watching RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK!!! (and screaming a lot)

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[Applause] [Music] [Laughter] hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel i'm natalie and today we are watching indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark [Music] welcome back to my channel everyone thank you so much for being here and welcome if you're new today we are diving into indiana jones and i'm really excited if you can't tell this is a series of films that i actually grew up with as a kid it's a series of films that my parents showed me and that they loved and i was really excited to do this poll on patreon because i filled it with only options of movie series or trilogies that i was familiar with i know a lot of the videos on my channel are first time watching things but i i don't know about you guys but i've just been going through it lately i've have been having a hard time emotionally in my personal life i'm just having some issues going on and i'm just kind of been feeling down a little bit lately and i felt like i could really use a good nostalgic feel-good movie that reminds me of my childhood and just makes me happy and really amps up the serotonin so indiana jones won the poll over on patreon and i'm really happy about that and i think it's funny because we just did a harrison ford movie and now we're doing another one it's like the last movie was a second ripley ripley the last movie was the second ridley scott film in a row and now this one's gonna be another harrison ford film so we're definitely continuing with recurring themes here and i'm definitely excited to be jumping on into this series of movies with you guys right off the bat i will say i know that there are technically four indiana jones movies but we're only going to be doing three right now and here's why i've seen them all i've seen all four i didn't really like the fourth one at all and i don't really want to review movies here on my channel that i know i don't like you know we've watched a couple movies here or there that i haven't necessarily loved here on my channel um and i feel like you guys come to these videos for entertainment for fun to feel good to forget about your day and to just watch me not enjoy a movie sounds like a bummer and if i already know i don't like the movie i don't really want to revisit it uh because i just don't think that that would be fun for you guys either so we're gonna table that one maybe in the distant future i'll revisit it but i saw it in theaters and i was really not a fan i love the other three though and i'm really excited to be re-watching them i actually haven't seen these for years like since i was a little little kid so there's definitely some things that i remember about these movies but there's actually a lot that i don't i feel like i barely remember the last crusade um i may have only seen that once because i feel like i can't even remember it to be honest raiders of the lost ark i don't really remember most of the movie but i do remember the ending specifically uh one moment which i won't say because i'm sure that there are people on patreon maybe watching these with me for the first time so i don't want to spoil anything but there are some moments from raiders of the lost ark that are burned into my brain shall we say uh that traumatized me as a child definitely some moments like that in temple of doom some questionable things that they eat that i will never forget so i'm really excited to be watching this again with you guys it's literally been years like at least a decade probably more i feel like the last time i watched an indiana jones film i was like 11 or 12. so although these are films that i experienced in my childhood and films that i grew up with they're definitely not things that i could quote to you things that i have memorized all that well so there's definitely going to be some fun moments and i think i'm definitely going to be surprised along the way regardless i'm really excited to see harrison ford again because y'all know i love him he's very handsome i'm excited to revisit some movies with him and see his work in these films also fun fact about myself for the longest time as a child i really wanted to be a history teacher or an archaeologist or a paleontologist like pretty much from sixth grade when i started learning about the ice age prehistoric prehistoric mammals dinosaurs i was really into that stuff for a long time and then when i got into high school i thought well maybe i want to do history and focus more on archaeology and human studies or maybe i want to do international relations i wonder if there was a part of me that just wanted to be indiana jones because by the time i got into high school i realized i really loved art and entertainment and i actually wanted to go into that field and i wonder if i just watched indiana jones movies and was like yeah i want to be i want to be an archaeologist i want to be i want to be a college professor that also has a whip [Laughter] and runs around in action movies like i think i probably just wanted to be an actor i don't know but i it's it's an interesting thing to think about when you think about why you wanted to do the things you wanted to do as a child i really do think that indiana jones had a massive impact on a lot of my interests when i was younger because i used to be a massive dinosaur nerd history nerd archaeology nerd i used to be like massively into that stuff and i just dropped it when i got into high school i was like nope theater i can't tell you why but yeah um i just think it's fun to think about that kind of stuff i'm really excited to just watch this movie again with you guys because i haven't seen it in so long and i think we should do just that so if you're ready grab a drink grab a snack and let's get into the movie oh right lucasfilm and steven spielberg i completely i remembered steven spielberg did this but i completely forgot this was also with george lucas i don't know how i forgot that oh this is making me think of like isn't there an indiana jones ride i feel like i've been on an indiana jones ride oh music by john williams that's cool that makes a lot of sense the theme song is just so memorable i like how they're holding us in suspense of not showing us harrison ford's face yet oh we're in south america where in south america just south america it's pretty big yeah there's the whip yes hey there he is find your light harrison baby oh the music is so good nobody's come out of that alive please he's like please don't make me go in there senor ah this isn't the one with the bug tunnel right the bug tunnel is a different movie right oh [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] you could not pay me enough money in the world to act in a movie if they were like look you got the part of a lifetime you're acting opposite harrison ford for a scene in an indiana jones movie but you have to be covered in tarantulas i'm not doing it i'm not doing the movie i'm passing on the part of a lifetime actually no that's not true i would do it but i would just be about it i don't remember i really don't remember a lot of this movie i was so young so only the really like big like climactic moments really stood out to me or at least were ingrained in my brain because i didn't remember that tarantula a bit oh yes i do remember this there's nothing to fit here of course there is of course there is dude you're lucky you had that club there hey the wincing wow the lighting bouncing off of that is immaculate oh that's there we go he's going to try to transfer the weight no no uh-uh nope yep oh jesus christ give him the win throw me the idol no no you trusted him too much there he goes there he goes come on indy come on oh god indy hey come on yeah get the whip get the whip get the whip there you go i feel like is this the movie where oh there's his friend oh he got killed real quick uh well it's not his friend anymore oh god is this the one where the yup i didn't want to say it because i was like what if someone's watching who hasn't seen it but i remember this the big ball the big rock ball yes this movie set is like a ride oh gross ew oh no they found him ah crap now i got poison darts aimed at them or poison arrows again we see there is nothing you can possess which i cannot take away this guy sucks he let him do all the dirty work huh oh no oh my god the maniacal laughter the villainous laughter what a fun like cheesy touch i love it you know that's like a thing you don't see in a lot of action movies anymore oh he's gotta get to his friend with the plane you're gonna have to let that fish go buddy oh yes i remember this and they all come running over the hill yes chuck drop the fish drop the fish come on oh god stop shooting at him already he did nothing wrong luckily they have really bad aim oh this is so much fun already guys really how did a snake end up in the plane oh that's just my pet snake reggie [Laughter] oh my god i yeah i remember his hate for snakes oh look at all the ladies who were just smitten by him in class they're not even paying attention they're not even taking notes undisturbed chamber in the grave goods that were found in another island ew let the man teach damn it i mean i get it he's a hunk but come on guys oh weird he left an apple there have you guys ever left an apple for your teacher i've never seen anybody actually do that in real life oh my god seeing him with all those papers like a cartoon walking out of his classroom is so funny see over the last two years the nazis have had teams of archaeologists running around the world looking for all kinds of religious artifacts this guy just cuts right to the chase what could they be looking for nazis have discovered tennis the city of tennis is one of the possible resting places of the lost ark we're talking biblical here okay an army which carries the ark before it is invincible the irony is that it was carried by jews first i guess that's probably even not ironic gotta destroy jews if they're the most powerful besides you know what a cautious fellow i am [Music] [Laughter] you know what a cautious man i am wow i forgot how funny this movie was because i was a kid so i didn't even pick up on a lot of the little jokes i think i also completely forgot that this was like during the time of nazis and like world war ii oh he's already got a spy on his tail oh boy oh nepal i want to go to nepal man it looks beautiful i don't that's where uh mount everest is right i don't really want to do mount everest like i've got no desire to climb mount everest but i want to go to nepal i love looking at mountains oh is this his love interest marion we're just setting up that she's a badass because she can drink a lot oh he's not going to do it he's not going to do it oh no there he goes there he goes there he goes there he goes up here he is indiana i learned to hate you in the last 10 years oh boy i forgot about that so much drama already this is my place get out he came in a bad time man she's plastered you know the piece i mean you know where it is come back tomorrow he just gave you money though see you tomorrow indiana jones oh my god the drama the shadow the lines it's just so dramatic and cheesy but it's great you know like it's perfect i love it it's oh she's wearing it oh my god she's gonna leave it right there no away he's always oh it's the guy who's spying on the plane oh and she's not wearing it now either this is bad [Music] oh no oh my god no oh jesus christ wow they really escalated to threatening her really quickly indeed oh thank god oh thank god i've never felt like the sound of a whip was so relieving it's right there oh my god the whole place is oh my god i got so much gunfire going on and she's drinking i love her i love her who's gonna get the medallion it's in flames right now oh no no oh wow she's gonna shoot him yep there we go there we go finally okay guys the whole place is burning down oh wow this is so sad her bar forgotten how to show a lady a good time i'm your goddamn partner damn oh i want to go to egypt so bad guys before the pandemic i actually was going to go on a trip with my family to egypt we were going to see the pyramids oh my god the monkey the monkey i forgot about the monkey then it shall be welcome inaudible i will not oh did he just join the party from from the streets with an outfit on i knew the germans would hire you salah he's very clever he's a french archaeologist is it the guy from the beginning yes it is it is it's it's the guy that stopped him in the beginning what are the monkeys working with this one person i'm confused what he got did the monkey just tile hitler what the they had to teach a monkey how to do that oh no the monkey's evil no no that's so disappointing man i thought the monkey was gonna be like um forget his name but the little monkey in aladdin like a good monkey oh god here they come she ducked at the right time oh boy she was barely hitting that guy that was so cute you could tell like she didn't want to hurt the extras she's like play hitting them oh the horse is going indie andy gotta catch the horse oh no oh no is she gonna hide in there good call girl good call oh no don't be friends with this monkey cause this monkey oh no oh no this monkey is awful damn it that's a horrible nazi monkey whoa that that was the most dramatic parting of extras i've ever seen and he's gotta fight this guy with a massive sword some would say that's not a fair fight but indy didn't ask for this so i love it you can't do this to me i'm an american oh my god i forgot how cartoonish some of this is yeah you gotta do that you gotta do that you gotta do oh god all these people are gonna hate him hi explosives really you're gonna put her in the back of a truck with explosives [Music] there's explosives in the truck indy no way there's no way that she's dead she must have fallen out of the truck like or something she's not dead oh this monkey don't hang out with this stupid little monkey mary is dead yes i know i don't think she is that was just a weird way for her to go out it doesn't make any sense oh no you should monitor this guy on the motorcycle with the ipad who's gonna follow you it's a miracle he still hasn't like figured out he's being followed all this time he's been followed the whole time he's oh he's poisoning the food wow how lovely i hope the monkey eats the freaking olives or dates or whatever they are i don't know what they are is the monkey gonna eat it this guy's gonna kill his own monkey what a savage this guy with the eye patch is murdering his own baby oh monkey you gonna die yeah wait wait indy wait until you see the monkey wow the room's going crazy right now with ethereal magic bellock's staff is too long they're digging in the wrong place look at that realization together i love this don't eat it yet nope [Music] his friend saved him his friend realized it his friend saved him whoo boy they're not kidding are they oh my god they dressed up and went to the site but the map room's over there let's go come on oh they're gonna go digging in another place oh my god how are you gonna dig here with all these people you just gotta hope nobody notices you whoa yeah they had to have so much fun building these sets oh no oh no oh no his friend oh man this is bad here he goes doing the light thingy oh my god the music is so intense i just worry that people are still spying on him and they know holy that is some cool magic yo no he's not up there he's not up there andy oh no oh no oh it's a nazi flag okay so his friend did he he found a bunch of flags okay that's good [Music] right water vassar is water hey his friend is so good harrison board's like off leave me alone oh marion she's alive oh good i'll take you out of here now they'll start calling the place for us oh my god he's going to leave her oh god that's going to piss her off i'd be like what do you mean leave me here oh i see because the map that room was showing it was showing the whole city and where it was in the city so now he has to figure out the city that's been buried where is it he figured it out it's over there but it needn't concern you i have the perfect man for this kind of work oh goody oh yes this man lovely your hand looks rough man it's so funny that the piece that he's been looking for and so they so desperately need is burned into his hand i can't believe they're gonna dig here while this is going on like like you're going to try to be discreet about this there's a lot of people around oh he's putting his hat on he said the hat's coming on oh they are digging at night okay oh god ain't happy oh god is not happy i know what thunderstorms mean god isn't happy andy maybe you should just leave it this is so intense oh my god [Applause] we're back to this again statue scaring and it actually scared me too i i feel you man that one got me that time that was good why does the floor move are there snakes in the floor yup there's snakes in the floor there's a lot of snakes how are they all surviving down here they're just like a ton of mice and like a water system down there like how are they how are they surviving beautiful i would very much like to see you in it what are you trying to woo her right now what the is this why are you dressing her up like this creepy creepy you creepy voyer also this dress is awful why is this the dress we put her in it's like horrible oh my god a cobra oh my god a cobra oh my god a cobra that's not cool come on indy move move slowly you're good oh my god he looks like he's about to cry i'm actually much happier that it's snakes instead of spiders fall i get down here yeah the hamminess me pointing at himself oh god they're gonna open it is this where the ark is buried i think you needed more people than two people wow okay never mind you guys did it oh no the torture guy is here always overdressing for the wrong occasions they put her in this outfit you dip that's not a clever line oh god oh god what is his bag of torture filled with nunchucks triple nunchucks what is that oh it's a coat hanger i don't remember any of these moments this humor totally went over my head when i was a kid oh here it is be careful guys you don't want to drop that it's in pristine condition how are you going to get this out of here you really shouldn't you should just leave it this doesn't belong in a museum i guess if you have the american government working with you then you could get it out of here in terms of flying it but oh no he figured it out oh no we're coming no you got to get out of here right now right now andy like literally right now oh no get the ark out of here hello it wasn't salah salah's a good guy it's bellock uh they couldn't work fast enough but i do not wish to leave you down in that awful place oh are they gonna put marion down here no no oh my god he'll catch her he'll catch her he'll catch her oh god oh ow ow ow it makes no sense like you think you'd want to pull him out of there and give him one more chance considering it the only things you've ever gotten credit for or found in life are due to indiana's work you're clearly a horrible archaeologist it's okay they'll get out of this don't worry i don't know how but they will i mean there's holes in the walls where the snakes are coming through so there's gotta be something wow he's gotta destroy this this whole room it's a shame man there's some big ass pythons down here too what the hell honey just take off the other heel you don't need it well that thing must have that's kind of ridiculous that he was able to move that you'd think like one person shouldn't be strong enough to be able to move that the one high heel the standard comedy of the hands coming up first my sister and i used to do silly stuff like that all the time as a kid we'd like faint behind the couch and like poke one hand up and be like you know i forget what we would say but we just do silly stuff behind the couch like that hindi i remembered that that's why i was like oh no because i remember that being something horrifying there's a lot of dead bodies in here oh my god they're in like a mummy chamber this is horrifying ew oh there you guys go good job oh look a nazi plane lovely how did he sneak onto this airstrip with nobody noticing andy do you even know how to fly the plane [Music] i know all these people walking by with camels and no one's noticing oh this guy's coming for you indy indy you better work fast oh god kicking him in the nuts did nothing oh my god oh this guy's a big guy uh oh uh oh no it locked her in there oh god girl stop being such a damsel dang it you did one good thing and now you're trapped in this plane oh she's gonna use the guns oh good girl all right never mind i take it back good job girl oh no that's a gasoline tank oh my god this is escalating very fast wow this guy was asleep until that explosion that guy was literally asleep until that moment well that's really gross but good job good job good job i forgot about that yes get out of there oh my god it's gonna blow whoa oh there's a lot of uh air pollution for this movie you still want the ark it has been loaded onto a truck for cairo wow his friend is really in the know indiana jones hero archaeologist horse thief i mean i i i appreciate that he did it but you know calling it out like it is oh the music is just oh it's so good it just feels like a wild western you know like a wild west movie it's so good and now he's gonna have to dismount the oh no they're gonna shoot at him and he's gonna have to dismount the horse to get out of the truck oh my god oh my god oh my god it's a good thing that everybody's a bad shot yep there he goes oh there goes bye horsey bye all right horsey you can go now indy what did you think you were gonna do when you got to this point because there's still a lot of people oh no not all the construction scaffolding and the people nice wow oh not the pottery we're just really destroying people's livelihoods oh my god look the little motorbike with the car attached so cute oh bye guys this this big industrial truck is really holding up oh that's rough man sorry for you sucks to be you oh we got shot oh he's punching him in the wound that's up wow how the did the windshield break that easily oh it's a mercedes german engineering that's why the truck is holding up so well he's going under the truck holy oh ow oh god this gotta hurt uh oh here he goes i'm surprised that these guys riding up front that have just been watching the whole time don't have guns they're just like watching like what's gonna happen like they're not shooting back at him there he goes crushing mindy well there you go good job he is way more than just a history teacher which we already knew that but holy oh he's taking out the town of cairo now oh you to hit up your american government peeps indiana you know it's really oh they hit it there smart wow what a coordinated effort yay i love how indy doesn't get any help from the american government aside from like plane tickets wow we didn't let marion or indy get a change of clothes like wouldn't shouldn't the us government be helping them get this ark back like why are they on this boat it just doesn't make sense oh she's in a silk dress did you get your gun wound seen too man oh wow oh god poor dude the physical comedy is great well god damn it anywhere doesn't it hurt here is she gonna kiss him on the elbow yeah right he points at other places i remember this now this is cute [Laughter] yeah i remember this is really sweet oh my god and they did the really like movie star kisses back in the day when like their mouths would basically just stay closed and they'd be like smooshing in opposite directions that was like the old school movie star kiss wow he fell asleep real quick jones just talk to him when he's awake marion oh god what's going on with the ark oh yeah the ark is definitely not making it back to america i sent my man for you you and the girl must disappear are you serious where is the american army guys what the like the germans have all the forces but like america is not helping india at all this is up marion jones is dead i killed him he's right there jeez the gov goes with me oh god i'll find him where [Music] hey oh my god holy he swam that far they're all cheering guys be discreet is that a sub yeah that's a sub what happens if they decided to bring it under water while he was on top of it where is he hiding oh he got off man he's been put through the ringer this is ridiculous i always laugh in those moments like the person that he yanked didn't scream how lucky is it too small oh no it's too small wow he's getting really lucky what's going on with the ark it's been burning through the wood i'm uncomfortable with the thought of this jewish ritual oh you are he's been fine perfectly fine searching for the ark this whole time in egypt i like how they're bringing her everywhere and she's just poor girl marion is just forced to be wearing a dress schlepping through the desert i'm gonna blow up the acronym you're gonna give mercenaries a bad name did he he didn't even flinch with the fly on his face that is a level of professionalism that is insane just blew it up oh he's calling his bluff dang it you want to see it open as well as i do as you will damn it he just wants marion though back safely too oh wow they're tied up jesus in canting ancient language it's hebrew yeah it's hebrew it's not some magic it's the enchanting ancient language it's hebrew i mean it is an ancient language but still it's also a modern language it still exists oh god isn't happy okay guys do you remember what happened in that biblical story when like this happens what do you do you don't look you gotta close your eyes and turn away shut your eyes marian don't look at it no matter what happens don't look marian that's what you're supposed to do mary and you're supposed to not look at it keep your eyes closed girl keep them closed i tell you guys when i was in jewish school the story that haunted me the most was that story where the woman turned back and turned to a pillar of salt cause she looked at her village burning and god told her not to turn around what kind of nightmare on elm street is this oh yeah i remember this oh yep yep remember oh yeah yep yep that that that that i remember that i remember that i remember yep it burnt yep burning in my brain burned into my brain burned into my brain yup yup yup yup yup you guys are gonna be fine don't worry you kept your eyes closed good job god isn't mad with you even though he probably wishes or she probably wishes that you didn't take the ark but it's fine oh their ropes are burned off wow she did such a good job i was so scared i couldn't remember if she opened her eyes or not oh my god wow they've really been through a lot and they're all just gone damn i don't know whether or not that would make me want to be even more religious or just completely forget religion altogether i'd be like terrified the ark is somewhere very safe we have top men working on it right now yeah those top men didn't help indiana out this whole entire movie ridiculous do this all by himself with marion and a couple friends but nobody from the us government helped him i don't know what they've got there well i know what i've got here well do not open they're gonna keep it in here with a bunch of other boxes that say do not open they're just hiding all these artifacts in here i mean it's probably the best thing for it after i've seen what it does sheesh that movie definitely uh gave me exactly what i wanted hit me in the heart and the feels the nostalgic feels i definitely had forgotten a lot of it and i think because i watched all of these movies when i was a kid and i haven't revisited them as an adult a lot of them kind of bleed together so i couldn't remember what bits and pieces were things that i saw from this movie or things that i saw from the last crusade temple of doom i remember standing out a lot but yeah there's definitely just an overlap in my mind where all these movies exist because i saw them all around the same age and then i just haven't revisited them since so it's definitely a lot of fun to see what i remembered what i didn't and what jokes i get a lot more now as an adult things that definitely went over my head as a kid oh it was a lot of fun to watch and a lot of fun to revisit with you guys it had a much happier ending actually than i anticipated i was kind of worried about marion the whole time so that made me happy that she survived and didn't double cross him in any way in this movie the moment that i was talking about remembering was definitely the face melting moment at the end when all the they all melt um that's one of those things that you look at and it definitely looks a little silly but it's also something that kind of exists in like the uncanny eerie valley um and it really was cemented into my brain and very disturbing as a child and i never forgot that moment so yeah that came rushing back when i saw that the score was incredible as well i definitely hear a lot of similarities between harry potter and this movie i'm pretty certain john williams did harry potter as well as maybe star wars i mean he's done everything you know jurassic park and star wars as well i had a feeling he did star wars but i have a hard time remembering but he's basically just done everything and uh he's great so i love his music it definitely brings me a lot of joy every time i hear it especially in these massive movie franchises i completely forgot about how fun and kind of cheesy some of the writing can be it definitely works in the style of these movies it's not off-putting at all it's a very enjoyable and it kind of amps up the storytelling of the script it works really well with this character and in this world but yeah there's a lot of kind of cheesy hammy moments but it just works really well and it just makes everything more fun so i really like this movie i still love it as an adult and i'm really excited to revisit the next two indiana jones films with you guys i hope you guys liked this video if you did please give it a thumbs up because it really helps me out it lets me know that you guys want to see more content like this let me know your thoughts in the comments down below and anything else you might like me to watch next and subscribe if you want to until the next one stay golden bye [Music] oh
Channel: Natalie Gold
Views: 222,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: natalie, gold, Natalie, Gold, watch, watches, watching, react, reacts, reacting, reaction, reactions, commentary, movie, movies, film, Indiana, Jones, jones, indiana, raiders, Raiders, of, the, Lost, Ark, ark, lost, 2021, authentic, honest, funny, girl, scream, scared, Harrison Ford, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg
Id: DEy5DpvKtFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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