WAS LIVE: Ender 3 V2 First Print?!

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] hopefully that worked sorry about the audio i was monitoring audio and i was playing audio and apparently the monitor went in and the audio playing in and then um there it is there's rc rcmaniac25 right there can see and hear you yes that's what i always wait for on my streams that's what i always wait for that's what i need to i it's what i it's what i need to that's like that's like what i'm waiting for um um uh wait oh crap loyal just uh donated a buck didn't he that guy i thought i saw that come through dang it he always does that that guy what's going on ah my audio's delayed great hold on i'll fix the audio dang it if it's not one thing it's another i'm working on it about one second off one second off okay 5.99 are you out of your mind neutral thanks for the coffee sorry my audio's all flipped out well that's why we're going early because we're going to get it fixed right an audio sync fun that's fantastic i'll get this so about a second hold please i don't know why okay um okay i've changed it the audio to have a one second delay now let me know if this is okay so it's either going to be incredibly bad or it's going to be better but i know that youtube has that uh tv okay still not in sync it won't make for a fun build tim it got worse okay we can do this um can i do that hold on okay i've adjusted it again see this is this is the fun we get to do when we go uh really bad okay we're working we're working on it minus one second got it it's ahead now i got it now about three wait very slightly off the music is what music there shouldn't be any music wait a minute wait a minute i'm seeing good and i'm seeing okay there we go there we go okay jeez it's good now or it's perfect like do we do we adjust again it's like point three out is that okay james is saying point three out so listen what i have set up right now is a minus 500 milliseconds minus 500. people are saying so david specter 9.99 you're on your mind david i'll get a milkshake absolutely leonard chia s-g-s-g-d-199 i don't even know that is but that's fantastic it's fine oh super chat plays music dang it that's right okay i will let's let's do that okay there we go super check me ground of us thank you for the canadian fiber a um audio slightly off okay so sl let's let's let's do this let's let's do it okay how about now how about now let's see turn on the notification music i'm not going to crack open my drink until we solve this i see a perfect i see one perfect from joe tucker lawrence and then all the words stopped wait sink is bad ah okay music we can we can fix the music because that's just terrible so bam there we go music is fixed it got worse okay okay okay hey we're getting there let's try that let's try that let's try that okay okay that's why we went early i appreciate y'all sticking with me it's just crazy because youtube has this 20 second delay okay lips move then the audio got it i turned off the super chat music i turned it off like it's it doesn't even it shouldn't it shouldn't go at all i'll tell you what super super chat music is it got better there we go there we go perfect okay here's ready ready i'm getting some okay i clapped i see so close i'm i'm really uh i'm really going to consider this a success because this was a community effort obviously everyone out there was part of the community effort and uh i'm pretty happy about that pretty happy about that i've also muted the super chat music because geez okay fi a canadian five from d wit that's from tim he's testing the super chat there should be no music [Music] close enough so close perfect i see close and i see perfect youtube iphone working well i see close enough i hear wait still music what that's impossible i've muted the channel music is there what okay um okay well let's just do that okay the music is there gotta get rid of that and uh and then we'll be good i got a new audio thing it's right there and i'm trying to use it and uh picture is blurry okay sean's in michigan canadian five from tim please wait music is there and are you music is there there's i don't know where it's coming from like there's nowhere it can be coming from at all like nowhere the super chat music i know i know i know there's uh i have let's see we'll take this out just because other than the music good i'm just going to make sure so i've got so in obs there's an alert box and i'm just going to remove it okay there we go so the alert box is removed there's literally nothing in the source panel that can send music out there is a big box thanks for noticing that but first uh okay so listen listen lame answer the box start building thanks everybody i appreciate you sticking with me nathan schuler with a high five dollars sounds good to me sweet okay music is gone music is gone good morning uh fribledum uh samuel williams the founding father wow 9.99 since i'm in a problem-solving mood music is sus the music was the imposter good i think we're in a place now um uh samuel no yeah samuel williams the fan the fan the founding father uh random layer shifts every print and it's not g code the first thing i would check would be hey neutral thanks for the three uh the first thing i would check would be the pulleys make sure that the grub screws are tight against the shafts of the motors or whatever and just just because if the belts are going real quick they can easily slip if something's just not tight enough so i would um i would make sure that the pulleys are tight uh but listen so uh as i crack this open oh my god still i'm sorry about the audio like we could i could take time and we could fix it but it would it would be awful and for audio engineers out there uh for the audio engineers here's what i got i got minus 600 milliseconds for the sync offset for the audio project r3d199 you're definitely out of your mind jeez joe jeez man okay so here we go the stream is sponsored by profibox from filament one jacob reached out and wanted to sponsor a stream and i said that's great i've got a machine that needs to get out of a box into 3v2 in fact tom san ladder told me that he got his out of the box and it was working pretty well i'm excited to get out of the box and jacob said well good profibox can sponsor the stream so here's what i need you to do listen listen before we get this open this is housekeeping uh profibox ran a contest and there were three finalists and they're gonna win a lifetime certificate for a profibox there's a link in the description click it and vote on who should win and at the end of the stream we'll announce the winner also five profibox minis will be given away for every time we hit an increment of 500 likes on the stream i'm guessing we'll hit 500 if people you know really go for it that's great uh and then five will be given away if we hit a thousand five more blah blah etcetera deal with tim canadian five yes everything's fixed please stop save your own money for milkshakes so with that in mind uh go to the description check out all the links and uh yeah big thanks to filament one for sponsoring this the profibox and i will probably mention it again in 30 minutes all right so here we go auto drop with a high five how much is it to sponsor a stream we can talk that's that's business we don't talk business on the stream we drink our we drink our liquid so um oh wait here we go and so i've also got camera two this evening game or two yeah um for caffeination and for hydration cilantro there we go it's really tasty this is a um let's see if i can show you rockstar juiced rockstar juice that's what i'm that's what i'm rocking tonight uh okay let me get a knife oh got my punished prompts knife and we will get this out of the box and it is before 8 o'clock so we went a little bit early i don't know of a good way to troubleshoot the stream audio and stuff when the stream isn't going and my goodness i am not an audio engineer justin dotson with a tenor that's two high fives i'm not driving nine hours cross country to visit family just to watch you seriously nothing else happened that's amazing yeah you know with in the us we have the thanksgiving holiday coming up oh andrew smith with the high five smash that like button sub joel happy streaming thank you for that tyler pisgaglia with a fiver as well what's best to support you patreon or float plane honestly um geez broke the cardboard um okay there we go uh patreon patreon is better than float plane right now uh well this is just a cr i'm sorry an ender 3v2 my goodness so look at this look at this fine uh oh oh oh okay well here it's actually has to be removed in this way oh my goodness hey it's gone forever ah we've got uh the son of dev duck spammed turn on slow mode where people will spam that's okay okay looks like it's packed well i mean uh creality's done pretty good in the game as far as packing there's the relief for the bed wires that's pretty good looks like everything's labeled i don't know this is going gonna be uh this could be pretty good it is an ender though so some assembly required but hey here in the u.s it is the day before thanksgiving it is a holiday oh look at that that is a is that a touch screen or is that just a big it's a big screen with a knobby on it my goodness and obviously i hope you and yours are staying safe and you're able to still reach out to family via digital methods and and share share in the fun times i don't know what's everybody doing i hope i hope you're having if you're here in the u.s or heck if you're not in the u.s i hope you're having some turkey i like turkey turkey's good oh yeah here we go so the the ender 3 v2 has a redesigned extruder and it's also got these knobs on x and y that will tension the belts which is super handy i remember my first experience with those i almost linus tech tips dropped it lttstore.com my first experience with the tensioners on the creality machine was with the cr6se oh level two look at that oh my gosh look at that i got two power cords uh this is the right one this one is friendly and will bake me a pie if i ask if i ask it uh the left one it's not as friendly but it's rich and will try to buy my love which one should i use got some bagged filament along with some parts and accoutrement there's a tensioner there's more oh oh oh that was a lead screw inside the oh yeah it's an ender three uh oh look at this lois lois lewis please do some mod video on this okay i'll try i mean i'm gonna have it i should probably do something fun with it let's see what have we got what have we got what have we got okay everything is out of the box [Music] goodbye man actually i got some some room i can actually space things out putting together an ender we uh i have an ender 3 pro and we just filmed a quick little episode to show you some parts from it that were printed that looked really good and uh man print's great like the ender 3 pro great liam blanks uh 420 euro what kind of energy drink you got there joel it is a rock star juiced rockstar juiced energy and juice it is pineapple orange and guava it's three great tastes that go great together but that'll be out at some point the belt printer's been going as well uh i hope to have a video out on that uh see this sunday is uh not i think the belt printer is a weekend i don't know i actually filmed some stuff and uh we have it in the bank sean's editing it loyal with 50. you want the you want lefty you want lefty you want the rich power cord that tries to buy my love is that what you want loyal is that what your ten high fives give you i'm gonna have to hold the hold on leftover piece of the pooch table i think loyal loyal loyal there we go let's see i can't believe it come on and do i not have a pen now i need a pen loyal this is your fault man i gotta do it zip ties and all is there really no pen do i not have a pen a pen just a pen something to pen with i have a pencil all right loyal that's yours that uh that is yours i said over here for safekeeping oh i got some uh some shadows let's see will you do the same live with ender six and enter six i mean i could if creality sent me an under six oh come on where is it there we go someone said they use that uh that account to spam so i just uh i hid the account easy enough live network with a fiver what do you think of the producer post from yesterday i think uh i think it's great i think um it is interesting that they're that they're that they're going with the mark 3s plus and the mini plus uh i know they're changing the the sensors on it and i don't know what else is really on there but i think giving them the plus moniker i don't know it's an interesting business tactic i haven't read too deep into it i think the most interesting thing was actually the last sentence where they said and the prusa xl will now be a tool changer i think that's the important part right there because we have the e3d tool changer so i don't know uh i don't know i don't know if i don't know what it'll be i don't know if it'll be like the e3d tool changer i don't know what'll happen um it's so rare that i get the chance to talk to joseph every once in a while i'll try to hit him up when it's like 4am check time but but i will uh i'll try to find out more i'll try to find out more oh hey look at um for caffeination and hydration um is it a super pinda is that what it is tim canadian five a donation to the buy loyal the first print uh john kruger right an affordable tool changer it would be right because with prusa obviously i'm i'm just basing it on my experience but with prusa it's it's easy to assemble well-documented kits that then perform typically pretty well and so if they go the tool changer route it'll be interesting to see what the process will be for getting it out to consumers because if a non if someone's buying a tool changer prusa xl is their first machine they're going to have to lead them through that or they're going to have to try and pivot them to buy something else and so i don't i don't know it's just it's an interesting time to be alive i think it's fair boy i got all sorts of parts here i hope i don't miss anything over there i'm trying to keep an eye on stuff and so a super chat shows up in the chat in a different color project r3d 51 us my bid for the left cord but i just wrote there you go jail you're good i have i have a couple extra power cords but that's it so don't buy all my power cords it's just the left one it's just the left one uh after sales service card there is a qr code there i don't know where that goes could someone could someone uh point their device at this and tell me where that qr code goes it's labeled creality 3d so i would imagine this is uh probably took reality i would imagine just build the printer yo yeah i see that uh aware 2180. someone deleted it sorry about that i know i'm going to build the printer but if someone gives me money so if a super chat a super chat uh shows up in a different color and so because i'm i'm looking at a camera right here and every once in a while a different color will show up and so i can be like oh my goodness oh jake from state farm put the smack down down smack down down this the smack down this down the the smack down down they put it in there oh look at that loyal joe wants to uh you want you to get the cord with the r3d on it you'll have to did my audio just are you serious what's going okay is the audio working now what the heck what the heck don't know what happened i don't i don't know what happened like here's my mic pack and and here's the little the little wireless guy geez delay is broken again let's just get this thing built so that nope this is uh okay ready so here's a clap where am i at oh five uh five pounds dura bun durabun thank you i appreciate that where oh i can uh one second one second are you serious audio is before the clap okay so if i do this thanks liam i appreciate that high five so listen here okay i just adjusted it i can't believe how many problems we're having i'm so sorry i will start building a new jack promise five from builder smart to bring sean back i don't have an overhead camera video is behind audio by a few seconds okay jeez okay so sound out if i just if i do that i know we need a working machine so i'm going to keep taking these off while we while we try to okay here's a clap am i good now okay i see i ah jeez let's get it built thanks span okay i hear i i hear that it's good so let's just let's just get it built let's i'm so sorry i'm so sorry the computer that i'm running this on uh is it has software upon software upon software in it and i know it needs to be uh like i think it's a windows machine it needs to be reinstalled so uh i think i need to do that uh listen i forgot to say high five okay i'm good thank you well listen raise your glasses because you deserve this for hydration and for caffeination let's launch it there it is don't forget to tap it oh man they have all sorts of little parts everywhere and uh i don't want to miss anything okay this is all going to be tools here which i'll use to put it together good good good good okay so step one wants me to install the z limit switch on one of the risers okay oh i see and it wants it up here okay i could do that slide that in is everybody doing okay and now it once over here every time i drop something i think i just have to say go to lttstore.com i think that's fair right this is for the lcd display these are wires oh there we go there we go so those are wires for the extruder at all and this is for the motor this is for the end stop fantastic so if i take the one let's see this one okay i am oh okay so sweet so this one's gonna go here one of the things that i notice along along the extrusion it's not milled out jason taylor with a high five windows you're the 3d printing nerd linux actually i'm a big fan of just using whatever you like and so i use mac i use linux and i use windows so uh yeah i just i just use whatever's handy right but i get i get the sentiment right i understand i get it oh uh so the next stream will actually be using uh stream yard i think i got it all figured out and so we'll be able to have guests while stuff happens so if i'm putting something together and and someone's got something fun to say we might be able to bring them on i think that'd be fun i think maybe it also could end in disaster but i hope not is that not the oh the longer ones that's what it wants that makes sense because these these screws have to travel a long distance okay we'll get this first one in there we go i guess a longer screw makes sense and that second one that's gonna hold where is that oh come on wow that one was a little tough to get in there nice and tight how's everybody doing hey listen big thanks again to uh film at one of the profie box we're sponsoring links in the description you can win one uh there's gonna be five given away for every 500 likes that the stream receives which is kind of awesome and don't forget to click that link to help me pick winners gotta pick the winners that's gonna go on right here let's see so okay i could do that easy and then i will just tighten it up ever so slightly to keep it from falling out there we go loyal with fiber look at the camera and in your best bruce lee voice say i will end you oh no oh no is it off again please don't tell me it's off please don't tell me it's off again john kruger profibox is a filament sample not sample a filament subscription service from filament one that gets you some uh pretty tasty filaments so uh the filament one filaments are what i used for the uh the the gravestone from nick dimlow which was just a fantastic fantastic build but i used eight spools of filament one filament and it turned out great it turned out super great and that filament printed crazy good it was it's probably one of the best prints i've gotten off of the the big printer in the garage so that's cool i'll do that practical printing thanks man sir well no i didn't i didn't i didn't i just did i got worried i got really really worried i owe loyal uh a sound bite maybe i can record his outgoing [Laughter] voicemail oh uh uncle ara joel does sid join the stream nope sid's uh sits at home right now she's uh i don't know resting or or playing video games or or something uh tyler pis pisgahlia uh pisgaglia creality still hasn't fixed my cr6sc after months of back and forth emails with their support randomly turns off anyone else have that problem uh tyler please please please please please please send me an email because that's just terrible that's that's awful um let me reach out to creality on your behalf because that's unacceptable and the only power i have is being able to reach out on your behalf so so i could do that don't fully tighten the screws oh okay that's right i'll back it off just slightly ah there we go ah there we go they're not fully tight i got you i got you i promise they're just they're just slightly tight just a little bit just a little bit hey mystics how's it going oh i have to tell you uh my wife is making some tasty desserts for thanksgiving tomorrow i hope i hope you all are having something tasty tomorrow other than you know turkey or whatever install z motor kit and t-type screw oh that's when we get to use this okay so we take take this and we find the hex screws uh not those these right here excellent so this that's locked in good oh yeah that's locked in awesome now i just need to tighten the grub screws there it's probably going to be this mama jama right here you fantastic [Music] [Music] there we go oh that is nice and tight awesome okay it's going to go on the back side almost ltt stored the extruder again almost i didn't i did not so that's that's just going to go right back here right yeah yeah okay now we're cooking with gas just gotta get the screws in how's everybody doing pro 3d smash the like button that's right like the smash button or smash the like button yes uh yes this is reused that's my guess or or they just drill a bunch it's not really reusing they just have these ready there we go oh john kruger with a two happy thanksgiving everyone be safe be safe as well hope you have a you and yours have a wonderful thanksgiving okay so now these just need to be screwed right in with this one where you going oh come on come on no no please please please go in the hole where is it okay here we go no seriously okay how are we doing what are we doing come on maybe this is not the easiest thing to install come on what like it won't go in like it won't go in it won't go in everybody be cool creality did see that we were doing a live stream tonight and they said to make sure and tell everyone that the ender 3 v2 is on a black friday sale so uh there you go mystics with a hundred hi joel what would you suggest for a good second printer i have an nd3 pro that i'm constantly tinkering with and would love to get a second one that can print larger things love your channel well shoot i mean if if you have an ender 3 pro and it prints great stuff and you want larger i mean you could get a cr-10 variant those are always going to be good really depends on your budget though because you could uh you know you could get much larger but it's going to start costing a little bit of coin so i don't i don't know your budget i'm just gonna but honestly if you already have a i'm just gonna see if it actually fits i know this isn't where it goes so please don't flame me too hard okay oh my goodness oh there we go camo 329 4.99 to you out of your mind give me a shout out sure camo 329 499 are you out of your mind that's a shout out right there matt tech tv joel take the black protective sleeve off the lead screw i will i will i will i just uh i know it's going to be greased up a little bit right and i want to be able to um i don't want to have that grease all over all over my hands oh you know what fossil 924 love it but seriously creality could make all ender's easier to put together well that's part of the joy right it's a kit it's it's not as expensive so it's parts that get put together and it was my fault uh joseph cobble and i didn't get a ps5 unfortunately joseph cobble with the tenor that's two i5s there's a high five-shaped turkey drawing template best wishes to 3dpin family thank you very much and i hope i hope when you get your your daedalus 3d printer it treats you well so these screws actually fit just fine because it was dark i couldn't see that i had the one size too small allen's allen screw allen key in order to put him in and so uh it was just spinning it's just spinning i am uh appalled at how terrible that is uh perfectly gray with a fiber high five i've been 3d modeling for 10 plus years as a hobby and i've given me and and you've given me the knowledge encouraged to get my own oh for 3d printer and i'm in and i'm in love thank you great that's fantastic good for you i'm really happy to hear that mystics with a fiver high five there it is my budget is around 700. i was looking at the crx but any suggestions suggestions would be welcomed uh i haven't had a chance to play with the crx since i did uh the review or the non-review whatever we want to call that that video i did uh i don't know about the new ones or what they've changed to it um boy for 700 let's see so if the 700 range is going to put you in like the cr-10 right the cr-10 range if you want larger typically that's what people do and they want to go larger just but someone else in the comments might have a suggestion for you so this is i don't the motor mounts crooked or is it just my eyes maybe i mean it's a little like here's the here's the beam and and the bottom of the motor and the bottom of the motor is tilted up just a little bit and i just don't like that i don't know why it's like that but i don't like that but we soldier on don't we okay and i remember someone told me not to tighten those yet and there we go i took the protective cover off i'm happy i was able to do that uh okay i got these on oh this i'm going to bring down i just moved it up out of the way so that i wouldn't hit it there we go something like that yeah just kind of just kind of hanging out right there there we go oh this is where we put together the x-axis so it's going to be which one the x-axis profile my guess is it's going to be the one with a bunch of holes in it i hate this part what i miss i missed something did i no i did not okay good uh okay i mean i know how to do this part i'm just i'm i am not a fan of this part it goes like that yeah no wait wait wait let's see i'm like i'm like that okay no did i do something oh i see okay good good so i need uh the hex okay oh chips in the building there we go cr-10v2 or the cr-10v3 with the direct drive from e3d there we go that's what we need everybody just needs a little chep in their life miss you dude what the oh wants me to jeez now i remember when i put together the ender3 pro i was like are you serious like i get it i understand i understand it's a low price kit i understand that people love it but but i mean come on there's got to be an easier way to do this crooked z is hit or miss leave it loose you got it that's what i will do oh wait no it's uh it's one of these uh i wish chuck was here because i would make him do it okay maybe i'll i'll do this one oh chuck's playing with cr30 good oh we'll have to we'll have to compare notes man thanks camo329 okay am i not i hate this so much yeah one zed screw just one that's fine oh ah my god let's see is it oh dang it oh wait is it is it i got it i mean barely okay and then one needs to go there puro 501 that's a high five and a penny 3d meltdown is the best 3d printing discord server uh i don't use discord just ask my uh my discord people but that's good to know jeez did i get it see you later on floyd i'm gonna tighten that down who's oh uh stefan stahl i stripped screwed doing that once legit on my ender3 pro i stripped out a screw i was not happy about it very not happy about it i think i even texted chuck i was like what is this garbage i think i used that word too then that so i was like what is this garbage but uh la sangler kiri did i say that right first print needs to be a test turkey i would i was going to do something that was going to be a little bit quicker maybe second print could be that i was going to do a mini joel cut in half mini joel cut in half i figured cut in half it'd be quick it'd be easy it would be uh you know decent okay here's the belt okay i got it right i can't believe i got it right kiri i remember when you you said that on a stream one time i was like that's how you say it huh you're like yep i didn't forget okay oh my gosh okay so it's gonna be like that and so the connector points are gonna be under i guess oh uh we're planning a stream closer to christmas and it's hopefully going to be a big giant giveaway like a big big like a big big giveaway and so i i hope that uh uh i hope you join uh more information as it comes about but uh but the goal is to have a big bunch of giveaways just in time for the christmas season and i would love for you to be there oh okay okay now be honest with me do you ever move something or lift something or just accidentally catch a whiff of yourself and realize that uh you smell i'm just glad chuck's not here assembling this or else he'd be like joel you stink that's true okay rob ass half a mini joel wrong turkey that's funny i like it okay uh let's make anything you enjoy the streams you're looking at the anet a8 plus uh i have no personal experience with that but historically it's been a uh it's it's been safe to say avoid anet safe to say there we go oh these are nice and tight yeah toy okay that's in and now i put that i put on the wrong side or the right side oh it's on the correct side okay good uh the extruder oh the extruder there we go oh so the belt printer chuck correct me if i'm wrong but uh but the the so the cr-30 um i had a clog in the nozzle and i had to swap it out with another nozzle and i just took the one off the ender 3v the android 3 pro and the extrusion system on that machine on the cr-30 is the exact same as the ender 3 pro and it looks like the ender 3v2 i just think that's interesting and i was i was curious what you thought of that jeff's 3d corner a canadian three for my deodorant fund oh jeff you're the real hero aren't you okay i can do this right so this is where i have to adjust the eccentric nut to back it away so i can put it on right one of those things oh i shouldn't have put that on first should i well that will that go on oh it won't even go on okay balls wait maybe it will maybe no it won't ah dang it chuck i'm really sorry i mean you could do this in your sleep chuck could probably chuck could probably assemble one of these blindfolded inappropriate maker with a tenor that's two fives i would love it if reality would bring back small printers like the cr7 i'm a rapid prototype engineer lightweight and feature packed printers are invaluable i've never played with the cr7 i'll have to go look that one up it sounds interesting and i i do like a good interesting printer so i will look that up the cr cr7 cr7 cr7 i did loosen the eccentric nut and it didn't go on i tried to as hard as i could so as hard as i could there we go oops don't trap that okay oh man we're almost we're almost there here why don't we connect up the belt while we're here right isn't that a good idea no because we got to put this on because this is going to have the idler in it right baby steps literal baby steps jeez you know i'm gonna have a drink tonight and i'm gonna deserve it like i'm gonna just i'm gonna deserve it i'm gonna i'm gonna deserve it practical the fiver so you can stop the coin up car wash on your way home after youtube's cute show get you about seven minutes if you're so fast thanks chris that's funny you know with um with everybody having to stay at home and whatnot uh it's it's crazy because you know you don't go anywhere you don't do anything and so i don't know i guess i just forgot to shower today yeah you get started with your day you get up you go check a print you make some toast i love toast mark benton you should be drinking now that's true hey 500 likes 500 likes that is fantastic it means that we will be giving away at least five of the profi profibox minis from filament one chrono 697 high five from down under also star wipe oh man that haunted sean's dreams five dollars from project r3d heard about a giveaway next month i'd like to help out with that you bet i will be i will be contacting you i will be contacting a lot of people i think well first of all that's insanely jealous are generous and people will be jealous but uh i i just i wanna i think it would be incredible if we just had one giant incredible stream where people just won stuff and got discounts and uh yeah joe roush with a tenor that's two fives there's two cheers cheers back to you brother oh wait we can't because we don't have the idler jeez getting ahead of myself it shows putting it on though i just i want everybody to know that the instructions do show putting it on the single larry kiri check your email okay i will just a moment just just a moment yeah keep hitting that like button we'll get uh we'll get jacob to give away a whole bunch aha aha so we have to there it is remember this is the one with the adjustable the adjustable idler so it's a tensioner as well and that my friends is exciting uh chucho i i learned today that petg is non-toxic is that true i mean don't eat it whether or not it's non-toxic it depends on the application of it right you're not going to um it's it's not going to be see you have to wrap it around there it's not going to be non-toxic if you're burning it and producing carcinogens right i just want to say uh bc wait no where is it oh did it scroll off oh there we go joe boxster just giving some love to chap and honestly chip's a good person we share a birthday oh it's just i see their method of madness here oh man i really did tighten that down didn't i uh listen one of the things uh someone asked about it and i don't remember who it was but um i have i have one of the cr6se machines that has the 8-bit board in it the the pre-kickstarter one and i have to tell you it's been working flawlessly just wonderfully oh and it wants another flat one on the side and so i think or didn't um isn't isn't bq putting out a board for the cr6 i think i don't know i just uh i i don't i don't fear turning on my cr6 because it it has the the 8-bit board i haven't had any problems with it knock on wood okay so chuck how many of these have you put together man curious the ender whisperer so if i can't coax that to go to the other side it sure would be easier if i did this while it was not together dang it okay you learn as you go and uh i'm learning as i'm going yeah let's just oh wow that didn't go in what screw goes in there oh my old eyes deceived me will that stand on its own yes it will that is wonderful news as long as you don't hit it with your big meaty hands you should be okay okay fantastic there we go look at that so you have to you have to take it apart in order to get that installed i see ha ha well now we're cooking with gas that that's a great little design i'm not gonna i'm not gonna lie that is a great little design okay now we just got to get it to seat properly come on why are you not seating what did someone okay uh it's not it's it's it's it's like it's not it doesn't fit it's maybe if i let's see if that worked okay it fits i'm really curious it is the right screw mark this one's the right screw anyway i'm really curious how many people will be uh putting together one of these christmas morning now where did that last screw go because it wants me to use that one last screw okay because i put in there and put in there okay and it wants the the smaller one there but i don't have a smaller one there were two of them and i used to i used it to put in this motor here but my desk is slightly organized so i'm surprised it's not here it's very specifically calling for that screw because this screw won't hold it tight anyway it's still in the bag which bag it's not in that bag not in that bag uh it's not in that bag not in that bag not in that bag not in that bag not that bad not in that bag not in that bag and not in that bag i'm out of bags not in that bag not in that bag not in that bag huh well that's not good anything on the floor nope not the floor okay so we're missing a screw that's um unfortunate but it's calling for that screw because it's short enough so then so then okay so you know what we could do i could take out one of the screws that hold the z motor in place and then just tighten the other one down uh i don't see it under the printer for those saying look under the printer is it in the drawer it's not in the drawer but i could take one out of the motor mount which would give me the the correct screw and then uh and then i could just tighten the other one down a lot right no it doesn't it doesn't want a washer is it in the drawer no and it's not behind my ear you stop it um it wants a what are they called what's it called it's like a it's like a a countersunk screw thank you there we go so i will take one from the motor mount yeah take one over and then if uh for some miraculous reason it shows up i can put it back in the motor mount check the box wow which box i can check a box oh hey i found a different screw not the right one all right chuck i'm checking the box there's nothing over here let's see i'm checking this box nothing in there how about the top foam nothing we are screwless under the keyboard boy if it is no i got a usb cord though that won't work [Applause] unfortunately listen i'm just gonna take one of the motor mount i think that's the right play under the display board does not i think it's just missing i already installed it inside yoda what wait i already installed it where did i install it i didn't install it i'm looking i'm looking i don't see it i don't i don't see it i appreciate you guys checking and making sure in the chords uh no throw the trash away this is not a very good episode of blue's clues uh got a lot of zip ties i'll check the floor just in case well this is exciting i'm on my floor and there's no screw it's cool i'll just take it from the motor it's not under the base it's not i'm just gonna take it from the motor ltt store drop uh d with 3d tim canadian 5 it was an m4 m4 by 14 that would have been in the same bag as the tensioner which it was not because i took the tensioner out of the bag and it was not in the same bag as the tensioner so there we go grade of salt five high five need to set several up for product component production uh i don't know what that means but thank you for the five yeah we got to get this built so it's one of these okay so i'm just going to tighten the motor down and it'll be it'll be held in place with um there we go just be held in place yeah nothing in the tensioner sorry i checked too i took it apart it's okay it's okay this will just it's not like the z motor does anything oh five are from joseph cobble for creative problems it's not creative i'm just stealing a screw to set it in place there we go and i'm just gonna oh bye chuck i didn't mean to offend you with all this talk of stealing the the screws i hope you still love me i hope you still love me chuck look i mean that's sturdy it's not going anywhere it also means that now i have one of these to attach to the other side oh the right s that's correct the wonderful screw right there yeah that's the ticket oh damn oh god so uh this screw is too long maybe uh maybe the maybe the tensioner just needs one screw maybe i'll dang it matters 3d creations yeah i did i made i made champ angry he just he just left he just he just left um okay so the motor mount screws are um too big which means that the tensioner is just going to be held in place by one screw but well that will that even work it should work right i'm just i'm just checking i'm just so sad okay get that in so i think the the z is is back to good because i put that screw back in and the tensioner is just not going to have a uh a screw oh no actually popped off the pulley over here so i'm gonna have to fix that and then we can tighten it up there we go i said loosen it so that i could put it over the pulley and now that it's within the pulley track i can move the head over and i can put this back in okay so far so good [Laughter] there we go that's in place so there's no uh other screw on this tensioner here but this should hold it in place uh i checked the floor so the tension that this provides on the belt should hold the tensioner box in place without dropping it i'm just gonna tighten down this one one little bit more just there we go okay okay oh hey i get to put this on that's exciting let's move you over here let's move you over here okay hey look at that you know what cj man 76 you are correct i got a little grease on my fingers that's okay i'm going to grip my drink incredibly well everybody take whatever beverage you have next to you raise it high because it's time to toast to the goodness in life for caffeination and hydration cilantro don't forget to tap it oh yeah that's good um okay so there's going to be extent eccentric nuts here that we get to play with so i'm not too worried about tightness yet but we're in a good spot because there's not much left to do as as chuck said the hardest part of the install so we got that done big thanks to the profi let's see where is it at it's right right there look at that look at that graphic for the profi box there sean made that and it's got the filament one logo right there sean made that too good job sean listen if you if if anybody has a spare moment if you're on any sort of social media just go and um just go and tag film at one and be like hey thanks for sponsoring this stream for joel we really appreciate it something like that richard overman with a high five hi joel love your show and your positive values nice improvising safe distance high five cheers cheers to you richard honestly well it makes sense though right because if this part over here is um is providing the tension on the belt then this whole assembly here is going to get pulled in this direction because of the tension on the belt which is going to hold it in place so that screw isn't entirely necessary but it should work and i think i think that's the important part right there look at rcmania oh look at that sean's in the shawn's in the house dude it's like almost 9 p.m hey listen everybody sean got a ps5 today he didn't even have to pay a scalper for it he went to i think it was walmart and he got in in time and he got it here we go [Music] yeah let's do this one fell in front of the table fell in front of the did you see it i didn't see it this is forever the screw that will never be found it is not it is not in front of the table and oh my goodness my microphones pull on my shirt and i was counting two three four there we go scott 62 have a good night hey i just got to tighten these down these bad boys get all nice and tight i love being able to spin an allen wrench just there's something there's something there's something joyful about being able to tighten the screw by spinning the wrench like that remember that deep thoughts with jack handy i guess i could do that i could have a deep thoughts with joel on stream i just love spinning a hex wrench it brings me such joy well these are all tight that's good and that person that said wait wait wait i'm just making sure no screws are falling out that's down a little bit too far i have to adjust there we go there's two on this side two on the other side neutral 10.99 two fives and are you out of your mind viewer uh w2 is watching for the first time while performing surgery on his e3 p can you tell them you can do it of course of course w2 you can do it there we go that's the motivation right there that is gonna that is gonna make you work seven percent faster i believe i believe okay vince it was the screw and the drink no it is not i'm even looking in the drawer and it's not in the drawer we are screwless in seattle hey it's time to connect up the screen right the screen and the filament holder look at that screen though oh it's so nice here wait a minute wait a minute i'm just i want to give this to you guys ready ready ready okay that was for you if you're thinking to yourself who me yes you oh it's gonna be easier if i do it this way okay yeah two out of three two out of three what is that uh did you happen from mattis 3d creations did you happen to install the missing screw and the z sensor no that's a good idea but i did check that the z sensor is using both of the screws that the z sensor is supposed to be using [Music] there we go the screen is on and and just to double check so the screws on the z sensor are silver and the one i was looking for was going to be a black screw and then before we get started it's just a little low i don't know if i'm okay with it there we go oh don't forget down in the description there is a link to vote for who is going to win a lifetime supply of the profibox from filament one and uh there's three finalists and if you go to the link you can click it and you vote just vote once and at the end of the stream we'll pick the winner that'll be kind of exciting well the bowdoin tube goes in right now okay oh and it's got the clips i can do that ah there we go nice nice and these are labeled so here's e for edward edward the extruder and this is x for the xylophone and this is x as well but this is for the the end stop and i don't have a fun uh a fun thing to say about that so it's just it's just x it is just x just x uh cobra 20g no warped bed uh i don't believe so on visual inspection it looks to be flat flatish i can't gauge pure flat this is the z or z motor and uh this is for that stop of end get in there hot diggity everything's kind of hooked up you know so we can do this what was that chris said film that one's in the chat no no really jacob you there oh those aren't attached to anything okay that's cool [Applause] [Music] ah there we go look at chris look at chris sharing that link that's so good of you chris sponsors are what make the streams go so i'm thankful that chris is doing that i'll put these back on and the bed is oh that's pretty good i don't think i have to adjust anything there see how we doing here those are tight and those are tight uh i don't get a lot of movement that oh yeah everything don't have to adjust anything all right we're using the right power chord because the left one it has history okay rom champa is there any list of differences between ender 3 pro and ender 3v2 uh yes on the crowley website here we go we're gonna go camera two now ready wait no i shouldn't do it yet should i yeah let's do it here we go look at this is the uh the ender three you're so far away my goodness you guys there we go so listen listen listen let's power it on the voltage switch [Music] uh i don't know no i didn't check the switch but we're in that we're in the country where if you don't and you accidentally plug it in you're fine oh i'll switch it there we go okay ready five four three two one i hear fans i see a display how's the y belt oh that could use some tensioning let me just use the tensioner up front whoa yeah like a like a guitar string sweet let's see if i you cannot see very well it's got all sorts of good stuff here let's uh let's just auto home it okay good fantastic yeah i hope that's not too low i think i put the switch in the right spot i guess we'll find out at the extruder okay i'm looking at it someone said to look at the extruder now what i don't know it is not a touch screen try as i might it is not a touch screen okay oh wow we're sitting pretty good okay uh so paper level right paper level that's kind of thick paper though let's it's got to be another piece of thin paper here we go so if i disable the steppers okay i'm gonna put one right here see that's loosey-goosey oh okay that's good well oh wow that is super far away almost like i have to completely disengage the bed in order to get that there so that's not good so we might have to move the z stop just a little bit lower i'll tell you what here let's let's compress everything run cheps g-level i don't know that's spicy andrew smith says hit the like button if you haven't phil nolan i was thinking about slicing up a mini jewel that is um half a half as tall okay that's good so here let's i'll tell you what let's lower let's lower the end stop just a smidge so where was that i was here so i'll just bring it down stupid little so right here there's a little arm that sticks out because it's supposed to sit right there on the extrusion the problem is it needs to be a little bit lower and so if you use some snips you can do a little bit of surgery and take that off and you'll be a much happier person there we go yeah let's see if we do yeah just just slightly just slightly here we go cheb's g-level code yeah i mean i need to read up on how he does it i mean i watch his videos and i know it puts lines down and you adjust but uh i've never actually i've always just done the paper level so i don't know i'll look into that maybe maybe uh maybe on a stream i'll have chuck come on as a guest and we'll level a printer where are we at okay that's a little too much so now i'll raise it just a smidge i just the problem is if the bed is warped like some people have said then this isn't going gonna do much there we go let's auto home it one more time just a little bit more what this also does though um here i'm gonna go back out to here so what this also does is it allows for the springs to be compressed more so if your springs are fully uncompressed you're going to have a bed that likes to move around a bit more so than if the springs are under compression so making your end stop in the right spot will lead to having springs that are more compressed which means you're gonna have a more solid bed and you're gonna be able to eat as much performance out of it as possible oh my mic my shirt's lost its collar there we go now we're good so if i go disable the motors go back to here and then we will paper level we will get chuck's g-code going sometime it's probably not tonight i wouldn't want to do it unless he was on the stream you know that's pretty good perfect okay so we are we're under compression here still which is really good no no okay so this this back part of the bed is now too close to the nozzle which uh so i don't know if the bed's warped or what but i'm having to make some pretty crazy adjustments oh you know what the um the strain relief joel please say zed why why do we need to see your zed why do we need to hear that slancha i said zed zed zero said right zed so the strain relief itself allows the springs to only compress so much so we have to raise the the strain relief means that that part of the bed can only go down so much because it's about that thick whereas the other parts of the bed can go down further which means that you have a limited number of space that you can adjust the end stop that's just dang it let's start over shall we tetra life tetralite products 4.99 are you out of your mind for a metric screw assortment fund i love it actually um remember the review of the prusa mini i had the handle on it i remember i had to buy a set of metric screws and metric t-nuts so i have those all right good good we still have compression too which is thankful for okay oh yeah uh dangaranga two bucks make sure the x level for the x gantry is uh level uh i i will do that if this doesn't work perfect there we go the problem oh so one of the big problems um right back here because you're putting those two screws in if you're off by just a little bit then that gantry is off by a lot but uh we're good now i think i mean we'll we'll recheck a couple of them come on three points create a plane right so why do you adjust four on a bed okay okay get out of there there we go okay i'm gonna call it good it's time to slice uh shoot i gotta get my laptop hold on get in my laptop from my backpack this laptop goes with me everywhere i'm using an lg gram for a lappy just put everything over there come on heather print something pink i knew you would say that heather but i have a fine selection after we get it sliced i'm gonna have you guys pick the filament picking the filament picking a filament there we go sure uh joel what are those leftover screws those are leftover screws and a nozzle i guess i mean they don't go to anything i'm surprised loyal is not buying them i'm kidding i'm going to load up creality slicer and i'm going to use their slicer and their profiles to slice a thing and then we'll put on the sd card we'll load filament we'll be good to go before we do that though i want to um move the head up just a little bit that's interesting and cura kira loves to crash on this laptop just loves it like crazy and i don't know why daryl s leftover screws and one is missing that is correct don't worry about the spool holder i have an idea i have an idea it's a good idea it's a good idea i'm loading up the creativity slicer right now so where'd it go come on you just disappeared no it didn't it's just the loading screen i might sell this laptop it's it's starting to show that it's not fast enough to run all of the slicers that i use screwdriver is the karate slicer better than the cura profiles and normal cura that's actually a really good question the quality slicer has the profiles for cura within its slicer so it's um i i actually i don't know i don't know i don't know if that's any better let's manage printers let's add uh it is an ender oh the crowley slicer doesn't have the ender 3 well it's got the ender 3 it's got the ender 3 pro and it's got the ender 3 3s loyal 1397 for the lg gram geez man i guess it's just going to be that one okay that's fine 9.99 to make it pink from heather no not you out of your mind oh come on okay so uh okay there we go and we're going to bring in a mini jaw just because it's going to slice real quick it'll be an easy quick print easy and quick print easy and quick print oh god mystics with 10 i guess no matter how you slice it you need a new laptop and uh that's pretty funny uh i swear cura with a touchpad and loyal with five for shipping killing me dude oh my gosh i'm talking about it loyal runs everything off solar power on his uh on his ranch yeah here we do here we go we're doing half a minute joel belly up one hour and 53 minutes still are you serious what kind of settings are they using wall count just needs to be two okay we'll do three for the bottom layers okay what's the speed oh infill of 20 my goodness trying to kill it okay i want to look at speeds well see default printing temperature will change that to be 210 they had two 200 in there just 200 200 okay retraction set up print speed 50 millimeters per second wall speed 25 that seems really slow doesn't it let's crank it up a bit let's just let's do uh let's do 60. i mean it's a bowden extruder so it's got a light head on it it shouldn't uh we'll do 40 for the wall do 30 for the uh there we go there we go now we're tuning yeah now we're now we're cooking with gas heather printa benchy no fossil you want a chep cube i understand that but um instead of well i mean i guess if i print a chep cube then we can test to see whether or not it's within speck right because it's going to be 20 by 20 by 20. i know what do you guys think half a mini jewel or a chep cube clifton donahue just print the mini jewel crutch mini joel or chip cube mini chol or chap cube print and place engine come on guys it's like 50 50. jim sellers 4.99 you are out of your mind it's like cube joel cube joel cube joel cube joel cube joel seriously it's half and half okay more cubes came in five joules in a row came a bunch of cubes okay chap this is okay i see i see more mini look i'm going with the mini jewel for now mini jewel for now and we will size it uh we'll make it a little bit smaller what is wrong get rid of that oh there we go okay so scale we'll go you guys are crazy i love it maybe we can do both see if i do a tiny mini jewel then we can do the cube because the mini jewel is only going to take i scaled it down by 50 percent so i'm gonna take 26 minutes come on let's see you okay it's going to lose some feature detail at 0.2 millimeter layer height but but we should be able to tell a lot about it tom higgins with a high five who's tom huh looks like we need to load filament before we start the print i'll go get that we have our choice so as you know the profi box is sponsoring this stream and i've got from a profibox three different filaments i've got bronze i've got glint evergreen and i've got glint midnight i kind of want to go with the bronze i kind of want to go with the bronze taylormolville joel cube two dollars practical running five bucks to a jewel in the box i like that oh look at this this let's see let's get you up close because that's pretty look at that that's a fun color robert hey print the screw you need i like it and i'll put the spool holder okay and one and wait a minute i have an idea i mean it might work that's fine give me a second give me a second i've got an idea just a little idea but it's an idea i think it could be fun just give me one moment just one moment but this could be fun [Laughter] pooch left his rep box here why don't we use this seems like a good idea doesn't it okay wait i still need to be able to see it so here i will i will go here you can see it there and we'll get it all loaded up geez pooch your house is a mess there we go and we will prepare this properly okay oops this is kind of unexpected just breaking out a random rep box okay i just have to attach the screw there we go so this you know one more thing one more gloriously beautiful thing uh pooch left his ptfe here so get a decent sized one it's not too big because that would be bad [Laughter] okay 600 699 likes we get to a thousand and maybe five more prophy boxes given out okay let me seal the filament in i guess i could have been preheating this whole time but you know why would i why would i do that nozzle in bed there we go okay we're just preheating right now yeah i'll bring you over here thanks again for uh the profibox from filament one for sponsoring this this drink is for you for caffeination and hydration cilanca 7 35 cheese you guys are crazy in the best way possible and i need a haircut it's getting nice and warm how's everybody doing i haven't had a chance to to say hi i think it's safe to assume that the stream started out a little rough but uh we got it worked out and we're doing okay we're doing okay ah there's my there's my buddy david grow it out no no that's just that'd be terrible it doesn't uh it doesn't fro like yours not at all get out there cran 6977 i missed your super chat i need to apologize for that and i will go check that out in just a moment which mouse am i on okay i'm scrolling korean 6977 aussie two right aussie two print teresa's suggestion all in good time all in good time and we are at temperature let's load that filament see if we can spot any coming out the nozzle oh yeah look at that there it is looks like they had gray in there before when they were testing it so now i've got a gray golden globby uh check my stream labs okay hold please mu rose 149 canadian are you out of your mind okay i gotta check my stream labs and oh my goodness ev445 right 300 300 it says it says on the my little streamlabs saying shamsa but that was ev445 wasn't it i think yeah thank you thank you very much that was really kind of you wow okay hey i can hit print now you guys want to see a print uh do you have to remount the sd card do you come on please please what cool down preheat language offsets control temp motion storage read read configuration reset configuration that's not it okay info just gives me the size i can't print there's nothing there's nothing okay maybe you have to turn it on with the sd card so missing screw looks like it's under front of printer what where there's a little piece of broken plastic crazy wolf man five high five thank you um okay so maybe it has to i assume the card has to mount so if i turn it off turn it back on i know i know you're not supposed to turn off when it's mounted but um okay it doesn't show anything on the card so if this is anything like the old cr6se firmwares it had a problem with long file names so because the file name that their cura produced was 30 characters long maybe that was the problem just a guess yes yes that was it okay this will start printing um i'm gonna get this one set up so that uh older firmware store to oh okay miura muras murrez thank you for becoming a youtube member bob.g code that's funny so the bed's at 60 and it's now heating the nozzle uh i could do this but not yet because there's no print i'm gonna get this little bit of ooze coming right out there we go um that is hot actually it is hot 161 okay there's these little pieces right here and these go on either side of the extrusions up top just to kind of keep fingers from being uh slit taylor just became a member thank you taylor oh okay gotta get it done before it starts printing because these make it go three percent faster there we go thank you we're almost there here we go let's just do that because it's going to be just about time and then i will hang out up here 3d printing nerd put some vodka in that rock star so good really huh uh no i did not clean the bed we'll see what happens justin taylor new member thank you very much let's see what happens okay at home scotty jrl new member thank you okay it's doing the creality purge line to the side there's some filament okay it's a little far away right there of course so i might have to adjust the bed live which is what chuck's g-code does right uh it seems to be laying it down i don't want to touch it two legs clean it now you bet you're going a crazy way you know what i'm going to do because that's a terrible angle let me adjust this one over here just so you guys have a better view because honestly we can do better we have the technology there we go now you can kind of see what's going on and uh i'm right back up there here we go josh matthews you member thank you you can see my reflection in the red box do i have to baby step to z or is it looking okay i can't tell the head's so big it's going lydia johnson a member is someone who does a financial contribution through the youtube membership system and it's really kind of them when they do that larry stewart if you need your laptop working better i can fix it for you well larry what's wrong with it i'm capable uh apoorvaj pai how is your cr-10 v2 going i just upgraded mine to a genuine e3d v6 e3d sent me the kit to upgrade my v2 to a v3 direct drive and uh so far so good yeah we do okay here we go flash the light does that work a little bit i can see it i mean it's looking good what if we do it from behind here maybe you can kind of see it i should really get you guys closer here hold on there we go how about that how about them apples and i'm back i'm trying to get a lighter there for you see if i do that you can't really oh wait hey i guess you can there we go look at that sprint real good teresa 999 people are you out of your mind uh marcus sam how loud is the printer in real life um i would say the cr-30 is quieter thanks jim appreciate that green electronic i want to become a member too but it's not available in my country i'm really really sorry about that someone asked about what's oh oh do it i'm running my old canon xf-400 looks like it wants to focus on the the nice grill on the nice grill so oh shaky can is that better can't tell [Laughter] i'm sorry this is what we're going to have to deal with unless because this is close as it gets and my touch screen is broken because i drop the camera but i mean i can tell you it's looking pretty good you could tell it's a mini mini jewel back down to 9.99 we're all out of our minds 807 likes hey welcome everybody that's new here that hasn't been watching before listen um where filament one's profibox is the sponsor of this episode the stream if you would call it and there's a lot of stuff going on first giveaway we've hit 500 likes which means five profibox minis will be given away and there's a link in the description that lets you enter for that when we hit a thousand likes five more will be given away also profibox is running running a contest and you get to help pick the winner essentially there's a link below where you'll have three choices and whoever you pick the win or the winner whoever gets the most picks will win a lifetime certificate for profibox from filament one very important stuff okay loyal with five high five everyone give a shout out to filament one honestly uh i think it's a great idea that would be wonderful i know that gold isn't in perfect focus because it's focusing on this thing right here but uh i mean honestly you can kind of tell what's going on and it's looking pretty good probably could have been closer to the bed let's not let's not say such things just wait it's gotta handle mini joel mini hair max the cat wizard first you're a cat wizard that's amazing second um inconsistencies and ripples caused by the belt i don't know what you mean can you be more specific about your problem typically with a belt you want it to be tight and you want the pulleys to be tight around the motor shafts or their or their axles and then you should be good rcmaniac so did you collect the winner of the worst benchy yeah it was actually uh remember it was it was a liam blinks blanks blanks it was uh uh he was earlier in the chat uh he's the one that won the worst benchy and i i i picked it was the kaiwoo and it'd be the one from the kaiw so send it off to him the snow blind border would you choose this printer or an ender 5 pro for your first printer ever it's a good question i haven't played with an ender 5 pro so i don't i don't know the the uh the experience in using that one but uh knowing how this one goes together i mean right now i think you can get this one for like 230 bucks it's really not bad considering what it is daniel pentecost 202 tell loyal to that zeroes to this to make it 20 20. why are you being called out man alan shikori you the man filament one aww yonatan uh circus can you make a tutorial on the cad software on shape i am not a very good cad individual i would i would look at what um i believe tom sand ladder has an on shape video or two and i think angus over at makers muse does as well darian rossell from a canadian 2 watching 3d printer real time is entertaining it's true it is daniel loyal just uh answered the call with 20 20. that's four high fives and 20 cents left over to put in the tip box cole blairish 3d printed tiny mini joel i call it a micro jewel i like that i like that mark benton i knew the kaiwu would lose it needs work i think it needs less work than than you and i think it does i think i think what it really needs is software fine tuning gus end with a high five joel have you heard anything about the creality cr 200b i haven't at all ashley alias now how cat proof would you say this printer is well actually honestly how cat proof is any 3d printer what you could do um to really make a 3d printer cat proof you have to put an enclosure around it and i know dave over printed solid has enclosures that fit ender three machines and so you might want to reach out to him because you can get this some filament one filament and an enclosure for actually a lot less money than you think and you would have a cat proof 3d printer that's not to say the cat won't sit on top of the enclosure but that's okay the enclosure will get a little bit warm cats like warmth just put a cat bed up there jay not telling that kai would print very fast it did but it was only like it was like uh 60 millimeters per second it wasn't um it wasn't it wasn't too fast you're on a 10 what is the fastest 3d printer typically a one of the faster home consumer level 3d printers are going to be core xy machines at least that's in in my estimation uh so it's not specifically a a printer brand but more like a a printer type or assembly or whatever belmey price uh this is an ender 3v2 and uh there's a link in the description creality has it for 232 dollars right now tetralite makes a really good point cats should be allowed to use 3d printers they just need opposable thumbs opposable thumbs poseable yeah look at that miniature oh we're getting to the face you can see that little little that little crooked smile of mine and i'm not i'm i know filament one and the profi box is the the sponsor and so you know i'm going to say nice things about the sponsor but goodness look at that shine look at that filament man that is gorgeous oh my gosh bck triple zero my first layer for this catapult kit card looks delicious i know right rumble fmp you could make an enclosure from a pooch table i wish i had a printer oh canadian two from uh darien rousseau russo i'm very sorry brother darion russo i hope that's the the right way to say it there kran6977 if i seen tom stanton's new 3d printed air engine i have not ev445 here you are it's not the crotch area because the crotch area is uh it takes the longest to print because the the little feet and the little legs and then it has to go back and forth there's a lot of moves i just did this because i think it would be quick and easy and we might be able to get two prints in a stream mini joel has a tan yeah look at that like i'm not i'm not even mad at this look at the color of that filament new roads you print at 210 um typically between 205 and 215c is where i will start with pla filaments um i know you can sometimes go like 185 190 but i like i like how they look and how they perform and that's just the temperature range from the multiple machines that i've used that i kind of like loyal with three dollars and 20 cents i think a free ender three v2 should be given away loyal you're killing me you're you're killing me oh i missed a super chat uh oh uh oh leonard chia leonard chia leonard chia where's i got to go back up here leonard chia uh i don't see it leonard where when did you super chat i missed it i don't see it how far back is it i'm all i'm i'm back as far as i can go i don't see it man i'm so sorry was it a long long time ago alex that means ah damn is some ears too i am re i am so sorry the minifeed hasn't updated which is man if i missed it i am sorry leonard chia please dang it i wonder if there's you know what i could do hold on hold on let's see let's see i can um here we go i can go back a little bit i'm in the youtube interface oh there it is leonard chia sgd 499 499 of s i don't know what sgd is neutral 299 fix the super chat i love it um um listen listen uh leonard chia so you're the first one to bid on it and so far no one has outbid you um i don't know what sgd money is i would have to look that up i would have to look that up but um i have no problem getting that to you i would just uh i think we would just work it out right what is that i can do that sure okay oh i see alex okay singapore dollars the box to my left this is a rep box singapore dollars let's find out oh okay let's see sgd to usd okay so your 4.99 is like four dollars 25 cents four dollars and 25 cents u.s is the current bid for that mini joel so listen that's that's the bit i if no one outbids leonard it is his uh damian uh really the the mini joel the mini joel that's going right now and uh oh keys it is not bad at all not bad at all like at all if it won singaporean dollar look at that tiny little mini jaw so at 0.2 scaled down so much some of the details of the face are not going to be seen okay wait chris said i gotta check out loyal's last super chat what did loyal do this time i think a free under three i okay a free so loyal an ender 3v2 i am uh okay first wow aaron f minnie joel's legs were left behind in the great golden war of 2749 uh loyal 1099 if you think filament won a lot for sponsoring and ask joel nicely joel can pick a winner and i will ship an ender 3v2 anywhere in the world okay okay so listen here we go i will um let me i'll tell you what i will make a separate entry form dr shea 9.99 for the miniature okay listen we will um i will make a quick form that people can use to enter it'll just it'll be like it is um oh my goodness okay forms it'll be like it is for uh the other streams so filament one thanks for sponsoring with the profi box how many likes are we at if we're at a thousand likes then ten profibox minis will be given away at the end of the stream also loyal moses has has said he will give away an ender 3v2 and ship it anywhere in the world so that's the form i am making right now well loyal buy it from the link in the description oh what am i calling this form this is the loyal moses ender ender 3v2 giveaway nice uh oh my gosh okay i'm sorry i'm not looking at the uh the chat right now because um i'm i'm putting this together okay first name okay and that is there and one more and it is youtube's name short answer and it is required wait i hope you guys are doing well because i'm just putting together right now oh stop it stop stop stop stop okay i'm going quick uh someone asked about printing temperatures i missed that super chat where was it was it it was uh this one there we go josh matthews uh a10 i don't know what a is is it aussie 10 what type of print speed do you use for ptg typically petg i am 235 to 245 with 70 degrees on the bed that's typically what i do oh my god filament one 12 34 add an ulti stick for an ender three okay so jeez you guys holy cow mystics for the mini joel i'll throw my hat into the ring no no one stepped on any toes i missed oh crap i'm gonna okay 15 currently for the mini joel is what someone gave filament 1 is going to send a multi-stick plate for the ender 3v2 that whoever wins it from loyal's contest and i'm just getting the form i should have it done i should have it done before the print finishes so you guys are doing fine okay loyal moses ender three v2 a giveaway and there we go the description is now updated if you refresh your browser or your phone or whatever you're viewing it on in the description will be a link and it's the loyal moses ender 3v2 giveaway and it'll be a google form um you will need your first and last name and your youtube screen name and at the end of the stream we will give an ender 3 v2 and an ulti stick plate from uh from filament one to any anyone in the world uh so filament one and loyal i just need to know cnc kitchen in here hey stefan how you doing uh guten tag so uh for this though loyal and filament one i need to know do they need to be present to win and i need you to answer that question mystics with 50 us will this add one month of profibox to the ender three boy holy crap loyal moses is giving away an ender 3v2 to anyone in the world and filament one is also throwing in an ulti stick plate and mystics with 50 us is asking if that could give a profi box to that person too jeez uh rag what is ulti stick plate ulti stick is a powder coated pei plate that uh actually works pretty well i have one over on my prusa mark iii and i like it a lot okay aaron f 5.99 honestly i'm out of my mind i'm blown away by the generosity and proud to be part of this community you are welcome here erin dr shea with 1999 but i liked but i like the mini joel and loyal moses with five dollars says you must be present to win so in order so you uh in order for you to win the ender 3v2 and the ulti stick plate from filament one and the mystics supplied one month profibox you have to be present at the end of the stream to win thank you okay chris put the uh the link in the the chat thank you chris um so with uh with this though so you must be at present to win so after this mini joel we're going to slice and print a check cube and after that is when we will do all of the giveaways wow loyal filament one mystics oh thank you so much oh good uh hey david tobin if you're watching i could use some help keep track of who gives what for this giveaway i should text it so my buddy david he uh he fixed his internet and so he's back on and he just said let me know if you need any help and i'm like dude help there we go [Laughter] wow yeah keep up with the likes remember if we get to a thousand likes we're at 993 right now seven more likes and five more profi boxes are given away ah jim sellers 5.99 pay it forward it is the way of who is giving what there we go camden i know almost a thousand likes oh tom cook says thanks filament one 3d printing nerd and loyal moses don't forget to thank mystics though because they have enabled the month of profibox to go to the winner too and we're at a thousand yes we're at a thousand hot diggity yes yes okay hey it's done look at that look at it just and here's my finger for size look at that look at that big ben four thousand won five dollars i have ulti stick plates and all six of my printers and i couldn't recommend them enough okay here we go so let's just let's just look at that okay look at so the bottom like come back here focus focus bottom layer looks to be a little suspect i could get it a little closer just a little just a little but still i want you to look at that quality come back here i'll just bring it up here whoa sorry oh geez focus there it is look at that well that just doesn't look beautiful i don't know what is this is a micro jewel so look at look at the organic shapes of the hair oh wow wow look at that so this is 0.2 i like swayed like bottom is suss [Laughter] that's true look at that wow okay well shoot let's see the last the last person who really really wanted this was dr shea with 1999 i mean maybe we should call it joseph cobble yeah the mcp program anyway look at the layers those are consistent so this is really good i'm really happy with this so a lot has happened while we were doing that print uh let's see i'm gonna get the bed just a little a wee bit closer so let's see if it's that is it i'm gonna go up i'm gonna go uh i'm gonna go ah and then i'm gonna go ah okay let's get that off there so we've got we've got some things we hit a thousand likes which means that 10 profibox minis will be given away at the end of the stream there's a link in the description to enter to win one of those ten also uh there's three people that have uh are finalists for a drawing for a lifetime certificate for a profibox go down there and click the link it'll show you three pictures just pick the one you like the best uh let's see and then loyal said how about i send an ender 3v2 anywhere in the world and then filament one says hey loyal how about uh we throw an ulti stick plate for that and then mystic said here's some money why don't you also throw him a profi box yeah tis the season man okay there's a link in the description for that you have to be present at the end of the stream to win good luck well now we need to slice up a check cube if i'm not mistaken how are you guys rag is asking what a profibox is is my audio out of a profibox is a filament subscription box from filament 1. i'm sorry about the audio i feel really bad i don't know why it's slacking i don't know why okay whoa um i'm gonna slice up a chap cube chep cube that shouldn't take too long to print honestly i'll wait a clap test okay here we go where's my chip cube there it is my audio solution is just terrible right now and i'm really sorry okay so i'm slicing up the chep cube uh it'll be the same settings as the mini jewel but the nozzle is going to be a little bit closer to the bed cran 6977 with a 55 is that aussie how about we throw another kilogram of filament of the okay so winter's going to get an ender 3v2 and winter's going to get a stick plate from filament one mystics threw in 50 in order to get them a profi box and cran 6977 just said how about we also get them a one kilogram spool of filament that's just amazing it's it's just amazing what the heck's happening it just backed up okay boy it makes that name big so cube okay here we go we'll get this printing there it is chub cube boy the nozzle cools down really quick it was already at just 35 c whew okay justin taylor i have entered the filament giveaway good for you justin so legit after uh well here let's go back to this for just a second the focus is strong like that's me just loading filament into the machine using a default profile with some good filament and hitting print asm 2750 the box is a rep box from rep cord rep kord rep cord yeah my audio's off i know i could fix it there we go okay this is warming up uh okay it's gonna warm up to 210 tell you what i'm gonna back it up just about like that um i am going to attempt to fix the audio what do you think richard merton with a 20 that's four high fives derek marriott 9.95 i appreciate your channel thanks for the content 3d pretty joey with a canadian 3.99 hey are you out of your mind buy yourself a coffee joel love the content jonathan circus can you do a delta rho stock review because i can't make up my mind um corinne6977 yes i will remove you from the draw uh jonathan i will uh i have a an artemis from cme cnc that's a is that a road no that's not rose stock right i think is it the camera not the audio i'm not bringing in any audio from the camera matt tech matt tech tv matthew wood with a high five high five universal thank you to everyone giving stuff on the stream this community is top notch also hi joel i got my under three pro because of you ah good we have a video coming out on the other three pro soon and um honestly it surprised me because it i used it for a bit and then it sat for a long while and then when pooch was up here and we did that stream with the rep box and all those machines all over we just kind of took it off and we dusted it off and we set it down and it just printed and it did well it did really well brian g artemus is going to the moon murrow as uh canadian five and a new youtube member if i remember correctly buy yourself a i don't know what that is you'll faint from all that caffeine i'm just trying because audio's good now i guess we just have to sit like this forever okay it's gonna how are we doing oh that's a skirt laying down that skirt okay skirt is good skirt is good everybody hold the phone skirt skirt is good oh look at this camden pitcock i'm currently printing 20 plus napkin rings right now for tomorrow at thanksgiving dinner that's how we do it that's how we do it we stay up late we get things done it's just cook what slicing software do you use i use typically whatever um uh whatever comes with the machine i try to and then if i find something that works better i'll use it so here we go big printer in the garage i use simplify3d my gmax i use cura the creality printers i use creality slicer for the cr30 belt 3d printer i use black belt cura for the prusa machines i use prusa slicer for the um for the syndaver axi i use simslicer which is a cura engine in github for craftbots i use craftware uh what am i missing oh for the noir the phenom noir i use um lychee slicer that's right everybody this is a chep cube chef cube uh noob like ever do a collab with chip yes uh i remember uh i was in his garage one time and we printed some stuff we cleaned uh a print bed with um captain morgan spiced rum dang rang at crowley in the chat it was crowley in the chat okay hi creality how are you i hope you're doing well oh joshua mazz mazdrak oh i bet you did ray see race3d what is good for that um that reminded me though i use idea maker i do use idea maker and i use it for i created a decent profile for the cr-10v2 cr10v2 phil nolan i appreciate a good skirt wait crowd he's in the chat hey uh creality loyal moses in the chat is giving away one of these machines to anyone in the world we're going to do a draw at the end of the stream since this is your printer creality if you're still there would you be up for matching loyal and giving away an ender 3v2 at the end of the stream i'd love it i'd love that if that could happen if that's possible as a thanks to the community let me know or tag loyal or tag other people and they'll let me know and then we can add it to the giveaway two-headed panther do you have any raised 3d printers still i do i have let's see i have the pro two plus i have the e2 um uh i gave one of the e2s to sean to take to michigan with him and i gave uh the n2 plus to to jerry barnacules and and then we gave it to pooch and he took it down to california andrew smith with a high five debating between glow forge and frozen phenom for my next large printer if i can ever save up enough money when not sending you super chat andrew save that five man save it just save it [Laughter] oh my goodness how's there i'm having to scroll back through the chat i'm not uh i don't know i challenged creality we'll see what they come back with great look at that 3d printing nerd watched your earth 2019 video and realized that it gets held in my town had no idea until your video read off my town name uh every year that's the goal and uh fingers crossed next year if everything goes according to plan and uh yeah we'll see jason wise not high five from paulsbo paulsbo rv right isn't that what um uh there's is it isn't that the big rv dealership in paulsbo paul's bill rv i think look at that chip cube that's not looking bad alexander thompson joel please say cassie go to bed cassie please go to bed there you go steven the light speed is from paulsbo i did not know that oh crowdy what can we do creality loyal in the chat is going to buy an ender 3v2 and give it to anyone in the world whoever wins the contest here so names are being entered down below and filament 1 the sponsor of the stream is giving away an ulti stick plate and oh boy i'm forgetting names but there's also going to be a profibox and a one kilogram of filament creality i'm challenging you loyal is giving away one of your machines he's gonna buy it from your website and send it to the winner would you be up for for matching loyal and giving away one of your 3d printers at the end of the stream that's what i'm uh that's what i'm thinking dr shea i love your avatar just want us at 9.99 are you out of your mind just want to say a big thank you originally got me interested in 3d printing and now i've got my own print farm consisting of a prusa cr-10 mini thanks so much for inspiring me to 3d print for 9.99 thank you dr shane you're still the highest bidder at 19.99 for that uh that mini joel you'll have to email me okay whoo talking a lot sorry i'm gonna have to take a while to crowley what can we do i i'm not seeing did crowley say they would connor lowe hello joel awesome stream oh thanks connor it's really nice of you hey nero yeah hey i'm glad you're off work with a tasty beverage let's see uh keck files 10. that's two high-fives got my cr6sc my first printer and having great fun learning this wonderful world of 3d printing thanks to you stefan and everybody else on youtube ah that's awesome to hear keck files thank you thank you let's keep it quiet so joel and creamy creativity will answer uh i know um i know there's a lot going on and if creality isn't able to do that please by no means think bad of them it was just a it was just a challenge and if they can do it uh i think it would be great um but if they can't do it um if they can't do it it's it's okay i just uh it would just be interesting that to see if they could hey joel we can give away a cr6se for you holy crap oh my god mystics with 10 doll hairs for the chep cube all right mystix has got 10. david you're keeping track of all this right okay well according to creality now according to creality they are not going to give away an ender 3v2 creality is going to give away a cr6se a c r six s e hot diggity oh my gosh holy cow okay um uh listen just use the same entry that we have down below just use the same entry that we have for the loyal moses giveaway and a name will be drawn from that for the cr6se how about that there we go okay uh chris could you post the link in the chat please cam did petcock i thought i was watching 3d printing or not mr beast listen just like jimmy says something that's really important and he says always invest back in your channel and um hey i try to do that with equipment or with um with trying to shout out other creators or just trying to bring this industry up a bit but also i mean creativity was in the chat i'm showing off their machine and it didn't hurt to ask right loyal with a high five please thank filament one they sponsored the stream and now thank reality he's got a good point so um filament one's profibox is the official sponsor of this stream uh jacob over there said hey you're streaming i would love to sponsor it i'm using filament one filament that's this gold and uh i said yeah let's do it and so there's giveaways in the description there's a contest running for someone to want a lifetime certificate for a profi box go there there's three finalists just help help pick a winner we'll announce them at the end of the stream for every 500 likes profibox mini is being given away we're over a thousand now which means 10 if we get to 1500 it would be 15. uh loyal moses said i'll ship an under 3v2 to anyone in the world uh filament once said we'll we'll throw in an ulti stick plate for that and then mystics i believe said here's some money to get him a profibox for a month and then krenn6977 said here's some money to give him a kilogram of filament and then creativity was in the chat and i said hey creality you know loyal is giving away one of your machines why don't you give away one as well if you can they waited a little bit and they said we will give away a cr6se there we go that's what happens oh my good trevor f smith with a high five for creality and for me well that's kind of you jiminy christmas i am um i remembered it all didn't i i think i think i remembered it all steve uckerman this is supposed to be background talk while i'm writing code instead my code ide is in the background while i watch this print it looks really good honestly mystics with mystics with another uh 50 that's 10 i5s here is a profi box for the cr6se winner jeez okay okay mystics thank you that's uh wow thank you so much thank you so much i am i'm flabbergasted honestly i forgot this part goes on i can put this on oh i gotta push it on do it later oh wait oh where'd it go get back here uh okay good someone hit show on that creality with the rainbow hearts beautiful rcmaniac david is writing it down right david you better be writing it down because that's a lot i just remembered it all so many giveaways jeez okay no one do anything while i double check everything michael martin is this just fantasy oh oh for the person with the code in the background i have a solution for you just write 10 print hello world 20 go to 10. okay david's writing it all down oh he's got me thanks make sure you uh you write down write down who the winners or who the people donating the prizes are keep them in a google uh sheet or a google doc and just at the end i can i can have it in front of me to make sure i thank all the right people black dragon dude tonight is getting crazy uh that's true boy dr wu this community is amazing i would have to agree there's a lot of uh fun players in this community having a lot of fun i just i have to i'm going to make sure my audio is good next time that's what i'm at it too space case what a day to tune in thanks to all of contributed agreed a big thanks to everyone who has contributed it's kind of you 420 dvj with a 20 that's four high fives i have seven printers up to 7000 3d printers at work but my go-to for my prototypes is an ender three with a swiss hot end and build oh and uh buildtech uh built x sheet that's great that's great that's what these that's what these printers are really good for just just uh like like being quick machines that you can just hit with anything and they just get it done real quick i think that's the way to do it it's a super nice cube i am not mad at it that's for darn sure big time 229 a new youtube member thanks for joining us jody burleigh i know thanks joel for the stream uh well like i said the stream's possible tonight because of the sponsor originally tonight was scheduled to be answering emails and possibly playing video games but uh filament one with their profibox was like come on you can do this and i'm like okay let's do it in fact i was having a conversation with tom san ladder or the other day and he talked about the ender 3v2 and how his was performing well and i said i've got one in a box i think i think i know what to do hockey p yes we are live but you haven't missed anything uh everybody in the chat there is a person there hockey capital p they're afraid they missed everything could you please enlighten them as to what's going on noob like any bed prep no for this there was no bed prep in fact ask anyone in the chat i forgot to clean it tomba dude the cube looks perfect it's looking really good obviously we'll get an up close look at it lydia johnson do we have to sign up for the giveaway before the end of the video you have to sign up before we do the giveaway and the giveaway will happen at the end of the stream and the stream well this check cube is the last thing we're printing we'll put it we'll put it like that mike makes a good point everybody smash the like button or like the smash button or smash the smash button or like the smash or smash the like smash smash like smash smash like smash smash like smash smash like smash smash what's it called when you say a word over and over until it just sounds like garbage and just just like smash like i say that now because i've said it a few times and it doesn't sound like anything now hey look we've been going for three hours dennis k the giveaway all the details uh let's see people are posting them in the chat but uh but look in the description all the details are down there boy you guys on this side of it on the side that you can't see is the chep the c-h-e-p and it is chef's kiss oh darth parkes happy thanksgiving to all i would have to echo the the sentiment there uh here in the us we we celebrate thanksgiving tomorrow yeah it's still because it's uh it's 10 30. okay so we celebrate thanksgiving tomorrow and it's it's a good time to be with family and friends if if if it's safe right now it's not really safe so there's a lot of face time and a lot of zoom like um we're gonna have a zoom thanksgiving we're gonna invite my parents to the table via zoom or facetime or whatever uh but really uh just i'm very thankful for what we have and i'm thankful for you my viewing audience in the community and i and i hope um if if you do celebrate thanksgiving you have a wonderful thanksgiving day keck files with ten two more high fives joel since i'm here to the end i'm printing a bespoke piece for my office ac unit trying to minimize my times but at the stage got four hours to print still working my profiles well before i i have no idea what the piece is but that is a practical print and i like that i like that a lot actually and uh if you're on twitter could you tweet me a picture of it when you're done i'd love to see it practical printing 4.99 are you out of your mind cheese choppa yes one day one day we're gonna stream a cheese chopper i backed a kickstarter that wasn't a printer wasn't software it's a it's a device that chops cheese and one day we're gonna have a cheese stream and it's gonna be wonderful absolutely wonderful where'd it go i'm missing some stuff hold on hold on oh my goodness hold on the snow blind border for high five dollars thanks for the stream i'm positive that whatever choice i make on black friday and your three under five i found a community that is knowledgeable i would say that's accurate bronzing i just started getting into 3d printing and your videos have been so helpful i decided to go with a prusa mini thanks to the great review i just have to wait the eight weeks to get it yeah i know uh someone uh else uh friends with loyal uh sir will ordered a prusa mini but just couldn't wait and so he sent that to loyal and ordered a prusa mark 3s because it wouldn't take as long to get to him but i hope that eight weeks goes really short for you and i can't wait to see what you print tom higgins with a high five leftover gravy resin printing listen if we're printing with gravy that would be the tastiest print ever clue this gamer with a high five you had inspired me to get ender three as my first 3d printer eventually got a prusa and i've recently started resin printing thanks for the hobby clueless gamer thanks for letting me know it's incredibly invigorating to hear stuff like that because the more people that know about this that do this that are excited about this that are passionate about this it means that the better chance this is going to succeed in the future as a manufacturer as a mass manufacturing method and that just wouldn't i couldn't be happier so thank you that's really nice of you bob karns is in the chat bob carnes is a legit good dude i like bob carnes hey bob how you doing uh camden pitcock would you recommend the cr-10s as a second printer my current and only printer is the android 3 pro which is limiting my build area i like the cr-10 series um i haven't done a lot with the cr-10s i've done a lot with the cr-10 v2 uh my editor sean has a cr-10s pro no um i'm sorry uh i loaned off the cr-10s pro to my friend who does a lot of prop building and he makes a lot of mando heads with him and the quality he gets off that is so you wouldn't go wrong with it not at all we are currently printing top layers top layers top layers that's right look at that rcmaniac yeah top players top players buzz likes the cr-10 v3 uh i have a v2 and they sent me the e3d hot end to convert it to the v3 so um yeah so i might do that hockey p i never actually catch you live to be honest i didn't even know there's giveaways i just love watching your streams i usually fall asleep to your live vids ah i could start i could start talking like this and be like hi good evening and i could just read like uh like construction manuals and you could fall asleep to those [Laughter] steve ackerman would love to hear your comments on the under five i've never played with one that's my comment um web devi with uh 10 euros joel don't know if you've looked at it yet did the change oh did they did they change the electronics box fan to something less prone to fail as the fans on the original ender 3 have failed on me i don't know i don't know about that one creality's in the chat they might be able to answer maybe assembly asmr 3d printing dirt so the voice can get can get i mean we can go low right but uh at one point in my past i had a podcast and it was called manual dreams and i read assembly manuals in a deep voice for people to fall asleep too um listen it's doing some top layers right now which means we're close taylor mold pill is there still a bit on the cube yes the last person gave 1999 1999 it is done oh my goodness michael gruggles let's fix some dude fix some dude double high five with a tenor thanks michael i i did send that really large tie interceptor that he designed to him that printed out okay here we go here we go oh ready ready ready oh no okay okay hold on i'm just gonna move some stuff out of the way so that i can present to you in the best possible way ready ready this a focus come on killing me what am i too close the stream ends in tragedy is the focus there we go so listen that that is a chep cube right there that is a chep cube hot diggity like remember this is the this is the creality slicer which is just uh cura421 josh matthews with uh a5 high five right back la sanglier ki reed still not a turkey i agree bob carnes i will get the caliper soon there we go that's um as a sidewall there see i'll tilt it towards the light so this is a super super harsh light on it that's not bad there's why i mean there's always going to be areas of improvement but honestly i mean for a first crack at it on a stream on a stream with no with no fine tuning okay jeez so uh it's only fair that i get out the calipers any guesses any guesses we will first measure across x geez let's see if that'll work that's across x oh it's a little loose i could probably tighten it let's see wait where okay so if i do it if i put it right there and i do that we're at 1996. or is it oh a z i'm sorry that's i'm losing it okay so there's there's x there's y uh y is a little uh a little low that's fixable see if you do it right there it's a little low okay there's y so z or z right goes like that and z is a little tall just a little bit matte coaches with 50. here's another profibox giveaway oh my gosh majors uh majora's game sck-50 hoping to get some brackets for the room and for cosplaying thank you for that well listen that's not too bad honestly for no calibration just using default profiles and okay practical printing yes make sure you've got all that but listen um default profiles i i just hit slice and we didn't calibrate the filament at all i mean we're that's good no it's not perfect no it's not perfect um but but out of the box i mean okay someone said use teeth for the okay okay let's use i'm just in case just in case so the problem is when you're using the teeth though benjamin gas with five euros thank you for that high five okay using the teeth on x well it depends on though what's what's the because it's going to take the highest point right the teeth are great if you have control over well usually teeth on the top and bottom is fine no real difference like in the hundredths uh how's everybody doing i was audio sync again of course the audio is every time i change the uh the camera right is it back is it good or are we are we off it usually fixes itself in a couple minutes i have not announced the winners yet i'm about to do that so listen i'm going to take a moment actually everybody hobby hands with a five my audio is off ah i know oh no okay off off it's okay off listen we're at the end we're at the end as long as people i'll tell you what we're at the end as long as people know who wins i think that's the important part so listen it's now it's now time well first um first i'm going to say thanks to the people and and then we're going to do all the giveaways and so uh thank you creality for sending over this machine it performed really well it took a little while to uh to get it together but but that's okay uh okay people can hear okay good just close your eyes when you're listening i'm so sorry uh thank you to loyal well first of all thank you to film at one's profibox for sponsoring the stream lots of giveaways and there's some stuff down in the description to announce winners of now thanks to thanks to them for sponsoring for making this possible the whole reason this is happening is because of their sponsorship so thank you for that hobbyhands for the five it's like watching an old dub karate movie great dang it thanks to loyal who offered to ship an ender 3v2 to anyone in the world thanks to filament 1 who said we'll put an ulti stick plate with that thanks to mystics who gave a profi box and thanks to kren6977 who sponsored a kilogram of filament going to the winner and then uh dang it and then yes wheel of fish is coming i'm at i promise uh and then there was another profit box let's see oh i'm i'm trying to remember it all okay it was uh oh creality okay just said you just need to lots of stuff to give away so listen now it's time for the wheel of fish we love fish we love fish uh obviously i'm gonna go down and shut off all of the giveaways to the forums it'll take me a moment i'm uh hopefully you can entertain yourselves take a sip of something tasty but if you haven't entered all of the giveaways down at the bottom be sure to do so oh and matt matt coaches for another profibox my goodness okay thank you chris okay so anyway give me a moment and then we'll announce everything uh yeah yeah yep okay google forms all of that was just google forms and obviously the next stream won't have audio problems that should be just fine because it's anyway sorry about that which one is this one okay that's not the right one there's so many forms to enter uh oh here we go here we go oh my gosh oh my gosh so for the first one here let's let's go this way you're not going to be able to see that so for the lifetime profibox this was what people were presented with a choice i know it's hard to see uh might be able to make it bigger there we go there was this like a lubey 3d fox there was this which is a cyber truck there was this which is a candy bowl you ready to see the winner of this one okay so first it was close it was really really close have a look it might be close enough to demand a recount [Laughter] so listen number two option two which is the one with the cyber truck beat out option one by a pers one and a half percent of the votes one and a half percent so option two option two is our winner so there we go there's the the oh you can't even see that i'm sorry so option one 239 i'm sorry option two 247 option one 239 option one 54. so option two option two option two is the winner well congrats uh jacob from filament one wanted me to announce that giveaway and i thought well why not let the audience pick so that's what you guys got to do okay well that one's done that one is done now now we move on to the um now we're going to move on to the profibox minis and if i check youtube it says we are at 1200 likes which means there's going to be 10 profibox minis given away 10 of them so let me let me get that ready and then uh and then we'll start doing the wheel of fish 763 people 764 people entered for this giveaway i'm gonna shut off the responses there we go 764 is the the final tally and uh oh my gosh uh wheel of fish you get all these names so for the profibox mini giveaway it was not you did not have to be present to win okay i'm just copying the names into the wheel of fish i just got to make sure it can take that many names my poor laptop come on you can do it it's thinking about it there it is 760 entries and uh let's see and there's going to be 10 winners here 10. so if we put it back over here let me it's gonna be a little bit difficult but good luck to everyone the first winner is let's see who it is ready juan palito juan palito okay let me mark that down wheel of fish one pull there we go wow that person just entered too okay so now what we do on the wheel of fish we remove and we spin again good job juan congratulations next up is uh i don't know how to say that but it's lco hen lover el co-hen lover el co-hen lover i will uh mark them as a winner elko and there we go congratulations so this will be winner number three that we're going to be doing here so remove and spin grant phillips grant phillips congratulations grant might as well put me up there congratulations grant you are our third winner grant phillips there you are so next up we remove grant and we spin again my laptop my laptop is a touch screen and uh gets fingerprints on it joe brewhard joe bruhart is our fourth winner joe bruhar there we go there you are so essentially what i'm doing is i'm going through finding them in the spreadsheet and marking them green just so you know that's what i'm doing we remove joe and we spin again ben durant ben durant ben durant is the fifth winner there you are ben okay we remove ben and we spin again here we go is our was that sixth winner is that right six wow narada entered five before our previous winner of ben durant okay so let's see that's let me say is that six so this will be the seventh winner then it is now rivers gabriel rivers is our seventh winner jesse gabriel rivers congratulations let's pull an eighth winner shall we noob like noob like is our eighth winner congratulations noob like i like how you used uh zeros for your zeros for your name for instead of os it's it's very elite all right new black is our eighth winner means up next is our ninth winner wheel of fish wheel of fish we love fish malloy malloy is our ninth winner malloy there you are and now friends this will be the 10th of 10 winners right here we remove malloy and we spin the wheel of fish one more time we love fish we love fish we love fish patty may use patty mayuze patty mayu's is our 10th of 10 winners paddy may use well look at that and just like that 10 of 10 profibox minis were given away because there were more than a thousand likes on the stream excellent oh i love it now though now we have to get to the kitten caboodle don't we this uh well this is when it all kind of comes down to doesn't it i think this is this is when it hits right this is uh i go okay i'm turning off responses bam 800 811 people entered for the 3d printers 811. wow i'm now uh let's see where'd you guys go there you are so now i have to import 811 names in and remember these people must be present to win i have to be able to tag them in the chat so here we go this is uh jeez 811 811 loyal with five good luck everyone please thank film i wanted reality i couldn't have said it better myself and thank you loyal now remember i'm loading the names and this is the drawing for loyal's gift this is a creality ender 3 v2 this is an ulti stick plate from filament one this is a months box profi a month's profibox and this is a kilogram of filament so loyal with the ender 3v2 this is filament one with the ulti stick plate this is maddox with the uh profibox and this is krenn 6977 for the uh what is it the kilogram of filament it's loaded are you ready are you ready oh wait no no i can't i forgot i don't want to i don't want to announce a winner if they're not tagged so here's what i'll do i'm spinning the wheel once it gives me a name i will attempt to tag it in the chat and if i can i will then show you the name i have a person i have a person they are taggable ready the winner of the ender 3v2 the ulti stick plate the one month of profibox and the kilogram of filament one filament is lindsey cripps lindsay crips and the chat of course is uh is behind i'm really sorry about that really sorry about that but uh it is it is lindsay crips there we go there it is there it is there it is i guess i should just wait i should just wait for that okay lindsey crips there we go fantastic so now now oh wait here i'll tell you what i'll go back here because i have to remove lindsey she's one and i am going to uh i'm going to make sure and mark her as winning in the spreadsheet and let's see let's do that let's do that and then see ender 3v2 and all okay i've removed her from the chat so here we go this is going to be for the cr6se from creality and maddox has said they want another profi box to go to this person that's pretty exciting so thank you creality thank you maddox for making this possible here we go i am spinning the wheel now it is spinning it is spinning okay let's see if they're taggable they are the winner of the cr6 se and the profibox is mattis 3d creations mad ass 3d creations congratulations congratulations oh there's i think i forgot some other people giving away stuff too but oh my goodness that's right matt cochise there we go there it is yes okay the video caught up with the chat mattis 3d creations thank you very much for entering yep you just won yourself a thanks to creality and a profibox from filament one and uh god there's okay and there's other stuff i think other people donated some stuff too um legit but that's it that is everything that is everything listen we've been online for quite a while i know we had some bumps at the beginning i know the audio isn't perfect which will be fixed for the next stream but i gotta tell you uh oops lindsay's a he sorry i know lindsay and it's a woman so that's why i went with the sheep sorry about that lindsay is a he lindsay is a he uh listen we're gonna call it good gave a lot of stuff away we had a lot of fun so just to wrap up we had an ender 3v2 that we unboxed thanks to audio problems no really thanks to filament 1's profibox for sponsoring we had three finalists for a contest for a lifetime certificate for a profibox and you all helped pick the winner we also had 10 profibox minis to give away thanks to more than a thousand likes on the stream thank you very much loyal of course in the chat said hey how about we give away an ender 3v2 to anyone in the world i'll ship it anywhere and then ulti and then filament one was like let's get an ulti stick plate to him too and then other people piled on more stuff and we gave away more stuff and then i challenged creality to give away one of these machines they said they couldn't but they could give away a cr6se my mind is blown so we gave away all of that stuff oh my gosh and we had a lot of fun doing it uh i know um someone had the mini joel at 19.99 you'll have to email me because i will save this for you i won't give it away um listen thanks for making this day before thanksgiving an incredible reminder of everything that we as a community have have to be thankful for i really hope that if thanksgiving is your jam if you celebrate i really hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow even if not i really hope that you have much in your life to be thankful for and honestly thank you for enabling me to do this as a job now though it's 11 o'clock the night before thanksgiving i'm gonna go home see if there's any help needed maybe eat some milk duds because i still have some from when loyal sent them to me and uh maybe rest my throat a little bit maybe kick off my shoes maybe have a beverage we'll see but listen love to you all thank you everyone who made this possible and uh if you made it this far you're awesome don't forget to hug each other more and from a safe distance high five i'll see you on the next one you
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 107,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hBw5l0CUSCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 5sec (13445 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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