Bowling Ball vs 600 Feet Drop!

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taking an item and dropping it from 1 000 feet is epic here's what i mean jake paulers this guy just dropped a bowling ball from a thousand feet on a trampoline once the way he hits it no way he hits it oh what how did it not break the trampoline wait how high is it oh my gosh that's a good trampoline that's insane that's gotta be like a hundred foot plus high so you could just jump off that on the trampoline and apparently you'd be fine no that's that's not how bones work i mean the bowling ball survives all right let's see the close-up damage yeah that trampoline doesn't care these next gentlemen are gonna drop a phone from a drone let's see it well the iphone breaker with the nokia that is falling for a long time the iphone is fully cracked destroyed and the nokia might be dead yeah the nokia is made out of plastic the iphone's made out of glass what do you think would happen oh wow recording from that high at some point in our life we've all pondered what happens if we took an iphone and put it in slime and drop it whether you realize it or not you have so let's answer the question what happened it went i played again now play it 500 times on the screen now play chris's reaction 500 times hey that was funny you know what's insane how nice his hair is you know what's insane the view i mean look at that where does this guy live that looks like where will smith did the ah that's hot let's go down and see if those iphones are still alive no they're not alive they're electronics you dummy thank you chris yeah they're alive but how do you get them out i want to see it in slo-mo if there's no slow-mo we got to go that's the rule this is true oh yeah started making press oh yeah oh yeah that's broke the weight of it probably actually made the phones break because it was heavier it flew to the ground faster that's how physics work right sure i think there's jello inside the buttons don't you hate it when you got jello on your buttons hey they work oh what why does he have a toilet yeah this looks like something we would have done back in the day into a pool dump step pool full of paint i mean everyone's seen a toilet fall from a high place we're just watching this for the music let's play it back epic coolest smash now it's time for some more how ridiculous let's see what they did this time it's gonna be ridiculous i imagine it's a car that's very ridiculous oh this is what they did with mark rover i forgot about this yeah oh it's good it landed look at this so right here it does the wolf right there the front assault then you get the little somersault look at this i'm very fascinated how it had the ingenuity to flip over one more for good measure landing on the wheels nailed it perfect ready to drive how are they allowed to just do this who let them drop a car i mean how were we allowed to do this or this or this i don't think we want to play this game yeah it's a big golf ball back there a lot of the same clip in different angles if there's one thing we did learn today it's that how ridiculous mark rover have a lot of cameras i'm gonna call mark rover to let him know we just reacted to his clip don't you dare not answer mark don't you ego us mark we get it you're so much more famous than us mark all right mark hates us i want you to clip that and tweet it at him all right an anvil one he didn't have epic music next touch whoa this is on bulletproof that is terrifying it flipped and rocking it off it flipping broken it off [Applause] everything's instantly ten times more entertaining when they say lost a couple of chippies lost a couple of dippies let's see what a pineapple does there better be slow-mo this kind of reminds me of a map for black ops 2. we don't care about science we want to see pineapples get smashed in slow-mo spongebob's the ipad house here showing that it's a functioning ipad and then the clip is so that's just it oh it's a weather balloon oh that's gonna get some height see when we tried to do stuff like this they were like you can't just send stuff up into space yeah uh inside scoop for your reactioners we wanted to literally send our diamond play button to space but we weren't allowed to stupid faa what have they done for anybody except for keep us safe exactly lame i mean the music doesn't go as hard as the toilet music but it's all right if you could choose how you go out instead of just like going out on my bed i'd just rather him drop me from space like that that would be pretty cool according to the track it looks like we're only 70 yards away here nice nice you know he was like was that clip good shot to another one hey walt disney somehow disney found a way to make it in it's so great oh that makes me not as scared to drive off a cliff yeah i feel like that would be good yeah see it's like those tick tocks where it's like the clip of the bus driving off a mountain and they're just like yeah here i just go in the back yeah they're being driving in there yes come on what is that wait we gotta play that's good before [Applause] can we get that a thousand times yeah all right anyways let's see what they dropped i dropped my headphones whoa was that ice oh that's ice looks a bit like one of those um bowls you put dessert in everything is funnier if you're australian we just react to them talking just for 10 minutes i want somebody to follow me around who's from australia and just say everything i say but make it better what is that is that like this of death oh it's a brofist whoa that's crazy it's like shoved into the earth archaeologists are going to find this a thousand years and be so confused why this is stuck in the ground so it appears that god just smashed a stone into the ground that or a bunch of dumb youtubers dropped something on it we'll never know oh this looks epic they look like a giant armadillo oh that's gonna be loud make sure if you're not already go subscribe to how ridiculous up next we have another car dropping but instead of a trampoline it's this thing what's gonna happen whoa just look at this angle can we appreciate this that's beautiful if that had a hit dead straight on you think it would have cut it in half i don't know i really wish it would have the children love it they're like yeah break stuff i was wondering why i heard kids screaming as the car was falling i was like i just assumed they're not in the car they're in the trunk look that's a fresh cut i like to cut dink falling car with slow-mo and epic music to play us out thank you so much for watching hit the subscribe button and dab
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 7,065,011
Rating: 4.9399071 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: owP3zujYLWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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