Epoxy Countertops over Plywood, Huge cost savings | Stone Coat Epoxy

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guys do you want to learn how to make  countertops from scratch do you want to learn   how to go pro in this video we're going  to show you how to use epoxy to cover   countertops and save thousands of dollars  right here that's epoxy that i've previously   mixed up right there it's a different flavor of  epoxy when i mix the two together it looks like   exotic stone we are mimicking mother nature  and we're gonna pour this bucket right now diy revolution right here you got this   inside the seat cutting upside  down eating sawdust for a living we're changing the game guys if you're in  it to win it if you're a remodelaholic if   you're a contractor if you're a do  it yourself for a weekend warrior   you want to know what's about to get thrown  down on our mountain to a million subs   subscribe ring the bell to get notified  every time we have a new video thanks again you're going to learn step by  step a counter top master class   that will save or make you thousands stay tuned  everything is included right here right now okay cool i'll follow you this is why we use MDF that's bowed but we're  using this on site because i could screw down to   each cabinet while i'm only two foot to each cabin  while it'll get rid of the bow but i like plywood   for overhangs on an island as opposed to two  sheets of mdf gives you a little bit more rigidity   and so we wanted to match that around the kitchen  here so we'd have the same exact thickness uh guys what i love about doing a rock face edge  is the cutout i don't have to be perfect if   i needed to be perfect i'd use my saw guide  have you seen the saw guide it's perfect for   straight cuts on site it's the  solution to bad cut pollution guys we're out here on site we're cutting we're  making sawdust and we're creating countertops   from scratch if you're enjoying this video crush  that like button help us get higher in the queue   so see this gap here so i'm  kind of following that now so that'll get rid of my hump  then i'll go cut that out   that'll make that tight to the wall where i  don't need as much caulking to hide the gap look at that look how tight it is now so if you've  ever done T1-11 sheeting drywall anything that's a   four by eight sheet it's usually every six inches  on the perimeter you'll put a screw and every foot   on the field or the center of the sheet good that  you'll put a screw and then when you put screws on   seams like you'll see here you really zipper  them where you got a screw here a screw here   and then i'm going to put a screw right here where  it looks like a zipper or it's stitched together i like that it doesn't move from my track  so i'm trying to get around this stuff let me try to negotiate that through the table saw  by yourself ooh nice and cool in here all right all good all right let's screw her in so so so silly all right you got two options when doing new  construction you can go mdf or you can go plywood   what are the benefits of mdf it's flat it's not  bowed and it's the same material all the way   through so we like mdf because it's flat we fought  the bow you can see in this job there's bowed   plywood so we no longer are fighting that because  we've screwed that to the cabinet but we also have   an underside that's exposed plywood we wanted  to do a really nice plywood because on the other   end over here where this giant overhang is a i  needed rigidity why because this is going to be   a bar with a big overhang i didn't want two pieces  of mdf that might bow over time this is going to   be much stronger you can also put in corbels steel  supports or any other structural member that will   hold and support any overhang all right why are  we building on site as opposed to templating   and taking it to my shop well this is a huge run  i'm going to take the island to my shop i'm going   to do the buffet here on site i'm going to do  the vanities at my shop anything small crisp   and concise that'll fit in the truck really easy  without these giant seams it might be better to   do off-site but this thing would be cumbersome to  travel with it would be huge it could easily get   off a little bit you know that distance to that  distance is a long way a quarter inch off there to   there translates to a lot more than you think so  we're doing this right here on site i have a new   secret weapon we got a drip rail gutter system  that's going to catch all the drips and stop   any mess our goal is zero drips let's see if we  get it all right guys it's really important pro   tip to caulk any seam where it meets your cabinet  your back wall anywhere that's not waterproof why   because epoxy finds level especially stone coat  epoxy it's designed to lay out like a sheet of   glass therefore we're going to caulk this to make  it able to lay out like a sheet of glass because   it's not going to run behind our cabinets because  we're going to caulk out the seam you use delicate   surface tape first because then you won't hurt  the lacquer on the cabinets or anything like that   another pro tip is have a prep tote have  a prep tote have your hand tools separate   have everything organized when you're on site  and your projects go much more professional so i'm taping it right up here tight to the  face frame and then i'm giving myself added   insurance right there just to bring everything  over my tape and then i'll plastic from there like i said my goal is no drips on this so i'm  going to go right here on the bead of that drawer   just to give me some some tape strength don't  go cheap on how much tape you use tape is a   lot less expensive than refinishing cabinets i  got i got delicate surface then i got the blue   now we're going to put our our plastic up from  there and tuck that at the bottom of the cabinet   and then the gutters so really when you go on base  cabinets you want to get the three foot plastic   that'll cover all the way down to the ground but  you don't have a bunch of excess you got to deal   with so i'm going to shove it all the way back  in this corner that's where people go wrong is   they don't get it beyond that and the epoxy will  come down here and leak behind the tape so make   sure you iron that on now i could take my delicate  surface and stuff and i'll finish that off but now   we're we're started well here's what i do is i'll  go to my next length here at the corner because it   see where it jogs in right here i'll put my tape  right there where it jogs in and then i start here   i iron it tight and then i go to that jog and  i push it in don't just try to bridge that gap   where you pull it tight and and you don't jog it  in jog in and follow all of those details and you   won't get any any leaks now i have two layers  of tape which is probably unnecessary until   you get a leak and then it would definitely be  necessary so take your time don't skimp on tape   and you'll be you'll get a really flawless job  i don't like wrinkles either the the moment you   get a wrinkle is where it wants to pile up and and  make a mess so i tape it up past the inside corner   oh i don't want a wrinkle past that inside  corner and then i'll pull that long length   of tape halfway like that and then i push this  into the uh see i'm keeping it tight there i'm   keeping all this nice and tight and then i'm  pushing it to my original delicate surface tape   and i'm pushing it deep in that corner  no wrinkles and coming around my post and   that's how you get an inside corner that doesn't  leak all right have you guys seen us do the rock   face edge where we use the grinder to pre-rough  up the mdf to give it that natural appearance   well i don't want to create mdf dust in sight  so necessities the mother of invention we're   going to use a razor knife to give this an  organic look let's do it right now watch this so you can see guys we've plasticed off  here we plastic off to isolate this section   away from the rest of the house the reason we do  that is because bondo is messy no no stinky yes one of those adjectives so let's open this up   get some air going on here i'm  gonna dish up with the hand oh yeah i did so this is where you give it that rock  appearance right here i'm just skipping my hand   on it long lengthwise and the  more you do this as it dries   the rougher it will be but we  don't want too rough of an edge this is going to take very little  sanding this is a good edge to do on   site because when you tappy when you tap  it there's a lot of sanding you got to do   look at that i mean we're  almost sanding this as it dries   that looks very real man all right guys i  i didn't really i don't really like these   corners being total 90s so i'm going to jigsaw  just just kind of round them over a little bit i like it i do too i like it let's do this side fred flintstone corner right there and  then we'll just put a little bondo on that   you can leave that you could leave some high  points on there i'm gonna anywhere there's   screw heads definitely need to bondo that and the  the nice thing about bondoing the edges like this   is that's the most porous part of mdf  and plywood so if you do that it lay it   it doesn't have rough edges where if if you did  like a smooth edge you got to do multiple coats   of paint to get that smooth and the bondo does  that for you so i i prefer the rock face edge over   anything especially on site like if you're  going over old countertops you could hide so   many imperfections by choosing this this edge you  can see how smooth this is i'm just going to start   giving it some life giving it some texture i use  the back of my glove but as it starts to dry see   how it's high right here i'll scrape that low and  just give it some texture i like that wow what a   good first day we got started with a bang what did  we do we prepped the floors we got the substrate   ready with two layers first layer was plywood  we screwed that down the second layer was mdf   we glued that with titebond 2 to make a permanent  sandwich after that i came through and i prepped   the cabinets first starting with delicate release  tape after that blue painters tape then three mil   plastic use the thick plastic don't go cheap  and you won't make a mess and you won't stress   next step we came through with the razor knife  and i did a rock face edge with no mess and again   no stress we didn't want any dust then came the  bondo the bondo was fun we used our hands we used   gloved hands and that's the best trowel you can  possibly think of we added that and then we did   the seams by covering that seam gives a seamless  look and that's one of the big benefits of doing   an epoxy pour on site you have zero seams say  that in any other substrate any other countertop   you can't beat the look of stone coat all right  we're laying out sinks i'm going to lay out our   kitchen sink i know that i got an inch and  a half overhang i got a three quarter inch   uh cabinet face and then i'm gonna have a lip  to catch that cabinet face but i'm gonna go   four and a half inches that's a pretty safe  setback it gets you easy access to your faucets   on a standard depth sink i'm going to center  this in my sink cabinet a quick way to do that   is a speed square coming down to the center of  my cabinet door so i'll grab that speed square   we'll get a center point i'll get my four  and a half inch set back i line the center   of my template up with the the face of that  setback and i got an easy cut out let's go so this we're going to have to oversize cut it  because we'll never get that sink in we should   have done that prior to this that's going to be  a multi-tool from underneath but in the meantime   this can catch our epoxy best masking ever  i'm going to use 220 grit to sand this edge   that's just going to make it smooth to  the touch but i want to leave a lot of   this detail it's easy it's fast not a lot  of dust let's see if this catches most of it why did we create our own gutters why not  just use a gutter that you could find at any   old hardware store well these are mini gutters  they're made out of HDPE which epoxy happens to   not stick to so they're reusable why do we have  a groove underneath well that's for any little   curtain rods that you can use to grab underneath  that groove to reinforce it especially if you're   going to go to a smooth surface such as granite  or tile or something that you can't screw into   like you would on mdf or plywood we have a nice  lip that will marry the underside of my plywood   that way i can screw right to that and it's going  to catch all my drips it's the no drip lip okay   when i pull this off i'll be able to reuse this  time and time again i will cut this to size   but i'll keep all my cut pieces that way next job  they're already cut i don't have to miter them   anymore again you could start at your ends and  work your way to the middle and then just tape   the middle so that you have a catch to drop it  right into a bucket here we go when i install this   i just want that lip right set back behind the  countertop edge that way it builds up right there that right there and then  i'll screw that in right there i'm taping it okay i got it from here thanks  man that installs actually pretty fast um so you stick these in here okay and that's going to get me right here and then i just trace right here  where i want that 45 to come out boom you want to cut this upside down  you don't want to try to catch that lip   cut this upside down and it won't tear out on you cut it really slow you want to have  a very fine tooth blade when you cut   this stuff and go nice and slow  safety is your first priority all right we're going to try a  safer method with some snips here   and see if that's better than the saw oh  that actually cuts really easy with those that's how those connectors work and then i'll put another one here to catch that piece they told me do all right we're back on the job site we're  prepped we got the edges ready to rock and roll   we're gonna pour our epoxy add  our additives and this time   i'm gonna make two different buckets i'm  gonna make a contrasting white bucket and   a contrasting dark bucket and then we'll  pour those at two separate exotic pours   and see what happens i think i'm gonna like  it a little bit better with more contrast so here we go this is the fun part baby i'm just breaking surface tension that's  all i'm doing here just so that'll flow pretty see this excess bucket mat made we're just gonna  pour this behind the sink put it back there that's cool i like it all right let's  mix up our next batch i'll torch that out   you just throw them in there  randomly huh yeah just random the light bucket and dark butt bucket is uh   turning out to be a decent  choice here ready for this oh that's dark oh yes nice okay that was light and now this is dark just going in and filling the  spots that need some product oh that's a nice color man i'm just going to go through here and break  surface tension tool of choice got from the   doctor it's called a tongue depressor or a gloved  hand it's ideal conditions right now it's it's in   the 70s here it's uh it's flowing like magic we  got plenty of working time i mean you see we're   we're mixing that for a substantial amount  of time and it's got plenty of time i don't   have to be in a hurry boy that looks very  elegant see i don't like these blobs here so   i'll just kind of move that move that blob a  little bit maybe connect the blobs right here that looks awesome look at the pro okay guys i hope you had fun watching what we  did here did you have fun i had a great time   you yes we had fun it's a consensus it was fun  what we're gonna do is let this dry for about   four hours my brother mitch he told me come back  four hours later and peel that tape i always   go too soon and let too much roll off the edge  remember we poured this heavy we poured it thick   we did that because we don't want to pour another  coat tomorrow we're gonna do ultimate top coat   we're trying to expedite the process and go one  coat ultimate top coat done and time to have fun   all right guys we'll see you in a few minutes  well four hours for me right now for you all right guys it's been about four hours check  this out we got a little bit of a drip in this   gutter and you could tell how sticky that is these  edges should be good i'm gonna start peeling it   back and you can see that it's really starting to  dry so we're going to peel this off and heat these   edges up and see if we can't get this to flow over  so we want to pull it down away from that edge this is how you get glassed out perfect edges yeah we had a leak there and the tray just  grabbed it for me and now i have edge material all right we got the edges coated let's  heat up the top edge so it just flows   over and we get a really glassed out finish yeah yeah that's good all right it is the next  morning it's been about 16 17 hours and you can   see everything is dry that's our garbage let's  get the garbage out of here we're gonna remove   the masking we're gonna remove the gutter  system and we're gonna top coat this let's go   our gutters work flawlessly last night you saw  how i peeled the tape but then as it continues   to drip instead of getting on the floor where  the cats and the dogs and the kids can step in   and track it everywhere it's all isolated right  here in the gutter so what i'm going to do is   score anything that's that's overlapping  from the edge to the gutter and then i'm   going to remove the gutter system let's see  how this turns out this was our initial launch   we're trying to test these out let's  see how it worked out here we go look at that okay finding the screws we had zero leaks i mean look at the plastic  usually we had just epoxy all over the plastic   super clean man all right so let's  do this test man oh look at that nice yeah it works good dude yeah you definitely want to score that so you  don't loosen up what's glued on that front edge   i'm going to take my multi-tool now  and just cut any roughness off of that   ripping the duct tape out and  needs to be ready for the next job boy that is awesome man sweet and then  i would just stick your connectors you   know got a little bit of goo on that connector  peels right off stick your connector back in   you're ready to go and guys check this out we cut  this on a chop saw we cut it by hand with snips   and we have tried a couple of different saws in  this miter box and the hacksaw in a miter box is   really fast and really clean watch out watch  how easy it is to miter this with a hacksaw so that's really safe really fast no need  any power tools on site when you do that   i would definitely recommend the yellow miter  box i i swore i would never use one of these   anytime you go to the molding section or the tool  section and you see someone get one of these you   know that's their first time doing baseboard  but it works really good for the gutter system   the yellow miter box now we're pre-mitered so  like if we come to the next job you start on   your your corners and then you work your way  into the middle and it'll be easy fast build   you know you're not going to have  many jobs that have these kind of pop   outs this is pretty unique you won't be doing  small little miters like that very often   heck you can even just set up corners just a  foot a foot and then build from there be fast that's money right there all right i got 220 grit i'm just gonna  knock this bottom edge just smooth   and uh go from there turn  your speed all the way down what you don't want is a high point down here that  high point will be somewhere somebody could come   pick that and try to peel your epoxy so by sanding  that makes it one and then when i do the ultimate   top coat i'm gonna leave this plastic on i'm gonna  roll it underneath my countertop as well then i'll   peel the plastic when i'm all done i will have no  mess on my cabinets and everything will be like   enveloped in an envelope really good idea so that edge is smooth underneath now man i like taking the gutters off  first i'll undo all those screws   and then i'll pull that gutter down and score  it as i go so it kind of gives me some weight   to show me right where to run my knife  so i don't cut my gutter or my countertop guys these are ideal for inch and a  half overhangs that allows you to get   your screw gun back there and get the screws out so you don't want to come here  after this is hardened up   you want to come right after you pour the next day  peel your gutters off and you won't have a problem   you wait a bunch of time  it's going to be much harder guys yesterday i used about six ounces  per square foot that's about double that   i normally use because i wanted to do that  flood coat with an exotic pour but the result   is i don't need a clear coat today because i got  the build up and the layout that i'm looking for   even though i put additives in it now i'm going  to make it food safe by applying that top coat so   that top coat is going to give me that durability  that stamp of food safeness and i'm going to have   a counter top to last for years to come it's easy  to apply we're going to roll it on with the roller   using our three roller technique what i do is i  do a really saturated wet roll i come back with   the dry roller and then i finish with a brand  new roller just to get off any lap lines or   any excess that's how you get a lap line free  countertop that looks like it was sprayed on   and the finish is flawless plus the sheen  level is that natural sheen it gives you   something that looks like natural stone it mimics  mother nature and it looks like you're a pro   now you know i hope you've enjoyed the video  alright guys because it's so fresh this countertop   has a tiny bit of tack to it meaning i don't  need to sand to do the ultimate top coat in fact   if i sanded right now i'd create a little bit  of crumbly boogers have you ever experienced   that when working with epoxy it's only when  it's super fresh you'll get gummy little balls   and so i don't want to sand this and put those  microscopically on the surface so i'm just going   to apply the ultimate top coat this is designed  to be applied within 24 hours without sanding   now if you've waited longer than that don't skip  that step you need a mechanical bond an actual   interlocking of that top coat and the epoxy guys  i've saturated my rag with isopropyl alcohol i'm   just going to wipe the surface to make it  dust free and i'm ready for the next step   man these are already really clean just from  wiping it with a rag but this is just insurance all right we got a roller we got an actual  longer roller because reaching back here   we need to do so right yes so when you're doing  the ultimate top coat you only have about 10 to 15   minutes uh-huh but once you roll it out you don't  have that long because it's thin it's starting to   dry and you want to do it section by section yes  and you don't want to come back to this section   when you're all the way over here you're going  to be tempted to as a rookie you're going to   see lap lines as it's drying and you're going  to want to come back and work that more and   more you have to trust me on this we're going  to do three rollers we're going to do saturated   i'm going to come back and dry roll it and then  i'll come back with a third dry roller and you   don't want to have your rollers touch any dust  so we've put a new piece of cardboard out here   i'm also going to de-lint these with a  lot of tape okay we're gonna get any furs   off of these rollers um speed is your  friend here that's why we have two people   yes okay so stick along watch this let's see  if it comes out with no lap lines you think   it's possible i do you got light coming right  here if there's lap lines we're gonna see them   absolutely sunset sets right here and it is bright  in the afternoon no lap lines guaranteed.com you know what the biggest shortage right now in  in the workforce is people the trades man yes   people skilled trades so how much it costs to  get a skilled tradesman to come do countertops   in 2021 is substantially different than it was in  2015. you know you're you're paying a lot of money   so becoming a do-it-yourselfer has never been more  profitable more important yes or more fun shake up   part a because the matting agent uh in the bottom  needs to be intermixed this is a two to one ratio i love about doing the top coat it gives  you so much forgiveness when you're actually   pouring if i have a bubble or an imperfection or  a bug or something like that i know i could sand   it out today and applying the top coat tomorrow  hides everything it also allows me to refinish   these without re-pouring i can come back in five  years from now sand it with 60 grit to rough this   top coat up so i get a good mechanical bond clean  it and apply another layer to ultimate top coat   literally with some masking tape on the cabinets  and counters and and an hour worth of your time   so if you're doing this as a contractor you  know anybody who's worried about longevity   absolutely you come back and apply your top  coat again here's the other thing whenever i've   gone back to do another top coat or gone back to  change of color or something like that inevitably   you get another part of the house they say hey can  you do my shower can you do my bathroom can you do   my you know my basement can you make this for me  you get more work so do a good job follow up and   set expectations literally tell your customers  how much it costs to reseal and refinish don't   tell them that's going to last a lifetime don't be  that guy give them expectations that are going to   be realistic because because honestly five years  it's gonna still look the same as what i'm doing   so if you tell them you know what you may  need to reseal about every three to five years   you're erroring on the side of caution you're  going to set expectations that keep them happy   and let them know this process and product  is for me i don't have to pay for natural   stone i save thousands of dollars but i got to  reseal it every three to five years and what   do i charge i charge about five bucks a square  foot to come in and reseal it how many projects   as a contractor give you residual business  besides pool cleaning and landscaping not many   you know what i mean or you're doing it on your  own dime yeah if you set up reseals every three   to five years you're building your customer base  and you have a residual business indefinitely all right so i got b and a mixed i'm going to  mix that with my paint stick you notice while i   was talking that i pre-mixed part a before i added  part b that's a really good practice so now that i   got B and A starting to mix you can see i'm doing  it with the paint stick that's just so i don't um   entrain more air than necessary  okay i'm gonna add some water i added a pretty good amount of water there and that'll make it roll out better  i like to mix to uh consistency   all right i'd say that's mixed up  enough it's time to get to work one saturation here we go so i'm putting my weight back here where the  elbow is okay yeah the reason i'm doing that   is because it will help you want to remove  as many lap lines even with this roller you   see how it's removing those yeah that's because  that the weight is over there so i've done that   now i'm just gonna roll this edge i'm gonna do  the underside last okay i'll come back for that okay here you go perfect perfect amount on there bro okay i'm gonna dry roll this section i'd like to control the two-handed roller you like  that yeah i'm putting all the weight on that elbow   okay i'm pushing down with  a few pounds of pressure   as if i'm trying to hold something  down from being blown away with a fan see how tight it gets it we're leaving  next to nothing on that surface   this stuff goes a long way take that okay  second roller i'm going with the grain this time yeah okay put those aside time for saturation so on the final dry roll i'm very little pressure but  wherever the pressure is it's on that back elbow see how sloppy i put it on problem people have   their first time doing this is they do  do not put enough on the on the surface and the key the key with this is that final   time you hit it needs to be a dry roller  so having multiple rollers super important that was a whole kit this is over 100 square feet  or no this is about 100 square feet what we just   did 117 square feet and uh we got half a kit  left so yeah i mean it goes a long way yeah and   and for 50 bucks come on man how how long  did that take us Luc 15 minutes 15 minutes   15 minutes to top coat 117 square feet zero lap  lines going back to the shop to do more top coat so diy revolution right here you got this   inside the sink cutting upside  down eating sawdust for a living whoa look at that dude Kathryn went all out with that one that's the  same what do you think man look at that thing so you grab that little lip that i left in there oh yeah there we go look at that fit bro   we're going to waterproof the underside of this  and then we'll mount the sink i'm going to use   our sk1 it's a waterproofing membrane it's roll-on  and it's gray so we don't have a pink reflection   into that stainless steel it'll give you a good  color underneath we're going to apply that with   two coats and then we'll install the sink how do  you install an under mount sink it's simple we're   going to show you brackets we're going to show you  a waterproof membrane and we're going to do it in   five minutes let's get started we use sk1 as our  waterproofing membrane we're simply going to apply   that underneath this undermount sink that applies  a waterproof vapor barrier between the substrate   and the sink and then we'll silicone the perimeter  for good measure we don't want any leakage between   that sink rim and the sink we're going to apply  this with a paint roller and a paint brush   we'll tape the edge of our sink and we'll  apply it fast here we go pro tip when you   use a hole saw make sure your pilot bit is proud  of these teeth that way it doesn't skip across   your surface this is what holds you and guides you  through that's why they call it the pilot bit 28   half of 28 should be 14. all right and then inch  and a half should be a good setback right yeah   guys about uh about 99 out of 100 times it's a one  and three eighths hole saw bit to get through for   your standard faucet okay i like an inch and a  half setback but it depends on your actual sink   so you can see here my lip is about an inch i'm  gonna be back a little bit from there and then the   washer will help catch the lip of that sink helps  to hold that center of the sink up but so do our   brackets okay so the front of my bit will be an  inch and a half back okay and then i'm just gonna all right we got a wet rag i'm gonna go ahead  and apply that waterproof membrane to the hole   and then we'll wipe up the excess okay ready there we go that looks good we'll leave that  waterproof membrane in there when that's dry   our sink will be dry we'll make some brackets  i'm just going to find some scrap wood and those   brackets will screw up into the underside of our  decking and that will grab onto the lip now if i   had a normal sink base where it was about 22 and  a half inches from front to back i just cut those   brackets and screw into the face of my cabinets  but i got this doubled up and i have plywood   i know that's not going to release so i'm just  going to create some brackets that overlap the lip   of my sink and also fasten into the underside of  my countertop this offers long-term stability and   then the cherry on top that install we're gonna  silicone that rim and that silicone once it sets   up is tough stuff you could probably release those  brackets and never be able to push that out but   we'll keep those in and we'll have longevity we'll  have strength and we'll have a leak free sink   installation i just need some scraps of something  a half inch plywood's good three quarters good but   half is probably better you'll get more of a bite  with your screw ready let's make some brackets yeah all right so what i'm going to do  is i'm going to lift the sink up to mitch   then i'm going to screw in my brackets he's going  to hold it in place while i screw that in we'll   have a set sink when we're all done hold on let  me kind of get it slid in place okay ready yeah that was pretty easy that sure looks nice wow look at that i feel fancy dude look at  this this is why you get your sink on amazon   guys if you want to know where we got  this sink on amazon subscribe and i'll   tell you at the end of the video but you'll  only get to see it if you're subscribed this is sick this has a little notch for  it man what a cool snake hey that's pretty cool man that makes the counters   look way cooler dude yeah this  is cool it's a great scene all right guys what we're going to use is the  cook top cutout as part of the backsplash that   really ties the backsplash and the countertops  together as one it makes that custom project   look on purpose so don't throw that cook top cut  out away do a good job cutting it out plunge cut   those corners as opposed to using a drill bit  and drilling through but if you've already done   that you could always cut those just a little  smaller on a table saw to get a perfectly clean   cutout to use a nice rectangular piece within  that tile that you've created talk about a diy   you know paradise right now so i'm going to  find center here i know that that cabinet door   is 34 17 inches is where center is so i'm going to  take that speed square and i'm going to go to 17   i'm going to transfer that to the center here  okay there's our center point so we were our   width is 34 and 9 16. so half of 34 is 17 and  half of 9 16 would be like just just over a   quarter it's into the 30 seconds go right there  that's gonna give me where my tape needs to go all right and then what's the depth on this  the depth is going to be cut out depth 20 and 3   8. we are we are really um fortunate  to have popped this cab counter out   because your big commercial level hood  you're gonna have protrusion on that okay   so i brought this out to 27 on my cabinet depth  normal cabinets 24 but by bringing those out i'm   able to do cool stuff like this where we have a  spice rack i built that in place and then we have   full extension hardware but this is a false  this is a false drawer because i need depth   for that cooktop i got my wiring in  there and i'm going to sneak that cooktop   up front now normally when you're only 24  inches you have a sliver of stone back there   a sliver of countertop left in this case we're  gonna have you know an extra three inches okay so   that's a pro tip if you're gonna build your  cabinets if you're gonna buy prefab cabinets   you could always pull that cabinet out off the  wall a little bit you can do that to make it   appear as a 27 depth so what your drawers aren't  that full depth but you have that extra countertop   to sneak away from that hood so you don't have  a headache okay i'm gonna do a four inch setback four inch setback i'm gonna go right  there now the one downfall to a uh   i'm sure there's more than one but one of the  downfalls to doing a rock face edge is a you   got to pull measurements off that edge well we  know that we just carved that so you're really   pretty flat across the top there so i'm pulling  measurements but i did three lines so that i can   confirm that i have a nice straight line i got  four inches now what i'm going to do is is go 20   and 3 8 back and see if i like that cut out again  lay this out on tape lay it out before you pull   out your saw and start cutting take a little time  to make sure you're happy okay i'm going to go 20   and 3 8 correct mitch 23 8 correct okay there's  that right there and i think i'm gonna love   this placement mitch and i have done a lot  of installs of these things and people never   have enough room and it's like you're fighting  the screw strip of the cabinet it's so tight you know i'm using this uh this extra  ram board tape that we had the the   the stuff made for uh you know the floor  protection but it's made to go on other surfaces   and i love how wide it is and i love how  easy it comes off but it sticks really well so i'm going to confirm that  i'm 20 and 3 8 right there right there i'm going to trace that okay now i got my center point and i got my two  because we're 34 9 16 on our width right mitch okay so here's the tricky part is i got to stay  square go off the back i could go off the back   and this is all i have is this little six inch  speed square now i'm going to teach him a trick   to confirm that we're a 90 okay it's called  the three four five method okay so what you do   and this is all those who are in public  school right now who aren't learning math   i'm gonna give you your math lesson how do you  know that it's a 90 degree angle three four five   you got your two legs of your right triangle you  measure three inches you measure four inches your   hypotenuse or the angle should be five inches that  also graduates you can go six eight and then it   would be ten and that's in inches that's in feet  that's in yards you can do a house that way this   is how you get things square old school with the  string all right so let's check it so i'm gonna go   let's go a little bigger because that's  even more accurate so instead of three   we're going to double it to  six what would this be mitch eight mitch is close eight is because we're doubling  four and then this should be   10 inches so come on in check that see how that  is 10 inches okay so that's a 90 degree angle   so now i know i'm safe to pull my measurement  over to here and over to here and that's   going to keep this parallel and my cooktop  will fit even if it's not a parallelogram 34 and 9 16. and these are all minimum cuts when  you're doing a cooktop it's going to give you a   minimum and a maximum i like to lay it out with  the minimum and then cut outside the line that's   what i like to do you don't want to go to the  maximum and and and push the limits of your cut   out and have daylight coming through your cooktop  happy all the way around time to do some cutting and i really like the light on this yeah   you don't notice that you got one and  you know before the ultimate top coat   we would be terrified about running it on  this now ain't no thing but a chicken wing ready there we go that's loose ready there we go you got it i'm gonna try to delaminate the two yeah  right now let's see how good the glued up yeah it'll come apart nice sweet then i want to put that up i'll  cut that down actually a little   more perimeter in there yeah  yeah right give it a bit i think i'll take our our trim tiles   and back butter them out a little bit  and then i take those trim tiles so that   they're just proud of this to frame it out  and then dive all of these other tiles to it let's make our next mold today's mold making  day at the shop so i bought these rocks   for doing backsplash and they didn't have  enough of them and i'm like you know what   what about what about making stacked stone that's heavy all right you know how fast it is to install and it  looks like you know individual stones but   how cool would that be to make a backsplash mold  where you just because you know they fit together   right but you just hold them apart so you could  pour these individually i mean that does a a large   piece of backsplash in one pour make a bunch  of these at once what do you think you want to   try it with me i do you guys want to join me on  today's mold making project we're going to learn   to make backsplash is one giant mold to save you i  don't know thousands of dollars let's get started this is the best idea i've had all day okay this is part a plot  40. where's part b plot 40. oh boy oh boy yes for a while  then i'll pour half in there okay here it comes that's that's pretty fun right there we made the ultimate mold we  have tiles we have thresholds   we got trim pieces this wasn't hard to make  took a little bit of time a little bit of   ingenuity let's see how this thing comes  out of the mold we got to wait 16 hours   you got to wait less than 16 seconds  here we go oh yes dude look at this this is ready for concrete damn this is it's  gonna be good man that's a good reference line   do you want to know what our secret is for a  mixture our secret mix you know the kind of   mix that you pay way too much money for rapid  set cement that's our secret mix that deserves   to subscribe because i just saved you tons  of money having a secret mix into your house   shipping all the way from arizona or wherever  you're buying your your bag mixes from   come on man don't overthink it it's  polymer polymer is that secret ingredient ready a lot of water you want this soupy man uh so oh my gosh that's perfect dude look at the detail of  that every bit of detail is on there sick perfect release yeah two for two mitch you're popping them   awesome so my molds were successful  now we're doing our first batch   yeah the molds were really successful check them  out so we're going to make another batch of these all right you want to grab that  half and we'll pour these rocks i'm happy dude i think that's gonna work i went to go get some stone tiles for  some backsplash they had two boxes   left in the whole store every store's out  everything so why not make your own right   should i do the marble spray at least on  one all right let's see what it looks like that's pretty cool yep we're doing the whole thing yeah that's neat i like those man upgrade yeah  a little dab will do you now it doesn't look   like it's sitting on top you know good work all  right we're doing our ultimate top coat we're   doing that on the threshold and we're doing it on  our backsplash stones now the reason that i'm at   applying the ultimate top coat is i want to lock  in the color when i scrub this over time when i   wipe that backsplash down when i do the threshold  cleaning i don't want to burn through the paint   after all this is spray paint right so the top  coat locks it in with extreme durability it also   gives you that natural sheen this is the easiest  stuff i've ever cleaned because of the thick hard   candy like shell that we put right over these  stones i add about 10 water i'm gonna mix with   a paint stick and because i'm doing thick stones  here with lots of undulations there's lots of   highs and lows there's a pretty heavy profile  on these on these stones i'm going to use   a half inch nap roller as opposed to a quarter  inch nap that i use when i'm doing countertops   it's okay to leave it a little bit heavier because  this texture allows that it doesn't need to lay   out like glass because it's not it's bumpy  here we go i'm going to start on these stones   now i've never done stones like this  before so we'll see how it looks i'm really glad we got this half inch  heavy duty roller man i think i think   that was the right call getting in all the  nooks and crannies yeah actually very easily it's Jeff Jensen he's our  uh he's our he's our site   leader at stone coat let's see what he has to say hey mr jeff how are you i'm so good man i'm  just i'm just applying some of the ultimate   top coat on uh on on that backsplash have you  seen that backsplash yet no i haven't even seen   oh boy you're in for it bro this is so cool  i am i am actually you're on video right now   we're on a we're on a live video and you're  waiting i told them you're the uh you're the man   at stone coat that that everybody wants to  talk to so i better go to finish this can i   call you back on my drive home totally  all right i'll call you back bro later that might be fun to have  some of that in there you know now this will give me a with my trim  tile it'll give me three inches all   the way around so i could put the  other tiles in and it'll look right   you don't want to crowd it with  just this big piece of stone all right now we cut that out with a   a skill saw on site and now it's  like factory cut that's perfect yeah that'll be pretty sitting  back there behind the backsplash   that'll be cool that's an interesting piece you  got some lights some darks it's not all dark   that's cool all right now we got to trim  it out see if this is going to be enough that's cool oh yeah that's like butter all right we'll get these pieces cut first  we gotta find the center point of this yeah   this is uh i'm gonna build this as one  piece and then take it in slap it up with   some caulking and it'll be it'll be one and  done where this takes forever to do on site i'm just getting the center points of this thing  and then we know where to how to symmetrically   build all right what i've done is i've built a  spacer you can see that underneath these tiles   i've ripped a half inch spacer that gets the tiles  that we made a little bit proud of my actual piece   that way when i install this i don't see that it's  mdf and epoxy i see a piece of stone that matches   my countertop and then i see the rocks coming  in and i have a three inch perimeter that's all   the way around so it's it's even i could even i  could even 45 those and and do something fancy   if i want to i mean this is the center piece  of the kitchen when you walk in this is what   you see now think about it i could do this over  acrylic and backlight it i could i could do this   you know with tiles i can do this with you know a  photo i could do this with anything that i want i   could put a tv back here with a a two-way mirror  i mean goodness gracious the sky's the limit okay so i'm just gonna brush  a little bit on these edges okay that goes right there ugh that'll get all my corners tight all i'm doing now is just hoping that tomorrow i  come back and this is like one piece man you know so i just want to get rid of any blobs i'm gonna call that good let that dry  i glued it all up i'll let this dry   and then i'll paint the uh i'll sand these because  i'm gonna sand this to match it up you know   and then it'll be one piece glued on  that'll be fast install from there dude uh i glued this up over the weekend and it dried  as one piece it's a little bit ugly in the back   but it doesn't matter i'm going to glue this  to the wall i'll use the rocks as a shim this   is going to save me hours on site of going back  and forth to the tile saw to get it perfect and   now i've incorporated that countertop directly  into the backsplash what are we going to do   i really am leaning towards  contrast to the black stone   i think i'm going to actually paint this kind of  like an earth tone i want to make it look like   a natural noche travertine and that's a little  bit of a a chocolate or a mocha travertine have   you ever seen that color travertine let's go  ahead and do that i think the blackened tan   is a classic combination to a winning color  palette so let's do black and tan here we go i got to grout this with something before i  paint it just to fill in these cracks and i   think i'm just going to use caulking and  caulking will work because it's paintable   but i'm gonna just grout this with caulking no i'm  gonna knowing i'm gonna paint it the same color   anyways but i don't want any gaps here i i want it  to look you know finished and if i have have gaps   it won't look like a real uh tiled in situation  now the rest of it is going to be stacked stone   going to have gaps but for some reason i think  i just want to see this looking grouted because   i've never done this kind of travertine  without without actually grouting it so all right let's go find any kind of water-based  caulking because i'm going to paint it i just used existing epoxy from porn the  shower wall that we're doing and it set up   it didn't move i sanded the high points with  you know a carbide sanding disc and voila   we're going to have a backsplash to die for okay here we go it's all dry boy that's looking cool so i'm gonna put like  a dark base on it and then i'll lighten it up   with some of that cream and white okay so  see that color i'm gonna like just fog some   highlights of that color and i'll try it on  the edges where it's not so prominent first do you like what that's doing to  that dark color i do i really do   it's giving it a more travertine look for sure you  know and i think doing it kind of uneven is smart   what i found in these type of applications is   if you use a couple of different colors it's  it's more realistic because you look at stone   and it might be an earth tone it might appear  as just one color but it's not really study   that you'll see that there's multiple variations  of the same earth tone within that earth tone   it's earth tone within an earth tone within  an earth tone here's a little bit of white and then what i'll probably do is just fog  back over it with a little bit of dark again kind of start where you where you stopped yeah see those those three different colors  really look cool that's that's an antique   brass that looks kind of cool actually  jeez i'm going to put more of that on   now i'm layering it on you know multiple layers  but by the time we get to the job this will be dry   i'm going to add a little bit of i  usually don't like this color that much   khaki but i think it's appropriate  for this no no look at that ah in small doses khaki is is  wacky all right here's some black oh yeah see that you just give  it that antique look immediately that's a deep rich color now let's pull  that off let's pull that masking off   and get a real look at this here we go it's put up in uh wet paint that's cool  it's like snow look at that that's tight okay it's going to be 36 and a  quarter would be 18 and an eight and then where's center of this thing 29 and 5 8 14 and 13 16 maybe yes 14 and 13 16. so can you hold that to the left  there you got it i'm needed go ahead uh that'll be nice right there and then uh   we'll cut three and a quarter out of that  we'll cut that out here cut it out here we're off to the races do we have any black spray paint handy so so just in case it falls okay time to glue these up anybody who's ever done real tile  knows that applying thinset to the   entire piece takes some time this might  save a lot of time in the application okay hold all right i'm going to come my way  here right there go go a 16th to the right good okay three and five sixteenths  three and five sixteenths i'm happy are we good over there excellent nice so the trick is getting that big piece  mounted and then just center it center   that and go off of that man nothing else  matters on layout now if i had another   like if i had another medallion or something you'd  set that and you'd work off center into each other that's really the whole name of the  game is what you see right there man now that that center piece is in these  take all of a few seconds to install   it'll take a little bit more time  around the plugs obviously but sheesh that torch gets it dry that torch was  a good idea on the drying it's quick okay because that has a straight edge i can build  this either off of that corner but i'm going to   start these plug cutouts okay so how do i do  a plug cutout i'm going to show you right now   we're going to lay this out on the wall that's your that's your edge that's your  edge right there let's stick this up here okay and then i'm going to take my pen measure to the bottom of  that plug is three quarters there it went there it went  but if i can get this out   i can at least bring them back  together on in in place you know so now that won't show anywhere you know what i mean this takes all the time is going around plugs   this is what takes all your time so get  good at this and you'll be good at tile you know whenever i sell countertop jobs  there's a couple of things that come   up one is a sink what sink are you  gonna use what faucet are you gonna use   you know they're gonna buy a sink in a faucet if  you have you know a relationship with a uh a sink   company that would serve you well you can maybe  get an affiliate or something like that where you   send them to your your sink buddy he makes a  little bit of money you make a little bit of   money and everybody's happy uh another thing that  you can do is uh hook up with an online faucet   dealer okay maybe uh you refer them to a faucet  dealer they use your your link and all of a sudden   you're getting 10 of the faucets that adds up that  pays for your epoxy when you when you sell a sink   let's say you stocked your own sinks you went on  like mr director you go on some online dealer for   syncs or you buy them off amazon you have them  ready say you know you go into home depot it's a   400 you know a stainless steel sink right here at  home depot was 400 bucks but i can stock that sink   i could go shop that thing online find it for 200  250 bucks and then by convenience i got it ready   and then look i bought this off amazon it came  with a drying rack it came with a cutting board   it came with like a salad washer whatever  the heck that is it came with the rack at   the bottom it even came with the basket strainer  for a couple hundred bucks i could sell this for   400 because it's convenient it's ready and then  i have a template to do that under mount cutout   already because i use the same sync on every job  by golly you're going to pay off your your epoxy   your costs come to zero now you upgrade to a full  height backsplash all of a sudden as a contractor   you get double the money for the same amount  of clients work smarter not harder now   i i love these sinks people want to find the sink  that you're in love with because you've tested it   it's 16 gauge it's not 18 gauge it's not floppy  i like this faucet because it's easy to install   it's a decent brand it's an off brand but it's  time tested i know it's standing behind my name   so i help help your clients become more helpful  and you'll make more money i guess that's the   pro tip of the day help them and they will  come oh man i hope this fits oh yeah it fits i'm not putting a little pinner up  there no that'll be awesome dude there we go like a glove yes um it's got enough room for my end panels to  slide in i meant to have the end panels   already installed i forgot to do that  but i left room that looks clean man this looks awesome wow we did so fast wow this looks great you know our  little pencil trim that i have a mold of yeah yeah   yeah i'm gonna trim it out there oh that's cool  and then right here and here i'm gonna do the same   thing i'm just gonna cap it there and there  and then i'm painting it the same color as that   this is sweet oh this looks like a gourmet  kitchen now now we're talking wow we gotta   invite like chef ramsay over i know right do you've got this
Channel: Stone Coat Countertops
Views: 2,173,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy, epoxy countertop, art resin, painting, painting countertops, dirty pour, epoxy metallic, epoxy table, epoxy resin, epoxy resin table, diy, diy epoxy, stone coat countertops, stone coat, diy crafts, river table, resin table top, concrete countertop, overlay, granite countertop, quartz countertop, how to, how to epoxy, DIY Epoxy Countertops FULL Kitchen Masterclass, epoxy countertops, diy epoxy countertop, masterclass, kitchen design, kitchen remodel, kitchen 2021
Id: hiz9ugQKgSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 40sec (6160 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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