Watching THE KISSING BOOTH Because I Don't Love Myself

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[Music] they did not have sex by the Hollywood sign no they did not oh they had sex at the base of the Hollywood side well until I hate myself that is what this video was about this is not a review this is not an analysis this is me trying to power through something and I refuse to give up until I hate myself which is a high bar because I think highly of myself I'm [ __ ] awesome if the problem was a struggle man I would have given up on that if I wasn't so close to the end of about 20 minutes ago I had fully hated myself on that video I'm not I'm not trying to take requests really because I just don't want this channel to turn its until will not participate where everyone's just telling me to do [ __ ] however it's like a big [ __ ] thing it's like a big thing on Netflix for me it's just like oh watch the kissing booth they play the trailer every time I log onto Netflix so you guys are telling me to do it Netflix is like yo your dumb ass is gonna like this I'm feeling really good about myself today so I feel like the threshold is pretty high let's watch the kissing booth I really don't know what this is about to be honest I've just seen the trailer but I always mute it because [ __ ] you trailer that Otto plays on Netflix I asked for you babies hey babies I like the dancer are you dating okay so they end up with each other right Oh Randy the [ __ ] have you been eating who sneezes that thick usually it's like a bunch of little tiny particles but Randy Oh bro bro have you I feel like there was like baby food in his mouth like in the corners of his mouth and then he sneezed in that baby who came out cuz that can't all be mucus whoa whoa what that's like a fifteen hundred million dollars home [ __ ] man Lee is too rich that's why you like him he have enough with the dick pics oh my god is that some bad are you Shelly you were away at football camp learning to be a better douche people told me this was better than f the prom really oh my god did you see how many stairs this school has I cannot feel sorry for any character that goes to a school with that many stairs you are too rich you are too rich for sympathy I'm sorry staring at you oh that's [ __ ] Bryce Harper [ __ ] never insult somebody ever again guy how could I relax your face Oh got him did you I said I this is gonna relax his face which I don't know what that means either and you know why that was about it so I'm gonna go kill myself now I don't start fights okay I finished interesting Oh wonder that's not the predictable long at all get your ass on your hands writer what get your ass out of your hands get your head out of your ass was what I was going for I just mixed up the body parts get your ass out of your hands [ __ ] no he's gonna do something he's gonna sexually assault her later in this film no what no what calling it right now I am upset do touch my lady bone dude touched my lady bum so you got assaulted and you're upset and the words you decide to use are do touched my lady bum you might as well to save my humps he touched my humps my humps my lovely lady humps Jesus Christ do we really have to have the Mean Girls in every high school movie it's okay to have Mean Girls but to have this for stereotypical we've ruled the school in our high heels I don't know what this is over here one hand they got a limp hand I guess that's how you know they're cool like I don't even need my right hand I got my left in my hotness I don't need a right hand is this dude really reading beekeeper magazine 55 reasons why you should own your own hive cuz you're lonely and you need friends bees make good friends know that no they make good honey I get friends and honey mixed up sometimes oh dude it do it in the back do it in the back and got punched maybe also cheer at the party later haha not assault women anymore she's gonna give it to him holy [ __ ] why haha no never never date a guy after he gets your number does this who are you this man who is this man in detention how are you 38 years olds I was gonna say with the wife and kids but this guy I'm pretty sure his guys got no wife and kids he's got cats he's got at least four cats are you gonna pass him off as I school or he's got he's had a five o'clock shadow for thirteen years if he can't see how completely baller you are he's not the right guy for you bro you're living in 2004 I hate to break it to you but all that money all that money's gone to your head you know I think it's okay for you to make your own friends just cuz you're [ __ ] rich that's now works bro how baller you are I'm gonna need you to not talk the rest of the movie thank you very much open your little kissing booth you can kiss no more words I want to hear zero more words out of you I shut the [ __ ] up shut shake shut up shut up shut up shut up shut I'm glad he's out of the [ __ ] scene oh she's gonna get stood up dude dude wore a skirt to get her number there's 0% chance she's getting stood up no tongue because we're not the French [Laughter] I hate you you're too rich that's like a compound how do they even get to shoot here they had their hook they know they know some people this is way too nice what are the parents do there's no way there's no way that the parents of this family are around every single Sunday to have brunch they have to work so hard to have a house this nice I don't buy it also this guy is so rich his parents are so rich all the girls would be so into him and I like her I hope she ends up you know what I can't think of a good enough reward for her ha probably I hope this is her last scene so that she could be out of this [ __ ] horrible movie that's her best reward I hope this is their last scene are you serious are you for serious I'm getting kicked out of the movie it's a favor trust me ah I like you way less now get the [ __ ] out of here oh that's all he does no dude I'm your best friend who you would do anything for is stripping down and you want to probably stop her but instead of actually stopping here you just go No you're a [ __ ] terrible friend no no no get over there [Music] what's that I'm pretty sure something happened downstairs and he's gonna be Oakland themself up in the bathroom dirty you are way too old to be recording a 16 to 17 year old girl on a pool table guess who's gonna catch her football player oh no shocker that is the world smart how does that Jersey fit him not sure there is a 0% chance that that Jersey fits that guy it barely fits her man that is not no no no not happen wondering if he had a different reason for protecting me this feels exactly like not a fanfic with like some raunchy story on Wattpad or something it's how where this comes from is that the source material they're just a huge house everyone's rich everyone's attractive and their biggest problem in their life is which hot brother do I choose this is kind of cute okay okay okay okay okay this movie has a redeeming scene now has got a funny house cutesy funny you're in the boys room yeah I [ __ ] knew it is why are you here why are you here bro yeah I'm gonna get a restraining order against you this you need to be in prison I'm sorry bro but you have you're way too old to be leering at someone so young taking pictures and [ __ ] we need to search your computer there's some [ __ ] weird [ __ ] on your computer isn't there I know that we don't really see eye to eye on things I know she's being all serious like hey listen we need to talk and he's like I love to talk Brahma need you to stop actually I don't want him to stop he's by far right now he's the only character that I really enjoy people that care about oh no that was such a good guilt trip man a plus guilt trip man she was on the brink of Tears and she was going in for the low blow she was aiming for his balls there that's how low [Applause] is it okay for me to have a boner I need a brief little intermission here man cuz I'm hating myself to a pretty high level there's only one person in this movie that's actually somewhat interesting and that's the football player because I don't really know what he's doing I don't know how genuine he is about everything and I don't know how this movie ends with Flynn getting the girl and then also the guy being happy was what's up with the guy Lee what's up with him he hasn't done [ __ ] he hasn't shown any sign that he's into the girl I had a man I'm intrigued about the plot I guess I'll say that who are you hey oh that's so against the rules what the [ __ ] stop stop don't do anything I wouldn't do oh you [ __ ] / that's all this guy's done this whole movie is take pictures of girls and girls kissing and girls and locker rooms I do you I'm sorry we need to check your credentials why are you here why are you allowed in the school as a 39 year old man to take pictures of 16 year old children I need you to I need you to leave Hey did they just show it twice my the my shake glitch Alec or did they cut to it twice the [ __ ] was that I hate you I hate this movie that might be enough to make me stop give him your brother just don't end up grinding coochies with my brother or I'll literally never talk to you again you will stop talking to your best friend since birth because she grinded coochies with him grinded coochies honestly I don't know which words worse the grinding or the coochies you know what I know which ones worse I do know which ones worse but they're both terrible man [ __ ] you [ __ ] this guy make your best friend deny her feelings that's cool don't don't do it don't do it she did it yeah that's right push her off push her off push her off no she's got no horn get your scrawny ass out here I'm gonna need you to just chill for a second dog I think Warren just saw like the sixth circle of hell holy [ __ ] dude haha his ass kick his ass please I guess I'd also be pretty pissed if I was slumming it with my little brothers I was so on with it what is this dude's voice I have a new favorite character I just want to hear this guy talked for an hour and a half [ __ ] the kissing come on come on man I guess I'd also be pretty pissed if I was swamp all goes all over dude what is in your throat haha she's busy oh damn you went back into his demon voice good in the core man he's fear a guy for you yeah give it to him give it to him I mean don't give it to him don't grind your coochies together how many girls have you made out with zero I already know mad before she said it I was imagining what they would write into the script here and this is the exact line how many girls zero why because in special I only come here alone boom until now until now you're the first you're special yep you haven't changed I mean what is the difference between what just happens and Francis you you're cool when you're spearing [ __ ] into the ground you're not cool when you're dropping these cheeseball lines I'm crazy about you well I just stop I need you to stop if we do this nobody can know you know you're cute when you're bossy I'm serious Nolan so am i he's really really cute this is the kind of guy that's gonna fail I'm sorry dude any guy that beats another guy into the sand guarantee you he's gonna break his next promise I don't know why she stood law of the universe I have never seen another guy kick another man's ass make a promise right after that and then keep that promise I don't know what it is it just doesn't work all right put your faces together yeah yeah this how this goes we don't have to oh they go [ __ ] you go get it in Oh Oh they did not have sex by the Hollywood sign no they did not they oh they had sex at the base of the Hollywood sign what are you even allowed here Hollywood more like Noah would a family this rich there's 0% chance that they're doing their own laundry I don't buy it this is like a 40 million dollar home and she's doing her own laundry yeah the kind of thing oh come on [Music] good we just did this scene we literally just did this scene no go get his ass please don't beat that [ __ ] of a brother up and there you are true you picked up at the club you have noise you're trying to tell me that you took not slept together there has been insert a ssin copulation so you really just have been [ __ ] my brother in a wine Timmy that's exactly what she's been doing no you crying you little punk [ __ ] now you can go you can go don't chase him did enough with your rich boy crying you live in like a 30 million dollar house your parents are loving you go to a fancy school and you're gonna cry because your friend and your brother like each other it's gonna blow his nose in the hundred dollar bills yes speed off in your [ __ ] expensive car anything wrong ah I hate all these characters no [ __ ] [ __ ] this guy this guy deserves so much better no matter how mad you are your best friend smashing her face smash it in her face he just takes the ice cream in leaves he puts in the trash smash it against the locker bro you know how to make a statement that's your problem but he didn't say any words that's good I don't like hearing I'm talking you're gonna sad dance are they gonna sad dance with each other oh he's gonna angry dance are they gonna dance with each other this is gonna be the present game ever move your [ __ ] feet you're missing points what the [ __ ] is wrong with you [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] what do they just add a gag a insinuation that try to be edgy and trendy they are completely useless characters that you're using them to try to like appease your fan base [ __ ] that you're gonna do it do it but don't do it for the sake of doing oh no no I should have known I should have known I think it's 17 minutes left where's this what happened with the problem I got to a point of no return I'm like I might as well finish this I want to quit this so bad finish your speech dumbass [Music] only your best friend gets to know your birthday wishes you know she was wishing for Noah's dick I know it I know what are you going I can keep doing this doing what she's missing that D she wants the D being my best friend it doesn't give you the right to tell me who I can love yeah you can go suck a dick bro it's okay I'll help you find hope he sends her to the wrong Airport he's gonna sabotage everything Opie does me chime time sabotage it bro hope you see this - is that him why the how the [ __ ] did he get in this car how did you get here I died that would be the perfect ending it they get in a car crash both no dead or you can just kill one just kill one and then have them know that the stupid surprise was the reason the other one died okay now all you want to see her blow isn't that right we spent every spare minute together he died right before she's a biker chick now [Music] I want to die they ended the movie with the title of the movie do not ever take yourself serious as a movie and have your last words be the name of the movie I hate myself I hate myself that I've made it through this role I guarantee you in this universe this guy's going to jail within five years he's gone way behind bars I'm back I was looking at my toes cuz my toes are I don't know they're looking kind of weird I think my toes are sad because I saw this movie don't ask me to explain the logic of that but this is how I feel
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 2,789,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kissing booth, netflix, reaction, trailer, movie, full movie, kissing booth full movie, kissing booth full movie 2018, elle and noah, the kissing booth, the kissing booth full movie, bloopers, full movie online free, cast, soundtrack, the kissing booth trailer, dylan, dylan is in trouble, kissing booth dylan, dylan kissing booth
Id: WTJN53_9NrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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