My New Ram Pump - AMAZING!

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This is exactly what it will be like when people figure out how to get things done without all the political crap we are forced to deal with today.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/anon338 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2016 🗫︎ replies

Fucking genius.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Anarkhon 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies

Wranglerstar is real good content in general. Good example

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/patron_vectras 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2016 🗫︎ replies
would you like to see the cutest thing I've ever seen a little baby Ram pump I know I'm excited to get to the RAM pump too but first off the old one I haven't hooked it my old my big ramp up I haven't had it running this year it's all weeds all grown up around I can't how they get to it so this is W I'll tell you what it says one thing Mrs W likes to do is weed whack man she goes through this trimmer string like smoke and oakum for some reason she has the uncanny ability to - it goes back into the hole there and I have to end up rewinding it but it looks like she's there's not a whole lot left here sold we'll just wrap some new stuff on here so I keep I keep trying to get her to go with the blade I've got the I've got the steel factory blade here but she likes the stream you know I think I think I may it may be my own fault that I ruined her on that because you know years a few years back I put one of those up well I adapted a skit a 10 inch table saw blade - because we were working in the forest you know to cut down some cut down the small trees and and I don't think she cared for that it was it was probably a really bad idea it was exceedingly dangerous and should never be probably should have never been operated unless you were wearing a suit of armor but it was effective first cut with the 940 boy it came sharp did come sharp oh man it feels good good - good at my old friend back isn't it alright let's finish this up here Germans they think of everything or don't want us to have to spring the wrong way so Mrs W she's going to head down there and start clearing out the area for a ramp pump and then we've got the annual maintenance you know so so the dam kind of gets clogged up in the then the pipe gets full of pine cones and we have to depart flush the line and and see how it survived the winter and they're they're pretty resilient I mean it's been so tough that I don't even take it out anymore I just leave it down there and seems to be just fine so I was saying the video that you you sure do you like the weed whack who doesn't I don't I love it you get this instant instant job that's done and it's not immediately undone I owe you you see it also doesn't like to run and it scrapes at my legs when I read on the path well I've noticed that anytime you can get a little bit of free time from the remodel you find you I always see you out there chasing a lawn mower a weed whacker weed would work if somebody recommended a book to me and said like what do you really like to do and for some people it's art or cooking or all that I like to do trail maintenance weed whack trim trees so do you want you want to start it or do a little unusual you want me to start it for you I'd love if you start it of course you have a love/hate with two-stroke engines start but just turn it on huh so the tools I need to work on the RAM pump are always the same two pair of big channel locks a big pipe wrench and a really big hammer go heart racer go go all right look at that look straight any type of a rope or string keeps the heart racer occupied for hours so I got to carry all this stuff here so we'll take the tool truck down here to the RAM pump oh boy that was a big rock don't need our new ram pump yet we got it we're going to go to town today and and get a couple fittings and some pipe and I needed a blade let me guess the string went back inside the string went back inside so I need to use a string just on the grasses and on these kind of mix things yeah that never happens to you it could be hard if you ever weed what should happen to you too we can fix it well I did offer you the blade I know and I serve taking the plane so this is is this different than our last one I don't want to break something no it's just the same so just take a screwdriver yeah or you could even push your fingers in there if they're strong enough okay it's made for both push your fingers in there and there's a tab and just take that loose and do it carefully flip it upside down and then you should be able to capture those those strings do you like my wildland mop-up goggles they're great you're welcome I don't know what it is with women and machinery so this is one of the four Springs we have on the property and this is a way this is a real blessing one of the key things that we wanted where we looked for in property was to have lots of water and we have four nice Springs that run and three of them run year-round hard lots of water so that's the blessing so this area is kind of interesting in here so I talked to I looked up here in the tree I see there's a you can't see it or not right up there is a isolator meaning that there was a wire ran in here and I was told about one of my old neighbors years ago that there was a little cabin here and a well with a hand pump and when we were kind of clearing around here and trying to figure out what we had I found the old pump head you can see right there and so they so they had so right underneath my feet somewhere I don't know exactly where is a hand-dug brick lined well because there's lots of water you can always tell water in our air anyway because there's all the cattails so when you see cattails like that and over here they're all over this is a really wet area another indicator is if you see Cedars Cedars like to grow they'll grow in water whenever you see Cedars in the forest you could be confident that there's water there probably growing right on top of it so this is the collection plate for the RAM pump here and not just before I before I had the camera I came down here now just kind of cleaned this out a little bit but what I've done is I've taken the screen off of it I keep a piece so this is just screen door material that I saved and we want to we want to protect this Inlet here because this is going to supply a ramp up we don't want any pine cones or debris and I know there's some stuff stuck in there we'll go down there here in a bit clean that all up flush the whole line but I I think it's pretty well cleaned out so what I do every spring is just take a zip tie this it need to be so bagel ticular big old scissors here cut this into a more manageable size this is a 2 inch pipe we don't need that big of a piece here but this will have to be cleared cleaned out every probably once a week or so and this is that's a that's a real good job for an 11 year old boy named Jack it's part of his chore list come down and clean out the RAM pump so you you may not be if you're new to the channel you may not know what a ram pump is and I highly encourage you stick stick around here because if you haven't seen one or don't know what it is prepare to be amazed because I certainly was when I first learned of it all right so make sure that that's on there good and these big heavy zip ties are nice they can be reused I'll leave the tail on it and there we have a very small screen that won't allow anything to clog up our ram pump this might be parts of our land that you haven't seen before I don't think I've ever videoed in here I'll show you the stand pipe and the region behind it so this is the stand pipe and every year I'll come down here and take the riser off of it and I can feel in there there's all sorts of sticks and things get clogged up here so what will take the ram pump loose and we'll sometimes I can pull them out there's one flush it out and all that stuff will pass through so those of you guys who are plumbers are not going to need them we need to explain this to you you should be explaining its over the rest of us but what it's at what it's doing is it's what we basically moved the water the supply of water down to this area we're still maintaining that head pressure and what it does is it's like a vent and your plumbing system it's it's drawing air right here and I'm not I'm not drawing trying to suck air from all the way up that pipe and compete for air and water the second time so cutting it a T right here and putting the standpipe just above the RAM pump gives it a nice free flow of air can suck in the line can keep going and essentially just moving the water supply down here so let's go down to the pump see how it fared the winter and see if we can't get it fired up okay I can see we got something in the line here not enough water is getting through to activate the check valve usually what happens is right here at this union the union is a fitting that you can use in steel pipe that allows you to take a section out of the middle without completely unthreading everything it's nice for you to do repairs on it but these are always really tight because they know it's it's down here under water and the winter and gets corroded we should be able to break it loose watch here's experience but watch this thing come down and smack me right in the thumb but I do it anyway don't I well I learned my lessons slow you just shock this break that Union loose all right something's moving there that's a good sign of course not the Union though threads want to move way for stuff like this a big old channel locks it's the only it's the go-to tool I mean I don't have a set of huge boxing wrenches that fix this stuff I don't think anyone else have a diesel mechanic does they're hard to come by and air expensive there we go we got it lesson doesn't a big old hammer can't sort out so I'll bet when we open this up we're going to have a bunch of like your pinecones and junk in there we'll get this cleaned out everything's going to be real and then next time we'll we'll install that little round pump try it out something that you can build yourself and I'd like to have a ramp up in this sometimes pumps too much water and when the springs go down and we're at the end of summer in the drought sometimes it out pumps my supply and if we could we have a pump sway more water than we could ever use so maybe yeah I'm looking forward to putting that little rim pump in there and to see if that won't be a solution I'll bet you there's a pine cone in there there's a pine cone in there every year oh yeah it's not flowing as much as it should oh it's really backed up in there usually the water pressure will blow it out but we got we got a major obstruction going on here hopefully I don't have to take that valve apart I think we can pulverize it to death just break it up I like that's really jammed in there and now I pushed it back further oh there's some sticks there we go you don't feel it in there but we're getting better see that oh there's another one that head pressure that head pressure is building up now that I put that stamp pipe in there and giving more pressure I think that's pretty good maybe we get it out of there I don't see the pine cone though that's a lot of pressure there all right so let's close this while we're well we want that pressure to build up in that pipe let's take a look at our our pump and see what's going on one thing that happens with this this pump is that this is an air chamber here and a ram pump again if you're new to the channel is that this is an old technology this was invented hundreds of years ago by some very clever men and what it does is it allows you to pump water and this particular pump here will pump inch-and-a-quarter it will pump over a million no half a million I think and figured it once half a million gallons a year and using no electricity with two moving parts it's the most incredible thing ever and you know when I first built this I followed some instructions on top of online YouTube from my friend Scott named in his Oh engineer 775 engineer set in and I didn't understand how it worked I just followed the instructions and I built it in to my absolute amazement it pumped and I had to sit and look at it for about 15 minutes before finally I got it through my head how this was working the lenses got water and the thing that so I guess what so impressed me about that yeah there's a bunch of bunch of junk in there is that um here here it is I handed to me on a already built you know here someone else did all the hard work I simply am just following instructions putting it together and even then I couldn't hardly understand how functioned and so it makes you wonder about the mind that developed it initially it's just so incredible to me all right so we got a little bit of water coming down from the hose that supply in the water tower but as far as I can see I can see in there it looks it looks to be pretty much free of obstructions there's some there's some some dirt in there some silt want that in there let's say we'll give it a we'll give a little pressure wash out here this will have a good pressure here now that I've got this built up we kind of just blast it out chance of me getting wet or very high yeah now we can hook this all back up so this right there that's the Union and whenever you do something like this put one of those in because it with steel pipe you know you have to have to unthread the whole thing and it's not not handy so you put a union whenever you want to splice something in in the middle and that's quite a quite a thing there see it's taking this up here well that's nice there now we can put our stamp pipe or pressure tank on nothing more than a pizza what is this 3 inch 4 inch 4 inch abs or PVC excuse me we should note there isn't that mile thousands of miles as I've laid it so here's the components it's really simple it's it's got two moving parts it's got to check valve single swing check valves here's one here and one here and how it works is and this is a valve so coming down this is called the drive pipe this is the pipe that's coming down from the spring from the water support supply this is inch and a quarter now the drive pipe typically needs to be twice the size of the supply pipe which is the pipe coming out the other end you can pump extreme long distances with this because you're not affected by friction loss because the volume is so low and so slow velocity so slow that there isn't any friction and you can lift seven to one so for every foot of fall you have in your pump you can lift seven feet and that's rule of thumb so we have the shut-off valve here the union the Atty a single swing check valve single swing check valve there this one here is working this way and this one here is working this way and then we have another tee it goes up to an air tube you can use anything PVC propane tank a 90 a pressure gauge a valve to close down the other side to prime it so when we're starting a pump we'll close this valve here because we need some back pressure and beings that there's no water in that line because it hasn't been used and we need back pressure because once we built the back pressure we can slowly start opening this as it fills then the pump will operate properly so as the pump water comes down let's just do it together here this water comes down here we'll open this and you'll see this is called the waste valve okay now you see how that slams shut so it slams shut because there's no back pressure and so there's energy in this water right and so as the water comes down it's got to go somewhere so it's looking it's like a teenager it searches out the path of least resistance and the path of least resistance is this waste valve because it's sitting open so as the water starts coming out and that energy is pushing out it pushes that carries that valve along with it and it boom that door shuts it has closed off that access the water can no longer come out of there well that Energy's got to go somewhere right so it goes down now that that door is shut and it pushes through here opening this valve and then it runs into the back pressure it's coming down from the line it can't go there so the only place the energy can go is to squeeze the air in this tube it's just nothing but just ambient air and they're sealed off so it squeezes that that energy squeezes that air and like a balloon you know when you squeeze a balloon you can push it it pushes back on you it really wants to it wants to fight you and go back so it squeezes the air it pushes back and that back pressure now closes this valve right here so the energy is it goes here can't go there comes here goes there can't go there closes this valve the only place that water has to go is out the top and so when we see it up at the top there we'll see that it's surging the water surge is like this this and this and what that is doing it that's just showing the action of the pump so well we'll build up pressure here by priming it a couple times and what that's doing now doing this manually it's building a pressure and doesn't take much nice working on its own right there look at that work it on its own building pressure in the pressure gauge now here's the fiddly bit we can see our pressure gauge here we're holding right at about 24 pounds now we got to slowly open this drive pipe because it's empty there's no water and this is pushing up this is going to the water tower up the hill but I'm going to crack this open a little bit but I don't want my pressure to drop so far that the pump stops working but you can see now that the pump is slowing down and what it's doing is now it's filling that line filling this drive line and once that fills up gets up there you know 10 you know 10 feet or so up it'll I could open it all the way and it have enough back pressure to of course be enough there be enough resistance for it to work but this has always been a really strong pump I had a commercially made one that I used years ago it was an old one there's two hundred years old and I read about the flat bar on it and it wouldn't pump as high as this one does this has been a really good strong durable pump that you can build yourself for about a hundred hundred fifty dollars now the pump seems to be working properly I can open this up all the way now see it's slowing down because there's not a lot of back pressure it likes the back pressure and the more back pressure the faster it will run but it's building its building right now each pump is is increasing pressure okay so here we are at the other end of the pipe where probably 300 feet or so above where the pump is working and probably 40 feet of elevation and that little pump with the plumbing basic plumbing store parts will pump like I measured I measured it last a couple years ago that was just under like 1.4 gallons per minute and it does that around the clock 24 hours a day pumping hundreds of thousands of gallons annually for basically for free so and this pumps up to our water tower so tomorrow we're going in depth Mrs W and I were going to head into the town tonight get to we're going to get some pipe and some fittings and we'll a little ramp pump that I showed you at the beginning that I think it's a half inch or we'll hook that up I'll be interested to see will that lift as high as my inch and a quarter my big one well I suspected it might so it might be a better option it would be a slower trickle it'll take longer to fill the water tower but it doesn't matter because that way we can pull off the reserves and then all night it pumps and it will be ready for us in the morning so it's a it's a wonderful fits a fabulous system it's a it's a micro micros version of the the big system that many of us use in municipalities in water towers so I could hear it coming we're never wet here here in a minute three oh yeah three two one there it is how about that huh aim that may not seem like a big deal to you if you haven't ever been around or know what it takes to lift water into pump water out of the ground and to move it large distances go spend a time in a remote village in Africa where they have to carry everything five gallon bucket at a time or something like this well what do you think that would be worth
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 1,558,904
Rating: 4.7452588 out of 5
Keywords: Ram pump, wranglerstar
Id: J-iKUY_1xNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2016
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