Micro Hydro 4" Down Pipe all the way to the Bottom

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welcome to the land of house youtube channel i'm seth johnson so i've been testing out a four inch micro hydro turbine from langston's alternative power and today is another video where we test out some changes to the system i'm going to be putting a four inch pipe instead of going straight down to where the bucket is currently i'm going to put a 45 and go way over into the water down there and that will do two things hopefully increase the down pipe by two more feet and also prevent the water from having to hit that bucket and turn back up so now what we should be able to do is have the water flow down and straight out back to the creek so that's the first change we're going to make the second change i have got another one of these 45s to replace the 90 here at the intake so if you look right here the intake 90s down into the water and that reduces the flow into the system so we'll replace that as well also another fun update i browsed around and found an mppt charge controller for about 115 dollars went ahead and bought that i believe it also has a readout for watts so we don't have to use the little reader that we were using before so that will be hopefully in the next video in that video i will probably test out that new meter the new charge controller and then do a 24 volt battery test as well so some more things on the way so let's go ahead and get all of this stuff off the four-wheeler and get a test underway first thing i want to do is crank this up for a few minutes to drain the water over the dam that way we can go down there and change things out without getting too wet also i brought the wrong shoes for this so i don't get those but either we had a pretty good rain last night so i'm not sure if we've got more water coming in here than usual but hopefully it'll drain enough over here that we can work without getting too wet this thing does pull at least 100 gallons per minute over the edge i'll let that run for a couple minutes to pull the water down and hopefully stop it from causing an issue i am seeing already that it's slowing down going over there does not take long for this thing to pull water out of this pond so looks like the canada geese have moved on [Music] i must have gotten 40 comments saying they're canada geese not canadian geese i just stepped down here to film and there are some canadian geese i talked to them they're from canada i forgot to mention in the very end of the last video i turned off the system by pulling the intake out and i realized something air bubbles are getting in here because this connection hasn't been glued can you hear it that right there is killing our power i have a feeling whenever we get our final setup situated i'm going to glue up everything and i think we'll see an even greater power increase there at the very end but remember all this is done for spencer langston at langston's alternative power he sells a six-inch unit that he has locked down it's rock solid it can make more than 500 watts it's pretty awesome but this four inch unit he's got me testing one out just to see what it's capable of and uh in typical land to house fashion i'm uh milking it for what it's worth having multiple videos and i hope you're enjoying so and i have really really appreciated the comments that you have left uh saying the things that i should try and improve and hopefully i will get to everything all right i think we've dropped enough water that i can replace that and then i can also uh get the bucket out of there remove that six inch piece and jut over with a 10 inch or 10 foot piece over there to the water i just added on that 45 to replace the 90. i had to add one little piece of pipe going down to get further into the water so let's go ahead and crank this back up i've got it connected up to the three phase so we can now measure the voltage the open circuit voltage on the rectifier and that will hopefully give us something higher than 66 volts uh just increasing the flow rate here over that 45 instead of a 90. so let's see what we get so a few things happened we created a vortex which is letting some air in as you can see right here i'll have to get a longer piece of pipe to hopefully prevent that from happening but this thing started up on its own so it had more power and this is at 63 to 64. i have a feeling that is part of the issue [Applause] 64 still i just added about a foot and a half to the intake over here i wonder if that's going to reduce the siphon or the down pipe length because it goes further in the water i don't know okay let's start it up and get another open circuit [Music] um it didn't auto start that time i know why it didn't auto start i hooked up the battery um so that's it's got a load on it definitely not going to be starting up fast with that on there [Applause] there we go that's a lot better okay see what we're dealing with here 64 [Music] 65 that's a better connection there i don't hear all that air going in but i imagine it still is vortex is gone that's nice [Applause] 65.6 so honestly we're pulling about the same but i think it is uh better because it started on its own which it hasn't done before all right cool enough of that we know that the vortex is gone it's got less restriction in that 45. let's move on to adding the four inch pipe that goes down hits a 45 and crooks over to the water okay i want to remove the bucket down here and also this six inch piece so i brought a wrench to do that [Applause] bucket is out of there see if i can get this six inch pipe off nice okay let's angle this four inch down to the water sadly my angle is not exactly 45 let's see if i can maybe just make it fit for to now honest that right there would probably work so let me see what i can do went back to the house and got a hacksaw cut off about two foot and a half and now it fits pretty good i think a little bit more of an angle than it had before but uh should scoot down here i need to uh jump down there real quick and make sure none of those rocks are going to be interfering with the outlet so let me go do that real quick and we'll go start this up okay this adds about two feet more to the drop and also eliminates the bucket so the water can just go straight out back to the creek and not have that down and back up effect it had before i am a little concerned that the weight of the water is going to pull that whole pipe out i may have to get my little piece of wood structure here and support up under there but let's give it a test first to see what happens i'm going to start this unloaded to see if it will begin to spin on its own without me having to touch it yep sure did i feel like it's spinning faster than it was before let's uh see what we get when we just do an open circuit voltage again nice 74.5 so that is another almost 10 volts more open circuit so let's go ahead and hook our meter up again and see if we get a better uh watt reading on this battery i also brought a load to put on the battery so that we can hopefully get a more accurate watt reading okay i just tried to start it back with a load and it was moving real slow and the pipe fell off down there so let me go make some kind of wooden structure to get that just supported down there before we continue there was just enough water going through the pipe still i didn't have to re-vacuum it just started itself as soon as i touched up here so based on the amount of air that's coming out down there i think the joints are still letting in significant air so whenever we glue those we'll see the most power yet [Applause] so i think there's a leak here and i know there's one over here on this side but let's see what we're getting over here uh let's see so we already know we're getting 74 or so volts hey that's really exciting news 25 to 28 watts coming in that is our best results yet by far so some of that may be that we remove the bucket some of that may be that we added this 45 instead of the 90 and then just adding that extra couple of feet helped out tremendously i'm still seeing a lot of air down there bubbling out 26 to 29 there we go 29 is good okay let me turn on a load here so i've got the this little inverter which will turn on this 30 watt light there we go so 27 [Applause] i like it that's doing great and i can say that it's pulling the water down a lot slower because this thing is moving a lot slower you can actually hear the air bubbles they're sloshing around in there let's run this without the load for a little bit longer and see if it will pull out more air [Applause] still hitting that 75 to 76 range very cool still lots of air but i can say this thing right here smoking not literally but figuratively a water vortex has appeared see if i can get you close enough it's right out there i don't see any air yet though so it should not have any problems there so the next step is to glue up all of these joints that are sucking in air so there's uh let's see a total of one two three four five six seven joints that can be pulling in air because if you look down there there's actually a significant amount of air bubbling out so definitely an issue that i need to fix up seems to be stabilizing around the 24 and a half watt so we've got 13.8 on the battery now this battery is old and not the best so whenever we step this up to 24 we should see some different results there as well thank you so much for watching this video please leave me a comment down below i do read them all even though i don't have time to respond to hundreds and hundreds of comments every day but i appreciate what you write i just wanted to let you know that so i think gluing everything up in the next step will make a big improvement and then we will be testing out the new charge controller when it gets here and also um uh 12 versus 24 volts and then i've got something special planned i have a 2x4 that i can place in here actually it's uh no it's two by eight i think so i've got a two by eight i can place in here with some sandbags and it will bring the water up hopefully to like this area in here and we can see what kind of power this makes straight piped instead of having to come through this 45 but anyway it's all fun and testing so be sure to subscribe to the channel and check out langston's alternative power link in the description down below if you want to get some more information for hydro for yourself i'll see you in the next video bye really good news whenever i open up this vacuum port here the whole thing stops so i can glue everything up and not have to worry about pulling this off to stop it although i can see it's still flowing i wonder if i turn this and then touch this again nope [Music] before i was able just to touch that and it started to siphon for me [Music] oh maybe maybe [Music] i see more and more water coming out possibly oh huh you know what i've still got a load on here again cool so i think enough water is flowing through there i can just start and stop it through the exhaust port yeah that's going to work so if it doesn't have a load will it stop [Music] burp yes i think so cool you
Channel: Land to House
Views: 26,092
Rating: 4.9583335 out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, micro hydro, water power, micro, hydro, off grid power, 4 inch turbine
Id: nfWX2RlqyO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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