WC3 - W3IL S4 - Semifinal: Team SWE vs. Playing Ducks

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second semi-final of w3l who's gonna face umad in the grand finals is the question we got sweden versus playing ducks and once again it's the story of an all-time favorite here in the team leagues that is of course sweden with a star-shaped thorsei and fra and hanke today in the two and twos we have star-shaped and thor zane uh for sweden they're playing against an underdog first time semi-final for the playing ducks but they are not to be underestimated three players in the esl maestro shaft that is edo tom and joker we also got sunny who's making quite some waves recently in cubs that we see playing a lot and could cause a surprise here he has the toughest the absolute toughest bracket here uh we have quite some mirror matches here we've got a human mirror and sunny versus thor zane we got an ortmura in tom versus hank we got a knight of mirror and joker star-shaped we got ido versus fra as an undead versus orc and in the two and twos it's sunny and edo with the humanoid combo against star zane that is one of the best two and two teams probably in the world our first match and it starts without further ado which is kind of crazy is starship versus joker another night elf mirror [Music] we kicked this off on amazonia where we just saw umad defeating french craft but here we go joker what a story in meisterstuff for him first season not winning a single series winning only the last uh series of the relegation but stepping it up big time and now that user microsoft is close let's see what his shape is and uh how did these guys end up in the semi-final is the question playing ducks have defeated zero effort with eight and six soviet war lead had quite some issues with sun gaming that's the uk team it's just nine and six so same as always if you win your match two and oh that is three points if you win your match two and one that is two points if you lose one and two that's at least one point for you and if you lose zero two well then it's nothing so demon hunter engine of warcraft by joking jokern loves the demon hunter absolutely in love with it and star shape he's going for mass hunches this is something joker has probably experienced already as for example long walk in the microsoft plays this always and how can you push them around items pretty bad for star shape and the same items for joking that sonic just had so can he cancel ensigns of or and engines of moon moon welds as well that's the question absolute phenomenal items and should be enough no way to repair this man history is a flat circle isn't it can he block him maybe don't think so that's the tp right there shout out to star shaped who was ready at the get-go no restroom breaks no i have to do the laundry brakes so star shape stuck at 30. oh block though starship just started to stream and youtube a lot of players so give this man a sub if you're interested in night of content or content in general i have a hundred twelve for token pretty much in time we'll try to counter this with giants possibly a star shape yeah there's an ap push coming up very very likely i have to change this sweet versus playing ducks sorry stream title in the way joking has the tp a star shape is jumping right on top of him wants to save the archers for the big defense compared to sonic i would think that joker might want to go for an ap we'll see about that first attack upgrade coming hunts are coming portum is not level 3 yet but will be and with 40 supply you can do the push and that's where star-shaped is at thor zane versus sunny is by the way played at the same time due to time constraints and a player if you get updates from there let us know star-shaped willing to push with 50 supply joker did he see the moon well in the north i doubt that yo thank you thunder for the host much love thunder okay decent harass trying to prevent some upgrades i guess but yeah joker it's a little bit of a joker special forces are under attack defending this with a tinker makes sense no lures yet even though he has the resources interesting approach he didn't see the moon well in the north to prevent 50 pop starship also relatively calm and collected for him of course the meme has always been hunts per minute so this has got to be a lot of hunts demons are not level 3 yet no tp has he lost that before tinker only level one and a half here's the first lure started tricking him where's the push did he kill that joke and kill enough wisps that the ap push is prevented oh no ha walks into that surround not bad it's a trap joke on buying time though was only a staff and moonwood moon juice tier three coming a player's forces and tinker is leveling quite well no push for star-shaped and no tech for starship going glaives now is very good against buildings of course oh this push maybe not the best burn playing with fire gets only the rune braces not worth it a huge amount of huntresses are coming in thank you sebastian switzerland for the prime sub still sunday evening the best time to spend your prime stuff at us and that's a very dedicated push joking sometimes feels a little slow and this is what we might be seeing here as well 17 supply lead of course the longer joker survives the more likely it is that he wins it because it's tier three versus tier one but a powerful tier one it is clark works really good against dryads against hansard so much using a zapper here and the archers did some damage to the hunts joke and playing this patiently calm and collected would love to have level three would love to deal with these blade throwers the tinker is surrounded the staff is on him needs to use the potion soon there we go trying to escape at the moon will last second demon hunter is cleaning the back line here star shape only worried about his hands not too much about the glaives but ap might be coming up wisp is trying to prevent the damage it's not working neck and neck fight already steph is there but moon well it's all low needs another redo another potion but the orb is coming oh man 50 50 game here starship trying to pressure but the pressure is not too high because there's no glaives anymore ap is not moving forward do they even have nature's blessing no yes they do joker is now supply blocked master training goes through but only one bear level three for rats or steamweedle this will take forever what can you do now get items i guess two-way pizza soon to be 3ap star-shaped also lost a good amount of ap of ap of hunt level four with a scroll two scrolls and the tp could maybe sell the tp because if this push fails he's gone all right one bear what's this one bear able to do demon hunter no in ball anymore joking is about to lose the next move while he can start production now he should start production now he must start production now that was so close and the one is finishing here three ap's two graves would love to have an invo potion again or a heel potion or another redo something as the next move is coming sapper number two star shape doesn't connect it doesn't doesn't get it in time oh boy demon hunter has no potion it dies he wasn't in range for the staff crucial mistake by joker oh no what a disaster down to 33 now dealt with two of the three aps and two huns are super low can't rebuild the demon hunter is supply blocked tinker has to do it on his own starship are you diving too deep full moon well down and i guess starship got this now hunch is all gone shouldn't have the biggest impact here still two bears star-shaped army is not looking to is still a tier one army of course and the towers are cleaned joking can you rebuild two moon welts here it's so expensive a zeppelin would be amazing can soon rebuild the demon hunter it's time for more scrolls on star-shaped side 1-1 where is his 55 supply ah here did you forget to rally them okay wants to make sure that this demon hunter is not coming back and with three gla four glaives and the one who upgrade two volleys for a pocket level five as well oh my god this is so much damage looks like an all in to me there's a potion if not for the demon hunter kill can joe can win this maybe well this is the tinker down this is joking on no heroes and the altar falls as well yeah you don't have the resources to buy it back from the tavern not both at least oh at the moment got the tinker back but the tree is falling too and probably everything else on top of it star shape that was close my friend a little lucky that the tinker wasn't in range potion choker level six we won't see star four but gg 104 star-shaped and therefore team sweden when you don't have heroes you can't lose them that is probably true but okay here we see the ap push can work start it seems to be in good shape so far [Music] and now we go into the detail stages is anyone streaming for them versus sunny [Music] i don't know [Music] but okay that look good star shape with this all in strats not too unusual and the favorites prevail so far thank you sonic for the 100 bits if you're six foot two hundred pounds would you buy a larger extra large hoodie from merch shop dude what is that what is six foot what is 200 pounds use world metrics i think 200 pounds like 100 kilograms right so foot two meters six foot is 182 uh the hoodies i think are rather large [Music] so i would not go for it's it's us sizes all right looks like peter wall takes a little we got ourselves a game it is last refuge the map pick for joker who kind of needs to score as we saw before thor zane is up a map star-shaped this upper map this could be six points right away for sweden need to prevent that if you keep if you want to keep the ducks quacking starship bottom left and the yellow joking upper right in the green so will we see the hunts per minute again or is it going to be a more normal strategy it's going to be the mass range again fahrenheit yeah yeah also not too great boredom by star shape should have expected this question is hunts or arches when it's star shape probably hunts it's kind of kind of rare to see hans on lrs oftentimes archer [Music] talents yeah joker kinda has to step it up by feel has to be a little faster attack to be able to hold these pushes if this this on paper this could be a clan war that lasts for weeks with the star shaped in but starship is behaving very very well today is in the lobby immediately not going afk not needing additional breaks on the other side we got ido who is known to have long games and tom who's known to take some breaks here and there but yeah that's all not important we have archer opening by starship plus attack no tech yet by joking when he starts it just seconds after demon hunter of course in the late game in a possible late game a very very powerful hero hard to control him maybe with the naga as a second hero a town is under siege wow did the magi just bloodlust the murloc that's some cool friendship right there i like it a player's forces are under it an unexpected gift and of course i would be worried too so bottom level two not level three joker is preparing another creep which is very easy here at the magi for level three he's taking the high priest away which can be really good to see a push coming with illusions or centuries gets the replenishment which is not the greatest second engine of war by star shaped and we're positioning ourselves in the middle we do have a hunter's hall for joker is it gonna be dryads again or will he tear through this with bears once more oh the bloodlusted ogre close encounters here in the middle of the map of course you want to take away level 3 from star shape but he has a higher heart count feel like no one is really happy with their item drops here sells it immediately forces the tp and does not get level 3 2 xp away but he will get it in the fight as soon as possible tier 2 done and joking claims the middle does he have the gold yes precisely naga himself starship for the first time the series tier 2 for him it's just mass archers what's he playing second attack is he banking on an archer mirror naga universally good i would think no huge weaknesses no huge strength oh look at the steel and this is looking horrible for joking both have to tp out of their merchant well well well for the supply by star shape huge archer numbers the range upgrade is of course done and joking trying to counter this with one engine of war it's like there's a lack of a follow-up [Music] where's the lore so the mask also not too great wisps are coming shop in the back i like it level two aura available of course it's a huge boost this looks really really really good and joking one of the best players of the playing ducks maybe not 100 in shape yet no pun intended trying to climb to tier 3 but will you have the time this takes almost two minutes and if you have a million archers they can tear through buildings as you can see so joking stuck at 38 kind of the same mistake as in game one one of the wind neat bottom could uh need a potion or two has to dive deep for that level two we got four lightning now bottom should be back soon star-shaped is losing some hunts that's once wow that's in my brain that's stuck in my brain some archers no potion also no steph star wow focus fire is crazy lightning is amazing oh my god everything is so hard a kingdom for a heel scroll this lore is not coming up i think this duck will drown if not for big hero kill or something mana burn but he can reach the shop for multiple items if he wants to just don't forget about it he doesn't involve potion on the demon plus the big one that's kind of neat oh starship is losing quite some units but there's also number four on the bottom parliament demon hunter both in trouble this is cleared already yes of course he knew that zeppelin safe tremendous star shape this is very very well played zeppelin oh step on the demon but he's so close is he cheeky enough does he want a double kill oh yeah he's out playing him hard with the zeppelin now really really really well done yo thank you witty for the raid another tp to save him inward potion is ready now there was actually a pretty good tp but what to do against the zeppelin there's just no chance seven seconds are over soon star-shaped is just toying with his prey that's jade oh gg in quotes mr joker and behave my friend behave two of a star-shaped that is three points for sweden and that is at least a 4-0 if not a 6-0 because apparently for zayn feels like there's a 1-1 did sunny just take oh no so thorson is taking a 0-2 as well that means it's a pretty disastrous start for the playing ducks six points in two that's the best sweden could have hoped for it's a 6-0 lead it is now match points in every single match coming up if they take one out of the three remaining series sweden is in the final against you mad and the two favorites prevail we're gonna continue with the two and two here at sweden versus playing ducks we continue this match the second semi-final with two and two and thor zade and star-shaped are stepping in the ring for sweden this is this could be brutal as well we saw a very one-sided affair so far star-shaped two-o joker and thor's in 2-0 sunny it's a 6-0 lead for the swedes if they win one more series let's go then we once again have to disable the in-game overlay unfortunately and go for the booster thingy but you know oops you know what's up if sweden wins they are in the finals against you mad what the there we go if sweden is not winning then playing ducks might have a chance that's it so two and two action once again in the bottom in blue we got the playing ducks with sunny here sunny is really kind of a rising star in the scene especially with the cubs man it's looking really good recently on the other side the edo boy his ally one of the esl microsoft playoff participants and now they're up against stardain thor zayn missed the drip previously mr dreamhack i think uh we have to get rid of that nickname as he's not playing the regional finals told us earlier and said he missed the check-in idiot and the allies star-shaped of course they've they've fought wars in two and twos in tournaments uh we've casted quite a few of them and they're just really really really good so the chances for the playing ducks aren't that great they need to survive that's all that matters here star shape with keeper hunt's opening we saw a lot of hunt play and that didn't look too well to be honest on the other side throws in of course archmage militia immediately we are on tight water glades once again as we were before and this time no cripload opening as krav and shake played it with their orc allies but dk even two human in a two and two rare to see shape threatening a detonate oh even blocking here interesting to uh might find a target from downtown with a bird that was probably called larry entangle in this is buying some time already and causing some damage not a great start for the playing ducks this is number three when it rains it pours at least to deny by a sunny and yeah feels good feels good to be sweet with the shadow priest for thor zane for a little bit of healing and damage another end tangle my lordy sonny is walking into a meat grinder here and for once seems like star-shaped is the carry now thor's inc comes in that's another kill right there tier 2 tech on the way you know with fiends also attack just mass pressure t2 take by the swedes as well lots of eyes on the map and the brawl continues dk right there keeper has no mana anymore might be a target now coil on the shadow priest more hunts are streaming in though starship gotta be a little careful i guess the footman don't have defense yet so with militia and combined forces playing ducks are fighting back can they turn tight water glades into their pond now kind of have to eat it with a sweet block but watermelon expires before the zero experience for him no blacksmith yet it's uh not halfway through this tier 2 attack so it should be fine star-shaped at 50 it's not spending too much resources on hans i really like that hunts just get destroyed in two and two well what is the pawn do you mean duck zoo that's uh how the pros call it you know the zoologists like starship and thor's and are about to collapse on this again entangle follow-up damage by thorsen good communication by oscar and marcus rough rough rough game maybe they should rename from playing ducks to slaughter ducks suffering ducks oh boy oh boy a good block here as well forces another coil that's the last one i'm getting a footman off of thorsen but the traits are obviously way better for the swedes almost to surround moving out just continue to roll never allow the dk on a high level never allow this archmage on a high level starship might be forced into a tp here sweets around by sunny vanilla and that's the tp that's the first thing that goes well for the ducks but we got lures we got a demon hunter second of all things with the mountain king okay double sanctum seriously playing mass breakers then like mass cast no expo on either side final time to creep a little bit at least a little time to breathe sunny also going for breakers edo arrived at tier two for the lich slaughterhouse tier three the typical destroyer rush especially against this combo should be pretty good another football going down so thor's ain't star shaped any signs of a tier 2 expansion not really but the ducks need time thank you my style for the 12 month reset congrats on the one year how is that keeper still level one good question mate denies maybe martin king for thor's ain't no blood mage unfortunately we're kind of kind of looking forward to loop siphon banish action maybe down the road but okay foot off the gas priest coming break is coming forces are under attack will we play some watermental ping-pong with breakers would like that attack upgrades as well plus the spell big mana potion for an mk plus aura okay one of the wind on the other side ledger but no tier three yet and they're pushing the undead base either under pressure can you hold on until tier three and get destroyed as an orb the deer okay sweden willing to push this should be stumbled i guess immediately on to the archmage to take the aura off of that fight star-shaped like a wild bull raging nice nova into the back that's level three for edo ultimate in trouble though got a tp to his ally there's a shop ready mountain king by thor zane taken out with coil nova gotta be careful to not get nuked but with the mountain king gone that opportunity is wasted i feel there was also a big mana potion on him and playing ducks hold this also why do they push is that necessary really do you want to push before the undead reaches tier 3 maybe but that might change everything here hunts are falling forth in a 33. sunny just has to be careful he does have a potion star shaped at 42 ito suffering a little but there's more mana there's a lot more mana actually a chance to get this demon to surround it doesn't work but thor zane got slaughtered here stumble dodged by star shape can he surround him not yet oh he's walking himself into a corner and that is the oh wow combined efforts that's the surround that's another nuke that's another kill and yeah this game went sideways super quick just cleaning this wow wow thor's ain't at 40. good levels now of course orb helps the tawn saves the priest for a little entangle focus fire trying to get the tp out destroy upgrade probably not finished yet unwilling to morph it there's a potion wants to transfer the slot starve tp oh that could've that was a little brave sunny has no tp sonny has no tp oh no are they really extending the hand keeper has no tp either stormbolt coil another bash level three on the ledge he certainly has mana for anova a brave brave fight now we gotta destroy and now we got the spell that mountain king doesn't look too fresh anymore and both of them fall what the hell bare knuckle box fight with all the warcraft spells in the world coil nova and tangle storm ball everything's flying everywhere and star shape keeps the swedes in 50 pop still demon hunters back and there's no mana anymore on ido one nova maybe good thing here everything is magic immune well well well well we're under attack the two and twos of star-shaped and thor's ain't in a nutshell lots of try it's cute a little bit of a split push those in two priests in the main i have the others up too crypt lord coming that is probably not too great i mean impale against heroes for sure but against breakers and fires curious about this those ain't buying some time tp out take the ducks off of the map archmage bag mountain king cute no tier 3 on the humans no tier 3 for the swedes at all interesting interesting game reveal just shows the ziggurat not much more okay more creeping also has a staff ultimate no tp mk no tp play style edo gets discouraged bone times for his two heroes and that's pretty much it 50 pop for him sunny at 50 pop as well so the swedes have the supply leaders they're both breaking up keep feels like sunny and it are not getting much better i would love to see tier three and a bombs is it a bomb time yep not sure if we have disease cloud oh not true if we have tps actually sketchbook chimes number two we have a tp on edo and on sunny as well if not for this archmage block this game might be already one next big brawl one of the window of the crypto interesting lady spell and that might even work sonny's out of that final really wants a demon hunter now the tv crazy battle who's gonna win this it's so close oh i didn't get experience shows him the long nose all right a-bombs and disease cloud expo by starship i didn't need to script the rad restoration on the map fantastic red spot on the other side as well scroll of restoration even better so scourge bone time is not too bad for mk a bomb script or dk gotta survive this shot gone no more breakers one is cute zombie is so big 63 and like 70 pop okay breakers in front one a bomb is trailing behind really hard to get it in front this is miss damage up time try to take care of that a-bomb in no time wild fights and yeah what's the not supposed to impale he doesn't have the mana anymore just in focus fire one of the wind again involved in the mountain king a little premature we go for the decay so close still the score of restoration needs it there was a wonderful one tp out again thornton is losing like thirteen fifth oh wow that was a lot of supply actually but sorry he's staying in this fight it was just either repositioning he's gonna be careful with that outer king no then he has the tp but thor's ain't also losing this archmage here same fate might be falling too sunny lock and load and that is the next hero falling this is an unbelievable game but the disease cloud is actually stacking up here now with all the breakers another giant level four keeper level three demon hunter close to four actually another storm ball is another kill but only in the footman seems a little wasted man i burned on the lich but he doesn't care about that one bit step out in the demon hunter but how do you get this keeper out if he's getting attacked riots are falling super quickly to edo who's absolutely carrying this late game with his fiends and a bomb combo one kill after the next 40 pop for authorization 60 still for star shape got a bank on the fact that this expansion is paying off and they get more time sunny again losing both heroes there's another nova and he dies with the big potion on him oh oh sweden in trouble hailing from the town of uppsala these two today okay another fight but everything is so hurt everything is so bruised this is not the crazy mass anymore and we can just nuke these heroes [Music] jesus lives in trouble there was a potion needs a coil suit and tangle focus fire big focus fire that's oh my god that's the lynch gun there was no mana anymore couldn't pass an involved so orb is gone can they actually hold this with reinforcements kills everywhere ultra high xp game no holding back you don't have another car already but that's the last one for a while as the brilliance order is missing so they're still at a hundredth supply eaton these fiends might actually carry the game sunny also down to 42 demons could get two kills here next abomination is coming down level four on the but it feels like he's on the battlefield for two minutes or something more breakers by sunny the disease cloud is so so good mk almost back can he finally break this a bomb to get rid of the two hp damage over time no he can't workers being thrown into the meat grinder here demon hunter once again on the menu we do have the brilliance aura back level two for the undead mountain king also they held on bravely mountain king back in the second level five and a half archmage expo running for star shape level six on the dk probably the aura that one coil is ready and the crippled survives but for how much longer does sweden survive thor's aid this mk oh my god this is wiped out constantly impale against this demon hunter he won't see the end of this fight anyway level five and four despite all the hero focus this crazy fight forever fight forever couple of uh triangles coming in as there's a limited amount of this well it's of course a depth training can they break through the fiends somehow and the sustain that this archmage provides both archmages provide there's just a million spells archmage is the one to focus he has no tp but a cloak really was a cloak as important as it is now no unholy alright if he's hidden though so he's repositioning into the back thorson has barely anything to move anymore also no resources look at all these corpses but what are you oh archmage no this time he dies this time he dies he had the tp on the mountain king probably want to stay in this but what do you do when all the fiends are dead the lack of disease clout clearly clearly feelable that's the ultimate just wiped out oh my god dj they can't hold against this anymore the nuke is too strong and the ducks take map number one they're not out of the water yet or in the water what is it for ducks on the water um not sure what this is well that was a hell of a two or two map which went in favor of the ducks so they get their first point and now it's time to vento and pick the next one six and one for sweden now they can of course still win this clan war if they win the series they get two points then it's eight and that's the win [Music] [Music] yeah that i don't know not two souls on the unit combo no rifles no mortars feels weird [Music] friends and family look at this [Music] that's the status amazing news by w3 champions i am okay you can probably hardly read this but gap one of the coolest dudes in the team i'm super excited to announce that automated tournaments has been released to our ptr server we will be running our first automatic tournament in one hour and 13 minutes that is at 9 00 pm in exactly one hour now signups will open at 9 00 pm cet and remain open for 15 minutes the tournament will be single elimination best of one as of right now these tournaments will be created manually when we're ready for another testing phase if you're interested in trying out please switch your launcher to ptr and report some bugs so if you have nothing to do well cancel our plans if you have something to do and play the automated tournament in one hour switch your w3 champions to ptr that is amazing they should definitely tweet that out so we can restream damn automated tournaments we wanted it back for so long after blizzard abandoned it but w3 champions as always provides what we are missing that can be really cool to like test new maps or have some fun modes that's really nice i played the first test and that looked really good and we had no big issues there [Music] nothing that wasn't fixable oh yeah by the way can we get rid of that myth that blizzard got rid of automated tournaments because no one played automated tournaments they broke that and didn't care about it so nobody played them to be honest i rather have no news from a blizzcon than being lied to my face like last blizzcon that panel that grubby hosted with pete stillwell and some i was about to jump on that stage and slap a couple of people [Music] oh we're so proud to bring two and two back yeah you broke it you idiots anyway ducks are back in this war [Music] and we're waiting for the next map as we're already loading into the lobby okay let's go for map number two win for the playing ducks that wasn't supposed to happen i would say the early game for sunny was absolutely abusable with all their lost peasants but in the late game it was ido the undead caring as so often in two on two and maybe that's why starship and thorazine were pushing so early into the bottom right into the base of edo because they didn't want edo to reach three and the trihero and orb and all thank you nyquil 38 month already come on you get a high five as well thank you okay loading it the three star players around 2150 70 mmr sunny 1900 clearly the weak link but maybe maybe he's the strategic genius and as i said many times he's also clearly on the rise in [Music] one-on-one competition so second two and two ducks survive and the second half of the clan war isn't too easy for sweden i mean they're leading six and one now but this could change rather quickly as we have tom rosenke and eato vs fra where the ducks go into the in as the favorites i would say favorite spanish love song song the boy considers a haircut and the funeral covers really good really really good but the base of that song is pretty good too you're shapey thank you very much enjoy the vlog so sweden and the blue we got the swedish flags here everybody got the bottom right with thor's aim we got star shape with the keeper again you think a blood mage would have been better than the demon hunter i mean obviously starship can't build a blood mage but you know use that i think demon hunter in two and two is really not good and bloodmage can be amazing so either with the dk ted being built again or was it early fields all right was just head fiends archmage here no rifles typical footman ultimate built here as well and ah i was about to say where's the engine of war ah there we go umad is waiting in the grand final obviously this time keeper is using triangles first and it's not harassing at all so maybe early expo that's definitely what uh star shape the scouting at but we opened the more merc camp first sunny with a wonderful item clasp nine always appreciate it thank you pico foxy for your prime stuff sweet nickname so what we got here over the magi onto the keeper now yeah this is clearly looking like an expansion to me star shape then oh no thorson is the one expanding and we got mercs oh the shadow priest is killing the shadow priest brothers betray each other isn't pit lord super amazing yep i do agree but if uh all the units are magic me in the hall of terrorists work but yeah for cleveland you tank fire of course also doesn't work like romulus and remo haha all right the harasses begin with the new bases for the new base as it's only one in the works looks like sonny is skipping that expo they scout the sun is closed yo thank you rnd rvn what's up a player's forces are under attack okay this time the keeper rs doesn't do too well it's of course a lot later the armies are moving together can be kind of happy if there's no tp and it isn't expo up for zane mining with two bases starship probably attacking already no how long tier one face a player's forces are under attack and more scouting for thor's zane already level three star shaped is always doing such a fine job creating space for his ally who can then shine in the late game cool coil a second but not too sure if that's working oh that safe is okay that one though there's another car that's the last one close he's chasing one more hit the ido micro everybody ah and i talk too soon is losing two fiends here now that thornton is coming in starship gotta be careful but it's only skeletons they last for a while though scroll off the beast on all the footmen also the huns terrible terrible damage coming playing duck's way again they are only allowed to lose two maps in three series and not two maps in one series otherwise they're out and this is like this is only distraction this is all tier one this is expansion behind that push again so much mountain king second transition phase into the big tier two [Music] but without the fiends it's clearly a problem to deal with them i thought they can tech already go for boro already star shape detect two eo on the way to tier three he has to carry again devotion aura of course great glitch is coming so what can they do supply wise it's not great 28 and 33 42 for thousand alone and 1 200 gold nova was fine this lasted that's two kills and a creep steal and the tp i mean he can't afford it easily damage is done especially the two fiends will hurt and this opens up the base again for a star-shaped arrest which forces the tp which takes them off the map which buys time for thor zane again but this ah wait a minute do you want to fight this oh berserker well sonny's army is really barely existing hammer time is doing a good job oh starship you're in trouble mate edo is coming back gets a double kill so it's not really worth tping out anymore but after the two fiends i thought the swedes are in a wonderful position it's still a good position but star-shaped army is not worth anything plus he loses the tp very important moment for the ducks oh cheeky those and look at this oops sorry d3 tech as well mountain king again yup he saw it daytime moving back immediately easily saw this a player's forces are under attack red spot ambitious this will take forever and throws in with the drop this will this this will hurt veto's still busy has a tp very limited anti-air but also some watermelon should be fine now granite golem and a rock golem still there edo you're greedy greedy dude i know that but this might be a little too much can you imagine that this is normal warcraft isn't that amazing we'll reset in a bit there we go days later imagine this item being complete trash oh all of that for the help of valor yeah it's a little unfortunate but i guess it is uh it needs levels more important than everything no demon hunter this time but a part of more support more damage but also very squishy glitches out for the nuke frozen is distracting forces the tp immediately here's web ready it's the counter tp lich is in where's the nose i'm not using it and it's constantly two bass versus one [Music] breaker is coming tier three done no ah is already there all right so it was almost ready 50 pop or players are under attack and oh my starships already at tier 3 going mg's that means ido absolutely he has two already he needs a bombs but that's inner fire mountain giants and mortars and knights how are you and sunny supposed to do that great play by the two swedes getting the expo up and buying so much time for double tier three or the latest text in the game at least sunny is counter-expanding but he has to catch up in tech as well knights would be amazing knights and a-bombs a player's forces are under attack ancient django lionhorn ido has wonderful items one more after this of course this is so quick with knights and in a fire and all cooties we thank you for the 10-year donation thanks for the great casting as always thanks for watching as always mate cloak of flames for the mountain king can be great the slam really hurts we're approaching very very late game territory war train flag cannons inner fire already there so many mountain giants can either carry like last time breakers have no upgrades owls scouting pretty much everywhere and that's a huge problem must have frag shards right mg is a little mispositioned at the moment red spot for sunny feels very bad to approach this and then leave before it's finished so he's got to finish it but in the meantime his base is under attack what's it this time here unholy aura auras are all great not even forcing the tp what did he destroy sharp was poking into sonny's base saying hey no t3 good for us good for us very good for us oh my god edo got true shot they got all the auras devotion on the lord true shot on the ledge ancient django on the dk archmage of course brilliant unholy on the dk that's a lot of auras well that helped them okay good anti-air by thousand as well 82 and how do you deal with five mgs i think the answer is you don't those ain't on level two with the divine shield already breakers get singled out cass is getting wrecked because the backline is so protected inner fire waters and like are they losing units except from footman i doubt that taunt is everywhere absolutely everywhere oh that was a big nuke onto thor's hands units but sunny is about to lose 12 supply here lots of damage on the dk as well they go for the mk there's an involved there's nothing left for sunny even the eyes a little bit here reinforcements are coming heroes are still up very structured fight this time compared to the chaos of uh phantom grove that mg's man mg's always carry and the walls are marching edo's still at 60 but this time the fiends aren't the carries oh good nuke this time there's so much more damage come up for training if we get blizzard too it's getting cold and stabs are there too oh okay tp out though as they were finally able to ignore the mountain giants and thorson was suffering there should be a big bank on him 300 he's losing [Music] 15 supply little more that was a lot and we have three base three base we finally get abominations we'd love to see wagons as well sonny i don't think he can't afford to attack anymore thank you knife party five month racer amazing thank you but yeah like sweden is so much stronger even thorns are funny a player's forces are under attack a town is under siege with an expansion throws in can always support both of them so it's a blizzard now yep it's either blizzard or clap if you pass the top of your training a town is under siege so is it time to crush the germans kind of looks like it impaired was very fine going for the back line once again trying to clear that uh all the heroes here while the team is attacking something that's not in the fight with frag shots there of course super efficient as well so sunny is trying to dive the mortars they're trying to ignore the mountain giants but that seems impossible also the theme they can't really reach trying to nuke the mgs now even with impales they finally got rid of everything but that's from the back ultimate shooting blizzard transition it is at least we saw that mountain giants can die sometimes we question that might be the second one falling soon impale against everything able to free himself here does these clouds spread there's always the possibility of hero focus are they actually doing this oh sunny with his mk tp pass this archmage kind of a hero and thorsen is losing his am need some healing on this mk going for the paladin he's strong and he's has divine shield though are they throwing this sunny again is about to drop 15 20 supply easy either still at 67. throws him down to 74 starship 62 with more mg's falling though also the knights in the front line are falling ouch the mortar shots oh those are amazing oh look at this the frag shot says well everything is just popping sunny is gone sunday is wiped out but so is kind of star-shaped impale gets another almost another 7 supply out that's the tp gone soon after an entangle nuke shouldn't be enough oh it is last second after or that where was possible and that they actually survived this crazy starship with another base thor zane with another base they had five bases a town is under siege a player's fault yeah that's hard he wants to expand he's kind of confident himself but that was a thousand gold put into gold mines it's time for some whack-a-mole won't defend this there's no need to defend this main base is at a thousand expo 2.4k these auras are still absolutely fantastic no tier three just breakers they survive for an absurd amount of time against this what is in the back approachable thanks to the impale coil nova they're trying to break thor's aim of gold coming swede's way stumbled coil everything is on good mana the frag shots are such an amplifier and it's once again all about the hero focus the mk for the second time being kind of caught bye bye no bold uh maybe they might return the favor but of course there's staffs now on both sides night off and human this blizzard has an absurd range but force is an impale that will not end up one unit so that's kind of good feels like it's an invite to approach these waters but if you go i think they're collapsing on ido sunny can't lose the archmage you hit 73 star-shaped as well oh scratch that frozen at 80. sunny is the liability either was expanding main bases are soon gone 6k here he knows expo should be safe so star-shaped only mining in the north thor zane's main also empty he was the first to expand he's at 1 200. sunny is mining for 6k and he was soon to be mining i think as long as star-shaped has the base things are fine so many mg's but they're also caught off guard does he not have the upgrade by the way this nuke seems so strong but it's only reducing durations of like slow and stuff right abomination is infecting a little bit of everything here triplet has soon to be like one more impale can you get a hero kill somewhere divine shield activated mortars not under pressure at all they don't even have to move i think it's would be worth it to just attack them sunny at 63 next elimination in order to at least walk an a-bomb to them oh my god these mortars are mvp absolute mvps it's too much damage inner fire waters is way too much either at 60 dk tone portaling out but all the losses in the world on this side can't get the pelleted but okay star-shaped at 70 thor zane or almost all mortars and sunny just just doesn't cut it anymore he was healing up a little now he needs to connect on the mortars taking out one impale oh nice staff beforehand that limits the options to go for the paladin of course okay the swedes a little bit of a sandwich here and the big damage is currently not there as the mortars had to run but now it's established once again sunny is not competitive with this army not competitive at all they want the dk they want it all gone and how typical that the mortars get the last shot mk4 forza dies as well but that doesn't really matter anymore one base two base they want to stay in this game so bad level six archmage does that change something he leaves the pot of alone because of the anti-magic goes for the keeper king for sunny and trouble as well there's more snowballs there's more look the keeper's staffed out problem is there's still a lot of human heroes it wasn't at 72 it went 37 and the lord is now finally falling knights are chasing after him pardon falls eventually wait can you save himself that mighty nighty infey was sweet but doesn't save him started falling to 60. there's somehow somewhat in this game look at the undead nuke for the combined nuke i guess level 5 stumble oh my god lynch and mk dying at the same time this is an absurdly entertaining two and two and he finally takes care of these waters one down two down falls as well yeah sunny is the last man standing he's level six what's going on they're still on two base first one they clean this what an immense throw oh the knight thor's ain't special [Applause] this is super annoying and this expansion was killed how was it killed a player's forces probably the same [Music] night okay we do have mass teleport by the way you can jump onto this archmage is coming in so many militia okay it was making sure that this base collapses this is a golden crown everybody so they gotta be careful dodge the stumble with the tp glitch back how was this how is this not how is he still mining gyro scouting long distance mining as soon as the gold for an expansion bottom coming back 28 minutes 28 minutes okay this is the last gold mine for me i mean he's mining here for 3k sunny is the only one mining for how long is the question but okay i need to get out tom doesn't cancel this i guess [Music] you've got the dk back needs an aura [Music] sunny is mining star-shaped smiling that this tree still standing is unbelievable they threaten each other's mass teleports i guess okay now we need mana [Music] jose is about to jump isn't he but limited forces 44 pop only making sure that there's no expansion just a little bit of long distance mining sunny's 2k gold okay can you use the mass teleport to move away but this is both of them losing their income unbelievable level seven oh stumbled there's a tp okay dangerous dangerous and what now at this moment thor zane is the only one getting getting cold or us are working in playing ducks's favor this would be the big point they need but how to get there tree of eternity without nature's blessing yeah if you have like 40 minutes this one will start mining at some point didn't learn from the skill cup that's all five mgs but thorson has nothing it's so much about this can they hold this somehow can they nuke some heroes again what's the item in wall that's it right one involve a few staffs oh there was another mass teleport [Music] threatened when and how is this game ending this tree is the wind condition but acolyte could expand here right wisp is checking that out you has no gold needs to be fed a little bit sunny is mining again at 50. but not for too much longer what's the skill build on the mk actually fast right oh it's actually right there yeah nice players forces let's teleport again and it's the same oh actually works with the mass tp that's surprising it's only not quick enough for the storm bolt but the wisp is gone now he of course doesn't know sonny could give him the gold for the tire for the haunted invo heel potion all on the dk no mana potion he's doing it again sweet play by thor zane give him knights and mass teleport and this man is a an absolute genius with this where do we go now not in the archmage is actually killing a couple of units paladin with divine shield going for that mk trying to staff out stormbolt maybe dies mk gone thor zane this usually doesn't happen to him does he have the gold oh doesn't look like it they still have the cancel with entangle level 5 mk oh my god and now the ducks feel brave is it enough though they can't really kill buildings too fast i really think they should expand somehow 740 gold remaining they're brute forcing this aren't they they try to still know nature's blessing have to turn around ito has almost nothing only the heroes but it's undead heroes looking the knights oh boy there was a quick one avatar and dodges the snowball thor zayn out of nowhere on point but the dryads for starship the falling the mountain giants are ignored for a long time sonny's archmage a little out of position trying to reposition there's an entangle keep them in place though stabs everywhere archmage for this authorization he's out of the way to mass murder on hillsbrad creek what a game here but there's another impale the bottom will fall there's no staff the keeper is out a massive holy light lich is at 50 percent he's in trouble pellet is out of that fight too though at the bottom will fall soon steph is ready in four and that keeps him alive throws in at 34 hammered to the head there was a little waste it could have gotten it anyway maybe save it for the bottom or something doesn't need it because there's coilover it's sweden actually losing this sashimi is losing every single hero holy light into tp jesus christ but that's the empty's gone he's not puddling to his mane that stores him with a zeppelin little lousy lousy paladin playing ducks brave as one can be six six six five heroes utter madness absolute madness nobody is mining tech gone that means never ever will we see mountain giants again they try their very best to get the heroes back [Music] they should never ever lose this game but i said the same about game one already brainsaurus working or will be working in their favor soon he finds the wisp what can they do mk is back archmage is not though oh siege giants there's no impale a little bit of repair oh my god he would love oh no he's getting he's not getting the archmage back surround on this mg this star shape dropping to 4 d if it's blocked it's not he use the avatar he needs the brilliance or does he not what's going on there long distance mining ito is at 16 supply it's an acolyte and the heroes sunny is not mining anymore yes 600 gold that's not enough i need to sell something ring of regen would be nice i guess starship revealed acolyte is selling more buildings to enable the archmage revive what is the app 757 uh do the math and you do the math okay now he has a thousand now i can buy him back what can they get back keeper there's also dead supply here try hero for thor's eh a player's forces are under attack dual hero with the double orbs on the way as well okay mass teleport is a thing again still four mgs ducks need this to oh so bad archmage pack level seven six seven six six six five euros it was only two buildings left but of course it's a little about sunny base race i mean there's i don't we don't know if there's death ndk there's a keeper and a mountain king to cancel okay it doesn't have buildings anymore scouting everywhere flying machine bombs with a little bit of gold a player's forces are under attack okay either lost the peons this might be the final fight who controls the heroes better it's so much about heroes do we take out the mg's first looks like it lit in trouble storm bolt here we go we had an invo pulse in the holy light just a tiny bit too late the bottom gets wiped out immediately the keeper doesn't look too healthy either star-shaped the archmage gets another holy light man this paladin is such an mvp the impales constantly on the mountain giants maybe rather put it on the oh the mountain is dead again wasn't holy light ready it's always ready you spam it everywhere all the time not here though apparently not here though endless manner with level three brilliance the paladin oh step last second archmage getting trapped and getting mauled here and the keeper is back inward potion on this archmage this time they know how important it is 34 supply only mg's being nuked to death what can they do dg they tap out the ducks get three points against thor zane and star-shaped what a sick sick sick series this was super crazy unbelievable games this could have been sweden with another 2-0 but fighting spirit by ido and sunny that was an amazing two and two there was nothing left to win here i guess for the swedes and oh boy do i need to break i think next is tom vs henke i am not 100 sure but this is where the clan war turns around star-shaped and thor zayn were the big favorites against zokun and sunny the two and two they were also the big favorites and now tom for the first time big favorite first tanker ido not the big favorite but a favorite versus fra playing ducks are alive their chances for the grand final look pretty hot again we take a little break and then we're back with the w3il semifinal number two so we're ready for game four i thought this might end quick but ah the two and twos take about an hour after two one-on-ones were done in 30 minutes and this is now an orcmura ladies and gentlemen we got tom vs hank here let's see hank he's quite a bit the underdog here i would say i think he make he's making his debut for sweden as well i thought knopf and chad earlier apparently uh doesn't want to be seated also a little dc not part of the lineup and that could bite them down the road as far as playing in the last set so can the ducks tie this up again the situation if any of the swedes wins their series they're in the finals if the swedes lose both remaining series one to two sweden is in the finals wait is that even true yeah it is and it would be an eight to seven so tom is not allowed to lose and ideally you don't want to lose a map either and tom is opting for a faster opening all right thank you i don't know much about him i really don't know how good he is but sweden puts their faith in them tom on the other side was obviously defeated by a guy called remo demo on wednesday in the skill cup is is he broken now or can he redeem himself i think very fondly of tom even though i love to diss him on social media as well he was asking for it since when do you upload semi-finals to youtube and don't be so nice all the time neil well he was asking for it he received we have a farcia versus blademaster in the first map here it could be one of the craziest comebacks in w3il history if the ducks do this very very fast tech tom loves the fast tackle tom loves the wyvern and snares thrown [Music] far actually so he wants to keep the blademaster low and not decked out should be a re-summon didn't interesting all right already a little bit of damage on the grunt is before some heel selves good space creator in wolves and chip damage from afar i like that tom usually known for his blade master play but here in the mirror match going far faster and this of course enables him to tack as fast as possible cause a bit of trouble hanker may be nervous in his first clan war and then early aggression is oftentimes a good way to throw the opponent off what does tom do with his tier two he's not really not going wyvern in mirror is he circular gloves wow investing into gloves did he buy the gloves it's a nice little trap first experience on the farsia and as long as the elastic is going to the burrows that's totally fine hank on 200 lumber that's not perfect also very hurt greater healing almost level two firelord without a warmel he's not boro rushing he's not rushing at all wait a minute there's no peon a town is under siege blademaster is on the other side of the map though thomas supply block this blademast is going to town but yeah he's on the opposite side of the map the grunts are home but this is double summons wolves are taking out the repairing peons that's a double kill immediately and three grunts are home now zero items on tom what a mad lad but look at this surround this might stop the push immediately oh if only he had something a cloak whatever just let it die right tomorrow really not worth it you need the summons up get the farcia back at the altar let him get some items and go for it his problem firelord is really squishy two lava spots is this one gonna split he attacked the burro for a long time now out of range speed scroll for a heck and i think it did split okay good one fire lord has to run speed scroll might even secure the kill but there's still pressure pressure on the grunts and as long as the fire lord split everything seems to be fine if he can kill or cancel the healing that would be fantastic but no torrent totem now hex on the ground results in the kill [Music] there's no heal wave but the big potion is there so farcier and firelord both back but big kills for hank big big big kill speed scroll now to save the fire lord wolves are back but i think this push what is what was this push kinda necessary he's going for the blademaster now seeing that there's no mana anymore [Music] this is rare i've never seen so many grunts died in early game totem 4 spirit link will be crazy good raiders and ends they're coming first raiders here and snare 50 40 percent fire lord is regening mana hard to cancel that [Music] and again hero focus hero focus name of the game hex wind walk backstep but this back fires a little there is a potion ensnare will come as a surprise in a bit unusual is it double racks a double beast yes it is and the shop should be empty soon tom is still alive this push there's still pressure absurd clan war another grunt down the barracks is falling too and more raiders oh my god it kills that shop at some point hanker has to engage he's losing structures here and that chop is gone decked out though two potions a little bit of healing but my this fire lord faster both level one is working surprisingly well especially the faster he's cancelling so much late master has no mana that was the first potion on cooldown for 20 seconds and there's no spirit link wow the level up no way got him the mana for the windwalk and he survives now their spirit link what is this madness in this clan war ladies and gentlemen and kiss throwing everything into this defense 40 27 blademaster level three cool potion of cooldown shadowhunter close to two tom has to win soon there's no pillage blademaster again surrounded potion is off cooldown and there's mana soon isn't that enough he's quitting his way out isn't he incinerate he can't use wind walk damage mitigation as well plus the damage over time there's still not enough mana there's still enough mana hanky calls for the gg and tom takes the lead super aggressive game and all of a sudden it's only six to four ship turned around or something if tom wins one more map now this clan war is tied it's kind of hard to praise tom but there was balls of steel [Music] fawcier firelord no tower push with grunts pig [Music] all right we veto tomo's surprise to be positioned on echo album didn't really like that too much but working out bishop did the seating he did well apparently with that lineup it feels like star shaped and thor zane are kind of the tall and grubby of the old four kings days as they are supposed to win everything and back in the day they are obviously dead but tom and edo seriously have good chances to take this home if tom is not getting too brave pt come back by sunny indeed dude looks like it tom is a nice guy maybe the myspace tom but not the playing duck storm [Music] [Music] all right my picks and fans at the moment matches continue in a bit and now we move on to map what is it eight of this high stakes if tom wins this everything is tied six to six and it comes down to the last series between frye and edo [Music] tom would buy idol quite some space if hanky wins one map only fry has a way easier time and now we move over to the match hanky in the red tom in the purple concealed hill it is high stakes one map for tom like this map for tom and six six if hanky takes the serie or this map then they're one map away from the grand final pretty simple isn't it will tom play the farcier again if you ask me this looks like it on the other side we do have a bear x again okay so hanky with the blade he's not changing things up too much tom again with the foss here is it the same build that would be nuts okay plate master typical that's what to be expected how well can he adjust to this play is the question super fast here to attack again and the fire lord could hit hard as the tavern is so close to the base a lot of swede fans a lot of ducks of course as well and maybe seating the new talon tanker in the semi-finals will bite them gloves of haze decent start faster aggression right away that's why people love tom obviously he's coming in blademasters are already at 50 percent no healing and he abandons the spot where the wolves are causing trouble at the piano the players forces are under attack black mess is trying to take care of this but i think the trades are not looking good he's face tanking against the wolves did apply the self before though this could result again in low lumber and with that i laid this bell [Music] and the farcia looks really good barely got hit mana is also very nice can he keep and again the blademasters on the opposite side of the map without his staff he must know that tier 2 hits any second a player's forces are under attack maybe he wants to hmm wants to prevent the b street so the raiders don't come in and finish him all right tier two he can't prevent the warmel this time and there's nothing at the tavern either all right blade in the piano line disrupting this a little but i guess if you want to go for aggression this is what you want as tom firelord from the bottom okay it is the same strategy hank's adjustment apparently don't work too well tom's multitasking seems to be on point and here we go again where's the lava spawn oh i forgot about that and the wolf a little bit will it not split now maybe playing nicely around this at the moment needs to hit units this lava spawn to be able to split there we go two lava spawns right away blade master is back thanks to wind walk but hank is already at 50 of all these grunts he's taking the fight out of his base though is he countering with the naga maybe or is it again the shadow hunter it's again the center hunter it's getting close for this lava spawn real close needs the hits knees oh he gets this a double split actually four lava spawns all of a sudden this is nasty if you go for the burrow hank is supply blocked or is he diving for the torrent totem no borrow it is can they all read ideally lava spawns take care of the repairing peons to split again but oh my god the damage is crazy good he's going for the hero focus but the it's lost anyway tp home this time but okay hank is supply block can go for i guess upgrades and items first decent items here for hank here definitely a lot of them lava spawn with his patented conor mcgregor walking style moving back again the clarity was good and raiders are coming again wow not seen this before mana is looking okay so the blademaster should be safe he didn't use any potions so far i think he was running out of steam that's why the tp towers are supposed to be coming but gonna get wrecked taking care of the fire lords of the lava spawns i mean with the backstab this will not split here's one more and again wind walk into safety that would be amazing and these towers are pretty good they're absorbing damage that's not ending up on the grunts so not nearly as many grunts are falling compared to the first game but maybe the shadowhunter is trying to pop him out and the blademaster might be exposed they're both surrounded kind of and snare again under the net and under almost under the ground blank message trying to deal with the uh farcier a hero will fall soon who's it gonna be another potion of healing 16 seconds though this will not work thomas hurt tom needs to retreat what how did the sh fall oh no and now he has serpent ports as well that's bad no hacks no heal wave just wards thomas time for the shop and double raiders grunts still a lot of beef hank is desperately trying to get some defensive structures up the walker is finally here but he has barely any gold towers cancelled there's more mana again he's he has to submit it's like 50 50 pop for tom you can't even lose units experience going nowhere hank here getting faster fire lorded twice by tom who did redeem himself after the loss in the semi shadowhunters back level two he away finally but mana is so low and everything else is dying this wasn't hanky's day really trying to okay there's no way he has no gold he can't go for a heel wave the blademaster is falling again and we tie this series up six to six one last deciding game everybody edo versus frog for the grand final and i would tend to think that ido is going into this as a big favorite fra obviously quite a legend very experienced but how much is he actually playing how much is he actually playing is the question it is super active playing as many cups as humanly possible getting ready for esl meistershaft so the ball is in the pond will we get a celebration duck zoo tonight or will sweden take it after all we're gonna be right back after a little break one more series one more best of three and as you can see the clan wars tied at six six so we don't need to explain the system very well it's easy as it gets whoever wins the best of three goes into the w3il grand final against zoumat next weekend [Music] edo boy in the esl meistershaft he represents cabana gaming but for the ducks he sacrifices his sunday evening and represents them here pretty cool and now it's time sweden versus sweden versus germany continues the ducks come back of a lifetime or just hopes that end up in tears from the bottom left all the hopes of sweden lie on his shoulders throw them in starship they won the one-on-ones but devastating defeat in the two and twos zero two wasn't to be expected for one of the best two and two teams in europe you know he has shown already in the twos that he's a force blade master for frau edo on the other side dk ted fiend opening he loves the ghouls he loves the guards he loves the frostworms and that might just be his style no shop for ido signature move desperado thank you second aid for the 44 month resub no words needed anymore huh alrighty [Music] this will be this might go long edo games tend to go long so buckle up grab some snacks this is important so two ziggurats intervenes no shop but is it how do you creep do you creep [Music] nice to see the channel divided some sweet steering some ducks fans quacking circle right away good start for fra and of course you can creep with ghouls then four ghouls into tech super fast almost as fast as frog who goes onto the aggressive right away with double heel cell with a speed scroll [Music] yeah that's the edo special build ghouls of course can be easily snagged by a blade master [Music] if raw doesn't know him he looks into this base he's like yeah something is missing but what an opening for the blademaster as old school as it gets oh coil right before the backstab the healing gets cancelled by the ghouls two units can attack blademaster leaves [Music] nine hours streaming we're still not stopping baby as we have dust leak finals tonight with carson and so who gets the last hits here would be level two coil is ready needs a little more void xp okay decent start i think production starts fiends are coming acolytes are safe and fraud didn't get much out of this harass no items no echo lead no experience nada tier two progressing of course as well a player's forces are under attack either are you seriously going for the worms here's the shop skeletons in the end are pretty helpful how well does frog know this map is another question it's a new one you don't play it too often and ido seems like he knows it very well gold mine easy to creep might be an orange dot here but yeah takes it out in no time fra where do you go you can't creep this no no no no no what are you kidding me with a blade and a grunt or two grunts this looks ambitious imagine a creep jack here but no one would expect this okay apparently knows this better than i do heal self already this might be a little too much damage yeah the task master is a tough boy getting the bashes out and there's no heel stuff anymore okay it's oh my god the luckiest drop of them all this could be an ultimate disaster if it all gets him at the retreat but if not then it's a huge steal and it's paying off and it's actually working whoa fry with the big play sack pit ledge tier three it's time for some worms set a hunter out as well t3 taking 50 percent going for the war mill b3 is there as well still supply blocked but boro is almost hit shadowhunter brought some new cells which is amazing whoo that was really risky let's put the rod of necromancy claws good job of course and with ghouls and fiends you can creep rather quickly just like on northern isles we have neutral camps here in the middle [Music] and steal them away when it's about like tier three six heroes lots of experience that's big you know with frost armor first to be expected has good mana good resource management so far and we're waiting for the tier three to finish to see the bonus horses are under attack blademaster is in frost armor none of the fiend but on the dk he knows that the blademaster is here but he also knows the playmaster's hurt should i want to scripting one of the easiest tasks you don't really need that hex but all right almost another steel heel wart fantastic can save on some uh time especially when you don't have slaughterhouse you don't have statues oh steel by fra there's a shade by the way could have played around a little better but maybe wanted to save that call for the sasquatch and that's exactly what's happening there's the boneyard there's frenzy there's the second boneyard so how many boneyards is this going to be uh how many worms is this going to be six and so far the anti-air is a shadowhunter and dakota and our blademaster but no raider no headhunters no wyburn no bad riders are you not prepared a player's forces are under attack you got to be ready for this unusual style otherwise you think hey i have a lot of time i have a lot of time it's for lifetime and then all of a sudden there's four there's four frost rooms in your face depending of energy now he sees it what's the oh he went for torrent totem that looks kinda ill-advised if you ask me a player's forces are under attack i mean everything gets trashed by fight worms i don't really get it okay we get wireless entire air now we'll force double level up important level ups hex is a powerful tool against worms as there's no dispel so you need at least two or rather three but ido knows about everything blademaster is not the craziest rat spot oh yeah baby you really want this creep jack but are you ready yet there's not a single worm this might be ambitious big mana potion by the way granite golem still up for grabs played master not level four and it was coming in first wyvern as well will be scouted early and web yeah accuse it immediately good reactions first warm out second grammar and there's gonna be more problem is of course you can't go for the granites but you're ftk you have lit no dark ranger pit lord or crypt lord though one one upgrades and venom spears okay maybe the walkers are supposed to keep the worms alive longer add the wiper as there's no dispel against spirit link the first health input potion as well good items walker adapt this shade is paying off big time you know still trying to buy time blademaster scouting this i don't know if you can go for the granite without oh my does he sell up the heel wards yes he does pulls the shade back so he always sees the blademaster coming i like that worms are here nice little trap worms are here to slow down the blademaster if he comes in so he sees them early and slows him early risky oh no the dk can't pick anything up with a lich can cut this pipe what a dream it's also nova 2 here's the first hex and the tpl shouldn't lose anything maybe google or two nothing was lost that's a big big big steal experience lead for brother worm number three world number four the anti-air is ridiculous still a player's forces are under attack oh my god usually i see you know with like three worms and then illusions but this is four real worms for real this is the push a lot earlier than usual for you you can't hex against all of them pit lord third for damn damage damage mitigation yeah this beyond bye bye [Laughter] it is never not funny to see the damage of four frostworms what can fraud do frost armor howl on the pit lord he's a super tank just look at the kodo melt this thing has a thousand hp spirit link is really good though here what is running for quite some time can you take the wyvern out he can definitely take the kodo out storms are good but howl is there too minus 12 blademasters minus three and there's still three worms four worms he couldn't take a single one out now there's no mana anymore but a greater mana potion shadowhunter kinda hurt as well tc finds himself in this almost around input potion saves him here the grunts they're not even part of anything they are getting deleted it was led 70 tc falls this is gg this is the playing ducks one map away from the grand final just one and there's even a fallback that the frog comes up with a solution but that wasn't the proper play against best worms he wasn't ready he saw it but the anti-air was too late too little the ido special the edo [Music] special [Music] [Music] uh sweden against the ropes they had three series to take two maps and they can't get it though in star shape couldn't do it i think i couldn't do it and maybe frag can't do it either last refuge might be the last map of the day here in w3il amazing day of warcraft pick up to the entire team thank you purity here go go go and ours i guess last attempt of cheering fry up hanky wasn't able to adjust to tom's style it's fry able to mmr wise a little bit of an outmatch ito is 170 points ahead and has a pretty good 67 win rate versus the orcs of this world all right everybody will we take this to the very very last stage and the very last map for the eight and seven or will this be the last map at all it is oh sorry for that is after a zero six the ducks have the lead and the seven to six every remaining map is match points and semi-final points for the playing ducks represented by edo in the bottom left we were 30 minutes into this clan war and it was a 6-0 and the thorazine star-shaped two and two was coming up i thought we would be done with this clan war in an hour now we are at the 2 hour 15 minute mark on the recording that is without all the waiting and all the breaks not bad fry again with the blademaster opening no farsia dk again no shop again we shouldn't be too surprised anymore four ghouls intercreeping into worms never change a running system it's up to fra it's only up to frau to find a solution against this okay creeping starts uh would be very very helpful of course to get claws or circlets we kind of want the last map right for the tension and it's starting off really well yeah you can't allow an undead to go for four worms that's just too much it's way too much time you give him or you need to have an expansion or something but this wasn't was clearly not working maybe it was due to the maps maybe fra knows lr better blade and grunt moving across trying to steal maybe this one here uh the dk on himself can't really do too much because he was once again playing without a shop so no skeletons he's kind of reliant on a frog creeping something five ghouls this time by the way and yeah was the ogre that's easy to creep and it can't really do too much walking into nowhere got tricked him with that is too late also moving out for the shop okay that's something new again sacrificing a lot of hp for this forces if this is scouted but both are creeping super risky oh feels like this isn't working too well oh that's the first cool down and you need a lot a lot of lumber for the worms at least level two the aquaring doesn't really work too well on the ghouls it seems and that's an easy follow-up for crowd way way way better position little unlucky with the two rings [Music] on the other side what's the adjustment is there an adjustment d3 is working against this an expansion is working against this quite a bit of stuff is working against this to be honest you know what with the greatest scouts probably increasing this wither shade we have the acolyte already so wait there's no sacrificial pit doesn't have the resources though late master scouts this there's no shade there's no dust so easy steal for frau but the big ones oh he still doesn't know that the blade is here oh [Applause] that was horrible 3.3 on the blade alone because there was no shop okay he got that he needs the ogre major there's still no reveal are you kidding me wanna stone imagine this on the blade this is a lot of time for the shadowhunter but he's wait where's the rest of the army ah already waiting okay it's kind of hidden no entry this time and this timeframe knows that there's a shade coming it's not going into nova i see okay save the skill point but yeah good leveling for the blade decent inventory a little unlucky of course shadowhunter in a good way and a lot of scouting information for frau so t3 again warmer and you must know that this is coming up late again did he steal something i'm not too sure still no dust there's a shade this time readjusting oh that was very obvious for us still going for it 655 xp can't coil okay dk gets it let's go to bone traps of course one for the shop flute would have been amazing devotion would have been amazing level two and a half of the shadowhunter is quite amazing i don't see an early headhunter transition or something no early wyvern is a little over alchemist over tc okay um [Music] is this good i mean acid bomb is kinda nice heel spray heel spray and spirit link it's going double b3 okay this will be way better than the walkers a player's forces are under attack he'll wave and he'll spray is that the idea no aura no stomp i mean you can't stomp worms anyway but you can't prevent hexes knob told him to play alchemist acid bomb is the way really double bone yard again i mean i can't see this work so if you don't see this are you playing dark ranger against this for double or trying to go double silence you can't really right interesting situation we do have adjustments we do have a very early kodo upgrade we do have codes in general we get an orb and double wiper so ido how stubborn are you when you see the wyvern which should be now are we still going with the worms we are we absolutely are we do have web ready that's good and this is a nice red spot creep oh that's not good for the white one at all there's a tp for ido and the tom bottles are of course the wives are not either the worms are not ready shotgun into nowhere important to keep the fiends up 49 supply the cigarettes aren't ready keeps the bone chimes not if well frenzy ghouls okay ish [Music] acid pump and heel spray still good experience here blademaster expanding as well all right yeah you give like if you play like edo you give your opponent so much time i think the only thing you have to do is scout when the second wave of worms comes in then you gotta produce warsaw battle drums oh boy plus 10 plus 10 damage right away lucky claws plus 12 and the battle drums [Music] on top of the already amazing brilliance aura in game one half stone on the other side against zero focus kind of nice even bad riders they might soak up the nuke 64 supply okay we get more fiends i would love to see even more fiends player's forces are under attack but yeah brah might have the time of his life what did he get who picked it up from the magi good more intelligence more mana more spells more healing and level two crit this is exactly the levels you want level two heel wave level two acid bomb level two crit players forces are under attack no shop here anymore pit lord again that's what i mean that's the nuke web coil okay the bad drivers are out of that fight but the literally down to forty percent web is fine and of course minus twelve again the kodo's melt once more to the command or is gone from the undead the blademaster who needs to help stone super quickly one worm getting coiled and that's where the storms are missing all the fiends on the ground pretty free to rain 68 supply still for you it seems like he's losing nothing the expansion is starting to mine but he's down to 47. this is the shadowhunter the last leg and this is sweden on the last lag as well they were eliminated in the semifinals in season three and this might be the same faith as before either down to 49 but it's jg for fraus nothing left the alchemist doesn't work either and the ducks with the ultimate reverse sweep 6-0 down facing elimination everywhere and edo closes the deal alongside sunny started to come back in the two and twos with definitely the match of the clan war of the day that thing on hillsboro hillsboro creek and tom took it home very bravely with fussier firelord pushes without towers that madman and that was edo worming the way into the finals it's gonna be you mad versus the playing ducks what a nice nice way for them uh into the grand finals zero effort i think was their first opponent exactly was an eight to six and now a nine to six over the soviet war lead one upset here in the w3il and this was definitely playing ducks being victorious they that that's a very cool orc with a lot of cool people and they put their heart and soul into this very happy for the managers who definitely bring warcraft germany a step forward a big step forward so shout out bisha tv hacks slash and of course the players here today except tom you guys you guys kind of deserve this you take this seriously and feels like you're a pro orc and you have the best hoodies and the best merchandise in the game next week is gonna be difficult for sure as it is up against you matt against vortix shake sonic cash but yeah that was that was quite fantastic not giving this clan war up even though they were up against the ropes the ducks continue fighting and we will see them fight next week sweden good luck in the third place match maybe you win it this time [Music] star shaped and thor's and must win the two and two it's a little bit like four kings back in the day as we said so
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 5,929
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: GvEJLnizPbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 19sec (9019 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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