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well this is a pretty good start here's my beloved Archer and here's an item it gives 10 health and 10 Health to the entire party we're probably gonna destroy everything today okay and we're in the Land of Snow so we probably want to see where it's warm which is where our extra movement speed is going to come in handy because if enemies can't catch me they can't hurt me that's it idiots walk into the fire they get stuck on that oh this is gonna be so easy in the end the King was actually the MVP because of all the healing he dealt we have a new Frost which hello but I need rushers only so if they're not rushers I don't want them I will take a rogue for now are they the ones that go invisible then suddenly hit for massive damage they're also incredibly fragile and rather stupid watch them 20 damage and he's dead now I gotta put him back at the rear so we'll just kind of rotate our idiots around for a sec the road Fades away we'll let him go get him he'll Fade Away in just a moment and kill that man having trouble getting the right rushers but there's a ranger we'll take a ranger for now I'm not really sure what they do long range with friends yup fine I'm actually gonna sell this one armored item that I started with to get an extra Rogue here just for the extra movement speed I really needed in the snow plus we have extra Shady business so we gained extra gold so extra gold doesn't look how quick we are even in the snow this is gonna be such a dumb Advantage so yeah the rogue's definitely like are really fragile but for now they're gonna carry us through this really easily look how much gold we got I like whatever that is we can buy so much power with that not getting a lot of luck over here when it comes to rushers there just might be less to them with all the new things we got there's a ranger so we'll go ahead and sacrifice you then we get a few points to give to you know whatever we want and I'm just going to give some of these items to you know anyone for now just because you might as well help them survive the pickpocket passing through extremely suspicious alleys you fill your pockets later and back so much later that you realize someone is running from you with your bag of gold well naturally we're just gonna steal someone else's wallet then we got 12 gold and three Shady business I should have thought about that harder because I well I got money which is fine but I got Shady business which basically just upgrades my Rogues which I don't probably want to keep but I guess since we got one uh after taking damage done all nearby enemies that goes to the king plus 75 damage I mean that could probably just go on the Rogue really finally got another Archer so we're gonna give it this Rogue and then we're gonna put the Archer down here all is well in the world and you can even have haste okay we've got a bit of a rough Zone ahead this is non-combat again after cheating some adventures in a Tavern the local guard is looking for you in your party so I'm pretty sure these blue ones yeah refer to the archers so we're just gonna get through the crowd using the archers and we're gonna get a bonus for Archers we got tons of rusher tokens so that's going to you and leveled you up and we're gonna do that again to level you up again so we have a Max Level Archer we can upgrade that Rogue a little bit and even you a little bit oh there's our wizard too I forgot about the wizard already so sorry uh whatever you were you've got to go I think I'm going to give this 75 damage to the wizard because he does such a big attack uh there's definitely a few things here I like uh the wicked crab after taking damage game three bark skin that's gonna go to the Rogue for now because they're really weak I like how we're not really limited to uh staying near the warmth right now our movement speed is so much we can go pretty much wherever we want and it's no problem at all my rogue still hasn't really been hit doesn't really matter we'll go grab that the road would be really good for whatever the boss is we can take huge bites out of them presumably the wizard is definitely doing some damage how much does this Fireball do can we see that fire your Fireballs stupid seven uh whatever the case that was easy yep the Wizard's still on top okay so this uh extra Health to the entire party is important and I think this is something that will help slow enemies so I'm gonna sacrifice this Rogue that's gonna give me enough to upgrade the wizard it's not enough to buy that but next time we're gonna buy that that means that the Wizards uh AOE attack is going to slow everyone once it hits we also got Poltergeist again kill any Target under 25 that's money for the wizard well you're getting Poulter guys because you just kill everything with that uh this slow thing I'm just gonna give to this level 3 Archer down here who I already forgot I had then I'm just gonna roll looking for something similar to that I'll keep that for now and then it's time for more combat and probably a million enemies spawning in so we'll do our best to take care of that and okay we got a lot of different guys okay I think I just lost my rogue already but they are very weak the wizard just did something amazing there and we're gonna use our blazing speed to move around I don't know how you do this without speed but I'm pretty stupid so I'm sure it's really not as hard as I'm making it look at times there is a barrage coming in thanks to my super Archer I presume okay since that wave of enemies died we got some heels you probably want to focus on the Devils here who are going to Fireball is really bad come on kill them we need that Gap get up there no the frost Wizards need to die what what just died okay it's just a Archer I think I think we're gonna be okay oh I saw that one coming but we're still okay I still have my level 3 Archer who's incredibly strong in my king by himself actually is no slouch okay my level three Archer for now is gonna get an extra two damage that's kind of fun actually 75 damage could be big for someone yeah okay we'll give it to my Archer over here after a long walk you come to a colossal tree so big that clouds pass under the branches you hear a noise and look up a seed is Falling Towards the party we'll simply Dodge using my level 3 Archer which gave me rusher's token and gold I should have actually done the wizard well it's the same difference because the Wizard's gonna hit level three so the wizard is also going to get a 150 extra damage uh I guess we'll also make the Rogue an extra level because they can get two extra items now but it's time for the boss fight so I'm hoping that rear Archer can really do a lot for me I want to try and get to this hopefully before anything too crazy happens okay so just keep going we're doing good so far so far damage really doesn't seem to be much of a problem at all that chain lighting is also really gonna help that rear Archer is going to do tons with that but I didn't mean to walk into that guy back up okay we're gonna try to push downwards then get Rogue go finish that guy off this is the boss okay now they're doing that we'll just keep attacking Rogue get in there before you die anyway might as well okay we've got lots of frost to deal with we want to actually stay far away from the witch trying to not get too much damage into any one of our idiots ow what do we lose we lost an Archer I can live with that maybe we want to stay close enough to burn did we just lose another one yeah we did wow this is tough I wish I was to defeat this thing what it's so into dodgy attacks we're not Tough Enough we need our healing archers back we didn't really get any healing this time oh the movement speed is nice but we need movement speed plus something different or even like less movement speed here we're down to our Archer and our King oh never mind that wizard was so much damage this time let's try the frost Witch uh area control with devastating spells I like the sound of that it's also tempting to take the best healer but we won't yet plus three armor is also pretty nice so the king can have that for now because he's important we're just gonna give everything to the king and there's very few question marks on the way to the bus but we'll make that work we'll try and take a long route to get there that way we get lots of upgrades and we're getting into the cold again already and the corner which isn't a great place to be at all okay we already lost him we're gonna slip away this way we lost another one and another one uh yeah we're getting frosted ourselves really hard but I'm pretty sure we still have our level 3 Frost which so I think we'll be okay we need to make our way that way hmm okay this is not going to be very easy to deal with frost witch please attack whenever you're ready wow that was a big attack cool do that more often please we're still attacking Big Time toughness but I mean that certainly doesn't hurt us Frost which is to all the damage so the Healer would be nice to get them more toughness and like usability okay cleric when reduced to zero heal 100 so the cleric will come back to life I would have loved to level that up but there's only so much we can do I think I'm actually gonna take this and we're gonna take some armor away from the King and just give extra Health to everyone well let's see if this works against the boss my confidence is not super high we have the damage but we do not have the survivability especially when I get ourselves into a corner like this okay can we just Frost attack everything please where's my Frost Mages are we doing it I can't tell who's alive anymore this is very stressful okay you die okay so far so good actually we're actually yeah there we go that's what we needed and now the enemies are a little bit more spread out that makes me feel better okay this is not gonna be good those pets are gonna get right to our defenses so I'm gonna March right down into these guys hoping my Frost switches can do some damage in a big hurry uh so far this is actually working better than I thought we just need to keep our tough guy up front and eventually the cross stretches will fire some damage hopefully at someone on your own time whenever you're ready there we go this guy's gonna get melted pretty hard there we go that took out a whole bunch of them we're gonna thou for a second the frost switches will take care of them slowly okay this is to my benefit to sit here because we're healing more than they're doing damage okay they're dead so we're gonna move towards the next lamp and then the boss should come in and they're gonna eat big damage right away I'm just gonna sit here and go in this uh warmth I'm going to try and heal like as much as I can throughout this but I'm also going to try and tank through the damage a little bit the frost switches should hopefully be able to hit things pretty much anywhere uh the boss came close to uh so far we're doing pretty good nothing's really taking a lot of damage yet the frost Queen is dying so this might work I wish we could be taking out these things a little quicker if we stay thought out I guess we will I'm trying not to have my stupid healer take any damage uh Frost Twitches could you do some damage please to everything here I don't know what's happening anymore it's hard to see I did see my cleric just come back to life but I need my AOE to start going and attack all of these I keep getting stuck also behind all this stuff should be the little guys first and then the big guys so we'll take out these uh my cleric is also taking lots of damage not good should have put the Healer at the back maybe considering David was brittle when we have all I know is this is a hard boss to defeat like I don't know if I should just be okay we lost our healer so that probably means the beginning of the end for us maybe I needed one Frost witch and some better healers in between I think for when Frost which would have been enough damage considering one always dies because all the damage went there anyway even you did plenty of damage okay this time I might be onto something I've got a super healer because they have haste like 300 so they're basically constantly healing everything so this could be a pretty good start first of all we're gonna deal with you and then we're just gonna attack everything that haste also applies to my fire boy so we have a fire Wizard and a frost switch both doing massive damage the cleric is in fact at 275 haste everyone else gets a modest 50 or better and when I sacrifice one of these clerics I'm gonna get uh some Heavenly to put on something I want or perhaps that now we have a level three cleric who can uh resurrect people one per wave and whack an enemy to stun them I'm also going to give a little bit of haste to the frost witch then I'm gonna give 25 Health to my uh Paladin up front the way they can absorb some damage uh then I'm probably just gonna sacrifice one of these because then we can upgrade him anyway so he can now heal a whole lot of things he does some damage and we're going to give him plus 50 heal so that's gonna help take plus it's treasure time so we got Heaven's fervor 150 damage to whoever wants it which is probably going to be the fire wizard because he does a lot of damage anyways then I'm gonna get rid of the arranger from the shop in Easy sacrifice and then we're gonna get the wizard to level three which means if he's at the rear he gets ice applied to his attack so he uh deals 50 slow to enemies uh and Frozen enemies drugs are damaged and we have their Frost witch still who's doing tons of frost damage as it is an extra to Frozen enemies oh okay now we gotta deal with Elite waves so let's see how this goes with all of our damage and everything so far pretty good we're healing uh pretty rapidly we're doing lots of damage so I think this is gonna be kind of the money build yeah we seem to be able to heal through that no problem just gotta make sure I'm keeping my idiots alive we're doing tons of AOE we're doing tons of individual and maybe most importantly tons of heels who'da thought 300 haste on healers could be so magnificent plus that's just insane damage oh we lost random front Okay gotta be careful of that can't get too Reckless but this was like a practice run so look at these two damage Frost wizard Frost witch probably gonna have to get rid of this 25 Health boost to him which is kind of annoying but we're also going to get a 20 speed and 30 health for everyone so that's pretty big that helps to make up for his missing hope for now my Frost wizard is going to get the extra Health just in case he gets touched by anything but he only has 102 haste right now and I don't know how I feel about that so we're gonna bump him up by a little bit at least and now everyone is ridiculously strong we're doing lots of damage we have tons of heels so let's see if I can do this without screwing it up those guys should die pretty quickly what is that okay the Rogues definitely need to go we're gonna sit back a little bit because we're pretty safe out here we'll take a little bit of damage but we can heal through it it just it kind of sucks when enemies spawn in all around us because it's hard to deal with that but so far we are embarrassing them all so yeah we'll just march on through them it took me a while to find the build that works but you've got it now so we're just gonna go into the bus we do need to take out the enemies but that shouldn't be hard with everything we got going on and we should heal through everything the boss throws at us and even if someone does die we will resurrect them at least once so but so far no one's even close to dying we're just doing tons of damage and kind of embarrassing this frankly so this is all just thanks to a overpowered healer that's how it started that really enabled us to just really load up on damage if we wanted to and we did want to okay the cleric does not have a lot of toughness and the cleric is getting hurt a lot so can we stop attacking the cleric okay I'm starting to freak out stop hitting the cleric stop hitting the cleric okay you died that's okay bring him back please we resurrect him oh no that's not good do we have enough damage to take this out we lost a lot of our heels there and damage because I didn't really know how to dodge any of that and uh yeah okay so we might still be okay we might also be doomed I kind of miss my cleric though because that was really the kind of key piece to this that's super healing as long as they don't do anything weird I might still be okay with this we do still have the toughness and damage and stuff that level 3 wizard really is a beast but we'll see okay get out of the frost every once in a while when we hit that Smite or whatever on the boss that really does some damage get out of there I think we're gonna be okay with this still even with half a party we're still enough to defeat the boss it's just that one part have me all uh confused which isn't surprising we did it with two party members [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 256,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PvSciq6QgGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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