Minecraft But It's Raining Arrows!

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today we will be attempting one of the hardest obstacle courses in all of minecraft i'm prepared and to make it even harder the entire time arrows are going to be raining like behind you guys that's a lot of arrows there's no way to get through that and i didn't tell you guys this but whichever one of us finishes last has to kiss my dirty socks i will take off my sock if i lose i'll kiss chris's sock if one of you guys lose you have to kiss it whoa i hate this so much can i say no let's go in groups let's go in groups uh i think chris and chandler should go first all right let's do a chance you guys have three lives good luck go ow ah that jumping doesn't work chandler immediately chris lead the way oh are you stuck i'm leading i'm leading underneath the bridge i'm safe keep going all right baby through the barn there's a little haystack boom boom boom this is terrifying chris where are you building a i'm building a bridge i gotta eat underneath this bridge dude i'm actually really good at this i'm not gonna lie carl you ready born ready jimmy carl let's go on three one two screw you oh you went on two no i went on screw you actually and for that reason yay we did it we're so much better than them yeah we did go first though wait oh ow ow ow these arrows ow oh okay give me my dog oh my gosh i forgot to eat i forgot to eat before i went dude you always got to eat you know it's raining out chris nope chris oh my god who's licking us all right let me through guys stop being mean all right you got it all right next time me and carl go first i'm just putting that out there all right all right it's out there yeah nobody wants to kiss the dirty sock hey chris give me some give me some meat though all right you have to finish the course yeah yeah yeah your mom has to finish the course she already went to school don't worry jimmy you're doing great yeah unlike you i'm not a baby that had to sit there and eat food well i mean i didn't die all right now let's proceed to the second course so far i'm the only one down to life okay chandler chris drop all your steak you have to do it without steak nobody gets it if they still have steak in their inventory let me know and i'm going to make them literally eat a sock everyone agree if someone's cheating they have to eat a side all right i'll do it away all right let's all go at the same time ready i thought you were going first it's not even the heroine yeah wait no it i was coming back wait look carl has steak wait somebody just gave me a sink i swear to god somebody just gave me carl carl do you want to eat a sock i really stop who keeps it at the state all right let's go boys all right let's do it who's going carl go first i'm scared yeah you're not carl all right let's get it oh no chalice gonna have to eat a sock oh no i'm gonna have to eat a sock ah i'm so good i love parkour i trained on twitch for this bro it's only luck i'm eating no it's not luck i'm dodging the arrows you can learn the pattern bro i'm literally sweating right now dude i'm gonna die oh here we go i can't even get past the second level oh my god me and chandler both have one life wait what oh gosh this is too quick i'm better than you chris do you see me mm-hmm do you believe in me no not at all okay you know what i'm not telling you guys what i'm doing because i'm not kissing nobody's sock dude i just can't be in last oh yeah it's last place sassy oh no your mom i hate your mom yeah it seems pretty easy to me yeah man wait oh chandler lost his life as well hey johnny yeah ah shut up shut up i got a lot going on here i don't want to kiss a sock you got last you got last hey chris i haven't died yet i haven't died yet either really me and chandler both have died i'll challenge that four times instead of instead of having lives why don't we see who dies the most right yeah actually and we'll just get rid of lives we're just gonna see how many times we die yeah carl's a genius no oh yes i just oh you're getting pelted oh my god no what the [ __ ] oh my gosh she was right there tied baby i hate my life chandler did it yes you have to stay moving and just hold the space bar and you have to jump left and right the whole time so the arrows can't hit you i'm literally sweating i've never been this nervous in my entire life what the hell all right you know what i quit i died five times dude the arrows aren't letting me make the jumps they just hit me big jumps i mean maybe if you're bad i'm having so much fun i love the gaming channel channel's my favorite channel jimmy's gonna stop doing the game i'm gonna just delete the channel so i have to kiss a sock oh here he is he's coming around the bend he'll be coming round the bin when he comes so currently i've died five times chandler has died four times chris and carl have died zero wait how many did how many have me and chris died i forgot i didn't hear you stop no can they're currently me and you are fighting to not kiss a sock oh this one's hard chris chris this one's hard all right chris you go first i'm still going all right i guess i'm going oh oh crap there's mobs there's mobs why are there mobs there's so many mobs and by so many i mean one i always do that i made it by the way i made it this one was really easy yeah it was that was way harder there's there's water in this one i just swam through most of it so chandler how uh how's it going it feels good to be in in the shade brother yeah did you hit me jimmy no that was an error oh god this is the part that's scary okay here we go ready go apparently they're getting shot by mobs watch out for the skelly no oh skeleton no no yeah carl got a boy not a boy carl carl's the meat shield oh jimmy's on two one oh my gosh that one's so hard i'm getting hit like crazy now yeah i can't beat it i can't do it it hates me jimmy you hate i just watched you eat no oh it looked like you ate and i heard if i ate would i have died right there all right now get out quick ah yay jimmy made it i died three times so what am i up to eight do i have eight deaths chandler has five four four oh gosh jimmy jimmy guess how many i have guess how many i have i don't care zero i'm on a plus two i'm still within par i feel like at this point minecraft just wants me to kiss the sock i think that's just what happens it's going to be mine too who's going first oh no oh no of course of course of course of course an arrow knocks me off oh baby arrow knocked me off chris died for the first time guys i died for the first time what oh wait it literally hits me every single time right away what is it doing i'm almost there oh baby let's go dude i'm not even chandler hey how many hearts do you have i have five uh i have i only lost three and a half i finally finally the stupid rng in the game didn't decide to screw me oh cool it hit me as i was about this yeah welcome to my world now you see how i feel don't you dare complain i've had that happen for four maps boo hoo one map it does it to you your life's so hard oh dude that was so close see what i'm saying oh hit him hit him hit him rng gods make chris full chris i'm just taking so much damage bro like it's just hitting me in the randomest places i lost five hearts all right there we go hey here you go i have no reason to sabotage anybody i'm so in the lead right now hey carl i got a thousand dollars that could have your name on if you go kill some people oh i'm i'm freaking cooking whatever you guys say doesn't mean anything oh my gosh what what do i do what do i do your boy out here eating your boy yeah having so much fun chris hello hello so much fun who gave me a steak it's for the end oh just know i didn't eat it though yeah why i only have one heart i only have one heart i'm throwing away all the steak so i don't even think about it stop that's evil that was sad that was wrong we're counting it but that was wrong hey wait is this okay guys come to come to my room come here boys come here all right chris take off your socks i came in last place eat my socks hey you said four seconds by the way hey look on that green screen all the footage of you died all right subscribe i want to barf oh my god our green screen i hope my girlfriend doesn't watch this video she'll probably never let me kiss her again so guys do not whatever you do tweet this at maddie tweeted it maddie i want her
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 12,117,633
Rating: 4.9147348 out of 5
Id: Db-rqtQw7Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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