Underwater Ram Pump

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hello I'm settling in the house and this is a ram pump it's a water pump that requires no fuel or electricity to operate only flowing falling water a question that I'm asked quite often is will the RAM pump work underwater and the answer is yes it will a few years ago I tested out a large Ram pump under water and it worked but the secret is the water source has to come from above where the pump is located so in my previous test I had the pump down in a little pond and in the pond above it was feeding the RAM pump that's the catch so if you put this into a lake it's just not gonna work but in this video I want to find out what's the benefit of running the RAM pump under water so let me show you my setup and we will get started I've got a bucket here filled to the top with water coming down a three quarter inch drive pipe now I know this is gonna have a lot of inefficiency from bounce but we're just trying to test out underwater Ram pump here so comes down basically about three feet of head pressure into this little pond what I'm going to do is a couple of things I'm gonna hook up the ramp pump and test out whether it works underwater or not and then I'm gonna use this pressure gauge to find out what pressure it builds up to with about a minute and a half of operation depending on how much water it's going to be using maybe more like a minute and then I'm gonna use this delivery pipe to come up to the top of this little structure here and see a flow rate based on no water versus water so our first test I'm just gonna be hooking this up here into the dry pond and we will run our tests and get our values and then we'll come back with this thing full to the top and get our values again test one is going to be for pressure and go ahead and open the drive pipe fill this thing up you need to make sure that there is no err in the lion I can hear it bubbling over here okay the drive pipe is air free and we're starting at this point right here let's go ahead and get this primed and I will start the timer and we'll see what we get here so as soon as this thing begins to prime alright I start the timer let this go for one minute and we'll see what our pressure builds up to now I should be able to get somewhere between 15 and 20 psi and this set up now remember this is a closed delivery pipe so it may actually be a bit more than that but these two 90s here make this system very inefficient and the non-supported drive pipe also makes it less efficient 35 seconds all right there we go at one minute stop that stop that let's read our pressure gauge down here and see what we get so may be difficult for you to see but it is at 32 psi down there after one minute of operation so remember 32 psi ok data point number two bucket is full again drive pipe of course this time I have the delivery pipe going up to the top of this structure and comes back down to this little container so I'm at a time for one minute and see what kind of water volume we get in that one minute time so go ahead and turn this on and start the timer but we may have a back pressure issue not only a back pressure issue but a siphoning issue it was just cycling straight on through the pump and out here so I guess I'm gonna have to do is pull this back a little bit and just have it freefall here I just need to be quick to to come back in and start capturing the water okay let's try this delivery pipe comes back up the structure here and then to this point right here so hopefully it will maintain a back pressure and not start a siphon let's see what we get here very strong flow rate at this level all right there we have it so what I'm going to do here with this bucket is use a sharpie and say that this level right here is not undr okay the next step is to fill this little pond up with water my storage tanks from my ram pump up the hill have about a hundred gallons so not sure how long it's going to take I also placed a rock here because I'm pretty sure that this pump is gonna try and float so let's just give this a while until it is full up to the top I now have my little pond full of water as best I can it's kind of on the slope here so it's time to turn on the delivery pipe and see what kind of results we get as far as pressure on this first test now before I get started with this remember I have four different sized RAM pumps available at land house.com and on Amazon links in the description down below okay so the plan is to turn on this valve and start the timer just like before some reach down here okay let's get a couple of Prime's in here okay alright we're going I'm glad that started or this would have been a really uneventful video but as you can see it is working quite nicely underwater it's quite a snap it's got going on here in the drive fight okay and that's time go ahead and stop that let's see if I can read the pressure gauge down in here okay I doubt you can see that from the glare but what I'm reading is it's only at 24 psi so it is actually significantly reduced pressure than it was before almost by 10 psi okay let's go reset our bucket and get our flow rate test okay time to get this thing going uphill and we'll see what kind of flow we get out at the top then get this Prime before I start the stopwatch there we go okay let's head over here to the output and see what we get still quite a nice stream flowing through there which is a good sign but is it the same as before 30 seconds okay and time go ahead make sure this is stopped here Hey look we finally overflowed the tub okay so what do we have up here to be honest with you that is really really close probably the difference between whether or not the delivery pipe was fully primed or not so I am actually satisfied that that is equal with the previous test there so our results were whenever this was empty it had 32 psi and it had just ever so slightly more water on the output volume whenever it's full it had 24 psi which is 8 less and it supplied basically the same amount of water at the top so I'm not exactly sure why the pressure was different but the volume output was the same could have been some variation in my test setup but I think it pretty much shows that yes the pump will work under water and it works well enough I do believe so further testing might be required with a higher delivery pipe to see if it actually does decrease as the the height goes up with the underwater pump but for now I would like to go ahead and just conclude that it's great go ahead and put your pump underwater if you need to I have a feeling that the only real benefit to putting the pump under water is if you have a larger Creek you need to have the pump underwater just to maintain your head pressure but also having the pump underwater can reduce the sound that the check valve makes whenever it clicks and if you heard or not but you could still hear the pressure wave going back and forth in the drive pipe but the valve itself didn't have that iconic click which I can actually show you again real quick here let's go ahead and close the delivery totally which means it's going to hit a little bit hard but we can still get a decent sound in here so that's not the sound of the valve that's the sound of the drive pipe popping against the side of this little pond you can still hear the noise the drive pipe makes as it cycles okay I think that's pretty much going to conclude this underwater Ram pump test thank you so much for watching if you have some ideas about how to further test this pump or improve the results that I've already got here be sure to write those down in the comments below and if you haven't already thumbs up on this video if you love RAM pumps and I would really appreciate it if you would go ahead and subscribe I have over a hundred videos on the RAM pump with various tests and well over a thousand videos on the channel so subscribe bring that notification bill for updates and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Land to House
Views: 576,764
Rating: 4.8221803 out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, ram pump, hydraulic ram pump, pump, water pump, ram pumps, hydraulic ram, diy ram pump, hydrolic ram pump, hydro ram pumps, underwater pump, water ram pump, hydraulic water ram pump, ram water pump, hydrauic ram pump, how to make a ram pump, animation of ram pump, submersible ram pump, disadvantages of ram pump, diy hydraulic ram pump, advantages of ram pump, underwater, under water, submerged
Id: 9td5x9tAOUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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