ThorZaIN (HU) vs Hitman (Orc) - WarCraft 3 - WC2718

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hello everyone and now welcome welcome to a game between well thor zane versus hitman this game taking place here on northern iowa i think this is from the war three nations match up here swedes versus um the americans right now as we're looking at thor zane spawning as well the red human player over here on the bottom left hand side of the map meanwhile hitman has spawned as the green orc over here on the top top right an interesting position on this altar of storms an altar of storms very rarely positioned in a way like that and is this is this a four mining i think this is a four mining um one a four this is a four mine yeah so um you know my daughter was asking me what is a four mine okay so normally um in warcraft unless he's microwaving like crazy um normally in in mining for gold you need to have uh multiple peasants you need five peasants to be able to fully saturate a gold mine and players have found that in the past um you were able to set up a farm and and your altar in a position so it actually straightened the line and then you were able to mine with four peasants or four peons but that was supposedly fixed um making it so that the peasants would actually move slower um so that it would actually occur it would actually show that as well but well i'm actually looking at a four mine and and if that's the case then that means that hitman's lumber should actually be higher than normal going in going into the scenario and it does seem that way that he's able to tech to tier two at the same time of placing down this um this barracks and this burrow i i i am very surprised i did not think that was possible i mean if you look at the peasants down across here you can see there's actually four peasants out one in the gold mine at the same time meanwhile no see oh okay no he was no this there's four now okay so hitman was actually using the the rally point trick so yeah it was a four mine but what he was actually doing there is he was individually microwaving those units so that the slow effect never ever actually came into play um so it it it's not something that he can sustain it takes your attention and that's the reason why it was able to be done all right paladin first coming in from thor zane paladin um the thirst first rifleman a very common build and thor zane has really perfected this particular build and going for paladin and rifleman and then going for devotion aura as well we're going to be seeing some holy light here and this makes it a little bit more difficult for the farseer to try and harass the riflemen do have decent range 400 range against the farsi or 600 but by the time the farseer stops to attack the riflemen are able to and get off a shot there yeah there you go it is back up to full five saturation but hats off the hitman right there and i was like why is there an altar of storms there and then there's that burro and it was a full-on effective um four mine with micro in order to get that extra bit of little gold hats off to um hitman for being able to pull that off and get that extra bit of lumber this is from sweden versus usa nations cup semifinals all right so well um well um i i don't know it it feels like the nation's cup america should be able to represent much better than it often does right i mean how many uh out of how many players are in america versus or how many the population of america versus the population of sweden it feels like america um you know should have just a larger talent pool and should be able to win out on these fights here but you know in a match up with thor zayn versus hitman two uh big western names uh you know it's it's not all for certain paladins going after focusing down onto that grunt a little bit as the lower hit point rifleman are retreating back paladin first and holy light should be able to keep these units even though they are at half-life right now should keep them fairly strong as that farsier is able to well create a little bit of distance and then oh attack back on that paladin american teams only playing vs european teams from semis onwards dude opinion problems um yeah well america has its own problems right now all right rifleman now trying to push back onto that farsi or as far as you're dancing back around maybe most of the talent counter-strike shooter games and moba mobile and eating yeah maybe i i don't know i don't know of many very very many professional eaters out of europe but then again i don't follow the professional eating scene murloc tide run are going to get finished off here paladin really wants to get to level two get that devotion aura and allow that um well allow that little bit of extra um healing to go much further paladin could continue to heal off one of his lower hip point riflemen right now it would make a lot of sense he doesn't want to lose that replenishment potion um effect all that much uh well trying to pull back right there as the paladin purposely make sure to not take any damage and still have that well healing effect going on interesting interesting uh insight by thorazine thorazane knows that on this particular map there is a lot of well piercing damage on this particular creep camp while many of these creeps have heavy armor so by going after this particular creep camp here even though it looked rather difficult because of the damage type from the ice trolls they weren't really dealing that much damage back to thor zane's unit and he was able to uh well mitigate much of that damage just with holy light and devotion aura coming back off to the north here tauren chieftain is as the second follow-up hero endurance oral followed by stomp most likely there we go there is level two it is gonna be stomp coming into play we are gonna have shaman out in play as well and well shaman normally very effective with purge but that's just not going to be the case this time around as oh we are we going to see some holy light trying to hold you light some unit chain lightning going after a low hit point rifle rifleman getting denied by thor's hands beautifully done as it was down to two hit points all right a little bit more healing may be needed right there as we're looking at that low hip point rifleman trying to back away there is siphon mana and well the paladin is going to be getting a large amount of large amount of mana trying to deny the farsier first and now giving it back to the paladin most likely here in just a little bit all right upside down on mana he should be trying to give it to to thor zane there it goes giving that precious mana back to that paladin paladin back up to 140 mana which well it translates to 800 hit points right now shaman on the move here grunts still moving around we are looking at the tauren chieftain trying to get to level three hitman going away from his standard blademaster strategy going for the tauren chieftain going for stomp as well um as we're looking at what rifleman trying to finish off this particular creep camp this could be a little bit difficult we're going to see a little bit of damage chaos damage does deal a full damage to all armor types as the siphon man are trying to remove more from a mana from that ogre magi it looks at her looks as though the magna carver gonna get taken down giving more items to that paladin as well all right blood mage still was upside down on mana trying to finish off more things once again are we gonna get more holy light there goes level two on that blood mage as the tauren chieftain sits comfortably at level three farsi are sitting at level two and yes we do have banish as that second ability siphon mana oh blood mage just working wonders on this particular map and able to just clear out this creep camp here you can see the amount of units with mana and able to siphon that manna and then just constantly give it back to that paladin and time and time again devotion aura hood of agility and intelligence hero not um intelligence should help that paladin just a little bit blood mage oh there's a banish onto a raider good call by thor's aiden to slow down the raider from being able to being able to ensnare his own units all right things to keep track of i guess footprints in the snow much more important as you don't see them in the water either we're going to be looking at the farsi you're trying to put pressure here squirrel of helium is on that farce here as we're going to see a couple of banished there's that siphon mana there's that stomp to stop that their holy light should keep that blood mage alive and well at least for a little while longer as the blood mage all gets purged all right cypher griffins are currently out in play are we gonna see some more holy light another banish right there shaman lightning shield gonna perhaps finish off that um finish off that rifleman there as we now are looking at what skeletal army joining in on the fight this is a weird battle here shaman's going after some of those griffins in the air paladin's still sitting at a decent amount of hip points somehow still alive not very much mana any longer meanwhile the stomp has removed much of the much of the durability of that army by constantly stunning them out of position all right griffin's trying to finish off a couple of grunts or so units now retreating back going into rifle griffins as you're the strategy of choice as we're looking at a raider perhaps going to take a little bit more damage well takes a little bit more damage but still able to escape hitman has his expansion not fully saturated as of yet thor's ain't sitting in low upkeep right now on one base so yeah um hitman could easily be getting a 20 gold a second to seven gold as second advantage as storsane well breaks into low upkeep much earlier than i would have imagined we are getting up an expansion now by thorizin blood mage about to get to level three nope that did not allow those those web spinners to actually spawn up a couple of uh enough skeletons in order to get get to level three just close enough paladin however is sitting at level four with level two devotion aura all right once you get to level five the question then becomes do you go for level three devotion aura or level three holy light the uh rifleman and if they are if they are in a way wait wait is that blood mage there's a clause of attack all right even leaving behind clause of attack apparently skeletal archer is able to get in some damage here raiders attacking back all right there's a purge there's another purge skeletal minions absolutely destroyed yeah i believe the clause of attack is forever oh was that it didn't the paladin pick it up oh yep the paladin did pick it up all right thor is there so is it still there is it still there oh it is still there you're right aria all right so yep thor zane leaving behind claws of attack plus five if we see any units um being able to run away sub 20 hit points well we'll know that that that clause of attack plus five did make a big difference a player's forces are under attack thorazine special or the moving fortress yeah it's very difficult to take out all right we're gonna go ahead and try and engage right there there is a siphon man a beautifully positioned the torrent chieftain was completely out of position right there gonna finally throw down a stomp but already out of mana as we can see that there is lightning shield just going around everywhere all right paladin is in a great spot here can he holy light not gonna go ahead and staff of sanctuary and pretty much is just constantly saving units all over the place as we're going to see a couple of those shaman just get pinned down very very fast as well all right pallet or a paladin could be in a little bit of trouble there is another banish onto some other units taking down some of the headhunters there's a couple of ensnares what is going on here lightning shield torrent chieftain lightning shield maybe actually able to finish off a couple of units here as we see a purge onto that griffin rider is it going to get taken out there is another banish again paladin trying to save more of those units what is going on all of these riflemen trying to back away and somehow this is just turning into a weird weird spot are we gonna finally see a griffin get taken out no holy light saves him at the last possible moment once more and yeah 65 over 66 supply it doesn't feel like thor zane has lost a single unit in that battle being able to micro all of these units was absolutely clutch and key staff of sanctuary still being used right there as we're going to see the tuscar sorcerer losing all of its mana and now draining from the other side as well the other tuscar sorcerer you're going to see it all given back to the paladin and then the paladin is going to try and heal up the remaining units again 420 mana they're brilliantly played by thor zane this is an absolute absolute crazy crazy matchup all of the mana already transferred back over to that paladin units are looking pretty well here we are now going into a mountain king a third uh definitely not expecting that scroll of regeneration to try and top off heal up the last remaining hit points on all of the other units as well as the paladin has a difficult time trying to heal himself up all right coming back down here a quick scout tower raider coming in with well lightning shield well a couple of illusions now trying to make their way out under the battlefield as well going after some of those as are we going to see a couple of ensnarish riflemen going to try and engage blood mage has a bit of mana mountain king could perhaps storm both and then stun down a unit to allow um well thorson to pick off pick off those fleeing units again how is hitman going to respond that fight was absolutely bonkers and nuts as hitman was well microwaved everything he could but between banish holy light and staff of sanctuary it didn't look like a single unit had fallen at all all right illusionary griffin running around here we are seeing a troll bat rider is a troll bat rider gonna accidentally suicide itself onto um a griffin that could be the question there meanwhile rifleman rifleman and griffins still up in the air no some armor upgrades not get is it getting tier two armor upgrades yet nope oh yes yes we are so we are gonna have even higher armor on across all of these units once that paladin gets to level four we're gonna see four additional armor on those riflemen and those griffins than what we're currently seeing now oh sorry yeah level five thank you my daughter's still already correcting me all right arcane tower well perhaps going to get some damage here tauren chieftain needs to get that get feedback this is a problem tauren chieftain could come inside get a stomp and then perhaps a lightning shield where are the units going griffins are trying to get into position here the headhunters are are off to the side and while thor's ain't playing a little bit of a strange game trying to run around trying to find the right spot is he gonna be able to do that that is the question once more as we're looking at higher armor on those units already troll bat riders oh they're trying to split and wow all right being able to split right there was key mountain king going after some of those units lightning shield tauren chieftain getting in a big stomp lightning shield get well dealing damage holy light trying to save right there siphon man on torrent chieftain almost out of mana and down to 110 could get siphon mana again as the mountain king still fighting around still all right 68 supply compared to 52 holy light mountain king has fallen at level one not that big of a loss as the troll that rider gonna find the target and be able to take it down paladin now finally gets up to level three it is gonna be levels of no level three holy light since there are higher hit point units to try and heal as another headhunter gets taken down all right are we gonna perhaps see a banish there a banish would work well yeah banish slowing it down and then increasing the amount of damage being done by the uh being done by those griffin riders and well there is that tactical retreat oh troll batrider finding its target again all right scroll of protection may need to be used moving about yeah the flying fortress b-52s um sort of deal scroll of protection um adding in even more armor to all of those units we are looking at what a base armor of seven on on those units add in a scroll of protection base armor of nine maybe even ten here and will thor's and perhaps get to level six on his paladin and use resurrection effectively all right chain lightning bouncing around across all of those peasants here scroll of town portal we are leaving the dire wolves behind as they're gonna be able to finish off a couple of more peasants again meanwhile in comes the engagement torun chieftain if it should just get stunned by the mountain king first and then we'll follow up with a siphon mana that would be a nasty one-two combination as the mountain king purposely getting into harm's way there siphon mana into the uh well mountain king mountain king gets off the storm boat and it's gonna try to get ahead once more but the well torrent chieftain with that level two endurance or uh really able to close in on that distance no movement speed upgrades for the human army and well level two endurance or a level three stomp with that very large stun the long stun and that very large radius could well spell certain problems all right there is that siphon nano there's a storm boat that was beautifully timed by thor zane to prevent um or to remove all of that precious mana as the storm boat now goes down siphon mana coming back across holy light saving that mountain king griffin showing back up lightning shield coming back across here as the paladin is still fighting their way through blood mage down to 600 hit points going to continue to heal siphon mana away from the farcier as it looks to back away mounting king does it have enough mana for a storm boat no it does not scroll of speed on a headhunter that's banished running for his life as we see this low hit point raider about to just get taken out right today well come on there it goes taking out right there paladin or mountain king trying to pick off another unit again torin chieftain out of mana constantly as the griffins well 68 supply compared to the hitman's 47. one two upgrades right there rifleman o2 upgrades here we are getting level three armor upgrades and for the remaining units so the entire ground army can have up to 11 armor here with that scroll of protection being used meanwhile dire wolves gonna get taken out very quickly as well is it gonna give level two to the mountain king yes it does level two to that mountain king are we gonna get more mana nope not enough mana for a stormboat as the paladin and the mountain king and blood mage are just running around the map trying to figure and take down targets all right well mountain king does have mana now gonna go ahead and get lana's storm boat on that raider coming back across are we gonna see that mountain king what is going down torrent chieftain still has plenty of or still has mana but well doesn't was not close enough to lay down a stomp and well there you go a couple of troll back riders suiciding straight up onto another griffin rider a storm boat going down onto the head hunter as another head hunter falls again now i'm thinking well trying to get higher up and this is just a perfect combination coming around here paladin is playing absolutely um the paladin has been able to save so many units so far throughout this matchup and hitman is just running around the map now hitman is in a losing proposition right now he's trying to find a way to get back into this game but i'm not sure quite sure how he's going to be able to make that happen all right troll bat riders perhaps we're going to dive on in mountain king perhaps can try and land a storm boat on the troll bat rider before it hits the target coming back through here another spirit wolf trying to finish off a couple of um well trying to finish off some more peasants i do uh not think it was successful or i think it actually fell i don't know if it was to time life or what and what's going on here mountain king still seen that level two items actually very sparse by thor's hand right now no scrolls of protection no scrolls of healing or is he gonna actually well correct that make that uh fix that problem right there picking up a scroll of town portal um double staff of sanctuary as the wolves are gonna once again make their way in extra peasants on the gold mine but what that means is that those peasants um could end up well um just standing outside that gold mine a little bit too long as we're gonna see another wolf get taken down again experience slow slowly but surely growing level five tauren chieftain level four farsier going up against a level five level four level two if that blood mage gets to level three all of a sudden that level three siphon mana really strips mana away at a much faster rate than you would expect if you and well if you land the storm boat on the torin chieftain right as the siphon mana starts well things go sideways very quick there's that stomp and all of a sudden well all of these peasants are going to be in trouble troll bat riders scroll to speed trying to get away no stormboat and well we're going to see a quick death of a shaman there as more peasants well going to continue to mine once more all right main gold mines down to about a minute of mining left uh farsi are making their way back off to the north here we are looking up more gold mining off over here siphon mana pulling that back once again as the pe as those well the wolves well diving on in to perhaps getting some damage here but not going to be able to get very far with both the guard tower and that arcane tower coming across all right voodoo lounge being built here just as a little bit of a scouting expedition one peasant off here sees the magnetar reverse what is going to go down and in in this particular matchup perhaps even adding a farm right here would make a lot of sense make it difficult for the wolves to run around and actually get any sort that would block it all off thank you for the follow lots of follows today always greatly appreciated even though the viewers are not in the well in the triple digits um well i'd rather have 25 viewers here and then 25 000 youtube views and to be honest as we look at another peasant getting taken out all right voodoo lounge getting cleaned up easily off to the side we're still looking at a paladin um with the scroll of town portal for a get out of jail free card level three armor already up to almost level 10 armor on these griff already before any sort of swirl of protections all right so far bat riders mass bat riders to deal with all of these griffins griffins do have a large amount of armor how much damage protection can they really um really uh help with here 78 supply compared to 59 patrol bat riders are going to be diving in onto their targets but what happens once those troll bat riders suicide on all of those griffins is there enough riflemen to really spread things out the griffin writers well paladin really wanted well perhaps really wanted to get to level three devotion or get that little bit of extra armor going as scroll of speed still running around the map here all right it is that is all of it is all a game about trying to get into the proper position that's what we're looking at right now and who has the proper positioning that is the question tauren chieftain potion of invulnerability available to him that was a huge pickup alongside that pendant of energy mounting king sitting at level two having maxed out manna where is he gonna perhaps try and go he wants to stun down that torrent chieftain um well at the right time militia getting called over and are they gonna try and build a new gold mine or are they just gonna long distance gold mine back and forth alchemist as a third hero interesting choice troll bad riders are they gonna try to dive on in yes they do try to dive on in but there's a little bit of separation going back all the way around as we are looking at well well griffin's trying to just absolutely separate themselves from each other 48 supply compared to 66 who is going to come out ahead another beautiful holy light at the last possible second vanish on a troll bat rider tauren chieftain throws down a stomp only to get siphon mana now as the blood mage has 160 mana here all right going after the alchemist alchemist could get taken down level three now onto that mountain king chain lightning bouncing around going after the bars here there's that stomp once more mountain king is going to be able to storm both that tauren chieftain siphon mana do something there's that storm boat there stafford sanctuary saves as the banish goes down onto the farsier farseer down to 69 hit points and it's going to get taken out a portion of invulnerability used at just the right moment as the mounting king was mid-swing all right potion of invulnerability down to 112 hit points stormboat however oh stormbolt because of a scroll of town portal as the units are trying to get into position again 59 supply compared to 32 uh a crazy crazy match up here as we're gonna see a couple of spirit or dire wolves get taken out once more blood mage is now sitting at level five and with that level three siphon mana should be able to it will shut down any sort of caster play by that tauren chieftain 59 supply compared to 36 but hitman well he does not give up he plays until the very end um he does try to win every single battle even though the writing is a bit on the wall one great play is all it would really take as the troll bat riders are well really looking to see what they can do in terms of trying to go back and forth here all right there's a stomp right there are we going to see a siphon or a storm boat no no storm boat has a torn chieftain able to dodge and head back if the torrent chieftain gets to level six that could be enough to spark some sort of comeback from hitman he is 19 experienced shy storm now goes down onto the farseer are we gonna see a thunderclap there's a thunderclap mounting king trying to run back around is a blocking the path here storm bullet coming to a cooldown potion of invulnerability transferred back over holy light saved pouring chieftain city at level five are they gonna be able to do anything else you're trying to go after those units stormboat instead onto the alchemist once more alchemist could get taken down as the alchemist down to 296 hit points able to hide inside the base healing salves scroll healing salves across the board here for that farce here in addition to that clarity potion no healing sound there you go finally on that alchemist losing a bit of precious time as the peons are making their way back out griffins three griffins in the air separated from the rest of the army two riflemen now gonna continue that fight once more are we gonna look at a bash what is going on here paladin what is going on there is that stomp stunning all three human heroes for a little bit too long are we gonna see a holy light yes holy light save that rifleman at the last possible moment more siphon mana away from that farseer torrent chieftain still has a little bit of mana mountain king doesn't have any mana going back into that mountain king again stormboat finishes off a raider and yeah this is pretty much the end here uh three heroes two riflemen should be able to finish all of this off here are we gonna see a staff of sanctuary try to save thor zane's rifleman i don't think so is it gonna be enough holy light saves it at the last second again torin chieftain now surrounded and there is the gg that clutch clutch save of that rifleman prevented level six on the tauren chieftain right as it was about to fall a nail biter of a match between thor zane and eth and hitman hitman losing at the very very end he could have sparked a comeback but so many great plays between these two um these two great players thanks for watching thanks for listening hope you guys enjoyed it
Channel: CrotaGaming
Views: 1,219
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Crota
Id: I3PGcaPhwJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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