WC3R - WGL SUMMER - Semifinal: [HU] Infi vs. LawLiet [NE]

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our first semi-final is about to start we have some storylines here remo and the biggest one the two biggest ones china versus korea night elf versus human yeah um night elves and humans the only ones left i think you called it on twitter the alliance civil war which i think was quite fitting no 1-0 nolan this time around these four players have proven to be the best ones and these will be games for the ages dissected and studied i'm sure in the future and a spectacle as well we have not seen too much from these players in this uh matchup before except for infie infie versus foggy yesterday and oh my god was that impressive by this humor that was absolutely scary if you watched only that match of entry versus foggy you would think how could any living being on this world defeat infy he was so stable he had all the answers but law light he's the one finding answers with creep routes with different heroes he can play the keeper of the grove opening now he can play the warden opening creep routes is what makes him though so special makes him so successful but he's still waiting for this one big title and today could be his day will la light the master of the warden finally be crowned it's not gonna be easy it's maybe the toughest task in all of warcraft in this matchup here we see them for the first time today we start on northern isles infy the very very first gold league champion back in 2015 the current reigning wcg champion not playing many tournaments but when it's a big tournament he still has that fire he still has that hunger and he shows it here man it's crazy according to the walker 3.0 ranking this is the second best player in the world against the third best player in the world this is the best this is the absolute best we got here today historically between the two it has been going in favor of infi with about a 67 win rate but that of course dates back a long long time in recent encounters though which is this year and last year infi won the last three matches as well and putting that together with what law elia told us yesterday um he thinks the warden doesn't necessarily work well against the top humans infinity age and the keeper also lawler once again not sounding too confident but i feel like that's been following him this whole tournament this not extreme confidence still resulted in amazing play by him perhaps just a bit of humbleness in a very traditional korean way absolutely i think it's a good sign that he respects his opponent but he's never scared that's what i got from the interviews he gave us you know you said it you said it very well um that infy usually is ahead that was the case in wgtl when they met on turtle rock but turtle rock is a map that is not in the pool here and it was the best of one so that doesn't say too much i think historically in gold league infie one two matches zero two zero three but the last i encounter in summer 2019 went to la light when he eliminated infi from the group stages la light's best gold run since summer 2018 in two years can he crown it can he make it for the first time into the grand final infie same for him best result since winter 2018 he was in the grand final twice one time he was successful against one to zero and one time he fell to the necromancer he wants to go there for the third time he wants to take the crown home back to china can he be the first chinese finalist in one and a half years it's up ladies and gentlemen it's the semi-final best of five for the grand final it's lolita versus infy all right here we go we start our epic day of warcraft on northern isles what are we gonna be seeing here expansion versus keeper of the grove this seems to have been the theme of the last couple of days in this tournament with the best play previous to this tournament many humans out there seem to be struggling hard against the keeper mass archer meta nobody seemed to be very sure of what to do but infj and th apparently they do know what to do and judging from their games so far it seems to involve expansions lots of footman double bare acts lola had said his strategies didn't work that well against these top humans did he come up with something new perhaps that's the question indeed and i would love to have uh like we will have taught later on for moon versus th but infie is playing something special that todd was playing as well and that's the double barrage i feel this might be the key this might be the answer but lola saw that yesterday and he had a day time to do something against the double barracks and i'm really really curious how this late early game early mid game comes to be i think that's the key it doesn't really matter if he plays keeper or warden the early mid game is the night of spiring out of control is he killing a lot of footman if he plays warden does he reach level 3-4 quickly enough early mid game key moments for this matchup yeah absolutely how much damage is done early absolutely crucial that wisp didn't detonate didn't do damage to the waterfalls didn't drain the am slight mistake there by law light he's coming in for the harass with a level two keeper trying to steal the item but doesn't get it am grabs it up it's the periapt not too amazing for him but at least the keeper doesn't get it and now of course trying to kill as many peasants as he can is lawler but i think he only got a single one took a lot of damage already the initial triangles come in plus one archer but it's a pretty good defensive set up here by infini not taking too much damage at all yet i agree oh lack uh yeah for you as well okay china fix please don't do this to us guys come on we want to see what's happening here yeah one peasant went down five were still alive if he was trying to uh get the resources up okay should be running again now so if he has the gold he's got the lumber and he's forcing the austrians away keeper already a little bit hurt and here now comes the expansion we have been seeing this over and over fast expansion against the keeper mass archer it can be dangerous once archers coming in high numbers and the naga arrives lots of footies will be falling sorry for these spikes guys we're relying on the clean feet that the chinese provided us normally it's running pretty well and now it uh is running again here we go we have another attack by law light relentlessly pushing towards this expo and this time it's a lot of pass and kills archers seem to be safe during night time there is of course shadow melt but it's not critical damage yet i would say keeper is down to 50 both archers are down almost down this will definitely be a town portal the light investing a lot into this attack and it does pay off but was this enough it was definitely other footy kills all added up together i think it was like five or six footmen hasn't that hurt that's a significant delay and that is much stronger than we normally see from this keeper harass very well executed by lawline coming in with archers from the perfect angle summoning trends properly attacking the right targets and then tping out with everything still alive thanks to shadow meld you got the legs again as well yes okay let me call the production okay that's uh yeah that's a shame guys we hope this is gonna recover especially today yesterday it was running really well and the day before or two days before that we don't want to miss of course anything of the games here today these are the best in the world going at each other early game so far i would say was going pretty well for lawler yeah the tp is gone that might be a little issue especially once the mountain king comes in okay we stabilize can infra stabilize as well once you get the level three which is very close to now need one more green camp or so and then he'll be there keeper's also almost level three shows you how much experience he got from those present kills and archer numbers keep rising very difficult decision now for infeed to make what's he gonna do next he's creeping for now playing aggressively against the keeper who's probably level three already doesn't seem very wise with all these archers he's gonna have a naga coming in soon i imagine needs defend certainly yeah we don't see a double racks yet and the archers can't reach the tower he's breaking the base with the treants here so that's more surface this arcane tower is just gone oh wow engine of war rush what he built a shop behind this double engine of war this is the new idea of law line don't give him the tier three try to break him with engines of war on the early stage of tier two as i said my early mid game is very important then this will decide the game my stream is not running at all all right we have more trains we have so many trees and this envy is not prepared for this at all there is footman there is defend but no tier 2 and you can use the ancients of war now to do damage to block to keep the archers safe you can also use them as production buildings he's not oh my god he's switching it up in every single regard it's not tier three it's not the orbs that stack it's not the try hero tier three marksmanship it's a completely different idea and infy is so caught off guard this is a slaughter i am i'm stunned again lolita coming up with a solution but if one player can play and win a game from this position it's definitely envy this is an all-in there's i'm very sure no transition behind this and it's only footman the question is what does infy build at his expansion they're still treating at the economy he's taking down the rags so no double barracks we have an archmage level 3.5 but no second hero level 2 naga for the fort lightning now look at this footman defense they can't do anything they can't hold the archer numbers are still rising and even if he uses all the mana there's a shot behind this as well i think infie missed the scout on the bottom right and didn't see this coming at all the little korean genius nature raiding the human base envy is throwing everything against it militia footman he's trying so hard pandaren brewmaster now but this is level four for the keeper the base is in shambles infused reliant on the expansion now and i'm really curious what's going on there the ancients are falling slowly but steady there is a tier three behind this critical damage though my goodness nature will rise against you indeed as the keeper always promised oh my this continues there's more towers from infie the panda immediately focus fired if he saves him though with 30 hp the heroes of lawlite are never in danger there's no mountain king of course he didn't need he doesn't need the tp if there's no oh my god this is six more kills yeah there's there's no stumble there's no surrounds he's not threatened at all in the naga diving for this panda still survives i don't know if the panda is the right idea he needed something against this mass clarity running on the keeper more trees the rise of nature unbelievable it is indeed a force of nature here that law life provides us the panda falls finally and infie is at 20 supply he's not mining from two bases low light on the way to tier three with 47. new workers are coming in the panda is being revived but the breath of fire doesn't even do too much against the arches he's brave enough to dive into the towers there's no base left archmage is coming in for maybe the last defense of infy and it's not much entangle this is so anti-meta it's not taking out five six footmen with entangle it's throwing all the trees against the human army but enfie is doing damage now lola it's gonna be careful to not lose too much here already lost two arches it's again it's so many pests though it's a level five keeper now if he kills one more if infi stabilizes here that's the comeback that's the comeback but the light is smart again trusting his keeper naga alchemist combo with must be heel spray he could do severe damage with acid bomb but if you can stabilize than it is with heel spray and that's exactly what he's going for la light still has some power spikes left it's not that if infy is holding on for two three minutes he's building the hard counter to this there's still marksmanship possible there's still bears possible and that is gg the first game of the semi final is a win for the korean with an outside the box strategy if i've ever seen one what a brilliant play by lawline really goes to show how insanely strong his shape is currently this is the kind of game i would expect by moon you know defining a new meta finding new ways playing an insanely strong style that's allowed to do it and that's the 1-0 that is the 1-0 indeed oh my the missing scout of infeed do you think if he scouts the towers in the bottom right that he can defend this with mass militia it was three engines of war and the shop yeah i mean even if he throws in the militia right there he's still fighting against a lot right he's fighting against keeper naga treants everything if he calls all the militia it should help but that's gonna be a thing to remember for the next few maps okay was that a one-off strategy or does that work multiple times that's the question here oh my the highlights man this how many times did the slow light surprise us i love the investment to this early push like sacrificing the tp he he wanted to do that that was his plan throw everything you have at that moment at the expansion to delay it and that is what got him the advantage to go for that was even the moon well wow i didn't even see that for moon well for shop and then it was too late already this is the first time i i saw this yeah i think it's the first time anybody saw this brilliant play that mane just got completely ravaged yeah okay i know that lawlia did moon they were putting their brains together late late late at night yesterday and if the two greatest night of mines in the world collaborate things like this can happen what a beast what a brilliant strategy and what an opening to the greatest day of warcraft that we probably have all year cool okay in feces this is gonna be a different beast this is not gonna be the same as against foggy where was really one-sided standard play and he knew exactly what he had to do no law alliance takes the game in a different direction takes it somewhere that we're not used to seeing it and now it's going to be up to infy to adjust on the fly against something new which is really hard to do but him being one of the greatest players of all time may be able to do it maybe he already has answers in mind maybe he's going to play a different style of course the reason he got so or he was so vulnerable to such a push was because he was expanding he was delaying his tech so much and he invested into the late game is that now going to trigger a response uh to go more into a one base play again something completely different more scouting it's going to be interesting to see well it's going to be brilliant okay we get the first submissions on how you guys watch this grand final and we want to share these moments david meant the creator and owner of walker 3 dot info we owe you so much my friend great to see that you're following the scene and enjoy it so much on the balcony on a laptop nice little breakfast for you my friend shout out to david i think all the casters all the players they wouldn't know what to do without you with the great replay archive and the stats that you provide we all in warcraft 3 broadcasting and competitive rely on your work and you deserve every praise you can get absolutely war 3 info what would the scene be without it many people have bet today on these games and as far as i know when i checked earlier the um yeah the bets were going were being distributed pretty evenly oh on our instagram by the way we have a votes there every day law light was the favorite over infy and uh moon the favorite over th oh really okay that surprised me a lot as well yellow light certainly making a case for that right now brilliant strategy by him but our second map concealed hill should produce a very different game just fast expanding to begin with so dangerous here i would be surprised to see it this might be a return to one base yeah oh man that's a big question now right how often does this tricky build work if we go back to standard now will our light still feel comfortable doing this in this matchup in 2020 lolita versus human it's 24 to 9 not undefeatable but definitely making a case for being one of the strongest knight or versus human players and currently on a 3-0 win streak in fee versus night elf eight to three the last one he won as well versus foggy of course with a 3-0 what are we gonna see next we see the players remo that's what we see once again the spider on la light infy for many many years was crushing dreams of uprising players left right and center that happened to foggy that happened to one two zero can he come back and can he do it to law light this is quite an interesting matchup by the way because the first big win of law life offline was against infy at wca that started his rise will it be the same opponent that crowns his rise it would be quite poetic if now infie is the next opponent here to path his way into the grand final and that would be low light finally breaking through that ceiling okay concealed hill ladies and gentlemen the korean takes the lead with one and oh starting in the upper right in the blue and representing china the iceman in fee fighting from behind now an unusual position for him but that was the case against focus as well it was actually the same map was actually the same strategy that he got punished for it was northern isles it was a fast expansion build and it was a little too greedy maybe he got punished early on by focus with raiders by law light mass arches engine 04 but from that moment on infy took the series time for a comeback or will we have another 2-0 lead for lawler just as it was yesterday versus lynn the starting heroes this is what we're seeing that we were expecting am versus keeper on this map there's not gonna be a warden demon hunter seems to be not a very good idea at all no matter which map but what is the strategy going to be here for infinity is he really going to dare to play this fast expansion this can't be right on ch what do you think about a tier 2 expansion on the high ground against archers that should be pretty amazing sounds dangerous to take though you're going to fight him to do a keeper archer and naga and if you're being scouted maybe a few detonates against the watch elemental sounds risky sounds very risky that's also a big reason why it's just creeping a fast expansion at the natural is dangerous one or two wisp connect all the watch elementals are dead and suddenly all the peasants are dying thanks to poison keeper and everything else starting items definitely favoring infected claws of attack for him keeper only with the ring yeah i like this creep route by the way this is something we sometimes see but not too often it's almost amazonia ask level 2 speed because you creep two spots at the same time it's a little slower but you don't take the orange and then move on to the map you spend a little more time but you have entangled guaranteed and i guess that's the plan here to take out the peasants and footman and infie is actually doing it that madman that detonates gonna hurt right dispels the water metal there's going to be another one ready but the keeper is not in time peasants are very hurt though how many kills can low light get on map one it was like six peasant kills and the big boy is still up for grabs last hit should go to the human and let's get it okay so now you got entangled to work with now you got triangles to work with and lola he is killing quite a bunch here another person falling soon there's lots and lots of man of course you have additional stats from that level too and you get the mantle as well so this is not looking good for infi again it's he can't even expand because all the passengers will fall yeah a lot of them going down already keeper trying to minimize the damage he takes and i mean didn't he have to expect this this is concealed hill after all maybe if he feels he has to expand against this style there's no other choice no matter how expensive it is there's still two three and infinite best infie fashion trying to save the peasants but there's only one left and you know what's so awesome yes he spent some time with the keeper to creep up to level two but the arch was already there putting in some damage the wisp was already there and then he could follow it up with the keeper level two in fee now getting level three but this is this is critical damage already you see the tier 2 attack at 65 this is one of the latest expansions and it's only oh my god is this this was not really a power spike even yeah this keeper is about to hit level three he's getting his staff as well putting in a bit more damage he's gonna staff back to the moon well soon and then it's going to heal up there didn't use any of the moon juice before i believe so it should still be looking very good did you see the dust away oh he stole the dust away yes protecting his archers very smart and infy is investing all his mana here staffing out now of course no disable the archers stay behind it's so rare to see infie without a single drop of mana like this is what made the chinese human so strong that they always had this bottle mental ready but now we're at the five-minute mark expo is not really up tech is done mana is empty naga push is coming the only thing missing here is level three keeper but he's almost there one watch elemental one footy should be enough am is waiting for the dust to cool down in the shop that does steel so smart and he's not even giving up the town portal like he did on northern iles he still has that was escaping with the staff now creeping up to level three values the level the importance of this level two it is also time for the improved bose upgrade to kick in for the archers increasing their range by 200 that's a very big deal so now this is the stage of the game where entangle is incredibly strong you don't have the spell the keeper can always walk into range needs a little bit of a follow-up but not much actually to get the kill maybe a little problem here for law light is the keeper is down to 40 percent but there's the kill in fee needs crazy good denies but he doesn't get a little it more experience till all i would love to take out this arcane tower archers thanks to all that range can attack it from far away and now this is the difficult thing the footies want to go engage and threaten the archers but when they do they're gonna get entangled and die super fast especially if they don't have defend which they don't seem to have acquired yet it doesn't seem like it that's true footman are storming forward the lights micro pretty on point two footman groups here one to the archers one to the keeper trying to force the tp archmage is doing quite some damage good starter stepping by in fee taking this one out it's night time can you settle there is dust now and this attack didn't work as well as it did on northern ireland it didn't break in fee and there we see the double racks again all right this seems to be the new answer for the humans against this style double racks mass footies and perhaps at some point transition into rifles if you need to against some kind of cheese or something for example one archer went down maybe two but we still have a lot left and tier three is coming in soon that will mean third hero follow online that will mean orb and also possibly mountain giants okay we see the defend upgrade t3 on the way as you say supply is even the light making no attempts of counter counter-expanding it's just wave after wave at the way of crushing onto the shores of envy trying to take the blacksmith down oh this could work this could delay infini's tech tree by a lot but the iceman holds really really well has to move the arches away now defend is ready all right the footprint can finally do something against these archers heroes kind of split away from the archers here for the moment maybe lonnie getting a little too eager trying to go for the blacksmith which was an unrealistic kill maybe he should have just tried to go for the footies which he could get easier but then again it's going to be lots of foot it is tier three already alchemist is out archmage has to tp away we're close to 50 supply for law lion and this tier three power spike this is not the last power spike he has but this is one of the best moments he has all game heel spray again entangle right clicks no orbs yet but the shop is in range on the heel spray perfectly used and marksmanship is about to be ready all right here going for the sustain option as of the third hero not for the bottom which some others go for heroes still looking for more kills am is healed up again but the footies still die quite quickly double rex footman man cast us only now you would love to have some upgrades i guess but without the blacksmith that's not possible also no options to go for riflemen fork lightning the alchemist is also a pretty good tank to stand in front but now there's no mana anymore the arcane towers did a good job the focus fire is crazy even against defend one tower was taken out still two still standing at the expansion super stressful game for infie he's under so much pressure in both maps actually this whole series so father finally yep he does the hero focus of low light is not working out yet i think for that oh gotta be careful here with the keeper waiting for the storm bowl to fly so the mountain king wasted a little bit of mana and then tping out the hero focus didn't work yet we saw that there was two attempts i guess he needs orbs for that how much gold did he bank 400 it's not going for okay the shop is here he needs an orb right that will increase his damage by a lot the observer is just waiting for it and there we is super dry by the way no light has now used all of his moon wells completely and still going to be daytime for a little bit but it's going to be nighttime soon as well and if he goes tier 3 with footies and priests basically he makes it work man he makes the expansion work on concealed hill with double rags footman how many players would crumble under the pressure that lawl puts onto him probably everyone else like including th enfield is the best at holding this stuff like this but for how long well i creeping up more and more who felt the loss from the fountain doesn't give him that much but it's more experience as well four three two levels now and the first mountain giant is in big mana potions wonderful so much health and yeah adding the sustain adding the tanks not only relying on damage not only going for the glass cannons pretty smart the next push is coming is infield going to be ready for it he's now fighting against the fully fledged tier three army with only footies this is super scary the nice thing is he's gonna be tier three soon and he has two barracks already so you can go into knights quickly i hope that one barrage isn't walled off in the main [Music] indeed oh and tangle on an illusion rare mistake by law alaia for the first time in this game infie has the lead but that is his army footman and a couple of casters tier three has not paid off yet can he hold on just a tiny bit longer he's calling a lot of militia he wants this around he wants the staff out to reduce the damage mountain king is diving deep he has clapped by the way even against the lunes grace this is working quite well but the mountain king in the middle of everything dude this hold is insane it's just pure mass flooding flooding in here with militia it seems like it's working out lots of potions on the mk to keep him healthy involved and he'll put us used perfectly three archers i believe were taken out that is some damage dropping out of lolita's army but he has still quite a bit left identifying the weakness there with the naga was pretty smart and lolita is not there yet where he has two or three orbs where there's so much damage onto heroes so the mountain king can do that with the ring of regeneration that helps of course and this build with clap this could be horrible for la light if the mountain king goes to three inner fire knights the space build at the expansion for the human is beautiful by the way the way the blacksmith is tanking the towers are in the back the shop is also safely protected there's always a way to fall back absolutely impeccable now the knights are coming we're not walled off by the way getting focused right away with the entangled focus fire from the archers but do survive this bell is there and here the paladin and again the militia flood and the light is stuck here now stumbled on the keeper there's the staff but no tp right naga tally stabs out now the alchemist is in trouble pure hero focus around he's trying to play against that with taunt oh boy but this is not looking good for the third hero there's no way out for him the knights block the way and knock him out in fee what a hold what a defense great play by the human the double barracks into tier three seem to be the perfect option now law lights first and second hero are back but infield so much supply with the knights the footies everything he can even take on this mountain oh the alchemist brought back from the tavern step out this time that was really close almost a dieback lolite fighting back 400 gold still left keeper back alchemist needs to run now can you bring some items maybe it doesn't seem like it the one mountain giant down to one third still no level three mk more mountain giants no nature's blessing no expansion thundering blades soon and what's the light gonna do now he couldn't break infy before he got a strong tier 3 army what's the next step creep up more counter expand is that too late still try to take a fight hard decisions now to make for lala infy it seems like he survived the scariest part of the game and now he's getting his powerful upgrades on tier three lucky enter here on the night but gets it on the archers this is cloaker flames for an alchemist can be great but of course he would have loved an aura no defense upgrades yet it's just two attack upgrades on knights and footies the defense is coming with the inner fire but what if you detonate the wisp against them plus acid bomb is that enough sustain hard to bring the whispers perhaps with the light only being one base as they are rather expensive an inner fire with this am brilliant aura support i guess you could spam that pretty well in these levels designed to get really strong four three two if he gets to four three three and eighty supply very powerful oh look at the mk just one look at this mk box there a human's sweet dream level two clap against mass archers and the big mana potion we have all of those to use but alive with the back to the fountain dangerous to engage into that position that wasn't the best clap here but of course he can spam that mountain king in the middle of everything maybe he has to focus fire him maybe he has to take him out there is the staff that should be the champs here and i guess that's what he does that clap was magnificent here comes the whisper that was so great against lynn already inward potion on the mountain king in the back line has to pop the potion does pop the potion insane claps he's working against that very very well with the heel spray though can he out heal the damage mountain king now needs to be staffed he doesn't staff him he's just dead infield with the mistake the carry has been taken out without the second hero can he still take this fight mg's are very hurt mana on low light also is super low if he said with a slight supply lead chasing further into the fountain oh he was entangled okay couldn't get him out then but yeah that was to be expected there i guess wow without that aoe what can he do with the knights trying to do their best but they are running around like headless chicken against the thorns it's not too many arches remaining but with the help of the fountain that should work and the focus fire on this knight is amazing what now what's next for infy the mid game looks so good no tavern revive so far how long oh my god what lolita's with his back against the forest here but he's the one forcing the tp paladin 50 hp after this fork lightning whoa what a crazy game dude lawley doing a great job there staying alive at the fountain i thought he was going to have to tp out there and he didn't have a tp so he had to hold his ground yeah scary moment that mk perhaps going a little too far he was so far forward getting entangled the priests i guess couldn't reach for the dispel yeah one mistake by enfie and now the light look seems pretty brave with the two mountain giants here it's gonna be a lot of nights and there's no dispel for law light level five keeper more range on the untangle that will definitely be helpful oh my god the speed of in which he takes out the knights infy is looking for his flank though he wants to get to the archers yeah exactly knights are supposed to work out against mgs but for mgs you just can't get past those and we're trying to distract and i love that it's just a tiny little distraction but you see hey something's going on in my base and you can't allow a footman to just kill your entangled goat mine obviously so you have to react but the keeper wanted to go home anyway we see now second orb of venom for quite some time and the damage increase is so sick could it be worth it to go for another orb on the alchemist if he's maxed out anyway why not he's only at 69 supply right now you could go for another moon well maybe a few more archers or another mg oh he takes out the sanctum i don't think there's a backup sanctum but infeed this might be his moment he's flanking does he catch lolita of a position not really the taunt in the north might sacrifice the keeper for it but it is the better position right now but lolite again he can't kite back there's no tp and the mk finds the archer back then he has to put a lot of emphasis on this hero again but there is an invo potion detonate onto the priest they have zero mana anymore naga focus fired staffed out all the damage onto this mk but the paladin proves to be really really helpful can he stay in this it seems to be too much 20 supply lead he's crushing him into this little corner so much desperation focus fire but the holy light is there again and again and again now he finally kills him but on the cost of what 20 supply almost no sustain anymore this wall of knights keeps him trapped naga is back don't tell me he's doing this somehow alchemist is in trouble for lightning the blockers are almost all gone he saves the heroes but his entire army is wiped out in fee my god this positioning coming from the upper right not taking the fight straight on from his base up north but moving around the little forest he knew exactly low light had no tp and nowhere to run damn great fight by infinity and lolite i mean kind of exposing himself to something like that in that corner there was no retreat anymore and given enough time even mg's can fall against three one upgraded knights with inner fire with scroll of protection they were sober yeah they have to sustain now with the uh defense upgrade and as you said it's got protection infi wants to claim the high ground he wants to expand there just like he did in the match up versus org lolita creeping but he needs to rebuild everything now can the heroes do it alone doubtful no mountain giants to distract no gold anymore to rebuild this seems to be the end it's a kill of the keeper and infie magnificent play on concealed hill playing this expansion weathering the storm against the wave after wave of attack by law lion and man he does it he does it i don't know how but he does it amazing game by indy we're both concerned are you really gonna expand on conceal that might become expensive that expansion is hard to take law light swoops in and kills a million peasants how many was that seven eight yeah nine peasants it was crazy but infie he seems to have the right idea no matter what he needs to expand he needs to mass footies he needs to go tier three and then knights and of course saying that planning that is the easy part surviving until then that is where the master infi comes in with the performance that only the fewest can pull off brings us to a 1-1 and now it's interesting now we see that both players can win this this was also pretty close man i think lola was pretty close to breaking into here a few times but infie just holds on survives and in the end he clutches it out we see it in a second this flank unbelievable i thought when the mountain king dies okay he got it from here but this move this fight at the fountain was already really risky not going for a tp and this one okay this is a little late into it but the way the knights move forward press them into this little corner and the mistake here no tp i think if he tp's out he can rebuild from there maybe even expand there was a tree ready right or at least he minds out the main and then moves over to the middle or to the upper left a tiny bit too greedy by a lower light and this one mistake gets punished hard in fee yeah i don't know what what to say about him anymore like every other player would tap out he sees a glimpse of hope and he plays it from there just wonderful so we've had uh two keeper maps so far this is going to be the question i think for all of these matchups keeper or warden there was a one one one going to long line one going to infie one of lorelei's map picks will be turner stan where can be very sure there would be a warden it's gonna be either ts or az next and easy okay easy that should normally mean a keeper but warden has also been played here before he's also seen some success before but she's hard to play this is the easiest keeper map as we say many times we get another little impression from your living rooms it's from blast a fellow warcraft streamer and player and that is a little family affair here as it seems watching with the family at home go go my night elf legends love night elf love back to warcraft love to see that the whole family oh wait there we go from your living rooms love to see the family reunited cheering for the night elves here that's what we want this is the biggest event that this scene has to offer and a lot of hype about that everywhere but what do we get for our third game this is shaping up to be a great series dude both players here playing on the edge playing on the very highest level forcing the very best out of the opponent okay is it's easy to lose hope now of course after this early game it looked really really good but it wasn't enough to break in fee so lola not too experienced compared to infi in these final four world championship caliber premier tournaments does he think okay now he figured me out this is where the avalanche starts what does he think okay that was his map he took it whatever this is my choice and i will crush you now yeah amazonia it's also a hard expansion creep and it should be much easier and much faster for the keeper to come in here and harass right so this could be even worse for infie possibly is it is he still gonna play fast expo here this is probably the worst map to do it on of course there's a little bit of juicy history here from wgtl the two teams ell with loreliad faced the rogue warriors with infy and there was this unfortunate disconnect and infie said well we don't get a death win we will just quit the tournament lola deeply affected by that this is maybe time for revenge i mean all good now but that was a very very stressful moment this year lolita seemed definitely shaken by these moments is he shaken by concealed hill or will he claim the lead once again it's amazonia in fee in the bottom left lol ayat in the upper right we see a normal build here by enfield he's not jumping on board with the naga experimentation as it seems should be an am against very very likely a keeper of the grove back in the day we used to see some demon hunter harass on this map with immolation but those days are over it is again keeper as we expected still no warden shown in the first three maps yeah i think with good reason right the way infy played this defensively against the warden of foggy of course pink condition whatever but the decision making was unbelievably great and he said it many times like the chinese human they just beat the one it doesn't work anymore all right though is the best warden player in the world was even able to take out other top players in other matchups like happy before with her if we go to ts and echo we may see her again but here now it is the keeper whispers at the expansion scouting for the creeping of that and indeed envy's going for the instant expo this is a little dangerous isn't it for this engine of war needs repair i think he got this now but yeah again pretty much same game plan as on ch right level two let infy creep this and if he's skipping the lab yeah envy's going to be stuck on level 2 for a long time though he decides he has to creep the expo instantly otherwise the keeper is going to be there too fast for the harass so he's sacrificing his levels for a good start with the economy if he has low lumber what is this he's not building anything he's only 20 more he's gonna be there soon all the beasts used all ready to deal with the treants wow it's fortriones coming in with the scroll of the beast on the watermelon that's a lot of damage low light trees are all over the place not doing too much damage he spreads it to then probably get the last hit with the keeper new round of three and summon no entangle at all he wants the constant damage instead of the single target damage i like this usage of scroll here actually so important to keep these alive as much as possible yeah he didn't lose much true he only lost like one or two peasants yeah that's incredible but now it's dark the odds are here oh one dies keeper the ring actually helping him quite a bit if he gets that last peasant there it's an insane delay but no oh my goodness trying to punish the fact that the am isn't level three doesn't have level two elementals but he's pretty close 2.5 keeper not getting full mana in fee is he scouting yeah he is he sees the upper right no towers in the main the light is moving in wisps i guess perhaps detonates perhaps for ap no no i i think it's a piece of entrance of war at the main he's poking at the expansion but he builds yeah exactly he's just poking at the expansion but he wants to break the base because there's no protection okay interesting level three is here crucial on both sides the am is close the keeper is not close at all or if he's scouting for this he sees two wisps he doesn't make the mistake of northern ireland anymore the way he adjusts is insane and that's level three and that wisp was level three now going up against mass hunts with a level 3 a.m with level 2 elementals this looks easy huh it looks like lolita's time is running out here on this map he needs to do big damage real soon he's pulling three new wisps this is all expensive how one scout can change the game not level three needs to put some time on to this but of course with hunts it's relatively easy is that a reaction from the iceman and he scouts the wisps again he sees this coming perfect going for a shredder it's going to have lumber soon okay can he break this he has to break this there's a big big timer on low light and it's about to run out mana is super weak for the keeper and there is a cloak on the archmage that no dust needs to use reveal observer points it out he does have the gold for it does he have the presence of mind once again the human flood with peasants and militia throws everything onto the light maybe a little late with the ancient protectors starting now shadow melt used as well archmage is still surrounded again shadow melt and reveal town portal out but lanai's army is hurt yeah absolutely so many footies and militia again keeping over to the expo where one tower is still standing okay everything is really hurt for infie as well though and this is time for the aps archmage almost has a water metal again this is where things go gets really scary there we go can you hold the eyepiece two-thirds you bring militia again doesn't he to take out the ancient protectors but how many can you really call from the main is the question what the mental just melts uh these hunches shredder even but the ap is up does he have whisk for repair the hands are busy with the footman takes out the water elemental how long can infield withstand this pressure again the ap at the moment not attacking too much you're not attacking anything move forward and the tier two attack is at one third no second drags right don't think so there's no shop here for enthy low light at 500 gold zeppelin whoa okay so now what's this repositioning of law life about you can attack the tower and then do a little bit of splash damage against everything right there's so much splash damage now yeah if you would love to have a shop for some region scrolls he got it he got the scroll with the shop in the main zeppelin but how do you heal up there's no mining now because of the repositioning of the aps and now the keeper is getting rid of the healing as well okay the big brain plays of both of them like how they counter each other's counter is so impressive and he's getting to tier two though yeah he's gonna have second hero rifles pretty soon if he wants but he's not as rich as he wanted to be takes out a lot of passengers and now the ap is there defense not really right against hans don't really get it level four keeper it's still an all-in for law ally but he's breaking that base isn't he possibly could be the case black mage second i think you can afford to lose this base though honestly the light was checking behind this mass repair so much repair but also so much damage almost getting that keep us around the base has been broken wow and the hunts are so good these might be the last few moments where the hunts are really incredibly good how much can infi save here he's donating what a thousand xp to this the evacuation zeppelin how much can he do oh it's a complete slaughter yeah 4.3 am level's also looking good he's going to be level 4 here oh he wants to prevent the blood but he can't oh this could be a sick flame strike but yeah probably shouldn't go flame strike right if there's a tradition to dry it that uh i don't know the light has started to attack the base is broken the light definitely needs heal scrolls these hands also hurt that's always the problem with playing mass hunts you can't really heal them up just with moon juice it's too much healing required the region scroll did you see that that's healing like what for like 2000 hp i don't know man it is siphon mana against the keeper he plays solo keeper four now of course archmage close to four all right lolite broke the base but how is he gonna break infield on one base now the human is still quite formidable gonna get more dispel with freeze and it's going to get more rifles i assume this is sanctum workshop okay going more to teams in a defensive setup can be really good when the hunters are attacking the base but out on the map also very hard to keep them alive against this mobile mass hunts army yeah especially against a soon to be level 5 keeper with two claws level 4 archmage now very good so much smaller item belt of giant strength there is a tp there is an invo potion almost out alone yeah he wants damage he wants this level five and he gets that level five saving a lot of hunters with like 20 hp could low light add a second hero what would be the second hero would be this would this be the weird game to go pardon second he said it right i'm gonna play potter in the interview with us mortar is blocked in the base can help now against the aps of course but you kind of want it out on the map siphon works really well these hunts will fall off low light is banking 800 gold should be alchemist again right oh yeah alchemist for hillsboro of course that's yeah healing right there yeah level two blood mate tier three lors so is he still transitioning into hunts into archer mg blocked in the base that's it zinfi going tier 3 by the way did we see that um i don't think so looks like he's looking to re-expand here yeah but lola could be expanding as well using that time infie hasn't decided on the second skill just yet this could still be flame strike and it's probably the better choice right i mean if also if something gets focused by everything banishing it yeah can be useful can then as a counter counter be entangled for a lot of damage true although i going for a smart run by envy as well though pushing into the base the lords are like only one lord is finished and the war teams are putting a lot of additional pressure on here oh oh this is painful i feel like it but also for infy i guess in an ideal world lolita is killing the base of infy and he does and then tp's home yeah perfectly done takes out the tower as well but yeah only one lure here's the flame strike only level one doesn't do too much but you gotta respect it the siphon against the arkham is doing a great job infeed puts himself in a little corner back there tucks himself in hard for lolita to engage this and these motor teams are taking out a lot of buildings the value of the mortars and the value of the zeppelin in this game this is a lot of juicy xp for infie good dancing with the hans though he'll scroll used as well he's trying to break this no tier 3 for another flame strike has to move away mana is really low he's just face tanking this trying to get rid of the mod teams but it doesn't work well i just so little damage here it's really hard for him to take out this little human army yeah he needs orb but is there a shop even it goes bears but will the master training finish he's repairing he's mass repairing pump some mana into the archmate for more water elementals as there is no dryads shredder is helping in this defense 15 minutes into the game somewhat huntress have still value and it's a time now to take out the mortars he's close oh the bear looks a little lost here but bear master training is finished naga also now hired triple hero follow light is online the alchemist is almost level three oh blood mitch and tangled that was the last bit of mana the shredder big right clicks here dot just the ice orb wait a minute wait a minute there's vision crash and burn there's the burn blood mage still attacked inward potion how is infe staying in this fight and not tping out there we go this could be mass murder though motor team taking out only a couple of casters remaining infidel to 42 and law lion is at tier three got master bears and the huns are storming onto this expansion as well how much usage does he get out of this tier one and a half units 16 minutes into the game amazing play by lawline those hunts would have just been shredded in the north but he still finds value from them in the south delaying the expansion as much as possible two are going to be slowed down and killed here but lawler has now transitioned into tier three what a beautiful game by law light going all in with hunts and then still manages to transition into a strong tier three army getting the orb getting the triple hero getting bears did he just deny the hunt and with that level three blood mage i'm not gonna get it thanks to the shop that was quite nice the transitions by both players right like they are not giving up this map easily they try their best they stay in this they find new solutions lawlite with the early keeper harass didn't do too much says okay i need something else i need mass hunts going for that that didn't really work either then ap push which was almost defended in the first place because he wanted to go for the base unbelievable and then yeah late game level two flame strike you really gotta respect that now and you need heel scrolls for sure it's only level one heel spray the naga also not too powerful here yet oh archmage has no tp this time there's also no step of course because he is on tier 2 maybe in this oh zeppelin of course how could i forget there's another zeppelin here but can you evacuate everything there's a heel scroll archmage dies in the zeppelin oh he ticked out to the poison damage oh my goodness oh wow and now the zeppelin should be gone in a second as well he can't get out there's no way zap mass murder naga in trouble okay kills her off level four blood mage level six on the keeper though that was too much poison they both lost a ton but okay zeppelin killed as well archmage back from the tavern crazy game yeah both losing a ton but low light can't recover as easily as infi can infie being on two bases but infuse only t2 and that was expensive but now how can law ally at hold needs the massive help of his heroes but it's only two-thirds of the heroes the pendulum swings back it looked like well i got this flame strike he gets rid of this altar the naga is not coming back and she has an orb she has the orb is this the end for lawn 38 supply only left how does infy see the wind condition every single time tranquility can't be cancelled by the way this is a strong ultimate as long as he has the mana the bears though seem to be the problem mountain giants i think would have done much much better but perhaps slow light didn't have the time to go into empties with the upgrades and everything now going into giants transitioning into tier three exactly this is a problem for low light as well he wants to go into dryads because that is not affected by uh flame strike and now there's rifles already i think infie has the hard counters it looks like if he's ready getting a stronger and stronger army moving into upkeep even gonna be able to add in the third hero pally soon how do you break this now how do you still win this with mass orb that must be the solution we are at 20 minutes the main gold mines are about to run out a floor light can take one or two more good fights and he can hold on and then send his tree over to the expo his game is not lost yet but if he's getting stronger and stronger by the minute yeah this is scary for sure three heroes and three bears only for lawler for the first time this series calms down a little this has been non-stop aggression from the level two moment on and on amazonia it's a very quick level two so we go for the altar we take that one out that's no paladin then but can he do that doesn't seem like it there's a tp there's oh is there no again there's no tp there's a big involved there's a mala potion for tranquility but no tp and two staffs if he's playing careful still doesn't want to be too aggressive mountain giant transition now but so late into the game flamestrike dodged most of it slows time to kick in does low light have enough stabs to get away from that he also has a bit of dispel so the answer is yes does get away okay it keeps the altar up man these are some crazy games here this is just the first series man we still get moon versus th and the grand final and the game infinite with breakers to steal rejuve and roar and low light puts a lot of emphasis on them flame strike again brutal against the bears tranquility against it yeah and as you said there's no cancel to this melissa again the light is trying to buy time force true of eternity to entangle the gold mine and get income again what a masterful game by both of them no one deserves to lose this map it's not paladin it's mk just for the for the disable of tranquility makes sense but he should be careful with his positioning only level one mountain king if he's too far forward and tangle focus he can die really quick entangle focus we see it here knight staffed out and that's no mana anymore except on the naga but that's not an issue really slow on the alchemist steph must be ready to save him involved potion even maybe it wasn't and he respects the bold and the staff of course doesn't get the units back to the main anymore but rather to the expo tranquility but i don't think it's in range this is a death push by infy by the way so many militia called he is throwing 70 human supply into a night elf base how often did we see that many many times how often did we see it succeed from infie many many times the shredder and the mg is there okay the mg will fall to the pickaxes of the militia power to the people as uh okay there we go and he towers this tree of eternity the water elemental takes out the mountain giant is that it is that the lead for enfie it's so hard to dislodge this siege how the hell are you going to engage into this with the bears all getting slowed staffs don't help in this anymore it will all be transferred to the tree of eternity that's right there siphon mana wonderful the blood mage it was such a great pick he's getting some right clicks he's getting some kills but if he got this 30 supply lead hero focus doesn't work against in a fire here alchemist is almost dead keep her in trouble oh the keeper might actually be surrounded hero focused everywhere on the alchemist on the keeper on the archmage and that's the first hero falling at la light can't kill the archmage here in feed two victories in a row and it's match points for the iceman sewing again how great he is in weathering storms in killing bases again in fee he seems to have his early game sorted out feels that he needs to fast expand lola plays so well against it even kills the fast expo but infie finds a way out of that loss lolita finds a transition out of that all in into tier three and if that one lore in the main doesn't fall i think that mountain giant transition happens a lot easier and maybe lola can have a better late game but also the brilliance there of enthy realizing can do critical damage to the tech [Music] he's unbreakable how much damage was that early to the expansion and the passengers his expo got his he got his ass kicked at the expo but he it's just a perfect reaction all the time just always survives always survives you can't kill him it worked once on northern isles where the alliance broke the main there it did work but since then in fee is unbreakable he absolutely is how frustrating is this for law line he's doing stuff that has probably never been done before or like super duper rarely and it looks so good it is working and then if he has to retreat but he rebuilds all the time this hero focused the inner fire man how did this archmage survive the zap by the way i i don't know this is god tier warcraft just a pleasure to watch these two go at each other we have two maps now and these two left potentially these two are warden maps tarana stan and equals as the keeper seems to be getting answered by enfie is it a time to go back to the warden now what made lolita famous in the first place the best warden player in the world yeah it feels feels like he has to right but then again if he is just having the best reactions i don't know i hope lola doesn't get frustrated that was that a loss like this can break you [Music] when you're so close and you kill that hero and you think you got it but then there's the tier three transition dude when do you ever see a blood mage versus night elf when do you ever see flamestrike versus night elf and when do you ever see a blood made flame strike probably winning you the game [Music] yeah entry with amazing defensive play something that he's always been exceptional at now one step away from the grand final it's been a long time since he was there now an inch away that doesn't only go for infie but for china the strongest region of warcraft historically failing over and over again in the gold leagues it was the west and it was korea dominating in the past couple of years a long long drought for china could be over right now after this map la light picking tarana stand and what's the big brain play here lola his dream of becoming the champion the big champion he did that with his team ell but he wants that solo accomplishment and it's been four years since he was that close in the grand final at wca moving back in this chair thinking about this an infie doesn't feel stressed at all right i'm looking forward to this man he got that serial killer expression on his face yeah you you can't face infini you can't rattle infe yeah you got a map off of him that was well played there was a surprise rise of nature there outside his mane but since then infie had the answers the scout man the scout on az how would this game look if not for the scout in the upper left of inves main like there's so much to talk about just a z alone i think the posture would go like two hours if we analyze every little tiny detail but here we are match points for infy one step away from his third grand final in the upper left low light bottom right all right turn a stand this almost always on this level means mk versus warden is that we're gonna be seeing here or is there a surprise a demon hunter would be completely out of left field could work well against an mk but always struggled in the late game mk by enfie warden by law alliance so far so standard now the thing is what's the creep routes is it mercenary camp into expansion is infie greedy goes for the expansion right away law light where's the second engine of war is he going north like foggy did is he staying south at the merchant is he going to the expo right away is he doing something completely different yeah this is the big question the development that now we have to see as the humans dealt with the warden so well what's the next step what's the next evolution of course who better to show us than law alliance the best warden player in the world with that hero momentum is crucial you need to be using your time well when you go for kills you need to get the kills when you go for creeping you need to get big experience you need to hit your levels quickly level three level four level five then jump into the economy harass buy space for your second hero because the human ticking time bomb will be running the expansion the tier three the tanks and knights and whatever infamy may play la light needs to have a flawless early and mid game wow look at the perfect wait something's missing he denied something it's not level two yet that lightning shield was like a split second that fan a split second too early i guess and electric shield got there one last hit he took a big risk he wanted to creep this perfectly yeah blink of an eye oh if a game starts like this this is already a delay on low lights play that may mess up the creep route he lost like like 40 experience or something like that there a little bit more maybe 50. something like that yeah but on this highest level with these perfect creepers shadow priests by infie he's going for the safe route as well merc into expo lolita not taking the risk that foggy did which seems to be countered hard enough with the perfect read here with the perfect scout all the time sees this and he knows i have a little bit more time than i had before against foggy he scouted upper right he thought whoa fast attack he saw this perfectly uncounted perfectly all right lola not going for the early counter expo he wants to get the tech going he wants to get the bonus experience on the warden and then later on tier three probably look to counter expand berserker stolen by infeed oh wow and lolite can't get the return grab on the other side if he gets both berserker she will be a lot of pressure but of course first he has to set up this expansion which he's delaying a little bit both players have it a bit yeah both players have a staff warden is ready waiting in the shadows another wisp here as well oh that sentry is nice yeah it must be it should be in range right range of centuries is insane yeah he's definitely sees the expo okay expo now he's the mountain king as well continues to creep at the green needs level three that should be his level three i'm not engaging here infuse ready is he gonna jump in with that level three if this was foggy i would say one hundred percent but the light sometimes a little more careful with his mana usage here we go early on wow the min maxing he's not even waiting for the creep to be finished but oh stumbled when he wanted to blink stops the warden in the tracks and it's still not level three did he make a mistake at the creep spot this didn't work out at all and now the mountain king no no no no no way he's lost hitting this old it was so close but he might be getting able to get the berserker here the warden at the expansion still threatening the peasants there's stuff happening all over the map right now important moments in this game it's not the flawless law lie at warden place so far but maybe it starts now with the blink with the fan of knives but the mk is getting stuff done here as well there's still two storm balls yeah basically no damage towards him what is low he needs to be so quick with the healing and he is tons of moon juice used by lawline yeah he's gonna have very little left for the daytime infee is having he has so many mercs he's already attacking by the way six minutes in [Music] some works for lawler now as well 22 supply wow this warden's kind of stopped isn't she where to go next now for creeping where the ancients are and this seems to be the chinese counter to warden 15 sway showed it staff over to the warden's side and control her with stoneball and the chinese humans got so good at that it's almost unfair i think he saw the one engine of war up there next to the renegade what is in the rest of the army coming in the warden with a few fans might be able to take him out but of course infy won't allow those to fall too easily shredder for np great control no zeppelin yet a sharp blacksmith already there forces almost another blink yep closes this around and it's more moon juice he can't afford this really by the way the value of the ring of regen here double double gauntlet so much hp good region he can tank so much yeah with that hip hop as well good luck forcing this mk away yeah it doesn't work needs to ignore it but on the cost of what or again the storm bolt right before the blink he is getting some kills though 3.7 all right i was kind of worried here that the ward might be stopped dead in her tracks but now is finding some recovery but he's not stopping the echo not yet infused mining he's banking 800 gold already right before tier two and that is the thing you have to stop oh storm boat again the moment he gets redo is gonna be so big for this one no expansion right he's always playing one base that's level four let the warden games begin there's a tree of life below light but he hasn't moved it to the expansion yet double engine of war is still active low light if he gets the level five here quickly maybe he can start to take over the map this is what we've seen plenty of times from the warden the dryads now give him a bit of backbone in the army to control the map and the water is using that to creep question is how quickly is infp transitioning into tier three and probably tanks yeah and what's the reaction of low light we've seen two night elves here playing demon hunter second and it failed pretty much horribly it's the blood mage that was to be expected you can't win a mana battle against the blood mage once he's level three so do you bank on the fact that you kill infini before level 3 i think you absolutely shouldn't or do you go something different lola was the one introducing the tinker warden combo we see it again here that's also what i would prefer to see if the warden can create the space the tinker can creep up in the corners of the map get to level three secure a good late game he can be very strong i guess it's 10 we saw the first oh seize the zeppelin big point by light we saw the first workshop we probably see the second workshop the scout yep so he will go tanks right double workshop certainly yeah well i was expecting enfie to be creeping at his own lab but that was not the case and he was creeping safely up in the north and now going to the top right corner and this warden at the moment she's afraid of the zeppelin drop but it's a decoy zeppelin very smart play by empty once more seriously right this is uh again with nothing distracting so much with essentially nothing he just has one of the greatest minds for this game ever one with a pendant of energy by the way 460 mana nice can't pick up that item so far it's gonna be level five what's she giving up for this item nothing just leaves that panda no tinker all right now the warden's l5 now she needs to start creating space blink into the bases threaten the peasants and be as much of a nuisance as you can we jump into this entire army we want the footman that's juicy experience and slows down and fees only level three okay now level four fan of knives again right click on the blood mage again and now it's low light with the zeppelins he is one of the best zeppelin micro player that this game has ever seen invo potion pop just with this and this is many kills that's zeppelin how beautiful is that zeppelin against the siphon also juicy experience for the warden well actually she didn't get anything somehow but she took a lot of oh my the blink right click fan of knives the black mate's just dead all of a sudden infeed doesn't have the answers dodges the storm ball there successfully and that suddenly seems to be throwing the momentum back in la light's favor also the panda are still creeping already level two 2.3 indeed oh my god one time he blinks out of the storm bolt and immediately gets the hero kill what a moment but low light is he ready for the tanks doesn't seem like it there's no level three panda the engines of wars are not up the mountain king has clapped no mana at the moment riots are here entangled gold mine canceled but at what cost zeppelin should be coming in for the rescue we saw an ancient of wind earlier but no hippogriff yet apparently wonderful play by law light engines of war upper right bottom left to cover both third mines this ancient of war usage is just insane his creep up time in the early and mid game and then using the le gem to protect and threaten enemy bases yeah and it's something that both night off said yesterday in the post so neutron and kevin it's not really necessary to get the third base because you got your backup tree of eternity that can walk over the ultra late game it's just super important to deny the human's third base because then it can overwhelm you with more and more tanks and i guess lolita knows this realizes this oh the tank drops again yep tank drop in the main and tanked at the expansion also possibly it feels like this panda needs to stand he is level three now he's got the strong breath of fire by the way how long is this blood mage benched i was waiting for the pally i guess to come out first almost losing the entangled here warden does a lot of damage again love the mud golem by the way slowing down these tanks and also possibly zeppelin oh lots of kills here economy suffering hard for infie not so easy they have to support mass tanks when the game looks like this and infi is just donating these peasants away did he not expect the warden to stay there was still a lot of mana and he kills another round of peasants just a tiny bit away from level six infini's choice was not to use the zeppelin defensively trying to protect the peasants but rather use it aggressively for the tank drops that's level six now knights more tanks exactly man need a big breath the expo wait there should be like three engines of war right i think they're just not rooted i believe so we saw them earlier paladin 50 breath of fire used against the heroes not against the tanks and the ancients of war are in the bad spot going for the blood mage once again not sure if there's a way out the staff is on him but there's a holy light well done anti-magic is over breath of fire light is ignoring the tanks interestingly going for the black mage there's banished all the mana almost used here the tree is about to fall now lala had taken care about that that made with the tp one tank goes with them and that is no kill but again a cancelled entangled gold mine and infie slowly but steady establishing a base in the upper right there was something sent up there it's towers first before expo arcane and cannon tower against giant uh run bys that makes a lot of sense exactly it's coming here now but enfie is ready one step ahead once again just like with the rifles on az great game here by the two so far can the series last forever well then we're missing out on moon th so maybe not that staff towards the lab when infie was creeping when the warden came in with her level five that really seemed to swing the this is the crucial moment of the game can you prevent a third base for envy seems like it's coming up let's repair okay deals with this tank infield's at 44 supply warden in the main again it's not too many saves right like not multiple zeppelins or something i think one or two also were lost by enfie i was there even a hippogriff this game i'm not sure yeah here they are [Music] oh yeah he built the engine of wind very early of course can always go for talons against tanks as well and against knights they might not be too bad either to just if you have the wind already why not build one or two and if lola keeps doing good damage as he is here if he can keep on killing economy keep on killing tanks keep on holding on to his expansion until the mains run out yeah then he can even afford perhaps to give this top right base to infini at that point we're getting kind of close anti-magic fan of knives that's multi-killed once again stops this not attacking with the entire army just creeps up a little more it blinks out this is valuable time for lola it won't stop the expansion but it will delay the expansion and it gives him level four all right playing a master class game off warden beautiful to see that both the keeper and the warden style here are being so being played so well and being played against very well by infy as well yeah the positioning by infinite really good preventing these giant run buys they could do damage to the great hall uh to the great hall to the town hall and now there's zeppelins but yeah this is a very slow expansion but infie's fine with that alright such a big army 78 supply and i saw earlier we had two attack upgrades already so those are looking decent even has some pocket at the expo i love that the panel doesn't need to be running around with everything it's a little bit defending at the expansion as well the stumble was good soaking up more mana clap as well for some damage and staff to the upper right triads are here oh wow here's the avatar that makes the warden so powerful dryads found their way past the knights past the human army but with that piercing damage how much damage can you it takes out the workers the expo is still not finished this is more corpses can he break this with giants gotta be careful with the double tower of vengeance you want to keep this up to create more summons and he controls the rest of the army in the middle to prevent the human from holding this this is this might break this expansion actually if his army isn't strong enough to fight against law lights he has to run maybe tanks have to be used here but he doesn't have enough of those anymore blood mage again in trouble he never wait didn't he die with 2.4 and he cancelled the expansion with exactly this wow and the biggest threat to the dryad run by is this canon tower and it so he takes him out with the avatar spirits because they can't be attacked yeah and elijah is patiently sitting at two bases defending those very well preventing the humans third getting really strong upgrades 3-1 now on these bears rides and mg's four ancients of war at the expansion defending there and the main is soon to be expired and then enfie is in real trouble how long has it been that lola lost the unit or infie got a little bit of experience this feels like four to five minutes now he's finally getting a green camp in the middle but that is a sad price only picture perfect place alliance big bank main goal mine's about to expire indeed if he just went into upkeep what's his army is he going for the knights the mass knights is normally the late game strong army with good upgrades is also going for more workshop production though should be tanks i guess we also get big mountain giants so they can't be easily killed by clap avatar about to die even saves that one so we are seconds away from and out my from empty main bases of course there was a little bit of harass on both sides so it's a little postponed breaker even late scouting this late with hippogriff seeing where the human army is going lolita knows he's been pulling all the right moves lolite main expired warden finds more damage getting closer to seven zeppelin is there okay the guard tower does decent damage here one couldn't find too much and he sees the tanks rolling he will be ready 1 000 gold for envy low light still at 80. hero focus is not that easy there's the heel potion at the health stone there's two big heel potions are we gonna have a big fight here now it doesn't seem like infie can take one but he's gonna try with his army in front of the tanks in the back panda is not level five he would love to have that getting siphoned once again but it's only level one siphon mountain king in the middle of all the giants if he wants to destroy the base but with only three tanks that seems questionable to me now the warden getting siphoned no progress for infy in this fight and mountain king at 50 percent he's dealing with this fairly easy yeah some moon wheels went down for long line but he already remade or made more moon wells at the expansion probably expecting he might lose some to the tanks la alliance with an insanely strong game here on terenas but this was what infie wanted the upper right this was the distraction the light had to hold with everything he had and so he can't stop this upper right anymore the question is now that he couldn't stop it can he break it okay i'm surprised that i didn't go for a normal tree in the bottom left i guess he is rather low on resources now maybe helping over the eternity infee already saving these peasants before the warden arrives we'd love to know how much gold is left in increase expansion true can't be that much has been mining for a long long time lots of towers here panda's still not five trying to get reinforcements works with this knight infp is moving away from tanks now panda still has a lot of value three three upgrades for lawlite by the way he's maxed out knights at one three not bad but worse come the gold man click on the gold click on the go not yet it is now 10 minutes that the blood mage died at level 2.4 he got 2.5 at least he gives him absolutely nothing oh the zeppelin crashes and that's more kill for the warden here blink fan kill nice using the hippogriffs he has had enough of these zeppelin saves yeah three hippos with roar take that out pretty quick true bottom left expo is there a tank attacking this i think the dot was too fast i think it's just a little scout what can he do against this overwhelming super late game powerful knight elf that is the lion we go for the paladin only level one staff out and four uh three engines of war but the tree is exposed the tree is very exposed and he just killed some right or the clap against the repair so that expo was stopped glorious played by enfie again there is a tp that is a lot of health but that is one base two base still yeah now the warden has to jump back in again and do echo damage like yeah that losing that tree hurts but also losing peasants all over the place all the time also hurts five thousand gold remaining here did they show how much is left in in feast maine i don't think so now do please yes three thousand two hundred more than i thought yeah thanks to all the warden harassed [Music] the corner bases of course we still have plenty of gold left one close to level seven not really a very big level up for her oh the hippos again against the zeppelin all the zeppelin gets staffed out saves it to the main but that's still a long time where the peasants aren't doing anything the light fighting for survival on this very map having infy in the palm of his hand twice in the series is he gonna get impatient at some point that's the question exactly that was exactly the point that i wanted to do to make even sends the hippos to the main knowing the zeppelin is healing there it feels like he's seeing the matrix but infie is having quite some nights and he is preventing the night elf expansion again there's a tree this time there's no tank with this though stoneboard disjointed 2.7 on the blood mage fair roar intercepts 3 survives against the full army infant still can't fight in fear is playing this game really well from behind he's keeping his chances alive he's still fighting like a lion the chance he has is slim but it's still there level seven ward now very fire helps a ton [Music] and infie isn't mining too much he lost a lot there 70 supply now he's getting as close as he ever was to law light but i don't think this army can be contested i love the talent edition not about resources not about value tanks taking out moon well it's kind of a one-for-one trade what can you do with a cyclone here is the question prevent staffs right i don't think he goes master is he master he is a master wow yeah for sure also against siphon of course really good and holy light he needs a lot of cancer breath of fire holy light that could have used the cyclone right there there's no one there's not too many priests actually he's got a protection now la la it really wants this hero kill is this the moment where he gets too brave we see the cyclone one down 50 percent has the health stone still cycling on the mountain king as well and he can't answer this oh no knights are falling level five panda so much more damage mountain king at 50 paladin about to die the hippos give vision as infie retreats into his base but the water's blinking in kills the paladin is this the moment to tap out for infie there's still the big heal potion 64 supply the genius mixing in cyclone what a long tack tree this was and that establishes the third base for law light mountain king about to drop mountain giant moving forward knights are doing great damage and night bears are doing great damage to the knights and the banish doesn't help because you have magic damage now and you can't get the last hits i love the talon edition it's one of the coolest moves so far breath of fire siphon okay is nice but low light is overwhelming into the bridge these should be the final moments in vs held on so long so well but this must be it again 30 minutes these games these game four and these tournaments unbelievable infinity stemming against the defense law lolite about to have 1 800 gold the iron bank blood mage about to die gets a double level up here okay it's their holy light no the blood mage is out lolite is losing quite a bit here now warden can't lose that one okay there's a tp if he needs it in fee not even in a moment like this is accepting the defen the defeat one is back more team taken out avatar of vengeance level six for the panda earth storm and fire to celebrate i don't think we even need it gg full distance in semi-final number one you can't beat the chinese human with warden let lalayite show you [Music] these two so evenly matched giving us one of the greatest human versus night elves of all time probably low light now that the keeper seems to be figured out returns to the warden and gets the win with an insane performance he starts off the game with a creep deny but other than that barely any mistakes beautiful creeping perfectly hitting his levels perfectly controlling the map using the strength of the level 5 warden transitioning into a defensive play with the panda against the tanks amazing amazingly done by lawler and also shout out to infy staying alive for as long as he did with how far behind he was but being so far down especially in experience this game just wasn't winnable [Music] no it really wasn't them what a difference compared to the warden games that infie was in before where he was the one having all the answers and being one step ahead and knowing when to expand and no one had an answer to this lolita one step ahead most of the time keeping the blood mage on level two what a huge moment to use that blink fan right click dodging the bolt there if he doesn't dodge the bolt there the game could go in a totally different direction he didn't dodge it three times before the fourth time he did and that led to the blood mage kill we get a little bit of a break remo as we do before game five do you want to go into a break as well or can i leave you for a second um short break would be good four minutes four minutes indeed the final game coming up lolita versus infeed be right back remo tell me as we go into this what is the last map the last map we decide our first finalist will be echo isles oh baby a map you hate with a passion but a map that has produced one of the greatest night elf versus human matches of all time humiko vs moon the draw rudon vs hawk wca there's so many examples for great games on this map and now these players had five moments five five minutes to decide what to do yeah and this is a map a rare map where lolite has shown both styles keeper and warden infie of course has also shown different styles here am and mk against foggy yesterday it was mk and that was brutal there was no chance for foggy yeah but same was the case on terena's foggy there also failed it remains true law alliance is still the best warden player in the world he may be able to find a way do now that all these games were so long [Music] what are the odds for like an instant tower rush with infinity it's always possible right yeah no matter the stage no matter the game that would be quite a crazy conclusion to this series it would be a little bit like wcg 2013 t8 vs moon when all of a sudden there was a tinker tower rush wow attention law light big smile on his face look at this what a difference compared to wgtl where he was almost in tears before the final two on two that he played that cheeky smile what does he hide behind that what does he have prepared lawline what's your plan echoisles has one big specialty compared to all other maps no lab this is something that especially peasants fear brutally against the warden often times but that is far into the game we have to take it one step at a time with our last map lola he is one map away from his best gold run ever is this worth more than a wca grand final maybe not money-wise but i think prestige definitely this is the uncontested world championship in 2020 and infie he's one map away from his third grand final after quite a slump in the gold league for a couple of years we don't have any rushes here so far we have standard builds so far infy again with the farm at the mercenary camp law light with the green creep mountain king it is again just like against foggy la light what do you have in store for us is it the warden or the keeper or the demon hunter or the bottom imagine a bottom now he told us yesterday does he click on it yet i don't think so no right observer making it quite exciting here or is he sure it's a warden keeper it is keeper warden only on terenas the creeped out on terenas was amazing warden got from three to four to five so fast on this map that's way harder to do maybe that the reason all eye is going now i'm sweating so much i'm so excited about this how must it feel to be in their shoes now ringer protection can help but we saw it on a z that it helps because there will be footman pressure against this keeper there's a second building by infeed is it another farm yeah i think he's got scout farms over there two of them todd style mountain king with the claws doesn't help as much as it does in archmage so it's a level one harass or at least a little bit there's an arcane coming didn't decide if it's treans or entangle and he backs off not divided by sonic style harass no matter what he plays it safe for now we got for once a calmish opening with a fast tech behind this if he's going to be expanding with an mk there's almost no other option but the keeper falls back and leaves the mk to do what he wants is oh wow okay that opens up his main helps against trions will take time and treans it is but with the arcane here how much damage can he do now good timing on that tower to finish and the arcane should be able to deal with this given enough time infused lumber is gonna be crazy low though and if he goes for an expansion after this but he kind of has to this will take forever keep it one kill away from level two yeah but there's no real opening not creeping at the same time even the green is kind of protected with safe with almost zero xp hp but okay that bass should be safe now i guess but low light with a fast push and oh this cheeky creep imagine this dropping a big mana he's still going for it right four minutes 20 yen so is it naga archers again or is there something else all right sees the creep in the south with the wisp and he's gonna be tier two in no time big item what is it it is and a shop coming up again this is looking a lot like northern ireland again is infp gonna scout against this okay he's trying it for the third time he's pulling the wisps the ultra aggression that got him the lead on northern isles will the alpha strategy also be the omega strategy it's no agent of war coming up here eyes almost everywhere but i'm not sure he saw this it's naga shop up everything thrown into this bush and i'm not sure if he knows this double engine of war it's the same strat that won him map one infie reacted nicely later on az can he do that now expo only up now tech not on the way second barracks not here big mana potion for the keeper and super close to three that is level three clap clap early he's trying to spread and what a spread this is but for how long can he do this he needs to do damage the archers are trapped into the corner moves to the left-hand side only three of them hit but the militia coming in the ancients of war are not up one might be falling the second one will come up even the shop is helping he's trying to best repair but the archers are blocking he has to cancel the second one is that enough detonate on the mountain king there's no clap anymore was that enough damage for enfie to hold not sure about this not sure about this the second hero seems impossible needs to rebuild engine of war moving forward second one rebuild two mercenaries great for infinate to have access to that mercenary camp that wasn't the case on northern ireland because there is no mercenary camp once he killed the arcane tower these floodgates should be wide open and there's always the problem with the mk right once he runs out of mana what's he really doing anymore oh massive detonate no dispel and no snowballs and no claps but the human flood again taking out the ancient of war again doing lots of damage but there's no defense yet is there maybe a hail mary on the keeper but he can't even surround infy is losing massive amount of footman [Music] it feels like this is over it looks like this is over but this is infy mount king has the tp out even have berserkers here but they only do damage to the tree and the positioning by law light is great engine was taken out he's going for the mountain king who does have a staff that's the last bit of mala for the keeper as well he has a shop in the back though and here too altar is down he can't afford to lose anything he's not attacking all right still getting reinforcements for the supply there is a moon well missing i'm not sure if he's building one would be a great addition to this push and more militia falling level 3.3 if he gets fork lightning here the nuke will intensify well the engine is actually not dead he was still so much attention on that oh this is so much time this is so much free damage level four for the mountain king now the tower falls no extra damage against the trions anymore new mercs maybe level two for the naga very low on mana no for lightning at the moment it's still 40 supply it's still in f on 2 basis he takes out one unit after the next but the the engineer 4 is down infy is not rebuilding anything he was also not attacking right no not in the main uh the expo needs to wait for more mercs this mk turns out to be such a liability in this kind of game infide did he forget about the first match more engines of war are coming it's night time here thanks to the monster at least for a little bit the keeper man is looking good again and these peasants are exposed but the mountain king mana is looking good now as well is there a hero focus there's no staff is that the one move that gets him back into the game he always finds the move back into the game that nade wonderful and the second one is the third one he drives the mountain king completely and the shadow priest as well but the archers took a lot of damage from that one clap has to save them into the back behind the engines of war they're not quite finished yet infie not giving up still alive again fully mining off of two bases of course he is and the whis detonates lola that was one of the key moments against lin big entangle onto the smaller and another kill trying trying to get the mana back the clarity is a really big deal here running out of clarities in the shops is actually quite a problem kills the towers again the new ancients of war clarity cancelled but late he sent in a tree in earlier well that was taken out by envy infie is reliant on all these mercs still attacking cannot light find the time for tier three and orbs because then i think the game's over but then that's also a little bit of time where he can't pressure that much anymore and infie usually takes these times oh that's it the keeper storm bolt right clicks has to tp out that is that the moment big clap in the back as well that should be time to clean up these engines of war perhaps clean up everything low light has to come back over to the enemy base instantly again shop is on the left hand side so he can't go for anything big these engine of war investments maybe not paying off the mk again clarity after clarity he constantly produces whispers as well light making the way to the shop so it gives up this contain yeah you will be supply stuck with this moon well the expo is not fortified at all and we should be knowing though that this might be coming what is so valuable at this merchant that lolite needs to go there he'll scroll against clap the mountain king is almost level five true oh yeah true defend only coming now main very safe expo though how safe is that one doesn't look safe at all with only the single arcane ones it's a 12 minute tier one game for entry creeps up level five does he have the time to end this creep or will our light end the series in the cell not brute forcing the main anymore tries to find a new angle and speaking of angles this detonate the whisp needs to detonate now and he does the clap was good but it was only level two trends taken out archer's moving back he saved a lot but defend is a whole new weapon close to three but not quite there yet he needs an orb now doesn't he against the defend same as undead do against this defense it is still good damage but that treant is level five in fee stabilizes all right the main was held now it's time to hold the expansion naga gets three that's for lightning level two but it's so many units how much is the fork lightning gonna do that only hits three yeah infie on his way to tier two as well again in fee stays alive you can't break him anymore as it seems or candlelight still do it he needs to attack he needs to be attacking he is not attacking maybe he's gathering resources for exactly that but the mountain king is a vicious weapon that you can't really control there's always two wisps but they need to death they're now against the level three clap how do you do that oh that was taken out forces a clap that didn't hit the arches though it's two more kills level two fork lightning available for this almost all taken out that is the survival part of the army and now going for the towers can he take out the shop that would be huge if he set up more towers in the back though more guard towers to protect them so important infi playing amazingly here in this defensive posture i think it's the key to take out the shop now there is another one in the north but that means he needs backpack or something enfie with a huge concave on the arches mountain king mana potion heel potion as well he's very safe and this naga little bit of a yield scroll but there's still no staff in the naga falls the mk though he was kind of surrounded has to go for the tp more resources drained and low light keeps the pressure up even without the naga the engine of war is still there towers are taking out slowly the shop is gone the archers now pretty well protected you'll be out behind the engine of war perhaps worcester here for the repair as well low light under a lot of pressure yeah he probably knows that the tech coming for in feet well then mk who's almost level six now and low light is uh making up the biggest steps towards level five or tier three i think if he didn't cue tier three by now he can't win this anymore this archer bust this time doesn't work out in fee ready for it as it seems even with an mk dude even with an mk who ran out of mana so fast all the wisp detonates over and over the power of militia footies and mercs somehow kept him in this game i'd love to know how many murks he bought this game can he surround the keeper is close to the shop but no potions nothing arches are spread everywhere detonates again only a storm bolt the value in fee gets off tier one when is the naga coming back still in the altar big man i was consumed level six on the mk i'm not even sure like should you oh stumbled here and he has the mass to surround he needs an item something tp heal potion he's trying to fight out but there is a heal scroll is this the end of all hope for la light no tp no hero ogp last second six five hp jesus christ having this game really close is it though tier three on the way for np no tier three for low light expansion for envy no expansion for law life level six hero foreign no level five hero for law alliance is this still close all right lola now is the time to show your brilliance how can you get into a winning position from this point without zeppelins without sappers what's the winning play does tier 3 take too long can he still do it he has to i think yeah he's the only chance he has tier three or marksmanship mg's and he is going to be but this mountain king man and yeah that's crucial this blood mage edition on a z there's still a little bit to creep but not much low light took out the 12 o'clock and the six o'clock oh but the mountain king alone double kill roam freely again there's a mana potion if he wants to and a staff out wow inward potion stormwall he wants to take out this damage and he does massive range on the clap and he gets out not even forced into into that tp okay infi is so incredible yeah you know marksmanship archers we have seen them plenty of times be a big threat and danger in the late game but level 6 mk i mean what better weapon could you ask for against those even now with the invis he wants to find his way unnoticed into the archer backline yeah maybe you can import some nukes from starcraft 2. that would be that would be great i guess it's the same outcome so much mana for him mana pots he can easily afford with his expansion in for more than a thousand gold seems like he will be the one to make it to the finals and so awesome like even in a moment where he's waiting for the tier three and all his stuff he's finding damage he's distracting low light and now how crucial would it be that took what four or five archers the lion's army is pathetic and it happens again triple kill wow with pretty much nothing he accomplishes so much the story of infie's career oh my god let's go let's go just delete them all his might cannot be matched no clap storm bolt so many kills he does it alone he need he doesn't need an army he doesn't need the blood mage it's a nice addition make things easier but this mk he put all his faith into the mk and it paid off so well trust well-placed i'm looking for more stumbles surround that's it lolair throws his head back gg well played one of the greatest series is goes down and infield takes it his third grand final and dreams of law life shattered but lola can still be proud of himself he played a great tournament here he brought infield to the very edge pretty much on every single map and this could have gone either way this was neck and neck this was lolite proving that he belongs here he belongs in the top four he belongs in the olympus of warcraft he who can challenge enfie to a series like this there's not many players in the history of this game but you know what there's even fewer people who can break him in a series like this and la light couldn't today infuse resilience infuse endurance inf's [Music] skill to just hang on by a threat making use of the tiniest tools he has clarity clarities footmen mercenaries these things malicious scouts here and there so much value out of the tiniest tiniest tiniest thing and that's that makes him an all-time great the first gold series went to him with a 10th go to him as well he will be up against th or moon and infini the first chinese player in the grand final in two years the curse is over finally the motherland makes it back to the grand stage is it going to be an all chinese affair between infy anti-age or is moon the greatest of all time gonna find himself in that position what can follow up this series man this is the moon versus th sounds promising as well if you ask me exactly if there's a series then it's this one we go to the stage in shanghai with bbc and the winner interview with infinity um um foreign foreign thank you so much for the translations wong from golden hubber and revenant so infy feeling super tired after this series understandable super long best of five two hours 30 crazy um info yesterday said that this would be his last winning interview so he thanked all the people he practiced with uh so the host reminds him like do you remember your statement yesterday and you said no i don't remember it um he also says that all the games were incredibly close and they could have gone either way and sometimes luck is involved and in typical asian fashion he says that luck is what won him the games um lola had kept on attacking and you kept defending why was the situation like this and he says it depends on the hero's choice the warden will go for the attack for sure on echo isles i'm lucky that i'm uh on the right hand side if he spawns on the right hand side and i i'm on the left i might lose because of the mercenary axis i guess uh he said why did you win the fifth map he said yeah because of that and because i got the towers up when he did that to me on northern isles i didn't have the towers up and this time that's it and yeah that was the reason to win and then mob prays for lawlite in the in the process last question th said you will win with three to two now it's your turn to predict so t8 was right with his prediction and he says th is in good shape today i would say it's 50 50. wong thank you very much for your continued support you are a gem of this scene so first semi-final in the books the next one is coming up it's gonna be moon versus th and we get todd to cast with remo for semi-final number two we're gonna be back in nine minutes get hyped and if you want to show us how are you spending the day how are you watching the wgl grand finals we've seen this yesterday from you guys already we've seen it today from blast and todd and uh david from walker three dot info so keep them coming add back to warcraft on instagram and twitter send them to us we would love to see you guys and we see you in a bit
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 17,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: ZYGkmBV45f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 58sec (8578 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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