Creality CR-30 versus iFactory3D ONE Belt 3D Printer Discussion

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hey we're live it doesn't work it says it's live we'll see if anybody chimes in and tells me if my audio is good or bad uh hey since we're live so uh let me know if you can hear bill let me know if you can hear me and if we sound okay i'll go over to the youtube side of things yeah there we go okay perfect we've got we've got some people there so i don't know audio is good fantastic we've got audio is good i've got both the machines on so their fans are pretty loud okay here wait a minute let's see so there we go so rc maniac is always one of the first ones to say it he says we can he can see us and he can hear us so so there we go well welcome everybody so uh we went a little bit live it was just to work out some of the kinks but um i i guess there's no kinks that was simple uh let's see what's uh what's going on in your neck of the words neck of the woods bill um you're aware you're indiana right in indiana near cincinnati yeah okay i think the big news in cincinnati is the uh the i-75 bridge that goes across the ohio river has been closed for about two weeks because they've been debating on replacing the bridge for many many many years it's been outdated for many many many years and uh about two weeks ago i saw my truck burned up on it it's kind of forcing their hand but yeah apparently a million dollars to replace the bridge so oh geez well that sounds exciting yeah that i mean that's that's about it okay i mean we're let's see it is cold here good news uh anybody that's ordered a 3d chameleon uh the mark ii the new the new version yeah today we finished the last of the back orders and and actually all open orders shipped today hey there we go that was awesome that's fantastic that's fantastic news that uh yes great for me yeah and i saw you've got uh rep cord printing some of your parts oh yeah yeah we can't i just need too many of them though our sales are too good so that's a great problem to have let me tell you what his product his parts are absolutely fantastic really oh yeah the quality of them it so what i did was i have a uh crucial mark iii that i always turned all of our parts on actually i had a mark ii uh for the old model the new one we i built the profile from the mark iii and i'm i'm all about consistency right if you do the same thing every time that's right right um so i built a profile for the mark 3 uh i sliced it i sent that file to him and i told him the setup right and he did on his bank of printers and some and they're they they dead on exactly what they're supposed to do now he's he suggested uh i can't remember who was i think it's icy 3ds oh yeah black petg and that's they're fantastic absolutely wonderful oh they have really good petg i've printed with it and it's uh it's just it's it's really easy to use it's it's crisp it's clean and it's consistent yeah right well i mean the machine helps a lot there too right and he has oh sure uh you know exactly the same machine i have the mercury's it's such a fantastic printer i mean it's just we're trying to forget it you know we just don't even work i can't think of any failures it's true there's there's uh it's you and i i mean well you especially you've you've been doing this much longer and you've had to fight through things quite a bit more than me or many others but when you find something that is quality and consistent you just want to hang on to it and hold it and and you're good right yep yep yeah that machine the little uh the new their new little mini it's a great home and machine liked it i reviewed it positively i know some people had some uh lackluster experiences with it just because of their probe i think yeah um but they've got the new one that's the superfinder whatever you're calling it now yeah super pinned or whatever it is yeah it's a plus builder's mark i have to highlight this because he just threw 20 bucks for barbecue and donuts funds because i talked about this on twitter thank you i talked about uh barbecue and donuts and getting hungry on twitter and then um um builders mark was like next stream i'm gonna i'm gonna give to your your barbecue and donuts fund and sure enough uh what robbery took place in seattle you know usually so for us um there's some there's some decent barbecue places but what we've done is usually just barbecue at home we have a really good grill and my wife is incredibly good at cooking meats exactly how they need to be on the barbecue we don't go outlandish but the kids aren't really into spices so much or you know too exotic of flavors but you know i she will cook all sorts of really tasty meats i will put sauces on them uh what we like to do you know uh fondue do do you do fondue yeah we have a fondue pot at home and we like to cook the meats in there that's kind of fun how about the is the krispy kreme or dumpling donuts uh we've got krispy kremes we don't have dunkins out here typically for donuts krispy kremes are okay they're like the if you just want donuts real cheap real fast that's where you go because they're open and they're cheap and they're fast otherwise though we have something out here called top pot and uh you get a donut there and it's it's an experience it's very dense and tasty and and terrific but they're expensive you don't have timmy's out there tim hortons no that's uh the only time i've had timmy's is uh up in canada yeah yeah but we have them down here as well yeah awareness tripod is getting me my first drink 4.99 he's out of his mind bill you've been a part of my streams you know the crazy stuff we do someone gives me something ending in 99 and i call them crazy i i try to highlight the people that have good questions stuff like that but we're pretty close should we start the actual like meat and potatoes of the stream are you are you why not that's true all right i'll give us a little introduction so for everybody who's here thanks for joining us uh right over here that's bill steele uh you know him a polar 3d of uh a 3d chameleon of um just being an all-around good dude he has the reality cr30 like i do as well but also the ifactory one belt printer that was sent to me it was parts and i didn't have time to put it together and bill was like wait a minute i have time and so i shipped it off to him and that that one that you see behind him right over there that's not the cr-30 that's the ifactory one and he's been dedicating quite a bit of time to that he's also talked with those people over at ifactory about their kickstarter and you know trying to get them going so bill's had a lot of experience with the cr-30 bill's had a lot of experience with the ifactory one i figured it was time that we get out into the the industry kind of uh not necessarily a comparison not well i mean we will go head-to-head right with what you got on the build plates but uh just it's just a conversation about what this is and what this isn't and what the i factory one is and what it isn't uh they're both on kickstarter right now which for i mean some people like that some people don't it's completely up to you but at least the goal here is for us to get a lot of qualified information out for you to help make an educated choice if if this is your bag of tea and uh i think how was that bill was that a good intro yeah okay oh my goodness and you know look at that project r3d has given us 199 because he's out of his mind hey joe bell printers will be a great tool for small batch manufacturing i fear too many people are only going to be seeing the benefits of them without acknowledging the trade-offs not the last bills have a place in the market moving forward and i'm excited so that's actually something that works well because this is the first question really i wanted us to have a discussion around bill a belt style 3d printer isn't the end-all do-wall be-all it's not a replacement it's it's a tool in that a 3d printer is a tool and it just accomplishes things in a different way do you agree yeah yeah so when i first came up with the original concept uh you know forward 3d is an educational focused 3d printing company we have a platform for education you know curriculum and things like that yeah and we started selling our own printers with the old polar 3d printer into schools and we found a problem with that and that a lot of schools would buy a printer and then it would it would sit on the shelf and the rest of the school didn't have access to it right so well why don't we make the cloud platform to give everybody access to that printer so we did and then we found another major problem and that was that we give them we gave them access to the printer somebody would print it and then you know start the print job and then leave for the night and printer was out of condition until the rest of the you know some morning came back in to clear it off i got to thinking about it and i thought well how do i solve this particular issue and and one day i was i was actually driving down the road and a model t on a back of a flatbed truck pulled up next to me and you know and i looked at that and i thought of course why not print the layers like an assembly line right okay you print one layer you move on and then while it's out of the way you can go back and print the next layer right and that's right doing that for every part that's on it and as soon as i thought of that idea um you know i went back to ed uh my partner pulled a treaty and we discussed it and decided to build you know a printer okay and the funny thing was that it wasn't an fdm printer it was a resin an sla printer and then so you decided to go the easy route first didn't you well we had a particular reason in mind for that but it made a lot of sense at the time um the problem was is that there was no software available for that and i thought the easiest way for me to tackle the software was to break the problem down into functional uh things so we had a machine on one side and the software on another side and i knew very well how to drive the fdm printers so i took the makerbot right and tore it all apart and uh actually built that machine right there there it is look at that that is history here wait i'm gonna make you really big okay look at that so what is that printer right there so uh the one the black part uh there's two printers there right the black part is actually a modified makerbot replicator with the build plate tilted at a 45 degree angle uh so a lot of people this this actually brings up another funny question a lot of people ask why it's called an infinite z because the x and y stayed the same they didn't change on the original printer right we changed the belt but then into the belt which is the z-axis right right that's why it's the infinite z and that's why all the software that i wrote you know when i developed that i developed it on this machine i built this machine so i could develop that software right and this is uh that that's the uh that's the same one that i saw at murph a few years back right uh yeah i first showed this off at the rapid show uh a year before merc actually down in florida it had a white it had a pretty white case on it back then um and then even before that it was an old wooden it was in a wooden it was a makerbot replica right wooden box so yeah it's been through a lot of iterations that's amazing uh and then above it is what yeah it looks like the the that looks from like a printer belt it is that is the prototype that's the very first one so that's fantastic i actually uh i bought that off brooke and then he refunded my money and he sent me the parts and then printerbot was no longer yeah i was really excited about that he's busy right now or i bet this machine is the uh when brooke i showed this one to brooke that and that mean that was actually a murder i convinced him to go ahead and build his own and so we sat down and and and kind of laid the groundwork for this one and i told him you build the hardware i will take care of all the software for you that's fantastic so that's an idea that's beautiful so then all of your belt printing experience is from not just building the machine itself and it's also creating the software to be able to slice in that assembly line fashion yeah yeah um so the belt burner actually interestingly enough i found out that i didn't i wasn't the first right there was others uh previously yeah and and when i say belt i'm talking about an angle belt or what i call the tilted conveyor belt the tilted conveyor belt was actually developed first by uh andres baskin um um and he actually built it for a totally different reason as well he built it to to make a cloth right he wanted 3d printed cloth and that allows him to continue streams so he had a totally different reason for doing it as well but what i found out later on was that he never tackled the software he hand coded all the g code which is good because it turned out that his machine and my machine were very similar if you want to you can actually go down and download his plans are still out on the on the well that's the site where you they get instructables so yeah yeah yeah and he put it out on the instructables and um it's a it's a clever machine it's actually a variable tool but uh he again who did not tackle the software and i did that um so i wrote the first what i call the post-processor tilted computer um and then released that and i'm pretty sure that's what that's where that plugin started with software right and and by one gate i mean uh the cura modifications right right i kind of figured and now we have two different versions on that software here right so that's right well everything's based on the cura engine right exactly um but my plugin will actually work on any of them it was a very simple plug-in it doesn't do supports or anything like they're doing but i mean we have the basis now between the two to really take this to the next level so you saw that you saw idea maker is actually doing 45 degree slicing yep yep that's great so i can't wait to see what they've done it should they said a couple weeks for a beta i'm just kind of really excited about that yeah so uh so bill we've got okay history thank you for that i you know uh the history of where this comes from it's always it's always refreshing right because it's a true maker story it's it's you know it's it's you and others it's just kind of hands-on like hardware and software and making it go and so now we're at the point where we have these refined machines so i have a cr30 just like you just like you but then next to yours is an ifactory1 uh so what i i want to do i want to go through and talk about uh my review of the cr30 and what i thought of the different sections the different components and then i want you to then let me know what you think of those and then compare that to the ifactory right next to it does that sound okay yeah okay so the the first item i want to talk about is build quality and while the cr30 is a it's it's a kickstarter printer right this isn't going to be its final form uh it's still built incredibly well there are no 3d printed parts holding it together everything is steel and aluminum extrusion and nuts and bolts and like i said in my review i could stand on it and funny enough off camera i did stand on this machine i hurt my foot the other day and uh i didn't want to put all of my weight on it for fear of that i might fall and hurt myself even further but uh but i have stood on this thing and it took it no problem it was a lot more of your weight to do that so i kind of figured that but what has your experience been with the cr30 then as far as build quality uh i agree uh you know i i i am incredibly impressed with what reality has been doing lately and i look at things a little differently than than the typical machine right i mean i'm looking at a typical i'll say chinese printer and the quality of the cuts for example of the aluminum extrusions the precision of those cuts um on the cr30 and i'll enter honestly also the same cuts i saw on the cr6 the sd um the quality of that you know the cutting the machining that was done on those just fantastic it's a huge level step up from every other chinese printer i've seen and then the second thing is like you said the strength of this they actually went well above what a strength requirement for this machine needs to be right i mean it's way way way over engineered and that's a good thing for us because that means it's getting so stable right right it really shows i'm i'm i'm actually really impressed with the build quality of that machine yes okay okay so you you find similar to what i found as far as build quality sturdiness rigidity yeah okay so now let's see we're engineered and that's a good thing and it's a bad thing right you're paying for it but it's a you're paying for it it's good well i think by saying over engineered though we're just talking about it being all metal and just held together really well right um structurally it's actually yeah i would say it's excessive in some of the structure i mean it doesn't need to be as strong as it is for it to still work effectively okay which is not well though if it is built a little bit better in certain areas then it really makes it a really good platform for tinkering right because then people can try try things without the fear of breaking it as easily yeah yeah so now i want to talk about the eye factory right next to you i know that it came to me as a kit in a box which i then shipped the box off to you and so i know that it was it was a it was parts to you ifactory has a kit a partially assembled kit and a fully assembled machine i believe available at their kickstarter at least that's what i was told in email um but once you got the box what were your first impressions um so it it is a collection of parts and there is only a couple parts that are assembled free for you uh the hot end and the extruder are the major some components that were assembled for you already but they were not put on anything right so what they have done now actually i can i can say with you know confidence on both of these both of these are built with the um availability of components from the manufacturers already there right so creality has built on top of a previous machine and it's obvious a lot of the stuff that's in this is taken from for example the ender series the hot ender copy the electronics the lcd and the exact same thing happened over here right they have a source machine um and my my analysis of it tells me that it's a trunksy of some sort that is a core xy they used a lot of off-the-shelf components again available from the chinese inventory um the same way that reality did with that they they both took the same approach they took the corex y structure and they mounted it at an angle right it's an off-the-shelf core xy structure from that donor machine whatever that is um and then they uh there is a little deviation in the way they've done the belts for example uh the belt on this one is the modification of the that's donor uh build light where the creality is clearly a not a donor device right the oh belt definitely is a off-the-shelf item i believe the entire drive system uh maybe not the motor but the the actual rollers and everything else is an off-the-shelf system it's incredibly well engineered which tells me that whoever designed it had a lot of experience designing this right okay so so there's legacy hardware here there's legacy hardware here from two different vendors but interestingly enough the hot ends are almost nearly identical between the two they're both the ender style hot ends right i mean almost nearly identical the only difference is that the chirality has a an extra fan on it and the the the high factory does not have that extra thing but they are being on the on the hot end so the the cr30 blows from both sides that's right it actually works if you look carefully at it there's the air the duct actually faces down from as well carl designed that duct i believe oh it's a fantastic whoever did it did a really nice job on that um and this is basically just a stock ender you know trunks style on it um i do they have the uh the uh e3d uh titan style drive on this one right um the reality has the well not mine doesn't but yours does it has the uh red light metal gear that's right yeah so from a quality perspective it's built with off-the-shelf components unfortunately that kind of lets it down a little bit and then they use some of the opposite shell components to create the structure though in this configuration they don't do their job it's a little weaker um now brandon i've talked to these guys um i've discussed this and linked with them and they are going to you know fix it we actually discuss various techniques to take care of that but right now this this early beta and i have to say this is an early early machine this is not what they're probably even shipping is as test units today so before before you go on i just want to i want to make it absolutely clear that an email eye factory told me what the box i got was 95 complete yeah and that that makes about that's about right there's about five issues i would recommend about five or less percent changes to it to to make it the absolute machine that they want it to be right so then and so in here this okay so if we consider this one an early beta or an early pre-production unit then it uh i believe you've said it has 3d printed parts on it correct um yeah and the interesting thing is i don't find any fault for 3d printed components um that there based basically like the angled structures at the bottom here they actually have other plates that are on top of it on this model they're acrylic on their their later models they're not acrylic um they're much stronger so um i did see that um there's no gussets at the top and they're adding those to stiffen that structure at the top um which is definitely needed on this uh consider this this is that the creality is a 20 by 40 frame and the uh the i factory is a 20 by 20 aluminum extrusion right okay also bigger you can see it's physically taller but it's also physically wider it's about 25 larger widthwise um and that works really twenty percent yeah yeah yeah okay it's actually a much larger belt you can see how much wider this belt is on here so this has a huge uh build volume advantage over this guy um and i say huge 20 i mean it's it's it's it's still pretty good right well i mean but but the build areas of these essentially it's it's the x and and and how tall it could go because people are thinking of you know either repeatable things or cosplay elements and well like on carl's uh white knight he did the thanos sword full size and i know that i know that bigger machine absolutely absolutely and so uh we wouldn't be able to do that on the cr-30 or the ifactory machine just i'm just as an example right but i mean when you think about that you know when you're targeting the design of the machine you're going to pick the size target of a product that you want to build and you'll optimize the machine around that right and that gets you into maybe the 80 column over here but it gets you well up into the 90 column of target products that you want to build right and of course carl's machine is 100 who's going to want your machine in his right [Laughter] i could think of somebody that does but so one of the one of the things though that that we talked about and it happened while we were actually having a video conversation is the motor mounts on the ifactory on that machine are acrylic correct yeah and you accidentally put your hand on one a little too hard and it snapped while we were having a video conversation yeah yeah so the uh the the it's a core xy system so here you can see the motors at the top of it very important up here and the the reality actually has the motors mounted underneath and they're they're they're in a metal they're mounted to a metal bracket right oh right there's uh there's a metal bracket and there's a few different screws from a few different angles yeah yeah it's got an adjuster that you this early model of the eye factory doesn't have that it actually just has a piece of acrylic that the motor is mounted to now i do know for a fact they're changing that material to i don't know if it's going to be metal or they have some other magic material on here it is a very very strong plastic of some sort is it called unobtainium yeah it's only available in purity apparently um but i do know that they are making that in-house there and um so they are going to be modifying uh you know those amounts so you whoever buys this machine won't get this to kill them like i said uh so darren in the chat is saying he thinks it's palm is that does that sound right you know what i they could not translate exactly what the material is for me it's very very slick uh it's i would say it's actually a hybrid of a couple of materials including plum i'm not entirely sure what it is um but it's it's um at least what's on my machine it has a very oily surface on it which is really interesting um interesting yeah um we have to take a moment here just to address the chat because someone got into we got into a bit of a bidding war um i told we had the project r3d chat and then uh loyal came in and said hi bill and hi joel just thanks for taking the time to do this um project r3d had to be loyal because that's that's just what he does and then uh loyal just had to come in and drop the mic so bill obviously you're with me on this stream uh my treat steak dinner next time we're together which hopefully is next year hopefully dana's on chat somewhere out there i don't know what she's actually saying hi dana uh okay so i think um i think it's pretty decent to say that while the the cr-30 is more stable uh it's uh the the eye factory is still in a much earlier stage and has the ability to pivot to a more robust sort of frame system and and like i said it won't take much at all to get there so it's an easy transition for them to do um that's great uh let's see so we talked about the frame and the sturdiness we've talked about the extrusion system we've talked about the core xy mechanism is there any i i only have experience with what's on the cr-30 but how is the motion system on the eye factory did they i mean it's it's a core xy just like the cr-30 is um it has a a couple minor differences uh one of the things i really love about the eye factory is that it has all metal rails and all metal rollers on it so uh as opposed to the plastic wheels on the cr30 which are again off the shelf items from creality right there right but wait wait wait the i factory has rails it's all metal they're they're roller they're it's it's a configuration very similar to the reality um except instead of having plastic wheels they have steel rollers think about a train right okay so steel rollers kind of with a with an angle going over it's the opposite what's interesting is the it actually has round steel rods okay and the wheels are actually curved to fit around that that rod you know kind of like this so the wheels are turning this way and they they wrap around those steel rods okay like that wonderful design it will never wear out well that's okay well i mean just as a as a mention so then on on mine i did have the fur developing on the wheels and i wasn't sure exactly what caused that uh someone said it could be that they were too tight but once i cleared it off they were it was fine and it doesn't happen yeah reality ones those palm wheels will actually have a break you know ablate the surface of it a little bit okay and that'll collect on those wheels is that gray dust that you see on there yeah oh that's what that as is yeah as you release that pressure on that wheel by wearing it in it won't make any more right so it's basically worn itself to fit um not a problem it doesn't look really good um but yeah it doesn't get it it doesn't hurt though but you won't find it on the on that machine because there's a plastic at all system now um the other difference in forex y though is to me that since this is a much bigger machine it should actually have bigger belts on it than it does really what does it have it's it's got gt2 6 millimeter belts and their chinese ema where this guy right here has 10 millimeter gates they are the best belt in the world right they're german i mean yeah if it's german it should be there that's all i'm saying all right i highly recommend that they switch to that because because this because it's so big there's a lot of flex in their belts and i think that's what i was actually demonstrating to you when i broke that motor mount other than breaking the mount yes you did demonstrate yeah the flex and the belts yeah these are uh these are good belts here these are they're actually gate branded belts they feel properly sized yeah i think like if there was a smaller belt on here it wouldn't look i don't think as proper um we do have to address something though la sanglier kiri or matthew uh the printer is literally right there how about a close-up is there any chance we could get a close-up of the ifactory machine i can i can pick up the computer and move it over to the phone over to the right if it's not going to break anything let's see what we can do he's unplugging my power here uh oh here i'm going to make you full screen you're going to have the full the full bill so yeah so you can see they have their nice little scraper plate has their name on it um the electronics are a touch screen on this so you can see that oh look at that yeah um so it's a still a marlin base which is not bad and i don't recall what electronics in here they're trophy electronics but i don't know if they're 32-bit or or 8-bit um can't well that's a big honking chip that's a 32-bit chip in there um the both machines are 32-bits okay so it is uh the reality is not this is okay it's a color touch screen so they have they have options here of course now remember um this is an early machine and it does not have their uh raspberry pi set up right so they have their raspberry pi that's going to go in this place with the color touch screen and they're um basically they're they've got a spaghetti detective like product that's going to be built into this machine that's right i've heard they're introducing their own little uh ai sort of thing right right it'll monitor the print and look for failures and automatically stop the print and continue and start a new one right okay so i would imagine if if if they have their own slicer the slicer can then output some sort of or the or the ai can read the model that's expected to be there and then stop if it senses any deviations right exactly yep yep so um the other beautiful thing that these guys did is they actually have a drive on the front and on the rear this is the proper way of doing it right okay if you think about it they originally had it on theirs but they switched back to putting it on the rear um now with this one it's got so much tension on it it's not really an issue i mean it twangs when you tap it right it's got so much tension that's good yes one with the drive on the front if you think about this the drive on the front will pull tension out of the top and it will add any tension that there's that any excess belt if you will it's going to go to the bottom they have a beautiful tensioning system on this in addition to having the motor pull the tension out from the front they have this you can see this little roller right here there's actually a rod underneath of that that actually snaps into a uh uh a component there that forces them down on the belt okay and by forcing on the belt you're taking all the tension out with a spring mechanism um so that's oh i see i see that's a really good way of doing that in a very uh it's a reliable way of doing it um so that's a that's a good design there so that's going to provide constant tension and make sure that the entirety of the belt is across the the build plate right even if something gives up a little bit and starts to relieve the stress you know the relieve of pressure on it like this build light is spring loaded right if something gives up on it that's going to compensate for it and going to take that out for a while so that's that's a really good way to keep a reliable belt tension that's really cool but they like they actually have two motors right they've got not just one on the front but they got one on the back too so they've got a lot of torque here uh available to drive that bill hey bill well i got you real quick someone's asking what do we think of the eq maker toy diy four in one have we have you heard about that one i've never even heard of it i don't know much about it either unfortunately if someone knows and you're uh you're watching and you can leave a comment to mark uh that would help and then uh loyal is telling you to take the prusa mini off the floor bill that that's my baby that's a great little machine right there you can see got four colors on it no i'll look at that and we'll get to that on the creality machine as well oh yeah give me uh if you can move the laptop around and uh if you could move the laptop around and just show me the rollers someone did have a question and one rollers here you can see the steel rod that's embedded into this linear rail okay i'm gonna make it big again there we go there you can see that steel rod right and then the drive system is all steel this is all machined steel right and there you can see those steel rollers oh i see them oh and they're curved to go right over there oh okay and they have these adjustments on them right so this is how you tension it you can loosen these turn it and tension it's eccentric style right yep yep um here you can see those gt2 builds yeah they look they look so tiny for that motion i mean it's a big machine it's surprisingly big for you know what you're what we're uh thinking of right so yeah the hotter yeah one other thing though on those uh those wheels though one but the big the big printer that i have in my garage they're it's very similar the motion system is very similar it's a screwdriver via servo i believe but um they have they they concave wheels going over over metal they use um uh angled metal rather than rather than a curved piece right there too but very similar it seems to work great yeah so this is this is if you think about it what they've done is they've taken an off-the-shelf rail rod and driven it down into this extrusion um the the black part is in an aluminum extrusion okay so it's is it's married to it it's a permanent part yeah yep yeah it's cool then they're very nicely so they have a steel rail and everything is riding on steel right it's it's it's a train on train tracks think about it that way it's nothing more reliable than that right there from a from a low friction standpoint from a high quality long lasting standpoint right continue to upload so it's interesting though that they chose that method for the motion system but then they put the acrylic as a way of holding the motors well uh so so again this is the heritage of the machine right this was basically that's it okay so the truck the the trunks machine actually has a core xy system with acrylic motor mounts and they basically took the off-the-shelf core xy system the same way that reality did from their machine right okay basically applied it to here um here's where i was talking about where that joint is a little weak right here they really need some structure in between these three pieces there's in this model there's only one screw right here that holds this to this rail here and then this rail that's across the top is only held to this by this one corner bracket it's and it's only held to here there's no attachment between here and here and you can actually interesting and rotate that if you put a little force on and you can rotate that whole rail but then in order so in order to sturdy that up they just need another bracket hole gusset in between here um oh okay so um and i recommend that you know a gusset there and a gusset here and that'll take care of that problem without it without issues and the nice thing is if they put the gusset here they can make that their motor mount right so it's all one unit did you tell them that i did yes okay good good yeah that's a great idea honestly cable chain fantastic idea no cable chain bad idea so well uh naomi actually said in the comments um she was she said that she's doing everything she can to convince creality to use a cable chain yeah so there is one minor little flaw with this um on the cable chain and that when i was running it i had actually got caught on this roller one time oh so it kind of drooped down you can see that it droops down pretty low right there and i'm below the river see that yeah so um i would actually probably put a some kind of a guard or something there or something a little maybe even take this chain and tie it here so you have one chain from here to here and then one chain from here to you know up to the top here right so that way it's not drooping um you know right now it's it's kind of drooping and it really shouldn't be set up that way um what i recall carl in the chat did say that cable chains aren't meant to hang and i fully understand that but it looks like there's something simple they can do just to kind of get it out of the way yep so and then uh what i did to fix it is i just tied the ptfe tube to it that's actually giving it enough force and when it comes down here this length of tube actually forces this back up so really that's fantastic okay just one cost of one single zip tie oh bill too much uh oh so listen we've kind of we've we've kind of uh i'm going to get you back to full here so we dove into the sturdiness of the machines and and how well they're they'll they're built whether or not we can stand on them um and we've also talked about the extrusion system and the motion system i think what we need to do really is dive into the belts and the belt system on this because i know that they're very different so let's start with the cr30 because that's what i'm familiar with so i don't know if you have the new belt i do i do i just haven't put it on yet oh okay fantastic belt um it's a it's a plastic material some sort woven uh fabric inside of it um very very tight you can hear that twang and that's incredibly tight they have a very guitar right there yeah yeah uh it has a green base on the bottom of it so obviously this is this is a very commodity item here so probably would just die on the top um it does i know that naomi has said publicly that creality switched to that belt because it was something they could get a lot of yeah over time so it makes sense and it's a really really good choice i mean you can see even this one little sh uh stick and now what i did that it stuck perfectly right okay i did this is a single current from that guy and it literally starts out as a single point right yeah yeah it does and and then it can you know continues on you can see the texture on the bottom there if i can get the light just right oh yeah so i know because i have the old belt and obviously it produces a very unique texture on the bottom of prince so the new belt still any any bed material whether it's a belt or whatever is going to put some sort of texture on the bottom um my the old belt was very similar to like golf ball dimples and so this one what is this one like um this is a very fine fabric um i would say that they're i mean the dimples on it are there there there is a texture some but it's not it's not as apparent oh no no not anywhere near as a matter of fact what's interesting is that this belt right here is actually closer to the belt that you had it has a texture on it and here you can see the texture from it see how much more oh yeah look at that so okay so then as far as the the very light field the the reality system has it's a three to one gear on z to drive the belt right is it similar on the ifactory yeah yeah exactly so the same same setup actually i take that back there is a difference this is a three to one direct drive the creality actually has a geared motor it's a geared motor stepped up and then there's a three to one drive on so this has a higher torque but they they compensate with two motors right so okay um let's see the the rollers for the belt are uh on the creality machine is a um it's a rubbery sort of material um so yeah it rides onto a roller that's actually coated and these are no rollers by themselves so they're not icing but with enough uh tension on this um and and make sure by the way if you're building this as a kit um at least on mine i actually had to scrub these down with alcohol to remove the machining oil that was on them um put it together they slipped so i i took it all apart i scrubbed them down with the you know ipa and that cleaned off the machining oil that now it grips this this belt just fine oh it does okay so because i remember we talked about there being some slippage before in the um in the belt system but when you took it with the ipa to get the machine oil off no problems now i've i've not had any slipping at all in fact neither one of these machines there's no concept of slipping when you're using it so that's great yep they both they both run the belt uh at roughly the same speeds you know the same performance in fact i do these two prints uh this this uh black one and the yellow one this is the exact same g code on these two machines and they produce nearly identical results uh okay so the only thing i change wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait identical g-code yes i i took the g-code i sliced it for the creality and i modified it to support the homing routine on this which is this one homes at the top the creality homes at the bottom that's the only difference oh oh wait and that's it otherwise the same no water changes that's great right yep um ifactory just said they are actually cleaning the machine oil off the rods by themselves now sweet great um they finished literally one minute apart from each other so um one of the differences though in the belt system creality has a heated build plate here and then they've got a cool down zone here right eye factory looks to have a repurposed standard build plate that the rollers go over right so their heated build plate comes all the way to the edge and that is something i recommend to change this machine is not the machine for that um the way they the way they repurpose parts i don't know that it's i mean they might be able to do something with a new hot plate um okay but um i don't know what their plans are i highly recommend they do change that because that that's the only difference between these two from a performance perspective is that um here is the creality one and you can see let me make you big here that that looks very good straight to the end yes unfortunately this is the ah right see how that curved and that's because it doesn't have a chance to cool down and he doesn't have a chance to solidify and cool down right so the part comes right to the edge so so in this one i actually had a failure earlier today which is kind of interesting i um it the whole part wrapped around and it tried to get drug down inside of this blade oh no yeah um yeah i wasn't expecting it because that's actually the first time i'd seen that um these this will normally come off with no problem okay the the interesting thing is there is a way to tackle it on here so it isn't necessarily all bad i would i mean i would say it's all bad at all but it's there is a way to solve it here and that's to not print as fast so that this leading edge peels a little slower because there is you know an inch or so before you know the build plate ends before it actually gets here i'll say half an inch i should say right two centimeters something like that um that you do have a chance to cool i mean i could there's no heat at this edge here and there's heat just you know a centimeter behind it you can feel that difference right wow so it's okay very short transition but there's definitely a transition there and if you tweak your g-code just right you can actually get that to start feeling just fine right and again for a solid part you're not going to run into that issue uh it's simply because this part was so fine at the tip right um right but i mean they could think it's just it just needs a slight change there just needs to be a longer area for a part to cool down at the end in order to mitigate any sort of heat still in the part right yeah yeah and i i would actually say i won't say it on this machine but on rev2 of this machine maybe they do they do that but i would also move this phone back farther i would prefer the heated zone underneath the extruder past it right so that it it always prints on a heated area because this one right now is actually printing right at the very edge of the build plate and you know how many things do you see what you're saying right right yeah the the you know our machines we we encountered that long ago with this machine um where the nozzle we had to reposition the whole system here to get it to be underneath the nozzle there so that we're always printing on the build plate yeah you don't want to print off the heated zone you want it to be heated that makes sense this one is on that but it's at the very edge of it and there's not much you can do to fix that because these rollers run right into this metal rail um if you go back any further so so then so i mean there are various ways that they could do but it's going to require some rework of them a a different bearing for this that's all that is really it's just the mount these these front corner mounts it's just a minor modification to that or um it's a very easy fix for them oh well that's okay well that's great i love that it's the same g code right i love that exactly the same g code that's good now uh there is a change and then i had the the um the i take that back there's no change in the g code i changed this machine steps per millimeter for on the extruder because it's using this this uh up here is supposed to they're a good factory one but i i get it i get it well um okay so we've talked about i will have one of those on here as well so that's what i want to get to so we've talked about the sturdiness of the machine and the build quality we've talked about the motion system we've talked about the extrusion we've talked about the belt system uh really at this point well before we get into okay before we get into your 3d chameleon let's uh let's just take a look back pull back a little bit let's just see both machines so bill with the person with your experience right i'm not going to tell you which one i'm not going to say which one's the better one but i'm going to ask you a targeted question and say who is the consumer for the cr30 versus who is the consumer for the i factory one wow that's an interesting question i haven't thought of um well okay see 030 comes mostly assembled right yeah this is is uh again yeah you're right it's mostly assembled and it isn't going to have as many snafus as this machine will it as it is right because this is a kit okay uh if you think about the you know the prusa mark iii you can get a kit or you can get it pre-assembled you know yeah um prusa saves so much money on support by doing the pre-assembled version okay right i mean back in the day that was that was why bree quit selling kits right yeah makerbot right because the support costs are so much higher um this is the hobbyist machine for sure okay okay because there's so much work you have to do to build the machine and i say so much work and you know you can build it in a date no problem um well wait wait you could build it in a day you no no you anybody can build it in a day by following their instructions getting it dialed in might take a little longer okay that's where the experience of knowing what it is being a hobbyist or being having the ability to experiment with it you're going to learn an awful lot this is the thing you're not going to learn anything on because you can pull this machine out and literally in 15 minutes keep printing apart okay um so then so then the reality machine is the fully assembled workhorse that's easier to get up and going and the factory is the for lack of a better term the cheap chinese clone um i wouldn't say the cheap chinese clone i i mean it's got some very good concepts in it it's a very good machine that don't get involved right if i if i if i build a crucia the right way it's going to perform just as good as a good machine and it's a kid absolutely if i pull up the wrong way it's going to perform poorly you're not going to have that experience here because you're not building it right right right that's the difference that i'm saying this machine has a much larger build volume than this okay i mean like i said it's 20 20 yeah easily that um and um and if you're an experienced printer you know user and you want to experiment with belt printers this is a fantastic machine to do that okay okay i this machine right here is is going to be a typical reality you know experience you open it up you throw it together and you start printing um it is going to work right okay well i want to make sure because i know people are in the comments i didn't mean i didn't i again lack of better terms what i meant by cheap chinese clone in that it's something all the parts are there you just have to put in the work to get it going right um now again they have options for um i think it was eighty percent pre-built in fact i guess i don't know if they're doing 100 pre-built or not i would highly recommend that 80 would be the cr-30 because it arrived with the the motion system the two supports that cr-30 was probably closer to 95 right because there's 12 bolts that you put together to put this together there's 12 screws right um this was 300 so but still but still with proper with proper time and skill you can put all those 300 screws together and get yourself a really good product oh definitely yep now especially if they they go ahead and do those changes that i recommended and others recommend to them uh i mean like i said this has none of those changes on it and it's still the same quality as this right i think there's something to be said for that too and there absolutely is it's a fantastic machine just like this one is they both have the same flaws in their prints again admittedly this one actually has the issue with the cooling at the very end but again a software tweak and experienced user will recognize that and know how to deal with that right that's right um this one hides that from you you know this has all the worlds in mind and everybody else's experience built into it from the get-go right they did not have that luxury so that's that's the they say um if they had somebody like carl you know working on this machine the way he worked on this machine it would be a different story altogether totally totally yeah okay well now they have a bill working on it though yeah and it looks like they have some good ideas though and it looks like yeah they have a lot of great ideas yeah it looks like if if if they can ship their kickstarter then it looks like what they're going to give their backers is is of a much higher quality product thanks to some feedback yes yes that's great yeah and and like i said it will produce equally as good apart as this machine right so well same g code man that that's that's brilliant i love other than the homing you know what we let me let me go ahead and clean this up and put these together and let them duel out real quick and while we're i would love to hear that because we still have to talk about 3d chameleon and what multi-color printing is for the uh so they were complaining about my other printers on the floor now you've got to take these prototypes these pieces of history and you're just going to throw them on the floor yeah it looks like you have a typical conference room table it is this is my conference room and i i haven't you know just uh just laying around here for now but look at that it's beautiful there we go oh it's still plugged in bill ah i'm glad that happened live all right from here we are going to well while you're getting it going i'll tell you what i'll set it up so i forget who it was on twitter but someone suggested you put two belt printers together and then they joust to see what happens um i had that idea as well i'm sure others did as well including bill and so he designed in tinkercad is that correct bill yeah yeah all of uh all of three minutes worth of effort there three minutes of tinkercad and they each have jousting spears or jousting swords or whatever what are they called uh yeah they're called uh jousting stories yeah that'll work sure jousting swords sure and uh each one printed at about the same rate like he said and so what he's gonna do now is is uh put them head to head and they're gonna joust we're gonna have a 3d print a belt style 3d printer joust live right here thank you thank you thank you everybody's like they're lances lances who was the first one to say let's see it was uh i get to give credit where credit's due so it was it was uh dad joke brian vines he did say he was the first one that alligator though um i gotta i gotta tell you so loyal said he'll give you 50 bucks for the alligator loyal i'll just print you one on this machine how about that now you guys are 15. i have to what this he's got to do better than 15. this took days to print days days look at that quality here i'm going to make your uh your screen big here let's take a look this was um pre-sliced g-code this was using inland pla yeah and this was the cr30 correct this flaw right there was that a power outage that was my uh my failed tool change or filament change i ran out of ran out of filament on it that that was the power failure there we go so that was the power fail resume and i mean it's it's only visible just a little bit there's not much there but everywhere else it looks like a really good print yeah it's fantastic they did this is really and people wanted to know about what's the tip how does it start there's the start of it you can see we actually printed on uh supports and this is where i removed this porch right there okay and that's thanks for showing us your tip that's the start of it starts from the tail and then ends up at the mouth that's pretty good yeah uh oh 4.99 chris are you out of your mind hold on there it is 4.99 do we know how much the eye factor will retail for i believe it's a little bit more expensive than the uh the cr-30 i've got the links for the kickstarter and for the i have the kickstarter cr-30 and the kickstarter i factory link in the description you can click those and then so that depends on where you're at there with that right the pricing is going to be dependent uh again with e-a-t um the i-factory will will not have v-a-t in europe i guess i believe that's the case but the reality will have uh the v-18 right yeah uh i think so price is about the same uh i'm not entirely sure how they're going to do that yeah i don't know either i am not uh i am not the shipping and logistics nerd i uh so i don't know too much about that so i'm going to raise the temperature of this machine this is another i noticed the software change difference between the two they're almost the same version of marlin but the pause on this one the paws um this one are two totally different things this one actually moves the part the head off of the part right factory does not you can still see it stuck on the part there so i i turn the heater off on this one i just let that one go um and i'm gonna turn the heater back up on this okay and then get that laptop closer because uh everybody's gonna want to see an excruciating detail 3d belt printer dueling this is exciting well hey everybody who's watching at this point take a moment take a sip of something tasty because you deserve it well can we have to be mindful of our hydration and our caffeination and dave from printed solid is doing the same thing for this stream as others if we get 500 likes he will give away five spools of filament a thousand likes 10 spools 1500 likes 15 spools link is in the description click that and enter and then if we hit a milestone we'll do a drawing at the end of the stream bam bam bam so this one has a purge function on it before you start back up you purge the filament again so it's kind of like a color change yep all right and now i can hit resume what's your resume look at that it should if you don't get me a better camera angle bill people are going to kill me i'm going to get you one but i can't walk that part oh it's gonna happen what's gonna happen that one i just heard it jump on something probably the bump that was yeah that's what it was it was the bump where it where it cold paused oh okay but it has resumed now what speeds are these printing at bill uh they are printed at 100 millimeters per second that was the slice okay but accelerations of their machines are going to uh dictate what they actually burn at right there the yellow and you can actually see the flaw in that one as well they both have the exact same flaw in about the exact same spot so um so that's something we're going to have to work on is the cold pause features of uh of these printers okay but really i mean as far as something to work on that's great i mean yes but but i don't think that's i mean if it doesn't work right now i think that's fine that sounds that's software right that is software yeah so we'll blame that on on marlin guys so uh for speed though what's our estimated time of uh abdul how long do you think it'll take to get there uh probably a total of 30 minutes 30 minutes you're killing me yeah that's fine it just means that we can take some questions so uh are you cool with that bill sure questions fantastic obviously i'm going to do my best to look in the chat but at this point we've actually talked a lot about the cr-30 and we've talked a lot about the ifa 31 both incredibly capable machines both with a similar background but both with a slightly different implementation and it looks like with what bill is able to tell the ifactory team they're able to study up their printer a bit and my guess is same with the cr-30 whatever backers get it's going to be a little bit or a lot a bit different than what bill and i have in front of us so the cr-30 and the ifactory one are set up to dual right now it's going to take roughly 30 minutes to get there it means we have time for a q a don't forget to hit like so we can do a drawing at the end but if anybody has questions specific questions about cr30 or the ifactory1 now would be the time to ask it and i'll see if i can't pick out some good ones from the chat this is a perfect one to start with how long do you expect the belts to last that is a really good question to be honest with you i have thousands of prints probably total on these belts without a any degradation of the belt material itself on both of them i can see ghosts of the of the previous prince and oh and but you can see ghosts on both oh yeah okay you can see it on the silver and you can see it on it and this is a silver belt this is black belt i see what you did there there's been no performance degradation that i've seen on either one of these belts they are both fantastic choices so um the i do not know what the cost of this belt is on the eye factory they did say replacements will be available um i know on the uh the creality the belt on the kickstarter is 40 but my understanding is it'll be 80 or something like that maybe correct us when she gets there um that uh that replacement that will be okay to be honest with you um if that is the if if the performance i'm seeing off these either one of these belts you might actually be looking at a year or more before you have to replace those belts i would assume and that's with like consistent printing 24 7. yeah yeah and literally that's all i've been doing with these machines since i got them they have not stopped printing um until you started the stream i mean well yeah i thought i paused them for the stream that was it but i've printed production parts for the 3d chameleon on this machine to validate them in fact i did on both of them and both of them produced identical quality parts and um i'm going to say they're they're not crucial mark free quality parts right but they are certainly high enough quality that we would ship with them okay that's that's saying a lot right there i mean when you say it's not the quality of a known quality it isn't that the print is bad it's that the geometry is bad um so remember when you're printing on an angle conveyor belt right you're actually printing at a 45 degree angle yep we designed our parts we initially designed them for a standard you know cartesian fdm and the layering is important on some parts like for example a bearing holder you need to have the layers you know and if we print them at a 45 degree angle we kind of lose that strength feature of that right and that's the only downside that we have on this that's really not bad though if you consider it that if that if that being the downside that's not bad you could certainly design the parts if they were designed for this environment right for this this printing process right right then they would easily be you know the same quality as the other right but but in our design we didn't do that right so that makes sense but that's okay uh next question from night train uh send in a high five by the way give him five bill bill bill get five there it is thank you uh does either printer filament run off shut off or pause print function um i think we demonstrated that both both do okay yeah so the filament run out sensor is right here and right here on both of them okay perfect and yeah you had to resume them obviously when we were going to be jousting again so power bill resume as well matthias much uh with i believe that's a euro 549. uh did you print petg with these printers i did petg on mine and it printed really well did you do a petg with yours all of our production printers all of our production parts are petg so i ran that on both of them and no problems no no issues whatsoever it seems like this belt and i would assume the belt that you have uh on both machines like part adhesion just isn't a problem is that true it really is not a lot of people think of libby but i mean i can rub my hand on these these parts are stuck they're they're not coming off so i remember uh teaching tech on his cr-30 he had to put hairspray on it yeah and i saw him do that but he did not calibrate his machine um and i i i tried chatting with him and he did not you know so uh okay yeah but you haven't you haven't had any issues with part adhesion on the bed i'm not not at all in fact it's too good in some cases i i can point you to this one right now it's actually wrapping around the front and i'm gonna have to peel the front of this up uh to get it to not get it to not wrap okay i mean i think that's strong like i said it's it might be too good in some cases uh and i i typically will back it up when i see that there's they do have an interesting feature they both support the baby step on the y-axis which allows you to remove it from the bill play oh i see i guess that would yeah i always have to think of because it's not it's it's why it's yeah that's really something that's missing on both of these and that's an auto leveling or auto bed detection feature it's not really leveling it's it's your you're trimming the y axis to the build plate so that you're right either one of them has a good solution for that um if you dial this machine in it will stay exactly where you dial it in this one not necessarily as good as that because the springs on the build plate are a little bit too flexible i think we oh much stiffer spring on that okay and now with that said my my build plate um the the components that were in the box were not the correct ones and i had to come up with my own solution i did use their springs and with a little plastic standoff on them just to get a little bit more attention but they still this still isn't what you're going to get if you buy this machine you know they'll they'll fix that and they were aware that they reckon they told me that right away it's like oh yeah we forgot to do that on those that's later kids have already resolved that oh that's great okay that i'm glad to know though i mean it seems like they're actively solving these problems that you're coming against um and the other guys on the that i've seen with this machine haven't had that issue so that's that's good like i said i believe this is a very early very early machine here how much is the design process going to have to change for 45 degree printing so whenever you're designing for a manufacturing process it has its own specific rules right um fdm has its own rules but we're so used to it the slicers do all that work for you we do know though that we have to have the parts oriented in such a way to get the proper supports and generally on those we would say straight up and down right on this style of machine even on my original machine because it's an angled build plate you still have the same problem and that your supports are now angled to the the build plate and not to gravity we're so used to thinking about gravity when it comes to these machines orientation to each other that you have to angle the supports for right right when you're designing a part you need to take that into account that if you want a part that's structural kind of on a layer line you're going to need to rotate that part 45 degrees to match that extrusion right um oh yeah see you see so if you if you have the ability to print the part in such a way and i say not just print the part but design the parts so those features are printed in that orientation right you don't necessarily have to rotate the whole part just rotate the features that you're interested in to get them to print it down right so it might oh okay okay when we build an object um here let me grab one here so if i'm building an object and i'm going to put a bearing on it there we go okay yeah maybe maybe it's better if i designed it so that the bearing isn't an angle right um that way when it's printing at that angle it's actually creating the the support structure for that um think about these these motor mounts right they're at an angle so when we when we print the parts if we printed these parts we wouldn't want this part printed in an angle and we're not going to have a flat base on the bottom yet there's just all kinds of little things that you're going to do to um to tweak it if you will to get it to get that support and strength where you need it right right people don't change for the material the rules change for the manufacturing process yes that's very true but you know one of the things that i think it was it was carl i think he said or someone said that when slicing you do the infill first and and then you and then you do the perimeters yeah why is that so um when we're designing a part we're slicing it normally right i mean when we're when we're printing apart we place it normally oh is the ifactory print going under bill um it's actually hitting the top plate here okay curved a little bit but it's hitting the top plate um so the reality one is coming straight off and again that's a function of the cooling yep so this is if i slowed this down it would work but well can you just uh turn off the heat on the bed um you know what i haven't actually tried that but that's a great idea yes i think we'll get part of it again right i just i just want to take a moment and and revel in the fact that you said i had a great idea okay feels good because if well if because if it's heated and it's now just hitting the the little plate at the end to kind of get it off then our tips aren't going to joust are they right so to make this fair competition i'm going to turn the heat off on this one too okay so my my idea for belt printer jousting is is getting the like the i-beam that's on the cr-30 and get that going on the eye factory because then you've got these flat surfaces going to each other and what happens when they meet do they pop off or do they that was initially what i was thinking of um but somebody said joust so yeah well are you so uh the uh and gordon didn't tell me where to go so thank you gordon i appreciate that uh the eye factor originally you were going to assemble do some stuff and then send it to me to feature on my show i is that still the case or uh yeah i'm just will that survive shipping i believe it will yeah um it would be if possible it would be nice if they could send me the upgrade parts okay i don't know if they can do that yet but if they can send me the upgrade parts i'll i'll definitely upgrade it for you and get it on there and then you know this silly single color extruders thing i i give her that so let's you know okay you're handling the jousting part quite well and i think it might be fun to talk about the 3d chameleon because when people think about pallet and and mmu there's the 3d chameleon which isn't as popular can you what is the 3d chameleon and how does it work i think is the best the best introduction for that let me grab a little machine here and show you so hey look people are well i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make you uh there we go go for it bill so the 3d chameleon is a four into one uh basically an extruder for your printer so in this case we have the prusa mini and we have the chameleon installed on it here so it is a four color changing uh extruder so you feed four filaments into here and if you can see the holes there there you go feed the fork into there and it drives them into the hot end and selects which one it wants to drive so we have two motors one is actually selecting which color to drive and the other one is actually driving it in this case the prusa stock motor is actually being used to drive it um it has a ability to actually select the color by pressing this switch right here so that's actually a limit switch that we put on the y-axis and you just bring this all the way to the front using g-code and that at the very first the the very end one millimeter is used to trigger that switch i don't know if you can hear that wow right it's just one millimeter travel that you're losing to to get that to trigger and that's talking to our electronics which are installed right here and then it's actually driving the motor for the selector so the idea here is that we have a a mmu style you know persona came out with their mmu that was a you know five color the original one was a four color um think about this as a combination of their two units um in a very compact design it's literally just a very compact wow it's also universal because we have our own electronics it can actually be mounted to any printer so as an example here it is mounted to the uh cr-30 right so this is the chameleon extruder the electronics you can just barely see the top corner of them right here and the limit right here so on this one we do the same thing the y-axis comes up and the very top one millimeter triggers the color change and you communicate with this by a coded sequence of button presses to the electronics right and z it's like morse code yeah a little more complex and more codeword base four language instead of a base you know two but yeah so let me grab a power cable here and i'll plug it in and show you uh while you're doing that so my buddy loyal uh he wants to know if he can buy that mini from you with the 3d chameleon on it so it's it's he can buy the 3d chameleon and he can buy a mini uh so the answer is yes um i think he wants you to build it for him oh you'll talk offline how about that yeah let's let's figure that out um so i'm going to turn this on okay come on so you can see the green light on inside of there and what's cool about this is the way it selects the colors is it uses you can see these two bearings here but there's actually two more on the other side of this cam so this the silver motor that you see here black and silver it's actually driving a cam system that moves these two selectors in and out and the the idea is is that we have a bearing in the drive gear and we're we're moving it like this right so it makes sense thumb and finger are our bearings my index finger here is the drive bearing there's drive gear on the motor and so the cam drives it one way to engage one side and the other way to engage the other side we have two of those stacked on top of each other so that's what gives us our four colors oh that makes sense so now again like i said the way you communicate with it is by pressing the switch so what i'm going to do is i'm going to home it and you'll see those you'll see those move so you heard that noise that's a that's a hard mechanical stop homing and now every time i press it for a quarter of a second it will advance one color it'll go back to the first color and that's it i mean by pressing it a quarter of a second at a time you can uh change the color that's so cool so now this particular configuration is the bowden tube configuration so it's feeding in directly into the hot end but we also have the direct drive configuration which is what you would find on [Music] the big brother right [Laughter] there it is mark three here we go i'll get you big again so on this guy we have our chameleon at the top and you'll notice we have two of our motors on it because they're both driving um ours and then this this motor here instead of using the stock electronics extruder motor we're using our motor to load the filament into the stock hot end here oh i see we load and unload that way and then the extruder and the other motor operate in sync that's right so only temporarily though it's only during loading when it's done loading we then let go and it pulls it in just exactly the same way the mmu does oh my oh that's oh that's perfect so and now let me plug this in here okay so now we have power we'll home it and you can see here as i as i press that a quarter of a second it changes each time right oh i see it um but let's do one other little trick thing here let's uh let's just take some filament and load it in here you're a wizard bill it's a lot of fun developing this how we do it on the prints by the way uh we've still got three inches or four inches to go okay so what i'm going to do is just load the filament into here and we'll go ahead and unplug that tube so you can see it actually we'll unplug it from the printer oh in fact i'll make it easier i just uh cory dork aquariums bill would go to hogwarts [Laughter] slytherin oh oh jeremiah's asking pva on the 3d chameleon is that possible yes i figured it was so actually we do not change the capabilities of your machine so if you can print uh whatever material on it already uh you that you'll still be able to do that so so here i have the filament loaded in here um and you know what it's actually better demonstration i think so make sure we don't miss that make sure we don't miss the jousting you're we're good we're plenty plenty distance i figured i'm just giving you crap so if i uh if i do this i pull the blue out yep and i plug the yellow in right so i can pull the blue out or yellow out and plug the blue in okay no problem right how do we get the printer to do that though that's the cool part this is where we press the button all i'm going to do is press the button there will be no other interaction except me pressing the command button okay now blue is loaded but it's not uh the the extruder doesn't have it selected so let's hold it for one second to reset it right now blue is selected so if i tell if i command it let's see move there and the command is going to be a three and a half second pulse one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four now the next time i press the button i press it for any length of time it's going to continuously move this filament look at that right now if i want to reverse that i'm going to do it for five seconds instead of three and a half so i'm let off i'm gonna press it again one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four one thousand five one thousand let off press it again it'll continue to move until i let off so i'm going to back this all the way out and we'll see it come out of the tube here and so all of these commands then that you're doing are just g-code to the bed to hit that switch that's right it's just moving the y-axis to that switch you move it one millimeter in to the switch to trigger one millimeter off to stop the trigger right so i'm going to switch to yellow by pressing one quarter second okay so now it's selected yellow you saw that motion there i did advance it again three and a half seconds one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four and now i'm going to press the button and it's now moving the yellow filament into the y adapter it's just coming through the middle here and now it's gonna stick out the top and right there look at that and then we do the same thing five seconds to unload one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand four one thousand five thousand and the second press it unloads so then obviously it's if we're talking about having to take an extra eight and a half seconds 10 seconds per color per layer yes we're going a 3d chameleon print is going to take longer to print i mean obviously any multi-color print is going to take longer is that any longer or shorter than a palette print or an mmu print um you know what on an mmu print not really because we're the difference is we're only moving it from here to here we're not unloading it all the way right uh on the policy right so on that on the end on the uh on the mmu that you have to unload it all the way back into the mmu so you've got all right since go to right um on the pallet though you don't really do an unload they're doing a hot cut and you know splice right so the color just changes so this is going to be much faster but it's also you know two and a half times the price so um and this is a little more universal from that perspective i think this actually works on pretty much any machine um i mean there's as good don't get me wrong it's fantastic design but it's it's a lot more right right uh jay's asking does that mean a little ooze but no color bleed or purge tower oh no no no you definitely have to have a purge tower because there's still going to be stuff in your hot end um you know that you need to clean out so you're definitely going to have the purge uh but that's a function of the software what that purge looks like it could be an edge purge where you're just squirting out a little bit of filament in fact on the cr30 here i actually have a bucket that attaches to the top here and when it comes up and does the home you know the trigger on the y it actually dumps into a bucket at the top here that's perfect yeah and now you could do something like the uh the big brain guys have with that little side uh blob maker thing oh that's right oh those are cool i saw that on the dye base machine yeah that's a clever little design it um so but uh yeah we'll leave the purge strategy and stop that's up to the software so we'll we'll do excellent um mystics joined in uh they're assuming the 3d community is using a purge block to switch colors how does the cr-30 handle it and that's what you just said where it has that purge bucket on the side right yeah so so there's a couple other ways of doing it it's kind of interesting you can actually do a purge into infill on a part with this the same way right so think about the way prusa does it okay so you can still do a purge into infill um they just don't have a belt version of prusa yet but what what i have is i have my post processor right so my processor can plug into cura i mean into a crucial slicer and it will process it just the same um so yeah so at that point purge into infill you can also do a side purge or however you want to do it that's cool man that's really seen some great uh innovative design changes because i remember the very first one was a lot of moving parts and a lot of ptfe and a lot of motors and now though it's a it's a nice compact neat software driven package so yeah that was the the idea was that we took a lot of feedback and and got a lot of feedback on that people hated trying to adjust motor currents right because every machine is different you change your electronics it's totally different well so we this design eliminates that we leave that to our electronics and our electronics do everything right so um that has the benefit of making it a much easier install because it installs pretty much the same way on every machine you know you you adapt the ptfe to to the hot end whatever it happens to be and you you print them out and either it's one wire or two wires but they're both from our electronics right so here you can see i've even so this is this is a cool mount because this is a generic mount it's a 2040 we have a 2020 version as well um this mounts onto the prusa but it also mounts onto the uh the frame here the af 2040 frame okay but we also have the 2020 mount it's the exact same mount it's just this bottom one is only spaced 20 millimeters away it'll also mount on these any of the 20 20 frames so i think uh uh stevie canuck and uh uh let's see and sporlock they're all asking about direct drive i think i think they missed it this is the direct drive version so uh the motor feeds the filament and then it gets out of the way and it lets the standard extruder motor just take show you that let me go ahead and advance this filament um one one thousand two are we doing on the belt three one thousand four one thousand where we are three inches okay and so what's happening now say it again um i'm going to load the filament in and i'm going to tap the button and let it go and show you that you can just pull it perfect 1 1000 to 1000 31004 okay so now i'm loading the yellow filament in so now it's going to load and then at one point you'll be able to just it'll disengage and you can pull it yep so so now that i have the filament exposed like this um i can just tap the button for a quarter of a second and it'll switch to any of the other colors we don't care which one right so as long as it switches and you just thought switch there um so now the filament is let go and i can now pull this so you're oh that's cool will actually grab a hold of that and and you know just start printing so the last a few seconds of the transition from this machine to this machine what you do is you drive both motors at the same speed and that'll load it into the stock hot end and once you've loaded it then you you press the button for a quarter second tell this guy to let go of the filament and now this the stock one's taken over so cool so here you can see this is the stock uh prusa hot end and you know this just since i pushed that away you just screw that back down onto there yeah essentially so once it's done being loaded on a direct drive system then it's really just a just the filament pathway there's no there's no restrictions on it it's just flowing and the extruder motor is doing all the work exactly yep that's cool and the electronics are actually mounted right here so i'm using one of the pre-drilled holes in the frame as the mount for this one uh but it could also be 80 20. but yeah that's a that's a nice little hidden spot for it yeah rcmaniacs asking any plans to support more than four filaments and i if i remember right when i've talked to you before four was is just a theoretical limit because you can go much it just depends on your coded pulses and how many you've got driving it so so right with this model here there's no limit i mean as long as you have a spot to trigger the switch you can actually command up to eight of these with one switch um so that's 32 units right there and then if you had for example another location for another switch you can put another 32 on it so i mean the nice thing is these are compact so four of them is in the size of you know basically two two two classic extruders we have four colors available there so you could have one here and one here and one here you know all in one machine right how many have what's the max you've built uh i've built my gigabot with 32 on it that's awesome but the protocol that they communicate with each other is they you know you don't technically you don't even need to have them communicating so for example if i had like the a30m from gtech it's a dual extruder machine um i can have one attached to each extruder and just have two switches and you know one on the x-axis one on the y-axis and and the cool thing with that is on the a30m they have their y-split hot end and they can both be driven at the same time so now i have two four colors that can make any other additional color by mixing them oh you're i mean that's almost uh that's almost rgb right uh could be yeah yeah wow and uh i will be demonstrating that at our next show whatever that happens to be it's gonna hopefully it's murph but you know yeah that printer right out there on the floor out there i haven't put it all together of course it's on the floor yeah all my printers this this this uh multi-color method multi-material method that you're showing off this is what you currently have installed on the cr-30 yes yeah it's uh it's what's been printing this sword all day so there you can see it installed right there have you done any multi-color prints on this r30 yet i have yes so um again i'm still look how close those are getting to each other we're just building this up cool cooling that was fantastic look how straight that is now that's great see i did have a good idea you're a genius and they're going to hit each other clearly so um but yeah so they have the electronics here and i have the switch let me run this around this way you can see the switch right here oh right there okay so that's that just rolls up again it's the very last one millimeter of travel on the y-axis here um triggers that cool yeah i have the cables routed inside of the channel here all the way down and you can see the cable for the motors come up and they're they're routed in the same wiring harnesses that everything else is so it's a very nice clean install oh clean and tidy that's yeah man that's great you know i'm trying to be professional here i understand well once once a lot of these belt machines are in the wild once the kickstarter ship you'll probably see some sort of influx of orders just because you're able to show it off working on a pre-production unit oh yeah yeah so uh these these units are shipping today so we've got you know we all of our back orders from when we uh did the virtual east coast represent we took orders and today was the magic day we finished shipping all the backorders so actually not just the back orders but all the recent orders as well so we're 100 caught up on on uh shipping those today finally sweet a lot of work to get there but especially with my uh you know with dana um taking a vacation in china for the last year so one day she'll be back and she'll be able to help out yeah actually she's she's helped out so much but yeah yeah all right man are they are they close they are gonna miss it one inch away oh half inches away so what are you gonna use your laptop camera oh other questions um uh let's see let me move this out of the way i don't know does anybody else have any questions out there for bill we still have a little bit of space in between our jousts our what lance's the lenses jousting lances it's hard to i'm looking and uh it's hard to see the black filament against the blackness of the parts of the eye factory yeah but that's okay you'll get the camera closer i'm not worried about it oh you know what here's a good question any issues with it clogging and i don't know if he means the 3d chameleon or if he means the belt printers um and the answer to that is no so i haven't had [Music] so on any filament change whenever you're doing it you have to do it proper right you have to have the proper tip shape and let me show you an example so oh yeah you have to extrude a little bit and then pull it out right yeah and and you really want to tip shape you know something bullet shaped like there right there so you want it nice and you know funnel shape so that it actually can feed into the spot you took it out of right yeah you also don't want the diameter any larger than the tubes that you're trying to shove it into so those would jam it so we actually spent quite a bit of research on on developing a ship taping a tip shaping algorithm to do that correctly uh and that relies on algorithm yeah so that wow the tool change code actually has a a very intricate process in it that kind of bounces it back in and out of the hot end it goes and dips it down in to clean out any debris that's in there and get rid of stringing and we did a lot of analysis of what the actual failure modes were to figure out what the optimal way of fixing that was wow and that actually is you know it looks like it's a very simple part but the y adapter that we have is actually way more complex than you would imagine we actually have some zones inside of here that we call forging zones and as as we retract the filament out of the hot end after we've done the dance inside the hot end to get it shaped we actually bring it up into here and we do continue to do the dance inside of here to make sure that it'll fit in the ptfe tubes and then it can easily glide through here and back down into the hot end i see so yeah quite a quite a bit of effort went into designing and you know re-engineering this over and over many times so brad had a question can it work on a delta and i would i mean i've seen it work on the artemis so i have it on i've got many machines with it on uh delta wise uh so we had uh at the in fact at the virtual east coast wrap request i had a machine here uh with it installed on it um the uh qq uh qq from fl sun oh that one yeah yeah that one i also have it on the uh the little uh mini the uh delta mini from monoprice i've got a little tiny version of it so yeah yeah easily works on the delta perfect well uh matthias i think matthias much metallized does the printer guard air detection work well in the eye factory and i don't think that's ready right as far as yeah that part of their raspberry pi that's their uh we call it spaghetti detective um that's the that's on there um that's not there look at this we're about half three-quarters of an inch away someone said put a piece of paper on that side just so we can actually see it do you have a piece of paper handy we could stick behind there like a white backdrop yeah let me see if i can find something nice there this is exciting we're gonna we're jousting we're belt work bill you disappeared there we go yes there we go oh that's perfect will it stay there yes here we go everybody take a look about a half an inch away from each other three uh three eighths of an inch one finger width away that's right it was rc maniac i remember him saying do this on twitter so it i would give some credit where credit was due i did crc maniac saying it onto the twitter now here's the cool part both of these printers have now started printing the uh uh i don't know what you call this the the the shield the hand shield right of my fancy design here which means it'll take longer right take longer to print i mean it's still got this area to go but they're they're obviously going to hit each other much sooner than that so we should start hearing breakages here soon yes yes hey it's super close so i had to uh prop up the cr30 on on some printed pieces here to get them to the same level the ifactory's build plate is about uh three quarters of an inch taller so you can see this block here i had i print it oh i see that's under all four feet i think we're there right are they are they jousting they are not touching yet they're two millimeters well the problem is the yellow is over the top of the black for now can the laptop camera get any closer um let's see can't believe we're here doing this okay are you team yellow or are you team black hashtag team yellow or hashtag team black i don't know what's that yeah there you go it's at the the uh the blacks tip is a little uh it's got a you know got a little droop in it that's the one of those fancy spare uh uh a parrying sword it's a foil that's right yeah when when doing uh just start they just touched each other yellow is oh yeah they literally just came in contact with each other oh it's happening it's happening that yellow is pushed the black down further oh let's see that it bend it even further i do yellow is bent a little bit too but okay i think yellow's gonna break it oh it snapped up a little bit there i was gonna say i think yellow is gonna break its tip off because it's so much thinner than the black tip with that area but yeah it's pushing it back down again so what are we hoping for what um what what do we want to happen uh i want them both to break at the same [Laughter] time i think it's going to snap back up in a second here again oh we got the camera on it and you are full screen so we'll see what happens i just i was something should happen oh yellow is breaking oh no it creased it broke right on the the yellow tip is so much finer in that very tip because just because of the lost point yeah it it wrapped around on the bottom so yeah so that's well i'll tell you what they both have a gorgeous print but both of them did a really nice job let me let me go ahead and show you that while that while they're fighting it out let me show you the quality of the print there you see that it looks really good yeah they're both they're both identical in quality and since they're both using the same g-code that's a good thing yep yep look at this the little tiny tip that broke off the black one is also gone now off the yellow one so now the yellow is going to be uh a lot stiffer and it's again diving back into the black again you can see it pushing it back down jeremiah says this is so my sport now honestly like 3d belt printer jousting everybody has to come up with their own design something that's you know their own belt and they have to go against each other and so i think we've got two firsts here today uh maybe three we have two belt printers competing face to face that's one right that's yup yup now sting that's two and number three the cr-30 is the first four color bell printer in the world i believe i think that is correct i'm pretty sure it the yellow just poked into the black oh okay we're prepping for damage now yes it's it's uh oh yeah it's it's uh naomi's not gonna get to see the end thank you naomi not sure if you're still there but i appreciate you joining in on this little stream of ours thank you very much oh look at them fighting they're they're bouncing now oh yeah look at that [Laughter] this is such a sport [Laughter] oh man i i don't know what's going to happen like i'm something the yellow just poked right into the black it's inside of it right now oh something something's gonna happen i think everybody who's team yellow is uh is is really on the maybe the right side of history here uh mattis 3d creations does say that's a prison shank fight yes uh the yellow is uh it actually snapped off inside of the black oh really yeah so it poked a hole in it and then that tip broke off so i would say there's equal damage to them each right now but the yellow continues to bend the black down into it i think what what's going to happen is it's going to be a war of attrition here and the black is actually going to run into the creality logo uh because the yellow has been pushing it down into it see how that angle is right yeah yeah and i believe that might be the death knell for the black if we continue this this is awesome wait where'd it go there we go phil says that this video will get demonetized okay so so then are we at the end are we there's really nothing else that's going to happen with that with the belt uh right i think uh we're gonna see the tip of the black break off here uh actually the i believe the yellow might break off too because i believe it's gonna run into the same issue oh really okay oh oh wait a minute what am i hearing i don't know i'm i'm hearing cracking from somewhere so what if is part adhesion still good on the bed part adhesion is fantastic on both machines they're both uh absolutely perfectly on the bed all the way down even while they're cool that's cool that's really cool yeah they're both look identical inhibition wise uh 26 more likes on this stream and dave from printed solid will give away five spools of filament um it's like watching a car crash in slow motion yes you always want to do a rewind on them and watch that again and again and again right that's right so you know what these look pretty much like a draw to me wow a draw a literal draw yeah well it's um you know what we can do so here i'm going to come back in so why don't we let it keep going because we are now over 500 likes and so i can do the draw for for the five spools of filament from dave how about we do that while you're still we'll draw while we watch the draw well good i'll get this set up i'll put you back into the big screen there and then uh there we go okay so i'll set up for the draw let's see i will see setting up for printed solid jessie play draw there we go see it's cool so i can do there we go i can put it i can put my uh my note on the screen there there we go wow we got plenty of draw okay well good so obviously you have to be present to win and i check by tagging people in the chat let me go to the form and uh i'm gonna go to the form and we are going to then what are we gonna do we are gonna take the form and uh stop accepting entries because i mean i don't think we're gonna hit a thousand so that's fine so we're uh we're not accepting responses now in five four three two one there we go excellent excellent i gotta load up wheel of fish wheel oh fish and we're gonna go by youtube screen name there we go i'm getting a set up okay so i'm gonna click to spin i've got a name okay let's see if they're still in there well shoot this person is no longer with us i have to redraw i tried okay we're drawing the next one oh i have a name oh my goodness this person isn't with us either wow well that's unfortunate okay we remove and we draw again i'm trying you guys i'm trying this person might be with us how about how about this is the third name that's not with us i'm kind of sad about this people have to like stick around you know well let's let's draw again both these printers are are just performing so good i i there's absolutely no way wrong with either one of them i'm so happy to hear that i am so happy to hear that okay fourth name not there fourth name is not there so we draw again wow four i'm just gonna come out and say this right here the fourth name four four people four people okay so here's oh okay here's a name um the fifth name is not in the chat that's unfortunate okay here's the sixth name not in the chat boy this is tough to give away a spool of filament i think they should they should just give one to everybody let's see i okay now let me search for this person that person's not here either wow this is terrible i'm so sorry they don't have a tool for doing a snapshot of users right now no no they have to click a link and enter in the description yes yes there we go the first person oh the first person let's run into the creality logo cool we're going to see some we're going to see carnage here in this oh yes i can hear it cracking and yellow is just pushing it down well the first winner is brandon donnelly congrats brandon there we go and i will mark that as win okay so so now we spin again and if i go here look at that something bad's gonna happen man okay let's see if this person is there perfect they are this person is here as well i will mark them as a win there we go so you know i'm gonna while we're doing that i'm going to show you guys something well here hold on look at that oh thompson thompson is a winner congrats rem thompson oh man congrats you won a spool marked it down wait what are you if you're showing something i'm going to make it full screen again yeah i want to show two things actually just one thing but a lot of people wonder what the scene does the joint does to your print and if you take a look at that i don't know if you can see that i can't see the screen yeah we can see it literally there are no artifacts at all in the print from that scene and the exact same thing is true of the creality you can see the steam there there's no artifacts at all right there so yeah so that's great the joints do absolutely nothing to the part i can on my belt i can see the joint in the part uh in the um on the bottom the bottom left but yeah but there's nothing there's no structurally nothing structurally wrong with it so here you can see the uh zigzag pattern of of this machine right so that's the zigzag you see right here oh that's right and you can see the shadow in the part here and on the creality their skin is straight across um i actually don't see it in the bottom of the print here oh you don't yeah actually i do i do right here it is wow that's a so faint though i don't know if it'll even pick up on the camera here let's see if i can get it you'd need a better camera there well if you're going to be a youtuber we got to get you a good camera see it right there straight line across can you see that color change right there uh oh i see it i do see it it's you got to get the light just right to see it but that's it right there that's the only artifact i just uh i have to show this off um loyal moses won a spool of filament [Laughter] loyal i gotta know um uh you would be the third winner but if i don't think you need another spool of filament would you like to throw it back into the pile oh my goodness uh i mean i don't want to make any decisions for you loyal but i i my guess is you'll probably uh if i miss it loyal you gotta let me know oh wait what okay the because of this interface the super chat's come up uh dang it okay hold on because something happened okay so legit loyal has said that if his name is drawn then the next draw gets a prusa mini thanks to loyal wow wow okay well uh come on loyal do they i'm assuming that they need to be um they need to be present to win is that right i'm assuming just just making sure and yeah i have to have to be present okay i'm seeing it have to be present present to win okay here we go this is uh okay so first of all i have to mark loyal as winning a roll of prusaman i'm sorry not proof cement printed print installed jesse pla he already has plenty of proof of it he has plenty of printed solid too now get flustered you guys so okay do we do it okay i'm going to take this out i'm going to do a spin i'll put you back there you go bill look at that oh look at that yeah the tip is broke off over here it's it's hanging down on the black okay so right now uh i'm sorry i missed the super chats but right now i am drawing for a prusa mini thanks to loyal and uh i have a name let's see if they are in the chat okay i'm searching oh no this person is not here sad sad okay well we draw again being present to win is tough on a stream where you never know where it's going to end here we go i have a name i have a name let's see if this person is here oh no this person is not here okay it's gonna take me forever to do this at least you guys can watch uh belt printer's sword fight joust not a sword fight well i guess a a lance is a sword so it is technically sword fighting just not like not like in the princess bride i mean and really i i designed a sword right that's oh that's right this is your creation yeah and these are the old versions they're faceted the new ones are actually smooth much better design you know iterative design that's how you do that for a belt printer you gotta you gotta redesign parts this is a good example right these these flaws in here because it's a belt printer and the weights oh look at that look at that a lance is not a sword stevie canuck says so like i mean i understand i understand okay so let's see it's a really really long sword or a bicycle uh you know racer oh i have a name we'll see if they're here this person is not here either ah so the end of the black is actually just curling up i didn't even think about this when it's hitting the belt the creativity dump is actually driving it down so it's curling up like a snail shell oh really yeah and the yellow is just passing right over the top of the black actually assisting it and driving it down into the belt okay i i was thinking that the the black one would actually dive under the yellow and actually peel it off the build plate oh but the but the actual belt on the chirality is grabbed ahold of the tip and there's steering it away from that okay listen this this person is also not in the chat as well so this is uh this is getting kind of uh ridiculous so listen um for drawing the names this is going to be for the prusa mini we still have two spools of filament left to go as well i can put up the wheel of fish and and take a look at the names and then uh then you guys can see everyone that's either here or not or that person can jump back in right because i'm just trying to tag them in the youtube chat interface so so i can uh okay i'm gonna put up the wheel of fish when a name is drawn that person has to has to come forward in the chat i have to be able to see that they're a part of the chat so i don't know how the best way is to do that yeah and everybody says they're here that's great if only the wheel of fish would pick you right so i'll try it one more time one more time this is for a prusa mini from loyal moses himself and uh okay i have a name i have a name okay this i'm just so again i i'm not saying this person is a winner here's what i'm saying this person it picked this little termi love the name i cannot tag you in the chat interface so i don't know if i don't think you're there and i would just pick a new person and so that's so so that's this person it says they're a winner but i cannot tag them in the chat interface no one can see them so we're drawing again we're doing it live here we go oh there you go yeah we're doing it live here we go they have to verify they're here mark causiel is mark causiel here see i i cannot tag a mark causio they are not here okay we we spin again wheel of fish goes on here we go this is for a prusa mini tanker dad71 are you here i don't i i am not able to tag a tinker dad 71. so we spin again i'm working on it so so we spin again here we go this is for a prusa mini a prusa mini and it is raw chompa i i don't see them here i don't see them here okay i am i'm kind of sad about this so here's what we're gonna do listen we're gonna spin again we're gonna get it jasper is a jasper here there is a jasper hot diggity jasper you have won a prusa mini that's awesome there we go that person is there there we go okay i will mark jasper corman sec corman sick jasper and i will mark them as orange in my spreadsheet for the prusa mini okay okay this is going to be for um there's two spools of filament left wait hold on hold on look at that an interesting turn of developments here the black has actually folded over the tip completely underneath of itself and is now peeling up the white or the yellow blade off of the you can see it's lifted it up about three four millimeters here so if this holds up the yellow doesn't stand a chance right off the build plate jousting jousting at its best wow bill so not only that if you take a look at the hilt of the uh sword you will see a flaw in it uh-oh where that that actually was caused by the black one doing that the black one is absolutely perfect all the way back to the hill here two more spools of filament we got to give it away darn you dave at printed solid there we go that person is here fantastic so one more winner of printed solid jesse pla is nicholas hansen there we go i will mark you as good to go there we go okay last one last one and we'll go back to there we go just gonna pick the last one last one last one last one spinning now i have oh that person is not here [Laughter] oh geez okay spinning again i guess a lot of people just kind of jump out and don't want to stay the whole time right that's understandable there we go i have a i have a fifth a fifth person that person is robert haye robert haye is our fifth and final winner there we go well we've got five printed solid jesse pla winners and we also have one prusa mini winner look at that ah well uh hey bill how you doing fine so what's the what's going on here what do we have i uh i think we have a draw here okay we'll have to repeat this when the eye factory machine comes to me i think i think that's fair yeah probably and maybe instead of using uh two sharp tips to to joust i will use maybe like a like that i beam or that block and maybe we'll get printers pushing printers across the table or whatever right two printers enter one printer leaves turn them around this way sure why not uh what time is it oh my gosh it's eight o'clock i'm gonna get home and have some dinner hey bill thank you for joining us here on this stream thanks for having me i would uh i would love it if you could tell the audience the various cool ways that people can find you because obviously you're w w j steel with me on the twitter but but what about 3d chameleon what about polar 3d yeah 3d um yeah polar 3d obviously but uh yeah i uh i don't really do anything with polar anymore because of uh the relationship with ge i actually work at ge so um you know they that was a there's financial interest there that i couldn't have to i didn't want to deal with but uh you work on cool stuff at ge i do i do i do some cool stuff yes i design 3d printers for ge in case you don't know uh those of you out there don't know i um big industrial printers right we're not talking about bedflingers we're not talking about you know these uh the delta machines we're belt machines we're talking about industrial yeah we make jet engines so yeah yeah yeah that's just so cool um and uh this is this is i just absolutely love to see where these belt printers have come and i can't wait to see where they're going to continue to go you know i i designed that first one oh my gosh back in 2014 somewhere around in that area that's that's forever ago yeah yeah and seeing you know when i saw carl's i just fell in love with his the white knight and just absolutely the same thing with the black belt i saw those designs oh my gosh they're they're they're you know they're going to take off but the cost was a little prohibitive and i'm so happy to see these 7 000 machines here that are that are you know becoming available and i can't wait to see you know where both of these machines go um they're both you know gosh they're both producing parts of that kind of quality that's that's you know that's 3d printer quality it's what we expect them to do right absolutely absolutely and i'm so happy to see that i can't wait for the others that are will be coming in the future to come out as well you know yeah me too man well this was cool well again thank you bill for uh for doing this this was a lot of fun i want to say thanks to everybody who stopped by to watch uh congratulations to all the winners uh thanks to loyal for actually donating a prusa mini someone's gonna have a really wonderful christmas and uh thanks for all the super chats those was that that super chat war going back and forth was just crazy believe me i owe bill a nice steak dinner and a tasty beverage once we can gather but uh listen stay safe be awesome and we'll see you on the next one i've got a fan mail friday coming up and this sunday uh bill you might like this this sunday uh it's uh it's a rocket themed episode oh nice yeah yeah with with with some slow motion footage it should be like rocket stuff spacex guys you did a wonderful job today that was so cool that was so cool listen we'll see everyone later and uh uh hug each other more and from a safe distance high five high five bill high five
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 35,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: white knight, belt printer, creality cr-30 kickstarter, creality cr-30, naomi wu, 3d printing, belt 3d printer, 3d print mill, 3d printing nerd, creality cr-30 belt printer, naomi wu 3dprintmill, ifactory one, ifactory printer, ifactory one 3d printer, ifactory 3d one, bill steele, polar3d
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 49sec (8689 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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