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hi I'm Seth Lee in the house and this is a ram pump it's a water pump that requires no fuel or electricity to operate in today's video I'm gonna try and install this half inch pump on this waterfall which is close to 12 foot and the goal is to push water to the top of this hill where I have an RV camper so let's go ahead and get started I'm gonna be using this dual intake here it's going to be sunk down on this side of the pond it's going to come up and over this spillway using a three-quarter inch pipe so it's going to go down the waterfall turn into a half inch pipe stir it along the wall here about 50 feet over here and this gonna have a garden hose up and over up the hill first thing I want to do here is jump down in the water get my studio Tison wet and I want to measure out the distance required here and stir it across the pond this building it's like about right here he's gonna go ahead and make a mark so I know where that is then get this cut here okay I brought some PVC cement go ahead and get a 90 degree on here okay and now from there I want to have a pipe it comes down a foot or so for that dual intake will be attached to something like that and then out of that I'm going to go ahead and put this dual intake the rockledge comes out to about here so I want to 90 over and then go down so just gonna put this 90 on the edge here and then I'm just going to follow that up with another small piece of pipe something like that now to be able to start this siphon what I'm going to do is install a piece like this that we then have a 90 coming back up this will be here this will be here and then the rest of the pipe will continue on down the waterfall and on top of this I'm gonna have a regular ball valve to cut off the water to for this piece so basically I can start the siphon by pouring water into here and then close it off and when I open the valve at the RAM pump it should pull the siphon over the waterfall that's my hope so let's go ahead and get these pieces glued together I have made sure that this is going to be long enough that it's not interfering with the intake Irie measured the waterfall and it's only gonna be about eight feet where I'm at so thinking should be just right someone who can solve this six foot piece at the end of this piece right here that we just previously the main here we go almost done with the PVC part off - damn and we will move on to the pump side so this 90 right here is going to be kind of at a 45 off of the stand pipe I put in earlier it looks like about right there I also need to install this reducer from 3/4 to 1/2 yo I'm gonna go ahead and get my two sections of half-inch pipe together here okay did you get my half inch pipe attached to my inside piece here go ahead and pop this into the water okay I've given all the sections about 20 minutes to cure let's go ahead and see about getting this whole system down here in the water [Music] go ahead and drop the pipe down which is scary because it's so snaky down there okay here's what we have so far the intake is right here and seems to be looking good comes over here skirts around this rock wall and goes down to the bottom looks like I pretty will touch the bottom right where I wanted to have a bit of an upwards push here that may have to find a stick or something to push that pipe down let's go ahead and take the pump down here attach it and see if we can get this at least primed before we move on further if you're watching this video I didn't die of a snake bite or from a bunch of wasps definitely saw a snake down here yesterday though okay not my favorite activity definitely no bear grylls or Steve Irwin so far so good so I'm not gonna glue this up here yet because I might extend this a little further I just want to get this right here and connected to use this ball valve okay the plan now is to take this bucket and fill up that pipe with water to start the siphon okay I had the pipe full up to where we put that tea in all the way down hopefully let's go open up that valve and see if it'll pull the siphon okay hopefully we get water out of the valve here nice okay there's probably a good bit of air still in this line yeah there is I think it's pulling the siphon now which is a good thing I'm not sure if I'm still hearing air or not but let's pop that and see if it'll start hmm interesting huh good it's warning too may still have some air bubbles in here check it out we got some cycling okay which tells me it's gonna work I'm seeing a lot of loss here in the drive pipe probably should find some big rocks to stick on there so let's go ahead and I guess get this piece right here glued up I may have to pull the intake out to do that but it is working some kind of pressure we got oh yeah nice wow that last fitting cures I'm gonna run some garden hose up the hill to go ahead and prepare for pumping water up to the top well let's take a minute to mention that I have four different models for sale Atlanta house calm and the house shop calm ebay and on Amazon links in the description down below if you need a half inch three-quarter inch one inch or one the quarter inch pump you can find them there also be sure to hit the thumbs up button if you love RAM pumps and subscribe if you haven't already I have close to 100 videos on the RAM pump and close to a thousand videos on the channel at the filming of this video okay let's drag some hose up this hill okay moment of truth time to push this back down into the water and then let's go over here and open this up again then I want to go ahead and just start filling this hose or this pipe back up with some water and then when that's full we'll go ahead and start this thing definitely use the other hand okay delivery pipe garden hose is attached the pipe should be full enough to start the siphon here yep now got to find my air bleeding stick here hit all that air come out while those air bubbles are coming out of that Drive pipe I want to toss a couple of heavy rocks down here to hopefully prevent this from a bouncing sound just a couple of them want to do it seems like we're good just pull this here we go okay let's go ahead get this thing going while I put some rocks on the drive pipe actually just to make sure it's gonna work here because it could take a while to fill that garden hose up enough okay nice okay so what I'm gonna do now is just continue to push this down until it fills the pipe up enough to have back pressure to see it stops if you don't have enough pressure pushing back down on this I've been pushing the valve here almost a hundred times and I think it's getting really close to having enough back pressure up this hill when you're working with a waterfall like we are it can push water up really high which means you have to prime this thing pretty good to get it to go up there I know it's working because if you close the delivery valve here and enough pressure builds up in the tank it runs on its own and so we release this it should be close I kept wondering why the RAM pump was stopping I don't have enough back pressure just try another 100 foot hose here to go all the way down another at least 10 to 15 feet climb in elevation from about where the tree is right here so we'll see how well it does now after the addition of that 100 feet hose this thing is just clicking along here so good let's head up the hill and see what we get at the top I'm glad I haven't found any snakes so far I did find some ants over here but no problem yet okay man that's to climb up this hill one more time based on the weight of the hose I can tell the water is somewhere right in here son thinking we're about to get some water out the top here let's see what we get aha we got him it's a nice flow rate too considering it's coming from a 1/2 inch ramp um I like it over the course of a day that's a lot of water right there it's very exciting to see the water at the top of this hill on such a simple setup even though it took me a while to get things going because I didn't provide enough garden hose for the back pressure required for this eight-foot drop up here but it's working now thank you so much for watching remember to subscribe bring that notification bell so you can see more videos and if you would hit the thumbs up button too and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Land to House
Views: 100,016
Rating: 4.8584452 out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, ram pump, pump, water pump, ram, hydraulic ram pump, hydraulic ram, water ram pump, ram pump build, how ram pump works, home made ram pump, how ram pumps work, waterfall pump, hydraulic water ram pump, mechanical design ram pump, waterfall, ram pump from waterfall, how to install, install
Id: updPgq5xaiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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