WC3 - 2v2 Showmatch - Grubby & ArminvB vs. Knoff & Tak3r

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okay so our second two and two show match is about to kick off we start this on tidewater glades we got now new teams it is grubby and armand two uh dutchies here let's see if they're flying dutchman and on the other side this german swedish team with the tower legend himself taker uh was streaming the first best of five now playing himself with klov as his teammate and i said it before taker he's doing uh better and better semi-final of the skill silver cup in the skill cup two days later he had a fierce battle with ido that saw a level six pit law level seven pit lord with doomguard and taker was about to eliminate ido who's playing quarterfinals of the german meisterstuff he's not a bad player after all and then there was unfortunately a disconnect and edo gave taker the win but it could have gone either way taken can hang with some of the best in germany once again definitely rising shape for the probably the oldest player in the european uh scene grumpy of course needs no introduction yeah knowledge is a legend himself and armin he's a super chill dude one of the strongest dutch players we have can definitely recommend his dream super laid back guy and he's getting deeper and deeper into tournaments himself so i'm really curious about this now and there we go the tactics have been formulated the players want to execute their strategies we see a new map tidewater glades in our next 2v2 in a full orc frenzy oh yeah four orcs hoard rejoice and i gotta adjust the colors real quick but of course we started the zero zero we got grubby and armin in the pink and take her and knock in the blue no stink jokes here we're not 15 anymore right but yeah best of five first to three let's see how many towers we get here we have takers starting off with a standard build seems like it's only a matter of time until we will see a warm mill and towers that's what everyone's expecting everyone's looking forward to where uh is that like north going for the head on her build tc headhunter seems pretty likely here wait a minute there's no alter yet this this could be like shed double barracks for club okay so i'm pretty sure shadow no farsia by taka recent games i've only seen a shadowhunter so what is this thing is it lay tc with mass headhunters i don't know what this is grubby is about to scout this of course with a blade master here an armin with a blademaster as well so uh the double edged sword strategy double blade wow i'm not sure that i've ever seen that in 2v2 and yeah what is knuff going to do would be a really late tc if it does go for the tc i would assume a tavern hero is more likely dude by the way how annoying are the birds on this map the birds where are birds yeah in like the sound scheme super annoying i like that i don't hear them at all jesus okay uh do you have ambient sounds turned on oh maybe if you turn that off i think you don't hear it anymore ambience getting rid of the birds so klopp what are you doing farsi are hereby taker you still don't see a hero choice of canav headhunters in the base grumpy and arm and will be will not scout this as they go for taker going for the weakest link maybe cannot where's your hero bro now comes the tc what this is so strange what is the plan what's the reasoning behind this uh maybe he was considering going for something else when he thought differently of it oh cancel did you see it said cancer where you cancel the burrow you can take your base you can take your base yeah cancel eyes okay cool we don't have to guess anymore if a player is canceling his building or not oh it would be really cool if they could display how many many resources you get when you can't yeah that would be amazing i asked that uh to the coder as well maybe in a new version man these small improvements here on the maps which is fantastic we have a very very very uh harassed heavy game with the two blademasters here and taker space taker himself in armin's base so yeah they are going for the weakest link here and knob is muscling up with the tc but can they hold this later ass take her definitely under pressure here but one more at least still standing oh that was not a cancel so that's all those resources lost it hurts especially the lumber can't build another one now supply stuck at 18. moves back now how much damage did he do he delayed the third burrow but i don't think he did much damage in armin's base it's taker feeding knuff good point from chad looks like it right otherwise there's too many headhunters yeah he's good point indeed chad uh so much supply and the tech started [ __ ] off already so he must have received resources from his ally so it's not even that bad if taker is the one receiving the damage here at the moment he doesn't build units anyway he's just buying time that's his role and he's doing that well for can off to level and to get the big army okay so this time armin is moving back grubby on the other side still hanging around one more wind walk shop is finished for arm and he can heal up tier two almost done grubby already on the way to fortress this is a tauren totem this might just very well be torn a good counter to head hunters also don't uh get punished by the stomps so badly they are pretty big units they won't be clumping up that much seems to make sense is armin doing the same doesn't seem like it no tech yet going for a shadowhunter and the classic tier 2 radar walker army perhaps but club has been creeping very well level three already sells the ruined racers goes for boots really okay here we go kanov making his way into grubby's base and grubby invested a lot into a tier 3 rush there's no building here there's no reinforced defenses there's no warmer there's no towers it's going for the borough right away of course can't stop the repair and that is boom the first burrow and grubby a supply stuck at 21 supply and might lose the second one as well the damage is incredible if there's no repair wonderful execution by knov but now grubby is here to defend if he kills the peons here grubby can't remake them for a really long time blademaster in trouble well has to tp over to his ally oh armin one grunt is already down the headhunters can do tons of damage can you still kill the torrent and be switching targets now to the peons identifying the weakness taker keeps his fussier safe as his once again buying the time for the damage of the headhunters this strategy is working so well now he's got to be careful with that foster trying to get him out if there's a crit he's dead called it the prophet is back but these healers in the back still can't get attacked seemingly yeah 44 supply no mining anymore grubby is tier three but he has 19 supply knife with a brilliant attack realizing the weakness of the opponents and oh my god what a punch yeah there's still peons left and even if not he could buy that that would be a way out uh he could buy a tiny great hall to get the supply and then build peons again there is a tp almond losing the blade as well king of damage done this base is in absolute shambles can often take up punishing the greedy tier three push on the other side grab me with his blade in the base of taker but these peons they look good they look safe only five peons left for grubby he has to make burrows now so he's not even fully mining one of them is missing what a painful mid game great great punish by now we see the tier 2 attack by taker eight minutes in kanov already with spiked barricades interesting reinforced defense is coming as well he's taking to tier three is already 50 there then we get berserkers and probably a level 5 tc if i'm looking at the experience spar he's almost there one more kill oh he awards very nice he's going to get his level up while the varsity is getting chased again with the speed scroll i believe and it two oh almost two units around there yeah that was super close the block was also very good there's no chain lightning here so the blade master can do pretty much whatever he wants doesn't want to dive in too deep as he sees that knob is coming back and he respects the storm best this is level three remo do you know what that means so five seconds done on a seven second cooldown it's easy so fast dude look at him go go he's a great marathon runner just like we are very sporty indeed i uh since i didn't catch my train earlier today i just walked all the way from cologne to to hamburg still made it for the cast dude when i left the hotel was like uh 9 30 or something and there was still so much snow on the street it was all like this this sludge everywhere it was so gross scrubby [Music] into wind walk with a 39 hp blade master and club just rinse and repeat he's going for the base again the blade dares to come out okay that's the faster gorny but yeah knock is the carry with this strat take it with the sacrificial lamp kanov is doing the damage and both are filling their roles pretty much perfectly and the borough's all dead again this time all peons might die should use the stomp here on the tc i think to kill these peons quickly robbie's getting kneecapped over here really seen him getting pummeled like this and is every peon dead now yep he can't make peons anymore well yeah as i said he needs a tiny great hall to free up some he needs two tiny great halls to build a peon yeah i think that's just game that does look pretty checkmate well let's see needs to own this fight now but the blades are not really impressive armin trying to go with the hail mary dispels the hex oh oh and this backfire a little bit of a potion there knob is playing this with two on one at the moment by the way level taker's dead like his farseer got killed and he had nothing else grumpy who dodges the stomp both blademasters about to get killed there's no mana potion anymore but knockoff can just do it two on one the power of little five tcnn on his tc headhunters a classic 2v2 strategy seems to be working out here thank you is coming back shadowhunter [ __ ] off as well he didn't bring a mana potion unfortunately the fortress is going to fall take her rejoining saying nope you did a good job let me help you my friend summon some wolfies i'm gonna throw out a little a few lightning bolts just with the cast you know take her always a little late to the party hey guys can i cast this can i care five minutes before tournament has already started takers coming in hey guys oh man i mean is losing a lot of raiders here as well feeding club was the right idea we do have chain lightning now take your spams and immediately that's the blade master bar grubby going down double g's and grubby remains without a single one map so far this must feel good for glove after getting zero ford in the first show match getting a wonderful victory here alongside taker that was a very nice strategy feeding know in the beginning identifying that grubby is on a super greedy build with the tier 3 and tauren rush and punishing this so so so hard something in the chat here uh kraft has of course tweeted after uh the victory um and that is a nice one as always so let's see this on twitter craf one of the best player warcraft 3 accounts on twitter one the two and two show match with starbucks against grubby and knuff it was really fun to play with my boy starbuck and to play versus some legends like grubby and kanov hope we can do it more often if you think you can beat us stand in line big thanks to robot and the star wars gg well played champ good sportsmanship here good fun and the warrior uh the the macho man and hong kong the mega powers united i'm showing it on the maps as well so now we saw all the maps that we're going to have are there other 2v2 maps i think dude i'm so there's also like hillsbrad creek right i think that's the 2v2 map yeah but we go synergy now okeydoke synergia aren't you the one that complains about the ah okay it's up now with that complaints about the the guys who host then put the game name in and then host the map now you do it yourself no wait no didn't i host first and then post the game maybe uh maybe lobby didn't update in time maybe you were faster all right synergy it is for knob and taker knoth will switch to nidal if they say when he just had this kick-ass game where he owned the whole first map now he switches to night out that's weird armin says no mountain giants allowed that's orc [Laughter] code it seems like orc feels every night of unit is unfair archer is opie huntress is opie mountain giant i don't get themselves the mods hate you so much once again only the bears the bears are fine by the way if you're not familiar with armin we can definitely recommend his stream it's a very very entertaining super chill it is twitch.tv slash armin vb 90. hells yeah brother got the players in the double orc didn't work out too well earlier here for grubby it was knuff and him together against krav and starbuck where it looked so good for so long synergy very cool map uh map where friendships are formed now where the two players spawn next to each other like on good old friends oh yeah that's a wonderful map indeed what is your favorite eight player plus map in warcraft is it friends probably yeah i don't know i rarely play these i always really like market square you remember that one i think that's a 12 player map or is it an eight player map i'm not sure one of the two so a little discussion here about uh if it's okay to switch races and yeah this is a fun show match so of course everybody gives the thumbs up and oh grubby is switching as well he's playing the humans now all right that is the first time we see any human today indeed can be a very very good two and two race especially late game and once again we are super thankful for uh to have this show match or these show matches sponsored by robot who's turning into the second club quakes of the scene this is uh 350 for the winner here in the show match 150 for the runner-ups and this is not only robot but a little initiative of two and two uh aficionados get rich brother sarah joo apu pedro me stars and stripes eight counts duke boy and kleine shield pad did this for us so the community has uh some great warcraft entertainment on sunday evenings and without further ado enough with the talks let's get some more action we got grubby and armin in the south the two dutch players here grubby playing human and on the other side it is taker staying true to the orcish horde but khnoff off racing as night of alright we talked about earlier i said that i don't think i've ever seen knuff off racing but here we go we see it now let's see how good he is with it and if he sticks to the orc code and refuses to make mountain giants would be kind of weird because mountain giants are really good especially in 2v2 but also in 1v1 mountain giants just the best tanks in the game crazy strong and that is sort of what i'm assuming to see and harmon wants to remind kanov to be a good orc brother and abide by the code indeed grubby uh would have knights against this with the searing oh searing oh no thundering blades i mean blood mage tc this is gonna be a lot of storm man shadowhunter keeper on the other side double disable right off the bat oh that's really cool imagine if both these heroes get level five that is just instant gg sources so yeah second hero oh dude imagine if it gets pally second and then you just feed man on the tc the whole time and you heal the tc the whole time yeah and you got aura that is a sick sick sick combo indeed let's see if we get this far we have a shadowhunter opening and taker has become really good with this and can up with a keeper with mass hunts so i think um can often take her they don't go for the late game this might very well be a tower push as the keeper can have summons shadowhunter has serpent wars taker is tower taker for a reason mass hunts support this well and grubby and armand they might um want to go for the late game stages here oh maybe not look at the second barrack second uh double second barracks but here's them between the two gold mines how amazing is that yeah i thought they were going to play passively and creep and rely on the late game and levels but they might just masked here one rush like what is this serpent ward set up hello snake bit nobody's tanking dude they're all just spamming tier 1 amazing no second drags for taker yeah we are we end up on seven production buildings after three minutes and flame strike first flame strike creeping here we go blood mage hero who with level 3 onward really strong early levels is always this problem could be very painful to get pressured but not the case here serpent wards and towers can often take or take in an expansion right away here it seems yeah so my predictions were 100 wrong i thought grubby and and armin go for the late game no they will probably be rushing on tier one i thought okay maybe it's taker ignore brushing but they go for the late game at the expansion they call me the prophet for a reason man yeah taught 3-0 right was a 3-0 it was a 3-0 it at least i got the balls to make this could be the next 3-0 theoretically by the way but now we don't talk about armin they got this they're gonna have some siphons they're gonna have some stumps not using the first entangle here gravity can't scout wisp is coming in onto the left hand side armand's still on level one and the first distraction push begins as the tower is up moon well here as well kind of with the expansion i like it not that easy right now to deal with this pressure hardly any units here actually know has 100 other they come more hundreds all right 300 now that's a little bit more scary let's take who's only got the single grunt in here i think now they must know about the quad barracks this is gonna be such a powerful push especially with a lot of footman they're really good against buildings early and with defense the tower won't do too much a player you have defended already oh yeah he does okay nice nice suit and smart so much value from mass fruitman will be inspired by fish level two [ __ ] off now oh damn sorry used to zoom in unfortunately taker supports this expansion with the second tower it's at fifty percent taker is tacking now to fifty percent uh he didn't go for a second barrack so he can't afford that melee upgrades for taker number three as level two level one cypher so level two flame strike okay wow man baby yeah also very good against buildings against towers absolutely the column of flame we'll see it soon berserk elemental with chaos damage look at that guy yeah he's a little jealous looks like the footies are healing these waterfall missiles not that much damage here comes knob can he oh there was a big nova here can he force grumpy into the team peter was the last tip for the grubster with level three of course the keeper can't really do too much here and enough energy on the blood mage as well wonderful gift for the tc later or for mountain king surrounded by grubby on that hunt but kanov is following up with a shadow melt not bad and hunts are doing quite some damage what a weird fight around the fountain this is that hunters will die more experience for the blood major with that getting closer and closer to level two siphon still no tech at all for the dutchman when knuff now finally has to tp out get back to his expansion which is standing so if rewards towers they want to maintain this position and taker is building the second rex now almond was pushing a little take her health on the cost of one tower i think that's totally fine as armin is pulling back robbie i thought for a second he would be pushing but he's backing up his ally and they go for a combined push not for the pendulum attacks takers are tier two kanov will probably stay on tier one and feed he's switching it up now goes into archers this looks like a pretty good position for our two orcs for what night of team i mean all right here we go tc in the front line use the first stomp but it's still not level two doesn't look that scary but the flame strike in the back might be good damage right there puns were also forced to run away so many footmen so many headhunters this has to work for the dutchman they are stuck on tier one there's no transition for them anywhere oh flame strike and where to go knock where'd it go almond with a six stun that for that prevents the hunts from retreating any further the shadowhunter is getting stoked by this blood mage and has nothing to work with anymore towers are falling this mass strategy seems to be working out quite well grubby is splitting some forces off to the tower there's of course no reinforced defenses yet so easy kill for armin and grubby do you think this tree of life is going to be falling now question is can take her and grubby stabilize uh take her and stop excuse me on only two bases without the expansion they're still fighting right here the blood mage seems to be the weak spot he's very low hb killing the level 4 hero would be a very big deal at least he's forced out of the fight for now level up also for the first hero shadowhunter going for level two serpent boards right away man i know they don't seem so effective they have the guts to tower taker and also to almost kill his shadow hunter the tc is not looking too hard either so he tp is out this almost looks like game at level four for armin tc blood mage combo looking so strong with all the mass that was a pretty much hard counter with the four tier one production buildings against an expanding or night elf combo don't take it off they weren't able to hold gg well played here we go the first one of the day no three zero here oh the string a fun game on synergy indeed man just mass just rush that was amazing love this wild style in two and two that's a little bit n a flavored i would say they love to do these mass rushes as well often times on very early tier two though and uh knock keeps his honor by the way no mountain yes that's true yeah tied up now one one so i wonder what kind of races we see now are taker and kind of going back to org org is scrubby sticking with human will we see a rush by knopf and take her this time we stick to the blood mage lost temple it is old school player with the old school map it checks out as taker calls for lt yeah taker being towered man that must sting a little bit is he seeking for revenge now is the question lost temple here it is with the series at least he was able to build a few towers this time right but uh getting there didn't have the reinforced defenses so they died pretty quick yeah maybe the tier 2 was a little bit too much but yeah it was just the mass at the end not too sure if also switching to archers by know is the right idea hunters do fairly well against footman that was definitely a problem but good choice with the blood mage that did a lot and uh questions what races are we going to see taker and know they are selecting orc armin and grubby i haven't recited yet yep grubby's asking first he wants to counter the tension remove the tension seems like on lt it wouldn't be a bad idea to go with a good fast expansion race which is everything but orc yep armin is going for orc and grubby as well orc mirror baby okey dokey would love to see mass wyvern for like an entire like for all of them or four times liquid fire bats oh yeah oh that would be fun cast is already waiting for the players last tactical discussions to be made here then we kick off map three who will claim match points this is what this map is about is of course also a best of five i wonder if grubby and armin played two and two together before or if they just paired because they're both dutch or grubby picked him hand picked i didn't see it on a stream but maybe entrophy thank you for the six month resub as we get ready for a third map and for one of these teams to claim match point robot picked them nice to include uh armin into this he definitely deserves a bigger spotlight robot you did a very fine job also a nice reward for taker streaming so much and getting the spotlight here as well armin in the green on the right hand side grubby also in the green and six o'clock on the other side take her on the left and knock on the right so the stronger players of each team can harass the weaker player of each team as it seems but knobs not doing that it's headhunters for the swede taker going for harass probably once again with a farcier grubby with an early altar as well no uh warm mill here as it oh harmon neither some mask runs or late transition late master again tc by grummy this time we could see all four orc heroes differently picked between the four players butts has to go forward pretty unlikely yeah nov would have to go shadowhunter first with headhunters which doesn't seem that much better than tc first at all so seems like double tc only the shadowhunter has so far left out okay interesting i wonder how how they want to do it with masked grunts mcgrubbie is probably creeping first then taker will be harassing you can offer power leveling and yeah interesting how uh they both have a different approach to harassing almond with a blade take it with the shadow shadow faster grubby's gonna rely on himself this time for the late game what knowledge did before grubby can do now if this tc gets level five we all know how powerful that can be but yeah with grunts with headhunters we're going towards the temple not creeping on the outskirts very very old school going for the claws right away oh yeah combined creeping oh okay i thought okay i thought for a second taken got it but then there was an exclamation mark and it was lasted to armament grubby ring from the tc pretty nice can take her get this one looks like nope let's get off going towards the expansion yeah attackers and dude has to do some heavy lifting he's not attacking again just continues with the grunts are under attack no double barracks here [ __ ] off this time so he's not getting fed he can't power produce as much as before on tight water okay creeping starts really interesting that neither grubby nor armin are going for headhunters really curious about this one but leveling is okay even though they have to split the experience to take a lot of items away circle it here as well take it gotta be careful what escapes that's around no take back enough either now taker starts this attack on the other side grubby is a lot quicker and so is armor oh look at the attacker loses a grunt with a one unit block by armin oh my god what the hell put into the corner and viciously taken out really good items here for grubby now does he keep them or does he come over to the blade only the tc's right click isn't too shabby either he's got a pretty good attack speed a little bit of poison as knob joins the fray with his head down to damage significantly increases this middle fight four orcs around the fountain of health buckle up stomp and almost a surround taker already lost one grunt and he's gonna lose another one that hurts level two for the blade master taker has hardly any grunts left but more are coming in from the main i suppose also enough to include a few headhunters it's uh looking good for the dutchman here i think yeah i agree take her on the receiving end of this fight with two kills almond microwaves everything back and kenov is losing two headhunters as well they can't get revenge kills armin and grubby bloodthirsty at the fountain almost around their escaping with the storm but yeah there was mana that you probably don't want to use and that is the middle and free healing and two big items for grubby and armin in the main base grubby's rushing tier three no second hero no tier two building just a warm mill just like a tauren rush yeah just like game one the warmer is there though this time wasn't on game one i am true hellstone so we should see the lodge soon we get armin with the tauren totem as well and this beast okay raider walker onto youtube probably with the shuttle enter to support but yeah gravy's still no still no building he has no lumber at the moment maybe his ally could help him out there armen has a good amount of lumber it seems tc with the health stone here expansion by knuff that's it after losing the fight like this that's pretty crazy if you ask me might be well protected though up in the north especially if they distract with an attack like they are right now this should be very hard to scout very hard to cancel speed scroll popped threatening the shadow but he is fine while finally we have the tauren totems coming up grubby's getting ready for his torrents yeah and they're both are getting ready to defend this game one shall not repeat armin cancels that building so he gets the resources back head hunters can't tank but they kind of do because there's nothing left crazy strong backstab by grubby and armin one killed two kills and the tp force without doing too much damage the launch was cancelled okay bought some time for the expansion okay but grubby is free to do whatever he wants and this can be walkers and torn or directly going tories armin can go for the support with spirit link not for the revive but for the rest i guess this game is looking good for grab an arm can you revive ally walkers very torrence i mean yeah very sure that's pretty pogrous big mana potion as well here and the scout by grubby so they know what's up and they're pretty close i mean grumpy is at the outskirts here but he has to wait for armour anyway and then there's the push and the question is can they hold this grateful that's kind of their win condition little four already this tc is looking stronger question here and chet by the way who's the most famous person that plays warcraft 3 that isn't famous for playing warcraft 3. pretty sure doug polk the poker player i guess is he more famous than elky other than that um [Music] i don't know do we have some other really famous people i'm not sure i don't know maybe they're just lurking the town is under siege i'm pretty sure lady gaga is watching us religiously push push push pull push onto this base but tp out as oh taker it's going for the count to push but this 700 might just be dealing with the crit crit again oh boy he got these last hit crits gets the shadowhunter out and the tauren are out as well this looks like a strat from someone who's playing battle at the first time i'm gonna make grunts i'm gonna make a tc then i'm gonna make torrance [Laughter] so you want to say grumpy's a noob or what politician neo at it again what's he called strat it's fun lots of gold here for grubby can go for a tiny great hall without any problem they're creeping the red camp right now armin is with the help of the torrance the guide in there he could even go to the island late there is a path there nowadays exactly there aren't islands anymore like kind of but uh you can you can just walk there no need for zeppelins and here you see it a player's forces are under attack rihanna is also a big peon fan work work work work work work work indeed i always forget about item drops here i think it was changed right uh it's this um the drop tail with the two new ones with um the alchemist and the dark ranger ultimate ah yeah these consumables which was removed for it we see engraved scale that's a blue dragon spawn so no rhetoric anymore with the blue drake that can slow a little ah wait that means this was changed to being scroll of gg cam right i think we have a big attack coming in the dutchman are attacking taker's base and well they could can't hold this by himself and it's the aid of his ally taker's army doesn't look that strong he's only tier two three two heroes farsi or shadowhunter not necessarily the most dangerous heroes in terms of damage although of course you should never underestimate chain lightning damage neo i don't know if you know that absolutely true lightning in general kind of only now portaling with his 43 supply the expansion didn't pay off yet but it's enough to scare them away now they see the entire army see that kind of doesn't really have too much but it's more time oh expo is gone when did that happen the players forces are under attack the top expansion yeah uh did we cast that when armin t peed back to grubby's base grubbies stayed up there with his army and killed him with the grunts and the tissue should maybe mention that if we didn't we just did i think it's fine all right the raid continues we do have pellets even and the expansion for grubby is almost up looking very very fine for the dutch duo i went through the big torn front line just pulverizing all over the place that's the sound of pulverize it's hard to emulate maybe i would need a drum set or something oh yeah you should definitely get a drum set like a real one my neighbors would love me even more and your roommates matter oh boy so taker's base being raided once again as he's busy on the outskirts once again killing the towers man they should just leave the tower alone just as a signature building well that was the only tower on the map sad sad where are the mass towers i asked we don't see him yet not level 5 tc by the way that also kind of happened quickly but in comes grubby with the big tauren army knuff doesn't want to take this fight to v1 that would have probably not ended too well for the swede he's going to live to fight another day go back to his main forces do some biceps curls then he's going to come back stronger all right then split pushes all over the place taker is seeking revenge in grubby space where we see spike barricades as a reaction immediately an answer that we've seen more and more and more recently makes sense against so much melee and here are the mass towers remo two towers and taker's base thus rebuilding the shop but grubby is home uh armin is home to defend now his his army is strong enough it seems like armin is kind of struggling take it with 49 supply and the double kodo's having eaten two grunts seems like grubby is gonna have to bail out his ally to protect his own main and here comes the tp taker we're gonna have to answer with his own tpo but the stomp is going to delay the tp i'll take her didn't see the tp coming in quickly enough they went for the storm they went for the hex and just like that two kodo's fall and a grunt oof looks so good for taker for a while then they come in and smack them down ouchy that hurt there's another expansion coming by armin about to have four bases while scouting this one as well and now they're home they can afford this nice lightning shield on the tc but being dispelled right away the pit lord that's insult to injury with the the howl of terror so oh minus four oh here we go blue dragon spawn overseer oh cool i've never said did he just use a blue breath of fire that is pretty cool he's got devotion aura as well can still get dispelled though so it didn't look that good in the meantime knuff lost uh most of his army but the tc at least makes it out taker takers still threatening an attack here into grubby's main it's split push all over the place split push city dick is trying to get something done but they can't stop the expansions anymore i can't follow this up or can they takers trying in the bottom left how much damage is that grubby he's kind of giving up his bay or a couple of buildings in his base not the important ones of course taker doesn't have pillows it hurts fountain in the middle very valuable here for all the healing players three raiders is that enough to kill this fortress i'm not sure armin against taker again earlier armin couldn't hold his own big brother grubby had to come in to help him out but this time take her leaves getting uh devour on the coat of beasts but only on the ground not on a tauren how did this burst occur not tp yeah i just wanted the same i'm thinking tp is bucked for a while but nobody's believing me yeah i didn't see where he was maybe you're right a player's forces are under it he's going to say good night ryman remo is back oh yeah wrote down some bars at jail in jail scouting used here like lil wayne every time i go to jail i'm going to release a new album mixtape dropped everybody arbit is going for a second warmer what what to be closer to the forest again maybe he's very low on lumber a player's forces oh by the way there was knob's head hunter not takers so maybe it's not bugged once more while the bottom left is getting cleaned out tp coming in can off he could land the perfect stone boom oh that level looking wonderful but not so much follow-up i was going damage tp here a little expensive but he's getting everything out without taking too much damage well there's a fight between taker and arm and once again they battled this out the blademaster here in these fights of course wonderful with class plus 12 19 damage in general slicing and dyson against this army knife is coming in to the rescue oh he wanted to buy a teepee but he bought the wrong item oh he bought a telestaff oh because the tippy's on cooldown oh that's why the tv's on cooldown oh armin is losing everything wait there's a staff coming in from grubby he's got the double tp grubby with the save the caretaker man what a nice play by grub he saved his ass army would have been dead to rights otherwise all right and now comes the push response by kanova and taker without the tp or tc can't really hold that i guess attack knock doesn't have a tp and now he's in a sticky situation where there's no tp for him this is wild dude there's so much tping across the map the tps are running out of stock when does that ever happen that's a super fun two and two before now can officer went to take a shot by i guess and we have the first four player fight in a long time code is of course a wonderful solution to torrent yeah one of those eight already also we have some bloodlust coming through late master going to the back line kind of low hp already can't i can slay away freely as he likes tc for grubby goes into the middle connects with the big stomp but they're gonna dp out don't like anymore what this fight is looking like and taker and his ally hold here very nicely done off coming in clutch with those berserkers with the bloodlust and they stay they keep this expansion alive three base three base this is a spiral expansion by the way yeah right uh still one base ahead for grumpy and armin a player's forces are under attack of course munch a little needs some time to devour pit lord level three is looking fine but can often take a they're chasing grumpy's losing another unit now the split pushes stop for a second what can they do with it we still have a token grunt here to make sure there's no expansion between the two bases a player's forces are under attack interesting situation in this game the roles are very clearly defined armin and taker are kind of the supports the sacrificial roles ants know and grubby taking over the carry roll with grubby relying on torrents and knuff relying on berserkers and both of course relying on the tc who is very strong right next pushed by armin who's getting quite some gold off of this as well it's usually always tp and whoa this is way too much damage zero two upgrades only but can't repair against that and that's the second base down right when the gold mines expire wonderful timing by armin who tp's out safely without dropping a unit and you see it here 90 gold left now with an expansion here on the left-hand side now there must have been a tiny right yeah okay there's also a very expensive one they must hold this otherwise they don't have income anymore and i think robbie's just forcing it he's just right clicking this thing down or at least he's trying to oh this could be the game-winning play or this could be the throw of the game theon's coming in for the repair is that enough grubby's gonna tp out is this enough damage or not it should be and the pit lord survives as well perfectly calculated by grubby and that is so painful [ __ ] off 600 gold down the drain and this other expansion also fell and the mains are dry only long distance mining for the two walks taker still has 20 gold left but boom everything expired now while grubby and armin are still on two how well calculated was this by grubby man great a in math we still have two bases up and once they realize this should be game taker has a million kodo beasts some tauren's still stuck in the stomachs i'll be willing to take this fight but needs the support of his ally and there we go armin comes in and finds the coders in the back gets to ensnare them perfect position for the dutchman off it's all up to him his head understood the damage and it's tc to stun everything these coders aren't doing too much shadowhunter in trouble they're [ __ ] off going for the tc and grubby loses his first hero tc dies it's level five hero gone no way don't tell me they do this 200 gold left that's the last fight for sure taker oh my god armin with the crits over and over and over this playmaster might save them the game grumpy is losing more and more down to 54. plus there's kodo still in the stomach so it's even less than that the supply is actually lying lord level five oh but the revive to tauren back and i think taker and knock them running out of steam there's a lot of berserkers remaining though what gg by grubby couldn't get the tc back i was losing a lot whoa and that's game that's game and that is match points for knock and taker take it was down to 23 supply only the headhunters seem to carry they had still two bases though i think they only had one didn't they no they had the one in the upper right and they had the natural of armin ah there was one in the upper right as well yeah they weren't they were two bases up and no gold no time to rebuild for club and taker they were gonna lose their entire army there though maybe but maybe they can rebuild in the time when like one expensive canceled i don't know but what a turnaround and it looked so good for grubby and armin the entire game pretty much thank you very much hi aces for the 27 month resub 27 and counting great games yeah that was a great game indeed i love this split push games you really do gold sire now yeah it is because it was not in the pool or something uh all right it is of course by far the best map ever created we all know that so you make me a very happy man here with goldshire yeah it's a cool map i always love this one always brings me back a little bit to the world of warcraft days when you know when you roll a human character then you have the gold shire in the stormwind city pretty cool taker is asking if it's the best of three or best of five it is a best of five so it's match points now match points indeed for taker and knock again knuff could fulfill the carry roll with his tc headhunters or tc burgers in the game looked quite good so the tour and rush yeah will we now maybe it's not the best idea will we now see the towers though by taker and kanov still didn't see the two shadowhunter tower push yeah lots of love for goldshire instead i feel you i feel you guys there's another cool 2v2 map that i was thinking about earlier avalanche oh hell i'm just weird that i did what's not to love about avalanche remo i don't know what you're talking about it's not imbalanced at all i had so many frustrating games on that map back in the days it's so unfair that you can't take the double expo as an undead infuriation is that still possible i think that may have been changed on yeah yeah yeah that was changed was the old avalanche central grove was another map we used to have a 2v2 twisted turtle rock of course i feel like i'm forgetting something which is uh not an unusual experience for me are we waiting for our armin at the moment to take a little break alrighty still 350 on the line for the winning team and can offend taker guess not too many expected them to take this series but they do have a 2-1 lead now it's gonna be the time for them to close it out or are we gonna have a nice long full best of five series it feels like we haven't had that in a very long time so hoping they can bring it back the dutchman why is it called the flying dutchman by the way that is a like a fantasy figure that he is captain of a flying ship and he's dutch so it's like a like a fairy tale uh it's like a myth something i don't know what the difference is there really but he's like an evil pirate or something right yeah you remember that spongebob episode on the ghost pirate [ __ ] all right take your ink off already the dutchman so they have to go flying dutchman is from spongebob nice coat of east nice all right take her ready knock ready grumpy ready almond ready all ready match points then we get map five or will this two and two show matches for one thousand five hundred dollar be over after this one with grubby and his allies losing both kraft and starbucks successful already in the first best of five and now let's get it on gold tire a wonderful wonderful map the best map we got off in the bottom we got taker right next to him and here arm in upper right similar to take a and grubby on the upper left by the way robot already said to me that this is not going to be the end of these 2v2 endeavors he wants to sponsor and support more 2v2 plays uh show matches for more players in the future and uh he's thinking about perhaps players like todd players like in sub so 2v2s are gonna be happening more in the future hopefully hopefully absolutely love that at wcg that was so much fun wgtl as well pure chaos shifting metas and we have all orcs again nobody's switching anymore what do we got we got taker with a walmart faster opening we got knuff with a warm mill they're both playing headhunters hmm if they they play against double grunts well almond seems to be going forward as well ah there there we go yeah okay sorry about that seems like on paper that can often take are going to be lacking a front line then when you have so many range units sometimes they start blocking each other the concave becomes too big and it's hard to find a good position but uh if you still if you push a base though here on goldshire there's so much space usually wonder if it wouldn't be better to play faster only and feed your ally into double racks headhunters because then you can save a woman thank you monkey for the 300 bits keep the good work and stay healthy greetings from stuttgart thank you thank you natural being crap right away goldshire is another one of those classic maps where people like to expand in between the two bases i never noticed this before there's 14 000 gold in this gold mine which is a very unusual amount usually it's always 12 10k 12.5 k or if if you're crazy 20k like a z gold tire is just special on every single regard remo i guess it is do the mains also have 14k so they last like 25 minutes or something it's true it's a little weird compared to other games oh take her with the block gets the last hit on the peon almond starts to attack regardless and taker just keeps up the pressure doing a very fine job while grubby and almond were creeping the middle together and kenov is starting his tc progress slowly with the second rex both with second racks double rags quadruple wax i remember when there used to be ton of experience at these camps rip tomorrow experience pepper rich farmer members it was always amazing to find tome but when you find zero in the opponent's finds two it's a bit of a balance problem dude you know when they did turn a stand for the first time like the first revamp they did and they were like three times of experience in one corner of them that was not mad morris that was mad morris oh and then next to it was the big wizard which would always polymorph your units even if you weren't attacking it very good very good idea implemented into that base taker is causing quite some stress for almond and grub you gotta be careful now to not be surrounded that's an oiled up fast here if i ever saw one speed scroll now oh taker can he wiggle out again he's trying no so we're gonna die with the tp in the meantime grubby is moving across the map with his blade master three grunts that's a lot of head hunters now he lets the farcier die that delays the push a little bit if they wanted to go for one let's go the beast is big so it's the blade master though backstab off a little bit in trouble dodges the stomp is grubby here comes the storm really well done late master though he was playing with fire with the health stone earlier on his tc and he paid for this so many items jesus christ it's a lot of headhunters man and it's a lot of support coming from robot we just uh resubbed with tier two that is wonderful man thank you thank you thank you thank you very much all right headhunters all over the place we beat jamin mon tc in the back be careful only 100 hp keeping out now in front towards his shop but still in a bit of a dicey situation they didn't go with the chain lightning for the hero everything is so hard for armin here the wolves are hungry takers farcier is back and i think yeah he has to uh let go of this how many kills can he get we love to have chain lightning now but of course due to the kill he never got level two but they salvaged this for now at least grubby's grunts still here he has no tp can they block can they stomp there's a nice block that's a kill can he reach decent split by grubby but then the two grunts get caught should be making it out though few head hunters went down on the side of taker and knock and the expansion should be finished now oh there we go towers coming finally i was waiting for that for such a long time and robot even with the tier three sub just seeing this now updated it i guess and there it is tower taker living the meme will he see this it's night time pretty good timing for that hard to go to that base though yeah that tower is not going to finish it seems like i can often take her under severe pressure they have no tech they have no expansion they don't have a plan b they don't have a transition they need to win this game within the next two minutes or so otherwise they're gonna get outscaled completely almond might die though look at all the head hunters you can't really heal might just all be canceled the lodge is getting canceled grubby has to help here take us losing two of his head hunters maybe oh grubby has no items potion used on cooler for 10 seconds this is a lot of pressure clean off now with the tower shop at mass headhunters hell yeah bro this is a this might be the show match winning push while living the meme almond with the tc trying to get as many kills from taker as possible three for the swede that's a super big stomp the blademaster gonna be so careful with the shadowhunter 4 support is here can they buy the necessary time for the tower and to sharpest the question good movement by grubby he's trying to uh not allow the tc the biggest storm there is one stump coming through but armin is using that time as well to cancel the towers his first year level three also really powerful even the creeps getting involved quite hectic we have the skull of the beast used on can offside lots of damage now from the headhunters a demolisher comes out very important that one makes it safely to the back and he does the time 37 supply the shop is about to be finished the chain lightning oh going for mass murder here i think yeah you might be right that push doesn't work both are dropping below 30 supply well armin and gravy are getting more and more stable by the second grabbing with the shadow hunter though gotta be careful getting wrecked with that right hand there was a potion couldn't pass it in time tower is gone now though maybe potions oh they can't go for posters they never got attacked so it's only clarities and heal selves seems like everything is falling now the dutchman certainly lost a lot there themselves but they have the expansion they have the tier 2 and they have now seemingly held the pure headhunter push not quite enough made it very close though i think he doesn't have a tp he's not going to get out of this he loses his first hero at his only hero kanov is trying his best with his tc and headhunters but i think that's gonna be curtains looks like he the deed and that's the full out best of five than here in our second show match almond held and that's the gg indeed two two in this film very happy we go full distance here all right which map should we go now well it's uh can often taker's pick if they want to then take the pick away from them that's their advantage now for winning game three lost temple they have map choice now on the last map of the day gravie and kenobi didn't stand a chance against krav and starbuck before but here they hold their ground they react properly and that is two two oh dude do you remember uh circle of the fallen heroes that was a really cool map yeah i remember the name but not really my play out oh whoops wrong chat okay take it says go for it can offset let's try gravy said okay lol then i guess it's a circle of the fallen heroes indeed nice ooh shout out to xander who made this map i think as his first creation as their first creation ever and it's a very special one because it's a two it's a 2v2 map but it has five spawning locations so there's one empty one all right our last map of the day it's going to be uh special also having a circle pretty much where the action is happening not too common i'm apparently not that big of a fan he says it's the worst map ever made for one of the three bro i don't know if you've seen bright and dark but there's some competition for that statement i'm not happy but i guess all the others agree that should be fine so we need teams and we're good tomorrow of course more warcraft action here double duty for the back to warcraft boys remo is going to open the day with excellus red wwc round of 16 and i'm gonna be the one for the open cup uh in the evening hours for the esl open cup grubby uh not grubby happy and foggy probably fighting for the 100 once again these finals are absolutely bonkers shouldn't miss this at all it's a very very popular cup man i think it's the esl name alone lewis and a couple of people and these finals deliver recently it's amazing yeah yeah all right we're in we're all orcs are we ready [Music] yes taker says yes waiting for the grub and the armament they were good they were good are you hungry yet remo it's a late night cast it's 11 p.m we didn't talk about food yet no i had actually quite a bit of dinner earlier already so i'm not starving sounds like you are though i could eat you know almond says ready that's up for the crapster ready ready ready go ready go get glg out let's go okay oh yeah grubby was in there earlier wonderful wonderful is it armand van buren it is the real armen van buren playing with grubby here tonight against knuff and take her and let's see if armin van buren can add something to his esports earnings well he definitely will but if he will add 350 to his esports earnings or 150 he's playing on the right hand side alongside a grubby with a headhunter build again and take her and knock in the yellow left hand side match points for both teams now we are down to best of one what did i forgot this about the map there's only one single merchant on this huge map what okay that's a bit of a concern but i mean at least it's close to both teams right so it's not it would be bad if like one team spawns uh at five o'clock and eight o'clock something and then they own the shop yeah yeah there's also dragon roost here by the way wait there's a second version at the top what are you talking about oh yeah yeah that's two you're right lion ring okay that's right dragon that's a lot better dragon rules baby dragon dragons who is armin van buren by the way the dj super famous one dj one of the biggest in the world i guess so we gotta take her once again with the farcier knuff probably with the tc armin then with the tc this time maybe and grumpy with the blade no grubby with the shadow hunter shadow hunter [Music] for creeping or what's the idea that more tower pushes man we need more towel pushes in this series takers not going for a walmart though follows up the fossil with some grunts grubby and ah oh grubby with the double racks i went with the single racks forces are under attack scout's spawning position gets stunned by the hydras and loses the piano yep that's a scary camp all righty [Music] take her battling armin once again [Music] there we got the tc's man there's no hero yet he's going for the second rex taker cancels it immediately does he have damage for this no does going to come in x will be pretty effective here an x has chosen seriously getting done with this okay didn't expect that i thought it would be enough knowledge follows up with the second rex as well only taker is attacking he didn't get the note that we're all massing players forces are under attack hey what are you doing bro we're staying till one read this chord mate ah apparently we don't and then he can bring potions pretty good and of course kudos seems like we all figured out that headhunters are the way to go at the moment especially on map one tidewater and lost temple they look really good if you have a strong tc to support them and then berserker craft great in the late game but here we have the dutchman creeping the gold mine between the two bases which is fairly easily doable big healing potion for a tc always very good there's a p on here already for gravity so we're gonna have uh a pass expansion here somewhere take her poking once again pioneers you said is up by gravity no are you doing the same will we mirror this don't see a peon yet so many ant understand this might be the game with the most headhunters in the prize money match ever keeps creeping he's gonna get a big item here from the overlord uh title lord i think at least he looked pretty scary we got a new sub by the way thank you knife party for the five month resub so we got almond van buren in game we got knife party in chat that's a good it's a good edm party here tonight is that one of those amazing minimal djs that you like so much no no no knife party is a dubstep i think it's the guy from pendulum if i'm not mistaken i might have the first big fight here of the game all the armies converging together the dutchman little hurt shadowhunter out of mana out of health pretty much and the big stop from canal connects takes out one headhunter right away should be two kills oh this is looking good for taker and knock here let's see yeah i mean they have the tech to back this up as well take a going b street now they didn't see the expo my time four right there oh no how unfortunate that was so close man there must have been like 100 range or something it's night time man okay but they were super successful with these dives against the burrows in game one let's let's do it again they remember this and a little ptsd for grubby and armin armin still running back can't take this fight grubby wants to creep a little bit more get his level three that would be a big level up for his shadowhunter he reads this he wave and finally has it rope also very nice for him there's a marketplace there but i don't think he has the luxury right now go for anything meaningful there arman's base is in trouble one borrow fell already the shop is going to be lost armin's supply stuck and the barrage might fall as well oh and the score of the beast comes on top of everything else okay grubby and armin might sandwich them here but ahmed has to abandon this with his only 34 supply grubby versus knob the battle a former teammate former friends now turned enemies as takers getting supported by more grunts here he might lose this one immediately blocks a little by some time scroll the b still running and there's no way for grubby to uh an armored to push this to punish this if they would get the barracks it would be a nice nice nice little move but arm isn't even building the next burrow he's still supply blocked it's looking rough man armin was not so happy about this map being played as the last map in here can't be happy about how this game has been going so far either but at least their team has the expansion up now there was a nice storm resulting in at least two kills maybe even three kanov just displaying his skill muscles right there take her saving his grunts to the right hand side at the left-hand side as well but the expo got up absolutely robbie doesn't have tier two yet i think everyone else reached it oh and can office sixty percent seventy percent towards tier three by the way tom is gonna get big upgrades here very very soon and taker is of course honest here too never went for a second hero right interesting now here we go shadowhunter is done plus the wall in the back finally catching up with that i'm in with the second barracks again but his base is under attack only had reinforced he starts it now but that is too late to save this one single borrow there at least grubby needs to get more units to get more mana maybe even a tp to come on over but no clarities heal scroll uh speed scroll hit seven so on and then in we go off again going for the boroughs again going for the peons like he did against grubby on the very first map this might be how he's going to close out the victory here now on the last one exactly armand needs four boroughs to build units again grummy needs to be the carry almond for uh the army for armin okay at 39 but he's gonna lose quite some more here tc level four ahmed in trouble hex maybe a little early little premature by taker we can't follow this up with another storm soon grubby is in he needs to carry he needs to save the series for his team now oh feels like he did enough he's gonna tp out he didn't have too much mana left still waiting for the tier three to finish the shaman is gonna join the army and the master training is going to be following right after so bloodlusted berserkers once again will be coming in that is what was the nail in the coffin on lost temple so grubby starting the tier three tech as well armin is trying to rebuild they touched each other here how much will knops tier 3 carry how much will grubby's expansion carry and how amazing is kleine's chill pad for another 20 gift itself i'm sure pat thank you very very much and now i zoomed in god damn it okay off creeping at the top berserker upgrade just finished gonna get another big item here hoping for the big mana plague also good roll of marauder nice boots of course not the greatest here armored crippling taker luring around ready to punch only 39 supply for him floating in gold though 500 maybe he wants to expand there was a p on before kind of on his way to level five indeed pioneer scouting sees the expo for grubby now at least a player's forces are under attack takers pulling peons is he just towering about armin seems like it this is no expansion it's not so expensive towering the expats and gravity kills it with the people that's exactly what i mean like he puts on these little fires he's an arsonist man a players force got level five on the tc we all know how strong that is and he's got the invis potion as well to come in with a perfect stomp at the beginning that's the surprise take you still level one on both heroes knob is super far away grubby is not in this defense here though ahmed trying to defend this at home 40 supply 45 for taker who's going for the town portal i've got two devourers and saves the codes and i think i'm going to take her okay whose forces are under attacks so grumpy versus knock now our second battle here grumpy going for the main base knockoff going for the expansion no reinforced defenses here for grubby and there's a level five tc with a soapy mask again what are you going to deal with this army bike nov you don't two versus one it's the only way you can do it the tcp armin is here already and grubby joins with the tp they need to fight this without taker present and in that case i think knuff can't quite take this fight okay it's a tc battle here everything disabled the storm [ __ ] off only on the tc grubby not with the berserkers here enough maybe not with the number numbers are quite even again these stomps by knuff they don't connect yeah too well that one actually doesn't hit anything um it's only got like two more stomps left using the involve potion going in deep and that hits a lot but also a lot of headhunters in the back still not affected by oh my god this pit lord is dying so quick though survives and the hull of terror has been applied maybe this is a good position by grubby and arm and they can retreat his protection used as well almond provides some healing hex on the tc right there who knows in trouble dodge is the stump that would have been the kill i think this bullet dodged almond the tc survives taker once again didn't get the call he has no tp that's two quarters going down at the very least mana potion use on the shadowhunter speed scroll chasing looking for more kills getting the heroes would be wonderful but i guess that one isn't quite gonna work out but so many units lost for taker 35 supply only left and not too many resources take her in trouble take him with the tower finished can repair now if he wants to this you should attack the spirit lodge i guess okay going for the pians to delete this threat it's annoying for sure and he's trying to extract the tower crafty's expansion again didn't work of course too quick with the respawns by the way we got hilarious sort of accuracy for grubby now an amazing amazing item for headhunters as they get 10 damage okay almond trying to clean this tower take just towers more love it love the take your games recently so cool all right the next push comes in how many is more mana where is kanov he's the big threat coming in right behind pc4 mana for knock his level five torrent chieftain no mana potion though combined defense 65 and 44 supply here knock with 60 taker only 35 the powerful level 5 tc though can he get better storms nice disable armon is surrounded there by taker saves himself into invisibility invulnerability on knob the pit lord getting saved once again he wants this tc gone the aura going what's the storm gone he gets armin out of that fight for now reposition though klopp is losing a couple of casters the concave looks amazing for grubby here tc getting focused knows first hero in serious trouble and he dies there was no saving him anymore no involved no healing and without that first hero the big carry is looking horrible now [ __ ] offended we do have the towers man i need to retreat need to fight in the center but knock lost his entire army and there's no hope anymore grumpy and armin get this series after being down one and two they win two maps back to back congrats that was a fun series my guys three orc orc orc mirrors plus grubby playing human with a blood mage that was crazy it was a fun fun fun show match absolutely with a total of maybe a thousand berserkers exactly we saw a lot of toothpicks being thrown um yeah fun and close series there our first best of five was pretty one-sided with krav and starbucks starbucks man he's so good in 2v2 holy smokes indeed and knuff and taker and armin and grubby providing a great show in the second show match so this was only possible due to our gracious sponsors robot and get rich brother and sarah jew apu padrony stars and snipes stripes eight counts duke boy and clinician pet who also gifted a lot of substeer that was amazing i hope this wasn't the last one i certainly enjoyed two and two three on three four and four ffa action if you want to do some more like this we are definitely up um we can arrange stuff we can help robot with another 20 gifted subs for high fives for you as well absolutely wonderful um enjoyed every single bit of it uh maybe krav and starbuck now on the king of the hill or something or we get grubby back that was indeed super fun i hope you enjoyed this too we are back tomorrow at noon with axelos red round of 16 with mikhail tamiko so and robinson the first tournament played on flow service with all four regions that goes across the entire week and we got the esl cup in the evening hours at 6 p.m with me casting remo i wish you a lot of fun and good games tomorrow uh oh yeah yes sir yes sir we're gonna be there with the zealous red and in the evening we're gonna have the esl we're gonna have some awesome warcraft action next week here on back to warcraft guys thank you all for your support thank you all for tuning in and we'll see you tomorrow exactly bye-bye
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 7,513
Rating: 4.810811 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: d-If2twFW0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 59sec (5579 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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