They are THROWING AWAY THE WHOLE HOUSE? Trash Picking Ep. 407

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all right so welcome back everyone a new day a new blessing from the scrap world the trash world who knows what's gonna happen today it's supposed to rain as you can see from the sky it's not looking too promising you can actually feel some raindrops so it's like a little mist there's like three oh i guess it's starting to rain a little bit anyway um trash picking this morning and then it's supposed to rain all day so either i'm going to trash pick later on depending on what i find and hopefully find some stuff in the rain or we'll go out tomorrow and make this a full video so um yeah we'll see what happens another day another episode let's make it a good one trash picking in the morning during a rainstorm possible let's do it all right first step of the day is my van empty pretty much is all right there are sometimes stretches of the week where i don't even use my van for three or four days which is like now i haven't used it really in three or four days i'm sorry break it forget whether it's empty or full all right so wow it's windy out here sorry for any wind noise oh no she's broken she is a goner she's not that heavy either oh that's a shame and that i think it's plastic that's gonna say it'd be a nice little figure i can bring that up to the flea mark a couple days probably get five dollars for it and off she goes she's pretty busted holy bikes this is bike city now our bikes still as rare as they were last year i do not have any idea oh these look like all parts bikes this one's missing the whole brake line a wheel this one is marked aluminum on it right there interesting oh that works aside from rust this one isn't too bad so so i'm just missing a handle yeah our bikes as well as they were i think i was in walmart the other day and i kind of looked and i saw there were bicycles but didn't look cool so who knows this one's just the frame all right we'll walk over here i'll just leave the van there what is the matter hiker tuscon coast oh it's uh it's this oh it's a sample men's that might go with that one just leave that because somebody wants to take that for some odd reason as i think a sample men's flooring like a flooring panel also fun fact of the day random fact today if anyone might have remembered me talking about possibly buying a place to do like a fixer-upper it was actually that trailer right there at gray one i don't know if it came with the garage i also don't know looking back on it as if you're actually buying that with the land or you're just buying like the house slash trailer anyways i was gonna buy it it was about sixty thousand dollars which is it max boot absolute steel but it sold like in two days so i don't know just trying to see if uh it looks like an old dresser from here but i can see the dresser drawers are not old so it's not actually old still shocked that we find these and you find these for years they're vintage i just it amazing that people still have these i feel like some point they have to go extinct they have to could also very well just be the area you know nope dress is nothing that's plastic what's underneath is the real question anything really oh yeah it is it's rigged together i say it looks like it's in good shape what's underneath two tires i don't need all right oh that was a bummer all right so i made it back home uh but i've been hanging out for about five hours maybe five and a half hours since the last clip hoping for the rain to kind of let up but it seems like it's not going to so we're going right back out there for the afternoon shift see there's a huge puddle over here and good old lake tacos back in the corner so uh yeah we're going back out no days off 2021 still going at it rain's not stopping me see if there's any more treasure out there that's all bolted in there oh that's a shame it's all screwed in there all right whatever it is i don't know it's a file cabinet so i was backing up and i saw this tree here i was like i'm about to hit that tree so i made sure to stop before that happened oh this has been here well bird cage ain't bad i feel sorry for the bird though living there what are you going to do with that i don't have much of a life i guess if you're a premise like just a piece of pewter weighted pewter so i say maybe under the very rare circumstance it can be silver but i don't think silver especially sterling silver would just be chucked in the trash like that i feel like this was all here last week let's inspect this doesn't look like the cords there where would the chord be up out the side it was green originally oh that means some sort of scrapper has been out i mean that could be that's the soap so it could have been out here for five days pretty sure it's not the same stuff from last week but same kind of stuff 1970 don't know oh now we're taking this chair no you know what i'm not taking this chair it's broken right there so i say that's the nicest one of the bunch and i usually don't take chairs but sometimes they speak to me also picture frames rain don't mix too well why do i do this sometimes i park far away because i just like don't want to slam on the brakes that's like a situation like this but i mean i can just drive slower all right yeah golf shoes in here looks like all the i see two golf balls these are some cutes oh now that was gonna happen the heck is it oh there's a brake line i think one of these bikes we will inspect this golf bag another time one of the biggest questions i get is what is your best find and i would honestly say probably two years ago i found a set of golf bags that were like 300 to 400 golf bags i would say it's probably my best find it's not very cool but it is what it is cool is determined on what you think is cool almost completely missed oh man is that busted what even is that i can't tell this is a baby crate no oh this thing is shot i'll take whatever that thing is that'd been an awesome bench oh it's all busted over here too there used to be a loop as you can see on this side there's a loop i don't know what the heck this is a hanging a hanging thing i don't know you put uh fruits on it vegetables a plant and it hangs from the sky aka your roof aka you're on it i don't know what's called era your overhang we're not going through this back door either because then i think everything's going to fall over because i'm on the hill getting wiser with age getting wiser i think that bench would have been absolutely sweet though but one of those branches off those trees probably fell on it smashed it okay so now we're driving through the second town we're gonna quickly drive through this for a little bit it's it's already three o'clock in the afternoon which is about two and a half hours later than i usually would be here and uh we're gonna drive through here surprisingly like the same amount of people had their trash out not the same people but that's just kind of name in the game what do we have out here hit this once um what's that i don't know what that is look like a chair this guy has well he had a propane tank out what was all that oh i really hope i'm not missing something like this because it could be like what the heck was that why is it doing that i really hope i didn't screw something up here jeez magic does that always in reverse try that again i don't know let me go figure out what the heck this thing is sweet vehicle i think the door isn't shut try again i don't know what that was all about uh sorry link oh yeah all right just a little back up down the road that was crazy that scared the heck out of me i'm hoping that today i should put my seat belt on but who cares we're going 50 feet i'm hoping not today is the day where they pick up all the metal because there's a good possibility today is that day today's that day i'm not seeing a whole lot but seeing that propane tank out there kind of got me wondering christmas lights this might be a multi trip like i'm wondering like it's like seeing this scene that propane tank makes you wonder no no now the dogs are barking iron i thought maybe those are brass looks like steel now how is a cardboard box gonna be in this rain grab it for the bro it's a decent amount of christmas lights well that's where she is it's like a whole bunch of garbage oh this is vintage it's kind of cool no old terrain cycle it's got the old metal it's got a nice uh michael horn thing on that i kind of wanted this christmas or holiday decor anything else in there no sure doesn't look like that he's got to be 70s i bet it's like a hard plastic oh man i just noticed my uh my drawstrings on my hoodie i hope they weren't hitting the camera at all for this video because it makes a ticking sound which does not sound good so i apologize if i did that at any point that's why actually i take the drawstrings out of my hoodies just for that reason i just noticed it was right above it that i think is a rifle case all right so that's gonna wrap it up here wow it's finally starting to clear up a little bit just a little bit um just like a drizzle now but it's been a very very long day uh kind of crazy how much it rained today uh but overall yet another fun day we got a bunch of metal back there i kind of wanted to see that one all-terrain cycle kind of uh thing which we'll jump over there we got this which i thought was going to be excellent look how nice that looks let me do it like that look how nice that looks so nice and clean and shiny and then you go womp womp womp look at that i feel like you can just punch a hole right through that if that was on like the bottom side it probably won't be too bad having a little bit of rust up there but kind of kills the vibe there uh i believe this is a rifle case feels empty i did want to see whatever it is yeah so we got a we got this thing see if this horn still works it's not a great horn did not sound good at all my guess is it still works whole box of christmas lights some other festive things uh i really wish that homeowner that had this stuff would come out last week the person who had that came out they weren't out this week but you know with the rain and everything who knows this house that had uh this christmas stuff they uh they have a sign outside which the other house does too it says home for sale but it seems like this house has a lot of vintage stuff like that vintage all-terrain little kids tractor 4x4 or whatever not tractor it's uh atv i guess i'd be the right word atv for that even though it's a three three wheel atv but uh yeah another fun day uh never know what's gonna happen with these trash picking videos now over 400 episodes always a blast hopefully you guys enjoyed yet another fun episode uh should be another fun week ahead and uh well the week's already started i forgot about that but uh it should be another fun rest of the week and we'll see what happens whatever we get into tomorrow i know the license plate wall is done usually i do that tomorrow but uh that project is complete so we'll see what happens with whatever happens tomorrow maybe we'll go back do trash picking who knows thank you for coming along for another adventure if you guys enjoyed video hit the like button subscribe down below for more trash picky adventures just like this i'll catch you guys tomorrow tomorrow's adventure until tomorrow have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 38,246
Rating: 4.9298062 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage Day, Scrap metal, scrapping, found in trash, found in garbage, garbage pick up, garbage picker, trash picker, trash picking rich neighborhood, garbage picking rich neighborhood, found money, found gold, river diving, magnet fishing, treasure hunting, house clean out, estate clean out, hoarder house, hoarder house clean, cleanout house, make money scrap metal, scrap pallet man, dumpster diving, dumpster diver, dumpster dive
Id: 9Fu7eDbeTZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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