three so level two beatles now finally first sorceress comes out but one or two slows i don't see that making a big difference here and indeed he's holding on to the mana but with the beatles with the footies the chinese can push back the swedish aggression has there ever been a swedish chinese war i would assume not right kind of hard to wage war when you are halfway across the globe part of second by star-shaped so this in fact does not look like mountain giants at all but rather archers archers and rifles so [Music] triple sanctum whoa triple sanctity by thor zane so no rifles it's gonna be breakers priests maybe sorks there's a second hero though blood mage there it is [Music] blood mage for blizzard flame strike later on could be very strong and of course against the load is very good i guess the lord the siphon very powerful lord who is now level four there's not too many creeps left on the map is there in 2v2 when you have to divide by four there's really not that many creeps to go around oh look at this little critter party here in the middle quack they might now come in with a pincer move from the north we have starship with huntress archer army and from the south thorson is approaching the army for the swedes doesn't look that strong yet they only have tier 1 units for the most part anyways the breakers now part of the army as well i really like this blood mage siphon mana an extremely powerful spell and later on flame strike could work out quite well as well the swedes 2v2 team has looked very strong so far this tournament and also looking pretty strong in this little skirmish it's going to be another fiend going down jakki 50 supply for him only 36 for 15 sway he's really been suffering this game mountain king in trouble tp transfer he's probably gonna have to use that here in a second the keeper has so much mana so many entangles nope doesn't use the next one here though look at that big creep revenant of the depths i don't even know what drops there like mana stone or cad gas pipe or something like that decent impale there takes out two archers siphon trying to steal the mana slasher again bringing wisps into the battle he's always good with that but they never really connect unfortunately always taken out but they did fade out a couple of spells i suppose swedes don't have that much damage though the archers no upgrades on them yet neither damage upgrades attack upgrades uh nor marksmanship is going tier three nope just you two massing zhaokai might be the strongest force here soon he is about to reach tier three but doesn't have the lich yet here we see the blizzard flame strike great damage keeper level four mountain king dies and he was level two so it's gonna take a little while to get him back and the tier two push might be too much to deal with but now zhaokai standing on blight he's got two shops over here to spam mana potions that's pretty cool and thor's ain't towering in the main one guard tower done already i would love to see an arcane i feel like that would be more impactful mana potion impale damage on the archers significant but the crypt lord in trouble involve potion is there saves him huntresses are having a tough time finding the right position against the allied blizzard but it's mostly archers now anyways isn't it aml five is he going aura or blizzard i guess blizzard is better the bottom and the keeper can't really do too much with the aura well that mage gets level three you can go for the powerful powerful level two siphon flamestrike also very good against buildings but he's holding on to the mana for now 15 sway and jiaokai in serious trouble we have a little run by over here at the expansion we had quite a few earlier already but thorsen is dealing with it with a couple of priests in a tower orb of corruption on an am who's using blizzard that is not the right target when the mountain king walks right into the next surround and is dead again it should be level three blood mage i know actually needs a little bit more impale and blizzard though doing really good damage star-shaped needs a yield scroll a shop here for region scrolls would also be wonderful there it comes now a little bit late by thor zane but still going to be strong once it's finished we have the lids here now finally oh and the lord i mean the keeper dies and suddenly suddenly the swedes might be in trouble level three for the blood mage is he gonna go siphon or is he gonna go flame strike where are the flame strikes anyways there has been a severe lack of flame strikes he's keeping this orb on the air the mad land yeah this shop should have been done way sooner keeper being revived still no tier three this seems almost all in by the swedes if they're pushed back they're going to be in serious trouble this is never one or two sec uh i think it's level one siphon so level should be level two flame strike portum also died oh big flame strike right there and he's not moving the fiends oh boy big damage but the towers are taken out and it's looking better and better for the chinese now level three for the cr dk it's also a big deal georgian's gonna have to tp out all the a.m level three impale almost won the game right there oh the statue oh denied by their own blizzard they say i need to be careful man what a hold 15 sway barely anything left but the undead zhaokai is looking super strong strong triple hero and they're backed up by the brilliance aura level 3 mk it's the only thing that's really missing here and i wonder and i wonder shouldn't they have transitioned to tier three rather all right what drops from this creep should be a big item oh it's valuable experience as well for the lich and the mk oh dude these heroes are getting out of control hood of cunning not the best drop would have certainly preferred an aura especially the endurance zhaokai looking large and in charge no tier three is the pardon back no starship perhaps forgetting about the bottom oh oh wait am i missing the potter oh we forgot about it star shaped big mistake and now it's the chinese pushing they held on so well early oh my god look at that blizzard am oh almost instantly dies there's not no shop here at the expansion again the missing shop really painful earlier for thor's in the shop was missing here for too long and now it's missing here at the expansion and the heroes are just too strong this tier two army by the swedes is not cutting it anymore does this cloud now in effect as well the a-bomb is really strong against the archer breaker army glitch no nova but this is pretty much game for map number one fifteen sway and zhao kai what a hold by them gg is called and the swedes lose map one after seemingly having a pretty good advantage the double shot at the expansion for the crypto to spam mana potions really smart by zhaokai so now the swedes have the map choice for map number two and it's hills brad creek kel drasil would be the third map i hope we see the swedes winning here now so we get to see kel drasil i've never seen that before couldn't they have gone to three the early game looked so good couldn't they have just gone tier three go mountain giants rifles inner fire maybe mortar teams palm second would have still been really good to help out the rifles and the mortar teams in that case maybe i'm biased i always want to see everyone go tier three i really dislike tier two push strategies because if they're all in nature but you know maybe they felt they had a good chance to close out the game if they had that shop earlier there in their attack a couple more region scrolls a couple more clarities could have perhaps made the difference also i feel like the blood made should have used more flame strikes shouldn't he he was sitting there with full mana for a long time not using flame strike normally with brilliance 2 and siphon mana you should have plenty of mana indeed my streaming tool keeps crashing recently which is kind of weird restart should fix that though that was a good first map though fun game nice back and forth between the two i wonder if star shaped and thorsen are gonna play more of a late game strategy now are gonna try to go more for tier three and higher tech or if they just feel um that they mis-executed perhaps number two we're on west india now so both teams now at around 150 ping on map one it was the europeans with a way better ping but that was not enough to get the win the cave is not loading for me though all right west india might not work if the swedes lose the 2v2 it will be over for them hmm you think so i don't know so the 1v1 against linen moon was of course not too convincing but i mean it's little moon right so those are some pretty formidable opponents against ark and hitman they did get the victories against ark anyways but are probably a little outmatched in those games i would think they're all pretty evenly matched maybe star-shaped a little below the other guys in terms of level but not by much i would say but who cares what i say they're gonna have to prove it on the battlefield we are having a couple of bugs over here are we hmm all right third time of the charm hopefully and my obs disconnected again man that's pretty annoying but we should be back in a second all right and i think we're back man this is taking a long time we've only seen one map so far and we're sort of 50 minutes into the match it's bugged again god damn it i think we're all gonna have to restart um all three champions have done a great job with the flowbots and custom hosting and the latter and everything but unfortunately there's still a couple of bugs which i am sure they are trying to iron out it's weird that it's the game creation that is the problematic part both on war 3 champions and on eddie's netiz also has a bug with that quite often well i suppose fourth time's the charm who will get the ping advantage now it is going to be going to uh the europeans again we're playing on eu east 4 once more west india might be a little buggy this server apparently works the best out of all of them thank you don dolare for the 26 month reserve remo what soda are you drinking it's not soda it is a multi-vitamin drink it says drink not juice so it's probably not very organic but tastes good thank you also buna 91 with a 22 month 3 sub it says poggers and xeno with the 10 dollars says thanks for helping keep warcraft 3 alive thank you very much my man star-shaped says he needs a little bit he needs a moment before the game start the classics starship meme but i mean how can you get mad at the guy how could you get mad at this guy i mean come on i mean come on isn't he just a cutie isn't he just a cutie although at the moment he looks a little bit more of like a homeless guy with a long hair now that i have finally got my hair cut i can say that once again all right map number two oh man this is really buggy today so um yeah in case you guys are confused i understand it um but we keep on trying to host the game where it keeps misfiring so yeah as i said the war 3 champions flowbot hosting unfortunately sometimes still a little buggy we are experiencing that here i wonder if it has to do with the players that are involved or if that is irrelevant i'm not sure oh 15 sway now has a ping of 10 000 so he needs to restart [Laughter] it feels like we're a little cursed today it feels like we're a little cursed today can starship please explain why he and thor zayn always choose starzane as the team name and not the what would be epic thor shaped wait a minute what what is their team name did they choose thought star zane i'm not sure um [Music] oh yeah they did okay star zane thor shaped i think i prefer starzine though i gotta say thor shaped also not too bad they certainly both are somewhat viking-like they're both really tall i always thought thorsey was sort of normal height but then i met him at anaheim and he's like 190 195 or something and starship apparently also very tall so is todd i'm the only short guy in the round 178 centimeters still taller than b do though who's like 170 i believe it's another bug i'm sorry guys i'm sorry we're having these issues today the flowbots are not very cooperative today we do want 50 centimeters confirmed no he's uh he's a little he's a little taller than that isn't neo short as well yeah we're all sort of short we're all like i think neo and i are pretty much exactly the same height 178. yeah it's not very short but this it is below average right average height german men 180.3 so i am two centimeters below average the dutch are the tallest in the world grubby certainly falls in that category as well i think rotterdam is also pretty tall let's see who has the shortest people ostimore what the hell is that it's a little island guatemala 157 only wow wait a minute is that women or men wait what ah ah that's overall i see that this right here is man yeah i was a little right there nepal also pretty short i would love to go to nepal i'm forgetting to join the game whoops who would want a fight you are neo hmm probably me i'm a lot heavier than neo is especially at the moment dude i've gotten so out of shape without the gym i need the gym to close it to open again is it true that grubby's dad is asian i remember reading that a while ago hmm uh would be very surprising grubby certainly does not have an asian look about himself his uh his stepfather is certainly asian maybe that's where that info is coming from all right we try again what the hell dude what is this what is going on now i'm getting this message are you kidding me your walker three is in a bad state what does that even mean all right it's not just me everybody got that apparently i apologize for all the people who want to see some games i also would like to see some games doesn't he have malaysian or something like that oh really i didn't know that maybe he is maybe another attempt at starting the game has failed it's a bit of a bummer today just realized i didn't even update the score [Music] hmm maybe we're gonna um go ahead with the 1v1s i don't know all right um 15 sway apparently is causing the issues so he's going to try to reboot his computer maybe his internet and then hopefully it's gonna work so we're gonna give him a couple of minutes we're gonna go into a short break and when we return hopefully the games continue as well so short break and then we'll be right back [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yo yo yo yo boys what's up how's it hanging how you doing hope you're doing all right oh by the way uh i didn't mention this yet for the todd tag team tournament you know what we have we also have a maturino check it out it's in chat at the moment as well is it i'm not sure you can find liquidpedia certainly our prize pool has been increased to the wonderful amount of 3200 plus already there's a couple of twitter quests here you can do as well to increase the prize pool without even contributing any of your own money but you can also contribute that if you want manic twig todd klein's shield pad robot and dust gaming so ricky putting in quite a bit of money already that's wonderful the third installment of the tag team already with our cool new map pool check that out on maturino if you want to chip in a little bit as well so i think we're going to try to do star-shaped versus 15 no with his xiaokai now because because because because yeah because 15 sway might be causing the issues yeah uh i don't know what to tell you guys we're trying to start the games it's really buggy today unfortunately but hopefully it's gonna start working soon you know what you know what as we have time here to chat and hang out a little bit we can talk about some other things as well like for example other games a couple of days ago wait a minute [Music] wasn't there a new trailer and there may have been but maybe not whatever anyways um thinking back to our childhood a game that i played a lot was age of empires 2 and i imagine many of you out there did the same had a wonderful time and i don't know if you guys oops ah stop it i don't know if you guys are aware but there's a new age of empires coming out i don't know soon somewhat soon and i gotta say i'm pretty excited for this one so this trailer released last year already and this is age of empires 4. i'm really hyped for this a new rts i think is something that a lot of people can get excited about how do you guys feel about that are you interested in age of empires i think it looks wonderful actually you know vibrant colors you can actually see stuff clear silhouettes i think this looks amazing oh the trebuchet the trebuchet in age of empires 2 there were only you two units i made pretty much i was spammed trebuchets and paladins paladins were mounted nights i don't think it has a release date yet but i am definitely super excited for this one the only thing that i find uh a little disappointing i suppose is of course not gonna have heroes like warcraft does as an age of empires game i'm pretty sure they're going to go with the old formula and not have heroes perhaps in the campaign but not in multiplayer i would imagine so how do you guys feel about it you excited for age of empires 4 blizzard told me rts is dead yeah not in so many words but sort of they did but i think you know rts is never going to be the biggest esports the biggest game out there that it would be foolish to think but i think there is a community certainly a rather small community in size that is interested in rts games frost giant is making a new one dreamhaven is making a new one and age of empires 4 is also coming out so i'm kind of excited for these new titles whenever they do come out who knows it's gonna be a while probably age of empires 4 should be like age of empires 2 but faster just that no more stuff i think that seems pretty boring if you make a new game shouldn't you try to explore new options new systems isn't that way more exciting i guess not for everyone i would love to see new stuff though thank you very much ghosterino with a seven month resub says white people happy thank you is the release this year i don't think so i don't think they announced a release date yet as far as i know spell force 3 has heroes and it's a very good rts game i've never heard of that game spell force 3. um why did that release 2017. never heard about that game i don't think it looks as good as age of empires 4 though maybe it's just me i don't know i don't think it looks that good and by that i don't mean you know ultra realistic crap graphics but just like readability wise this just seems all over the place i don't know maybe it's just me rts is bad game design that's a pretty wild statement my friend ah it's about the uh blame question of losing i see yeah i hear people saying that a lot that people want to play games where they can blame other players for losing as a method of deflecting i don't know i never felt that way myself [Music] hmm yeah i think the bigger problem with rts is just it's a pretty stressful game just to play regardless of um who you can blame for your losses just playing rts is stressful like i remember when i played a lot of dota dota is way more chill and dota is a hard game and some would call it a stressful game but compared to starcraft 2 or warcraft 3 dota is super chill and of course more of a social experience as well but yeah in rts games there's so many things happening you have to deal with multiple bases multiple screens especially on starcraft and it's also so hard to learn so hard to learn and it takes hundreds of hours i feel until you finally start experiencing experiencing some moments of enjoyment and satisfaction i suppose it's a little different for different people but oh my god boys oh my god it seems to finally finally finally be working how long did that take half an hour maybe even more but it seems we are now ready finally thank you black link for the 17 month resub and we are finally ladies and gentlemen finally able to start the next game damn that took a long time so we are on hills brad creek fishing sway and jiaokai spawning in the bottom left thor zane and star-shaped in the top right we saw two fast expansions earlier this also works here and we're going to see that again the swedes earlier played a push strategy an all-in strategy it almost worked with their combined forces and the strong tier two push they almost were able to kill their opponents but it didn't quite work out well enough zhaokai survived that his expansion he got his tier three tech online he got the triple hero and then the swedes were getting out scaled are they going to go for heavy tier 2 pressure are they going to go for an all in again or are they going to go more for tier 3 we'll see i would imagine they're going to fast expand again like on shadowed exile there's also a gold mine between the two bases very well protected here in fact is way more protected like it's almost impossible to attack this base you have to dive super deep on the enemy's side of the map it's a good spawn for thorium as well he's very close to the gold mine if star-shaped had spawned here and thor's in over here it would have been a little more problematic so fortunate spawns for the swedes also though for zhaokai keeper comes in for harass is it entangled industry and oh and he lost the ancient of war right there he didn't even cancel big mistake by star-shaped let's get one ghoul though another one is forced away 15 sway krepta merk camp right away level two crystal ball it is taking a long time for him to creep this though oh detonate i only got one acolyte actually ah one skeleton i mean thor'zen is just cruising he cripped his expansion easily expanding there easily star-shaped he made a mistake not canceling the ancient of war but other than that this was a good attack by him nice cancels over and over and thor zane's almost here if thor zane arrives this expo might not even come up and then the chinese are in serious trouble you can detonate the water elemental now oh and the crypt lord nicely done star-shaped really good plays and here we go thorson arrives dude this might be gg already the swedes back with a vengeance and endars right now is like sweden sweden sweden sweden greatest country in the world might be going down here perhaps he shouldn't even tp did he did did he he didn't use any spells yet i just realized this crypto isn't using any spells what the hell oh and the keeper is even getting level two over here okay finally this camp is going to be finished keeper might be going down lets him die doesn't use the tp interesting how about this one uh you will tp with the crypt lord here to his allies base well there's no healing over there either second shadow priest though should be ready so he can go for that one big man up potion what did thor zane get earlier 15 suede level three already quite strong now with the am the footies in the berzerker but i would imagine the swedes have started ticking tier two here oh starship are staying tier one though shop already and hunts lots and lots of hunts a player's forces are under attack a town is under siege trying to cancel the expansion this might work out with the timing okay with the detonate maybe not thor's in almost getting surrounded but not quite this is a big deal if those he gets the cancel here this would be possibly game-winning and that's going to be definitely enough he pops the involved just to play it safe so much space created definitely a mistake here by xiao kai not to dispo right away oh wow i love the usage of the involve here as well this is so much space so much time bought and now tp out by thorsin who is rich 1200 gold for him and tier two soon to be reached fifteen sways tier two already though he attacked the fastest by far out of everyone shaokai is in trouble though thanks to his tier three map one did go to the chinese but this time his tier three is insanely delayed look at that region scroll it's gonna heat all these footies back up again juicy starship gets two ghouls here as well zhaokai has just been getting pummeled man rough rough game for the undead expansion is finally finally gonna finish but it took such a long time it's not that many creeps on this map either in a 2v2 right there's like four yellow camps in the middle and there's eight yellow camps on the outside four red caps plus some green camps in the middle that those count don't count for much shredder for 15 sway so is thor zane going tier three this time two sanctums three sanctums again they're playing the tier two pressure build no tier three as i said earlier i'm always a big fan of tier three play but all right they're gonna push again early on tier two somewhat early and it's gonna be an all-in again i'm pretty sure flute of accuracy with that no problem is required i suppose oh mountain king by the way this time for thursday map one we saw the blood mage dude map one was one hour ago took a long time experience of fiction sway looking really good mk level 2 and 04 level 3 mountain king is a big benchmark look at those beetles super annoying all right here we go the tier 2 push once again quite a bit earlier than last time i think and we have an alchemist this time for heel spray i like that against enemy aoe ziggurats getting mass repaired heel spray over the top pretty confusing fight hunters is having a tough time connecting mk level three four fifteen sway that's a big deal but it can't quite get to the enemy clap clap clap all over the place tier 2 is almost done here for zhaokai but he's got hardly any army 22 supply only would love to see control magic [Music] control magic i don't think he has it i think they're going to hold aren't they oh my potion clap boom it's looking rough for the swedes again these two two pushers just don't work out and they don't have control magic where's the magic control ah there it is there it is there it is okay now they have it they can start stealing beetles yeah but where's the damage you only have two two units they don't even have blizzard mountain king is not level three there's just no damage in this swedish army do we see a transition no it's not over yet though xiaokai still has hardly anything oh the crypt lord is he stuck there i'm not sure yes he is level four lord goes down tons of experience for star shaped and thor zane but keeper level four it's not like that makes a big difference mk level three would be good we're coming in for the detonate again and there we go flying level three mk but he's pretty low hp already they should kill the altar right here they should definitely kill the altar star shape focus fire kill the altar takes forever to come back mountain king might be going down healing potion that second not enough though and hey guess what it is enough the push does work out this time perhaps i spoke too soon crippled back from the tavern that was expensive g3 is about to finish am has to buy an orb then oh but the shop the shop goes down perhaps before tier three it's done indeed it does and why is the shop here by the way seems like a big mistake and the swedes are coming back the swedes are pushing through it was a little touch and go there at times mountain king of 15 sway is back also from the tavern was also expensive no mana low hp really high archer numbers here now mk nice around and he's dead again and that should be game the next hero kill for the swedes and gg is called one one the swedes equalize and bring us to map three which hopefully is gonna start sooner this time and now we're going to go to a new map that i've never seen before which is called tail dress seal it's pretty cool showed you guys the 2v2 map pool earlier we had had exile in hillsbrad creek already and now i know it's called cauldrastil okay cauldre's here pretty cool [Music] um 1-1 dude we're one and a half hours into the broadcast here into the match and there hasn't even been a single point yet for these teams it's going to be a long one today boys let's see oh that sounds good that sounds good hey and here we are team star zane star-shaped and thor zane spawning on the right-hand side of caldera seal and on the left we have 15 sway angel kite we saw fast expansions two games in a row but here on this map it's probably going to be a lot harder natural expansion would be this position right here which is way easier to attack so that may have to be a different strategy then we'll see interesting map there's only very few gold mines considering this is a 2v2 map only eight gold mines that's really low thank you slumpka che for the 37 month resub i was about to say is this a tavern build but no we're on the verge of spring here not in real life but on this map the snow that has fallen is almost entirely melted away just bits and pieces left pretty cool i like this it's the ashenvale tile set i believe is it i'm not sure 15 sway wants to go for the merc cab creep again seems like a doable camp don't get the water elemental purged all right starzine are creeping the natural here though so once again thordan's gonna go for the fast expo and it's a fast fiend build with the crypt lord for zhaokai and with this build it's really hard to expand so i think the chinese are just straight up not gonna expand this time a player's forces are under attack am got the level 2 very important for the aura oh and with the entangle that should be a dead fiend starship always bring the wisps really like that in the meantime though oh this attack by fishing sway could be absolutely brutal is the expansion gonna finish here and again starship with the with the wisps look at this again with the wisps absolutely wonderful well if he actually detonates huh oh it's not that's not enough oh he needs one more oh oh my god this is so expensive this is so expensive frozen has to bring more militia from the main and this might be a cancel maybe starshade where the wisps you need more wisps oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy if this expo is cancelled this might be game might maybe be game peasants repair repair repair repair oh my god it finishes though it just barely finishes and there was a lot of units lost for 15 sway so delay on the expansion but a very expensive delay who was it better for hard to tell oh big impale from the crypt but now he's out of mana there's plenty of corpses available here where are the wisps star-shaped wisps stars are definitely lacking in the multitasking here two wisps would equal like one hard experience right here that they would get well you know what he didn't even need him didn't even really need him now the worst are coming in but i was cleaned up even without him hey i'm getting trapped in the main oh mano himano who's gonna come out on top oh is he getting out oh no forza now almost level three crypto oh he also tp at home right yeah so both tp's lost now for the chinese can the chinese team afford tier three or do they have to push on tier two before this expansion has extracted too much gold that's the question now here for the mid game [Music] a player's force [Music] hey come to think of it most 2v2 maps only have eight gold mines right for some reason i feel like it seems low on this map it's kind of weird keeper hunts looking for stragglers but against the combined forces here of the chinese team i don't think starship can do too much but thorsen's also coming in once again with a bit of a pincer move am is level three and pretty much full mana [Music] posing's institute ii almost finished hunters purely from star-shaped they will fall off super hard later if zhaokai gets to tier three and gets his triple hero he's gonna eat these hunts for breakfast but currently he's far away from that state great attack here by thor zane damaging the economy very well oh crypto in trouble he'll pop he'll pop barely and the dk comes in as well might still go down here though oh coil oh flies into nowhere keeper almost going down as well but he actually survives and it's level four for thor's in already he will be forced back here sooner or later he's trying to get as many kills as he can before having to evacuate absolutely wonderful attack by starzine and with that they might have this game maybe maybe we've seen a lot of triple sanctum by thor zane at the moment he's missing a bit of lumber starship could perhaps give him some lumber although mr oskar doesn't have that much number himself wait a minute it's going rifles i don't know kev zeppelin this time we haven't seen that before to get out of surrounds and such protect against the impale and snowballs not bad but could also get a web pretty easily we have a gargoyle ah okay so jacqueline is expecting zeppelin harass marketplace what do we have scored the beast it's the only really good item rest is just claws and like mantle slippers oh is that a is that a is that a mercenary no that's a creep okay which merks do we have on this map by the way i'm not sure is there even a merc camp well i don't know who's winning this fight it seems like forza hardly has an army right here where is units i only see the heroes keeper's gonna have to tp out yeah these hunts were getting killed sooner or later woof did die in the main hunts no survived yeah hands are pretty trash bro hunts are pretty trash it's time to transition all right where's the merc camp here we have a merc camp somewhere ah there it is only one merc camp on the whole map one merc camp one marketplace a little unusual a player's forces are under attack line horn very good item it's probably the best one they could have found that or flute of accuracy thor's in again with an attack into the enemy base killing the shredder would be a really big deal but right now he's focusing on the tower the chinese team's gonna have to fall back throws in again buying a lot of time with this little attack right here against tier two mass alchemist for starship oh mountain king went down i didn't see that between strombold and impale there's a lot of stuns so the swedes have to be careful oh my god 15 sway the expansion getting caught oh but starship got his creeper surrounded that's a shame if he hadn't gotten surrounded right there he could have canceled the expo and with an expansion coming up that means that the swedes could have the space to go for a tier three transition combined forces again by the swedes throws it up at 70 supply breaker upgrades starting to come in players forces are under attack breakers breakers breakers breakers kind of surprised that they keep on sticking with the same army comp game after game there's a tp on the dk the chinese can retreat if they need to the expansion now finally finished and tier three soon to be done for zhaokai blizzard transition by thor zane so he finally gets decent source of damage a lot of focus on this crypto are probably gonna have to use the involvement soon evades this around though that's looks like a very good fight for the swedes and you know this engagement is looking good for them but starzing are definitely under pressure they need to win this game sooner or later sooner rather than later because they know the under tier three is finishing soon they know this expansion is uh giving more and more gold to the enemy team and they're not transitioning right no no tier three so again the swedes pretty much have to push with an all-in here in this save on the mountain king is there a dispel yes there is but the priest having a tough time reaching oh two hands at the expo that's really cool are they gonna beat the breakers i'm not sure maybe a player's forces are under attack alchemist level two oh alchemist dead and there we see it impale plus stone bolt very strong no staff yet for star shape which is kind of surprising could have gotten into a backpack by now in this mk transferring over some items this coupler is super tanky dude he's got three tank items and involve and heal potion this hero focus maybe not the best idea he's just so tanky dude he can't kill that guy he's got eight armor he's got invasion he's got a dk coiling him and time is starting to somewhat slip away but this little attack this little uh harass over here very very good that's what the swedes need with the lich and the orb zhaokai has a lot more damage now big blizzard takes out a fiend takes out a statue and it's pretty loud right now uh i gotta mute my mic for a minute be right back a player's forces are under attack all right sorry um we're back now good hold by the chinese team starship is uh starting to transition to tier three starship's still stuck on tier two but the undead tier three army has come online a bombs with disease cloud now also very strong would love to see one meat wagon or two to spread disease everywhere the damage output of team sweden still not that strong front line starting to crumble over here nova on the keeper but he's safe for now big heel scroll by the swedes starship going to three finally nope just here too for fishing suede's also only tier two throwing up at 80 supply still what's he going for pally third heavy focus on the lord last second and long he sold the period that does not seem like the right move at least he kept the ring and the evasion started in thor zane still under pressure to get stuff done here they know most likely they'll be getting outscaled by the united army if they give him the time thor zane relentlessly pushing 83 supply high upkeep for thor zane still just breakers though no tier 3 units oh and this paladin is very dead very dead speaking of dead how about the i am yup he's there as well i think he had an involved didn't he get something in his inventory not sure what it was and thor's in his level six on the am mass teleport now oh and the rally point for the statue is also not the greatest zokkai's doing a good job though catching out reinforcements look at this he got five archers a huntress and a paladin wow that's so much experience for him am revived and that's the aura now for the united heroes the undead heroes the only chance for the chinese here to still win this game keeper not too far away from level 6 by the way tranquility could be absolutely amazing a player's forces are under attack this expansion might be going down but here comes shaokai he's got one impale at the moment needs to land those we have a destroyer now against the slow but no more statues now for zhao kai i think this expansion is just going down yep it will be going down keep her trying to escape and he actually gets away uh with the slow and storm bolt he might be dead but this expansion is seemingly gone stonewalled always in the crypto trying to control him trying to feedback him the keeper did die over here finally this took forever though lots of space created and yeah this expansion is gone team sweden might be doing it thor's ain't still in high upkeep he's losing a lot of gold over here this alchemist by the way has been a lifesaver the heel spray over and over making a big difference where's the belt kick is he dead oh no there he is 15 sway trying to escape now finally it is shaokai being aggressive himself well this could be a lot of of peasants going down there's a tp for shokkai to escape here and he's gonna use that killed a couple of peasants but still full mining for thor's in here oh the mains have expired after two hours into the broadcast it seems like we're finally concluding this 2v2 or yeah this 2v2 and the first point in this match seems like it's going to sweden big level ups around the corner for the undead though dk four lich three crypto five would all be absolutely massive there's a couple of creeps left in the top right mk close to five as well a player's forces are under attack oh that's teleport where we going top right we have a griffin aviary by the way probably let's have some griffins against the a-bombs thor's ain't now very mobile with his mass teleport there we go join star-shaped and this is probably going to be the fight to determine the game oh crypt lord out of invas with the wonderful impale starts off the fight coil nova focus on the am but he's getting mass healed he'll spray holy light everything oh my god this fight is so chaotic what's even happening here arc mage almost going down tp tp tp double click he didn't even double click he tp over to his shop there he can now hear with potions um maybe the chinese are winning though i'm not sure but the crypto of the crypto or the lord one more entangle one more tangle one more entangle dude entangle oh he could have killed him he didn't quite get him oh my god there it is there it is oh with the right click just with the right click the keeper what a mad lad what there was a coil though oh there was a coil that he could have used big mistake crypt lord dead but the game's not over yet starship has pretty much nothing it's all down to thor's lane so often alchemists in serious trouble [Music] dude all right can they give any more money yeah 15 sway has to oh alchemist goes down fusion sway has to give his goal to his ally oh the keeper dies as well oh my god stop chasing absolutely everything oh boy team star zane might be losing this one after all i'm not sure the heroes are absolutely crazy for the chinese team it's so hard to kill these a-bombs it's almost impossible to kill these a-bombs starship needs griffins i think oh stumble dodge with the divine shield very nice not really anything happening there just some acolytes chilling out dude you need to fifteen's waiting to give gold to your ally krypt could have been halfway back by now oh paladin died paladin died staff wasn't used in time thor's ain't now also with mistakes the expansion here is not mining yet for supply for starshade dude i think they're i think they're winning this i think the chinese are winning this without gold income there we go he finally gave his gold to his ally man that took forever and the crippler is coming back does thor zane have the star sense to cancel this altar with mass teleport this could be a game-winning play started as one archer oh and he's gonna lose the altar he's gonna lose the altar griffins he needs griffins maybe it's crazy game paladin is back militia called everything is being brought here for the defense starship has nothing for supply the i am in trouble in this cast oh my god any survives oh my god but the mk the mk the fk is going down it's the nuke in the end that is gonna kill team sweden i think god damn what a crazy game without gold income chinese team seems to be winning here gg is called wow and 15 sway and zhaokai win this 2v2 god damn absolutely crazy game amazing 2v2 back and forth back and forth it took us two hours but that is finally the win for for the chinese all right the chinese get the first point in this match that means they will be able to determine the players for match number four but the next game we're going into is going to be thor zane against wait is he is he banging fishing sweat yes he is and 15 swears going to be playing night elf by the way so we're gonna have players doing the vetoes and such we're probably gonna have a short break before the next game that was certainly a long and grueling series so a short break should be in order the streaming tool is a little buggy today so this is taking a moment come on bro all right i'm gonna have a short break now and in five minutes we're back with thor zane against 15 sway [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back ladies and gents we are ready to go into our second sub match of the day only the second one dude this is a really long clan war today i'm supposed to meet with friends later i'm probably gonna be late and as we move into the one we want we have our observer tool again oh overlay it's going to be a human no never mind not the human mirror because fifth way is playing night elf over here fishing sway against thor zane human versus night elf and we are starting things off already we had quite some delays earlier with the 2v2 hopefully now here this will go a little bit more swiftly two wisps at the expansion already i like that i like that a lot anthony isn't even scouting he knows if he sends in the scout footy that one's just gonna entangle and he's gonna die and he's gonna give level two to the keeper that is not fun actually it's trains first but that is the thought process for thorlane starting off for the serpent very good super here creeping level two in the middle and indeed thorson is going for the expansion let's see how painful this is gonna be oftentimes this creep attempt is really dangerous really painful for the human oh the wisp almost got the detonate off not quite though of course they may have to call back or pull back some of these militia and bring in a new round that detonate though it's not even using the detonate yeah new round of militia is coming in only two though this doesn't look like the cleanest creep by thorson if you ask me big lasted is he gonna get it yeah thousand gets it and the claws plus nine whoa it's a really good item very good item for thor zane the cloak not that helpful but the rest absolutely wonderful the sacred text is under siege still on the ground oh two peasants very hurt oh my god they actually survive are you kidding me players forces are under attack and now we have the expansion but boy that's a big delay huge delay as the keeper goes for the staff tier 2 should be pretty much not done yet this is a little late it feels a little late four and a half minutes tech not done yet boots for the am i like that as well keeper naga archer's push has been very popular for the night for a long time and then transition into tier three and add mountain giants later on although most recently i've seen a lot of night elves refusing to go mg's rather going beers and draw yets peasants sit under assault but only one died here thousand is doing it well he's protecting both bases at the same time he's protecting the expansion with the footies and the main with the aom whilst 15 sway still waiting for the naga his tier 2 now finished and that should be time for either naga or demon hunter demon also a choice a valid choice is actually going double lores a town kind of feels like victim's way is broke all the time uh panda i didn't see the panda panda second interesting so that means that a blood mage second would be a very viable choice for the human i think the panda's gonna die over here but he spent all his mana he's only level one i think there's a good attack one more peasants are going down but the tier 2 tech has finally started footy's still at the expansion still trying to ensure that one is safe and the tier 3 starts as well here and i getting revived i wonder if he's going to play triple hero 15 i absolutely love seeing triple hero from the night elf but the problem is what's even a good triple hero combo then hmm for thor zane second hero should be either mk or pally or blood mage i mean i would love seeing club mage daytime starts but uh moon just looking very good for the night off thor's in can't do that much right now he's gonna need defend against these dryads does he have it already uh no no defend yet surprisingly lumber is really low for thor'zen defenders 100 lumber this peasant harass has certainly been really annoying and arcane will finally be done but yeah other peasants were killed lots of lumber was lost [Music] keep it going to staff out sips up a lot of the mojos we have hardly anything left now oh the shop is it gonna finish oh close plus nine pretty good but yeah the shop finishes that means he's gonna get the first opel venom right away which is important we have seen lots of times recently how strong the multi orb for night elves can be on two or even three of their heroes panda is not really a very good orb carrier [Music] mountain kung [Music] as a second hero no blood mage am is very close to level four already and again we have the bears by the way no mountain giants not yet anyways and also no counter expansion 15 sway it seems like he's sort of stuck here on one base the level is also for him not looking the greatest yet he's finally gonna get level three keeper but his impact is not gonna be so high anymore seen as there is plenty of the spell or at least going to be for thor zane soon thorson going into upkeep right away i like that playing it safe not going too greedily too quickly to tier 3. i would love to see him go up to 70 supply with like rifles maybe heel scrolls stuff like that and then go tier three oh that rifle is definitely dead one freebie for 15 sway almost level three panda a couple of upgrades are coming so i think finally gonna get the dsp upgrade right here i would love to have that level four all right now we have 15 supply this would often times be the time for the expo but he's not making one not making an expansion 1460 supply he's finally got the priest death training and here we go calls the militia as well lots of damage on his mk this battle is super late don't know if that was thor zane's mistake or just the priests being derpy oh nice save on the dryad so 52 has hardly lost anything right but now the staff was on cooldown so these beers could be killed their stone bolt the panda got three and the panda still has the big mana potion ooh thor's ain't going to tier three already quite boldly at around only 60 supply workshop coming up as well but i think those in a decent position and 15 sway is still not expanding i don't understand why it's not expanding behind this oh mk almost got away but not quite mountain king will be killed but being only level one he's gonna be back very soon panda heals up we do have well spring upgrade by the way so lots of mana on these wells am level four that's a really big deal level two aura finally unlocked still the big mana potion available for the spanner i wonder if thousands gonna go for knights at all i don't think he has to seen as there are no mountain giants and not too many archers 15 ways getting a couple of kills but thor zane can replace those losses pretty easily it seems okay again getting focused panda also this time the priest was right there with the disbar and that's a bear going down finding some xp for this mk who has gotten hardly anything oh the bear first mountain giant finally joins does he have the upgrades he does have hardened skin not resistant skin drunken haze by the fire oh big combo gets dispelled but even if it gets dispelled it still does the damage over time in case you guys don't know of course they don't have the debuff and they don't miss anymore but they're still ignited and burning i'm taking damage we focus on the mk again dispel a little late no king dies once more but again only level one gonna be back soon but now stuck behind the third hero maybe no but that prevents the third hero for a while should be blood mage or paladin most likely paladin but thor's in his vote whether the storm his tier three is online at depth training coming master training i mean fractured doesn't even have more teams yet and how good was this panda really i wonder wouldn't the naga have been better naga second demon third that is my favorite night elf hero combo against human keeper naga demon i am getting plenty of solo experience here by the way mk returns and this human army very strong now and more upgrades are coming the third hero's still coming into fire still coming there it is inner fire is ready and getting cast right away on auto cast at the moment should definitely put it on the mountain king and i think thor zane's done it map one definitely seems to be going to the swede may have to tp out of this very close the mountains of course hard to deal with hard to kill but they barely do any damage and now we see the double racks now we see the transition into knights as there are more and more mg's coming thor's ain't playing this really well lionhorn very good item that means tarzan won't have to skill the aura on the pally he can just go for divine shield a player's forces are under attack 80 supply for thor zane now he's finally hitting his stride getting to this point is always the difficulty for human but once you arrive at tier three with triple hero and all your upgrades the world is your oyster but thor is definitely lacking hero levels having lost the mk so many times earlier didn't get much xp there's no tp here on 15 sway by the way he gets the clock of flames which is honestly pretty useless there's no way this panda is going to be able to stand in the middle of the rifles or casters for a long time nice to spell on the drunken haze perfectly timed with a storm bolt there to hold a panda in his tracks oh whis is coming from the back very strong with flank it's a ton of mana drain the priests are pretty much entirely out of mana mk in trouble again he gets out with a staff hidden by an involved very surprisingly i think thorsen kind of forgot about that one oh and wow i didn't think 15 was able to be able to hold there but he did thanks largely to uh great wisp detonates panda four keeper four but no third hero should definitely go for brilliance three what's he gonna do wardrobe metal three i don't like that brilliance three is a big jump and damn and mana regen because the way it scales is 0.75 on level 1 0 at 1.25 on level 2 and 2.0 on level 3 so it jumps by 0.75 from 2 to three players forces are under attack the mk is stuck right there four teams now starting to come out as well forza and high upkeep 90 supply jesus thank you by the way thunder with the host albs with a seven month resurfaces thanks for the entertainment so far this year and star fox chris with a sub as well thank you welcome [Music] certainly just after peasant so it looks like thorson has reached critical mass he's still missing some influence this mk has uh seen a severe lack of potions this game mostly a mountain giant army now by 15 sway very tanky of course but usually you need to bring in more damage with more orbs of venom and that's the problem with the panda he's not a good orb carrier and he still doesn't have an orb naga plus a demon way better orb carriers wow knights with roar and inner fire plus 13 damage of course they have sundering blades and they have one attack upgrade and now finally there is damage against these mgs and i think this human army is just a little too strong right now super tanky front line the knights here on 12 armor that is very impressive when they do have under fire drunken haze but the fire good damage but he'll scroll ready to counter it right away the panda might be going down the staff is ready though panda gets saved one more time but the rest of the bears might not be so lucky pally dropping low divine shield is ready okay finally gonna reach the level three here soon and with a 90 supply thor'zen should be winning this game right here was never able to establish the second base which sooner or later you kind of have to do the panda second i'm not entirely convinced a player's forces are under attack 94 supply thorson could make it up to 100 here actually stumbled ready in a second oh changes around doesn't quite get him stabbers on cooldown keeper dies and that is finally gg one oh for thor's eight um thor's indefinitely needs to deliver here are the two swedes thor zane most likely the stronger player so sweden the team and the country is counting on thor's in here he needs to win this series otherwise it would be match point for the chinese right away and that would be almost impossible to come back from number two will be northern isles which i'm kind of surprised to see very often this is the night of veto what did he veto i guess he beat the new maps 15 sway um no he vetoed i had evita uh th tighteners and last refuge so he doesn't want to play lr with possibly beastmaster and stuff third map if we go there would be turner's then but let's see maybe thor zing can close this out with the 2-0 all ready the swedish legend thor zayn in the top right here in the yellow yellow well enough we have 15 sway in the last couple of days i've been playing a bit of hades on the nintendo switch and that's a great game dude that's so well made haiti's absolutely amazing and it's super cheap as well right i think it's only like 30 bucks or something on steam it's actually only 17 bucks 17 euros that's super cheap i can absolutely recommend that for everyone wonderful game 15 sway in the bottom left playing the warden surprise surprise we have seen that before on this map it can work but it's not very easy to do you don't have mercenaries to help you out and it's not a very easy level three honestly normally we see an instant expansion on this map absolutely doable with a couple of militia and a quick level two for the am oh didn't quite detonate that one good footy scout by thor zane this time he's gonna risk it against the potential keeper but yeah he sees it's not a keeper at all it is a warden one of mana steal for her not bad ring of regen for the am absolutely amazing against the warden it's actually the best item i think people overestimate the punitive energy oftentimes it only gives you a mana boost once when you pick it up until you have mana potions pendant in a combination with mana potions of course crazy good but without it not that amazing i think shuttle strike on the am right away oh look at the footy block look at the footy blocked by thor's oh my god what a mad lad that was a spicy move right there and this ring of region already providing value already providing wonderful value bring our region one of the best early game items in the entire game as people keep asking uh the game i mentioned which is so amazing it's called hades h-a-d-e-s [Music] which is a rogue-like what's the genre even like it's uh i'm not sure it has some rogue-like elements and it's absolutely poggers shop goes down nice little attack by the footman here and that means the warden is going to have a much tougher time with a man and no clarities for her the gauntlets in ring not exactly what the ward was hoping for this game is looking pretty good for thorsing expo is now running tier two should start fairly soon i thought it has the resources right now and boom there we go starts the tech at five minutes perfectly fine oh my god the nail tech is ultra late why is this so late looking a little dicey for 15 sway a player's forces are under attack that's finally gonna be level three for the warden does she go fan or shadow strike it's shutter strike and again using it on the am which with boots and ring of regen really doesn't look like it's the right call you could take out the footage easily enough oh look at the watermelon block look at that what other metal block thor's in with a sick game right here oh my god and he gets the expo cancel the absolute mad land probably gonna lose one or two footies for this maybe even three and the am is back again to do a bit more damage here as well it's gonna be daytime soon by the way and there's not gonna be that much juice for the warden don't chase the am bro it's a waste of time double racks oh yeah baby we're gonna be pushing be a naga second for him if he wants to be really aggressive i know alchemists second i think alchemist second would be the best right alchemist second blood mage third possibly could also be mk could be blood mage could even be paladin like frozen has so many options here for a second hero but it is the mk ring of legion also for the warden valuable experience for her still hasn't used the third skill point by the way expo starting now but there's a big window for thousand to get the castle here am is definitely under leveled but the rifles and casters might be good enough it's gonna be one level four right here unless there's a deny tonight ah missed it oh and the mk stuck in the main that's annoying it's because the blacksmith blocked the rally point right here bit of a whoopsie has been doing absolutely amazing work well maybe a little bit wasteful with his footman here this was quite a bit of experience for the warden she's fairly close to level four now but now we have the priest now we have the rifles and the mk joins and that is thor's in getting a lot stronger right here can creep the two middle camps right now forzan can and that will be level three am and mk level two maybe look at that am oh nice staff tier three is ready by the way so bear's coming and the warden is getting a lot of bonus experience here now huh ward could have almost stolen those boots if you had blink but it does not blink at his fan for her now i think thorgan's a little over aggressive maybe hard to tell didn't want to creep the middle here levels for the humans still super low is he gonna go tier three no he's calling the boys okay it's a little dangerous if the warden gets level six she can pretty much deal with his tier two human army by herself android goes down though if it's way sort of trying to catch out reinforcements but it's not exactly working staff again oh this expansion has no towers aside from the single arcane so this could do some good damage but what about thousand he's going for the tree of life right away he's not canceling the entangled just the tree there's no nature's blessing so this tree takes quite a bit of damage because he wants to kill the expansion and then tp back to his own and that seems like it's definitely working no risk preparing no nature's blessing this tree goes down quick in the tp home where is it gonna go i'll say here oh right in the middle of everything hell yeah i didn't consider how small the knight of army was good choice by starting to tp so aggressively [Music] and it's still still full mining for our human player it's looking very good for thor's in here this is looking very likely like a 2-0 for him and then the 1-1 in the overall match for team sweden for team starzane big item i'm feeling a belt no robe for the mk pretty nice should definitely give the ring to the mk though tomorrow for retraining what players forces are under attack wait wait a minute did you really buy a ton of free training or did i see that wrong let me see yeah he did tomorrow retraining he sold it right away though i think that was a misclick because it is on cooldown in the shop so he did buy it only 200 gold nowadays though not that big of a loss a player's forces are under attack tier three now finished for thor zane we're gonna have a third hero coming soon we're gonna have inner fire does he have it already no oh my god she's dead she doesn't have a teepee and the staff is on cooldown oh what a big mistake by 15 sway a mistake he couldn't afford to make has to tavern revive but he's supply block now he has to detonate a wisp oh my god never mind i think he canceled something that was in production thorzan hardly ever buys any influence it's kind of weird in the shop we have a pendant of energy tells no evasion could also be good but closing is not buying anything he found the one of the wind which is [Music] kind of good no clap for the mk by the way all right warden looking for kills fast and furious she wants to get the level six she needs to get the level six these bears are just getting gunned down one after the next with the rifle damage with the slows thorsin can easily deal with the bears and now he's almost level four in his a.m mk getting focused again oh dispels the anti-magic focus is on the warden and she goes down and that must be gigi indeed 2-0 for thor zane keeps sweden in this battle ties up the clan war if you will and we are now at a 1-1 score very strong performance by thor zane that looked really good i feel like the last couple of months thorsen hasn't looked that strong but here he certainly did after team starzane lost the 2v2 for the first time thor zane scores when he was needed and that means our next game coming up is going to be star-shaped against zhaokai players are going to do the vetoes first this is going to take a little bit and then uh so we're going to go into a bit of a break and after the break we will come back with star shaped against xiaokai baby boop see you in a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] like a bag ladies and gents [Music] we are shortly before game number three it's going to be star-shaped against zhao kai bajal kai asked for a bit of a break so it's gonna take a moment i just realized i'm kind of far down here in this uh in this frame aren't i should i be further up this is better being a little bigger i think so i think that looks a little better all right anyways third sub match is going to start here soon zhao kai i can star shaped we're three hours into this already this is a long one today it's going to be a long video on youtube thank you damios with the eight month resub sounds a little greek are you from greece bro immediately reminds me of hades heracles and dionysus and what they're all called been following since the start keep it up it's pretty cool that's what we will do what we'll try to do soon we're going to have dreamhack starting again qualifiers begin in april possibly with new maps fingers crossed we've all been begging for dreamhack to finally have new maps i don't know if you guys heard but wgl already announced a couple of weeks ago that they will be adding tight hunters and autumn leaves also to their tournament to wgl so they but they're not removing any maps so there's gonna be nine maps in the pool which is kind of weird i wonder what that's gonna be like hmm we're waiting still for zhaokai as this day keeps on dragging out at least the hosting thing seems to be working again though earlier in case you guys weren't here we had a lot of bugs trying to start the second map of the 2v2 seemingly that's working better now oh it was a ufc last night right i never really watched those it's too late for me don't like staying up that late but apparently the fights were pretty one-sided is what i heard i know some of you guys are ufc fans it feels like almost everyone is actually a ufc fan nowadays i also find it quite interesting i think i like the the whole buzz around that scene and the characters more than i like the actual fights of course conor mcgregor you know a crazy dude super entertaining i really like khabib no magomedov actually i think he's a really cool genuine guy even if his fighting style isn't that entertaining in my layman's view if we have some mods in chat by the way it would be pretty pogers if we could start doing predictions for these games because i always forget about it zhaokai is playing orc by the way and he vetoed the new maps once again it's a shame that they keep on getting vetoed by the chinese very understandable of course they haven't been playing yet on tight hunters and autumn leaves so those are indeed the two vetoes so star shaped has a bit of a edge here um as he can remove two maps out of the pool that both players actually know and if ito's last refuge and turner stand so he doesn't want to play against mk first on terenas and he doesn't want to play on lr with possibly a beastmaster so we have a z concealed and northern isles combat sports are barbaric someone says well i mean they're certainly you know visceral and violent but i don't have a problem with that not everything in our society has to be absolutely without you know physical violence you know in the right frame i think there's some room for that don't see the harm which is sort of ironic isn't it all right the vetoes are done first map is going to be concealed second northern isles and third we're going to have aez once again northern islands not getting vetoed by the night elf a little surprising oh thank you mods we have a prediction up right now star-shaped or xiaokai place your bets ladies and gentlemen all right zhaokai is in and i think we are almost ready [Music] will the servers be on board with us or are they once again protesting and holding up the show like the evergreen boat is in the suez canal i imagine you guys have heard there's been this huge uh freight ship blocking the suez canal for the last couple of days which is apparently very expensive for trade across the world also it is super funny there have been a lot of pictures posted of that little uh what's that called tractor thingy it's not called a tractor ah that vehicle that is trying to uh dig the big ship uh out of being stuck is absolutely hilarious you know what's what's really really really amazing i saw that uh earlier today on reddit the next guy like the next ship that's going to go into the sewers canal after the current one is freed once again and the canal is open has the opportunity to do the most hilarious thing ever if the captain of the next ship again intentionally gets stuck in the canal that would be so funny but he would probably get fired and get sued and probably wouldn't be worth it but it would be funny anyways we have the next sub-match coming up here star-shaped against xiaokai it's a 1-1 score in our match between the two teams it's taken three hours and it's only one one uh excavator yeah the player's forces are under attack farseer headhunters kiwi cocky's strat is nowadays being played across the globe from the lowest levels on ladder where it's been played endlessly for the last couple of months to now here on the highest level i talked in fact with star shaped about this and he feels that demon hunter is better at dealing with this strategy because he thinks just burning the faster a couple of times is really helpful and i agree with that team hunter is better at handling farsi or harass early but i think the keeper is way better in the mid game being able to entangle and kill off headhunters so i feel like star-shaped i don't want to sound too mean but i feel like he's a little lazy in his strategic approach in this matchup because he just wants to have an easy time dealing with a farsi or harass which is definitely more annoying to do with a keeper but you can do it if you're willing to go entangle first entangle some wolves be perhaps a little wasteful with the wisps oh well you know it's uh it's his approach we'll see how that goes a player's forces are under attack so just creeping for now with five six maybe seven eight hundreds you can keep pretty much everything on this map and those numbers will certainly be reached i wonder what second heroes we're going to be seeing so normally tc second is the choice against the demo hunter oh my god i was about to say does the wolf get the last hit but no he did not demon the boots i like that a lot it can be hard to afford the boots if you're trying to go tier 3 and triple hero but they are so good on a demon hunter so good is that enough level 3 this camp i think so right oh yeah easily easily [Music] started maybe with a little bit of a tier 2 push it's very enticing now to go for tavern hero certainly seems like that's the plan what's he gonna go for naga yes seven archers time to kill some burrows the farseer is at home to defend and he's got the level two wolves they are very strong right here against these archers at this point in the game and we have a shadowhunter second in the fourth match by the way the chinese because they won the 2b2 can choose the two players that have to play against each other which i would guess will be thor zane versus zhaokai or starship versus 15 sway it could also be starship versus fitting this way or maybe something entirely else we'll see is it hex first certainly should be demon hunter look at those boots those boots are saving the tp right now oh do they though do they though do they though yes they do boots of speed ladies and gentlemen absolutely i wonderful hate it when they give the boots to the naga the d minor in my opinion just feels like such a so much weaker over hero without those boots overlord trap might not quite work out no it does starship scouted with the one of illusion but it might be a little too late that's a good amount of damage here from these headhunters and yeah overlord will be going down star shaped can't steal this one in time clock of flames absolutely horrible item for these two heroes that xiao kai has right now but if he goes for tc third could be good d3 is almost finished on both sides so that means mountain giants should be coming in soon valentines are very good against berserkers and just against orc in general mountain giants oftentimes seem unbeatable for orcs and on a map like this i'm concealed with health phones very hard to deal with them and the free healing they can receive here bistroy mass raiders okay so xiaokai wants to go into hit and run that could work out pretty well against the keeper that's hard to do with the entangles coming in over and over but of course we don't have a keeper some archer is trying to go down but also headhunters possibly in trouble hey look at those boots those boots allow him to weave in and out of the fight but okay that was a little too deep decent exchange though for star-shaped he lost three archers okay four archers four archers for two headhunters and a raider ah well i suppose it was a little bit better for zhaokai but i would say that starship has the better scaling heroes in demon hunter and naga tc third coming in now that is a strong light game hero but of course the counter to him the d minor is already on the field star shape now with the bottom i would have preferred to see a keeper i think you definitely want to have something to carry an orb both heroes can do that pretty well but yeah bottom all right owl scout is actually pretty damn good i think that's undervalued by some people ring and cloak for the tc he's greeted in a royal manner almost coming right out the altar demon level 4 not too far away that's going to be a big level up for him also naga 3 will be significant pardon doesn't really need levels too much although level 2 for the owl is pretty good are we going to see a tiny great hall here it would be really greedy zhaokai not even a 50 supply yet and first he is trying to get to that point 250 supply wyvern coming and wilson battle drums wyvern with venom spears are actually really good against mountain giants the damage over time but only as long as the mgs don't have resistance skin when they get resistant skin the damage over time of the venom spears only lasts for one second so uh then it's pretty much useless against energies he just ate the ogre magi with the kodo don't see that every day oh the drake is still alive where's the naga a little late to the party she brings the second orb of venom the man has one as well starts off very early here with the involved potion it's about to be over and with that the demon is somewhat vulnerable starship does have both upgrades for the mg so he doesn't have to be worried about devour the naga goes down sashay perhaps a little over eager only one mountain giant so far his army not that strong yet and such is losing a lot of units over here and that is a fight definitely going to the orc you can clear out the fountain get more experience there and then he could go for a tiny great hole if he wants star-shaped in trouble he fought too early and the big problem there was he couldn't use the tp because he lost it earlier here because he miscontrolled his demon hunter so the mistakes come back to haunt star-shaped lion of stormwind very good the third opel venom i believe is not ready yet there's a two minute cooldown in the shop but it will be ready soon sorry i was playing this mg plus mass orb style already like a year ago back then we thought it was all just a meme and a weak strat but we have come to learn that it's actually pretty good this is a bad fight again for star shaped involved he might still be dead actually oh demon yeah he's dead oh what no way oh what a mistake by zhaokai could have killed the demon but actually let him get away starship catches a lot can you break x no hex metal burn player's forces where's the burn bruh oh hex on the naga to prevent the staff nicely done and with that the demon goes down and the knockout might fall as well oh oh the wyvern with the endurance are super fast and that is the gg with the off race gets the win on map number one it looked good therefore starship for a little while but later on not so much i think entangle is seriously missing demon first i don't know i think keeper into demon and then maybe pardon third is much better paul monaghan but it was a winnable game for starship it's not like with that hero choice he couldn't win the game it was uh the mistake of losing the tp in the beginning or in the mid game and then overextending without a tp that really cost him that game can't start bring it back or will this be the 2-0 for xiaokai would bring the chinese team to match point our second map northern isles will show us star shaped in the top right what's he going to be facing this time is it going to be faster head hunters again or not it's probably an easier strategy to pull off faster head hunters than the normal blade master grunt counter expo [Music] keeper this time oh farsi or still it's a grunt built by xiaokai but still with a farcier interesting he does send out a peon scout starshape should easily be able to finish this whole camp before the enemy hero arrives so he should be able to have uh wolves excuse me treants and entangle right away but it's going to cost him some whisper pair so it's going to slow down the tech a little to borrow tech by xiaokai and still no warm mill okay hmm gonna scout the first hero he's taking a little too much damage here maybe but he wanted to see if there was a war mill or not this goes down sasha was busy top right with his own creep all right be on can you see the last hit oh no number two very hard to do almost impossible with the low damage of the peon well starship's lumber is really low he may have forgotten to make wisps here but i'm not sure the player's forces are under attack kind of kai is letting starship creep so much that's what the keeper always loves just being left to creep to his heart's content get level three quickly and with that make use then of the strong level two entangle four level two triangles but i imagine should be entangled too fast here says hello i think he stole the last hit here with the zippery zap and if you lose some of these lasses here from the murlocs then this green camp will not be enough for level three so this is the nice play by jokai so is he gonna go shadowhunter or tc a player's forces are under attack tc would of course be the classic second hero choice but in the late game it hurts a lot if you don't have heal wave interesting game i think starship is kind of surprised as well to be seeing farseer with grunts oh zakai wants to creep this camp without his hero really he's going to take a lot of damage for this maybe he's going to bring back the force here hmm i guess it does work out far too good level three re-summons the wolves sends them to her ass but sasha is also clearing out the natural and here what do we have tc double b series tc with double b siri wyvern stomp the archers kill them off and then wyvern maybe because raiders don't do well against the keeper against entangle if you don't have dispel one raider all right single writer doesn't tell us much yet very very interesting with his own style once we see pillage we know what's up oh very nice items for the alchemist lots of bonus tankiness mana stone excellent excellent items actually oh keeper finds the creeping grunts and he does even tangle level two oh that's painful that's a big yikes other grunt nope not getting away oh boy one two three everything's dead and that's what you get jiaokai for not playing shaman that was so painful that might be game started really good position now you can try to finish the game with his dryads and keeping on keeping up the push you could also just expand here or tech but such if notices uh maybe he's not that strong at the moment so lose a couple of hunts and an archer and a tp perhaps getting a little over eager maybe that was a little too much lumber is again looking really bad for star-shaped where the wisps lagoon i would certainly assume considering the performance so far that the chinese are going to choose 15 15 swag and star shape for game three because thor zane did look quite a bit better today now we're starting to see some wind riders and here though it's not too bad farcier getting caught this is gonna cost him the tp here sooner or later but he's creating some space for his tc no balance whining in chat but please guys i am allergic to balance wine not nice shakkai is really close to double level ups here actually so star shape though he's gonna get four and three and a big item very nice just in time the alchemist gets the level three let's heat spray two acid bomb level one no great stomp in the back oh oh look at that safe ah not quite as safe actually farseer level four and these drives are having problems oh oh star-shaped is he losing the game right now 27 supply only for him lots of gold for the swede lumber perhaps a little bit too low these dryads you know their magic immune but they still die quickly the raider windrider combo is working out really well and starship doesn't have an orb of venom to deal with these wind riders i think the missing lumber is what cost starship the game if he loses had he had more lumber he could have easily gone for an expansion or tier three earlier i didn't have enough didn't have enough lumber ensnare and possibly a stomp that was threatened there forces the involved but starship gets two kills takes out the wyvern takes out the raider gets more experienced peon's actually long distance mining over here as well [Music] game is still up in the air i would say [Music] lots of dry it's cute for star shaped dryers only 145 gold so very cheap in gold more expensive and lumber every engineer is a kill but also every entangle should be a kill where are those entangled there we go that's one and they're ready again it's a really bloody game dude both players keep on losing units one after the next house is raider still alive by the way and tangle star-shaped and the giants can't mask the spell really they don't have enough mana the raider actually gets away what a hero 38 supply against 37 supply this is still anybody's game keeper level 5 is going to be a big deal there's still no dispel against the keeper but somehow xiao kai is making it work don't ask me how it's pretty crazy overlay bugged is it where are the wires stuck no all right off we go into the next round alchemist level four but he's hardly been using any acid bomb anyways oh my god these wyvern absolutely shredding the dryads and archers they don't send a chance against the tc and against the wolves and everything oh starship now losing absolutely everything he has and this is looking a lot like the 2o for xiaokai keep a level 5 all right he sort of has to go for hero kill i guess a player's forces are under attack and tango level three very strong farsi level five also very strong invis wolves now oh the tc he might be dead um oh the keeper's not running after him star-shaped what that was a big mistake not the best keeper movement right there you probably could have gotten that tc um well if you can't get the tc maybe we can get the farce here level three entangle the heal scroll though saves them for a moment but now it's going to have the tc's time to die maybe farseer has the involved and with that does survive dude that level three entangle is completely changing the course of this game now it's gonna be at least one raider going down maybe two yeah definitely two and starship is back in the saddle [Music] oh in one cool down involved on cool down oh star-shaped oh no oh oh the involved wasn't ready yet oh what a big mistake by star-shaped attack keeper goes down there's not enough money for a tavern revive oh that's a heartbreaker dc close level five here by the way maybe you should go aura i'm not sure oh my god dude they both have like nothing anymore crazy game speed scroll running away level five for the alchemist jesus a player's forces are under attack he did go aura level three by the way i think that's a good choice all the drives get that again 19 supply for star-shaped oh no is he trying to go for a tavern revive here now yeah i think so level 5 hero returns i think he forgot that he used the mana stone already oh yikers that's too many raiders that's too many ensnares huh oh shaokai try to get both heroes ends up getting none the alchemist makes it back oh but he does actually get the keeper super fast orc army here with the three levels of endurance aura and this is looking real rough now level six first year oh does he does kill earthquake come on bro come on bro earthquake let's go i thought i passed the greater heel gg bit of a painful game for star-shaped it looked good for him there at times but um i think it was over extension that broke his neck on a few different cases so it was a multi-fracture it wasn't just one occurrence but a couple i think thank you fake face chan with a 13 month race up so that is the 2-1 lead in this match for the chinese team i'm gonna have map or match four coming up next and because the 2v2 was won by the chinese they can decide who's gonna be playing who they're gonna seed here they can seat their own player and the enemy player and we'll figure out who that is in a moment they're gonna do that and the vetoes and stuff so that's once again gonna take a bit so we go into another short break for a few minutes and when we return we'll see if team sweden can come back from the enemy match point or not [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello again dear warcraft fans we are shortly before match number four um the choice was with the chinese team and they chose starship versus 15 sway as the last match ah and i wasn't aware that uh you cannot choose the rematches so they could not have for example chosen starshade versus xiaokai again okay so it's really only the order that the 2v2 winning team can choose not the direct matchup star-shaped can he keep his team in the running he needs to beat 15 sway here now it's going to be night out versus human and we do finally get to see the new maps by the way autumn leaves will be our first map the second will be last refuge and the third would be tight hunters if we get there but only if the hosting works and that was a bug so earlier in the 2v2 we had a for a long time a lot of trouble trying to get it started hopefully this won't take so long here now all right so uh we try and try again it's the only thing we really can do everyone's restarting hopefully preventing the bugs to continue autumn leaves so the question is how much experience does 15 sway have on autumn leaves he left the new maps in the pool he left terenas and tight hunters in the pool so i would assume he has played them at least a little as i said earlier nedi's has announced that they are going to be adding these maps as well so maybe for that reason among others efficiency has been playing on it a little already come on star shape let's go don't hold up the train all right let's try again no it's not working maybe we have to try a different host different server was a big problem in the previous matches in the tag team already i didn't really see any of the other ones all right we try a third time still buggy how you doing remo well pretty good pretty good we've had some fun games today but we've also had a lot of joint bugs so it's only 15 sway and zhaokai who have these issues apparently okay hmm yeah so bad connection to the servers from individual players may lead to these bugs apparently that's the way it looks our leading to these bugs we could just play thor zain vs zhaokai that would be a way how many channels points do you guys have by the way i think with betting some people got quite rich right i don't think it's possible to view exactly how many channel points everybody has as far as i know oh wait can i see that if i play on click on your profiles messages timeouts no i don't think i can see the channel point amount at the moment i have 43 564 channel points but i think there are some people who actually have millions of channel points let's go star-shaped let's go well we're not waiting for starship at the moment um yeah 15 sway seems to be causing these issues apparently oh two hundred thousand one hundred twenty thousand twelve thousand oh boy you've been losing some points side has one million god damn side the greatest beard and the greatest channel point tycoon by your trolling side are you serious ah when you hear the chains that's a good sign finally here we go the fourth match of the night starship versus 15 sway do we have pictures for these guys oh we don't have one for star shape star-shaped was not able to win his game against zhaokai now he's going to try his best against 15 sway in a matchup that we all know he hates star-shaped has said many times before how much trouble he has with human and uh doesn't have the opinion that it's entirely fair uh either we'll see now how he does if he wins and if so how he does it indeed starting off with a neutral hero build very cool i love tavern hero builds i love especially the beast master nowadays only the beastmaster really seems viable panda isn't really good enough in the late game to warrant him being picked first dark ranger really underwhelming alchemist is just a gimmick oh it could be fire lord of course it could be fire lord that is of course the the newest fashion that has been popularized by hot and has even been shown by lawlite lately law liared lately that's alliteration my homies a players forces are under attack and the bets are open by the way you can gamble your channel points once again for who's gonna win star-shaped or 15 sway it's a very easy expansion to creep and easy to expand there for that reason but it's very close to the opponent beastmaster is the first hero and the bash bear is coming in to harass right away interesting number one bear though not that strong but very fast so you can always micro it away second engine of war hunter's hall oh boy star-shaped going balls to the wall aggro horses are under attack scout footing trying to see what's up star should have enough damage to perhaps just kill this town hall oh my god it might be enough he's gonna try it he can summon another bear in a little while oh that might be enough maybe maybe oh it's actually enough oh he has to cancel he didn't cancel oh my god all the lumber is gone big yikes and 50 sway notices he should be putting the town hall here not here oh that was really painful and the weird thing is he saw starship coming with his footy scout oh that hurts that hurts a lot but starship is not on his way to tier 2 himself so he's stuck on hunts in tier 1 arkhan tower is finished that's valuable mana being burned right here attack the bear okay there we go so now fishing sway can tech instantly doing it it's not even looking too bad for 15 sway starshape needs to figure out that this tech is happening it needs to attack himself or expand one of the two or maybe both wow a player's forces are under attack i'd love to see some mercenaries for fishing sway just pull out the merc camp with the am or something and then get a berzerker maybe even a shadow priest this way making sure that this shop finishes he definitely needs to heat up these footies i think he saved almost all the footmen food human style is not transitioning into anything though no expo no tech he definitely saw that 15 sways taking oh he's pushing oh my god ap push here we go did 15 sway see it i think he did you can just cancel this with the am easy peasy oh starship i don't know i don't know kev more experience for the beastmaster getting closer to three oh there was a kill no cancel there on that ap the shop being missing now very painful officials way otherwise he could heal up this entire army very nicely said he wants to kill the altar efficiency to repair repair repair repair quick or he could go for a tavern hero actually ah he's gonna go for turn hero that's cool what's the best i think beastmaster would actually be good for him as well i need to decide quick quick quick quick quick oh he doesn't have the supply he got supply blocked i only had four supply and now he's even more supply locked wait a minute wait a minute a thousand gold oh boy star-shaped with the absolute smork play just brute force running in this is a weird game these masks are about to be level three [Music] one thousand gold for 15 sway man he's a playbook he's not making farms tower finishes though b smash is gonna have to tp out manchester goes down archer survives oh wow a lot of good saves here by 15 sway now we need to shop and farms and alter these priests that are coming in also going to help out a lot a lot of peasants died by the way so not much lumber anymore for 15 sway it was enough though for the long rifles upgrade starship is coming again and now he has level 2 quill beasts as well this might be enough to kill his opponent here just wait definitely needs level three oh quillbe is going into the back tp home from the am the rifle bad micro there that was not well done absolutely no number 15 sway can't afford a second hero needs one huntress kill for level three oh starship might be doing it he might be doing it call to arms all the militia being morphed oh then hundreds that's level three oh that's a big level up oh oh star-shaped by the way he doesn't have a tp if you get stuck here oh perhaps it doesn't work out perhaps it doesn't work out the tower remains standing so many hunts have died beastmaster is gonna get level four bash bear time man this is a pretty wild game 24 supply only for 15 sway but if he pushes back this attack and he gets a second hero mk maybe it's still doable oh my god everything's so hurt what's the moon juice looking like horrible starship needs heal scrolls damn crazy ass game dude that tower mvp absolute mvp these past is going to get level five i'm not sure if he should go full beast or bear of course i like the beer much more but in terms of what's actually better i don't know am saved a good amount of mana he's gonna have two watch elementals here already in a sec still not enough lumber for the second hero oh my god 15 sway what's going on in this game i'm still refusing to attack refusing to expand he's going for the jugular all right send back the peasants and finally make a mountain king for god's sake or would a blood mage be better i think a blood mage would be better right maybe i'm not sure sorceress really all right he's supply blocked again dude 15 sway are you kidding me of course it's been under a lot of pressure here 15 sway but not a perfect game by him by any stretch all right whisk coming in but they're having a very tough time connecting hunts being cast invis all right okay is it finally time for the second hero 15 sway 12 and a half minutes into the game are we gonna see a second hero yes from the tavern from the middle it is the panda very good against this mass archer huntress style and here we go the barbecue begins and i think the game for starship is about to end am level four and 15 sway has stabilized and star shaped is out of options the all in push does not work gg is called and 15 sway takes the 1-0 lead one map away now is the chinese team from advancing they would be making it through group c out of group c in second place after linen moon advanced in first place and the map to do it on will be last refuge i think yep third map would be tight hunters a lot of pressure on star shape can he bounce back i feel like in general starship hasn't been teching enough today but maybe that's just me i always love going tier three love seeing people go tier three maybe it's the better choice not to tick i'm not sure but even if you don't tech when you play beastmaster hunts you have map control for a long time shouldn't you at least expand expand creep the middle contain the human sort of thing maybe so so here we go this time it works the host works out and we have the second map 15 sway with the 1-0 lead in sub-match number four starship if he loses here that's it starzine will be out and sweden will be humiliated but let's see maybe you can bring it back on last refuge this is where we saw the beastmaster first gaining popularity i think starship vetoed it earlier wait i know it was a 15 sway who vetoed this map against thor zane but starship is definitely willing to play it and very likely we'll be seeing a beastmaster first that's a strategy fifteen sway should be expecting should be ready for it has been meta for a long time and has been playing has been getting played on eddie's for the last half year or so thank you very much a tale of friendship for the sub and welcome it's a very wholesome name anything other than the beastmaster would be extremely surprising and let's make the strength of the beastmaster you summon one bash beer or bear i should say maybe even two and you can creep the merc camp here really quickly with three archers and uh one wisp detonate you should detonate one wisp against all the inner fire and that's a lot easier to creep costs a wisp but is usually worth it oh and fifteen sway's going for the instant expansion he's not creeping the merk camp he's not gonna have mercenaries to use against the beastmaster pressure which should be coming once the beastmasters level three and yeah on this map you can creep level three really easily you get level 2.5 almost just from this camp and then with the green camps around it you can get level 3 very fast and also almost every item you find here is good only the 12th allows boots are bad everything else is good soapy mask is the craziest in the early game lionel and second ancient of war and starship chose it right away oh interesting does that mean he's gonna go all in again i guess it is i guess it does hunter's all it's gonna be push once more fifteen sway is gonna need level three am to hold off against the hunt and ideally mercs but i don't think he can creep the merc camp now that his peasants are making the expo the players forces are under attack different sway is coming in for the harass star shape just belt please pool only needs one that's nice he saves a second to spell because of the water element lots of armor on this beastmaster eight armor he's super tanky oh quick reaction with the archer nicely done it's gonna cost another reveal here to kill her a player oh and another reveal oh my god this cost him three reveals wow that is already a moral victory almost got to deny as well and this was not worth it three reveals and taking so much damage just for the single archer and the ap is coming up i don't know if it's in vision range it's really close to being in vision range of the town hall uh yeah now he certainly saw it all right this ap is going to get cancelled a player's forces are under attack and this am is far away from level three it's not an easy position for 15 sway at all does he have a lumber mill yes he does arcane tower close to finished but there we go beastmaster 3 and it's quillbeast time really well i guess with hunts that kind of makes sense arcane tower does finish but it might be getting killed i'm not sure mass repair and the krill beast damage definitely very good for taking out these towers and this tower is going down that repair will not be good enough got attacked by star shape this is looking better and better for the swede and yeah he has to kill this expansion the thing is fishing sway he could afford maybe to give up this expo and i think that's why his big mistake was overextending down here didn't get level three if he had crept and got level three this could have looked very different but it's not over yet horses are under attack game is not lost but star-shaped is putting on so much pressure moon juice full to the brim beastmaster can go back fully heal up the mana summon quill beasts and before mana again number four for the beast master would be a big deal to also get the level 2 bear [Music] the moon juice bro full man among juice bit of mistake by star shape [Music] oh nice cancel cancel the clarity with the illusion very nice play by 15 sway and once these two towers are finished the hunts can't really attack these peasants anymore 15 sway seemingly stabilizing very good timing for the militia call a lot of wisps in this for star shape maybe should be making the aps back here this seems very far forward where the militia he pulled him back again interesting towers will not be finishing oh it's looking rougher and rougher for sweden am now very close to level three he only needs a single summon that bear if he kills the bear that's level three does he realize does he realize i just summoned the watch element a bit of a mistake but of course he's a lot of pressure right here stressful stressful situation and the beastmaster now out of mana because he didn't use the moon juice properly the beastmaster now doesn't have any mesh anymore summons he can use at least for a little bit clarity running now we have level two water once we have the militia coming in from the main and star shape with the all in push i think once again this is not gonna work it's about to get level four though there it is i'd love to see backpack to bring in more clarities from the shop with the hunts but it's very rare to see that upgrade from night elves ultra gonna be destroyed but should be remade at the expansion only farms and blacksmith for now but there's one guard tower standing in the main already the second one might be getting cancelled no actually that one's gonna finish as well oh and a few of these hunts very low about to die hey i'm getting one more kill getting closer to level four and star-shaped is running out of options thor zane looked very strong earlier in his game starship struggling way more struggling too much can't win this anymore calls for the gg and with that the win goes to 15 sway and to the chinese team that i always forget the name of were they called again the shenkai team is what they call themselves and the match ends here 3-1 the victory goes to the shanghai team from china 15 sway and xiaokai through in second place
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 6,654
Rating: 4.7468352 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: 4UjlQg30Stk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 9sec (14049 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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