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all right treats for salsa and hopefully treats well hopefully treats to be found today it's once again a trash picking day so let's make another fun one i know exactly what's about to happen you can always count on a little bit of water drinking should actually bring my own water it is trash day let's make it a fun one try to find some treasure it's getting cold out hopefully the treasures are still warm let's do it oh man you can always count on these fans now i knew that was gonna happen i felt this box the box felt soft jeez don't want to run over that i couldn't tell these were easels oh you know i think they are that's nothing but what's this not that these i believe are for holding reefs which is kind of interesting so i don't think i've ever found one of these in the trash you put the reef up there yeah it's gotta be it's first time i see my lips at least in the trash it's one of those things i mean not many people have one of these shower shelving units a van that needs a bath pretty bad so the rain's starting to pick up it's kind of interesting hey look a christmas tree but that's not the uh it's not the ones i was talking about i guess it's still a christmas tree holly tree uh there is a lot of actual christmas trees out this morning probably seen three or four so for any reason you're thinking well does everyone else have christmas trees out or is it just that one town it is not that one town what's that that's garbage so that is almost like a shelf wood shelf a snow shovel anything on this road looks like the recycling truck went through already because there's no yellow recycling bins out once it went through early because everyone must have brought it back in and what is that oh it's a grandfather clock something like it we'll go inspect it i don't know if i might grab it but we'll go inspect it it looks like i don't even know they probably sell them nowadays looks like one that's pretty new you can see the i don't know if you call it the veneer that's peeling off on the back oh it's battery operated huh i don't know why the demon dawn on me oh not for me it's kind of sad because this thing is vintage so just think that it's been out someone's house someone's garage for 40 50 years and today's its day could have went to the landfill it's getting recycled instead all right well i thought i was recording take a couple trips here it's like the one time where you can't park on the road and of course not one car drives by it's also one of those times where i wish i had a dolly i don't have a dolly but yeah just make do what you got i'm really shocked not one person drove by while i'm doing this because usually pre quarantine everything this road was really really busy [Music] i don't know what that is but does not sound good kind of salty now that i'm walking back and forth but i can't park here and i really can't parallel park there this is actually really cool this will not be scrapped don't ask me what it is though a trash can oh it is a trash can see how heavy this thing is kind of myself at ange's park right there hey taco stacks already written on it thank you whoever left this out here who knows who i am thank you all right [Music] all right i've been stuck behind the school bus hopefully it doesn't know it's not as i say hopefully it'll take a right turn because i am but yeah i guess uh i don't know school's back who knows who knows what society nowadays got trash over here i was thinking like why i haven't seen any school buses for the last two weeks i thought something was different and i realized oh it's the holidays i do miss that holidays the holiday schedule that is being a kid it's a big piece of cardboard [Music] all right the lady that yelled at me everyone has their name they uh they got a christmas tree out these people always have bottles they do and more bottles it's interesting they throw away their the bottle they throw away their bottles in five gallon buckets look what's here another christmas tree somebody said uh i should add a little tally counter i don't have that option right now it's all this stuff well we're gonna find out it's just not an option a bed and it looks like a lot of garbage nothing for me all right gotta say whoever wrote my name on that washing machine very nice very cool i like to see that kind of stuff it's great how much the taco stacks community has grown so greatly appreciate it thank you for all the support this was at some point welded i thought it was a hand truck or a dolly missing the wheels but i don't think it is i mean this thing is really welded up there the trash can is really awesome too that's going uh into the flea market pile at times i feel like people try to hide stuff for me i don't know how i didn't see this i saw that one chair on the back side i don't know i didn't see it like there's a chair back there see it it's got a lot of other things on it so i'm not going to take this actually baby carriage down there well that's cool oh put this in there first you see times have never changed 2021 i still can't fold these things take this whole thing look at this it's kind of cool this whole box wow i don't know what it is but some things just smell like a state auction and this does it's got to be that cardboard it's got to be just smells like an estate auction all right somehow someway i might drive this over here and put this in the side door had on planned on going to recycling they'd drop off some cardboard but looks like that's not happening today not like two things of pale ale oh man fun fun fact of the day when i was probably 22 before i actually like had any experience with any sort of beverages my brother said hey go get a six pack of beer and i got that exact beer and it was so bad i'm not a pale ale kind of guy and my brother was pretty salty [Music] so why did i do it like this so it's not heavy as much as it's just awkward but these things these washing machines and dryers really aren't that heavy one of them is was it the my uh i don't know one of them are usually heavy i think it's a washing machine actually some of the new ones have big weight inside them i think the garbage truck now he's going that way it's a little bit of a walk keep doing this myself keep doing this to myself where does thing go it's all way up here it's right here no where the heck is it wow this one looks like one of the heavy big ones yep funny how it works out that way these things are usually always light stay in school kids you too all right who needs to go to the gym we can just haul around microwaves down down the road sure found a lot of stuff today how many school buses are there all right everyone so i stopped off here due to recap it's currently a winter mix right now i can feel i can see snow and i can feel rain uh but yeah daisy bar and grill this place has been here a very very long time old pay phone once in a while i'll see a wooden pay phone at auctions or an estate clean out or a state house the one that i did with blue bus dave where he got all of his cl his clear plastic bins they had a wood pay phone in the kitchen which was a wild place to put a pay phone but that's what happened uh overall an awesome day awesome day uh thank you to the subscriber who dropped this off or put my name on it uh what was that heard a little clicking noise um but thank you to the person who dropped that off it doesn't smell the best so i hope everything is going on or everything's all right it has kind of a smoky smell so i hope everything is all right with you and everything's all right with hopefully your new dryer um thank you for the trash can the trash can is a beauty that's a nice vintage piece that'll be thrown into the flea market pile for the good old spring i think we're about 92 days maybe 93 days away from flea market season so although 92 doesn't really seem that far if you think about it's like three months which seems pretty far to me but we'll get back there eventually you bang out a couple of these weeks before you know it to be 50 60 days and it'll breeze right by i got a nice little cool mystery box here i didn't see anything too crazy in here we have some hammered aluminum uh and some other figurines this guy always has the yard sales in his basement so this one has a 50 cent sticker on it i guess it didn't sell but we got a lot of metal so uh probably gonna run to the scrap yard drop off these washing machines dryers what have you and uh be onward with the day but overall yet another fun day as it continues to snow hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you guys enjoyed it hit the like button and uh subscribe down below for future treasure runs there'll be plenty more here in 2021 and we'll make it another good one so catch you guys next time for next adventure until next time have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 38,353
Rating: 4.963728 out of 5
Keywords: trash picking, scrapping, scrap metal, trash day, garbage picking, found in trash, found in garbage, scrapper, junk metal, scrap pallet man, steve n steph, magnet fishing, found in river, dallmyd, scrap metal prices, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, dumpster dive ulta, speedy diver, dumpster dive gamestop, found money, found gold, found for free, abandoned, abandoned house, found drugs, estate clean out, garbage truck, garbage men, garbage man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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