Turbine Install Off Grid Micro Hydro 4/6

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[Music] hey i'm seth with land of house we're back up here on the mountain with my good friend and neighbor homestead on the mountain check out his youtube channel link in the description down below today is exciting we're going to be installing the turbine from langston alternative power so in the last video we ran the pin stock down to this point here and we let it sit for an hour or two and we wound up with around 62 psi for the static pressure now when this thing gets going it'll probably drop down a little bit for the dynamic pressure but we're going to be using this area right here as our turbine location we're kind of thinking a couple of four by fours set on this rock stretched out over the creek to this area so that it's up above the water and it shouldn't be washed out during any kind of flood work also this is just above my intake which is just right there so after his turbine is done with water it'll continue down and run into my turbine so like i said spencer has provided the turbine for this installation and let's go back down to my shop and get the turbine plumbed up now whenever you order a turbine from langston alternative power he will already have the jets and all of the pipe work installed for you but i wanted to learn a bit more on how it all works and so i'll be kind of running through the the fittings required to make this work lengths and alternative power sent this turbine over without the plumbing fittings installed on the side here so let me show you what i'm going to do to get that uh assembled here so i have the two jets this is the quarter inch i believe and this is the 3 16. so it is very tiny and what i want to do is get these plumbed up so they can be used one or the other individually so what i've got is a couple of ball valves and then several 90s and a tee so i'm thinking that i'm going to be putting a ball valve here on this side right here so that will control this on or off and then i'm going to put the t piece on that and so the main line in from the the mountain will come in right there and then that will 90 off of there come this way i'll have the other valve in there most likely and then this will 90 over to this last 90 which is threaded here let's go ahead and get that put together [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay have everything plumbed up last thing is to put this union on here to make it easy to remove the pin socket if we need to access some stuff later it's just an inch and a quarter and i will tighten that down later on but let me walk you through what i came up with and hopefully it's going to work well pin stock will attach to this right here and water will go straight through to that 3 16 jet that's in there and then it'll have the option to skirt over here come down make all these 90s and go into the other side hopefully this right here doesn't slow stuff down too bad but at least it'll give us the options to use both sides here and we can just shut off ball valves whenever we don't need a jet or two so hopefully we'll have enough water for this one all the time and then sometimes we'll be able to use this one probably half the year this one can stay open uh if need be all right we've just finished hiking the mountain a couple more times to bring the stuff required to install this a couple of four by fours to span the creek and then here is the turbine let's go ahead and take a look at this thing up close it is three phase so you have just three wires coming out here and those are connected up under here so we will be using a rectifier later to get this three phase into dc and as you saw before the pvc has the input here and it will skirt around here to another ball valve where i can keep that side closed if need be and this is the 3 16 nozzle here so if we have a very low flow time of year we can just have that running directly or run this one over here now the motor has a cooling fan on top so it can turn like this and pull air down into the coils to help it keep from getting overheated and let's go ahead and flip this over here so we can see the pelton wheel underneath this fern out of here so this is an all aluminum pelton wheel and you can see the jets down here let me zoom in a little bit for you so this one here is the quarter inch and this one up here is the 3 16. so you can see they are pointing towards the spoons to turn that turbine like that when spencer made this box he made the skirt of it a little bit long so that we can actually mount this to a couple of four by fours to do that i'm gonna come down here about an inch or so from the bottom and drill three holes on these two sides [Applause] okay and then we'll flip it around i'm just picking up some sharpening duties around here we're gonna move our four by fours into position here place them we're thinking between this rock uh right here and then somewhere over there and we've got an extra 4x4 to find a level spot if we need to we've got the four by fours down here pretty close to where we want them and they're not 100 level but close the turbine doesn't have to be 100 level so we're gonna go ahead and get it into position here and have to uh kind of tilt it up to get it screwed in from the bottom here [Music] yeah this is tuesday i thought it hasn't rained much lately at all anytime what oh yeah much sturdier than what we would come up with or at least i would have come up with [Music] i don't know it's not quite something small like that you think i'm just using some rocks to shim up this thing a little bit i bet we can put some rocks on it after it's level enough and make it heavier we've got this 4x4 over here that i'm going to toenail in just to keep everything from shifting [Music] now we're just placing some heavy rocks on this to keep it from sliding out the water around here i've seen it up to about 400 gallons a minute which still should be able to pass up under this right here no problem okay ready to hook up the pen stock to the turbine now we've got the union crossing on both sides here so if you could kind of twist but avoid twisting too much on that because it was [Applause] does this need to move forward so i think this side four inches hey there's maybe two or three inches [Music] what's that i think we can do it hopefully that o-ring seated in there all right we've got the pin stock connected to the turbine now hopefully our o-ring is sitting in there properly if not we'll have a little geyser right here but we're going to start off with a 3 16 nozzle straight open gonna do the honors sure here we go yep and a guy a geyser and a geyser okay take two we're gonna see if we uh got that o-ring in there and the union tight enough you ready [Music] oh [Music] that's no good [Music] i think our fitting is not adequate [Music] i wonder i probably got some inch and a quarter uh some other different style okay we've replaced that other union with a different style here and we're gonna give it take three here we go nice so that is the 3 16 nozzle i kind of figured that would be like you want that extra little push of water that you have if you have overflow at the top so now let's try this one down here so that's bigger that's smaller over there this is the bigger one yeah right over here [Music] [Music] big difference all right cool sin [Applause] so just judging this i think we're using more water than we have maybe not though [Applause] [Music] more water than we had oh i'm just wondering if we're using more water than the creeks got what's your pressure that would tell us whether or not we got the uh okay well maybe so the problem is we'll have to uh open it full send like that and then walk up top and see if we have overflow yeah which is 600 foot of 150 foot drop yeah but what we can do is hook up the rectifier and get voltages between this one and that one okay i've got all three of the three phase connected to the rectifier and then i have my multimeter set up here so we can read the dc voltage and go ahead and flip that on and make sure it is set to dc all right let's go ahead and flip this on about 60 volts i guess first we'll use the uh small jet and see how much it makes looks like 6.5 volts [Music] all right so let's kill that one it's almost like it wants to go a little bit more yep and this one should give us nice results here 29.7 so far there's 30. [Applause] how's our pressure holding [Music] see if it drops anymore [Applause] same so 46. we have both jets open we got about 36 bolts in here see if our pressure is dropping any yeah it's starting to drop now after two weeks this is what the intake of the system looks like we hiked up here just to see if we were still having any overflow and there's just a little tiny leak right here but most of the water is going where we want it so we've got basically full flow of the creek coming down our intake to our barrel and uh with that quarter inch nozzle open it's still just pulling more water than we have available to us well we just hiked up to the top to see how much water was flowing and we're guessing somewhere around five six gallons a minute and uh this quarter inch jet needs at least 12 to flow full so we don't have enough water to run this thing as much as we need to but we do know that it will currently run at about 30 to 35 volts depending on if they're both open or not which is enough to get us a good test of what is to come we may also have to send the stator back to spencer langston and have him rewire if it's not going to have high enough voltage at the top but anyway we're going to move on to electronics now and run some wire up to the house so we can get this test underway and hopefully if we get some rain in the next couple of days we'll have enough water to just open this up full and get a full test at the house thank you so much for watching if you want to check out the turbines i have a link in the description down below to the spencer langston alternative power site and also check out homestead on the mountain where you can see a different look here of this turbine install all right thanks for watching and i'll see you the next video
Channel: Land to House
Views: 37,546
Rating: 4.9235668 out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, turbine, hydro power, micro hydro, water power, pelton wheel, pelton, nozzle, jet, off grid, offgrid, homestead, turgo
Id: ziwE1aWTP6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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