Storm Sorcerer / Tempest Cleric Multiclass Build Guide: Baldur's Gate 3

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hello everyone in this video I'll be showing you an OP Tempest cleric storm sorcerer build guide for imalers Gate 3 this is a very synergetic multiclass and I'm going to get into it here so sorcerer is where we're going to start with as this will give you Proficiency in Constitution saving throws which is very important as a sorcerer so that's one thing that we definitely want to get right off the rip so start with the Sorcerer And then we're going to take the cleric afterwards cuz that's going to when we pick the cleric it's going to give us the heavy armor proficiency that we want cuz right now we're just dressed in robes but you're going to want to have heavy armor for survivability so for ourc hand trips to select never select true strike we get Firebolt from our race we're going to go with Ray of frost because this is about dealing obviously ice and lightning damage as we're going to try and create water as much as possible shocking grasp is a pretty good one to take as well because again you're going to benefit from that double damage from water I like minor illusion and friends if you're the face of the party is really useful to have so I recommend that if you are the face of the party if not you can go with something like bone chill but again it's entirely up to if you're the face of the party or not for our spells chromatic orb is actually going to be one of the most damaging spells in the entire game and I want to show you how because it can be really powerful we're also going to take magic Missile this is just a really good thing to have for Unstoppable if you want to upcast that that can clear off Unstoppable pretty well and uh Thunder Wave you we're going to get from the cleric but if you want to have it cast with your charisma modifi fire then take it as your level one spell so when we get into our ability score I'm going to talk a little bit about what we're going to go for in terms of gear and items but yeah chromatic orb is going to be our very powerful spell there now we're also going to take the storm sorcery draconic bloodline is also pretty great one CU it's going to give us extra health and increased defense but this a storm sorcery we're talking about we're going to go with this gives us tempt Tempest magic after you clap a level one spell or higher you can fly as a bonus action until the end of your turn without receiving opportunity attacks so we got Mobility crazy amounts of it now in as far as our our selection here goes you can dump your intelligence there's options we can add level one wizard to get the ability to conjure Elementals as you get four spell slots if you have the band of intelligence from act one so if you've gotten that take wizard for one level here in this build and you're going to to be able to use the intelligence modifier for those spells which sets it at 17 with the band of intelligence now Constitution being one of our most important stats alongside wisdom and Charisma this is a pretty heavy build in terms of what it wants out of you so uh we obviously want to have our our Charis our wisdom up as high as possible Charisma is going to be the main casting um our main spell casting stat so this is obviously going to be a very important one and then if we can pump our con Constitution up to 16 if you have the Amulet of Greater Health you can comfortably drop your charisma or your Constitution because you're going to have a set 23 Constitution which is super great for your survivability I'm going to leave it at that though if you have the de gloves of dexterity you can also dump your dexterity but something like that looks good ideally we'd take their wisdom a little bit higher but we're I'll get into why we're going to leave it at that there so that is that for level one Sorcerer And this build gets crazy so we're going to go into level two now but what we're going to do this is how we're going to level up so this is kind of a leveling guide too we want to add in the cleric at level two because that gives us heavy armor and Shields and that's super important as a as a sorcerer for survivability sake so we will add in the cleric here which gives us some nice ability to change things up so Tempest gives us the Thunder Wave and fog Cloud that we didn't take with the Sorcerer And then we also get the Wrath of the storm as a reaction strike back on attacking creature dealing a 2 to8 or 2 to6 um lightning or thunder damage the Target only takes half damage on a saving throw for our canant trips resist your guidance is one of the best early game uh can trips to have so we're going to take that resistance is pretty all right as well and sacred flame you can go with like produce flame but we're going to go with that for our deity we can select whatever you feel like works best for the uh for I guess this one we want want to have something like electric based Talos TS destructive force of nature his followers see it as random effects and see a chaos so that's like the flavor I guess pick for this build but if you want to go with something else like mistra or tier there's a couple other options you got there but we'll go TOS there and for our prepared spells there's one very important one that we want to take here uh we're going to take off Shield of faith can be a decent concentration early on but we want Creator destroy water cuz this is going to be how the bill gets really really powerful so the reason we're taking Creator destroy water is double damage from water applies to our lightning thunder damage as well as cold damage which we're going to take a little bit of as well so guiding bolts kind of nice early on too gives you advantage on your next attack roll so you can hit a Target more frequently with this which is nice for if you have a team early on that just can't hit and then I like command personally I think command's really great uh as far as you you can command something to move for you and it forwards towards you or drop its weapon and dropping a weapon is very powerful so I like that personally healing word though is also another great one Healer creature you can see the reason that this is so powerful is that you can use this to revive your downed party members so that can be really effective there and um yeah if you want you can go with that instead of guiding bolt or take off command and take guiding bolt any any of those four will be great um we're going to take another level of cleric anyways so let level two cleric this is where we get some interesting stuff we get our Channel Divinity charges one and then we get a level one spell slot level two spell slot turn Undead pray to turn all Undead that can see you and here is the big the big function of our build when you roll thunder or lightning damage you can use your channel Divinity to deal maximum thunder or lightning damage instead so anytime that you see like a 2 to 16 it'll be the 16 number with chromatic orb upcast it it has the potential to deal 224 damage which is absolutely wild so yeah that's what makes this build so powerful this is a weird glitch that keeps happening I find it makes you select your deity again but for our next select selected spell we'll just take whatever we didn't take so command that's the four that we want from there now for our next level we're going to go back to sorcerer and for our spell here we can take ice knife that's not a bad one uh which bolt I wouldn't really recommend it's a concentration I think that ice knife just works a little bit better so we're going to take that color spray can be pretty decent as well as a blinding uh just taking out kind of crowd control sleep is also kind of similar blind or sleep but I think that ice knife is actually better so for our metam magic here this is where it gets interesting so this build gets crazy with this alone so distance spell increase the range of spells by 50% melee spell is get a range of N9 meters extended spell double duration but we want twin spell cuz what this does uh spell spells to Target one creature can Target an additional creature as well cost one sorcery point for spell level can trips also cost one twin taste crazy powerful it gives you another action and then gives it another teammate another action as well so twin spell and haste underrated for that that's what we're going to leave with for our level but we also get yeah we get another sorcery point and we get a create spell slot if we need to create a spell from our meta magic sorcery points now as we get into the Next Level here this is where we get ourselves another uh we get ourselves another spell and this time level two I think that hold person could be pretty nice to have just for automatic Critical Hits um if you have multiple storm Sorcerers this can get pretty crazy cloud of daggers is not bad either but I think that that or Misty step even though we can fly I think Misty step does have some usefulness but we're going to go with hold person there because I think that that can be quite powerful and for our metam magic this is where we get some more really powerful stuff from The Sword Quicken spell spells that cause a bonus action cost spell cause an action cause a bonus action instead reason we want this uh as we can cast something and then with a bonus action cast it again so double call lightning after twinning the first one you can call down a lot of lightning really quickly uh extended spell increases duration hid and spell targets of spells that require saving throws of disadvantage on their first saving throw that's also pretty decent one I like hideen spell but for the purpos of this quick and spell is great so we're going to go with that hold person is really just a great concentration overall uh for our can trip that we get Next Level again take friends if you haven't already Mage hand can be an okay one just to set up and have a I actually think yeah Mage hand with a water bottle you can throw the water to create water pretty underrated because then you can set up your lightning and cold damage really quickly so it gets pretty crazy with that for our next leveled spell we can go with cloud of daggers is not a bad concentration put in doorways sometimes but uh invisibility has its usefulness if you want to have a bit more uh utility and defensiveness gusta wind can be nice too uh pushes back five meters and makes them off balance which's nice about this is you can push things off of cliffs we also have thunder wave that will do that but uh yeah I do think that for the level two spell slot Misty step might be a good backup option there or Mirror Image uh duplicate increases Armor class by three yeah actually mirror image is proba better choice for level two this build doesn't get too crazy till we get to later levels but but for our feet this is where we can take our Charisma we're going to pretend that we have The Hags hair here to put this at 20 I get people commenting saying hey you shouldn't leave things un uneven but this is assuming we're going to take the hags hair or use mirror of loss to increase this even further there's also some items that will increase your stats so something like that another option is warcaster to have your concentration saved but I think that that is the way to go uh spell sniper can also be a decent choice but obviously we want to have our main spell casting ability go higher CU that's just going to increase our overall damage and our attack roles so on the next level we get ourselves level three spell slots I'm always a fan of I guess lightning bolt is kind of the way that this build's going but we also like haste we want haste for sure and counter spell those are kind of what we want to gravitate towards we can even take off something like Mirror Image if you don't want to have mirror image and then take ourselves um counter spell or haste I'm a fan of haste though CU this gives you an extra action become faster and gain a plus two to Armor class it's broken especially with twin spell you can upcast that to two people it gets crazy so lightning bolt deals lightning damage in a straight line and that's going to be great cuz we're going to set up water and blast and it's all about you can fly and then set up a lightning bolt if you want to hit different targets so we get hard the storm when you cast spell of level one or higher that deals lightning or thunder damage you can cast a small you cause a small local storm all enemies within six meters take three lightning or three Thunder damage and her of resistance we gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage so that's great resistance half the damage we also get call lightning which we would have gotten from taking the uh higher levels in Tempest cleric so this is just a as a concentration you can call down within 10 met or for 10 turns you can keep calling down without using a spell slot so lightning lightning lightning light uh this gets broken when you use this we also get SLE storm what's nice is this will call forth a storm and cause breaks concentration does Fir and creates a nice surface so you have someone else you can use fire on top of that and then that'll make water and then you can use lightning so this build goes quite hard with that there we go we get the gust of wind I knew something was coming there and we also get Creator destroy water so um if you didn't take it earlier on and Thunder Wave which we do get from the cleric already The Tempest cleric now we're going to take counter spell for this nextev slot it's not a bad idea just to have Fireball as a backup to create water so that can be something you can take as well if you're not liking uh if you don't want to use haste or if you don't want to use counter spell you can take Fireball just to create I guess more water um so we're going to go with that for level eight this build gets pretty crazy it comes online pretty early on cuz create water plus any type of lightning damage is huge damage potential so for level four spell slot I'm I'm personally a fan of ice storm and the reason why ice Storm's going to create icy surface it also does damage it's 2 d8 bludgeoning and 4 D6 a cold damage and then it also yeah creates the ice on the ground what's nice about that is then you can follow up with Fireball or some other type of fire damage to create water so if you don't want to just use create water you can create it by damaging the targets and that's typically a little bit better and people people like that more you know it's a little bit more fun to deal damage in that way so we're going to go with that for our next level uh spell Selection ice is very similar to lightning and thunder as it gets that double damage from water and it can create water so it's useful in this build next for our next spell slot I like dimension door take you in one ajon Ally to a place you can see this is like Misty step but bonus so you can use that pop up to high ground and be safe with the teammate but as I said Fireball or wall of fire I think Fireball kind of being the better one here uh Fireball is just a classic and you can also use um your quick and quick and spell to to do ice storm and then Fireball and then have another cleric do lightning damage so this build actually benefits from having multiple which is kind of funny and you can even take one of the sorcerers as a draconic for increased defense make them kind of the tank cuz we're Sorcerers that can wear heavy armor so pretty tanky um for our feet ability Improvement great we can take our constitution up which will boost the health so if we go with something like that takes our health up 10 points which is quite nice we' also if you really want to bump your Wiz up I just don't see much use in it cuz we're going to be mostly using Charisma actor can give us performance in uh Prof proficiency bonus and deception performance and checks and that would round off the Charisma if we didn't take um The Hags hair so that could be an option uh we already have Proficiency in Constitution saving throws so resilient won't be like super beneficial in that regard but there's even War Caster spell sniper uh Shield Master gives a plus two to dexterity saving throws while wearing a shield so Shields are definitely useful in this build I think that that's something you want to have for sure um performer if you want musical instrument proficiency and increase your charisma that could be another way to increase the Charisma I don't know why it makes you put the Charisma there um but one thing that I ve very much so like is alert plus five to initiative is huge this means that you're going to usually be going first and you can't be surprised uh which being surprised can end your game in honor mode so I think that that is a really great option for that feed so most classes can have benefit from alert as their feet as it just brings a lot of synergy to it so into wizard level 9 or sorcerer level 9 we get ourselves another sorcery Point level six spell slots unlocked so yippe we can go with our level five spell slots we do get like something like insect plag which is a concentration but can create difficult terrain hold monster but cone of cold is pretty good it's kind of like a situational version of our Lightning Spell so we can with something like that just for I guess another choice of spell that's going to deal a lot of extra damage with the water that we' be creating and cold damage some targets still will take extra damage from cold so we want to go with something like that just for the ability but hold monsters is another great choice for concentration even if we want to we could like remove one of these previous spells and take um something like our hold monster if you really want it but um yeah I think that that's what works best for this level and then our final level this is where things can be quite interesting because we do get ourselves another meta magic we get another choice in canant trip so take whatever really you want blade Ward um one thing that we could do potentially is we can go and take another level of our um we can take Wizard and then wear as I said we can wear the intelligence uh Banner or the intelligence circlet cuz we do get another meta magic here and we get a another level five spell but if you don't really like those options adding in Wizard can be a very useful way to add a little bit more Synergy to the build because then we can use the um we're going to have a spell casting modifier 16 for those roughly it's a 17 but with the circle of intelligence it does open things up to four extra wizard spells so you can describe those I do think that that can be a little bit better if you don't really want to take the extra meta Magics here and you do it the circl of intelligence that's four extra spells that we can use for conjure Elemental and really any other spells that you want we could have not taken haste and we can take some different options here so yeah it's up to you if you want to add in that extra level of wizard be mindful that the Spells will be using your intelligence modifier so uh with this we can take like blade Ward friends I don't like true strikes light and then for our spells we can go with like things that we don't have already Wich Bolt's not great long rer is a great ritual that'll give you extra 3 meters which is nice triaa targets jumping distance false life something like that aine familiar is actually probably a bit better grease I don't love on this build is not super useful but having a fine familiar can take an extra take an extra hit for your team which is nice and then for prepared spells uh since we don't have the circon our intelligence is really low right now we only get one spell but we can prepare four spells with the circlet of intelligence so yeah that makes this a lot better and then we can also just use Scrolls to learn like Contra Elemental which doesn't use your intelligence is just cast an elemental which can be really really powerful um so yeah there's a few different options here that we can go with if you want you can just stick with your good oldfashioned uh cleric but oops we're going to cancel that there you can you can go with an extra level of um of cleric here and that just gives us stuff that we really already have I think that even a 210 can be great so we're going to stick with that but again you can use wizard if you want to add a little bit of extra flare to it hold monster will take dominate purse can be all right too and then for our meta magic um I think that extended spell can increase the time that you have surfaces so create water extended spell doubles the duration uh allies aive hidden spell though is pretty good require saving throws of disadvantage of than first saving throw we're going to go with extended spell but you can take hide and spell either of those are great options so there it is as we get into the build I'm going to show you some of the spells that we would be using in this so we get a lot of different ones now the highest damage that we can get from this is actually our um chromatic orb which is funny enough I also like for gear we'll get into the gear quickly here as video is running a bit long but dark Justus to the a plus one to saving throws against spells number gives you increased chance hitting critical and one plus one to Constitution saving throws which we definitely want uh the shade Slayer cloak gives us another chance to hit critical so we're we can that removes removes the or gives us a plus 10% chance with between these two items for our armor we can actually go into heavy armor I was just wearing this which is not a bad thing to have if you don't take the cleric but we're obviously wanting to use our heavy armor so we're going to go with something uh really whatever is the strongest one that you got this can give 21 Armor class this uh Dwarven splint armor can be pretty nice too where is it yeah that gives us plus two Constitution as well so gives us more health and um I like the gloves obliger and skies thunderous conversion when the wear deals thunder lightning uh damage you get two terms of Reverb on the target what's nice is we can use like um some types of our electric attacks will damage them and stack that up really high if we had uh the wizard we could take something like the um what's the spell called the Lightning Spell uh chain lightning and it'll spread that amongst a lot of people so that can be another option that we got but call lightning and lightning bolt are pretty good for our lightning build here if we would have taken only one level in uh cleric we could have got ourselves that but also if we take wizard we could also grab that with it uh water sparkers when the wearers sing in water it becomes electrified if the wear starts to return on electric side surface they get three lightning charges that we can use with the blast pendant uh which when you use this uh use lightning charges to focus the energy in your lightning in your veins and your next Lightning Spell or cantra is increased strength so that's nice combine with killer sweetheart that can do crazy amounts of damage um we already have resistance to lightning so something a little bit different here for our I guess second ring but as we get into things here what we want to be doing is using our chromatic orb here with the lightning and then we want to have that level six so that's 56 damage double that that becomes 112 from the water and you can use your channel Divinity to make sure that we're hitting maximum amounts of damage and it's a large surface like it's a fireball like surface and you can also even do something like twin to do double double it up it'ss crazy so yeah potential of very very high damage 224 roughly if we have both of those connecting so this build can get quite powerful in balers Gate 3 so the storm sorcerer Tempest cleric is a really great multiclass thank you so much for watching if you found this video useful please hit the Subscribe button below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Jay Dunna
Views: 55,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Storm Sorcerer, Storm Sorcerer / Tempest Cleric, Storm Sorcerer / Tempest Cleric Multiclass, Storm Sorcerer / Tempest Cleric Multiclass Build, tempest cleric storm sorcerer multiclass, storm sorcerer tempest cleric 5e, Storm Sorcerer / Tempest Cleric Multiclass Build Guide: Baldur's, Storm Sorcerer / Tempest Cleric Multiclass Build Guide: Baldur's Gate, Storm Sorcerer / Tempest Cleric Multiclass Build Guide: Baldur's Gate 3, storm sorcerer tempest cleric bg3
Id: oygX4TJ8dPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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