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well all right welcome back for another video here uh early morning picking just shy about 5 15 right now and we're gonna try to find some treasure out here now what the world is this i don't know looks kind of like a trash can it is cool but i don't know if that's a trash can i i bet that's probably garbage it's kind of neat but it's always weird to pick up garbage cans and the garbage however today's trash day let's make it a fun one and find some treasure what do you say anything we could reuse resell or take to the scrap yard let's do it i was really anticipating we'd start finding a lot of air conditioners however first couple days of this heat wave if not with that said i do find it kind of interesting with finding beach chairs when i think it might be a couple months still to go before it's was it june yeah i guess a lot of people go to a beach in july i used to always go to the beach in august when i was a kid um it was actually the best time because the water was the warmest and school still wasn't in session all right man imagine getting whacked in the ankle of that that would not be fun this looks like one of those more expensive weed let whackers have the handle like that like that now is this i don't know what i say is that an edger attachment that they have on that or is that for more like uh vinyl stuff looks kind of like an edger would be ryobi anything over here nope nothing over there remember when you find these things everywhere it's like in the winter they start popping up and that's because i think a lot of people just end up doing a lot more in their garage and gets dark out so early that you end up using lights more often this is a chair not sure what this i think it's a chair or maybe it's a drying rack i'm not sure [Music] it's quite interesting keeping with the metal theme looks like we have a bunch of stove piping out here oh your dog guess if you're replacing your wood burning stove or whatever kind of heat you get going on probably better to do that now rather than in the middle of winter it's kind of like replacing air conditioner this must have been outside because it's very very rusty it's very interesting they have an indoor or in-ground pool back there that's covered i must not use it anymore i would say a pool right now would be great it's definitely a pool weather i should say that might not be garbage over there this might be a first though after they do that's very interesting this is definitely first wow those things are heavy even when they're empty that is blowing my mind right now it almost looks like they have concrete at the bottom right no i'm leaving that i don't know what that is it's looks like they took it off their car and they just left it there that's the uh right there was the house where they had the uh the floor mats i'm trying to think off time ahead where even put that star wars one because i know i put it away um people were saying i should probably have grabbed the one that was talking i can't imagine it's one of those things i can't imagine one of those things like talking every single day you step on it hear a little jingle probably scare anyone else who comes up to your house might might be good might be bad the one thing i will say though being up so early although this really isn't the road for it um there are a ton of cars parked everywhere because it's so early people haven't even gone to work yet so some of these houses which don't have um this is actually a wider road some of these houses that don't have garages or driveways everyone parks on a road if there's houses on the left be very narrow i would say trying to beat the heat though is definitely the move all right most of the time i don't take these but i think i'm going to actually got the scrap yard and then their dirty aluminum pile they had one of these there which i thought was crazy that they would you know they wouldn't just throw it in the iron pile because sometimes in the iron mouth they really just throw anything now for example like those wicker benches and chairs they're actually most of them are metal framed but there's so much wicker fabric on it give it a go if i get yelled at i get yelled at the one thing we found a lot when we uh trash picked after that uh community yard sale there's a lot of these there's these bed rails yeah they did something here because this thing reaps it smells like a barbecue but not a good barbecue which is bad they probably used as a burn barrel boy i give myself a lot more credit than i probably should but it doesn't appear as difficult as it was parallel parking this thing on this narrow road was not easy because i felt like i was going to hit that car just trying to like you know what i'm saying if you ever driven a vehicle you know how it is oh buddy did all this for this did all that just give me a headache but we found our friend that would be this no i thought that was an old uh football catalog program i should say oh that was a close one wheels first right wheels this might be a flipper anyway it doesn't matter what wheels are someone did leave a comment that i needed take this thing off i don't even know how you do that not too bad yep she's in there i know someone definitely left the comment i should definitely remove that whenever i take them off or whenever to take a grill i read your comment i know i say this every time but i'm very thankful salsa does not have a crate anymore she does have her own bed that she has not used once ever so i was like i wouldn't say like a waste of 60 bucks but she just doesn't use it she doesn't even go into it she looks at smells it walks away get yourself a dog crate not a cage a crate and this is gonna be one of the more interesting things you've looked at in fact i don't even know what it is no idea what i'm looking at it's just a cat oh it's all made out of cardboard i don't know the thing when i pass on it just because it's made out of cardboard it's one of those things like i i have no idea about it but it'll look great as an outdoor display but it's made out of cardboard it's not going to do well in water i mean two days in the water things done so i don't know it's cool though this is a house that uh gave my cord to last week yeah i picked up an ore some random stuff i can't remember the other stuff there's just metal maybe this wire should be good it's like chicken wire i don't know what that caused in the store i don't know what that question stored 10 bucks 15 bucks 20 i have no clue but i will not be scrapping that see if this one is looks like it is yeah it is all right all right everything in the kitchen sink button oh man trying to beat the heat but not trying to beat these bugs man they're already starting speaking of that might do a video on horse flies not sure if you have an issue of horse flies at your property i don't have the trick or remedy but i have a great way to catch them that i've been doing for past couple years they are such a burden just even thinking about them gets me mad but i think today was a metal day street scrapping as some people might like to call it i think the really good find in terms of like the valuable fine would probably be uh the role of fencing i mean it's not really too traumatic it's not really too uh too crazy in any ways but i mean it's a good good lot of uh chicken wire i think that's what that's called um i will probably throw it in my barn and never use it ever but it's one of those things you go out and buy it it's gonna be expensive it's not gonna be fun uh also the keg which isn't stainless but these are steel pretty confident it was used for a burn barrel or something i don't know if that's sand or cement it looks almost like it looks like it was a burn barrel and somebody just put water in it or whatever and that's all like uh cinders or i think cinders is the right word but residue or remains from uh burning wood and all that kind of stuff uh other than that though i guess you might run to the scrapyard although we're not finding air conditioners we sure are finding a lot of sinks recently and of course we got ourselves another grill but another fun day of treasure hunting trying to beat the uh trying to beat the heat if you guys are in the northeast or any part of america or any part of the world it's getting kind of warm right now stay cool turn on the air conditioner drink lots of water that's all i gotta say taco stacks the health expert of youtube just kidding by far not an health expert don't follow my diet but drink water good talk anyway hopefully you guys enjoyed it hit the like button if you guys did and subscribe down below if you haven't already want to see more trash fake adventures like this closing in on 450 videos or 450 episodes of trash pick it's up thanks for all support catch you guys next time next adventure till next time have a great day keep living a dream [Music] peace you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 17,344
Rating: 4.9409351 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Trash Picking Finds, Trash Picker, Garbage picking, garbage day, scrap metal, scrapping, junking, junk metal, salvage, recycle, recycling, recycle metal, thrown away, garbage pickup, garbage collection, garbageman, trash picking rich neighborhood, trash picking rich town, garbage picking ghetto, trash picking ghetto, taco stacks, taco stacks trash, scrap and pallet man, dumpster dive, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, speedy diver, dumpster dive gamestop
Id: bWP8sAuRZa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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