WC3 - W3Champions S8 - Grand Final: [NE] Moon vs Foggy [NE]

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we're back everybody it is time to crown a new champion foggy versus moon in the grand final best of five foggy has the higher seat and therefore a little bit of advantage when it comes to server selection and map selection but we start at a 0-0 no map advantage for anybody foggy is so dominant this entire tournament is absolutely unbelievable this is the performance that we usually see from the moons of the world from the lines of the world from the happiest of the world not dropping a single map in a stacked tournament like this is probably the strongest foggy we've ever seen yeah absolutely and foggy beating sock lolite and moon three zero two zero two zero to get here ridiculous moon also having a really good performance defeating 402 defeating chemical and then obviously losing the moon the defeat of focus so he hasn't proven much in night elf near whereas fog he just did and foggy also did versus lolita so maybe a matchup tough to say that moon is struggling in perhaps but we'll see how much he learned he is the player like if you were to ask most top players who would you be most likely to lose to you know after they have a little bit of time to study you it would be moon it would always be moon you lose three or you he loses three games he's gonna learn so much from those three losses and then he's gonna he's gonna bring that and he's gonna adjust and he's gonna have probably a lot of new ideas this series it's gonna be incredible 700 000 prize money the first to ever do it world ranking second place since today he is the second player that scratches at the 2600 elo points only happy is better who just cracked the 2700 by the way which is a new elo record but yeah he has a new challenger that was formerly his protege and that is foggy what i is still stunned to how few mistakes he's making how composed he is never breaking a sweat really never put in a position where he was threatened ladies and gentlemen we're starting map one you have a task here yourself and that is to raise this number over the beautiful head of mr rimo demo one of the top 15 players in germany by the way and participating in the esl microsoft relegation this wednesday and thursday raise it to 7 000. i want to see a seven up there we are 175 dollars away use the twitter quest chip in if it's just one dollar it helps we got so many thousand people here watching this is this worth a dollar i definitely think so we got the best player of all time in this tournament and he is shining bright but the brightest star on the firmament in the war 3 champion season 8 is the guy from the ukraine and that is foggy and he is aiming for his first championship in quite a while there was always uh second place of course for him when he felt too happy he has a strong opponent here now can he go all the way or will moon take revenge let's have ourselves a wonderful grand final all right and yeah amazonia to start things off and this of course was the map in last series where foggy went for the pot em all in and moon went for the demon hunter with almost a crazy defense but foggy somehow found an opening to win the game and this time around foggy's gonna change things up maybe expecting moon to change things up but moon doing no such thing he's just going to stick to the demon hunters stick to what he's comfortable with and we might finally kneel get a bear mirror oh yeah i love that on this map with zeppelin drops towards the trees haven't seen that here so far we do have a couple of new subs coming in and before the heat is rising we want to thank all of them uh janard66 thank you for your prime monto run thank you for the prime chris thank you for the prime andy for the tier ones up clocky with the 100 bids and schwarz with a two month reset keep them coming boys we gladly appreciate your subsidiary donations your primes and your contributions towards the prize pool the 7k must be cracked throughout this grand final this is foggy with a little bit of a later tech in this moon already on the way to tier two detonate here one whip with a lost if we look at the items foggy again very very brawly circlet ring gauntlets on the other side circlet and rings a little bit more armor for the ukrainian but that's about it yeah moon got the better items initially but then foggy invests 175 into that circlet to get the better items this is kind of a funny exchange but foggy not only has the better items but also a second archer here quite early so both players out of mana out of health will just go back and heal the question is who will take the bigger risk and maybe going for the next camp ancient wars are not moving over because you normally want to get at least four archers before you start moving that ancient war but that also means it's going to be tricky to creep anything it's only going to be greens or perhaps the orange that moon is right next to but foggy well aware of what moon might attempt to creep yeah a very stale matey situation at the moment it's just a calm before the storm before things are going crazy they both deny each other the level three they both deny to the progress and items and foggy now approaching the merchant threatening moon so much that yeah he feels comfortable going for the berserker but foggy of course with a way bigger creep yeah gonna get more experience but he's gonna take more damage and actually get a worse item a lot of the time mantle of intelligence for moon but foggy will be closer to level three in fact i think after this he can go to his murloc next to his base and get level three if not he's still got a couple creeps at the green next to the expansion so he'll definitely get level three first foggy and moon we'll see what his next camp is he might just go to the cobalts in the middle which is risky but with us being able to see the whole map we of course know that it isn't at all here we go more creeping indeed can be bashed a couple of times but hunter's halls is coming but wait only for foggy yeah moon even building the sixth archer oh god yeah ah sorry to cut you off it wasn't demon hunter would actually if the defender came in that's why i said it's very risky if the dealer came in and mana bird he would have just been dead a million times over yeah that's uh that's scary that's scary um it happens to the best of them it has happened to moon before um but not today not today both players getting level three and you had to continue touching on that point six archers and no hunters haul so far so it's going to be similar to what we saw tidehunters in the last series maybe moon wants to be the aggressive player with lots of archers this time around kind of interesting foggy once again the first at the tavern always is the case and now he can control the steven hunter quite well burns him put some damage on him blocks with an archer to create some distance not catching too many hits on his own naga very excellently done now both naga seem to be out of the fight and oh shadow mel but moon has the uh dust all ready and kills one interesting triple wisp pull i suppose they're they're good just to block but detonate it's not really gonna help a ton pretty much just for blocks and now potions and shop of course much much earlier for moon because when you go for the mass arches you can afford the shop you don't need the lowers of the hunter's hall foggy is going tier three right away without any lures it's a very greedy from foggy in the face of this many archers it's already seven is there an eighth on the way no i imagine improved bows yeah it is done for moon and the shredder push the classic shredder push that's why he pulled the whip okay didn't expect that it's a new trick that we haven't seen too often this tournament remind came up with this moon is always the one trying to dodge the bear mirror in many many many cases and that's the same here once again is foggy ready tech is progressing skips lore skips archers has a shredder himself yes smart that foggy stole the other shredder or else moon undoubtedly once he has the extra the fourth moon well probably would have just bought a second shredder so strong honestly the highest dps unit you can get at this stage in the game it does so much normal damage to the medium armored archers it honestly it was like three four shots and probably four shot to not over exaggerate things but it's extremely strong foggy trying to hold on once he gets tier three he'll be able to get an orb crucially but his shop isn't being built so tier 3 is not going to gain foggy much at this stage okay we're not having an engagement so thank you for the one dollar donation no name oh oh my one dollar go go clocky coming in 25 euros early i am here in the states but enjoying the show gang gang let's go thank you very much also i killed a lot for the 13 month reset swag can moon push through foggy he is the one trying to stall time and he's doing a great job at that we have a zapper but foggy bought that yeah foggy stealing the sapper i maybe he didn't want to allow moon to sapper his ap interesting from foggy yeah there's no reason the only reason he purchased that is so that moon did not buy it with the wisp he moved over there it's a very high level i don't exactly know 100 why he wanted to deny that so badly because it's not like he killed a huntress hall with only a single sapper okay he's gonna get a wisp for that not a good trade but the deny was very important to him clearly and foggy's gonna hold he's got lures up and foggy's in an excellent position moon go get a double inch to win though tier three tech oh my god so sick from moon cyclone vs bears this can be real powerful and the answers would be mountain giants this is my favorite night of mirror carson this is just the best if we go there foggy was it maybe a little slow with the adapt training because the zap is of course very important the shredder is very expensive and maybe just not having the resources naga has no staff demon hunter got to be a little careful but there's a second entry to the base i think he can he defended this masterfully yeah very well done very patient play and the perfect wisp timing as well by foggy he's going to detonate it now but he sees both wins so like you mentioned he could probably just go straight mountain giants he's going to want a bear or two for just rejuve is so crucial in this matchup but he'll probably wouldn't be surprised to see him go right into mountain giants after the first bear or two he's gonna have the hard counter available uh talons are extremely good against bears for obvious reasons but against mountain giants not at all does he know about the talons i mean there's only one way really right like that is the only possible transition that moon can go for yeah he had a wisp that saw it whether or not he actually checked when he was microing but you know he does yeah he did get the wisp in there to see so at least be on his on his map if he looks in the fog of war very good now the beauty of reach of a nation on the demon hunter with fairy fire you take a lot of damage archers of course add a lot of damage as well but there's no dispel if no wisps and that's the big downside at the moment riju and roar galore while we're going or taking a look at the lures once again no sign of a mountain giant but one thing is for certain he will have enough lumber for the mountain giant upgrades absolutely yeah those shredders gonna help both players and talons adapt master on the way soon but really you know the cyclone is great of course but it's more so the magic damage that's excellent here for moon the archers are still going to be very strong against the towns themselves but the orbs that's now been purchased in the demo hunter clean those up quite easily so moon's going to have map control for a little while the question becomes is foggy just going to keep building bears because i would argue that's a mistake we'll see how we can engage with the bears but uh they're gonna drop once there's you know six eight talons which is an easy task to get that many the bears just die right away true can be staffed but foggy no steph yet was prioritizing the orb which uh will of course pay dividends but save for the staff now abolish magic coming in foggy with a dryad transition yeah that's good obviously that's very very strong against talons not so much of his talon archer because the archers are hard countering the drives in a way but foggy yeah getting a lot of kills here forcing the heel stroll early the bears are squishy but foggy's still trading quite well and now masters finish now we got the heroes up in the air and the bears up in the air he's chasing that naga not fast enough and know the spell yet can he still do it not much damage on the archers of foggy because uh of course elune's grace reduces magic damage and piercing damage demon hunters chasing out of the fight in the meantime there is the giant with this bell now and there's not much milo left yeah cyclones the naga will live to the back staff out on the demon hunter the naga now for moon getting quite low the bears need to be careful though if they're able to be pelted by these talons they'll just die immediately the issue now becomes for moon how do you heal up your army if you don't have bears and you have no moonwell mana this is the downside of playing talons he has a potion for a hero that's kind of fine naga makes it to the right hand side involved potion maybe yep there we go and foggy is getting more and more dryers and that means more dispel and that means that cyclone is becoming less and less effective moon is running out of time yeah moon is just building pure talent as well he needs to build some archers to mix in here or else the dry heads are going to be the obvious hard counter the towns can't attack the dryads so it would just be heroes um which is tough to deal with you know anything more than a couple of drives here and the creep jack coming in foggy playing very aggressive not allowing the talents to get a ton of mana or crucial numbers and he's not allowing moon either to heal up his demon hunter is so low right now has to use a crow form against the lightning shield rune bracers not a great item per se in this matchup and a town portal forced is foggy just making everything right it seems like we both thought maybe you know mountain giants before bears but you know just get a couple of bears heal up your heroes play the health advantage and then just go into dry it's very simple and what do you know he's got a bunch of wisps which uh you don't see it too often but with detonates in this position on the side of foggy are gonna get rid of all the cyclones that they landed and we were talking about mountain giants and foggy is doing us the favor and he is going mountain giants first the upgrades so he can bank a little more on 50 needs another moon world and then you press the mountain giant button just once you get two of them and yeah tricky situation clockwork goblins coming as we have a tinker of my favorite heroes but you know what foggy once again doing the bomberman is he just going straight for the tree there's no nature's blessing oh second sapper don't think there's enough damage to the demon he needs one more attack can he get there and the shredder and the bear were blocked behind the dryads the first mistakes by foggy here he's still trying to brute forcing but he sees this is impossible next repair by moon nagar killed with the meta burn okay moon is back in the series and maybe a little over ambitious there from foggy i do like to see the confidence we've been talking about that throughout the tournament to go for a play like that against a player like moon that is so on point playing 500 apm all day like you know it most often it won't work out but i like that he's going for it a big investment and he does get kind of that investment in return minus the naga loss because he delays the mining a ton in the main base and kills a bunch of wisps indeed around uh 400 apm that is quite impressive throughout the entire game demon hunter still no staff naga about to be back he's gathering a couple of mana points here for a lot of cyclone and controls the shop 30 seconds till naga is back but no mountain giants in production foggy is greedy here yeah and by the way i didn't touch on this too much but the the tanker is great not only against the dryads when they explode they do siege damage but also their auto attacks do normal damage so they counter both triads and mountain giants simultaneously if you can get level three tanker it's a very good choice you also have to position the pocket factory quite well okay the engine protector goes down cyclone to control the demon hunter and four dryas although they can solo this whole army they cannot solo the berserker on their own true and also probably not the heroes fairy fire replied now mg's in production they are huge they have a lot of hp and they take quite some time moon is this 2003 he's fishing with ap so cool this is a good old-fashioned turtle rock play right now this is used to be what it honestly we got that a little bit on tide hunters earlier as well just a mass archer and yeah we've seen games with 20 30 ancient wars in the past if these get up they'll be quite the threat again normal damage against the mountain giants that are coming out is nice but foggy doesn't seem to be panicking too much at all now very calm and composed trying to jump in with the dryads from the right hand side keeping a lot of units healthy repairs when it's necessary not losing too many wisps here naga is back and now mountain giants are here and they take little to no damage from moon's entire army the pocket factory runs out another one spawned ancient wars up i like the drives to the right as well just cutting off possible reinforcements yeah cyclone now on the heroes the issue becomes dealing with these mountain giants at this stage they're taking some damage at least but uh it's tough it's tough to break the wall that is these uh these stone these stone giants here yeah oh my god so many bricks in this wall he was focusing this mg for half a minute and he's only down to 50 percent while oh my god this is so sick how much they're able to tank is incredible moon has the engine of war up both of them actually but he's also suffering with the heroes taunt used again triple hero very very helpful for the cargo space for items and now slowly but steady mountain giants are in trouble and good luck healing them up again yeah there is three relatively full moon wells in fact full no wellspring though so 900 health they could gain that's not even the health they're missing right now between one of them but the ancient wars are gonna fall and that's the third mountain giant now the issue becomes soon three means soon there's gonna be four mountain giants neo and then i don't know if this army is gonna work any longer from noon he's switching back to bears for a little bit of raw and redo which i like yeah mixing this army up is really important you need a little bit of dispel crowd control with dryads then add healing and both with bears and of course the mountain giants in the front to buy space for the other units that otherwise can get countered by talons archers i think moon realizing the urgency here he buys heel scroll protection scroll going right back in a bunch of stuff is low you mentioned those bears reinforcing foggy and he needed them because everything has yet to be fully healed up the moon walls are still dry and it's still daytime for another three bars there so it's quite a while and foggy's gonna have to hold on again he's got a supply advantage but uh you know mountain giants are only tanks they're not really a damage dealers and that's a lot of supply and mgs yeah three bars basically three minutes so here we go big front line is that ideal i don't know folk lightning coming in dryads are taking quite some damage tinker is in trouble has an invo potion though moon's control seems to be a lot better than in series one foggy is losing bears of course still the big supply lead but then it's mostly due to mgs yeah 56-45 now two of the mgs are half health which is quite the task to just get the their surround on the naga staff is on the wrong hero he could actually cycle the demon hunter and maybe kill the naga top for foggy to be able to save every hero if one does get surrounded because the hero with staff could just be cycling as well love that it keeps the bears mostly in the back to not expose them to the talents too much he needs them as healers he needs them for redo on mountain giants and of course heroes and that's what they're mostly for they're not here to win the fight or break the bases as they usually are they're just support units at this point yeah ridiculous moon's been able to stay in this game despite fighting against three mountain giants and such a strong army from foggy the tinker got another heel scroll but he's needed here to use that scroll right here right now fork lightning is good mountain giants are getting there they're getting low soon they'll start falling i mean if one or two falls the d butter though has to be so careful if he's out of this fight where's the damage coming from he's gotta be staffed there is no staff why was there no staff move losing his first hero the staff was uh off cooldown indeed i think he wanted to pass an inward potion but that didn't work either naga and trouble moon this time the involve works he's about to kill 14 supply here as fairy dragons coming in interestingly dodging some shots but both heroes super low staff works but now what about that tinker foggy are you finally breaking that siege oh man and just as moon was about to start killing the demon the yeah the mountain giants and breaking through all three of them were finally below 500 health now he's got to go back his moonwells are probably all right yeah you can at least heal up his naga but he's got to go back and allow you to heal up these mountain giants now demon hunter out of position back to the point where you could cycle in the hero that has the staff to get the demon hunter kill that's going to be tough dangerous for lightning coming in tinker saved as it seems demon hunter again so low focus d8 is trying to solo tank the talons here it seems to be working 7 supply gone with that one mountain giant but should be relatively easy to reproduce and forget an unfortunate 51 supply but he's catching up and now the bears can finally do damage again they're waiting for this moment for such a long time and moon's in trouble yeah the heroes have to heal up desperately of course there's no chance for well spraying for moon but at least it's night time but that also helps foggy one mountain giant finally fell but that might be the only one that is falling by the way the main paces are out after all these fights moon has 300 gold left because of the harass earlier um but yeah the main bases are going to be moving over to the naturals this i didn't this doesn't feel like a 22-minute game they've been fighting the whole time yeah i'm uh peeking at twitch that if twitch set on map one says what a series then you know that these players are doing something quite well so how can moon strike back he has a level five demon hunter about to at least close to a level four naga but only close to level ups not really getting the level ups natural expansions aren't even free i think uh in the north the big golem is gone but there's still a couple of units left and they're both moving that tree oh no not moving that tree is foggy history waiting for nature's blessing tanker level three that's a huge upgrade that's most of the damage against the mountain giants added with the uh with the orb so that's gonna be nice foggy should probably pay more attention to killing that pocket factory if you just kill it right away it's quite an easy pick off so something foggy has to focus on for now though 54 versus 44 supply what moon needs is probably a little bit of time honestly if he can get his expansion down and rooted he's gonna have really nice heroes going into this uh late game the naga's almost four the demon hunter is almost five and he's got a full extra level three hero where does this go unbelievable um there's so many creeps left too like both corners are are still available obviously i'm in a teepee from the upper left earlier but like the fact this renegade in night elf mirror is still available this is normally such a huge priority on this map in night open here yeah usually whoever gets a vamp aura wins like in a straight up a click battle roots of kel'thalas demon hunter won't complain not the biggest uh of all dreams ever but okay we're establishing a second base and in my life i've seen amazonia outmined once let's see if we can do it again it'll be another uh 33 minutes before we mine out here at this rate maybe 34. yeah the mines have to entangle so about 34 minutes so if we go to the hour mark will be my note about that's that's the weird thing about amazonia the natural gold mines have so much gold 20 000 more than i believe any other map in the 1v1 that pool it's a interesting dynamic it is an interesting dynamic interesting by the way as well foggy going for mana shield and has it enabled makes a lot of sense because she's the orb carry tinker in trouble so is the demon and the is going for a lot of hero focus these bears very exposed though yeah that's a lot of free kills that's what moon wants that's what feels good is being able to kill those bears because he can't really kill anything else the dryads can only die to the heroes and mountain giants don't really die at all unless you're that one sad mountain giant that died earlier a couple of drives will eventually fall but the demon hunter level five at the back for foggy is kind of wrecking everything and moon's trying to buy time but every hero is always perpetually low and gg will be called a crazy game and foggy goes 8 and 0 in this tournament yeah i can hear you but the people can't hear you mr remo demo he just disappeared because he was too amazed by game number one great performance did is is he just kissed and blessed by the gods and angels right now just everything foggy does is working out he's like king midas everything he touches turns into gold hopefully he doesn't have ass tragic of an end but uh absolutely amazing mountain giants we don't see them too much anymore nowadays but against talents they are often times the key and that was a fun game a good start for our grand final this is the best knight of mirror possible when games are like this i love it so much and i love the community when they contribute to this wonderful prize pool here rockatosh with the five dollars getting that swayed back to warcraft profile picture there is a serasna with a five dollar direct contribution and cafalas with 20 directly right into the prize pool well that means we are 144 dollars away from the 7 000 which would be absolutely incredible don't forget guys today is the last day to get one of these two beautiful profile pictures if you are a war 3 champions player yourself which you absolutely should be then this like if you ask me having this profile picture is a must at this point who's watching walker 3 tournaments and playing war 3 champion doesn't have one of these two glorious pumpkin profile pictures i don't know anyone right carson and remo true yeah i am the i am the pumpkin he's the pumpkin that's my nickname yeah because when i was streaming during halloween i uh i put a picture of a pumpkin over my head in the in the intro screen so everyone called me the pumpkin i like to call you the big spice ooh i like it i like it but you'll be spicy for me carson i think so every day okay i we the delay from neo okay weird champ let's get going yeah please we have ourselves a map number two and that is last refuge foggy today winning four maps in a row first moon and i am lagging once again if i'm lagging i'll leave immediately so far no spikes no bebs at the moment not yet that's gotta be weird why is it last refuge every time why do you hate last refuge so much like refuge haste hates me dude stop my people cut it out please dude if you've heard how much you've been hating against illusions and now it's getting its vengeance it's not my fault that there's illusions to be found and creeps all working up to whose fault is it then last refuge you see that's why all right you seem to be fine though no lagging here yeah very very much lagging here okay yeah never mind in case neo has to go to the uh clean feed maybe you and neo do this one there remodel man yep that sounds about right yes the starting hero is going to be this is where we saw the bear mirror remember last time this was the only bear mirror we had was on last refuge and honestly it was the most underwhelming game so maybe they could make up for the lack of excitement in at least one of the maps that we had of the four so far yeah you guys tell me if i'm lagging in game then i will leave immediately but apart okay here we go on the feed that is very much clean we see the tail of the tape once again best night off in the world against second best knight of the world both in the top five usually moon has the upper hand against foggy most of the times but not here not today four and zero for foggy half of his games in this tournament were against moon and he won it all that's just absolutely incredible yeah so impressive foggy he's looking so damn good in this tournament he's uh is he emulating happy is he winning a championship not dropping a map that is stupidly hard to do especially against this caliber of players we're far from that still but foggy looking to cement himself as one of the best players in the world he has really gotten there very very very impressive what he's been able to do for the european scene now for a while we always talk about happy right but now it's just time to shine no happy here it's the foggy show it is the 100 foggy show we got moon on the bottom left-hand side trailing once again in a series versus uh versus the little magician we got foggy on the right hand side yeah it's interesting if this is gonna be another bear mirror or are we going back to very aggressive play in the mid game foggy seems to be slightly behind here but okay moon demon hunter foggy demon hunter and pun tao with the 5 euro donation thanks for the great work and entertainment thank you guys thank you thank you much appreciated your guys support for our channel also for the tournament prize pool has been absolutely amazing guys thank you so much isn't that that panda from the kids books when we're growing up pantout he is i don't really remember what he was but it is uh yeah yeah yeah something like that i think panda bears are so cute it is unbelievable how clumsy they are i don't know how they managed to survive nature but they did and they well guys thank you again they uh they are little arsonists and uh burn their opponents ah okay but they also spill liquor so i'm not too sure if uh i like them too much yeah so arsonist and alcoholic something must have gone really wrong in their childhood panda bear family going hard on them but yeah listen we all got our flaws though just just hearing what he has to say i feel like he seems like a chill guy yeah we all like to have a drink with a brew master one day for sure especially in germany we we we we hold brewery very highly in our culture oh can moon once again kill that wisp nope on a z he did but here not much attack timing so right we have to take a look at how many archers they both produce but yeah it seems like a little bit of a tame early game time for you to go to w3c finals dot back to warcraft.com and raise that price pool almost at 7k pretty sick these guys battling for the first place right now is more than just prize money here it's also about honor moon has been looking up or foggy excuse me has been looking up to moon for years has been modeling his play after him has been getting inspired by him this would be a momentous occasion if foggy can best his master his teacher the big idol for basically all the night elves out there moon who is more famous who is more legendary nobody and this is a long series best of five we're only at the beginning stages but foggy certainly with quite the start into this one already as his performance has been so amazing and now we see the first big moment of the game creep jack opportunity at the mercant pretty similar to what they played in the first series but no big steal thus far just buying time demon hunter is joining no reveal at the moment but foggy has to reveal at the lab that's a good one both disengage playing it very carefully at this early game not trying to give any edge to the opponent and fall behind something i've very gotten very good at you remember you know uh the qualifier a couple days ago when i managed to fall behind every single game but so far it's just that's all part of the plan that's what i told the viewers that you're writing the script here perfectly and guess what boys it worked it's all right um it worked both heroes still level one that's kind of crazy we're pretty long into the game here during the first night time yeah as action-packed as game number one was this year not so much once again stalemate and foggy as he couldn't go to the tavern for the first time i think is going for the keeper but once again has the option to just cancel it but moon is very well aware of this and the foggy doesn't get the naga that changes the whole dynamic of this map with a naga right now you want to get something done ideally get some kills but if you can't maybe claim the middle camps the two merchants here with the two big consumables are potentially big game swinging items oh when foggy starts the merchant that's a risky business can i get jack yeah and not the good way i mean he is doing some bodybuilding but this uh jack he doesn't like too much getting ensnared getting killed gives his opponent level two but then comes the keeper and this entangle especially against ushers can be pretty dangerous the trappers keep on throwing out these nets they have been uh quite unfortunate for moon throughout this entire day but here now he shall disengage eats one more entangle one entangle left for foggy but again not too painful of an exchange overall foggy lost an archer there was that a second archer lost maybe but he's gonna get the camp and that now is really interesting because foggy's game plan throughout this entire or these two series was to be as aggressive as somewhat possible and he was always the first at the tavern he was always the one controlling the middle not so much here with that keeper you want to stall for as long as you can to get the high-level thorns aura and then get into a direct bear fight but moon is dodging a lot of these bear fights and especially on lr it's mostly about zeppelin drops and bass races i am spiking horribly by the way right now okay i think i'm back i think i'm back there's about 10 seconds of spikes hopefully i don't uh dc but uh yeah i am spiking a little bit okay we'll see that in a couple of seconds black raymond by the way thank you for the one euro donation thank you neil for the beautiful recovery wishes yeah man i hope you're home again and doing good yeah those room racers definitely what fun you wanted if he had gotten scared boneshames plus keeper in the late game that would have been sick oh but guess who gets it moon scourge bone chimes for him and that sort of counteracts the keepers alright yeah that uh to a degree that gives foggy even more incentive to go for a high level keeper because then the thorns are at some point is better than the vamp aura is but that takes time i think foggy very gladly is gonna take some time this game is gonna drag this out as much as you can it's always the general rule this goes with the keeper you want to take it late with a naga you want to be active the red camp creep is looking a bit rough over here let's get it finally ancient django we got some this uh slideshow going on here yeah that is uh i think what carlson mentioned when he said he was dropping some frames yep yep yep and i think it was frame structure i think it's connection to the server oh my god yeah hikers sometimes it's very good to uh see a still picture you know so you can analyze the situation a little better it's like pausing a replay that's just an extra feature talk she's in chat toxic fix it right now tunnel into the route however that works i have no idea about programming but do it into the route yeah do it sounds good listen it also worked on what three uh what it was called g arena there we go i'm 100 sure that's how it works neil that's how it works right click tunnel and and then yeah i'm 100 sure that it was just a placebo but who knows both creeping it's a creeping fiesta here and so far moon is winning this with the higher level and naga but we're getting thorns aura we have an orb we have more cyclone coming and of course foggy with a movement speed advantage now all right first big fight breaking out we have three bears on foggy side but less of a back line less dps from range it looks like a bad fight for the ukrainian one bear in trouble zeppelin comes in good save foggy retreating to the main he's got some juice left in the moon wells but not too much ancient of war gonna buy time and again time time it's all about time for foggy he wants to bit that big army okay then will he get that time moon is just marching forward knowing that in the late game he is not having the best shot and he wants to keep foggy busy as he knows there is of course a zeppelin there's always a doom drop possible nobody has nature's blessing so bears can kill trees easily from a moon for foggy if it can repel this attack and be in a decent position the late game might go to him scotch bone times the healing gear is doing an excellent job here with every swipe a bit of help returning to moon no losses yet but the bare front line crumbling kind of on both sides home turf advantage of course four o'clock he was desperately waiting for that level three but he's losing bears now he got the level three got the thorns but maybe that was a little bit too late as two bears are dropping heavily in supply now moon owning this fight as it seems yeah foggy is building a couple of these bears but way too many of them down some heavy losses another one's gonna fall this might be it already folks on the naga foggy is struggling to get a semblance of a decent army here once again but he's holding he's got the shop he's got the staff he's surviving clenching biting but moon looking to put the nail in the coffin and he is taking the foggy script and he executes it and foggy doesn't really know how to react or can he claw his way back there's no expansion full moon behind this as there basically never is in this matchup but he can't fight he's 14 pop down trying to punish now an over extension perhaps one there so close he'll scroll last second d muhammad dropping low if he falls is a certainly game but there must be a staff there is a staff okay then can retreat a little bit it's still nighttime but yeah it's gone again getting so many kills this archer dead the dryad dead bear okay getting stabbed once again but moon's just marching forward unstoppable force and uh foggy at the moment not the immovable object [Music] yeah these bears the only two that are left appear to be very movable indeed how much healing has the skirt bone times done i feel like it's been responsible for quite a good amount of health care over here it wasn't even too expensive he just found it on the way now playing with a little bit of zeppelin tricks but can never be too sure when a naga and some artisan drives are involved foggy needs a very very special play to turn this map around otherwise moon is the first one to take a map off of the ukrainian foggy is looking resilient though it's hard to take him out he's on the map he's in the guillotine he's got him in the rear naked choke but he's not tapping yet not yet while he's still trying everything he can i feel like the guillotine is snapping anytime soon or is moon over committing foggy is getting a kill here a little bit of an overkill i guess with the entangle but okay finally something going his way closing the supply gap constantly rebuilding as moon is going for more upgrades one zero for foggy only well we have a two one four moon array so it's not only the vamp aura which of course helps but yeah the upgrades man they're definitely in favor dude if he gets to come back here foggy we don't want to get out of foggy's still down and supply everything's low with the zap oh wait a second you're a little ahead of me so don't spoil the zap there we go need some repair i'm at 1440 41 42 43 44 45. that for bear mirror banger match was a slow start but now it turns into a pretty epic one sick hold by foggy moon here interesting play using the tp to get back to the wells as quickly as he can wants to heal up and keep up the pressure he's running back across the map 10 supply ahead that is a big lead he's had a bigger lead though before foggy's clawing it back needs to get the scroll wants to get the scroll and i think it's desperately urgently eaten needed as well the keeper getting caught up with the staff okay shouldn't be a big problem yes exactly moon is breaking up keep paying the tax now we gotta loose up thank you pimp my and uh scroopy noopers with 500 bits much love off we go round two this long battle moon looking more healthy here in the yellow protection scholar as well foggy as the wisps ready to detonate but it's taking time it's taking so much time demon hunter also relatively low can't use the rejuve as he wanted to the concave for moon seems always a little better we have a new zeppelin saving that demon hunter a precarious situation but foggy taps out and is not flawless anymore finally got a bear mirror a proper bear mirror with lots of fights and yeah moon ends up doing it well played to him it's always a little bit stale baby especially that early game both players running around with like level one but uh last refuge tends to be like that um that might be the only map we have that standard of a game on the rest might be cheeses but uh you gotta have at least one in the best of five i suppose okay then we'll see where we're going moon is ready it is the newly updated autumn leaves 2.0 and we're jumping right into map number two as we had a little bit of delay here of course that was like is that the game plan now who's the first at the tavern is just putting on the screws and at some time of the game his opponent has to tap out apparently metal beer is always very uh close to the bone whoever's got that little bit more healing it seems like that one extra bear in this case two extra bears whatever the eight supply advantage that's all it takes but then sometimes pushing into the base if your opponent has moon wells has the shop in the back it could be tough so yeah it's always very very close when it's high-level night elf mirror probably the the closest most stale matey at times uh match up but when it's not stale matey it's very exciting it's down to like 50 hp on the demon hunters all that sort of place which we've seen time and time again and we definitely will again in this series when night of mirror is good it's real good and we just put it yeah who of our contestants gets match points we have game three between foggy and moon foggy is mortal and moon has turned series around in this tournament so where do we go autumn leaves will show us we are going straight towards the seven thousand dollar prize pool everybody as currently we are at six thousand eight hundred seventy three thanks to randy is with a 10 euro contribution symboling with the two dollars for the trees torben dietrich with the five dollar uh back to warcraft profile picture purchase you guys are absolutely wonderful need a couple of more of those 127 dollars missing to the big 7k what can i say pog champ park champ and here pod champ as foggy is switching things up again power steam skin this is a map that um i'm trying no we haven't seen it we haven't seen it from these two before have we seen this in a night elf mirror so far in this tournament i don't think so lolita versus foggy we didn't play this map and yeah this might be the first time so interesting to see how it plays out of course a relatively new map and there's always sorts of different cheeses when it comes to night elf mirror depending on the map we see a different cheese on last refuge from amazonia to concealed hill with the pot in place so maybe with autumn leaves there's something new foggy can show us as well with the bottomless he has shown us a lot of cool things i thought for example the a people she did on amazonia in the first series was mostly doable when uh you play from bottom to top but apparently not and yeah it's he's becoming very very creative not a copycat anymore hunters are of course coming so far single hunts which would be a story that we haven't seen at all yet yeah one age 400 says maybe with something like a fast expansion yeah there's actually a wisp in position okay second ancient war being hidden like the good old-fashioned secret valley night elf mirror days when you'd hide the ancient war in the hunter's hall behind your your natural expo classic i haven't thought of this map in such a long time there were some classic games on that map not gonna lie fire lord first power rush by remind that results in a volcano after 20 minutes absolutely epic but okay will moon scout this this is a little similar to ch as well sometimes played on lr as well very very rarely on lr but moon okay building a hunt soul very early on as well players forces are under attack yeah he's gonna be prepared really nice base build with the one slot in so the huntresses if they do want to dive on the four five six arches that moon's likely to build he'll be able to sneak into that base and then hide there with something blocking the door so maybe this from foggy okay he's not teched yet but this could end up being the macro style i think you pointed out earlier that sometimes we see from from both moon and foggy you fake the ancient protector push with the mass huntresses and then you just expand behind it instead of all lending your opponent this seems like with where the ancient war's positioned it could be likely um but i will have to wait and see i suppose because it's also not easy to get a zeppelin as well which is a crucial part a lot of the time of that mass huntress all in moon close to the engine of war but not scouting it only quote unquote going to the shop searing arrows so efficient cancels that oh can he cancel that more without support of archers and hands yes he can calculating this really well ultravision moon is catching up maybe that is the reason for hunter's hall early he's just attacking i'm not too sure if he goes macro it feels to me that he's just once again rushing this it's definitely viable i think again it just comes back to the the zeppelin being lacking but that's true for both players in a way of course you can get us up on autumn leaves it's just not gonna probably be possible with the time allotted with this sort of strategy um so one adjustment i'd like to see from foggy even though he won that game earlier on amazonia with a similar strategy would be the two glaive throwers when he goes for the push i think those are a crucial part of the strat and foggy eventually got glade throwers but it was almost too late by the time he got that first one in that second one so i'd like to see him get two and then go for the push if he does want to but he is creeping the expansion he's upgraded his ancient war not producing off of it he's gonna create his expo and tacking okay and we got a 15 donation as well as we are still creeping this i think i can take the time to read this one fifteen dollars by ilmi that is wonderful six thousand eight hundred eighty eight getting closer and closer and closer ladies a gentleman panda second in a night of murr this is a really nice read actually from moon he realizes that foggy may not be going for that all in in which case it wasn't all in he went beastmaster last time maybe he'd go for the tanker uh which is sort of the classical approach but with a panda scale's obviously much better than the late game and is still good at dealing with mass huntresses if there is maybe a sneaky couple of aps but yeah the panda is going to be a huge carry later on this might even entice foggy this is weird but demon hunter second could be a possibility attack i mean what does he do with the panda if foggy is just going mass riots true which is a very much a possibility absolutely yeah good question very good question i think moon has the wrong read i think he's still believing that there's a push coming though he might be and if there was he'd be very well prepared mana stone level two panda close to level three after one more green camp like he'd be very much prepared um but yeah he hasn't even scouted the expansion yet now there's a wisp going there perfectly timed and then moon's gonna start reacting however it may be in the past when we've seen players play this macro style with the expansion there's two approaches though there is either mass triads like you point out is quite common but also just mass archers so foggy's gonna have to figure out i don't know if he scouted the panda yet he's gonna have to know there's a panda and then try to go into lures that's absolutely gonna be the right play to get uh mass triads full of accuracy of course a little unfortunate i think this moon scout is just a reaction to where the hell are you why are you not knocking at my door why are you not trying to push me and foggy is turning moon's weapon against himself yeah right now would be the standard timing we generally see we see the zeppelin but we'd also see a heel scroll protection scroll purchase and then we'd see foggy come in with the aps this is exactly when the timing normally hits so we see moon going back and potentially preparing but he already knows about the expansion of course oh he's doing kind of an orc play as well with the staff of teleportation gonna start cancelling the entangled gold mine and he's seen so many blademasters do exactly this he learned from it and that is a slight delay for sure panda level three can be great for the for base race for harass but first he has to be worried about his own entangled gold mine yeah really nice play here from foggy moon did this earlier to focus so he's gonna realize oh the panda comes in though this level two breath of fire paired with the haze to be a lot of damage take all these hundreds of one falls and the gold mine is saved not with many wisp losses either i think the biggest thing here drunken haze so many misses couldn't cancel the entire goldman of course you can repair it for free it did cost a bit of mining time but that's about it but on the other side i don't think moon has the big shot to kill this expansion again but he bought time and now moon is with dryads his favorite unit for a long time probably three years now and foggy what does he have not much yeah he needs like a lot of time foggy or else just gonna run at him and kill this expansion and then kill him there's no way foggy can engage in a fight like what is he tacking into right now nothing seems like nothing like where's even okay he's second horror he's building more huntresses so he's literally doing what moon did to focus on echo owls earlier he's trying to get the expansion up and just hit the main base which is a possibility but with this panda repair is impossible against the tree of life i agree wisp will just be fried he was waiting a little since the first breath of fire is done but he's gonna lose a couple of wisps here one ap trying to come up but this is not enough hunts to kill a tree of ages nowhere near yeah moon had 60 supply hunts when he did it before and okay who's gonna tp back now it's half hp but yeah it's going to be a counter tp the expansion is dead and now foggy has to do it all over again he has to start again he ran out of lives and now he's going to start from the beginning he's got to get that expansion up again and start hitting and running that's the only way that's exactly what moon did on ecuados he can't win a direct fight he needs an economic advantage to win against this panda that's getting higher level every second he needs to keep hitting the base full lame-o mode but i mean the map is kind of okay for that there's like three lanes towards the opponent's base but there's just not enough damage he's at 37 supply that's like what five six hundreds a little more eight but it's not nearly enough maybe with the sapr play but he doesn't have the resource for it i'm highly questioning position this game yeah moon has a wisp there to scout for a sapper i think that's what foggy's thinking about but yeah again moon honestly has a better base race potential yep with this panda with the mana stone no chance for repair it might be foggy losing his mane and if they get into a base race actually that's when it could get really interesting because foggy let's remember has two ancient wars spread across the map so if they both lose their mains here okay moon is keeping he kills all the wisps at the main and tiki's back and foggy just gets out of there dude if moon knew this all along and because of that went for the panda right that's just so next level that's just i don't know how many how many brain cells from this man are just only working on warcraft 3 day in day out yeah it really is the best hero in this situation not only against the huntresses when there's no chance for dryads at least with no expansion up but also yeah all the wisps died there's barely any economy right now for foggy this is looking like a 2-1 for moon i don't see much way out of this game for foggy well not by getting the bottom trapped not transitioning into dryads i really think that was a bit of a mistake zeppelin at risk if there if there's a blind breath of fire that kills the zeppelin from moon i'm going to lose my mind oh my god oh my god oh no it's not enough though okay if it was enough that might have been it wouldn't have been all the hunts going down it would probably have been about four and then that would have been dizzy and then all of them would have died eventually uh it's still 12 supply then that's one-third more than one-third of his army foggy is in all worlds of trouble moon is checking if there's another expansion there isn't hey hey how is moon able to break his opponents first focus now foggy yeah this is a really nice position the snap of teleportation has been really excellent for moon as well and he's always got a teepee and yeah what does foggy do here he's just chilling he's like give me an opening but there's no opening there's no chance there really is there's not much of an opportunity at all to come back i mean if anyone's going to do it in this tournament it's going to be foggy but there's a lot of dryads out as well to boots it's just really i mean unless somehow moon just loses his mane um by accident that's the only shot really yeah like this zeppelin that has all the huns in the space if he moves somewhat close to this tree there's invisible archers there's a panda hugging this tree there's a berserker hugging this tree just gonna be down all right foggy's just chilling right now well i could be it could be afk if he wanted right now reveal here foggy's losing another unit the zeppelin is moving moon moved the arches away but yep yep move move move move move can't get close to the panda the breath scary scary scary foggy's going for an expansion which is one of the few plays he has available it's probably just going to be scouted because moon is really good at this game so he's sending a drive there immediately he's going to be able to cancel it assuming he scouts the right place but he's got ultra visions so he should be able to see it and foggy's still just waiting for an opportunity moon is winning the game by not moving it's the best defense you can do you just sit there he's going for a tree of life as well as finally a second lore yeah he could he could do the classic moon play here even put down three expansions why not all at the same time yep we've seen this before on other maps he's scouting that expansion so he knows okay i might move out once again probably exciting oh really i have to leave my house i i'm in my jogging pants man really drives enough it should be enough it should be quite easy actually to cancel this trying to contest this but there's just no damage trying to go into arches now will of course still benefit from the aura but that's pretty much about it okay it's only you know it's only a 10 supply advantage but you know this is a level three panda and soon to be level four panda that's really what's gonna make it impossible for foggy to go into archers still at this point well he's trying to but i got a feeling they will be fried very very soon just like all the huns he had a yield call against this but only one and there's way more mana plus the mana stone plus giants in the hands of moon who usually do a lot of damage but foggy is doing his absolute best to hold his expansion with all the scrolls with the illusions valiant effort yeah and if the archers get caught out of position they are pretty fragile against the hunches even though they do good damage to them themselves but the panda is just roasting everything and that's foggy's entire army gone he's got two archers reinforcing but moon also has an expansion up and mining very very soon entangled gold mines coming right now and this is just a bottom four of them at least but that'll be 2-1 match point tournament point now for me wow great game by moon seems like he knew exactly how to react the bottom either it has to push or it has to go for the expansion but the expansion timing didn't quite work out perfectly the pan on the other hand did seem to work out very well indeed the zeppelin drop not doing enough damage not buying enough time and the bottom cheese i guess we can kind of call it didn't quite work out there yeah this was kind of an odd game this was the first game where i really thought that foggy was off and not not really know what was up what to do and how to react to moon's play completely agree completely agree and you know maybe a little bit caught off guard like oh no there's a panda what am i supposed to do now i can't you know because with huntresses you always expect to have the not so much the map control but the ability to make plays more often if they hit the main base to force your opponent back similar to when you have a lot of raiders with orc you feel like okay if all goes wrong at least i can hit their base at least i can get an advantage forced him to tp which yes he forced moon to town portal a couple of times but that panda just equalized the playing field and that was like you mentioned just a genius play like knowing that maybe foggy's gonna play hit and run panda maybe tinker could be just as good but panda is just such a perfect choice there foggy facing elimination facing another silver medal and moon could win awl and w3 c finals back to back in just a couple of days if he wins this next one northern isles is the map that we're going on to and we got a 50 donation by j fools thanks for all the great walker three content as always great to see more of carson you've put together a big three like in basketball hey thanks that's nice i don't know the big three i do like basketball i don't watch a ton but i assume it's like like three commentators or something like that hey i think it's uh jordan rottman or something oh i see it's a reference to that not commentators okay yeah so i i'm down i'll i'll be jordan how about that guys remo is definitely rottman that is true 100 sure he uh will cast the next war three champions final in in a bride's uh dress thingy if we reach the 7k everybody one hundred and twelve dollars are still missing borrow rush with a 20 gifted sub so all right all right celebrate the game celebrate the players celebrate the grand final can foggy make this another full out best of five grand final as we had in season seven or will the winner in his debut be moon nothing else will tell us let's go let's go let's go hyped excited little anxious but all right we're getting there and we will maybe decided here demon hunter demon hunter yeah and this has gone both ways so far um you know they both won bear mirrors one of them and there was also that one demon hunter mirror on tide hunters earlier where it was a lot of archers so uh we've had and then we also had the bear versus talons so their their demander mirrors aren't always indicating uh bear mere but northern islands is always a good map for bears as well but it's also a good map for zoning for for something like an aggressive tier 2 play for mass arches because then you can contest the middle camps you can test the heel scrolls you can get something like a health stone maybe you know vamp or from the shop for later on bear transition so this could be a map that favors tier 2 aggression which is something both these players have shown oh yeah you know with these two players i don't really dare to make predictions anymore when it comes to what they play against each other i could see one of them going for the lab draw the creeps out somehow go for a shredder and push with that like this is the level that they reached recently it's just so sick yeah quadruple sap per push kill the main tpo something like that they're they're showing all sorts of different strats i'm sure there's gonna be a lot of night out players studying these games between the two there's so much tape to study in this tournament it's ridiculous especially if you're a night elf there's so many strategies to learn so many cool things to pick up it's awesome just as awesome as our viewers this tournament 20 gifted subs man that is a lot and yeah big thank you guys people like the idea of rimo as rottman i think we can make a stretch goal for that next time in season nine loving the idea items so far again not really sure got the better one a little bit more damage on foggy a little bit more sustain on moon and once again a little bit of a stalemate yeah except at least they're both level two this time on last refuge they're stuck on level one and there's always the tough scar available which can kind of break a stalemate because then you can get a nice consumable and an advantage that way once tier two hits and you pick up a naga say one player has scroll the beats the other player gets greater heal that's where you can really win map control early tier two so those test cards gonna be crucial for both players to try to creep are under out i wanna point out that moon just bought the circlet and i wanna give praise to sonic who was in my opinion the first one to ever do this and now a lot of night elves are catching up so sonic might be in a tiny bit of a slump when uh it comes to like performances and results but he's still an influencer he's still a great influencer and we got the first blood that goes to foggy by killing an archer yeah moon is pressuring the arches still but doesn't have dust could always reveal both these players have been very on point with their wisp positioning always going to have one at the left when he needs it but uh yeah one for oh right now and foggy gonna get a maybe a slight experience advantage but his archers are not in position with his demon hunter so he couldn't really creep something neither player can creep something because they would need to do it with just a demon hunter they're both going to pass by foggy buying boots which is something i don't think they've been buying boots every game in demo hunter mirrors that i can remember true that was definitely a cause that they were cutting do you think foggy is playing a little bit more careful now that he's facing a loss in the series or we do have the real true naga battle in the middle and so far moon is getting the better end of that with the demon hunter so low but yeah that's now thanks to the boost uh boost boots he can easily run away and for i think for the first time we have a situation where both are going for the naga at the exact same time and this is exactly what they want yeah that is the first time that moon hasn't been behind on the second hero purchase oh but he's going to behind in a different way getting creep jack now but the demon hunter the health is really becoming an issue now the naga for moon is getting pressured a lot block from fog he's really really nicely done he's gonna secure that second hero kill and that's a big advantage now if he's not losing his own demon hunter which against moon is always an option but no 100 xp uh hp and that is a big one it's only level one but it gives you quite some map control moon's gotta be careful what reveal used gotta eject from this situation huh another reveal it's gonna be needed expensive to not purchase dust but both players have been preferring to just use reveal it seems time and time again over buying dust interesting choice i suppose there's less uh over the majority of games i guess you you spend less gold on dust if you just reveal for that one archer you save 25 gold but if you need to use three four reveals becomes quite costly very true so we continue this brawl with the heroes back no staffs no consumables nothing foggy moved to the engine of war into the middle to help with this fight but there's no nature's blasting yet archers can just shoot from it uh shoot a shoot at it at the from distance nagana with boots that's dangerous for moon and moon's ancient war probably yeah it's at the expansion right now the natural so he's gonna have a free camp without taking any damage before the bears are out whereas foggy if he can't creep one of these middle camps at the cow he's not gonna be able to creep anything with it he's gonna have to move to the lab eventually maybe cut his losses yeah but really stale maybe the only difference is moon has an extra archer because of that kill earlier so that's the only difference but the lures are up for soon to be both players and tears going away first dryad will be earlier for foggy though that could be important but moon is pulling back with the demon maybe going for staff already as we have the stalemate situation thank you triple dou for the three month resub and maru dota for the prime okay they're just running back and forth back and forth running back and forth still no items from the ancient of wonders from either player but uh they're truly in a stalemate and like you said that dryad might be the breaker here could make a big difference if it's not in range of the archers can get on one of those heroes can help it looks like moon almost gives up this camp but maybe it's just a fake maybe just a bait but too dry it's human foggy that might make his army strong enough big moment that creep who's going to get it zombie mask and experience going too foggy moon at the moment empty-handed but there's a lot more creeps to grab up and also archers the dryads when are they coming for moon maybe a first one in the middle yes okay but that was an important engagement for the ukrainian a player that's an excellent item for the nagas you always have a cold arrow even if you get burnt down to zero you'll have a cold arrow in no time and now moon goes back creeps with his age award gets that period to vitality very tanky boy this demander but the most healthy could have given the camps he's prepped so far so that's uh that's gonna be nice later on but both players are gonna need level three book of the dead found by foggy power creep definitely getting the advantage in this early creeping because of the earlier triads yeah it could have uh could have used it in a fight maybe but then it's easily dispelled and experienced for your opponent that way he creeps this very very fast sells a bit exchanges the gauntlets for slippers nice idea can power keep and get both camps in the middle that is that's incredible another lab is pretty easy because he's got rejuve so foggy can now he creeps the first camps with his ancient war he's even got the ancient war here now the value from this uh from this unit that's supposed to only build archers foggy he's just jumping from one objective to the next look at this naga plus 14 it's not the end of the road moon is not even level three of the demon only gets it now no sign of an expo waiting for master bears all right yeah level two on the naga finally yeah i mean it's very hard to get a big sweeping advantage in demo hunter bear mirror until there's a big fight sometimes in the middle of the map that one player will win and then you get a big advantage but like as far as foggy could be ahead right now he pretty much is he's got an extra level in the naga he got some better items he even has a stronger army currently so he's not in a winning position but he's at least has a slight advantage which is all you can ask for here close game incredibly close series between them way closer than the winner bracket final reju applied okay we got master bears we got masters on both sides actually one one upgrade against zero zero indeed there's a fight brewing carson yeah and this might end up being in moon's base which is gonna favor him but foggy does have or at least had the earlier 50 supply moons still probably yeah moon still has one bear in production will they have a gentleman's agreement to meet in the middle because another player is going to want to fight in the base of their opponent with the moon wells in the shop in the back ancient war in the front so you know fighting in the middle would favor both players but foggy is he gonna get a little anxious to fight feels like it right it's uh doesn't of course you don't want to fight into a night elf base foggy he probably feels he has quite a big advantage again as big as he could have because he got the double heel scroll which is huge in bear mirror um so maybe he's like i need to fight now or soon enough moon's gonna have all the advantages that i once had um including upgrades including the heel scrolls including probably naga level 3 given one more creep camp so i understand how he feels pressured but uh i think it was the right choice to not push into that base horses are under attack at least not for now he sees okay my opponent isn't home maybe i can do something now as he's approaching the red squad big camper takes some time gives big reward of course how much damage can foggy do now before the tp comes home uh moon is committed to this hood of cunning not the greatest item the engine of war got killed and the tp is gone but for the experience this might be worth it moon even having illusions yeah level three naga is what he gained there and 600 nana on the naga that's a lot of fork lightnings whereas for foggy he's only got about two in the tank right now so moon's gonna have it cannot underestimate the amount of damage this naga can put out when he's allowed to use that full mana pool ancient war also gonna go down for foggy and seems like moon might have the stronger army but foggy's the first to break up keep getting two more bears but they're gonna be a little while before they can reinforce it's again about items heal scroll protection scroll going to foggy exactly he'll scroll board for moon 2. is it worth it to not break upkeep in a situation like this is it really worth it to be that greedy to cue another upgrade he lets foggy come to his side which is usually the better decision yeah this might be the time when foggy can actually push into the base he's gonna have a two two-bear lead for quite a while it's impossible for him to know this he doesn't know if moon's broken upkeep as well which moon just now did but if he did know if he knew he had the two extra bears if he knew he had the extra heel scroll which he probably knows um he could go but he's gonna play a little bit more tactically he's going for the zeppelin drop and moon is unaware of this must have seen this no he has no tp and 40 realizes he has no tp no nature's blessing this is the first real doom drop oh he has a tp no worry i just didn't see it in time is it just brute forcing naga comes in for lightning oh this didn't work before foggy needs to get this one i feel demon hunter in a little bit of trouble getting attacked by the bears has to drop more oh this is so on the knife that but he has to eject without getting the kill and that was quite a bit but wait moon lost a lot of wisdom didn't he yeah but i was looking at the supply i was like overlay wrong what's going on that's 60 against 45 what the hell again if only the developer of this tool would have taken away the army composition what a fool true yeah but we can we could count we can count um and it's still you know fighting chance for both players but yeah the economy is going to be wrecked for moon i think by the way there was no town portal i think he went by when he realized he lost foggy he got to the shop and bought one right away there let's see if closes out 14 supply lead but a lot of that is with of course use these with to detonate demon hunter in trouble has the big healing maybe focus should check that with uh moving into the back trying to get rid of that uh roar man up and fork lightning big combo moon maybe not expecting this the ukrainian marching forward and forward and forward back into moon's base moon juice not looking good anymore yeah we might be going to game five what a treat that would be foggy pressing forward moon kind of running out of steam running out of units of course pointing out a whisk quite a while ago and foggy's just pushing wow he really he solidified just small advantage after a small advantage and then with that zeppelin drop really solidifies the victory this is gonna be very difficult moon could hold but foggy the balls bears are dropping so like a lot of them for fog but now the demon hunter is back and if he doesn't have to worry about them anymore this might just be the knockout the demon hunter of moon at the top oh oh just dies like that and that is a 15 supply lead at the ggs and we go go full distance all right boys it's exactly what we wanted it's going toe to toe here the master against the apprentice we're going to have five maps and one last decision great game there by foggy it seemed like for a while they were refusing to go into bear mirror but now they are smart drop by foggy doesn't quite get the trio of life but he killed like seven wisps or something that's so much damage and the ukrainian he might be about to do it yeah that's the um it's an interesting thing because we've seen keeper and bear mirror we've all seen naga in bermure and you know keeper is said to be better in the late game because of the aura but without a naga you can't actually really do successful zeppelin drop plays like we saw foggy just win with so that's really a huge advantage that going naga as opposed to keeper gets you the fork lighting on the wisp is such a big tool just like we saw the panda on autumn leaves do a similar play as well so that's a cool thing i think naga is probably better overall for this exact reason yeah i would be very surprised to not see nagas here man banger of a match both players already instantly in the lobby let's ask if they need a break it's a long series one hour 20 minutes yeah our first game five as well incredible yeah moon is playing this lesson's a ton moon is playing the third series in a row winner bracket final lower bracket final grand final this guy yeah three best of fives in a row my god i can't remember last time that had to be done by somebody yeah 34 years old still good stamina he says i don't need what a killer okay okay no word from froggy yet but if he's giving us the goal we can go you guys didn't go to the 7k yet guys what's up there you were probably glued to your screens and your second screens and whatever uh watching the games but i still want that 7k there guys you have one job you did a fantastic job throughout the five days of the tournament obviously and the weeks leading into this and you bought the profiles and you donated and you did the twitter quest and you used all the coupons and record-breaking time and you brought us so close can you go all the way just as we are going all the way with these two brave warriors man high stakes i love it yeah concealed hill will be the final map of world war ii champion season eight finals said this is this is it this is it concealed hill we've been talking about it it's another map that does sometimes favor the priestess less likely to see a bear mirror here but we could still see the deema hunter mirror we've even seen is it from foggy yeah i know it was la light i remember when we had a season of dust leak which ended up being lolita versus foggy in a best of five maybe six months ago on this map i think it was one of the one of the two i can't remember who they did a naga first mass archer push and then when i asked foggy about it in the interview he said it was actually a moon strategy that he'd seen oh wow so maybe naga first we could see it here still waiting for foggy does uh like to take some time in between series spam this froggy to help foggy the foggy fans in chat already super strong there is hype around him for foggy he is not the the last tournament prior to dreamhack as he's also playing next which is starting tomorrow at 9 00 am hell's here shout out 9am nice and early we're going to get up and start the week early are you kidding me the canadian trooper getting up the entire weekend at like three or four a.m a big round of applause and hearts as it said for carson who uh yeah nose no sleep got his second uh vaccine shot as well suffering his arm hurts he's uh he's feeling under the weather but for the war three champions he's there as well okay sorry i'm just saying yeah i heard the resentment in that statement 9 a.m early are you kidding me the sacrifice you make to cast uh in a scene that's honestly mostly asian and european i mean without without the those regions with those time zones we wouldn't have a lot of competition so it's the sacrifice we make over in n a we've been in your shoes carson my first big tournament i cast was w3cl finals when no other caster wanted to do it solo cast 3 a.m and then six hours of downtime oh those were the days not a single game until 9 00 am but still back when we could still play songs a little bit a bit of a morning radio but hey different story for another time foggy is ready we started the series and this is the last one the last one matt the last determining map who's gonna become the war three champion season eight champion moon or foggy the decision and it's going to be like so high pressure like what hero do you decide to go for what strategy you decide to go for these players have been very um determined when they go for a strategy they really full out go for it the creep routes of foggy have been pretty much tailored to fit whatever kind of play he wants to do whether it be more passive more aggressive more hit and runny more macro based so there's going to be a lot of pressure on just even the initial hero choices here for both players well we're looking at the altars it is a bottom once again and moon is not going for the bottom all right i thought uh moon is the master of portum on this map and he barely felt unbeatable but alright gives foggy that part of advantage while we're giving rounds of applause by the way a round of applause also to the admin team that has been with us since day one and earlier duro as uh the number one tournament organizer uh bisha who was with us grinchy who stepped in but especially first and foremost nuhiro masuda who is as much of a warrior as we are just behind the scenes hosting making the pick ban selecting the servers and doing everything perfectly so we can focus on the broadcast hiromasuda good absolute gem and an unsung hero of this scene yeah evans have been absolutely killing it it's an easy tournament to have a lot of issues in because people from all regions you know players from china you have to contact them on things like wechat and you know it's always difficult to get vetoes done and just to communicate and get the hosting figured out so this is one of the most difficult tournaments to admin as we found out in the past so it really is a tall task and honestly we didn't do a whole lot of advent at least during the tournament it was all them so big shout outs for sure yeah i did nothing and that is perfect we got a 20 donation by justin dollars tara texor also gifting us up and we got a 10 donation towards the prize pool 102 short everybody from the big 7k but now oh whoa a 500 donation by clinic silpat 7 398 are you kidding me bro i'm telling you every time clyde still fed at the very end i would always say i would say the other day he just dropped 20 at the end of every esl job now in the last game stops five hundo just out of nowhere that's always his play he loves it what's about to say without further ado let's focus on the game boom there he is he he's the timing master but all right we got moon on the way to tier 2 hunter's hall coming early so hunter's transition in foggy second engine of war bottom right hand side is that the ap push or is that the autumn leaves approach that went a little sideways with an expansion again yeah it's looking very very similar to autumn leaves for sure even the ancient war in the same position and we'll see if you can do it a little bit better i think there's definitely some some viability to the strategy get that expansion up but moons seem to have all the answers but foggy definitely has some confidence in this strat to have lost with it and then still go for it we'll see if he does anything different obviously this could still be uh an all-in just because the ancient one is in a different position does not mean it's going to be any different from that and moon's going to scout the positioning of the aow um so we'll see all we could do is wait and see what foggy decides to do and that's going to be the same thing moon does oh then close i thought he's gonna lose that archer here every bit of distraction is nice if you can't distract from that level three demon hunter steal something do some damage drain that moon juice that's all incredibly important yeah claws are also quite nice for foggy dust still not being prioritized maybe moon's gonna grab it now yeah there he goes gets the dust sells the cloak and the archers are gonna start hiding in the main base this is a common timing for if foggy was going for pure huntresses to try to dive on top of those archers but he would also need the dust to do that so for now foggy just chills getting more huntresses we'll wait and see if he uproots that ancient war that was kind of the sign that he wanted to play more macro oriented when he stopped producing off that ancient war on autumn leaves and then if moon sees that he can react again with a panda look at the archer positioning the moon though no way you're gonna crack this egg nope i don't think so either the invisible archer wall sometimes used to trap second heroes here at the tavern sometimes used to oh demon hunter clothes used to prevent armies from retreating here preventing armies from entering and keeping the engine of lore safe moon just loves invisible archers and so do we it's a clean game so far by moon a more difficult map though to creep a panda to level three and it will be the panda but the ancient war can be moved into position still it's gonna be tricky he can get level two quite easily but then he's gonna have to take another big camp in the face of the huntress pressure to try to get the level three and he's not gonna be able to creep the first camp still yeah it feels like this is just mess and all in in game five for now at least panda really really helpful and i love the choice to go dr uh to go drunken haze miss check yeah look at this especially considering he's fighting one arch is going to go down he's fighting with his archers out in the open so yeah like you can do some extra damage with breath of fire but if you allow the huntresses to get on top without haze they're just going to kill every single archer even if they're down in numbers so i think it's a great choice but still he needs to get at least level two now 100 but i feel like moon like losing two arches there losing a lot of hp this will drain the moon juice for the push that's coming he doesn't have glaive throwers he's only going archers and giants only still gonna be strong very strong against this army comp but is foggy ready he's making his way he has no gold for scrolls the timing is a little odd yeah 50 supply but again like amazonia earlier in the first best of five no glaive throwers but it's still looking like he wants to go for the all-in um once daytime hits at least have enough for the first scroll the bottom's already quite quite low and without any mana as well i am quite confused but okay that confusion is lifting now all the wisps all the way up town portal sold there's no plan b let's just go man i think moon is very well prepared for this as well but daytime hits the moon mana what about 600 left for moon and that's going to be all he has without using a moonstone heel scroll protection scroll nature protectors will come up they can come up maybe safely at where the orange camp once was this will be it foggy break the base if he can he wins this tournament if not moon holds he's gonna get the three too that is the balls on foggy to go for another ap push just as he did on amazonia here on the last map where we all thought moon is untouchable on concealed it's that a z strat again did moon learn enough is that panda the correct choice the carry the haze is all right but i mean he's not engaging directly yet you imagine if there's two glaives right now in the back it seems like moon has more than enough piercing damage but he's not gonna be able to kill the huntresses and cancel these aps luckily for moon however though the aps aren't in range of anything at the moment the panda taking quite some damage but doesn't really matter the panda could go down as long as he uses his manifold he's just fine if the aps are now up but moon hasn't lost anything yet and there was a heal scroll and a lot of hp and it's daytime for four more minutes plus a bit he's sending all these hunches back how is he supposed to heal them yeah i mean yeah it's gonna be very difficult he's got a lot of mood while mana but that's only enough to heal up a few at least and another heel scroll should be available quite soon i'm getting a counter ap he also has the luxury of not getting his hunters all sappered so he's going to have a glaze thrower prepared foggy's getting his own two glaives which is necessary yeah but yeah these aps they have a long way to go before they really start pressuring the base a long and slow way as well as they don't have nature's blessing of course on tier one okay foggy did this before we doubted him if that's really the play it was the play but again moon looks to be in a better spot can these towers can these glaives make him the war 3c champion moon's gonna have two glade throws soon but foggy will also have two so he'll be able to pressure them the huntresses get one archer one huntress also about to fall there was probably oh no not another heel scroll purchase that's gonna be necessary for foggy soon i wonder if there was a misclick or moon just intercepted him now he got protection only he has the gold is that not available panda got one was that the one i think that was actually the one yeah i missed that but nice play for moon to grab the ap by the way gets sniped by the glaives so is the moon well moon can't go to 60. uh oh yeah moon and this is the issue with being on the defending side of this even if you have your own glade throwers you lose your moon wells and then before you know it only one player has the ability to replace the glaive throwers if they trade them out this is actually looking very good for foggy what the hell how is this working so nicely oh miss rally maybe drunken haze oh wow nice safe with the huns just create a wall panda can't reach alta falls next in line might just be the hunch so once again oh the glaze in the back are doing so much and these aps were not broken there's no clay throwers left over there's one on the way and yes the huntresses are dying but the aps and the glaives are really what the army is now for foggy moon has no health left i think foggy's done it i don't think there's any way for moon to hold this oh don't you count out moon he finds ways when no one else does but this time the bottom timing is perfect even buys another circlet and this heel scroll is everything three glaive throws the han sol is gone the panda is on his way six feet under as well protects the scroll used again patience before using the heel scroll and the shots killed two level four in the bottom not a huge upgrade of course but the shop going down is a huge kill and mood ggs and foggy does it three to two what a crazy performance from the ukrainian he is the new champion the one european that made it into the round of eight is the champion defeating all the chinese all the koreans all the americans players two maps only lost for foggy and man did he impress us all this weekend is he now the best night of the world yeah he definitely destroyed lolita he was able to boot to beat moon not once but twice his big idol everyone's hallmark to aim for for all the night elves out there foggy with a stellar performance the ukrainian really outdoing himself here today his shape is looking amazing also heading into uh the dreamhack finals of course at the end of this month looking absolutely absolutely astonishing and i think i think we got to hear from him i think we got to hear what he has to say do you have him on the line all ready i think i have to tinker a bit but not too much it should be fine he's expecting a call and there he is foggy wow what a play amazing amazing amazing performance if you could turn on your webcam as well in discord that i think people would love to see you as well but man what a series what a tournament you only lost two maps on the way to your championship you looked amazing how how do you feel right now i don't know i'm still tired after such serious against moon so i i have no emotion no emotion that's quite something man it was a long series uh how did you prepare for this tournament was there any specific uh thing you did or was this just your weekend um yeah i did uh specific things but uh you know it's a secret it's a secret okay i i i don't want to share my practice program before sweden and dreamhack yeah 100 uh understandable you will be playing in next as well right did i see that correctly yeah this time they invite me invited me i was surprised because uh usually they don't invite any euro players but you're a special one as you have uh proven this weekend it's i don't even know what to say but that that was there was such an incredible performance i think this was the strongest i've ever seen you play would you agree with that uh sure i think yeah it's my best shape at this moment because you know i keep play warcraft and keep work my keep improve my game so i think now i'm better and maybe play with less mistakes so looking at the games would you say that you still made some mistakes that you know how to improve or is this just your best shape that you can be in and the goal is to keep yourself in that shape i think a key is a regular regular practice uh work hard every day and keep uh motivated to keep to have motivation because now warcraft have you know warcraft uh hard to to have motivation for more players i think yeah if the people see you play they might get motivated uh to try that again mr carson do you have questions to our war three champions yeah once he's uh once he's ready for him he's cleaning his room up i should do the same luckily i have a green screen yeah one one question question for me foggy well just to start like that was a ridiculously strong performance well done i'm wondering i heard uh through the grapevine that you you have like a very early bedtime you normally go into bed around like 10 p.m 9 p.m 11 p.m very early do you have a very rigid schedule outside of warcraft that helps you with with improving a lot like you you wake up early you have a nice breakfast and then you practice how's your schedule outside of warcraft you seem very disciplined just overall um not my schedule not is unusual i go sleep maybe 10 11 p.m i think it's normal and get up eight nine yeah i am so uh yeah but of course i have special routine just uh correct special timing for food for for sleep oh yeah if i go back to 10 11 so it must be every day not like on weekends i can go at 1 00 a.m to sleep so yeah i try to keep my routine regularly it's uh but i think it's normal like for every sport guy and for esports it's also works yeah it's definitely was very common i feel like in the past more so for warcraft but yeah it's almost like the the korean pro gaming way like they're all living in a house together and have very rigid schedules which i think is uh at least proven to be very good for you in this tournament well uh congrats i think korea have a different strategy because they like grinding a lot of games but yeah i think in in my mind it's better maybe to have breaks so i'm i do a lot of breaks before matches and games right now can take 10 15 minutes so i think my uh my practice routine is different in korea yeah i think the idea is is to do do as much work in one day that you're still willing to work the next day is what i've heard and if you grind 50 games in one day you might not want to grind 50 the next but if you grind 10 one day you'll play ten seven days of the week i definitely definitely think that makes sense man yeah because warcraft is such a game when you need to be very fresh and your mind needs to be very clean to play because if you get tired after this you watch how players play playing and start to ask why he did this mistake why you know uh but yeah every player have uh energy level so i think sometimes um you get advantage because another player have low energy level and did a lot of mistakes for example not as usual for sure by the way foggy i wanna uh tell you um out in chat there were a lot of people spamming the froggy for you to support you the fans were really really hyped to see you do so well great finish for you it was amazing to see um and the fans were so happy especially you know eastern european fans what do you what do you want to say to the fans in chat that we're cheering on for you yeah thank you guys very much uh i'm sorry that i leave for my streaming and now practice without stream because i i try to concentrate and focus only on my practice but i believe that it's uh better because i can get a better result and you can watch uh quality games by me so thank you a lot for your appreciate i'm usually watching chat and i'm every your positive comment uh make me smile smile cool man thank you that is super amazing foggy we leave you now thank you so much for participating thank you so much for your games thank you so much for your time and just being such an awesome dude uh looking forward to seeing you in sweden soon thank you guys to do such a good tournament i want to say also thank all admins and organizator for do such amazing tournament so keep do it do it guys so maybe see you next season hopefully so man hopefully so the season 8 champion foggy have a wonderful evening mate bye-bye we got the boxing champion back oh so beautiful everybody that was freaking crazy and you guys you guys out there in the chat and on twitch and wherever you are you keep on donating seven thousand five hundred dollars prior to the tournament we set a cap uh and i think duro was asking me like should we capture somewhere like yeah like if we get 5k that's super nice let's let's put it at 7500 and now we really reach 7500 that is so much more than for season seven um that's a really really cool reward it was blue mitten with another 75 uh naus rahr with another five spooks from hamburg thank you very much for the five yup with the ten dollars nikolas with the five chris with two dollars and of course kleiner still pat you absolute madman with the 500 um yeah that was the first time we ran the world three champions finals all by ourselves with a lot of help by toxie uh we have to say duro bisha nuhiro man everybody who helped setting up the gym show matches uh rule us our helper for the ffa show match that was that was cool that was a really cool tournament if you ask me we want to hear from you of course uh feel free to open up a reddit thread for feedback if you think we can improve things or what tell us what you would like to see in these season eight finals uh this time we focused on a better schedule and make it possible that every game will be streamed and that as many streamers as possible can stream the games and i think we excelled at that but sky is obviously the limit especially with support like that absolutely yeah and i said it early in this tournament but and i'll say it i'll say it again just to end us off here like the the contribution of the prize pool is it seems like you know it's just for this one tournament but really seeing the prize pool get up to 7 500 is encouragement for everyone to play on the ladder to try to get high rank to try to participate in this to set a goal you know even for the the top level players but also the low level players to try to grind up and get to the top rank of the ladder just to get in for some of the prize worlds encouragement for people to play on the ladder and it helps everything become more active when we end up with this this huge goal that we're able to reach it's it is just money but it does help it really does have a cascading effect so it's awesome to see it get up so high yeah we blew the previous record of season six that was uh that was six thousand dollars now we're at 7500 was absolutely incredible uh love to see that you guys love the profile pictures i think we sold more than a hundred we have of course uh some heroes here like sercato who spent it 1500 governor with one thousand dollars claire still pad 500 um lots of heroes lots of heroes in this uh in this community for sure absolutely that brings us to a close gentleman we have one more war three champions finals in the books and i don't know about you guys but i thought it was a pretty damn cool tournament foggy his claim to fame his rise to glory amazing to see and as he said you know the the journey is nobody more tournaments are coming the big dreamhack tourney is on the horizon uh we're done for now with war three champions but we'll be back real soon you guys you guys are back in like 14 and a half hours for next right is that right yes i'm skipping tomorrow but i will be there from tuesday on and not only that we have so much content for you guys especially next week especially for the german viewers next week you can always check our schedule at back to warcraft.com relatively easy here we go tomorrow morning 9 a.m next winter start of the group stage that will happen every single day monday tuesday wednesday thursday i'll be there in the evening for the european cup 93 carson is gonna be there at night i think for the america's cup is that correct carson i will be put on the website still i'll be there though okay okay okay um then on tuesday we have the esl microsoft quarter finals van versus kevin and axelot vs francis and on wednesday evening everybody mr remo demo by our side here that wonderful young chap he's trying to qualify for the german championship he's already in the top 15 he has to survive the relegation he's facing the orc player tom he's practicing hard he has beaten tom before it's two more steps to glory and then he's in the top 12 and we will be casting him the entire maester shop that would be so mega hype if he gives a chance to his opponent and uh all stars align and he is by i don't know somehow somehow defeated he will then be back at relegation day two we of course have the german format creep jack now under our roof uh myself florentine bill and slash will bring you some action at 5 00 p.m on thursday and i'm pretty sure something's up on friday as well before we move over to berlin for the big esl microsoft's finals next sunday at 4 pm with slash and remo and myself in berlin in the studio you guys if you love what we do we have a support page up back to warcraft.com support you supported the players a ton hopefully you support the war 3 champions team a ton on their home page you can support us for what we do as well we are patreon for uh secret discord channel access for early access to the podcast for music and movie recommendations for fun game evenings for replay analysis for coaching for a nice vip badge in our twitch chat and in general the most reliable and steady way to support us that is the patreon also of course we take every single twitch sub whether it be with prime or without prime give us all the subs give us all the donations as well via streamlabs of course uh paypal or credit card there cryptocurrency donations possible via one up coin and we got merchandise over at streamlabs as well shirts hoodies mugs all you can think of is right there and corsair is of course the beautiful sponsor of this stream giving us the hardware we need to make these streams as good as they hopefully are and if you want to have some cool uh gear like mouse keyboards headset mouse mats ram entire desktop pcs chairs apparel uh streaming gear from elgato check out corsair via this link use the coupon code back to warcraft for 10 discount and that is now it for the war 3 champions season 8 finals gentlemen it was an honor and a pleasure once again we shout out new hero duro bisha grinchy sythrin or rulas and everybody who helped making this so awesome i'm out leaving you the final goodbye words uh i'm gonna go watch uh the cs go major now so uh the perfect timing guys perfect timing very this is a great day i gotta go get in bed i gotta get uh get something to eat maybe some chips and watch cs go later i'm i'm happy now i'm great this is awesome fun tournament appreciate everyone watching we had a shitload of viewers um and we'll see i'll see you guys tomorrow and probably the day after that day after that day after that for that plenty more warcraft you know so we'll see you guys soon have a good one guys take care we'll see you soon and bye-bye shout out to riptide for the beautiful pumpkins and the authors bye-bye [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 33,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: qgz2SQr2ECU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 58sec (6898 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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