WC3 - ESL Open Cup #52 - Grand Final: [UD] Happy vs. Foggy [NE]

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can't believe they fought in real life after game 5

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/AllGearedUp 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
go here we go everybody it is any given monday it is the esl cup 52 grand final and the best of five we see the two strongest european players at the moment facing each other it is happy versus foggy once again just like an esl cup 50 and just like it was like in esl cup 51 and he's like a 50 it was a three to two for happy now it was then it was a three to one for happy but foggy found a pretty good strat that might work and he does have chances he's always taking maps off of happy the last 2-0 or the last uh best of five without dropping a map was in april so a long time ago will it happen today will the emperor fall today it's almost four years we all know the stats we all know the crazy run of happy not defeated by a westerner in the best of five for almost four years foggy is alongside vortex and x-lord the closest to this so for the third week in a row it's the grand final happy versus foggy let's go happy at the moment the best player in the world according to the warcraft 3. info elo ranking foggy just yesterday has defeated axe lord in this very matchup at the card brought to you by the dust boys carson and beedu and there he played a lot of warden in the esl cups against happy he played a lot of keeper so i'm really curious what we will see we have a keeper opening this time [Music] and on the other side what's happy spilled going for a dk that was to be expected we do have a ted slash happy fee build order here might still be ghouls but it's not a pure ghoul opening that we've seen a couple of times before last refuge is our first map foggy is climbing the elo rankings once again by the way with the finals here in esl cups making quite a few jumps also the win against exlord was very impressive favorite is of course happy no doubt about that foggy is not allowed to do any mistakes foggy needs a little bit of luck here and there maybe and then has to rely on triple hero mountain jets as it seems so circuit is a good start a circuit is not a clock but you know so how many ghouls do we have one two three that is ted fiend build interesting happy found like [ __ ] challenged happy to the limit to game five in esl cup 50 displaying a new strategy and then happy fell to that strategy again in 51 but only one time and then he found the solution even playing gargoyles foggy style is relying a lot on expansions on safe expansions and i wonder if that's working here happy is not giving him a big opening as you see preventing level 2 just with his sheer presence so you know there's a coil he can steal creeps i need all my creeps here so foggy is backing up already i think this is a little win for happy in the early game wow entangle on a skeleton to get the six-star experience he needs two more happy is of course aware of this happy is waking up the yoga mater to make creeping a little harder maybe pull them into the left-hand side there's bloodlust now as well there's poison on foggy and now the battle of entangle versus coil and right clicks versus coil of course happy with the first snipe preventing level 2 preventing the tree and this really hard but foggy gets it so this is level two finally this is treants with the big one the night crawler still up for grabs and happy with the next wait a minute no that wasn't a kill only the 20 so far that's two coils gone he's hiding in the forest but the murloc goes far away and that's the slippers that's level 2.25 i guess but it's preventing an expansion for now foggy builds it already has to move over then can't expand on the spot a player's forces there we go fiends in the main part to not get entangled and killed would be big losses speaking of big losses don't want to lose these archers early there you're damaged for later also you need the yoga mater happy puts on a lot of pressure with barely anything very very very good game plan by happy also the way he puppet masters the creeps foggy is slowed down massively lich is coming already so is the slaughterhouse so is the tier three there's still so much mana surround is it closed 100 sure keeper nice that was well done by foggy of course you have to expect an entangle there didn't have time to go for a staff yet [ __ ] with a good surround usually that doesn't really happen quick movement for the archers and finally some time to create it's not enough for level three though is it no time for happy to creep of course all this arrest all the first six minutes of the game were just to delay the level three keeper because that is the strong suit thank you and gloria stafford's by the way for the eight month reset so happy has some catching up to do while going for tier three his hero levels are probably not gonna be that impressive and recently foggy okay this is level three now um abandoned the keeper progress in favor of a demon hunter and i wonder how well this is working now keeper can still buy some time happy scouts the movement sees the keeper coming while creeping this one did he go for the item already nope tp is gone got the first claw on the lid and the nova secures the kill but that was the big experience not the item yet hang on the dk but no lasted here finally level two makes everything a little easier and happy can kind of creep up the storm if he's left alone with the fiends perfect level three for foggy though on the dot and this is time for the demon devotional wonderful plus two armor on everything and happy knows exactly how to play around this keeper gets the entire spot statues out now for a little bit of healing and tier three is done destroyer upgrade dk comes back not participating in the next creep but i think he times it perfectly so he does get the orb lich gets experience but the dk will probably find level three as well summons are scouting all the way engine of wars once again protecting this expansion but there's no shop yet there is no moon well yet for their standards pretty passive early game foggy also soaking up experience here 77 that is also a level three even at a very early investment into items scroll of the beast will help a bit but there is a destroyer but you also need to dispel summons and then tangle happy is coming in with the ghouls happy is also going with a dark ranger this time no tinker anymore tier 3 is done triple hero right away double engine of war mass archers we're back to the mass archer strat no lures no mg's just pure damage new improved bows is getting through mana is getting burnt with the level two but there's level three for the dk now as well nuke intensifies happy is going for frost armor again foggy immediately rebuilds the engine of war getting more and more gold rules not split to the side yet and i wonder if foggy expected this trying to snipe the ghouls to take out the damage throw the beast on happy side now as well and there is no dispel on the ukraine counters the scroll of the beast with the squirrel of the beast there must be a potion indeed there's no staff yet so there's also an inward potion here he'll scroll first trying to get or to save the interval for as long as possible and this engine of what will not come up happy barely losing anything except the ghouls at one point needs to go back there is one ore bottom is coming in for more damage another potion has been used out of the staff situation we do have one and the expo continues mining super hard to get new archers here now back into the mix happy seems to be okay with the situation get rid of one production building he knows what's up now as foggy is building a second shop not a single lore so the dark range is a wonderful counter switch into abominations and foggy does have marksmanship that is necessary absolutely necessary with this though so it's a glass cannon build if the lips rises up to level three the dark ranger rises up to level three this is not gonna be easy foggy needs a lot more staffs uh more muslims more orbs first and foremost moon will hear now typical foggy play next the next levels are not going to be that important for foggy anymore shredder next and now the lures but the way to mountain giants is a long one so disease cloud coming oh my god the items for happy are sick dk is naked but double claws and flute and item here unholy aura really good tp out i really like that snipe taking away one of the biggest objectives on the left-hand side of the map finding one of the best auras as well especially since he will be facing disease cloud this is damaged over time 2 damage per second but it gets the unholy aura to have a little bit more region on the units and also of course movement a speed forces are under attack so second transport this is what people do more and more there was a tactical tp it was a risk taken and this is now three auras two shot of course from the bottom devotion found unholy found and that's the second one holy okay this one goes to the shop foggy has good scouting here and happy is not expanding breaking up keep now 66 foggy is not ready at all bears are under attack at 51 as well not too sure if i like that second orb is the third orb time not yet okay no mg's but bears happy as the super important level three lids next wow three out of three claws are you kidding me lots of skeletons as well from the dark ranger massive push foggy do you have wisps ready there's one it's just just glass cannon can he take out the destroyer it feels like he needs to foggy will be supply stuck if he loses these two moon wells demon hunter has no heal potion this time stack uh stuck inventory as well can't detonate at the moment needs wisps in this otherwise the dark ranger will just kill all the arches and then there's an army of the dead kicking foggy still trying to get more bears up burning the dark ranger okay all the others were below the threshold anyway going for the dk seeing that there's no tp invo potion though and a heal spell as well that's a tanky hero too but the archers seem to be protected for now happy is losing a fiend here level 4 on the keeper of the grove demon hunter still at level 4 i would love to have that damage is stacking up but look at this is the same for happy everything that's in front of this glass cannon it will potion can he get an abomination they're both very low one down second one should be focused a little bit on micro mistake but here we go upper venom damage stacking up demon hunter out of that fight that's a big drop of damage massive dispel as well to heal up that destroyer it's super hard to kill it and the destroyer seems to be the hard counter now foggy no art production anymore at 66 can produce a couple dryads next can he hold nutrients this belt full mana second destroyer second dispel they're about to drop here before for the demon have to finally in the arches they don't look good anymore hail mary by foggy there's anoth the involved potion though so the demon hunter is safe and there's pretty much no nuke there's also no entangle anymore it looks like happy we'll have this in a bit there is a big supply lead here yes but for how long is the question it's night time there's a little bit of regen foggy threw a lot into this defense new ghouls for happy he really wants this building gone no coils the demon hunter is played really really really well by foggy no borrow by the way interestingly he can't save these fiends gotta be careful with the keeper of the grove level three on the bottom that's a little bit more damage for the dryads soon but oh black arrow seven hp me took down goes the keeper and the bears will follow the lich was killed on the other side and the dk is forced into a tbos k didn't catch that lich but man that is a huge drop in damage for happy and maybe i'm eating my words here as the damage again from the arrow is stacking up demonetic kenny do something against the snow two heroes by happy survive what about the rest of the army so happy did he lose control about this no he absolutely did not know exactly what he's doing but two fiends are falling piercing damage is gone the abominations are still in destroyers are certainly a problem potterman demon hunter quite some carries here demon hunting now with an orb as well destroyer is good takes out the my god what a game 57 for foggy dk is coming back did you get a potion or something just a ring there's one coil and one coil only that nades against the skeleton that's big damage when is the keeper coming back lich was bought from the tavern big investment but necessary investment one destroyer falls and the a bomb as well foggy is getting way more kills than we expected my god what a mad man there's no coil need to keep the demon hunter alive most important hero of this game no shop in sight everything's low for foggy kills another abomination wow incredible performance happy's down to 36. he basically only has the heroes and the triple night elf orc orc orb again okay fog is going to be supply stuck but you start the next round of production but that also takes away from the defense here a little happy needs to rebuild one coil demon hunter needs to burn happy is moving the dk far out of the way two destroyers next set you here so there's gonna be regen wow how did he scout this incredible but okay that was a late one happy never counter expanded that's the last coil didn't burn the dk against 67 still two base one base foggy about to get the third base up silence this belt can go for another burn that was exactly 75 wow right as the coil was ready here's the mana burn and foggy is pushing forward into happy space that's exactly where the russian wants him and so he's backing off getting shot control i guess 300 gold for happy 400 for foggy can't rebuild the units at the moment it's a lot of bears they can be attacked by nova of course and by destroyers so close to the level five demon hunter pardon to get something inward potion he'll scroll shop is almost empty not having an invo potion is a huge issue the lich made solo at some point but the killing the lich was a big deal so he never got his level four he's again going for frost armor he's not going for dark ritual over right before the mana burn 14 experience happy is catching up but it's still a 20 supply lead can happy do anything about this base in the bottom right upgrades 1 0 and 0 0. second slaughter house happy is trying to transition trying to mass main basis 1 500 happy storming the high ground instant dispel obviously and now can he hatch this expo what a crazy crazy hold first attack upgrade for a bombs not for fiends or destroyers a little bit of creeping maybe the level four lich is the solution but also foggy staffing out the demon immediately after he reaches level five so he doesn't soak up experience manual of health and what's the item there we go use it on the ground foggy pendant of energy now it realizes forces are under attack demon five keeper four and a half bottom four happy we'll get level four on the lich as well these are big level ups for both of them dark rangers about to get level five foggy needs a lot of wisps and happy finally needs dark ritual it's really good oh dark ranger with a pendant as well it's really good wait happiest okay happy has a tp [ __ ] knew this man he's in three bases now look at the gold per minute graph it's insane [Music] oh he's not even mining just wait a second foggy shop control is outstanding he's constantly stealing everything basically so now let's take a look gold per minute happy has 250 gold remaining 2 400 here 80 supply is there another transition coming i don't see one more tech upgrades third upgrade shop here owl scouts every bit of movement happy how much gold does he have 500 to a bombs meet wagons did foggy see the meat wagons and what can you do about them dry it splits maybe depends on the position so this is smart by foggy he's getting ready to block here he's also able to block here 600 gold wisps are ready foggy needs to hold chimera rules coming three of them is that in time doubtful four four five versus four five four sharp is up important to get access to auras he's scouting for acolytes there's no acolytes there's just four are you telling me that he forgot about this or does he just don't want to reveal it this is giving foggy time for the chimeras it's going to be 100 supplies floating in gold already i guess he's reuniting the armies now did he not want to reveal this is coming one gold can accuse something else [Music] no okay he stays at 74. chimera production begins our day in time for the fight happy has no web happy has no web and he's not upgrading web and that means he will never have weapon happy is about to go through that needle hole foggy sees it chimera's not finished yet fifty percent buying time spreading the poison bottom with a pendant by the way absolutely useless but all right foggy's expansion at 900. he needs to hold the one in the upper right when will the chimeras come these meat wagons are crazy damage if they're able to stand still he's trying to break through foggy has now established his front line trends are buying time there was a nuke on the demon hunter who's back now needs to start burning needs to start burning dk and lynch as good as possible chimeras are in three two upgraded 20 extra damage happy is getting obliterated in this fight there's absolutely no chance and foggy takes map number one last refuge for the ukraine what a game by foggy my lord [Music] incredible that hole in the bottom at this expansion was nothing but phenomenal i thought he's dead i thought he's dead and all of a sudden the three orbs kick in he survives got the double income even has the guts to go for the triple income and that put happy on the spot maybe the push was too late happy gave foggy the time to go for camiras and foggy is patient foggy knows exactly i don't want to fight into another base why would i he has the advantage there i'm just expanding one more time he's not expanding he had the chance he didn't go for it oh he got all his upgrades and then there's 100 supply 3 2 upgrades and plus 20 damage sick so one old [ __ ] we've been there no reason to go crazy yet the timing of the camera was amazing once you saw that with the owls maybe you could have seen it before i think you wanted to make sure that the expos are there game two these two are separated by two mmr points by the way foggy again has new game plans every week he's coming in with new ideas when we thought happy figured him out foggy spent the week in his own think tank and got that glass cassian army even the bears didn't look too weak usually they're getting sniped like crazy that wasn't the case really funny bottom left wallow up happy on amazonia is it time to go for the ghoul build again yeah these chimeras man just like the eagles and a lot of the rings if rim wasn't here i have to do a lot of the ring references like right on time dk again ghouls yeah cool build that's the norm today these days by happy in this matchup on this map it's small ghouls are powerful ghouls can creep very well bottom pendant was pork good one mate so foggy you know that this is ghouls you know that there were some issues with ghouls in the past a player's forces lightning shield creep goes kinda well foggy oh well he's creeping with the tree it's here interesting not allowed to deny anything doesn't make sure the lightning shield is not killing anything here clause of attack for him and for once happy didn't win the game with a crazy stack glitch that lich kill was absolutely crazy at their very perfect time that prevented level four that prevented a power spike that prevented dark ritual imagine he gets a level four lich earlier and he can eat the skeletons forces are under attack that's just nuts foggy is going back to the normal creep route i'm happy he's not contesting this yet uh orange green into orange he's scouting it now but he's still busy here despite the ghouls he's a very committed google though isn't it 3 minutes 15 attack foggy has a quite a big lead here also focusing on his own cobalts gotta be careful if he gets elastic this is the best thing gets oh he gets to happy doesn't even call it that's level three pretty much for free that's definitely another kill lasted too happy here though item as well can't get surrounded here this one should be denied again a little bit of mistake and he steals the staff which is great because now he can use zentangle and on heroes as well and they don't have a staff to get out and it's again foggy's number one objective the expansion so happy what do you do cigarette graveyard fiend transition nothing out of the very ordinary because happy is getting level three now himself foggy is going for an attack can't prevent this anymore so he has to deal with a level two coil what's he going for just ghouls to weaken the push to his expansion right every untangle is probably a kill not this one here but reapplies it at one point there shouldn't be much mana anymore oh but kind of allowed to get surrounded well kind of can thanks to the staff so far happy saved all the ghouls oh staff is on cooldown he couldn't if he gets around the day he's dead but yeah blight will regen this happy realize i can't coil this one but that was two ghouls early there was a lot of mana early as well and the expo is almost up no archer build this time early lower good damage on the glitch already immediately playing a little sonic ask with the keeper here now but of course he fits the role of buying space staff is off cooldown dk is not here delicious and they're slow but you know if he finds himself in this round waiting for the next entangle there's another nova coil isn't enough staff out well done in the meantime he starts creeping amazonia went to foggy a last time that was the open it was the only game foggy one against tapian 51. in esl cup 50 happy defeated him here so expo is there engine of war is here no mana for happy anymore he doesn't even bring the ghouls so this is a little bit of distraction mass giants nature's blessing a very very very very important item i keep jumping on night elves who don't go for it because it's affordable and helps the defense and especially if you have the game plan like foggy that is mandatory to have this expansion it's a very good upgrade so foggy is not switching his game plans too much compared to the past two weeks ancient and sharp so last time it was the exact same building position and happy push the main he saw this and started to push the main man to level three lich far away no orb yet two fiends in the base too scared of entangles archers dryads i think this time foggy wants to have as many units as possible as fast as possible if he weathers the first storm he will transition because mass drives doesn't work and happy is creeping sixth acolyte counter expansion thank you edward steiner for the tier one sub sorry it's been a while but this game was so high happy expanding this isn't entirely new but it's certainly a curveball but there's also a level three demon there's a level two keeper very hurt but he has a big potion of healing he can eat these nukes and who scales better foggy needs to catch up on tech and happy has to catch up on economy he also has to catch up in levels this is so difficult to decide now where to creep happy could come at any second so he scouts the middle this watson ward is amazing a player's forces are under attack happy rushes tier three rushes the murk cap get oh renegade still up you can see how careful foggy is approaching this creep spot with the ancient here pulling them out deep even killing the tree in this year so happy abandoned the creep spot for a little didn't go for a third here yet to be able to afford the expansion and the keeper is coming into small more trees it's a little farther for the destroyer but it's always a tension it's always time level three lids decayed home to defend well done with this full mana not really worth it going for these entangles can't be dispelled wait a minute red spot vampire of course amazing in the very late game mountain giant builds them jumps into upkeep without having the upgrades and the tier three oh the red spot isn't finished oh foggy you are in a world of trouble here focuses everything he loses a couple of archers claws of attack plus both the demon have to can't pick it up reacts quickly and now he's got to leave tp oh my lots and lots and lots of losses for foggy but mountain giants doesn't have the upgrades due to all these losses he cute mountain giant three and four before going into upgrade a player's forces are under attack [Music] and this time happy has no necessity to push same gold double slaughterhouse now two attack upgrades plus the vampirigora that helps that helps quite a bit resistant skin cute hardened skin cute [ __ ] he can't do anything before these upgrades are finished but he has two orbs already that's a massive deal oh the abomination destroyer can come in for the dispel he really doesn't want to fight retreats of course catching up with unholy aura is very very fast happy maybe doesn't necessarily know that they don't have the upgrades he should know now he staffed home four mgs again clock is ticking especially harden skin level 4 demon hunt is a big deal harden skin ready resistance skin soon to be ready a player's forces are under attack we have disease cloud we have fiends 74 supply already [ __ ] doesn't have the levels yet it's not going fourth third hero this time oh where did he get that oh the little trapper 20 dodge chance now if he doesn't have wep chemiros could be an answer again attack of war on when i amazonia into coil nova poison has spread a little from disease cloud but also from the orbs okay then apparently we're fighting here no part of damage might be lackluster especially with the two dry it's not part of this fight foggy's for getting six supply here now adds them to the mix kilted is almost kills the destroyer these mountain giants have an enormous amount of sustain demon hunters diving deep still has the potion gotta be careful but there's no nuke at the moment this vamp aura is also another counter to the abomination disease cloud right if as long as they attack it is a ranged attack but it counts as melee it's a weird thing two one upgrades against one oh happy i mean wagons again i think and triple chimera rused by foggy constant mana burns he is once again waiting for the twin-headed dragons there's that there is the hunter should be safe dk far forward finds himself in the void might get surrounded there's a tp trying to trigger it which level 3 has an invo potion he shall not be nuked happy at 90 supply it is very very rare to see him break high upkeep mountain giants far forward shop for happy that's the next involved potion his heroes are safe lips good damage but this is more time this might not be enough time though this push is hitting way earlier than before let the siege begin okay can foggy hold again he's 10 supply down he's waiting for the saviors that are the chimeras but he's burning constantly once again question is the staff ready staff is ready mountain giants take out the first chop well that's all right for now he has the help of the ancient protector at least a little bit he would love to get that abomination against the population but the disease cloud is spreading so much damage in the back it's night time but it's about to be daytime so not much region anymore and he lost the shop so it's really hard to heal now camira's coming and this timing is on a knife's edge here another abomination down it's not like happy is not losing any units foggy is at 95 supply as well but the majority of that 95 supply is not in that fight yet except the mountain tides and two of them are about to fall like four dryads are about to fall disease clout not lethal can he break the expo now even then [ __ ] he might have the right army happy again no wep when another kimira's coming seconds away focus fire on the dk giants held back that's 21 supply about to fall here 21 supply but it's buying time for the expansion and here they are happy has no web foggy he doesn't know this the value of the disease cloud here now level four let's no third here though so foggy what do you do you can't repair anymore this expo is gone but maybe maybe you do have the army already happy it's very satisfied with that and foggy is switching his game how much goal is there 2 000. corrosive breath they were a little bit too late but now they can be used to siege but this is the time that happy needs as he saw the chimeras to go for weapon that changes everything can they reach can they take out the meat wagons it would be great so far nowhere before he realizes this maybe he regrets whip is finished and this will come as a surprise happy immediately moves three fiends forward as he knows okay i'm gonna wreck these dragons last chance for foggy needs to do the damage now first chimera all right down second one being nuked and this army might look 82 supply but man in total hp there's pretty much nothing cameras did a good job even the shredder is here and there's still a chimera in there's still magic damage big lead in supply for foggy now double staff double value but yes he's no sustain does he this time we do have borrow fiends can be saved before he needs to heal it was daytime there's two mana potions here there's the coil and of course the staff is on cooldown for how long three seconds all these games are on the knife that's level five and this looks like a tie to me if foggy doesn't find find a miraculous way out which she probably shook the frog block oh no did he just die yep he did and happy takes map number two but this again showed you how close this is this was again seconds if the camera has arrived a little earlier the foggy has one heel scroll more this might be game but so we find ourselves on map 3 on the tide series [Music] can you hold this with bears instead of mountain giants i don't know i think you need to buy time i think you call barks ten month reserve bro four month reserve much love mates i think if he's using the first chimeras and attacks without waiting for corrosive breath there's no web then he can go for more kills there and then he might win this but happy about the time that he needed and the disease cloud value goes to show um how much the unholy aura was worth it last time yeah nice nice to have vampara real nice but now let's go there's unholy or especially movement speed before he couldn't react like the way he did on last refuge and then sometimes it is a three second staff it is the two seconds that you need before the chimeras appear and that was game happy still had two bases i think the hero kills in the end weren't really game deciding it was the fight prior to that exactly always kill critters for sure [Music] okay three concealed hill this is foggy's first map and this is a very good mountain giant map you know that and this is where disease cloud is not as effective as it is on other maps because you can heal for free if your opponent allows it interesting two different strategies two different openings by happy so far one was a dk ghoul build the other was a dk themed build the ghouls foggy kinda knew they were happening and play the harassing keeper against it so it's still a keeper right can't really play yeah can't really play a warden here what maps would probably be late we still have well foggy vetoes northern isles happy probably vetoes ts so it might be echo and twisted next [Music] it's the cool build again thank you lucky charms for the 300 bits very awesome content thank you thank you for the support whoever wins this has match points for the rest of the series it would be incredibly important for forget to win this clause of attack good start so in esl 50 concealed went to foggy last time it went too happy was the last map last time but maybe he was broken already at that point after the map and last refuge which was absolutely crazy so a lot about items again a lot about the middle again if happy gets cut goes pipe to be honest foggy had almost the perfect items on map one with a devotion aura and what was that decent unholy happy is creeping wild harass forces are under attack so okay he knows that this early game for foggy is always about expansions he knows that the keeper with entangle can creep this overseer here so the dk presence alone is buying so much time already [Music] just the dk is ruining foggy's game plan and he's making some progress with ghouls he's also stealing a staff right three two one under attack staff and circle it so foggy's level three is delayed his expansion is delayed happy is very simple he has backpack even here we go again can chase with aura shouldn't do does he have dust he doesn't okay an expansion for foggy is coming skeleton was in the north i'm not so sure if he saw it or not a player's forces are under attack foggy is finding some ways though to grind experience just skeletons hunting here no ghouls you kick and steal easy lasted okay so it's not level three happy got his objective foggy didn't get his yet i'm still curious if this tree is confirmed or just expected happiest once again playing a fiend transition very very likely wow the scout he was ready to creep either this one or pull out the ogre to this side but happy has skeleton there he knows but happy can't prevent the expert the level 3 anymore but he has very good progress here very early level three the demon hunter isn't even there p2 is done i guess we go from are we going for more archers not really right here dangerous demander can creep he also has to creep here though i'm not too sure foggy gets his timings there's certainly going to be something lacking here and i think the number one thing is the expansion then the demon hunter trying to grab some reinforcement illusions he says like he loses every game good scout by foggy though and the ghouls are all hurt still so how much can he really do illusions everywhere very confusing but he must realize this is an illusion as he's he's just waiting for foggy to start this glitch is out these trions are doing more than they should i think definitely buying some time the keeper is missing in the creep has a stab so he has to pretty much face tank this oh he man i burnt the illusion he didn't see the real one coming coiling the demon to prevent this oh what this is still the null overseer demon hunter needs to get this doesn't oh boy ring of protection plus four a little unfortunate here as well can you raise some more skeletons no there's no word of necromance anymore the legends here oh boy foggy say bye bye to your second hero this is a disaster of a game and it started with a rushing decree across the map preventing this very opening and then he had to delay the opening and then happy had the time to build the ledge only level one oh actually tesla coils right isn't he in range there's the entangle trying to staff more right clicks ledge dice as well and that changes all without the lids you can't push so he bought himself valuable seconds for mining for maybe a shop dryads leveling massive deal massive deal thank you john jungle book for the second donation of the day another five bucks such cool games today i'm a big happy fan but the best of five cars needs to be lifted let's hope for the best man very tanky demon hunter now with more strength and agility and happy we don't see an acolyte this time right or did he build that already there we go again going for the car i'm not too sure if that's the right call on this map when you can counter disease cloud with fountains a player's forces are under attack ooh but he delays it expects it 30 seconds on the staff though it's very hard for the keeper to make it over and happy is running into no man's land lap crap middle xp yeah but no item he's getting both and level three i like i like foggy's position more and more two kills that bought him so much time lids to prevent the push act like to prevent the expansion so forget 50 still banking sharp up engine makes his way across tension of wind and bears the hell tinker again this is okay so first ever wanted to push there was the knight by the lich kill that he wanted to expand that was the knight by the acolyte kill and now he wants to push again it's a little bit of a back and forth now he sees him coming that bear is a gift a player's forces are under attack demon hunter has no orb yet two kills oh yeah no orb is an issue 600 gold needs to get it got the rope here the shot might fall the tier three not done oh he's milli seconds away from tier three he can't get an orb happy all of a sudden this timing might work out no ghoul frenzy but still they're strong not having this ore man what can foggy do he only has giants he doesn't even have master training yet builds two shops needs two shops but happy might just wipe out this express what can you do yes i'm waiting for the master training you can't engage without it a little bit of distraction but foggy also needs to repair why is he not repairing that's the training once again seconds away but he has to send the demon hunter away there's no nova how is he not repairing huh interesting wow happy razor sharp timing a couple of seconds prior to the job of venom being available a couple of seconds prior to master training being available it's nuts and now he builds hip grips there's once again no web but can't nuke him dude has an invo potion has he has double orb now so this army is a lot more powerful plus master upgrade foggy is re-expanding i believe yes immediately that what happened two minutes wouldn't be too surprised if he expanding no he pulls back and there's not too many things to do left on the map so if the map goes longer it should go in favor of foggy a bomb transition hippogriffs did he figure out that happy really saves on web as long as possible they eat a coil nova maybe can be used as bait is that worth it i doubt it so last big item on the map available for happy [ __ ] punching distance 60 supply against 63. not bad illusion hippo okay that worked as a bait way better than expected third destroyer morphed only one statue on the ground so foggy what can you do the hippo is not part of this fight bears staffed up but it gets the fiend easy this is a rough trade here destroyers getting or devoured but the full mana destroyer was devoured are these hippos working way better here we go reinforcements and the web wasn't ready he killed ten supply if fees focusing well and he does whoa the destroyers are completely out of that fight foggy's down to 50 supply they're happy at 44. let's in trouble legend trouble has an involved needs it soon big potion transferred last second as well there's an entangled soon playing ring around the rosie here no spells to be used for happy and all of this is buying time for the expansion once again the inward potion lich wants to stay in this fight but what do you do against the keeper when there's no dispel that's why the destroyers are so crucial tp out now he bought as much time as possible staff now for the bear but now against disease cloud he can heal at the fountain he can't even get a couple more experience and the destroyers are gone they were really expensive five supply and habits on the opposite side of the map now rush distance is still okay foggy is checking hippos of course great scouts foggy is checking if there's uh acolyte building anything a player's forces are under attack wow is foggy's decision making just at the very next level this year it's incredible letting the expansion die not wasting resources on the repair because he knew that he would have the time for bear master and the double shot here and get the double orb and then be ready there is web now with the four hippos not worth too much hero levels solid four four four and a half not four not three 53 supply for happy 71 five hippos though he continues to buy hippos three feet that's not enough happy still has 500 gold in the bank one a bomb this time not going heavy on them and again the same game plan as one last refuge third base no third hero this time though more attack upgrades two and one whisper scouting for this position and now he must know that happy wants to go for an expansion which he didn't do on last refuge triads run into the army needs a lot of mana burn here the demon hunter is not weaving in and out one pocket factory for pretty much nothing gets a hippo for sure and the demon wasn't in range couldn't burn so the next fight will probably look a lot different than the one before there's web but foggy is baiting happy into a second crypt so he's still building under people's hippos giants three destroyers in the air how many fiends are there five getting more soon right wait wasn't there a second crypt some apparently not it's okay for foggy he's not pressured into this position if he gets the middle no chimera's possible this time camiras need the surprise effect they need to be played when there's no web but yeah usually everything would be pretty low thanks to disease cloud not the case foggy is allowing happy to expand to probably get up to 80. and what's the next plan okay third attack upgrade second engine of wind more hippos once the destroyers are going the keeper can reign this is no i [ __ ] up the zoo sorry about that i can't zoom out once i did this i'm an idiot next game again in the most unnecessary moment man okay three one no third hero no third orb [Music] we jump onto 100 supply that's the matter between them as it seems one no upgrades only i think you're not level three happy must realize that there's this third a base forces are under attack this is exactly what the unit is supposed to do step forward mana burn get back does he want to engage through this joke that seems he wants to bait the hippos in but foggy's not falling for it yet happy 80 [ __ ] producing he said 90. this gold mine is not mining yet so does he want to wait yeah until the main is over and then transition the wisps into this but happy has the shop control this time there's an involve uh there's there's a heel scroll what school does he have another involved here caging just a little he's opening up that choker as well three two upgrades okay here we go foggy is committing to this fight lots of web first call was used demon hunter goes to the back needs to burn he wants to get rid of these coils and then the keeper can go for the end tangles but there's so much web there's also the first destroyer is falling demon hunter is now close to the lich to get rid of all the inward post to get rid of some nova dk also down to 50 my lord is he dropping quickly happy as once again not the slightest chance in this fight tanker falls tp gg and foggy was making all the right moves once again that worked so well that hippo transition [Music] did happy learn now that you kind of need web early this seems to be seems to be the case by the way uh yeah the zoom at the end was the original warcraft 3 zoom everybody uh it's just more zoomed out when the game starts okay we take a little bit of a break as foggy is requesting a break as well i'm grabbing new water and you tell your friends that foggy is on match points at esl cup 52. back again at the esl cup 52 it is match points for foggy we are three years and 11 months into happy streak of not losing best of fives to european players and foggy is again on match points for the second time in two three weeks he's about to close this out can he do it is he the chosen one that we always thought he would be equals how fitting how fitting would it be for equals and foggy to do this now this was the map where he finally conquered one two zero after many many many moons of losing this and this is already important this is happy spawning on the left this is foggy spawning on the right what this means is he can go for the engine of war creep at the right-hand side he can play a warden if he wants to he did it versus x-lord and was successful on the left-hand side the engine of war can be cancelled by ghoul's acolytes this is already nothing has happened basically there's already a little win for foggy he never gave up a true rocky balboa always in the ropes getting beaten over and over and over again and boom there she is he tried it so many times remo insists that there is no night elf in the world who can beat happy with the warden except law lion it's up for our warcraft's harry potter to show us her magic happy dk oh of course google build again this is happy's map the deciding one would be equals i would be twisted very likely we've been there at dreamhack at esl cups or is it the same story again happy on match point or facing match points and turning it around no harassed by happy at all no yellow dots on the map at all foggy doesn't have supply for the shadow priest if you wanted to go for it but two wisps here warden coming in thank you buzz light work for the gift it's up goes for the renegade immediately gets the item ring of protect okay not a good start right there dk blast to respond as happy oftentimes did in the past what's next cool schools ghouls there's the shadow priest interesting foggy didn't go for his 21 supply trick but build a moon well instead to have a bigger army early priest ready this delays the tech a little bit because he has the second moon roll and what also after the level two pretty passive both one the level two no detonate here didn't see it but okay coming the easy level two right there foggy what's this move engine of war to the murlocs he is getting really really really really good in figuring out these creep routes tier two tech start it next moon will come in it's important to get these moon welds up early so they can reach in some mana during night and happy with the very very normal creep route so far he's scouting only now foggy has a wisp here to see if the dk is going for the middle the build is not out yet late against the skeleton no last hits that's level three foggy with the staff he's just a tiny bit faster you got both mobility items which is a big investment but this is blink and shadow strike he wants to pummel the decay happy ones level three this can be easy pickups of course we don't have wow that's a lot of commitment but with the hurt dk this might slow happy down down the road man out fifty percent for both of them ghouls chasing the warden foggy chasing the decap i can't really reach whoa tricky situation for happy now warden is waiting in the south he's still being chased by the rest of the army and he doesn't have a staff also for the first time in a while no expansion by foggy nowhere this is the first game in i mean it is uh it's also no keeper attack so it's really difficult warden finds him wow starts the animation of the shadow strike that baits happy into a tp and then he can't sit to save the money and now starts creeping happy has hurt ghouls will get level three here so he played around it nicely chad says that usually game 4 is where happy turns on beast mode that is correct apparently he doesn't face pressure we'll see about that against the warden happy goes for the second acropolis so even if the warden jumps into the back goes for the shadow strikes kills the acolytes during the attack he can still rebuild them what has full mana there was a lot of moon juice we go engineered lore shop tier three seems to have some issues finding the wardens caesar now of course we've spaded that a little see how far are you well okay rush tier three [Music] lots of ghouls so many ghouls that's new or at least different a player's forces are under attack but it's usually very good against and buildings of course both are level three nice steal very happy preventing level four which will make blink a lot cheaper level four is what you need so far [ __ ] cut many corners to rush tier three went for the staff went for the boots there's no tp anymore there is a potion triggering this and there's no next shutter strike anymore so he has to abandon this but yeah that was forcing the portion and this level four early tp gone was a big deal a very big deal is it time for a ritual dagger here fiend transition now oh uses the blight is happy with the level three only creeps the lich displays the warden a lot of time bears coming and that's level four and enough energy is the dream to be precise by the way february 24 2017. the last time happy lost the best of five against the westerner it was against foggy thank you diddly bear 39 months of subbing maybe on a historic day today tomorrow a little bit more right click a little bit more armor ring of regen also [Music] amazing he's not playing guards he's on tier three he has frenzy tier three for foggy as well and it's bears is that a term of retraining now imagine a fan of knives hitting this army whisper sees it foggy was still here it's still shadow strike i think your fish is 49 months go go foggy and happy is banking on the fact that there's an expansion but it's it's not there it's not there also dark ranger interesting with silence first wants to disable the warden and to get rid of this it feels like happy has the wrong game plan or the wrong reads doesn't see any buildings foggy was banking on expansions for weeks now and now it's just not there before he confirms that happy is not expanding and happy is pushing forward into the base there is moon wells but he used a lot but there's also reinforcements there's a shop do you need this expansion how do you deal with the ghouls happy is not willing to push into the space can [ __ ] get some chip damage or venom close to level five already all right then call nova on the water gotta be careful with that has an invo potion and of course blink fog is army not scary zero zero upgrades also no moon welts level two lich only it's also not scary he's just right clicking the dk as much as he can not going for any units at all has of course redo all the silence just a tiny bit too late this free region the bear getting safe there the bears are eating the golds alive this frenzy push is going into no man's land dk is in trouble foggy is chasing there's another fan of knife soon happy needs an item here inves involve staff something tp saved but he just blew an amazingly strong army or push into the air he didn't hit anything foggy dodged and countered there was a lot of kills that was level five and that is now time for the expansion a player's forces are under attack undead heroes underwhelming triads can scout they can't be slowed spreading some poison it is temple of the damn time happy's transition is that what saves the streak mtpq will seven months go foggy master banshee steel bears is that the play once foggy's expo is up what can happy do a player's forces are under attack anti-magic of course amazing happy was rushing this is it master training yeah this takes some time though foggy can start mining oh one getting nuked all of a sudden there is the nimble seems like foggy has this under control and it is the chimeras again a town is under siege happy has again no web happy has one single fiend i think during these four years we were never ever ever closer to happy losing a best of five thank you very much robot for the 20 gifted subs double talisman of evasion might help down the road but of course he wanted something else [ __ ] with the staff he sold this first step ap coming he's fortifying his expansion he's going chimeras he's scouting quite a bit strides across the map zero zero upgrades this might be a risk he sees the temple anti-magic everywhere wow against the uh for the acolytes first and foremost he didn't want to reveal them so why not keep them safe okay he knows this now how do you break through this i mean once we see the chimeras won't the bubbles just disappear it's a lot of damage and happy didn't see that yet can't possess chimera's level is too high yeah you can't dispel anti-magic shell foggy smiling happy going for probably the last push dark ranger for silence cannot be dispelled there is no destroyer at the moment this push might be powerful are the chimeras ready is the question one is here the second one is about to be finished can he hold this [ __ ] cues another round i think so this might be the fight for the streak and the esl cup 72 supply against 60 only foggy with the warden sniping catching coil nova there is an inval there is redo chimeric will it come as a surprise it will come as a surprise everything has anti-magic nothing can be shadow struck 21 bonus damage here they are they won in the game on last refuge they weren't ready on amazonia what will we see here no demon hunter this time of course so plenty of calls i thought here are the possessions we'll have to get it yes we have it and that is a bear for him he's trying to nuke a lot level two for the dark ranger for happy here more possession coming in how can he get rid of them foggy at 62 and happy at 51 what can he do he's trying to nuke the chimera but the damage is way too crazy next feed is falling warden level five and a half silence on the heroes here can't nuke anything the next camera is coming in anti-magic show is getting less and less that was the last statue as well oh oh warden is in trouble a little bit 50 blinking back in catching a lot of right clicks what's happening here tp out foggy 56 happy 46 supply gap is closing but the expo is still standing ridiculous game [ __ ] can you heal up at the moon wells all right bears can help a little bit the bears are helping now foggy will he get slaughtered by his own weapons this is so much mana though one bench he didn't have anti-magic shot getting sniped immediately also the dark ranger has some silence has black arrow now the two cameras are coming in happy on his last lag with 46 but foggy can't hold this anymore last second kill jesus the base is down the base is down but foggy is at 50 with a thousand gold bank happy 53. got a bear he saved so many ghouls one shadow strike kicks him down goes for the altar of darkness sells it needs more units needs more banshees needs to get them back how happily was foggy banking on this expansion he cues another one immediately he did the same play on concealed more attack upgrades mika 100 bits thank you anubis thank you for the prime stick frost 100 bits mass love to you guys wasn't checking things out no tp anymore no involved what can happy do he has wep now he's muscling up for a 70 supply army creeping with chimera is the easiest thing you can imagine on this map and this is a big consumable for foggy greater mana if you ever needed a greater mana it might be this game survivability also super important but this is kinda getting close to an ultimate did he break happy still at 50. close to level 3. info potion on the dark rangers well expo 60 percent foggy is trying to hunt the acolytes doesn't really work because of anti-magic super smart by happy by the way super smart [ __ ] we never switch to fan on ice but this army has no damage isn't this a hail mary play by happy banking on the fact that possession is [Music] working [Music] because this is electrifying the entire walker scene must be watching tell everyone spam the discords put it on your twitter if you have five followers i don't really care i want these five followers on this stream right now 70 supply warden invis scouts everything has the involve has two involves big mana close to level three two one upgrades foggy sixty supply it's not cheap gordon sees this coming still has the staff has the orb expo is mining again but happy knows exactly how long it takes for this expo to build to entangle and how long it takes to wear off feed snipe big real big and that's level three right there warden is back every web you take away from happy is a massive one so how long can he hold this expansion is there even a tp did he see that there's no tp i think he did there's a lot of time focus expansion going down once again how much damage can he do mira's going for this black citadel that would mean no potions anymore and then he can of course oh he can't depend on the necropolis okay we will have a fight he happy something right on top of foggy how much can he take out one camera is three the other one is saved is the tp in range not for this chimera and not for this triad 62 supply was it worth it foggy back at 50 losing the expo he can use the tree of eternity though of course happy is down to three acolytes can't rebuild them without a new ziggurat this takes forever 1 000 gold left maybe it's not even worth it rebuilding this [ __ ] can't really afford to lose these two moon worlds and he can't go up to 60 anymore here's 600 gold five point six one shutter strike car we will see this over and over three cameras how many fiends two three exactly three this anti-magic against night off man what what a play foggy is checking that there's no expo and this must feel comfortable because he has the trick he will waddle over oh we never go went for our nature's blessing this takes forever only now well spring jesus christ these upgrades would be so good right now gotta be careful not enough 250 that is a lot of moon juice of course but he didn't spend too much gold foggy muscling up to 60. you realize there's no nature's blessing this costs valuable seconds because the heel scroll which has nothing happy as there's the last bit of gold but he's going for on tp not in all in yet happy's getting ready roar how good is this roar by the way on this this one bear okay probably about to lose this moon well supply block now at 60 happy at 63. no avatar yet next moon well down there was a full one 425. he's teaching this again happy teepees warden trying to go for the backline doesn't really work oh my god the tp just split seconds before the necropolis goes down imagine there's a little bit more damage imagine this tp cancels how much free damage is there my mirrors all right it's time to sell buildings maybe haunted gold mine down by the way losing the black citadel is now pretty bad for happy as if you sell the black citadel you get the resources from necropolis and the two texts that is a lot of resources [Music] true of eternity almost there will foggy be the one mining 25 minutes blink dodge well done warden doesn't do much progress anymore and happy has the gold for the expansion destroyer did he see them coming it's day happy is moving back warden is occupying this expansion here so what's the play for happy wisps already gold mine's getting entangled but this is a lot of fighting power for happy as well foggy do you have a teepee no he doesn't oh oh really warden is home also progress towards level six of course the balls of foggy man running around without a tp unable to respond to an all into a possible all-in two ghoul kills though mana invested for sure but good google kills and that's a split push once more roared friends equals yeah man chad you say it the tree is going down happy as a tp [Music] yes like how does he think he's getting out of there foggy he's getting wet the warden isn't here oh no what a disaster [ __ ] at 51 he's fighting without his strongest hero but the chimeras can they can they do this level 4 lynch here 41 only the warden is finally coming back and loosens by foggy web is everywhere cameras are [ __ ] but also the illusion here's the one close to level five going for the dk oh my god foggy is starting to mine in the bottom right but he lost so much happy still at 50 hero focus heel scroll used more shadow strike over and over and over and over again there's still the big mana potion can he's just can he just nuke this down right click happy how can you save this dk you offer the resources for a potion trying to do trying to duke doesn't work stefan jesus christ the dk's down foggy said 20 he lost the entire army but he got the he got the warden one xp from level six he lost everything happy has no resources happy can still not get the dk back level four it's still not enough i think he sells something yeah graveyard temple warden in the middle though very hard to attack anything if he takes out the bear that would be magnificent he's trying to occupy this one the big mana potion here one kill is avatar but that's the dk oh still not enough resources trying to go for the badges anti-magic shell how close is this game foggy is the one man mining still not enough resources did happy miscalculate he's selling the slaughterhouse now unbelievable scenery in esl cup 52. he sells the orb to get the dk back but how do you can he just do it again ken foggy just do it again very very limited building kill potential this takes forever to take down the tree and without an orb this army is so much more tanky nuke now inward potion still but he has no region anymore dodges the next shots what are the targets going for the ban she wants the avatar one right click that's it but he has no man anymore needs to commit the potion would love to have despair for ritu but there's a destroyer in the air doesn't want to commit to this of course staffs immediately to the tree 15 supply bear falls what about this tree oh foggy is banking on the fact that there's a graveyard but it was sold i have no idea what's happening here trying to hunt the acolytes avatar is up can he get some corpses he does he has a bear for redo he committed the potion to the avatar he's trying to snipe more once the spirits ha ho-ho-ho mass repair here to buy time he wants to hold this one has a staff players forces are under attack pepe is coming in he has mana he has level five he got coil nova who would i have no clue i have no clue is he trying to win this for building kills what the hell one blinks away silence on the two heroes but needs more blink to get out doesn't want to commit the involve early he's getting rid of the shop that's big no repair of course anymore how can he just not do it again coil nova inward potion can be committed blink should be ready but better safe than sorry foggy stabs the dark ranger back foggy holds the tree foggy is still mining foggy has two bears in the base these are the right calls all the time he's seeing the matrix isn't he just don't lose the heroes oh this might be a big one right there this might be a big hero kill can't be coiled of course but no but one blinks three holes for now but for how much longer happy is trying to deal with this via dk but the bears he has no buildings left he has no buildings left he has no airline anymore gg the reign of terror is over foggy wins the best of five against happy after three years 11 months it has happened he did it he did it he finally did it i never thought i would live to see the day but 100 bucks go to foggy how many hours of grinding of thinking of theory crafting went into this series happy is not only vulnerable he's killable again and what does that say about dreamhack europe the grand finals from march 4 to 7. we have a new king we have a new king and the one is foggy he was destined to do it he's the chosen one he is the boy who lives what a series three and one and maybe if you want to defeat happy you need to have it three and one because if you lose game four and you tie this up happy is gonna eat you alive [Music] and he got the avatar he had the potion and he killed the acolytes and then there was no reason no possibility to prepare this history right here it's just a hundred bucks it's no wgl title it's not a world championship but it is so so so important for european warcraft can this please be a sign for everyone else in the scene for the lords for the vortexes for the hawks for the i don't know spirals whoever that you can beat happy whoa i'm getting freaking freaking emotions not seeing that we were there january 25 2020 foggy three happy one esl 52 goes to andre koren [Music] 5 000 viewers an unbelievable feeling the side of relief in the entire scene right here [Music] maybe we have to quote this day for a long long time again but we were there witnessing these games okay i'm trying to get foggy on trying to get him i don't know if he's already celebrating in minsk or whatever uh i asked the emperor dethroned remo's turning 30 in 15 minutes that's like our gift to him thank you sonic two thousand bits amazing nifik seven month what the [ __ ] just got it right in time yeah i don't know he's probably talking to his stream first and foremost obviously but yeah we we try to get him on we try to get him on foggy is ready best of five win against happy and we get him on the line the new king of warcraft in europe is with us foggy please tell me how does it feel to finally beat happy in the best of five after almost four years um i i don't know it's just you know esl cup but it's very cool because it's last year so cup and first time it was so good to uh see you back to um in these esl cups it was uh two weeks ago that it was a three to two and the last week it looked really good again from the start was a three to one what was so special about today what did you change oh i practice it a lot against undead and every siri series i correct my strategy so this time i get well correct strategy you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah this was but still apf surprised me last game here went benches and stay in this game and unbelievable because you know when warden get level 5 it's impossible to come back usually yeah but it was usually it was kind of close at the end with crazy bass races did you ever think you would lose the game yeah when i get fight on his main base he he used tp and my warden was far away yeah it was very terrible fight by me but chimeras did a good job because after tp he also had not perfect position to fight too bad so i think nobody plays the style that you play against ud um so was it just you um um uh thinking about the strategy or were you inspired by someone maybe of course i work together with my good partner cine he helped me a lot uh we a lot i used to play undead and with his night off so we tried to figure out what strategy work better that's amazing you are working with uh cine for many years now right yeah he's really he's really a good friend and a partner for practice and of course one two zero a long time ago before jim hack we had some custom games he also get gave me a lot of advice advice how to play against undead nice man that was that was so amazing i don't really know what to say i had a little tear in my eye casting this game but we have a very big tournament coming up that's the dreamhack in five weeks or something so with that result today will you win dreamhack yeah sure uh i thought about today this year's not so important because maybe i should save this strategy for extreme masters you know so i don't know but yeah a lot of time i can prepare and yeah good chance to win again really good man you gave a lot of people a lot of hope you are the true king now you're the true harry potter you're the chosen one thank you so much for your time and just celebrate yeah thank you thank you for cheering and support for stream see you always man bye bye that's it that's esl cup 52 we have a new champion he said it's just the esl cup but boy is that a sign of hope for the scene and an unbelievable result an unbelievable grind and unbelievable dedication foggy is just a role model for a lot of warcraft players out there and as i said he's the chosen one and there was esl cup 52.
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 41,195
Rating: 4.936842 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: HcSoI7vMmYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 7sec (6847 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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