Everyday is an ADVENTURE! Trash Picking Scrapping and More!

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all right welcome back everyone i have orders going out there's a bunch of stuff we have sweatshirts there's one taco stack hat um that is also a um that's a bunch of magnets this is an order of like three or four shirts on etsy uh there is a bunch here going out so successful day all around i did go ahead and get an awesome order in yesterday all right so i went ahead finally bought something great something that uh well something you probably will need to do it's kind of funny because most people would probably be excited about this one thing which would be this hey my tool friends out there uh this thing also um well started off really early the uh the reason why i bought this was because i needed a screwdriver i didn't need the impact gun i already had one but for another forty dollars more you get yourself an impact gun and an extra battery so i figured it'd probably be smart to just buy it uh the combo kit if i did need a screwdriver a lot of people might not understand a difference a screwdriver really doesn't have as much force and you really you know there's something that you might need to screw something in but you really don't need like uh you know a lot of force to do it let's say you're trying to screw in to i need to screw in a screw into a door frame i would not want to use an impact on you'd want to use an actual screwdriver so a battery operated screwdriver really helps so that's that but i'm most excited about this this bad boy right here uh and i think i'll do another video on that because well i think it's very important that if you don't have one of these you should probably get one if you have a house and you use a dryer because this probably will save your life um and a matter of fact i haven't had my clean out since i believe it was ever installed which i think the dryer was installed in the early 90s so i probably should get that done so i will say that for another video maybe actually a video tonight we'll try it out and yeah but really excited about that it's amazing when you're adult what you get really excited over but i'm excited for that and in case you're wondering what that tool is this is my dryer vent you kind of unscrew it as you see there's salsa here in this it needs to be cleaned now but you can see oh oh wow yeah that looks pretty bad in there all right well yeah you unscrew that you do the little whippy whip and the stuff flies out and lands here and that's that all right well aside from that going on we do have all this cast aluminum and some other stuff going on here scrap metal that's kind of set outside my garage i hate having this mess out here but garage is kind of full of junk um today is scrap day i guess we'll run to the scrap yard see if there's any trash out i decided i'm gonna end up scrapping this one gravel sign that i got in the trash this thing says loose gravel it is considered sheet aluminum um loose gravel i mean i don't know someone might want that sign but realistically you're only gonna get five or ten dollars and i rather not deal with that headache if i can get around five dollars for uh for the sign also i don't really like the splaying sign signs are very tricky like to display a sign at a flea market either has to be at the end of a table like on the ground or it has to be against your vehicle and uh i'm really not trying to scratch up my van for five bucks you can't really lay like a sign down it's kind of hard to see and uh definitely scrapping this because all the teflon's all scratched someone used the wrong utensils [Laughter] so we're going to run through this little development right here onto the scrap yard once in a while i'll grab something from this house and there's like a an area up ahead on the left that sometimes i find stuff this that person used to have a bunch out not too long ago there's where i sometimes find a bunch but it looks pretty deserted up there now oh almost missed that completely that was hidden i was camouflaged it's been a while since we grabbed one of these and people have asked how my finger is my finger feels excellent right now so i'm really hopeful really hopeful it's it's back to uh back to normalcy because that was a year with just random excruciating pain since i don't have my uh chest mount on go with one hand now if you're wondering why i don't have a chest mount on today hit that like button and subscribe i don't know how that correlates but it does it's going off my finger talk uh this is a golf club caddy bag cart you put your uh on the world uh you put your golf club bag right there and then you can walk of course i don't know if it's now well it might be a scrapbook but with my finger i can finally golf again hopefully very hopeful because i didn't go off last year um because i can't hold a golf club without some paint that's where i sometimes find stuff didn't find anything there today or yesterday all right what's all this garbage it's garbage all right nothing differently that thing is plastic whatever that is i think it might be a lamp it seems to be mostly plastic fun fact today really early videos very early probably first 10 or 20 videos i picked up something in one of these two spots and then this guy came out and he's like i was trying to sell these rotors on facebook marketplace and or craigslist and the guy never came to pick him up so if you want for scrap you can take them and i took them and i thought about like facebook mark plays craigslist for motors like uh not motors rotors cast iron rotors for like your your brakes i thought about like who would buy used cast iron rotors they're completely rusted out but apparently people do that's probably the last time i was even over in that general area early days first fan days see a wonderful kind of things are out here at the scrap yard you guys know oh there's an old stop sign right there oh that sucks too because that's an embossed stop sign that's not one of the uh the aluminum ones that you see nowadays it's one of those uh embossed take a little creep on it see what the other side looks like it's actually not in bad shape that sucks if i have to give it another look huh never know what you'll see at the scrap yard all right so i made about thirty seven dollars here uh i made five dollars and ten cents for that aluminum sign which i know box truck guy he sells them for ten bucks does he sell all of them in one day no but he sells them for ten dollars i think at five dollars you can definitely sell them but you scrap it for five dollars and ten cents or you sell for five dollars at a fleet more gets really no huge difference um that was kind of a big thing and i got like a dollar 20 for the pots and pans a quarter for all the uh uh christmas lights and close to 30 for all the light irons so not bad 30 bucks for all the metal or 30 for all the uh you know like the microwaves and stuff like that i think we'll be onward with today got a christmas tree out go and see them all the way up until march before you mention them all the way to march all right scrap yards done all the might i made the scrap you're about to spend here ace hardware um i'm going to see if they have one those dryer vent caps because the other one it's really rough so yeah let's see where this uh so this is the one that i just bought but it came yeah it wasn't this was this one and this is 130 just for this and then i think the impact one is this one might not be the brushless they don't have one it's not brushless is 160 so i got the combo pack for 130 that's this one and that one two batteries see what a battery costs they don't even sell one battery that's interesting they really make this difficult i guess that's what these are and when the heat comes out it goes like that but what happens if like this gets stuck like that maybe it won't what happens like what happens if it gets stuck like that a bird chipmunk just run right into your dryer that's not gonna work it's not like i live in the desert what am i gonna do i just buy this and then paint it i think that's the go-to i think that's the move how don't you have white why would you have brown why would you round i feel like it'd be like white or black oh guess i gotta buy spray paint all right to conclude today's video i think i'm going to throw some license plates or you know what i might just throw up one license plate on the wall i don't know maybe i'll do one plate uh a week maybe i should probably just finish it so i say one plate a week up until flea market season i think i did the calculation right now i think 12 plates have to go up there so we have the bottom row we have three more on the bottom row or uh the bottom three so you got one two three so you got one two three another row another row sets nine then you'll have one in the corner that'll make it ten and then you'll have one two which will be eleven twelve so you got twelve plates that gotta go up i'm looking at what i have here these are all the plates that need to be put up uh these are the ones that are different so you got two three four five six seven eight nine so three more plates after that uh yeah so i guess uh three more plates after that we'll make it a complete wall the only thing is it has to be different than any other plate on there um there's a lot of plates up there it really is but uh with that in mind i will be putting up one i was gonna put that pennsylvania plate i think i'll do pennsylvania put pennsylvania this one's different than the one that i had up there i know i have one on the top over there i put up my first year of doing this i have one up there that one actually has a solid blue top this one has a faded blue top but this one's a school bus and that's a visit pa.com so uh school bus plate very very cool this squirrel i don't know where this scroll is coming from but he keeps leaving his walnuts everywhere he's gotta stop doing that i also notice the plate i put above it's a little crooked so that makes that one look a little crooked it is where it is you know we're going to go ahead and put this plate up there as well so i'm going to put up two plates uh this is really really shiny it's going to be kind of right there so it's kind of going to be right in your face all right for how flat this plate is it's slightly warped which is really weird i'm surprised it's like that trying to bend it back to shape a little bit and the only reason why you do that is when you hang these plates up if they're not completely flat they appear as if they are lopsided they're not hung up straight they seem like they're crooked even though they might be straight [Music] the plants generally they look like they're a little offside but they blend in when you put ones around all right so almost complete with the wall uh still kind of cold i thought i was going to warm up here throughout the day did not uh but yeah almost complete very very cool i guess i need another three more plates after the ones i put up but that's going to wrap it up here for today's video i think i'm going to go ahead and try and get that dryer thing done i don't know if i'll post another video tonight of me doing it or a sunday anything goes video i know a lot of people have requested for more sunday anything goes videos because of all the ones from last year i did a lot of random things on sundays but maybe we'll do that maybe i'll post a video tonight maybe just figure it out maybe it won't even be that cool or exciting but yeah that's going to wrap it up here for today's episode always a blast thank you for coming along with another uh treasure hunt another vlog and uh stay warm catch you guys next time you guys enjoy the video hit the like button until next time have a great day keep living the dream [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 21,219
Rating: 4.9189839 out of 5
Keywords: trash picking, garbage picking, trash day, garbage day, scrapping, scrap metal, salvage, recycle, recycle metal, garbage pick up, scrap metal price, what is thrown away, bulk pick up, dumpster diving, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, ebay, sold on ebay, what sells on ebay, etsy, amazon seller, poshmark seller, poshmark sales, poshmark vs ebay, ebay vs etsy, mercari, stacked golf, ralli roots, paul cantu, paper and moose, texas picker
Id: Vd3_sz4jQvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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