Crazy Easy Ram Pump Silt Filtration

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hey I'm Seth Johnson with land a house this is a hydraulic ram toner it's a water pump that requires no fuel or electricity to operate only flowing and falling water to push water uphill so silt and debris is a big issue with the RAM pump if it's big particles it can stop the pump from operating if it's small stuff that gets by it can build up in your storage tank or clog up your irrigation lines so in this video I'm going to show you three different things that I'm doing to help prevent my irrigation lines and storage tank and even the pump here from getting debris stuck in it here's a really good example of debris stuck in a pressure tank on top of the round pump that if it gets stuck into the waste valve can actually clog that up and cause some big problems I'm gonna go ahead and shut this off by turning the valve on the delivery pipe here it doesn't quite close all the way because of my block here then I'm going to try and open this valve to let the pressure out I've traveled up the creek about a hundred and fifty feet to show you the first stage in my silk reduction process be sure to stay to the end of the video so you can watch the third and final step which I think will be very helpful this is the intake of my system it's two three inch PVC pipes with a lot of holes drilled into it and some window screen wrapped around that now this has been in the creek for over a year and I've noticed that the screen is starting to rip and tear on this trying to pull this out and replace the screen and I've got some aluminum screen this time that should prevent that from tearing so quickly so let's go ahead and remove my little makeshift dam here with some of these leaves off of this intake screen and this allow us to simply pull this out of the water and access the screen on it so we can get it nice and clean for this season of RAM pumping use so hopefully I'll be able to just unscrew this down here from my supply line there we go good enough just came right out of that probably right let's go ahead and pull this over here to the side and get this thing cleaned up first thing I want to do is get this old screen off of here I've used some zip ties keep this first one in place here there's a pretty good bit of rock and junk in that one and this other one over here is the older one and it's definitely starting to drip out of there I brought my socket set to try and get this undone it looks like that host plant was not stainless steel I'm not sure that's gonna work no this screen wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be but it is still coming apart a bit so I'm gonna take this down to the creek and get this washed out look quick I can tell this side over here is pretty heavy so I may be able to break that loose here we're getting one of these caps off and drain it so let me break that free real quick I managed to get two pieces separated I'm just going to use this little pool of water here to get all the silicon everything out of there looking pretty good now that it's cleaned out and looking nice I'm gonna put this aluminum screen on here and that should hopefully last a good long time but I'm just gonna wrap these pieces here and stick it under the hose clamps that we're already on there and I brought down some more hose clamps to use on this other side since it had those zip ties and there we have it both of these intake screens are nice and clean and got everything back in the water have my little makeshift dam back up and running here I'm filming this on Tuesday it has rained every Tuesday for the past three months so let's move on to the next thing before this rain gets any worse this bucket is the next step in the silt and debris removal process for the RAM pump I have found this system to be very consistent and to work out pretty good so let me show you what it looks like inside of here so this is the pipe you were just working with I call it the supply line now the water pressure is low here because we just had it open so I'm going to pick this up for a second and then set it down quick and that's going to pull the air out of here and we'll get the full flow rate moving once again the airlock that was in there is being pulled out I think that's it should be the full flow rate much improved stick that back in there so the purpose of the bucket is to have an area that can capture silt so anything from the drive pipe down is just an area that silt can build up in so if I pull this plug here we can drain out anything that's in the bottom of the bucket and it's decently clean right now down in there so you can see the water isn't too bad so go ahead and plug that back up now in my design here the drive pipe comes out about six inches from the bottom and the top of the bucket I just have going down into this 90 degree piece here and goes back off towards the creek those bubbles are coming out of the drive pipe it's really important to keep the drive pipe as free of air as possible that's another reason I use this bucket is to provide an air free intake okay you can see the water is now flowing out of there which means this is full go ahead keep this covered now if you're a fan of the youtube channel you've seen those two steps a hundred times let me go ahead get the pump started again and I'll show you the final screen intake that should help prevent any debris from getting into our irrigation system I'm back up here where I'm using my water at the garden and I have this power fit garden hose filter this is the final stage that I'm using here the screen mesh I think I got the 100 I'll have to check on that but this will just go in line with my sprinkling system here and hopefully pull out any debris that would clog up my irrigation system which I'll show you here in just a bit so I need to go ahead and pull this off I kind of fear that I'm going to be getting a bit wet when I do this but let's go ahead and get this unscrewed here [Applause] yeah so that I won't be getting wet when I clean this out let's go ahead and guess we'll just use this T as my shutoff and now I just have one side hooked up to the filter I think that'll be just fine you know it's probably better to have this straight up and down but it's gonna be kind of cooked off to the side with my hose here we'll just make it happen and there we have it that's the final stage here in my ram pump to irrigation filter system I can already see some particles of junk stuck down here in the bottom let's turn this on for a minute and we'll see if it captures a little bit more that would have otherwise gotten stuck in my wobbler so the hole here is pretty small in the wobbler and can get stopped up pretty easily so let's go ahead and crank this up and see if we can catch some debris this was a power fit from Amazon I'll have a link to this in the description down below where we had just been disturbing the RAM pump this water is now pretty nasty looking see if we can get this undone alright so the screen is still fine there let's see what kind of debris is left in the bottom so mostly just some silt that I'm seeing nothing too big in this round but it doesn't take a whole lot to stop up a drip irrigation and as you may know so this kind of thing right here is very important to keep that system safe [Laughter] now if you don't have a lot of rain in your area and your Creek has not flooded then you may not have an issue with this but here in my area we get rain a lot and it will disturb the creeks enough that debris gets into this line really easy I hope you've enjoyed this ramp up video keeping the silt and debris out of the system is very important especially when you're using irrigation like this before I had that screen installed I ran this a couple times and a simple leaf is enough to clog this small hole here I'll be testing this out over the summer and I'm sure I'll do a follow-up video to let you know how well it has worked if you are interested in the RAM pump I have four different sizes available at land house comm and so if you want to check those out links in the description down below thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video please remember to give this video a thumbs up and be sure you're subscribed and ring that notification bell also check out this video here for more content
Channel: Land to House
Views: 109,280
Rating: 4.9033456 out of 5
Keywords: land to house, land two house, ram pump, filter, silt, debris, clean, screen, intake, bucket, filtration, dirt, how to clean ram pump, creek, stream, water
Id: pezdA8_-ji4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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