Way of the Four Elements MONK Build Guide: Baldur's Gate 3

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hello everyone in this video I'll be showing you an OP way of the four elements monk build guide in balers Gate 3 now this is one of the Lesser popular versions of the monk build but it can still be very powerful and I'm going to get into why now the monk is actually one of I think the most underrated classes in balers Gate 3 so with this what we get is the flua blows which as we level up this is going to get incredibly powerful this is a bonus action uses a che point and it does 8 to 14 damage at very base level but we're going to get a lot higher into this now uh we also get un armor defense so we add our wisdom modifier to our armor class uh dextrous attacks your Dex you use your dexterity or your strength whatever is higher between the two stats the best way to go about doing this is using the strength potion so we can comfortably drop our decks a little bit lower here and focus primarily on wisdom and uh if you have the Constitution uh greater Amulet of constitution we also Focus Less on Constitution uh attacks with monk weapons deal additional one to four bding damage so that's really nice and then for our ability score now we're going to dump strength and use strength potions you can get strength potions really easily in the early game I would recommend going with that or having your dexterity high but I think that having our wisdom as our strongest stat is going to be very beneficial to us we can drop our intelligence Charisma and put up our constitution to roughly like 16 uh so something like that would be optimal we want to have a nice even number for constitution just to get higher Health cuz we aren't wearing armor but wisdom is going to be increasing our armor class so we want to have that as high as we possibly can get it and we're going to be using strength potions so that we don't have to worry too much about our dexterity which it says is our main stat but as you can see here uh your weapons will de scale with dexterity instead of your strength of dexterity is higher but since your strength is going to be maxed out here and we're going to get into how this can get pretty crazy cuz using the strength potions and Tavern brawler this build gets incredibly power power F so as we get into the leveling I'll get into the gear at the end of this cuz the gear does make this build really crazy powerful so I level two we get another Che point on our movement so movement speed increases 3 meters when you're not wearing armor we get patient defense attack rolls against you have disadvantage and you have advantage against dexterity saving throws it can be a bonus action step of the wind double your movement speed uh jump no longer requires a bonus action or disengage so nice to have those just there for our level two but as we get into the next level here this is where we get into the it already selected way of the four elements so we do get some spells this is very interesting we have the open hand is I think my favorite monk build but this can also be pretty useful too a fairy fire for being a Dr and then we get to pick three Disciples of elements and then we also get Harmony of water and fire while not in combat regain half your Che points rounded down so that's pretty nice just to have um because you don't get that with the way of the open hand so just a way to be able to recover cheat is really nice then we get ourselves some special spells here that not other classes they're similar to other spells but that's unique to this one so blade of rhyme is like ice ice knife uh fangs of the fire snake I really like hit your fo from a far your next melee attacks youal additional 1d8 or 1 D4 of fire damage way of fist of four Thunders can be really nice just for that push back effect as well uh fist of unbroken air push back the target 6 met knock it prone that's kind of like same thing as that but a little bit better we also get Rush of the Gale spirit so that's the same as uh windy gust shaping the ice create a climbable ice cube is very can be very useful sphere of Elemental balance that's a two key option um we also get the Flaming hands there shocking grasp and water whip so possibly pull the target towards you or knock it prone I like fangs of the fire snake just to add the fire damage there um chromatic orb or sphere the elemental balance can be pretty nice because you can choose your type of damage so this can be useful if you know how to set it up properly shaping of the ice can be pretty nice though CU you can create an ice cube and then use that for a variety of different things but we're going to go with either that or sphere of B uh sphere of Elemental balance so yeah one of those three and then we'll get into our next level so this build actually gets pretty crazy we're going to need ourselves a feed here you can replace spells if you decide you don't want one of these you can do it at level up which is nice so that's pretty great that it has that ability to change out your spells alongside it now what makes this build Crazy is Tavern brawler this is what makes all monks crazy strong so what Tavern brawler does is when you make an unarmed attack uses improvise weapon or throw something so we're doing unarmed attacks obviously your strength modifier is added twice to the damage and attack rolls this means we're going to be hitting things like 95% of the time and dealing a lot of damage we get also have left our constitution at 15 um and then take it up there there's also some items that will increase your Constitution as well so um leave your Constitution a littleit lower I missed out on that one there since we are dropping strength and using strength potions it giv us that plus eight to our strength our strength attacks crazy strong with Tavern brawler which doubles it so we get ourselves Darkness here from being a Dr and then we can we also get ourselves that extra attack at level five so that's nice and we also get the stunning strike which can possibly T stun a Target that's really nice uh again replace spell if you want to try something else out while you're leveling this and then we get another disciple of the elements so we can get Embrace The Inferno which is just uh it's pretty nice to have that for range uh gong of the summon de damages all nearby creatures and objects creatures made of inorganic such a stone of disadvantage on their saving throws or clench of the north wind hold an enemy still they can't move or react this is just hold person but I think hold person is really nice to have this is a concentration there's not many concentrations that the monk has and it's always good to have at least one concentration on the go at a time so yeah that is a really nice one just to have but I also like Embrace The Inferno or gong of the Sumit can be pretty good choices as well but yeah this build gets crazy it's kind of a mix between spellcaster as well as a you know in the face Punchy Punchy type class additional key point we get evasion so your agility lets you dodge out the way of certain spells when a spell effect would deal half damage on a successful dexterity saving throw it deals no damage suceed and only half if you fail if you're Charmed to friend you automatically cast still a mind to remove the condition that's nice and again yeah if you want to swap out your spell you can swap out spells this build is wonderful for the fact that we still can use Tavern brawler and use Flurry of Blows uh to make this strong so for our next ability score I would recommend a doing an ability Improvement pumping our wisdom we'll pretend that's 20 cuz you'll use The Hags hair likely on your wisdom for this build uh I don't like leaving things at odd numbers especially Constitution but uh wisdom we'll pretend is 20 with The Hags here and then you can make that even higher with the mirror of loss gives us more Armor class and then it helps out with uh our spell casting as well Advanced unarmored movement so that gives you additional six meters and we can jump further and then we can take another one of these spells gong of the summon is not bad and this pairs well against storm Sorcerers CU thunder and lightning damage both get the increase on um whenever you use a water create water so this can be very useful alongside other builds that I've done videos on we also get the improved Elemental ca cas casting your Infinity with elemental Chi deepens several of your fensive for elements yal an additional dice of damage including clench to The North Wind can hold an additional creature so hold person holds another person really nice and embrace Inferno fires an extra Ray so our spells here that would fire four flaming rays I still think that gong of the summit might be a little bit better but you can take that as an option um and you can also use like remove spell at any time again to take different spell we get purity of body immunity to be imp poisoned movement speed increases 6 MERS as a drow we already get the poison resistance but yeah it's it's nice to have it there additional cheat point uh so level 10 we don't get much but we're going to get our final feat and our final disciple of the elements here so flames of the Phoenix this big fat Fireball this uses four Chi points um what's nice that we can repl our Chi a lot quicker than other types of monks uh Mis Dan which is decent for defense a transfer to miss Cloud can't it can't fall fit through small openings is very hard to damage ride of the wind is pretty nice too it does take an action as a concentration with four cheap points but you can fly around making this build pretty crazy honestly like that is a very serious option for you um Fireball is just great though I think fire is my favorite choice but be able to fly is useful too so pick one of either of these two for your our final level one there uh it can get crazy Mobility is everything especially as a monk where you want to get up close to punch things even though this does have spell casting we're still focus on punching often uh we get another cheap Point here and again flame of the fire snake there gives us that ability to do fire damage on unarmed attacks so that is quite nice now for our final um our final feat there's a few different options that we can go with I am a personal fan of always taking alert plus one a plus one to your bonus a plus one bonus to your initiative is huge so that can also help it with not being surprised as being surprised in New Game Plus it can be or not New Game Plus in honor mode can be an end gamees type situation it'll just completely wreck you if you're surprised because you can't take an action so that's a really nice option to go with um there's a few other options that we could potentially go with um mobile is nice gives you the ability to not provoke opportunity attacks and movement speed increases with difficult train doesn't slow you down when you dash uh you can even go ritual caster and learn a couple rituals since we do have a bit of spells it's not a bad not the worst idea in the world but I do think that probably alert being the best one if you want to go that rout or ability Improvement to take your Constitution a little bit higher either one of those whatever you think is more beneficial for you at the fin final level we're going to get into the gear options here for the way of the four monks the way of the four elements monk so fangs of the fire snake that gives you that extra fire damage this also is a what's nice is it adds any of your unarmed modifiers to the damage so um this counts as fist attacks and since we have the gloves of Soul catching it gives a 1 d10 of force damage on all attacks as you can see that gets that 1D 10 of force damage so it's really nice cuz a lot of these will benefit from the force flua belows is still kind of our main damaging option as you can see 44 to 76 damage is incredible for a bonus action um conjure us so with this we want to use the mask ass Soul preparate perception so this gives a plus two to attack rolls initiative rolls and perception check so over all across the board flat Nic increase perceptions great to avoid being surprised uh plus d our attack rolls Mak means you're going to be hitting your attacks more free frequently death stalker man is a durge only uh item so once per turn you kill when you kill an enemy you become invisible also the shade Slayer cloak to give you increased chance of critical hits is really nice I like the vest of Soul Rejuvenation whenever a wear succeeds a saving throw against a spell they regain one to four Health points a greater kigo counter the wearer can use a reaction to make an unarmed strike against any other attacker that misses so if someone comes up and attacks you misses you get to go bang punch them in the face that's really nice plus two to Armor class as you can see we got an 18 Armor class that's not too bad we get that plus four from our wisdom it would be plus five if we took the hags hair so don't forget to take that plus two from dexterity so if you have the the gloves of dexterity are nice but this is nicer gives us the 1 d10 to force damage on every unarmed attack once per turn on unarmed hit you regain 10 Health points alternatively you can forego feeling healing to gain advantage on attack rolls and plus d or Constitution so 111 Health pretty nice and then the boots of uninhibited kigo is really great so what this does is the wearer deals additional damage to their wisdom modifier with unarmed strikes our W wisdom modifier is pretty high plus five if we were to take The Hags hair there to make this rounded off um it gets quite powerful so you can see we got 27 strength uh 15 dexterity and then our wisdom is 19 it would have been 20 but uh I took the hags here on a different spell for this one but we'll just pretend for the purpose of this video you can also attach like something like the g m which g g Mal which gives us the ability to cast Celestial haste on herself that's really nice just to have hasted a hasted monk can completely clear the battlefield this only lasts five turns instead of 10 but if you have a sorcerer that can twin haste on you and your itself you're pretty much shutting it down with those two uh block of shaping ice can be pretty funny cuz you can create that ice and then it has some usefulness it has 25 Health you can push it around you can light it on fire to create water um clench of the north wind we want to set up by concentrating on that we have 12 cheap points that we can regain with Harmony of fire and water for um keeping our chih high but this is really nice just to have that hold in place and automatic criticals cuz then we can go in with Flurry of Blows and completely rock it out so this build gets pretty crazy you could alternatively take the last last three levels and go into Thief Rogue and get that extra bonus action do multiple Flurry of Blows but I'll leave that for another video cuz this build is pretty interesting but really flames of the fire snake is what you really want you want to open up with clench to The North Wind if you don't have someone else do in hold person and then you'd follow up with this which you can see uh 1d8 plus 20 budgeting damage plus the 1 d10 of force damage plus the 1 d10 of fire damage and then your next attack is 1 D4 of fire so then you follow up with the Flurry of Blows which will have an increased amount of damage there or ice block broke but yeah this gets crazy strong so yeah let me know in the comments what you think of this build the way four elements is not the most popular monk but it can be a really strong one so thank you so much for watching and I will see you all in the next video
Channel: Jay Dunna
Views: 5,147
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Keywords: Way of the Four Elements, Way of the Four Elements Monk, Way of the Four Elements Monk Build, Way of the Four Elements Monk Build Guide, baldur's gate 3 monk way of the four elements, Way of the Four Elements Monk Build Guide: Baldur, way of the four elements monk build bg3, Way of the Four Elements Monk Build Guide: Baldur's Gate 3, four elements monk bg3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3 monk build, baldurs gate 3 monk build, baldurs gate 3 monk guide
Id: t80cXuTk2d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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