NSL 4 - LB Round 1: [N] Moon vs. Yumiko [H]

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versus human while the coolest matchups we have in our beautiful game of Warcraft 3 yeah you me vs. moon of course the biggest legend that we ever seen and kind of the what do we call you me kind of the the man in the shadows always behind in fee always behind th and of course we all know about the rivalry span between those three players in China but you me has been playing pretty well recently especially against low light by the way on this very map he's been playing very impressively that's sure see that we see the grit once before today moon was jamika the winner will play focus and Lucifer vs. fly the winner will play th Eureka when his first round match lost against his nemesis th three to one where th played Nigel moon on the other hand lost his game one to three against in fee and in fee playing once again out of his mind so I'm really curious who's going to take it here today both players have a very decent chance oh and this is already here this is moon has some very special games and again he has something special in store for us because he does not go for the altar first this is gonna be a tavern hero on ancient Isles dude on ancient I watching it before on maps like echo obviously an LR with a dark Ranger but ancient Isles that might be a first for me and I wonder which hero it is there was of course of time when the Beastmaster was picked but that seems to have fallen completely out of the meta so nowadays it seems like dock Ranger is the only choice but it's moon maybe it's something else okay things are spiking like crazy I hope we can fix this for map 2 but the moment doesn't seem to be working differently yeah okay second year I mean 7 hero by a moon what can you play on a dark ranger lease faster yeah doc Ranger seems to be the only thing that has really played any more we've seen some panda actually recently with mixed results by the way the greedy cab has been scouted so the a.m. is moving over and I think it has to be a dark Ranger now everything else is just too weak on level 1 or how does Yumi want to play this it's moving into the middle all right this is some very very weird creepy route it is the Beastmaster that's really old school like 2006 ish yeah haven't seen this in forever huh very interesting and well we all know how difficult it can be for the humans here to get to quick level 3 to go it to get the fast expansion rolling without you know too much interference from the night off and already you Miko is spending a lot of time early on not creeping we've seen this before from Yumiko that he delays his expansion for quite a bit and then like super late tier one he's going for it and I wonder how much trouble he can create moon with the quill bees here as long as there's no defense the damage is of course good on the outside of the map moon is creeping simultaneously with ancient of war wisp and archers this will be the level 2 for the Beastmaster if he doesn't deny too much for the Beastmaster that doesn't really do all that much he's gonna have a bit more stats but that's gonna be about it and now Yumi is running over with a ton of militia yeah yeah what is this 8 he's just he just wants to cancel is there something like towers or anything no he's just rushing this creep you're gonna expand there what that would be crazy he's mostly gonna get this ancient of war that's just too much damage coming in but Jesus Christ this is such a heavy commitment by you Miko we have no tech from either of the player yet so losing this ancient of war is definitely gonna be painful so round on the Beastmaster almost actually opens it up that's his level 2 now ancient of war has fallen but it was not cheap and she was still not down gets repaired another footman moving in ok finally the iOW is down but they are quite a few archers and of course the summon so he always gets a few reinforcements here Beastmaster is dropping down kills another footman level 2 and a half already and the Archmage look at the experience part of the audience and why did you miko run over there like i don't get it what was the big threat there yeah he's gonna creep up his natural just in general why didn't he at the very start of the game just creep his yellow camp like I had so much time right especially when moon himself is expanding there I mean perhaps he's gonna be harassing with a beast matter but so what man it's just a beast Master I think you may get a little flustered here got surprised and maybe his response was not exactly perfect well see how we can transition from this of course a lot of vision now thanks to the hawk and Moon Scout this immediately how much experience can you steal with the quill beast looks like it's getting the what elemental here more archers are joining the fray so Yumiko in trouble again he gets the water elemental did you get the poacher ahead a little spike there what the Archmage isn't trouble almost surrounding their moon not blocking perfectly but now shadow Mel but he has to abandon this guy's so bad nothing's working out for you me oh my goodness the Beast mass is almost level 3d am its own level of one 450 hit points he has to be afraid of the huntresses man he's gotta be level or he is level three now and now have fun with level 2 quillbolt minute militia how is human who's supposed to play against this and no Alcantar yet in the main he is desperation taking now by the way a double agent of war Huntress is coming out of moon no tech yet still from him but this this pressure how was he gonna deal with this the Archmage is super low there's no shop at all and no Aachen tower in the base as you said so I don't know he saves two footmen but those are only okay yes four six alright so at least he can deal with that if he had gone for a hawk level - there's nothing haha but of course he couldn't be sure that there was gonna be no arcane tower when he scaled so Colby's to safer choice but a hog would actually be crazy he needs his quill be his kill man he needs level two by the quill these fast running away from the Archmage and moon is expanding of course because it's moon yeah I mean yes the huge advantage now Yumiko is not in the position to threaten this he has to creep he has to get its own expansion up so mass time for moon but he's still on tier one not even trying to check or not even taking yet a lot of investment into the huntress build into the second engine of war and now into this expansion so maybe if you eco can do something on to you - he's see a 1.6 or something you know what that games reminds me off by the way no reminds me of the last time I played human two years ago that's kind of what my ladder games looked like that's it's such a bad place for you me like usually high level am is amazingly strong against huntresses and also Beastmaster doesn't do too much against the Archmage but am hits level two now how late are we into this game seven minutes thirty Jesus Christ yeah it's not ideal mood is playing this still until one he has the resources soon but he's going for more hunters he wants to break it now he has 400 five punches plus the level two crews there is a guard tower now two guard towers actually surprised that he doesn't go for our King I wonder if this is like the new Korean meta going staying Tier one for such a long time going mass hunts I know you're a fan and yesterday it was played a lot by lot lied in house cub and Moon doing it as well going with an expansion though that's a deviation and now he has the hawk and the quill beasts like Yumi tries to go for some distraction here I guess there's no way in hell he can hope to win any fight but there's no expansion coming up behind I guess he's buying time for his tech in the main but think he it's so impressive I think he was hoping for some ancient of lore to cancel because that would buy him some time well of course there are no engines of lore and now the hawk against the footman man such an unfair fight yeah cruel to see but moon uprooted the tree so he was too far away from here so slight mistake but I think this state that this game is in is gonna forgive him that little mistake all right now in all seriousness though can you me come back and if so how does he come back it's going from Mountain King double arcane sanctum so no rifle man or whatever he's using two more footmen here against all right maybe one but Yumiko not taking care of those hurt units level 4 in level 3 on am and MK is super damn strong against huntresses but how is he gonna find the space to get those levels up and by that time I imagine we're gonna have dry it's we're gonna have maybe even bears but so far moon is just patiently satisfied on to your ones still not taking we know about the legs guys obviously it's the connection to China we will try to fix it after this game there's nothing we can do at the moment so sorry but there's nothing we can do yeah routing is kind of up to the Internet guards hopefully next game's gonna be better Yumiko like us here is having quite a few issues and now has to TP out back home he is two and a half now he has the mountain king he's going double sanctum no rifles yeah I was really surprised about the no rifles as well he's got a blacksmith right I know he doesn't know no he doesn't he's rushing this well against the summons now that makes sense I guess yes still where's the damage coming from yeah he needs to rely on water elementals and storm bolt but neither of them are level two so still very very lackluster and everything is hurt plus he doesn't have a shop still right under C nope no shop for him so all those footmen if moon finds him with the area of effect from hunters and the summon damage have fun with that he at least get some space to creep now with the red cab he's gonna be level 3 and level 2 what I imagine moon is gonna be breaking into upkeep soon he finally did start the tech in fact he's pretty far along he has a lot of resources now obviously oh but this expansion is super protected AP engine of war double moon wells in front you Me's gonna see what he can do here but I don't think the answer is gonna be much it's not finished yet but moon taking a bit of a human playbook here protecting the entrance protector by the moon wells I really like that the engine of war goes down but that's about it SimCity is working really well here alright these footies can they bring the victory they have defend that doesn't do too much against huntresses though which have 1-0 upgrades not more yet the Beastmasters level 5 by the way together what's this level 3 skill I at the quill based you can see it in the back 39 to 45 damage we see some dispels but not enough they ask to storm both the raid rink will be store model to summon that never feels good here come the militia maybe they can do something but it just seems to be not enough damage output as you were saying this human army is just not threatening in the slightest no they were hurt before now the area of effect is hurting them all nice thunderclap there was a healed scroll I think it's a way too late to use that heal scroll but yeah this army on paper wins it with a click Mountain King in trouble can he get out yes he can ouch match finally level 3 so a little accomplishment for Yumiko there but this is nothing you can do anymore in this stage level 5 point 6 we almost have Stampede that will be awesome no oh boy what a demolition give me coal man started so great to this tournament yeah completely caught off guard there yeah I think he he saw the neutral hero and then he felt the need to go into the middle I don't understand why I'm sure he had a good reason but it looked weird he ran back so he spent a lot of time doing nothing and then he was super panicking super hard yeah seeing the natural creep running over with eight militia and sacrificed like five of them plus three freeze to kill an ancient of wards like I guess he really really didn't want moon to expand yeah I don't know it's not unusual for him to use eight to nine militia on AI but usually it takes them to expand himself but this time no chance yeah and with seeing the neutral hero maybe he saw the moon true hero build and he thought it was gonna be dark Ranger and then he was too afraid to go for expansion because they really scary yeah I agree but if you only harass with the Beast Master I don't see that being so scary hmm I'm sure though he learned a lot from that game I'm sure immediately after the game he realized what he did wrong and that was the night of map so he was supposed to lose this that's true the humans don't have too many good maps here in the map pool it would seem last refuge is one of the good ones hazy can be very rough as well demon hunter immolation harass during the expansion we've seen that being very very painful but that is certainly gonna be something that you me is aware of because he faces it all the time a neutral hero on a-z now that would truly be something new haven't we seen a panda have we uh nazy maybe we have I'm not sure but I think I've seen it but maybe just once or twice we do have some cool new stats provided by two bozo and Moon actually I think it was like 95% of the time he goes for for the demon hunter in this matchup so warden he doesn't play it at all or not at all but like very rarely and going away from the demon hunter I think was already a surprise to you Miko and caught him off-guard yeah especially on AI like on a map my TM or AZ or what about this one say TS it's always a toss-up depending on how the night wants to play yeah but AI it worked well but maybe you make also played into his hand there we have Risa by Matty koukin the first of the day for three months giving us the less than three heart thank you very much man I think the stress is gone now long life is working the ping accelerator for Nettie's to see my green bars in the lobby looking good oh boy that wasn't there was one of the most stressful starts since China of a broadcast hopefully is all gonna be working fine now by the way have you demanded some portion of the prize money yet from the light I know I've been you've been coaching him and it seems to have reaped benefits yeah finally it's time to collect man now I think he has to pay some bills because maybe he's in depth since he didn't win anything for almost a year so let him have some fun let him get some chicken noodles or whatever I think he wasted all of his WCA money already he totally he sent it to his parents yeah I just remembered yeah that's what he always says with his prize money yeah those Koreans man I would never give my mother a dime even if she was in need and asked you for some money you can live on the streets dude you're cold man no actually I did before all right moon how crazy you're gonna be is it gonna be neutral hero again Jesus Christ it's going to be neutral hero again whoo all right this is this is starting off to be a good day now I like it outside the meta Games moon you know gotta love that guy someone at liqui pedia changed moon's nationality to Bulgaria for some beyond oh okay this Bulgaria thing I can't fix at the moment but we're in game moon leaves one Oh needs two more maps to advance into lower bracket round to where he would meet focus and Jimmy Cole is struggling already he's going pretty standard here do you think like AI is a map where you expand very well expanding is very hard easy the creep spot is super hard as well so maybe he doesn't like the emulation play too much and therefore goes for the Beastmaster for some reason yeah that might be a thing because emulation play emulation her ass really is more of a new-school thing it would seem to me foggy comes to mind who really brought that to the spotlight and one of course picked up most of his tricks in the past but I don't know man I think as moons one of those biggest strengths being able to play such different styles of course moon mass expansion style is one of the signature styles but especially as far as the hero choice goes he's super versatile maybe not the most flashy most impressive warden player but we've seen the Beastmaster before you think already a beast master again dr. Granger seems like the logical choice here especially with the agent of war being next to the shop and there's gonna have five skeletons right away I do agree but on the other side he would have five as well with a laboratory but that would take a little more time I guess it would be safer attack so in the long run the Beastmasters gonna be better than the dark Ranger for sure because there's not too many good crew spots for the dark range of the murlocs in front yeah usually they're stronger it's always like three three here three here three here and at first I called it man and at first all right panda suffers from the same problem as a lot of other heroes pretty bad before level 3 so how quickly is he gonna get level 3 it's gonna get level 2 right here from the merchants and after maybe go for the laboratory we're gonna see and again hyperaggression from the Archmage Yumiko abandoning his expansion plans but can't do anything against the sasquatch kill reproduction potion for him it's one more breath of fire and some more HP which snice doesn't need lemon juice for it but he wanted this level to year he didn't get it so that's kind of hard and once again he's trying to kill the engine of war which is really really good if he doesn't lose too many units against this he's not going crazy with the militia call this time all right and again engine of war is alive panas only other one though that's a good thing and again the a.m. is tanking a lot of damage too much for my taste because that's another important thing when expanding when your hero is low that makes everything so much more difficult yeah interesting early games between the two and usually we see a lot of aggression but then they go back to their own game plants get their expansions up and stuff this seems to be like okay I don't want to give you any time because of course if the Panda gets level 3 all those footman's will be fried foods now alright and the next you breath of fire find the Archmage and this is a kind of like late master play just click on the am annoying yes I tell you step out of this he's at it around 100 HP the pandas actually surrounded here yes and yes a TP out can't fight against this with Breath of Fire or anything he had the mana for but didn't want to use it well in the meantime creeping with his shop a very early shop for false clarity's and you rico is taking fairly quickly here and of course rifle push strategy especially in europe is valid strategy that we see quite a bit against the good demon hunter that's very hard to make work i wonder how good is a panel level 3 against that strap should be pretty good right i don't think it's a rifle push i think it's more like a reprisal mass casters thing again I don't think I have seen Yumiko with the rifleman before but obviously you're gonna need quite a few priests against the Panda who now hit his level two so you'd be go did a good job delaying him gloves of haste will be getting denied by the archers am can't pick him up can't do it anyway since he is a fully slotted and he has the boots of speed now doesn't have to fear the right takes from the pan too much anymore and this time it's working well how Yumiko is trying to throw the wrenches into the gears of the night off yeah audio by the way sounds like you're underwater I think it's due to Skype I want to move to discord and then I think yeah alright so take a little break here to give you the bests or your experience as well most gone for a second no way alchemists freaking you'd spray everybody what is going on Remo what the hell alchemist with he'll spray first I can't hear you for some reason okay whatever this seems not to be working with this court you're muted says this Court so Alchemist big damage dealer no no yeah yeah yeah here you know oh here we go okay alchemist what the hell I wanted to mention it on AI but I thought yeah whatever it's gonna be too crazy dude my favorite hero first yes it makes sense on paper is but how expensive is here spray again oh I have no idea all right like 85 or something civilians are of course to work with no level two water elementals yet also to to not done yet oh my God if you could get the hunters hall next to the laboratory that would be a massive killed but wound positions himself so it is protected panelist not level three either and he continues to steal those little camps in front of him and here comes he'll spray again yeah what can you do against this man perfect counter against Breath of Fire we have seen alchemist on human side before it was in 2015 where the warden was like really strong and some human came up with the outcome is I think it was Alchemist third though and against the warden so it's slightly different he even has call of healing now so so much healing even if the pan that does hit level three which at the moment seems to be hard to achieve I don't know that it's gonna be the answer to all of course water elementals will give him decent experience he needs someone more fully kill at level three you were right by the way it is rifleman not mass casters which makes more sense with the alchemist since breakers don't proper from you sprite if I'm not mistaken I think they shoot though right because usually they can get healed I don't know though I've never seen a chemist blood breakers guys this is uncharted territory for me as well so never mention of war in the face of moon so he's getting ready for that rifle push and once the mountain king is out this alchemist will have a really hard time next Breath of Fire and that's finally level 3 slower supply that the Akram is gonna have a hard time once the I could Mountain King is out but hold that thought the Panda is in trouble oh yeah of course a man that's so stupid yeah there isn't one king obviously it's ok I I can understand getting a little confused here this is a strange game so he steals another creep from the side of moon that's nothing he can go from their shop gone laboratory gone merlocks in front of his base gone cobalt in front of his base gone so he has to venture out so far to just get a single creep spot hope he's gonna get it chemical rage second you know as the bomb is better but chemically rage is so cool man definitely better but I don't know if he asked the men are with or with scream sorry I should have the mana anyway perfect spot for the you a kind that's trying to intercept the peasant ants working well they're all really lit up out of two suits and he split are nice splitting by Yumiko damn he's playing well here in map number two a total different game by you me I mean completely outside the box again but this is working so much better if you lose a single footman I'm not sure I don't think he did and everything is full health with another heal scroll we haven't seen the psycho level 2 aura he went level 2 aura on the level 3 army alright this game is officially ridiculous so he has three rifleman which okay chemical rage everybody oh very good very good chemical rage best girl in the game and now it's time to hack and slay or to just use me so there you can see how a chemical rage and his mate don't have the best synergy I can't you buff yourself up to right-click and then you're done right click but I appreciate the aesthetics like um a Swiss moving in for the detonate but mood seems to be holding this Alchemist now far up in front very low armored hero he's gonna take a lot of damage here and as to mob breath here comes the first one and he immediately heals pray against this but the answers of war absolutely key to survival for moon at this point yeah I think they if he went stay safe in the game here it just blessing as well so hard to get through them that was the last he'll spray no mana anymore and us staffing to the back what okay weird so where to go from here you Miko do you want to play it a little slower but you can't really afford it moody start going to t3 though so it's just mass Dryad and the human is safe as long as there are no bears I think now getting slow now there's so many diets for the spell he is sending out a few to all to flag he's gonna go for the sandwich here Neal is gonna be salami and ham in a moment coming from the south hey wanna go for this maybe we don't for reinforcements Express trying to trigger the next steel spray early it doesn't really work 2-0 upgrades on the rifleman already this damage is really good and only priests and riflemen no breakers he only has to react with the breakers as soon as he sees bears he needs them against reeju but so far that's not a threat so more resources invested in rifleman I think is a very bad choice moon is hurtling up hard right now and I wonder Maya don't be might it not be better for you miko to expand in this position but then again he's an upkeep it's so hard to get the required resources now yeah thank you she just stubbornly goes into the main work i think you should go for towers now and that's why I think the dry it's our scouting for Passons - just snipe them again if they're nice got two separate groups of dryers out on the map a few back at home alka mr. speck and 300 nana and he left the entire time he doesn't get experience anymore for a long time 3 mg : oh did he go drunken aids by the way I haven't seen it yet but we haven't seen any misses either I think I'm sure the engines of war though are they're buying so much time yeah I think you make OS to mak Porsches do some work yeah either power creep which is okay with rifleman that thing or just call for towers and it's going workshop now for mortar teams to recommend still in the base riots waiting for them but at some point he has to get back and fight the Giants to get us reinforcements yeah I think so too otherwise he's gonna lose the more teams on their transit and they're too expensive to losing like that also two rifles in the base or still are those gonna be the escort what a weird game we do have three priests so the breath of fires don't hurt that much anymore still the you scroll if he's in danger and Tier three is one third done and then we're gonna see bears and then he can break this at the moment moon with a better economy since he's not an upkeep seventy supply for Yumiko and he needs those mortars he has one getting the second wonder attack Yumiko is lacking damage as far as heroes go no store-bought snow level to water elementals but he has a lot of rifles and mortar teams and don't forget both ways to zero yeah the mortar teams will tip the scales here if they arrive safely close to moon space and he gets the third one that's gonna find a bit more creepin to be doing here out on the maps gonna be as little for there's rockin brawler so he can't ignite the casters and the rest of the army which is I think is pretty bad especially since he's lacking the mischance on the rifleman I think he's going for Hayes now though yeah must be maybe he thought okay it's gonna be a lot of breaker so Hayes doesn't make sense but now he 77 supplied o4u me this is a big army may only be tier two but don't underestimate the damage output here here attack he bears they're gonna be sniped in a matter of seconds needs a big number against bears of course you would like to have acid bomb but I think you can't afford it with your spray and as a bomb at the same time of course you have to be careful to not heal up the Bears since he'll spray yields everything not only your own unit and the seats continues and this is exactly why you Mika with the strongest three market teams the engine of war which saved him the game so far won't survive that much longer very surprised you didn't bring any ivories you meet trademark not gonna be in this seat yet shoe that and that close to level five though and he has a mana potion that's gonna be a lot of fire sixty-six supply by moon how long can you hold on to this and I needs to hit level five soon here I think we have two Scrolls of healing from the back the drives are coming in oh and you finally do we have to sandwich I was waiting for it first more team already dead but the rest of them are hard to reach here it seems the pan are in the thick of things awesome is in trouble again though it can seal himself really in repose an old chemical raged again a little wasted there but there was the involution didn't want to get the right kicks the Panda is in trouble if he hits them with the alchemist big big right clicks usually the weakness is the attack stick but with rage you see boom-boom-boom-boom-boom heals up again but the last engine of war is down and the pandas still not five I think he's broken through this now all the aims of war dead all the distraction is gone we may still only have level one water elements but it's good enough man it's just so much stuff for the human usually Breath of Fire is good against this but against this mass you need l5 he finally gets it can you turn it around with this he said to deal so much damage now I don't think we've seen drunken haste still right no no level fallen the Archmage here comes drunken haze here comes Breath of Fire that was Matthew was saving a lot of mana for that level five and now everything is burning and have it's just 46 supply man he's losing pairs one here level three on the alchemist Yumiko pause the game now interesting there's quite a few herd units though he is Tier three he's getting mass experience he has a mana potion might be able to find the old here that would be a turnaround for sure the more and more bears fall one down two down concave up a rifleman is still pretty strong but he's super close to six it's like 100 experience more all but the co spray this year spray now is king he lost both wheel Scrolls but the Panda is about to die death 11 takes it does have doesn't have the mana forth yet clarity can he win this with the ultimate I cancelled it with the manual motor cheap shot oh my god how much mana is the old 150 175 maybe I don't know he's got some moon juice in it 150 here we go can the ultimate by itself win this game the fire pandas damage is absolutely sickening now and yeah Yumiko has to TP out but moon took so many losses he's not really supply stuck but he can't go up to 50 you made the right thing though just a TP out wait for the duration to end yeah it's time to finish the job they were four-and-a-half Archmage of a Ryoka mist at level two he'll spray we know it must be nothing but the chemical rage there will be such a waste so ultimate is over this Panda he needs mattock ASAP gets a replenishment potion that helps 2 minute cooldown right on chemical rage [Music] here comes a next round of attack we have two Scrolls of healing however no more TP if he can hold on and survive until its oldest ready again chemical rage and Boots is so nice like max movement speed and the pandas he does have the mana for all but of course the cooldown herself or a sapphire drunken ASA was his final mana and he'll spray is healing so well against this to try it can then pick up the Molokini that's the key point now even if he has to sacrifice a little bit for it he's killing one but the heal scroll is helping against it and I think he's just wasting it for his bears at this point all them saves with he'll spray again chemical rage now for the second time next pair Falls Eureka was only at 50 though and he continues to struggle against this he's losing jamming teams are dead yeah I had some oddity it's gone but now we have level three Turin water Turin with 900 HP what's he going to do against this there was four on the alchemist one scroll of healing is left I wish we could see the cooldown on the old for the Panda can't be too much but he doesn't have matter it's nighttime now Oh fired what old mines are gone oh yeah I think back needs to sip from this moon well needs to get the mana he's almost there he's almost got the manna for the old should be over the way he's moving it should be over the cooldown and of course big big advantage for moon now as she has the tree of eternity the moon actually winning this game that would be so sick out of nowhere TP on Yumiko side and another is confidence now it must be like the old ready alright there we go where is it going for our that's why I bought the TV so the old wasted in quotes again couldn't do too much more premiere you can cyclone it up yeah it's gonna take a lot of time and he still needs to create this Expo they can dispel the cycle the panel's pretty slow actually the storm Panna the brides are gonna be good enough here it seems such a crazy game a long time man what the hell NSL guarantees for awesomeness look at the damage on the spell breaker Jesus Christ without the fire pan an ice blocks coming out yeah the pandas do normal damage so against breakers they have a lot of fun oke block of it's around here almost threw that game away they're creeps exactly but the expo yeah of course it's gonna expand there well man I would have been crazy yeah so again the clock is ticking 90 seconds until we have the next hand our old level 7 panda but now it's this game not over right but now he has to survive again until the ultimate is up can he keep his tree alive until then is there any kind of mana yes it Oh Breath of Fire he needs dispelled from the wisps against the water elementals then breath on them great Breath of Fire 2 - already on the pan I'm mass detonate coming in or net so much damage that is so much damage the am being right-click The Cribs 162 is this a blade master or what well let me for the night up is disappearing where's the next worth of fire we're waiting for it the priests are still there it was good healing again but it's a panic to rule them all at this point no money but should the coulomb should be off in a bid but that's why he's saving his his mana now age so fast he's got slowed by the dryer so what it's not playing it perfect perfectly slow come here yeah he doesn't care about that slow right he did use another Breath of Fire the trees are still there the tree of eternity is still alive thing is he's gonna have old in a moment here and then how does Yumi get out he doesn't have a teepee anymore doesn't have a teepee and also no staff or anything you must fight against all the pandas I don't think so no way but I think one hero will be dying to the cyclone Oh The Alchemist he wants to hunt down the dryads here he's coming in for the safe with a scroll of healing and he's fast and drives he's so much faster that the drug at night he just go for two dryads first I when fire wants to get it with cyclone gets it here can you keep this around close that's a lot of damage and heal himself though it's probably too much damaged oh my god the damage the damage is crazy holy crap look yeah fire panda man is absolutely sickening and he gets it [Laughter] GG what the was this moon is - OH after one of the craziest games we've seen all yes is by far the most ridiculous game of the year aren't you kidding me yeah I have no idea what to analyze but I mean entrance of war saved him the early game and then martyr team got him back into the game and then he looked really strong with his heroes and everything but he couldn't put the nail in the coffin and then level of Moon plated so well with always having mana when he needed it for the old and used it almost perfectly to buy time and then splitting the uh The Alchemist apart from everything to dispose dryads was a big mistake didn't he calculate the cooldown of the old I don't know man that was just that was just a crazy game you know I mean I'm not gonna and you're gonna spend my time looking for mistakes there that was just too crazy yes I thoroughly enjoyed that one by the way I'm back in the groovio thing for the video I'm looking for the link as well groovy oh pretty cool name for to chill you have the link yep hmm hey looks like I can't hear you again I'm using myself now but you don't have me on two years you know I never thought moon was gonna come back into this never ever is this Christ how did that happen absolutely ridiculous absolutely ridiculous I was really cool though and after that cut out for you miko to just try this new stuff and it works so well for the longest time and then it's like one spell who does the difference most Ultimates would not have saved him stampede would not have saved him charm would not have saved him but a snowman fires pretty good well charm maybe actually or transmute I would have loved to see trans Oh transmute man they would have been the this day of casting is like a roller coaster so much stuff happening that is absolutely weird if the games continue at this level of entertainment though man I'm looking forward to the rest of the day oh hell yeah because it's match points for moon now as hes toooo up there's better human maps coming now though and afterwards we have fly versus lucifer which is also basically guaranteeing good games last futures next that is one of the few maps where we would say all right this is a good one for the human not too hard to get your expansion up then again we've seen successful harassed over there and especially in the late stages so many chokes where bears find themselves having a hard time man with moon in the game we might just see something else entirely hippo riders maybe I don't know yeah he seems to be once again very well prepared for his opponent here s he always is when he has the time he can prepare some strategies and yeah Yumiko is a weird player for sure so it's kind of hard just didn't don't really know how he's gonna play it with which creep routes he varies his early game a lot so but but moon found solutions not a Z it was really lucky though well executed but also lucky and now if you Yumiko like oh that you should have won that game and it was so close and we've no numa code to be an emotional player by those losses and can get really yeah devastated and can become his own worst enemy so I hope he's gonna bounce back but not necessarily exactly known for this I agree a little bit like focus focus plays a lot better when he's taking the lead instead of running after results here but maybe Yumiko surprises us again he surprised us with a very unusual play on AI he surprised us with an alchemist on a Z so we'll see you Miko for a time really liked MK first against health and then he got completely trashed by th with a dark Ranger first and it seems like ever since then he doesn't touch the MK anymore but maybe this crazy serie this time to bust out the dwarf first again and I'm so glad that moon is not disappointing us because once again I'm gonna have a neutral hero we're gonna pie the tavern roulette what we're gonna have this time I would put a lot of money on the Beastmaster we have seen it before I don't know if it wasn't actually huh and be really good for dark Ranger there's so many creeps around John natural yeah and th played her against you Miko on this map and successfully did but I don't think Beastmaster is good on this map I'm very sure it takes him but I don't think it's good so let's see doc Ranger is nice as he said especially the two green spots right next to the expansion you can get so many skeletons and then rush them it's an Archmage I think even a panda here is doable you're gonna get the Merc camp and most likely not gonna get interrupted and then there's three green camps around which you can creep without an ancient of war that's gonna be your level 3 but the pen that was really sketchy last game that almost didn't work so I think all three can work and those three would be absolutely crazy so maybe maybe no we can hope i could also like like what about fire lord we've seen so many fire Lords or sonic style pit Lord first you know with a great cleave damage leave man such a good spell but since he's going for the mercenary camp I think Rock Rangers out of the equation the players forces are under attack now you still got three skeletons which is okay and a lot of experience yeah but you're gonna have damage backing so if you go for the beast mass you're gonna have more damage here to take out the rock column which is a hard to do with a pretty lean oh man dude I'm calling it right now we're gonna see a robo goblin this yep like we've been doing this for nine years have you ever seen us baffled three times in a row like this really first absolutely dude he is playing the tavern roulette you can't convince me otherwise is it maybe like in some fun maps that he encountered a tool where you get a random hero but additional gold or something what man frenzy I was talking about it yesterday yeah already level two belt is not what he was hoping for but anyways a lot of experience he's got the first mercenary Shadow Priests gonna heal him out dude this is so nice this is such a breath of fresh air all right from now on my suggestion is moon has to be invited to every tournament like yeah if you place like this for sure why do you think he plays like this I'm not gonna speculate why place think that I can only guess wrong I don't know I got no idea all right he's going to the shop here probably gonna be some boots time this is gonna be a solo tinker rush level six and then it's like some King cancer style infective is this though pocket factory is great and it's guaranteed damage found quickly can also be killer quickly the Archmage is pretty far away though mercenaries for moon and tier two Tech waiting for the level three here tinker by the way benefits a lot from every level of his passive increases the pocket factory effect by a lot they pop out a lot quicker than yeah I think he's gonna go for the factory and a factory but that's actually up for debate all right here we go it's level three and the harassment starts go pocket factory he's trying to throw it he wants to throw it into it difficult to take out spot I guess always gonna throw it into the main maybe there's wisp in the main yes an arcane tower though he's not throwing it at all thank you rebo are we still like dreaming yeah I was thinking the same have I actually woken up today or am I once again like only imagining all right he's staffing onto the wisp here at the expansion what's the perfect spot he's almost getting surrounded with this tinker and a factory in a spot where it doesn't have too much surface area it is a little too pocket factory by the way more hitpoints so it does get out some damage but not thing was for clock works not that great now the arcane tower is up it's still guaranteed damage because the clock works explode and deal some AoE as you can see it's pretty good Amy to be honest but nothing too crazy yet but the tinkerer is still hanging around and the Archmage can't do too much he is level three though sending in somewhat elementals he is tier 2 so the lowest will be delayed is this so cool man and the tinkerer is so lazy man his troops are doing all the creepin for him and he's just oh well let me take a walk across last refuge it's nice here you think fog is gonna start playing the style now we all know my father he looks up to moon fog is already practicing this right now this expansion here and there comes the Tree of Life he's got a lot of troops around to keep it safe sentry ward in place for Yumiko should make him aware of this or I'll be more macho it has to TP out or to step out but yeah sorry to interrupt you absolutely right the lures but didn't cancel any of them that's really good because his biggest threat at the moment is water elementals and as soon as he gets dried there's a lot of footmen though nine of them nice that's a whole bunch of ways once they have defense it's gonna be very hard to deal with them and defend is finishing up right now going for second barracks may just be able to kill this tree of life even if it's finished with all this normal damage I do agree how many other 1011 footmen he doesn't have blacksmith what else does he want to do with a second barracks almost enough keep already is the human tinker's trying to keep him busy here it's very close well for now you I love the nature's blessing here that moons getting knows how dangerous these hoodies might be yeah in all the footage again and this is a good move by moon he's gonna keep the human back here to buy time for his export the pocket factor is gonna get sniped again but if you can get four clock works out it's still 120 damage it's getting three though there's a third resource in Warcraft and it's called time he's buying so much time now with this especially getting the blacksmith that's gonna be quite a bit of dry at soon see going tier three immediately no so he's putting a lot more wisp so it's gonna be at level at tier two for quite some time he's out of resources entirely though at the moment but the longer he delays how long he delays the rifleman the better it is for him and did go for panda here he realized that these foodies are quite the threat he would love to rush the Robo tinker Robo goblin Zeppelin harass from the tinkerer he bought one or is he maybe just gonna fly home with it that seems like it right and now for he's gonna try to take out this tree of life are they gonna be able to mention the floor is not at the expansion staffing in as well pocket factory summoned immediately right-click from the tink enough that threatening is going for the entangled goat line which is almost finished but he's cancelling it nice move but right-click so many of them against the Archmage he has to get out of there quick and even with a town portal drunken haze first to call for the missus I really like that and of course for creeping it's good because the creeps don't hit that much but also if you apply drunken haze on the footman that's a massive lack of damage that he gets with this go for some base her ass I think you should reuse a Zeppelin now to drop Pocket factors into the main so obnoxious to deal with only one arcane tower their militia will have to be used but Yumiko he wants to be the aggressor now himself I wonder my to speed too ambitious at the moment he doesn't have any casters yet he's going for priest to spell up greatest and cue as well hello level two and a half first drunken hair first breath of fire but moon is not mining from a second mine which is really important Archmage in a better position than before has a town portal again though and I think it's it's a good trait for moon as long as he doesn't lose the h3 of live TV out of this soon MK has the TP and there we go and he bought quite a bit of time again by canceling zentangle gold mine I thought he was gonna suicide too many footage but it didn't lose a single one and that keeps the Panda away from level three no Tier three by the way it's just rifleman war two teams and casters does he play again without blockers I mean he does have a lot of locks on the footmen but they will be right soon tinker now he is hovering above the human base he waits waiting for them to leave and then he's gonna place a pocket factory question is is Yumiko gonna fall for this tactic is he gonna retreat back or he's just gonna push because he has seventy supply now it's a big fearsome army here we go pocket factory militia called a little bit of mining time but Jimmy Cove has 300 gold so that's not an issue just a little arrest I mean it's for free for moon who the pandas super low doesn't have a TP great timing for you me to push this now a moon may have overstepped his limits here with the cute-cutesy place and now we have a gyro as well against the tinkerer as a defend against this and finally we do have the you Miko's patented towers we also have the motive team this Expo is under a lot of pressure now can the panda recover somehow is full health almost lots of mercenaries again the first bear is there but how long can he fight against the rifleman and mortar teams throughout the fire number one hits well Tinka still harassing and this time it's working a lot better as he's outside the range of the arcane tower no master training yet though how long is it we didn't even start he's not even two three one pana to old Moya is two more Breath of Fire there's one heal scroll it's game did a masterful job of holding on the last game can he do this again towers are finishing up lone that makes everything so much more difficult how is he gonna engage into this now because there's gonna be more more two teams coming and with them gonna be more pressure mounting his way there is only one he'll stroll though on the human side that is an issue and now yume is not mining from the main anymore yeah exactly and he's getting rid of the arcane Tower and then he can't do anything against the clock works are doing a phenomenal job moon again the multitasking is superb horses are under it and the tinker is back home she of life still available at least buying time for the master upgrade which is finished right now let the fire again staff out for the pan I need to get some mana back out of mana here tense game he's gonna get the orb as well they have the time for this The Tree of Life now getting dangerously low has to mass repair with everything bears are coming in but only three of them not the critical mass that we talked about a lot and now the towers are helping out so much and that he needs to rejoin his forces quickly what a feeling though is still ready on the human side and the Tree of Life is still alive didn't cancel it again the moth teams are the biggest threat though next but the fire countered by a heal stroke is there another pocket factory yes there is newly summoned there's two more breaths of fire and the position is awesome but he doesn't have the fatal damage against them so he spares Manipal now going for the mountain king trying to kill them there's no oh there's man actually at level 2 safes in with that he was repairing the pocket factory by the way does it cost money to repair the factory probably like no idea he comes next brother fire and there's more one more breath the panic and gets staffed home for more mana and he doesn't have a useful anymore also it's exactly what he's going new pocket factories Mountain King with two years cause of the shops and staffs in that's really helpful five supply against seventy-five and I once again staffed home it's time to man up get some flurries get some mana potions you have the money forward yes he does again you need to come here quickly these this more team pressure is real haze but he does have to hear Scott's one has been used right here and now he's fighting into the towers can he afford to do this I think he has to man these small teams they're putting a clock on moon and he has the first breakers to steal the reeju which is also a very nice thing it killed him this one oh he has one more he doesn't get to level five I'm neither of the heroes yet once again moon is playing this for the long run Yumiko was out of gold and he's killing more and more footmen here it's nice experience doesn't want to use the use goats for footman's of course and more and more bears man moon is stabilizing like crazy tug of war Jesus Christ thinker staffed home time to man up again is he finally gonna go for alba venom note and maybe even be all that great but the tree of life once again being pressured the more the teams if this thing who gets to five is this gonna be such a big upgrade yeah but he's aa it's hard to kill the pocket factory right so there's more clockwork goblins you can sent them into the army and then they explode depends on how well you miko can focus them before they reach the army and so far it's looking great thanks to the towers that's exactly how you make who has to play keep the clockworks away from the army so they don't do damaged yes three scrolls of healing now though so how good is the pan are really gonna be the fogger factory yeah it doesn't cost gold since it doesn't cost money to build them same as the night off expansion check was just saying thank you very much for that yeah a lot of bears now though this is six pairs can he there no upgrades for them of course he had to make mass units and now he's flanking from a different position well so the greatest buddhist nirmala teams are soul saved mountain king find some space here with storm bolt so you can't reach next he'll score being used for the first is coming in with a huge goal as well finally the Panda gets better angle but the mall teams man the heels becomes a little too late to bears down oh one actually stepped out but I think you staff the corpse Oh panda in trouble there's it sound bottles to save from it now the Mountain King but Noah it was a heel scroll to save him as well ie ie ie without the Panda what can you really do or more two teams now yeah Kevin Paragon this needs to committed seems like you Miko's stranglehold was finally suffocate his opponent decision for like five minutes now and if there's not these three towers I think moon can just rush the position yeah I think surgery he still has two straws of feeling the Panna only has two breasts of fire another five yeah I'm stealing the regio Oh tinker in a bit of trouble here still only level one storm world by the way he barely got any kills but the expose dead there we go no double income anymore and I think the main gold mines are about to expire as well the only at 1600 gold remaining and for Yumiko of course a little more 2700 goal to raise it was nice I think the only chance moon can win this is if humic who gives up his position and fights in a dumb spot but he's at 90 supply who's one of the breakers here though if he gets to level 5 Panna level 6 tinker get anything's possible but it's a long way there's so many break is now the Panda gets weaker and weaker because he gets mad abroad all the time there are quite a few breakfast fires remaining but the movement of the Panda has to be entirely different now there's once again a nice staff and he's gonna have one more for the other bear perhaps panda repositioning looking for the combo maybe tinker in trouble as well but it should be saved via the staff if it should come to this they doesn't even need it here comes the yield scrolled by the fire after but as you said with all the breakers in front how much does it really do nice staffs from moon the entire time but I think it's time for him to give up this position and you Miko can expand here if you wants to never four-and-a-half Archmage close to level 3 Mountain King and that changes a lot all of its production with so many more teams they just melt away this last game he won against all odds just with a hero he was called being used right after the purchase Yumiko is only a thousand gold remaining here 2,300 gold for him he has to expand soon if moon can hold on to this somehow but the moon juice is empty the position here is phenomenal for the both teams maybe you should try to go for a flank again but how but his army is not really big enough to go for this Zeppelin drop maybe but there's a gyrocopter against this so doesn't work as well it's a big combo drunkenness Breath of Fire that was a lot of damage is he gonna use the ones he'll scroll he has for this know what what you think you're doing a little out of position stumbled immediately oh boy this is bad but step out what's he doing now I mean he's so hurt he would love to have this level 5 but can't get it and the pen has useless now no mana and there's level 5 finally mass detonate the new pocket factory is on cooldown the Bears are marching forward The Breakers have decent upgrades the Bears now at 1-1 as well though themselves so money but as long as the Mackay's opposition MK is about to die useful has to be used is there enough no there's not and he actually survives this and forces the town portal out 95 supply for Yumiko he doesn't get much gold from this and the gold mines are about to expires less than 500 gold moons gold mine is empty he's moving over with the tree of it turning see now he's going to the rats Potter what the Reaper clear out the towers as long as the human is gone these archers by the way are still alive from the exit in this man King come off retraining or the Mk I for the Mount Ayr for the Archmage alright so it's gonna be blizzard time and then ya have fun please nice from the creeps to allow the long distance mining here Miko's banana how does he get home he's being pinned by the a.m. to the north and maybe the MK to the east nobody has a step Oh tree of eternity that's not where you want to be all right he's going back now the Bears trying to heal up but they don't have the mana they've been feedback so much before what a death is all this he does have staffs on the heroes but no TP but has barely any any army there's a lot of experience though from these peasants look at this Ducey does he want to invest the matter for a breath again nice split by you me alright you don't wind Warcraft by having the stronger our mean the buildings it is good experience as you can see does moon have a building somewhere except in the main I&S the two engines of law I'm getting another five panda from this dog taking a look at the human side he still has two Scrolls of healing in so many breakers to two upgrades eighty-eight supply one two three four five more the teams with one earlier and this tension of law is gonna go down this is moons last building he's sending Scouts everywhere if moon wins this again read the hell over come back but he finds him it's daytime he must see this entrant he has money to build something though he has a wisp in the main needs to hurry up with this building process he sold everything moon did yes much ah there in the main Tree of Life okay but it's I think it's scouted again it's already seen by the flying machine this is deep deep deep deep trouble and is athing home here against the peasants almost is level 5 Jesus Christ Jesus Christ neo this game he doesn't get the bonus experience anymore because he's not to you 3 anymore which would help him a lot and now the rest of the army has to run away Blizzard is helping greatly of course dawn boss is gonna be one kill out of the other the brave archers they've survived for so long 25 minutes the elderly but now they're gone and miss rally by moon sending the bear back in clockwork was so strong actually she over life 2/3 done give me knows where the last building is though why isn't he going up there at least with all right Mario teams are going up for mortar team death squad never mind only one now three are afraid I don't wanna leave oh you go alone it's like the loser of the group has been elected two of them one is the night Anna doesn't have the staff ready you can't get home quickly but the tinker can he's very fast is he fast enough though to kill them it's dangerous oh and he's flanking the Bears well done by you me here tinker is knocking on him this might be it honestly fire pandas there - mommy's on the warpath here is coming from behind I think might be close to the end m'kay now he wants to get a hero kill he hasn't gotten one this entire game but now he gets this around and this should be and he's gonna try to stab him home one last time yeah you can't win this building race of the space race this is moons final one and it concedes gg Yumiko stays in the tournament and care catches up with two to one third game and it's just ridiculous what they're playing here in a good in the best way possible though this is something refreshing we haven't seen this ever and I'm glad you Mikkel wins this because we're gonna have possibly more crazy games I hope moon doesn't get frustrated by the loss here and goes back to boring demon hunter we still have more heroes from the tavern to pick for as first hahaha and the tavern challenge isn't done yet awesome man really cool and anything are you still alive yeah I am yep terrorists and I was just tweeting on gold chump subscribed for the first time thank you very much man and welcome here it is September so if you didn't want to sub before maybe this month you do because in September during September it's gonna be 50% off can you invite me by the way I can go yeah September until October 2nd so there is NSL there's GCSE Asia qualifier and there's GCSE Western qualifier so if you cept now you get all the replays from all those three great tournaments and there's going to be race war next week as well you're gonna get that replays as well so it's for great tournaments actually where you can get the replays if you're a replay and through the ass to like them and at Elektra have your own camera like to analyze stuff then there's no better time to stop for you then now all right turn us this is a pretty good dark ranger map to be honest sure of course also the warden this is her hometown pretty much as you said that's not usually but then again tinker first anything's possible today I wonder what is left file orders left right alchemist of course and was free my dream pit Lord this would be well not Naga Naga Menace shields yeah almost as good as free first so yeah we know moons flag is unfortunately Bulgaria in the overlay but I have no idea how to fix it at the moment it's coming from Wikipedia there seems to be a Bulgarian player called moon but I don't have no idea fix it maybe two balls out can the god of Wikipedia so we're waiting for you Miko takes it from our be our moon did you cast any Balkan League games nope there's so much going on right now that's the stronger moon I'm not so sure about that I think the Korean moon is pretty good get low FPS in the talking screen I have no idea why you we aren't on skype anymore right so I can shut that down maybe that helps okay you because their mood is there and we're going into math number four the loser of this best of three is best of five is obviously out and yeah it's a shame actually that those entertaining players one of them will leave us but that's how tournament work moon by the way an impressive 81% win rate versus Yumiko so Chad was saying before maybe he's not taking him seriously alright the tavern roulette continues as once again we have no alter first towards the north probably gonna construct an ancient of war next to the Merc camp with that I think we mostly see dock Ranger but yeah after the tinker I am NOT gonna guess anymore this was a map by the way where you Miko did tend to go m'kay sometimes but I said before that seems to be all but a remnant of the past nowadays be m'kay first was Alchemist first there would be there would be as stuff of dreams didn't he play MK first versus th as well yeah well II thought it was a completely smashed by a battery that is true so it's an Archmage again third time in a row fourth time in a row so for moon we have to wait like two minutes so what's your guess here I think it is actually dock Ranger yeah I think so too so many I mean he has to get his hero challenge completed well in group there is our business anymore there is I think five no four corpses from the mercenary then there's three here then there's the murlocs and there's the natural expenditure that so many skeletons especially the gold mind give so many and so easy to creep as well and Yumiko man is scouting into the wrong position he wanted to harass this super greedy national the Moon Man one step ahead totally wrong Oh nothing's here well bummer oh dude I'm having serious spikes you as well nope walking fine for me after the first game everything was nice so Alto is finished it is under attack by a lord is he like did he lose a bet or something thinking the same friend hero every game and it can't be won from the altar of elders first this is a twenty two thousand dollar tournament this is the highest paying tournament in Warcraft 3 2017 at Moon is playing ridiculous first heroes at make game super close everything what standard seems to be his task today final has really good never one summons for bad later on it's he splits already so with a big creepin face and then a big push you make a place it's super slow as well with Amer campers he still didn't scout it having the mother of all spikes by the way I see like one image every five seconds alright seconds the duration of the lava spawns of course decreases gloves the pace now we do have three one has to be careful okay takes the aggro wait there we go and an expansion again just split no it's actually it is well time finally so where to go now you make up place it nicely and goes as far away from the file as you can so if you maker would expand here at the natural expansion against three four lava spawns this would almost be game and mercenaries not that way it's kind of okay for him he gets lever free without any punishment as well has mercenaries - so the lava spawns are gone mostly all right and he's close to three is he gonna take the time here to creep level three or does he want to pressure right away because the am well he is level 3 so the summon advantage should lie with the human yes water versus fire so how could I forget in you it's the natural counter or can you just like vaporize the yeah the water yeah it's too hot he's got the help of the Shadow Priests but that one doesn't have any dispels anymore I feel like he needs a new one hold on you it would be funny if water elementals react to heat like if you cast blue that on them they have to stand like a serpent ward and if you burn them they can fly like gas be enjoy the blizzard because they're cold creatures maybe if they're standing in blizzard they get a buff I don't know when it turns to ice so they might be stronger but they can't move anymore all right I can see that I can see that right no three Fire Lord now once upon a time fell in love with soul burn oh yeah I didn't know how strong it is but elegance the mountain king it would be good but in a sinner rate let us ponder incinerate is also super nice against human with a lot of footmen and a lot of but that one doesn't work on breakers right that doesn't work on breakers but it does work on foot with a militia expansion up by the way and there's a shredder to defend I like that he will get rid of the arcane tower in like no time alright so he is gonna be a game of chicken once again who's gonna be tp'ing home first because you meet he's walking over but he's a little late to the party it is a civil right by the way who it's really nice he's strolling so hard today are you kidding me this is actually good like the area of effect here is so good if you say so look at it how fast he could take them out but he has to get back and defend his own expansion or does he want to tear it down before I know he's portaling is one lava spawn that's pretty nice and no matter anymore so incinerate burnt all this manna but maybe it's not so nice it is nice but you need matter there is a weight of manna stealing so he can't steal a bit eat some Mahler's here I think you need some mercenaries just everything bye bye bye bye bye he's got a lot of money and there we go mud golem he leaves out the mud golem how dare you I don't know how dare you okay so masa mobile damage I think he's gonna lose now like how can you win without a much longer absolutely true it's rate levels phones for water elementals always good for an Archmage and it's not too much much repair anymore actually always call the beast oh that's a big fine when if I are stealing being used once so there is a bit of incinerate but what's the hearing and get surrounded here huge to you one armies on both sides 46 double barracks by the way yeah so many footmen and yes 32 against to put is here with defend he needs hunts he doesn't have any hunt if incinerate is working it's nice but at the moment it's not and the repair is not good enough too many footmen way too much damage Breath of Fire oh no it's not it's closed no it's not and he gets out he got exactly what he wanted plus a level up but the roller at the bottom is doing more damage to the expansion there's no tower expo now is so vulnerable yeah there's no tower alert it's never healed scroll the a.m. is half dead there's a panda now this game is not over by no means and he doesn't have a shop so he can't heal it up which is absolutely perfect for the Panda I was storming over file or does he have more mana now yes almost full mana oh man is this the opposite of standard or what what is this series you can cancel a lot of feeling here another lava spawn yeah nice cancellation with that Panda absolutely perfect usage of that Panda here if you Myka was splitting his army quite well so incinerate won't work that well hand us a little bit of trouble and turn off a water elemental to Mahler's that Breath of Fire was kind of weird Oh incinerate splits it very nice alright so actually the fully army held on way better than I thought they would be able to the Panda took care of a few hurt footmen so it wasn't perfectly done mood has to run away you can't rebuild army right now and everything is heard it's definitely an issue and moon forgot about the hunters Hall for such a long time it's only coming up now up top next to the expansion there should have been dryads quite a while ago and they would have helped so much here especially against the water elementals of course our Moon everything for him is deep down in the red and in the orange Dept can come back here everything is solo pan had to use a potion last stand for moon question mark from Mallis are still up tanking good damage maybe four we can force the Archmage to retreat somehow but the Panda another potion it's on cooldown level up saves him all but for how long playing with fire literally almost have a 5 fire lot by the way but that's the thing about the Fire Lord like how well does he really scale in my opinion not so well well if there's no stumble you can cast volcano on the expansion a town is under siege all right hotshot we have double sanctum double barracks well moons Expos coming up we still have no lures on there lava spawn arrest doesn't work anymore against the two arcane towers and the farms protect them from normal harass oh no you have so much to live for all you to the creeps second law coming up this will be level five always he losing the baller super close and Yumiko is pushing again in the north he once level five before he doesn't have a town portal and he doesn't have the goal to buy one it's a huge item here Anna Torv experience that would be great but oh this gonna hurt how much does he have action the army it's not that big but he has to run so it's a lot of time oh my god it's the panic and dies the lightning shield well well well if I notice number 5 imagine if this was a Beastmaster now this would be very different yep serious lags by the way all right here we go level five fire Lord but he doesn't have that much mana it's using incinerate the entire time now it's not that great anymore against Casas because they can heal and the expansion is gone again he just he was distracted so much for this illusion no Tier three but more teams are coming that's usually when the human has a smooth sailing and mu does not even start this tier three and most teams are coming already smells like an equalizer emo think so too once again an expansion coming up for moon as he loves to do this number three Anna for him speaking of three reaches that important level for the level to breath and closer as well Sonia what do you think about incinerate still a good spell in the very early stages it is but like now not something it's almost as good as cleave yeah I think it's better than Q everything is better than cleave he's gonna harass here no mana for incinerate though allows for level three a pretty damn big and they have good damage nobody can't split against double towers they also very expensive on mana now 125 I guess a town is under siege expansion my moon again at the natural what game again pleasure to watch thing if you had just played a dark ranger game from for the beginning and it would have been way stronger later on I'm going to go for the Fire Lord I don't know if you can do that much damage with the Dark Reign because when she walks over we saw that Yumiko was expanding here in the bottom left when moon was in the upper right so all the skeletons would have been expired so where's your damage there no skeletons killed peasants you get skeletons yeah all right in the middle of the map we're gonna have an engagement the more teams are usually king of this battlefield the dryads need to dance if they're on a reality TV show when hits close do we have here two for you me and he has the patented you meet ours in his inventory no TP though however there are not really hero killers in this night of army split now Moon's army is split now I'm sorry the sandwich doesn't work that well so he runs away with this part and trying to get some reinforcements with the other part I think it's the right thing to do also if he actually does want to go for an engagement which I don't think he will ask for it from two angles so he can take all the mortar teams oh what a team drop next to the Tree of Life really really nice does he have a staff he's buying one now he has a lot of gold but repairs coming in late again the pandas all on his own moon lost his expansion before will it happen the second time very aggressive towers for you because they usually they won't come up but as you need two more teams whaling away at the expansion it's just gone in a matter of seconds Zeppelin may have fallen but that doesn't matter too much and now the dry is moving in but it can only come from one angle he kills one of the more teams and you actually make this work somehow here come the lava spawn they're pretty good are they getting dispelled as well youthful coming in from you me but moon man his few drives that he has that falling apart one every other useful being used here comes blizzard again and taking care of those lava spawns boom no split-level for on moons Panda but what's it worth second he'll score being used immediately reinforcements are coming from the right but not too many it's definitely not enough losing the Shadow Priests level four on the Panda on his side as well everything is hurtin thirty three supply versus seventy-five or drunken haze can read snow that's just too much damage now better fire lizard maybe moon's thinking about which hero to pick next hahahaha maybe this time is not gonna random its echo as it must be a dark Ranger I think it's a koala to G equalizer baby we're going full distance and something that we said before maybe you me isn't so good at bouncing back today he does know yeah but moon gave him like two invitations to come back at this with those maybe I mean file out first and thinker first are both brave picks maybe he saw that turbos I was tracking first and second heroes and he wants to get more diversity in his stats accounts we have a new sub by the way Zarek subbing for the first time during that game thank you very much man last map is equals to rock and twisted were vetoed before so no closed position yes and it's all gonna be decided I'm rockin Remo do you remember GC s first game of the tournament it was Yumiko vs moon the first map and it ended in a draw what's that the Panda first or was a pan a second not sure definitely was a panda that was a crazy game but I don't think it was a solo panda weirdest series of the year if he plays altar hero now I'm actually gonna be very disappointed if you play four games neutral hero you have to make it five like seriously a lot of people were praising humic o for his comeback recently where he eliminated Lin and the GCSE qualifier did he didn't qualify though yet rights for GCSE I don't think so you we have the two players stepping into the ring again the last time for today only one's gonna make it out this is a little bracket after all loser pays home on and as neo said before this is a big prize money tournament yeah if you make it in dollars so if you make it top four you have like 1600 guaranteed and to go to the offline event which I have no idea when this is gonna happen I heard midst of November maybe but we don't know yet for some reason I have to shut down your camera because I get a lot of lags here okay I have no idea what's wrong with my computer these days but I will fix it today or later today this is by the way one hell of a best-of-five oh yeah it's gonna be in two hours I haven't had that in a long time yeah sometimes to get it in human versus undead but that's about it and off we go last map it is gonna be concluded on Echo Al's once again Yumiko vs. moon it is there we go I must say I'm a little disappointed here because moon will not complete his tavern challenge and what is going or an altar of elders here but the upside Yumiko will be completing the tavern challenge for him he doesn't have an altar it could be a late Black Mage though we've seen this before from Yumiko if you've also seen late arch match as well but yeah I don't know I don't know Nia it's a crazy day anything can happen also here so yeah it's true everything can happen it could even be a keeper or a bottom but is he playing serious warden race for moon this is really unusual this is gonna be a super early footy by the way he power built the barracks so if he wants to harass with the footie this is gonna be super hard to creep yes he will go immediately for the mercenary camp he has to coming over militia isn't gonna be doing too much right-click but a little bit but it's distraction and he can pull with it or built the altar by the way like which is definitely not necessary if you want to go for a neutral here oh no no he's going for Archmage and he will arrest the script it worked very very well before but then he couldn't transcend into late-game so he knows that that's gonna be creeping and in a bit he knows that there's gonna be a warden if moon finishes this he's level 2 and has a big item if you Miko can steal especially the shadow priest is already hard to enact but look how patiently moon is playing this yeah it's just shooting down the peasant doesn't care if this takes a lot longer he just doesn't want to give him the shut up reason I think he's doing this well with two shadow strikes he will be able to kill the footage anyone invest this all depends on the block here doesn't get it though alright this took a lot of time and a lot of mana the a.m. is out he's gonna be moving over so far it's working okay for you Miko the timing I mean he would have loved to deal more damage and get rid of the engine of war but at least you stopped creeping and now we can arrest with water elementals and right-clicks this will all the layers level 3 and we'll all the latest expansion though going for The Footy first no surprise I must say a.m. level 1 is super squishy squishy astillero in the game could be level 1 but she still has a nuke that slows down at the same time Rochelle moving out here under attack them though they can never ever creep the expansion with this so it's only gonna be the creep camp at the Greek n you say write two more that's it he's not going for the green camp just going for the expansion with seven he can do it one what does she want to do it's gonna be boots time here in a moment a town is under siege with the a.m. right next to it oh I don't know about that one warden comes in for a rest trying to steal the ogre Magi of course all the Berserker picked up with the slow that's unfortunate for moon big investment and the movement isn't so good either it's trying to detonate and it works warden get rid of a few Casa workers here so expenses out the equation for now moon realizing there's no dust of appearance ancient of war still alive might not be for much longer though warden in the meantime slayed quite a few peasants little too no more archers the age of war is down yeah no more arches and the help with creeping is gone as well he has to do it all alone by now boots time it is and how much mana is there how many kills did she get 155 close to level two that's good but of course he wanted level two from the very beginning Hunter's all this time not forgotten nthe was coming Yumiko still on level one completing his ogre Magi now how does moon creep now what the hell is he supposed to creep he could creep the uber warrior I guess outside of his main role might be very late it's coming up regardless oh but tier two is almost done yeah panda here without with the level one warden you share experience across the entire game I don't know that's that great but it is panda here we go umbrella fire is gonna be effective to come from the base but it's gonna be a long time until they arrive warden has one shuttle strike ready fire of course nice look that great scares the Archmage away with boots we can chase him forever but that's the staff so you should be safe as well next Breath of Fire in a bit is waiting for it in the meantime there was the breath and the staff Archmage to the main and the next breath is gonna kill on nice bit by omakr was about to say it kill at least to pass this but no here finally come the archers if they had been here sooner these peasant would have all died more quickly maybe this Expo wouldn't even have come up but anyways almost every single peasants dead trying to save it into the gold mine there we go last pass is dead and now Oh actually nice block warden his mana in a moment there's no staff to pan us around it there and he's definitely there Oh swapping the town photo well done I was about to say Archmage TPS out as well what is this game so much action going on Oh Lords and Buddha's counter expanding in a pretty predictable position though there is one fully closed ply who might find this but the am as 50 HP there's no way he can cancel this no one has no mana but the boots are enough ice by the way he tepee did Panic couldn't you just let him die said everyone hero like who cares but then I'll stay late when a tepee on 10 HP and the main is super exposed there's no tower at all warden going home oh but the moon juice man is having a serious moon juice problem yeah just turned a time ultravision riots are coming with the a.m. he's having panic attacks right now oh my god oh my god oh my god I have to hide I have to hide yeah if the heroes seize them staff doesn't work so he hides strike how good is moon's prediction game where might the wizard be cuddling with the turtles and the Morlocks yes the staff ready fan of knives level 1 Breath of Fire level of 1 not too impressive area damage is it double barracks again by the way he has to play the Starcraft style the arcane tower you want to keep that alive you really really want to keep that alive master pare but one more breath look at these peasants they're gonna roll ships waiting for it here we don't go his right kicks are enough there's so much experience already jamika was struggling he came back from with to one but I think that seems like moon flipped the switch of serious gaming again and it's working out perfectly level 2 on the panel such a quick level up and another one and more and more and more Archmage again no shop no nothing can summon the water elementals here and right ticks are enough at this point we shoot through the trees here help help heart rate there we go firing through the priest you have militia coming from the main this is the last line of defense don't man anymore these heroes he's running into the Archmage he's running almost into us around our level freeze this is so helpful it calls for the gg a shadow strike would have come anyway and the Archmage would have been dead Yumiko is out at moon prevails and we'll have a korean battle against focus in the lower bracket round two what the series remo a series indeed holy man when someone goes on liqui pedia and clicks on the match and sees the heroes they must be like that's a bug yeah that's a bug right that's all the editor was drunk or something different first hero every single game for a moon man this is so cool moves on not all for today though neo this was a crazy series and we're gonna have to take a breather after this next match is gonna be very entertaining as well with Lucifer against fly the second lower bracket round one one more player will be eliminated the winner of the next game will face th in the lower bracket around two so I hope you stay tuned and that vs. walk a great matchup not Lucifer's best but see it's been impressive in this entire tournament so maybe he stepped up this game enough time to practice so we'll see about that thank you very much primo for the sub via Prime and yeah we go into a small commercial break we're gonna be right back in not too long I think five minutes or so as we have to rush this a bit I guess so yeah if you want these replays feel free to sub to this channel you get all the replay packs from NSL GCSE Western GCSE Asia and race war next week so and it's 50% off so if you want if you ever want to sub to this channel this is your time and support us a bit because yeah we're working less to cast these games in our office jobs and real life jobs those what is always appreciated of an obvious empty whatever so small L break be right back
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 8,658
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: moon vs yumiko, yumiko vs moon, moon yumiko, yumiko moon, moon, yumiko, moon vs, yumiko vs, nsl, human, hu, night elf, nightelf, ne, 2017, nsl 2017, 1on1, 1v1, neo, remo, remodemo, neo star league, star, league, neotv, lb, lower bracket, lower, bracket, round, warcraft, warcraft 3, wc3, war3, wc 3, Back 2 Warcraft, B2W, Back2Warcraft, back to warcraft, esports, esl, gamesports, esl-radio, esl tv, rts, real time strategy, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft
Id: mNhbvvY9G6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 31sec (6811 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2017
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