The Fanfic That Broke Me *Beautiful Disaster*

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hello troublemakers welcome to another movie commentary Monday you better be awake you better be woken up because a new fanfic Series has just spun off into the world one that'll have us questioning not only the the decline of modern Cinema but also the steady decline of society in general and I'm super excited to share that experience with you so thanks for coming I'm in a super good mood today you want to know why it's because I just finished the friends video it's been up for a couple days now oh my God that video is doing so well thank you to all everybody here who's watched the friends video thank you hey Dylan here I'm putting the finishing touches on this video I wasn't lying when I said I was in a good mood like before I started recording I was dancing I was having a good time just like the best dance moves like people would be envious of me if they saw me that's the quality of dance moves I'm talking about here but then something happened dramatic sound effects anyone who's seen like like my after videos or the kissing booth you know that these fanfic style movies they have a way of breaking my spirit and just like a really depressing way like no other thing in my life can hurt me like fanfic movies hurt me and by the way I don't think this movie is technically a fanfic movie despite the fact that I keep calling it one it just feels like a fanfic movie don't correct me I don't care but I just wanted to put that in here because you will at some point you will see my grasp on reality starts to slip I literally say it in this video you will see it I wanted to put that disclaimer before you began the video just understand my descent into madness it will happen and it really ramps up the moment I hear a demon sneeze don't don't ask you will see it I hope you enjoy this video and can we see that dance move one more time oh he has got it this guy's got it now this fanfic movie not only has a Sprouse in it so you know the quality is just going to be well I also happen to see the trailer for this all right listen I TR I couldn't make it through the trailer I tried let's just let's watch the first five seconds of the trailer and then you let me know if you want to continue here's the first five seconds what's up Excuse excuse me sir what's up Pigeon what are you doing pigeon pigeon did you call me a pig like the bird why would you call me that I don't like it but I also have to find out why so yeah I'm I'm gonna rent this I get a discount Beautiful Disaster more like beautiful discount thank you so much I will never buy this I don't know why you suggested it like why is that even an option you know what I know this is a fanfic movie I I should know what this is about going in though Abby a college freshman tries to distance herself from her complicated past while resisting her attraction to Travis a Charming Rebel and campus Playboy where do the birds come in is she a why is she a bird I that I need to know God I'm so curious sup pigeon he goes oh god oh Jesus all right I get it voltage all right we're in Vegas good start you have my attention oh we're leaving Vegas oh Vegas is where her Troublesome past is Dad sorry I ran off I need a fresh start I'm done bailing you out look your opponent in the eyes why can you tell me why is it every main character of a fanfic story has a troubled relationship with her father you realize you're just perpetuating The Stereotype right all authors all authors of these why can't you just have a healthy relationship with the father and then also fall for the trappings of a Playboy guy right they call her oh so she's a I'm not gonna play poker anymore she's she's a poker Pro wanna live a normal life with kids my age Dad sorry I ran off I need a fresh start I'm done bailing you out I'm not going to play anymore I always wanted to go to college and I've just been accepted second semester I want to live a normal life with kids my age well I know she's not going to college for creative writing because that was the most boring goodbye message I've ever read there's no there's no passion I'm sorry I love you I'm drained I'm you know I'm creating medicine yeah I'm leaving Fresh Start news New Beginnings I want no poker more playing me bye bye father what's his name Shepley I didn't think we'll ever get a douchier name than Hardin but Shepley might one out pardon also Jesus Christ like the font size Jesus Christ look at that let's make it big shapley he doesn't have any face piercings what a loser I always gotta have at least one right you know right I just want to stay here and study no I'm not guessing what are you studying you haven't had a class yet welcome to the bloodborne I make the rules and I call the fight tonight how many girls go to an underground fighting ring guaranteed those things are sausage fish not that I've ever been I got invited to go once and I declined because I had to fight and I don't want to fight I'm a I'm a pacifist as I'm a doesn't matter I'm not a fighter I don't want to do it and you know if I don't want to go there's no way a bunch of girls are at a Fight Club there's no way like hey Saturday night let's go to a Fight Club get the out of here did you just orgasm believe God study go and read your Bible hey the fight choreography is not terrible the fact that he's fighting in jeans though why are they both in jeans it limits your Mobility even I know this as a guy who turned down fight club visits oh my god did she just orgasm again [Applause] [Music] you okay sorry about your sweater pigeon I just know come here come here I just know that they were 12 year old girls who heard sorry about your sweater pigeon or they read that in this fanfic and they were like I wish a boy would punch someone and call me pigeon irrevocable irrevocable harm to society you have just committed do not do what I think you're about to do do not please don't don't do it oh my God don't do it no you're just showering right you're just cleansing yourself [Music] foreign tuition payments need to be issued through a bank account or a credit card can your parents help you out no that's a deadbeat Gambler to degenerate my mom I haven't spoken to in years and my dad that'd be Gambler degenerate sorry have you met you remember Travis you you were under sweater I ruined a lot of sweaters what what do you have something to get sweaters I've wrote a lot what do you mean is that supposed to be like a Playboy thing where it's like uh when a girl that I get hot and heavy I just rip off her sweater like I'm Hulk Hogan that's you I got a smile out of you no no that was not a smile no no that was not a smile no are you wearing headphones can you hear that in a YouTube video like hey I get it audio issues you know enough feature film to have your audio skip like that in a feature film that goes into theater he is charming though I like him whatever's he's one of those process do I have to know the difference Dylan I figured they should obviously he's incredibly Charming just having the name Dylan you have a certain level of charm to you already it's baked in with the name baby Abby my name is stop calling her pigeon though Jesus Christ did she just go hmm did you hear that each person she's got no spatial awareness told you that it's not very polite young lady listen I'm gonna I'm gonna say it Dylan great cash Choice look at that slide that's funny as hell what is your name and the sound effect too of him sliding that's funny would you care to educate us as to why Nash's equilibrium is irrelevant to Game Theory oh here we go what's gonna happen guys is maybe the main character gonna happen to have an insight into this Niche topic and she's gonna show up the teacher is that at all possible I wonder let's watch I can't well then perhaps you should focus oh I can't a faint to allow the teacher to fall into the Trap further well then perhaps you should focus a little more on perhaps you should focus well but that's because it is relevant it is equilibrium so both players can't increase payoff by changing the sense that once a player does make a decision they'll have no regrets have you been reading ahead that's the oh why do you got to be a shitty teacher have you been reading ahead oh is that Autumn Reeser from the OC I do oh see alums keep being and I think movies but you know what by the second movie she'll be replaced by a different actor just like Peter Gale again oh Peter gallery yeah well I hope you're hungry yeah you are why can I ask a question I don't need this because I'm not getting on that thing if you're gonna give him like a cool biker jacket and a motorcycle why do you give him this dorky Speed Racer helmet fine I wonder if this show had any sponsorships would you be any more obvious with the close-up on the card we're getting a little bit more subtly like he goes to pay and he's like wait do I have enough in my account and he goes oh wait I saved a bunch of money because when I was shopping online before I used honey to save money so I totally have enough on my account now level marketing stuff here it says we're on the topic you know let's honey is the number one shopping tool in America you buying something online oftentimes companies are running promos and discounts that you don't even know about super obscure do you want to have to go out and search for every single promo code to save a couple bucks no you don't that's tedious work that's where Honey comes in see honey automatically scans for these discounts and applies them for you without any hassle in the end you just save money unfortunately honey is super expensive oh wait it's free there is a drawback it is very difficult to install oh wait it's super easy just two clicks and you're done you can use my link it'll be in the description join Dylan click that it's like two clicks it's installed the nice thing that I like about honey is you you don't really have to think about it ever anytime you're checking out it'll just automatically pop up and more times than not you're gonna save some money and even when you don't save money it's there's like a peace of mind knowing that you got the best deal that there weren't like some discount codes out there that you just didn't go search for like honey did the due diligence now you can rest easy knowing you got the best deal I use honey anytime I'm buying something online I've saved so much over the years because like why why why would you spend more money than you have to you know what I mean it's completely free it's easy to use it's totally worth it again Dylan it's in the description box below and thank you to honey for sponsoring this video you're really not gonna let me buy you dinner it's like a two dollar Taco girl your legs get like this which direction are you walking girl mommy she's dead shut up are you serious I want to follow this conversation I've been coming to this place for years my family home is only three miles that way so he brings up his family tactfully oh look at this excitement mention the mom why is he excited no that's not it he's being Coy about it that's an invitation to pry he didn't deflect he just went quiet no that's not it he's being mysterious so she pries further she wants more answers she's just playing right into his hands it's just that good he's dead shut up she's dead look at that look at that he's like oh I got you gotcha feel sympathy for me and give me that stupid D sex that's right oh look at that look at that he's so excited and then watch watch high enough for sure I'm such an I'm so sorry because you can't reject him he just told you his mom's dead so now he initiates physical touch you're gonna feel like an oh my mom is dead and you're not gonna you're not gonna allow me to touch you I just need some physical Comfort I can't get it from my mom obviously he really is a Playboy I hope his mom is alive I hope he just use that I hope he's a terrible person okay I'm not that sorry oh okay oh he's like oh wait what if it didn't work look at that frown that's a um this didn't work frown hmm yeah I did not just pause on the most unnecessary thwap sound effect ever you're a thwap I was about to make fun look so he threw the Frisbee over here right who's over here what was this limp throw what is this limp throw whoever that guy is in the friend group kick him out we don't need a limp frisbee tosser in our group you know what I mean that's not a prejudiced there was no double meaning to that I feel like frisbee tosser is like a like a specific slur for a group of people oh great here comes the Frisbee tosser if you know what I mean who is that who is that what group is that I don't know hi hi I'm Abby oh is he the good guy love interest who has no shot because she is a toxic person the ra said we're going to be with that water for the next 24 hours so it's just for the night you didn't tell me this lives here what did you think you were going to find those were very clear sounds why would you wouldn't why would you open the door why did you why did you open that door where are you going what are you doing now Jesus why did she go he just murdered metaphor go to the room and close the door and don't open it again till morning the woman that you just had sex with gives you her number and you just throw it away you embody everything that is wrong with your gender in a minute you just do you not understand the message you send as a writer my bedroom is down the hall and the bed is all yours for when you want wait she's sleeping in the I thought he was gonna sleep on the floor or something why are you waking up with a smile on your face wear your blind where's your oh God I my brain just skipped right on over it I was like where's the blanket that's covering it why what's this thing in the way where I'm trying to look at her body to see whether like if there's something I'm literally looking for blanket coverage and there's something obstructing my view and I just look around it I what are we doing what are we doing here what are we doing here huh uh I can't I can't pause anymore because we're just gonna prolong this let go let go let go let go let go what the did she just say what's wrong with you I didn't do anything you touched me oh says the man with the Raging hard on you should be locked up it's it's morning give him a break why am I defending him well you know what I do have to defend him because she's crazy she hears smooshing noises goes to investigate oh I found him snoozing with him like you are putting yourself in every bad position what time is it 9 42. what are you wearing we were playing playing we were playing you don't role play at 9 30 a.m and you don't sleep in your role-playing clothes not that I was some role-playing expert just an appreciator she didn't fall into a mud pile right okay she did who's Mick am I still bothering you or are you okay yeah hey um how are you listen I don't I really don't I'm not trying to be mean he might be a phenomenal actor but when I look at his face I'm like hey I'll see you in five years on the Hallmark Channel during a Christmas movie binge I hope you're a good actor and you like it listen I I don't I don't mean to put that on you because it's like it's like djer actors who are like I I just need to make a quick book let me do a Hallmark Christmas movie but are you messing with me did she just Boop him are you messing with me why did you just poop him random men okay bye Jeff dinner plans tonight no that is a yes yes I would love that very much thanks again anytime doctor doctor hey all right he's jumping a gun no I I just got a heads up about a show tonight this guy's gonna be perfect let me see his car does he have a nice car he's like a doctor in training but he'll be a doctor he's got his stuff together he's well dressed well kept he's only downfall is that he's not a toxic man and that's going to be what keeps her from him but like I listen I say all this but I get it I do get it like you want to have like a a repertoire a rapport what was I saying you want to have uh like a certain banter with your partner and he's a little bit boring so I get that he needs the Poke and prod a little bit to to stir some interest so like I'm not I'm not knocking it but it also does sound a terrible message he's got everything together and the guy that's got nothing together with the dead mom to pull on your heartstrings he's gonna win your heart Travis is a real animal what is your awareness level even if you would go to a Fight Club thing and that Stokes your interest you don't bring a date to this sort of thing he what the Abby egomaniac I must break you you wouldn't you wouldn't allow the fighters this seems like an organized thing you wouldn't allow the fighters to walk by without like any sort of supervision because they might start they're they're gonna go fight each other that adrenaline's pumping right now they would start something here in the hallway potentially you'd want to avoid that so why is it oh that's who you're fighting it's such a weird little way of admitting you like me I don't if he manages to lay a hand on me I'll go without sex for a week and if I win you have to stay with me for a month you're on I am never having sex with you I don't want to have sex with you I want to be around you you're good for me [Laughter] Whoopsie Daisy quit Eskimo kissing and go kick some ass all right oh they did oh wait wait I'm going I'm actually gonna if I I wanna watch the fight scene [Applause] my shoulder hit my headphones which turned them on dog Hot Chat Hatchet listen this movie might be driving me insane I swear to God I just heard a demon sneeze am I going insane is this movie driving me insane like I was so clearly like lots of demons sneeze was I just punching the air and turning the volume up hold on I'm losing my grasp on reality right now how are you gonna kill me big boy [Laughter] baby fell down get back in your crib little baby what is happening to my life you're coming home with me what's going on just need to process this we go out for a great dinner I take you to a show that's not a show that's an underground Fight Club oh God yo I appreciate it maybe I won't see you on a Hallmark movie I appreciate that reaction that was funny I might just be disassociating right now so I don't know maybe maybe I don't actually think that's funny but like right now it's funny yeah you mean you need to leave the car no he's gonna hurt me he's not gonna hurt no he's gonna hurt me open the door get out the car please get out the car no he's a maniac he is gonna hurt me leave the car no oh don't leave the car why is she gonna sleep in the same bed as him I have no interest in touching your dick she says as she hovers over him in his bed girl you were toxic and you would just be so much better off if you just admitted it and blamed your father sorry I thought this would be a fun idea well it wasn't a time lapse why did you just fan service him like you you bent down in front of the screen like ooh I gotta pick up I gotta pick up this piece of laundry and then you bent down in front of him right what is this what is this to what pick up a small kernel of popcorn [Music] [Applause] [Music] just Sunday dinner Baby Bro is bringing home a girl so uh Abby so this man brought her home for a Sunday dinner they haven't said it but I'm positive she's like the first girl he's ever brought home and he brought her home for Sunday dinner and they're having a bucket at KFC have you ever experienced the deliciousness of fried chicken from Kentucky by the way this seat has gone on for like three minutes nothing's happened nothing's happened Abby you've been watching a while you want to join okay Abby you might not want to do that Taylor may look like an idiot but he happens to be one of the best poker players in town in the county oh wow in the county fair bases yes and where did you learn to play home my degenerate father my dad taught me used to be a high-stakes poker player named Abernathy he had this daughter went with him everywhere are you wait what is this a conversation you have in front of the person that you're talking about I think the mom walked out on him so he was Raising her on his own Hey listen listen hey why would you just say that aloud in front of her as a matter of fact like hey this girl yeah her mom left her it's like why would you say that out loud wait till she's gone this is you in the article isn't it what are you watching Sir you're crying to after I hope someone kills you that came out of a deep place I'm sorry that came from a deep dissatisfied place in my heart and I apologize to you but I think I mean it I hope someone kills you your character not you as an actor okay she's gonna punch him in the face oh great she's writing again guys by the greatest essay you're ever gonna read that was a private conversation whoa it was a poach oh you are a snorter you really want to play this okay I I can hate the film this did unfold pretty naturally so I'll give the film credit there the fact that she lost a bet and had this live with him in his bed for a month screw you all right but this whole like she snorted when she poked her and he's just gonna continue to poke her I'll allow that that's pretty natural I'll fight you you know although I don't like this this is a little too aggressive Dylan Dylan I just saw a sprawl sauce where are you going this is a joke well come on Travis don't you want to talk about oh you want to hear how I really feel about you Abby no I I have you then why is he why is he angry did I miss something in the shock of seeing a scroll spot it got hot and heavy for the first time ever and she pushed you off of her what's confusing why are you angry where are you going this is a joke because I don't feel the same way you're lying he's intentionally making his voice deeper and it's been happening this whole film and like I've let it go up to this point I don't feel the same way you're lying you're lying you're lying Travis your vulgar you're a brute you're it don't feel the same the song's good I have to pee he grabbed my I put his hand on my dress no lower kneecap I think I'm in love with him hey Abby why is your computer open like that a little scary oh so you can do this shot okay oh Mick uh artificial problem pops up right guys where the hell have you been out Jesus you reek of alcohol I just I just saw the most fun film ever in my head like he leaves pissed no one can get in touch with him and then he comes back the next morning with a cat if he was just this off the wall eccentric character she's the bipolar one who keeps being like no yes no yes no yes no but if he was the one who was just like I was out I got a cat we have a cat now like that's so funny I gotta catch that's funny I named him Tabby he's a stray and he would kill for me like some people I know in this house it's just because he's drunk I wish this was just his normal personality I was up all night worried about you shouldn't you be worried about your boyfriend or something Nick I saw the text on your computer Mick is my dad if it was your dad oh it's her dad my bad my bad I didn't know either well I misinterpreted that Travis you invaded my privacy and then you turned around and ghosted me okay he didn't your your computer was propped up in the perfect way it just popped up he just saw it he didn't Snoop okay first of all I'm defending him here because he's the only good thing in this movie when he brought the cat back we have a cat now funny secondly he he ghosted you relax you're not even dating he left after you like rejected him goodbye Abby wait wait I'm sorry I'm sorry oh why why her dad is more of a romantic chance at her heart than you do sir and that is to say no chance at all I hope it ever tell you that you're a very cute sleeper ew are you sure that's the first thing you want to say to a girl who's just woken up when she didn't fall asleep next to you to then be next to her being like hey I was watching you what a sight you even recruited partner should have known that you guys would be hanging out while I can trust him cool hang tight ain't tight ain't tight well I can trust him a clear jab at him and he plays it cool cool go your separate ways now um well I'm gonna yeah have fun yeah you okay no you're toxic as I need to get up come on come on yikes yikes sister too late tomorrow the BET's over and you never have to see me again oh my God I don't care why did I go back to one time speed I'm not sure if you have anything left in there to throw up you want to make that um they can't be cute together hey baby here we go with the dad what it's just that one night you were drunk and the next night I'm drunk it's like the only way you get along is if you're inebriated oh I got to stumble upon an unfortunate truth there foot massage [Music] you are not doing an ironic foot massage let's just commit to this all right okay okay yeah the calves kind of how did I not how did I not think of this he's gonna work his way up and then he's gonna massage the ins the innards I'll get it across my mind I'm still in joke brain mode like where you get like a sexy scene but it's strictly for her feet and that was gonna be like I like ironic in a way in a weird but I was I was kind of into it not feat like I'm not into that's not my that's not my thing you know in fact I don't know how it's anyone's thing like what do you do with like how what is your attraction defeat like what about them like what part what like what part of it you know [Music] I truly don't understand I miss the feet stuff like I don't get it but I miss it compared to this [Music] how many times do I gotta see a spruce butt I like to listen I like the main characters I think they have chemistry like the actors do the characters are annoying as hell him because he's doing this like low grumbly thing with his voice and it's like I know that's not your voice dog and then she's just like uh she's got this like toxic personality oh okay here we go something toxic Abby have you ever nappy uh her dad's being investigated good morning good morning good morning I'm gonna need you to come with me it's about your dad it's placing bad bets and who's my boss you're gonna break his legs if you don't come with him oh so she's ghosting him wasn't did she get so pissed before when he ghosted her for one night disappeared now help me look for a clue or anything how much do you owe Benny 100 Grand isn't that what they say was this man an after was he isn't he the one of the dads in after don't ask me which dad there's like eight dads in that series hey hey are you sure you want to stay here they're bigger Wheels they'll recognize me there hey are you guys playing poker no it's roulette there's a minimum buy-in of five grand this is a high stakes room do yourself a favor and go to the main floor and pick out a shiny sock is there value in complaining about this film she does she's doing a good job of making herself seem like um like a Mark it's like this stupid dumb tourist wanders into the poker tables have you seen if you've seen rounders which is a good film about poker you know that when like uh when a mark comes to your table everybody kind of just takes a bite out of out of your pool you don't drive that person away you just take their money like you're not playing against the house you're playing against each other so you want someone who's bad at poker playing poker with you guys because then you can win their money I like your tiger shirt I got two black cards is that good kid hey Cliff these guys suck you should have got comedy actors because she's doing a good job actually like she's hanging them on and they're supposed to you know like they're losing a bunch of money so they're getting antagonized by their prized on the line because she's just some dumb girlfriend of a bachelorette party who happened to come by and you know started playing with you guys these guys are actually letting her down if you can't spot the Trump the first 30 seconds they're all Chumps it's just a group of Chumps in Vegas playing high stakes no you in the blue dress Sprouse I'm gonna need you to give me these chips you're underage you know you can express your underage it's illegal I don't want to see you get in trouble Tess Jesse please I need this money Express didn't even come save her does he even care about her if he doesn't just show up out of the blue get out of the club get out of town I had your money and then it was taken from me by Jesse viveros and that is my problem how oh you're too late we needed to punch somebody earlier foreign are you okay these are criminals and criminals use guns we've got ones to care like he's like we're gonna break bones he's about to chop the dad's finger off with a with the cigar cutter like you you do some criminal you don't have a in America you don't have a gun uh some days this much gum oh and you just got you just took all the seriousness like the one scene that needs to be serious because this is the conflict of the film like the big bad showed up like the antagonist he needs his money and now you do it now this I love how the boss called for security and one guy comes in and takes his shirt off thank you just lost a hundred thousand dollars and now you're gonna go around breaking a hotel room you can't afford to what are you doing okay okay this is funny they just continually destroy the hotel room look I I know that she owes you money but I think I have a way to get Travis they just keep ghosting each other God damn it they keep ghosting each other and then getting upset that they ghosted each other it's so annoying how do I get to one times feed again what did I slow it down for so what do you think she's gonna do now she's gonna start working for Benny or what I don't think she has much of a choice at this point get out and you have two seconds to conclude you Betty Jesse you guys sent me off the beginning okay let me just let me just explain what happened for a moment here in case you're you're lost so her father and the antagonist boss guy and then the guy who stole the chips from her they all had a plan to try to trick her into winning a bunch of money and then they took the money from her Dylan Sprouse here he thinks well there's a hundred thousand dollar debt that needs to be paid by my girlfriend let me help her out by fighting so he's gonna fight to try to win the prize but there's no debt there's no real debt that was just made up and now we're here now he's gonna fight somebody there you go to look [Applause] oh yo that hurts I never been hit by a chain by I imagine and now it's a tag team anything goes match is there gonna be a fire yeah yeah oh my God wait so there's no end of the fight Joey he's for taking several blows with chains he's just moving perfectly fine what an anti why have a big fight scene as like your climax and then the fight the fight doesn't even finish why do you call me pigeon oh my God we're gonna get an answer that's how I opened this video I don't know what a pigeon is yeah it's an annoying bird that craps on people's heads it's a dove an attractive girl a winning hand in poker you're my pigeon I'm an exhausted pigeon because it's a dove and it's like slang for a winning hand in poker but he didn't know she played poker when they first met he also has a ton of money in here no that's my money Vegas for another night that'll be a disaster how beautiful disaster thank you oh no no no no no why don't tease me like that Roger Campbell more like Roger fumbled a great movie and I'm just kidding this movie had no chance the minute he called her pigeon I wanted to give a serious review on this movie I just I feel compelled to and this is not something I was capable of doing after I finished the movie like my brain was fried this was me right after the movie use my honey promo reward me for this experience um brain's just gone but yeah thank you honey for sponsoring Dylan I do want to say that the main actors Dylan Sprouse and Virginia I don't know what her last name is but Virginia Virginia they were genuinely fun to watch I do want to go back to the The Twist of the film though so Abby is told hey your dad's in debt you need to win some money for him in order to bail him out but this is a lie there is no debt all three of these people are in it together I ended up cutting this part out of the commentary but I sat there for like three minutes just thinking like how why it was actually a pretty smart plot point and I had to I had to work this out in my head so what I think happened is she won a hundred thousand dollars and then the guy who's in on the plan took the money from her I think his cut is probably like 10K he's getting 10k of this 100K and then the dad I think he's getting 90k and then the like the The Crime Boss guy he then gets hurt on retainer to pay back this a hundred thousand essentially that she doesn't know it doesn't need to be paid back she still thinks this debt is real until she catches her father and the other guy talking in the the parking garage where it's all revealed to her I do wish that was more of an emotional gut punch moment they they really should have set up moments before in the film where we really see her missing her father like she's like this is a really huge thing for her how much that that missing relationship is important to her the film just sets it up more so like this her Dash is bothering her like she's trying to get away and her dad's just being annoying is Nick still bothering you yeah but I wish we saw more of the emotion of her like missing and having no parents and and missing out on that and they really should have driven that home during the the KFC scene this is the worst scene in the film do you want to know why I'm swinging my arms right now you can't see it I'm just doing voice over but my arms are swinging do you want to know why this scene is so bad it's like 10 minutes long and it's so unimportant you could completely remove the scene and the rest of the film still works Dylan Sprouse's Brothers his dad none of them come up in the film ever again after the scene they play no role in the plot it is a 10 minute scene and the only purpose of the scene is for Dylan Sprouse for it to be revealed to him that she used to be a poker Pro here is my opinion I think that we shouldn't have known as the audience we should have known that she used to play poker until this moment and that we learned it alongside Dylan Sprouse and his family I think they should have just reworked the film a little bit not revealed to us that she's a poker Pro early on because we don't need to know that information and it also would have done a wonderful job of kind of recontextualizing certain scenes like on the second watch through or when you're thinking about the film like the scene in the classroom where she's showing up the teacher because she knows all this information about Game Theory at the time when we were watching the first time through we would have been like hey why does she know so much about Game Theory that's a little weird but then thinking back or watching the second time through it's like oh she used to be a poker Pro that makes sense now I had hoped that she was gonna like build a meaningful action with one of the brothers the setup isn't bad and I have faith that the book I can't believe I'm saying this I have faith that the book did this better but you intentionally set up this family to be unique it is a single father raising five boys that's interesting so I was thinking like each one of the boys would have a unique personality type one would be a little bit more brutish one will be more put together one will be like a quiet introvert like you could just really mix it up they come across in the film and it's just like that there's slight differences but it's it's just a little too normal for me like why have a single dad raising five boys and then she's like a normal family that's boring come on like you're writing a fiction book and I also wish she would have connected with one of the brothers and in connecting with one of the brothers she could have learned something about Dylan Sprouse that gave her a different perspective on him it would have cast him in a new light and gave him a new dimension that would have kind of made her be like oh maybe I I judged him a little too callously but instead they just eat KFC play poker and she leaves no connection and then the brothers are gone from the film forever and then also the whole point of this 10 minutes is for Dylan Sprouse to learn that she used to play poker so if you're gonna spend 10 minutes on that reveal when it's something that we the audience already knew then you should have probably given us Dylan Sprouse's reaction but instead he's just like oh you used to play poker cool and then that's it it's like what a waste of that's 10 minutes 10 minutes what a waste of a c and then also at the end it's so weird he's Dylan Sprouse has been set up to be like a pro a prodigious fighter prodigious Dylan Sprouse was set up to be a really good fighter to the point where like he's fighting like a semi-professional fighter and the guy can't even lay a single hand on him despite the fact that we don't see Dylan Sprouse training ever he's This Magnificent fighter and in the final scene of the film is him just getting his ass whooped by some like professional fighter and then he gets saved because there's a fire and everyone has to evacuate and that's how you end the film with him just getting his ass kicked and then it's like all right Vegas this is fun it just feels weird to set him up as this fighter like that's his thing and then the film ends with him just getting his ass kicked and then it's over anyways those are my thoughts on the film it was uh it made me lose my mind but I think that's just more of a product of uh just this the wildness of the plot just being so stupid if I wanna fight he will have to sleep in my bed with me for a month despite the fact that you don't want to touch me or be near me and she's like oh yeah you're on but in return if if the other fighter lands a blow on you then you have to not have sex which doesn't benefit fit her in any way like him not smooshing for three months what does she get out of that absolutely nothing and yet she agrees this deal and then sleeps in his bed all right thanks for watching I I don't know how many people are still here uh let me know in the comment section if you're still here at the very end I want to know maybe from time to time I'll do these little Recaps at the end where I'm just like the just the residual thoughts from after my shoot and after I finish editing just what I'm thinking I'll see you next Monday all right
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 680,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BZNz7doBSC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 5sec (2585 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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