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I got your ram pump right here! ~gyrates hips~

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Squrlz4Ever 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

its useful tech, more so in areas without heavy frosts (obviously doesn't work in the winter without burying the piping and ensuring the 'pump' part is well insulated pref. below grade.

The power source (you didn't think you could pump water uphill for free - energy speaking wise - did you ?) comes from the moving body of water you get the raw water from. So if you have a stream that drops 10' across your property, you could lift a small amount of water maybe as high as 10 x that from the lower point using the ram. The volume of water you can lift is significantly less than the water you are borrowing from the stream to power the pump.

Of course, I should point out that in more sophisticated jurisdictions natural watercourses on your property cannot be modified in anyway without obtaining a permit. You may own the land, but not the watercourse. Water taking from small streams can be extremely problematic, due to the effect it can have on fish/amphibians - building dams or digging ponds are such actions. I've had to help many commercial/industrial/institutional land owners apply for permits for their intended modifications of natural watercourses - often retroactively - as part of their penalty for modifying an existing watercourse without permission.

In many areas, constructing a water project will require an annual fee for ongoing water use, and in some cases, posting security with the agency having jurisdiction to cover the cost of demolition of the water project and restoration of the site to pre-development conditions.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/_Punko_ 📅︎︎ Jul 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
well that's a problem welcome back everyone what do we part three here finally we're gonna get boy everything's so dark here we're gonna get everything going today we got the ramp up pump all put together Jack is behind me working on the trenching he's got 500 feet of trench to make and he's he had set eight foot at a time with the little Yanmar backhoe so he's gonna be here a couple days he'll be really good at trenching by the time we get done with this so let's get this thing hooked up and we'll put the first bit of pipe in I've got all the material and then we'll hopefully get this thing going today baby you come to see me pants huh I didn't know your pants you see the trench look at that Jack's been busy working huh you wanna go inside let's go inside Jack's Oh inside Jack stretch are you a strawberry today where's your strawberry yeah you know the live strut or though wild strawberries are gonna be out in a couple weeks heart racer look at the Majestic dog she is mrs. W is convinced that she's not a real dog but I always say that she is she did chase a bear out of the yard I have it on video she's put on a pound or two since then should we go see jack oh man I just realized I messed up oh I forgot I thought there was so I don't have a threaded nipple to go into the valve there oh I forgot to get that and I don't I know I don't have one because I was looking for one yesterday so I'd actually since we since yesterday had bought this brass union right here so that we could take it off I thought if we was brass that wouldn't corrode as much and it would be better but that's not gonna work for us because we have no way to connect it but you have to have the valve alright you guys are gonna Lynch me if I don't get this pump going today and I wouldn't blame you for it here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take this guy off and we're gonna thread it directly on to the valve and we'll deal with this another time which means never so we'll take the air chamber off real quickly so that we can spin it and then we'll thread that back on I was thinking I was just I had to turn the camera off there I was thinking about excuses excuses for not doing things and how I think for many of us myself included that's kind of our default position especially when you're doing work that you don't particularly are not really excited about you know maybe your wife wants you to do something tell me you're not guilty of this I know I am and you you know you'd rather watch a game or whatever and you got there you know and the first little excuse that comes up you're like oh nope can't do that don't have that piece stores closed well I tried right and just give up there right and that's a bad habit to get into because you can always always always find excuses I was actually having a conversation with a friend of mine not just recently about that he was having some credibility problems at work and you don't happened to know the inside story and the story as this is that he's always always late and it's always an excuse as always well you know my car wouldn't start or there was traffic or you know my alarm somebody unplugged my alarm clock it's always an excuse and it's been going on for years you know to the point now where you fall into the he falls into the boy who cried wolf right he has no credibility no one believes him and the time will come when he actually has a maybe it does have an excuse because things things happen in life right says that you don't get anything from the government when he has when he really has a problem it's gonna bite him and it's gonna be you know he's not no one's gonna believe it you see guys what I was telling you about that pipe dope I mean it just gets kissed gets everywhere so one quick tip here will get back to my buddy here but I then I did wrong and I knew better than this but several you pointed out to me when your wrap wrapping your teflon on I had it oriented wrong flip it this way flip it this way here that way it pulls tight here on the on the reel and you can get you can hold pressure on it or if you have it the other way if I flip around the other way then it just unravels and you can't you know you have it doesn't work as well so thanks for the reminder on there it's funny how you know something and you how easy it is to forget so anybody's got this credibility problem and it's a direct result of making excuses I can't stand making excuses you know Jack and I have the same conversation often I don't want to hear excuses if you don't know how to do something I don't care about that I can show you how to do it but don't tell me you know how to do something and then or don't make excuses for why something couldn't happen because you can almost always find a way and finding a way to get the job done is what will separate you from all the other scrubs that you're working with that will that won't I my dad gave me that it was the best gift that he ever gave me was to used to say figure it out figure it out and that made me so mad at the time like oh why wouldn't he just tell me and I'll just tell me what to do I don't I don't want to I just want to be told what to do and not have to think about it and what would he was doing he wasn't being mean he was preparing me for life and I've done the same thing with jacking it it frustrates him to know him either I can totally sympathize I remember exactly what that was like but I also know now what I did I know something that he doesn't know and that is that that will serve him in life when everyone else is quitting when everyone else is giving up he will not he wasn't raised that way he'll be raised to figure things out and to whatever it takes make it happen yeah it's a it's a bummer I'm enough to come down here and redo this right but at least it'll be going okay I got straighten up that valve here we're almost there guys almost there I promise right there I got that pipe dope everywhere I put mrs. Deb you you know she had we had her her old washer and dryer that we bought used for every there's just the old-fashioned ones I got her the new ones you know kind of as a make her life easier right and I was gonna get rid of those old ones we're gonna give him give him away or give him to the church or something and she said oh uh not putting your dirty old work clothes and my brand-new washing machine and firefighting gear and all that so so we left those installed and so we can she can wash her really disgusting store my disgusting stuff down in the old machine and not spoiler new one except this I got this little Rock right here will sitting on that rock okay so we need to connect connect a little piece of pipe here because we have to have back pressure we're not going to put all the line and today I got actually 3/4 inch PVC because Jack's not done with the trench so I do have a remnant of the old line still here so we'll use this now on your ramp pumps there's a rule of thumb your drive pipe which is the pipe coming into the pump is going to be and this is your supply what comes out you want it to be roughly half the size of the pipe that comes in this is not an efficient pump it uses a lot of a lot of water but it's a kind of passive you know because the water just goes right back into where it would naturally go anyway we are ready to start the pump now the pump on these pumps will get it going and I'll explain how it works you have to have back pressure or they won't work at all and that what that means that there's got to be pressure we're gonna be pumping uphill right so we got that pressure pushing down on this that's vital so it to start them at first if you don't have that water in that line or at least I can close this off and just create that pressure we can get it get it to go here we've got a leaky valve oh we got a split valve in that and I don't think I'm gonna have another valve everything is not going according to plan I think I'll still work though so what we're doing now is we're priming the pump right there that's how easy it is to get it going I've never had one start so easy as that it's building pressure it's working all by itself so that's the sound of the double check valves clicking together it's that familiar Ram pump sound that you have from these double swing check Rams now we've got a crack in this valve right here which is not affecting the operation of it but I'll have to next time I'm in town order one of those but it should get us going but what we're doing now is the RAM pump is working pretty hard because it's deadheading is deadheading is a term for a pump that's pumping up hard to get something that's not able to move any water like a valve or a bulkhead so that's because I've got it shut off right here so if I open this valve it's going the pump will stop working because we've lost that back pressure right so what we have to do when you get these pumps going is we've got to fill this line you can either pre fill it and close the valve because we need that pressure pushing back on this check valve or we can just simply manually work the pump in the camera all wet and what I've done in the past is to is to I'll back these off just a little bit so that the pump will continue to run but I'm just releasing a little bit of pressure right here so it will slowly fill up that line it'll stick or something in there that's what you have to have a screen so right now we're filling the supply line right here this is just a three-quarter inch poly that's running across maybe you can see right there I've got it sticking up in the tree right there so I'm waiting for that - we'll see water coming out of that once we have that that would give us plenty of back pressure and maybe before we can probably open this valve before then we can try it I can see I can feel the water the line getting heavy so if we open this some more it will slow down we're just waiting for that back pressure to build up we need that back pressure for it to function prop oh that's it we got the water coming out so I can once you get that water coming out we should be able to open it up all the way now we've got adequate back pressure there and it's pumping but its normal capacity let's go take a look at the outflow so right here I'm about probably about a hundred feet from the pump and twelve feet or so in elevation above it you can kind of see about how much is coming out just from that little inch and quarter pump it doesn't look like a whole lot until you factor it in over a period of 24 hours but when I originally checked this years ago it was doing I write it right around give or take a gal in a minute it was either right over or just under but I think I figured it about a million half a million gallons a year it really does add up so the best way to utilize this is with some sort of a storage tank this is really a great system because you don't a lot of guys think you need a whole bunch of fall for these RAM pumps I've had them work with as little as like five or six and remember for every foot of fall you get what for every foot of all I think you lift seven so you can kind of calculate that out so if you have a little stream or something on your land you can build one of these for a hundred dollars and have that go up it'll go a long long way you don't suffer from friction loss with these friction loss if you don't know is that you have to a smaller a pipe is the more effort it takes to force water through it especially at high pressures and high volumes and that becomes a big problem I've been on wildland fire so we had to pump up really high extreme elevations we had to put you know like the the mark five pumps mark threes or whatever they are in series and pump from up to a like like a portable swimming pool like stage after stage after stage because the pumps just couldn't handle it with all the friction loss and the elevation because you're moving water it's such a slow a slow speed and the volume is relatively low friction loss doesn't really come into it so you can run this water vast distances how long how far how high I don't really know I know personally this one here is 500 feet in length of line plus maybe a little bit more and as I said you know not too far seventy or eighty feet of elevation if I had to guess and it come it pumps no problem just that simple little pump right there so let's go back down to it and I'll explain to you how the whole thing works alright so how this thing is working is it's basically utilizing kinetic energy that is in the water it's traveling down down going down through an elevation imagine that energy imagine like a creek or a stream that's swollen with water and all that energy there's enough energy in that water to roll boulders and to move different things we've all seen that for even to push a boat down right so there is energy stored up in that water because it's moving down the stream so what's happening is that water is coming down through this drive pipe it's got the energy in it and of course water like teenagers is going to search out and find the route of least resistance right so that's what the water is going to be doing here so we have two moving parts right we saw it how we put it together we have this check valve here that is opening and closing if we got this check valve it's opening and closing like this so the water is coming down imagine a lazy teenager and it wants to find the easiest route right so where's the easiest route for the teenager the water to get out well it's going to be this check valve right because we have back pressure coming in we've got water coming in through the back here then it's pushing against so these these two these two I guess heads of water are colliding well the easiest place for this water to go is out the top of this check valve because the way that we oriented it when it's just sitting not being used that check valve is just being pulled down in a downward position as that water smashes into the water that's coming in from the back side the only place for it to go is to go up so it starts to go up and that's what we see right here is the water is pushing up as it's pushing up that energy in the water is carrying that flapper valve until that flapper valve is carried along until it comes up to its seat boom it stops now the teenage water has hit a place where it can't go any further right it can't come out through that hole anymore so then where else can it go well the easiest route it can't go back the way it came it can't go back up there because its water is pushing down so what's going to do is going to go through here it's going to open this valve and it's going to push against the air in this chamber right here I don't know why it's not running here there we go so imagine if you take a balloon and you press against the balloon right a balloon you press against it it wants to push back wants to fight you right so what's happening is that water is going up and it's fighting against this air pressure and because we can compress it or we know that that's how air compressors work or scuba tanks right that water is coming up until it runs until it just basically spends all its energy it only has a little bit and it compresses that air well the air fights back just like a balloon wants to push back against this and it pushes back against that water without energy still got to go somewhere it's not completely spent yet so it goes back down and when it pushes that it tries to go back the way it came from right well that's when it runs into the second check valve now the second check valve it slams shut there's no other place for this stored energy to go other than out the other end and that's what we have coming on going on right there so the energy energy comes in it tries to get out here it can't hit the door the door is slam shut it goes out this way it can't go that way it goes up here depresses the air the air pushes back smashes this door shut on this check valve and the only place for it to go is it just dribbles out the top and that's that's essentially how a ram works there's lots of different configurations you can get commercial ones but it's as simple as that you can make these as I showed you for just a little bit of nothing so that's basically it I hope that kind of explains it to you how it works as you can see you know the amount of water that's coming out of that top waste valve it's a it's a large amount it's a lot more water than is probably what's coming out of the spigot right so it's not a super efficient design but it doesn't really matter cuz because the water is just as it goes out of the waste valve it's just going back to where it would normally drain anyway you're you're just basically just borrowing a little bit of energy stored energy off of the water that's going its natural route so there's there's nothing lost it's not in it so what if it's inefficient it doesn't make any difference right I think we've covered everything else jack is he's gonna be a couple days digging on his trench so all we'll do some videos on that hopefully he's gonna have his friends over and they'll do all the pipe together I'm trying to keep a hands-off a hands-off what's the word I'm looking for tactics with him I gave him that job to do and I told him if you have questions let me know it'll help you but I'm not trying not to interfere or micromanage I have a tendency to do that this is his project he needs to do it he needs to figure all the stuff out on his own without me holding his hand it's it's a it's an important pot time for boys about this age 13 he's still in that phase where he's still wants to take advantage of the ease and the you know the thing that come when you were a child and the lack of responsibility but also wants the privileges of being more grown-up and being a young man and that's it's a really critical time to break kids of that time of that you know I there's no hand-holding and I'm not gonna be waking him up he needs to get himself up heat you know he has a job to do and he needs to get it done so and he's been doing very good I'm really proud of him so it's hard not to get in there you know and lend a hand and to help out especially when you see him doing things that are ultimately gonna cause him more work but that's how you learn I can tell him a thousand times and unless he experiences it himself those lessons just won't really stick in there so it's you're not doing him any favors by coddling him that's for sure but I'm proud of him he's doing a really good job so speaking of job I have a huge job ahead of me I'm I would appreciate your prayers Mrs W is leaving me well for a couple days to go to a homeschooling retreat she's you know the funny thing with mrs. W she said she's she's a really extraordinary person everywhere we go or anything that she does people offer her jobs they want her to come work for her she's never had to apply for a job they just kind of come to her because she's that type of person so of course you know that we homeschool with the classical conversations curriculum and she's been acts asked to be she was a teacher last year and she's been asked to be a director this year so she's got some training she's got to do for the next season so that means it's just Jack and I with us with the boss baby which which is gonna be a long couple days so it's what is today taste Friday happy Sabbath coming up anyway and then she'll be back Sunday so we have the sweet loaf without mrs. W and that's gonna be interesting she's got the house all ready for us and she's got like all our meals pre-planned and she's got the baby's food you know so bless her for that but it's gonna be it's gonna be rough so hopefully my parents maybe my mom will come by and stay with us for a couple days anyway so that's what we have going on so I've got I won't be doing a lot of heavy content I've got some fun stuff lined up actually I've got the cheapest on Amazon I know some people like those some people don't but I've actually got I can't show you I've actually I've been testing out a couple of the items that I will be sharing the cheapest of Amazon and we'll see how they come up by a lot of folks like those and they're always fun to do and it's something that I can do and keep one eye on the on the boss baby [Music] that's why you did it yeah next time you grab a chain just get one just got the right hooks on it and that way you can adjust the length of it alright you need thing else for me that happens all right well happy digging happy digging [Music] you
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 277,211
Rating: 4.8919077 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, ram pump, hydraulic ram pump, hydraulic ram, water pump, free energy, how it works, how to make, do it yourself, linear ram pump, how to make a, creative ideas, how to basic, science model, free energy water pump, solar pump, homemade ram pump, how to, stand pipe, how to build a ram pump, waste valve, drive pipe, wranglerstar ram pump, awesome life hacks, awesome creative ideas, worlds smallest ram pump, off grid
Id: bLMIJlrJXvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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