Starts 1:57 - Prusa Mini 3D Printer Build - Chris's Basement

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and I think stream duck actually worked today so we're good what is up everybody another fun-filled day of streaming wonderful 3d printed content on YouTube today we have the Prusa mini this one I have to say did take a while to get here I don't remember exactly when I ordered it I believe we were at earth when I place this order and I got it about two weeks ago so a little bit of lead time but this should be I this should be a fairly easy build I hope we'll get it together we'll do a print see how it goes you know the usual there's a lot of people in chat good morning good afternoon good evening everyone we did time travel last night so I'm starting a little layered later today than I usually do you want to Sunday but we're still here okay had to replace the hobos huh Oh Joe ready to go okay well let's just get into this thing shall we we'll talk along the way yeah I know and Ricky Tanner this isn't this isn't just because you said it but there's going to be a lot of people I have a feeling that that are in this chat that already have these or have seen things about them I have thoughts on what might be going on here we'll talk about that a little bit more as we get into it but this is the cheapest offering that Prusa has ever done so cranking these out going at this pace not quite sure what we're going to find but Cruces supports it I have faith in them they'll they'll figure it out but as always I will show you everything that I see you will see that is if the cameras are set up correctly today you just uh just some warning I am on call today so it probably will be pretty rare that I get a call on Sunday afternoon but if I do then this stream turns into mainframe troubleshooting one on one so just just a heads up okay did you reboot it that's one luxury I never have in my in my area that's my always my go-to right but we don't reboot that's always a problem all right well we got we do have a testing slip I like the testing slips can't lie so I ordered this one generic but then there's a few I got a few extra things so the end total price was four hundred and twenty dollars I believe that's without shipping though I got the original sheet the the smooth sheet the Pei sheet and I got the filament sensor switch just to check it out so there were it's not just the it's not the cheapest version you can get there are a few extras just sayin so whatever I open out of this box might not be what you get unless that's what you ordered just just putting that out there we have our 3d printing handbook this is actually a pretty good read if you've never been through it it is available for free online I also believe there is a newer version of firmware out there that we might just go ahead and flash before we start printing because we might as well write uh we got some filament this is a half roll no it looks smaller for some reason maybe it's just because it's a crew cement box but it is a galaxy silver weighing in at read around a kilogram just a little bit over cool I got that tiniest little bag of gummy bears since you know it's many in all we have our checkoff sheet that has been signed power-chord a couple of samples of proof cement lipstick red and galaxy black which i think i have those votes filament sensor Deeley this is a spool holder I'm guessing so it's the skate type spool holder set up there's the six oh eight for that zip ties we've got a wrench some Prusa lube mmm looks like some couplers maybe so there's some parts in there here's our little bitty sheets aren't they adorable there's the Pei and this is the textured one breakfast a champs yes happy DST good old daylight savings time the texture on these are just so satisfying looks good not as not really big enough to make my the nice wobbly sound that I like all right what's this no cool it's a USB Drive but it's all metal you can put it on your key ring it's actually pretty nice quality I like that cool we have I'm guessing our display that's usually how they come and it is in just a couple of chunks that's we got over here this is our power supply check the hot end PTFE they're short in the early one it actually spelled that out that's pretty impressive Thank You Kyle for the the warning and the $2 I appreciate that you okay which I'd down the Helen we're actually looped around that pole a bit but I like when this first came about they released this at Earth and they had it there with them hey everybody was freaking out about cantilever it's just and I get it I mean I get the points on both sides right what people are scared of cantilever you know oh it's gonna do this it's gonna do that you know and the diligence of some folks I appreciate that you know but uh calm down we'll see it'll be alright so what do we get this is a mean well supply that's good to see it is the 4-pin type kind of a what do they officially call those d type there's a number for that I don't know what it is right offhand but it always reminds me of the old ps2 plug then we have our hole cantilever section let's just see how easy these directions are shall we so we have the handbook tells you all the pieces handling and transports don't don't throw it around disconnecting power unpacking updating firmware okay so this is just the handbook this is just general they did throw in some I got another sticker Paige mm-hmm I like these stickers I'm waiting for it to read that one blargh blargh pumpernickel anymore thank you very much for the $10 and the excellent text-to-speech for today you where in assembly or something right simply they hide the building the person many since it's so easy right we are here for you find following parts x z-axis assembly so we do have a handful of screws in here to locate how many printers do I have and what do you print I'm not sure how many I have at the moment they it's somewhat fluid in and out of here I get a few I get rid of a few so on and so forth on and on I'm not sure how many I have right now maybe 25 or something I don't know but those are all in various states of disarray or testing or done testing or whatever it might be you rock buddy I had to try this awesome Thank You Jerry for the five that is much appreciated uh so yeah I have quite a few how many have I had total I don't even know anymore most of the time though I mean I print I print stuff for my personal use you know like things need fixing and or whatever that might be I print some stuff for my own supercalifragilisticexpialidocious know it's a competition top it's thank you very much for the tin and playing in today's game appreciate that uh but yeah I print things as I need things you know I I do quite a bit of fusion 360 but you know I also print a lot of printer parts but most of the printers are used for knocking out YouTube content projects you know if I need to build an enclosure or I need a bunch of parts fast or something like that I don't sell prints I don't do any of that I mean if somebody needs something I will print it and send them to send it to them that's no big deal but a lot of them set there and wait for review or they wait you know wait to test it or something like that and once it's been tested it will go on to the next user or library or school or wherever it might go to live but I don't print professionally man they go into real detail on this thing foam pad preparation you you I almost feel like I should do this really slow so we have something to do today well I appreciate that speaking of subscribers we might hit 25,000 subs today we might I was gonna look that up how many how many months that I've been doing 3d printing content on YouTube I started speaking of that gate garage thank you for this description but I started making my first 3d printing video on YouTube was June 22nd 2017 so it's been two years and some change I believe we are well over 250 videos out there on 3d printing but we're getting real close like within a hundred of 25,000 that's pretty impressive I'm more than happy with that you the good thing is if anybody can find what's broken on the machine it's me you you so these parts yes now we're getting people scraping for their other alternate accounts and subbing but I appreciate that Android at night next name I like that thank you for the sub as well as Nikolai thank you so I was going to mention about printed parts so I received an MMU from one of our community members in MMU to that he was just having terrible luck with and I might have some of the parts on it the biggest thing that I found wrong with it were the printed parts so the parts that he received were printed at a really large layer height and they were printed really fast and hot so when that filament would go through the chambers when it when it's pulling it through you know it goes over not everybody probably knows how the MMU works but there's a drum in there that has idler bearings on it and then it pulls that it turns the the barrel to meet up that idler to grip each one of the five filaments so as it when it pulls it through there it brings it through the front of the union and down into a tube to the extruder and that selector goes one through five to grab whichever one it needs well as it goes through those chambers those are printed parts and on that one the the layers were so high it was so coarse that it would cause a failure it would just every so many changes it would on one of those it would actually clip enough on one of those layer lines that it wouldn't push it on through so basically all I did to get it working is i reprinted the base unit and the selector and it works fine now but that was one of the things that I was going to be curious about the preusse and mini the quality of the printed parts even the base parts like these black parts are much nicer than that was so I'm I was kind of worried that I was going to open this up and see these really hot fast parts but they're not they're they're a much nicer finish than that was so maybe there was something wrong that day with that mm you - I don't know maybe some of those they were trying something to crank out a few little faster don't know what happened with that but I'm glad to see it's not that way on this one I know I missed a whole bunch of orange things going across as I was no heater bid was not an option you get that no matter what it's just what sheet you would like to have do I not have a video on that I don't know what we were talking about but maybe I do maybe I don't um somebody said something about configuring 1.2 board with some firmware if you would like to shoot if you'd like to throw questions at me in the chat and I catch them I will do my best to answer them but we'll see what is it Jaffer Jaffer J after dark we're gonna say that's what it is kind of like effort anyway bidding and Mark Ellis votes thank you very much for the subscription okay so we got some feet on so we need to open up the control box and we're gonna hook up our screen I don't think my I think we'll be okay using a regular reach today I don't think I need to go locate wherever I last used my my Milwaukee tool I think we'll be okay just roughing it through a couple of screws here you ah dan I mean I don't with one thing we don't need to do is discuss the coronavirus on YouTube on a 3d printing channel anymore than it's already being discussed everywhere else right stay safe I hope the best for for anyone the flu no matter what kind is a very dangerous thing and can virtue and kill you but the coronavirus will not keep me at home I will be making the trek to Murph I will be there so don't you worry if you will if you're going I'm going so I'll see you there they're so detailed on everything so we got a plug to put in here my fingers are just a little too fat to get that in there there we go much better yep one got four turbo is 35 22:09 s with the Wi-Fi boy your decked out and the DC DC board DC DC board on a 20 M how much trouble am I in for and know nothing of Marlon hmm well I don't know how the a 20 M is set up exactly I believe that as a standard 25 64 GTECH commonly uses this ramp smells II hybrid thing I don't know if that's still the case all the experiences I've had with them that was true uh it's gonna be some work man I'm not gonna lie to you jumping from that 2562 trying to configure the 32-bit board when you don't know anything about Marlon could be a challenge but there's enough content out there that you could get it done but it's gonna take you a minute if you don't know exactly where everything goes hello John how are you yeah the no one nothing about Marlon is the bigger issue I would definitely say I'm not quite sure if I guess all of those are jst type connectors I'm hopefully that's what GTECH uses as well as you know most people are using that type so you should be okay there but there might be some inconsistency I don't know I don't know what kind of screen that uses either but you said you wanted to go touchscreen so so that's probably out of the question you do a what now you you I want you to go around the case you you you Dave Kennedy Dave thank you very much you've done so much but I appreciate the 20 thank you for that that's awesome you so you have steps if so powder 120 you've got some steps off if it's moving ten and it goes like 30 what printer what printer are using is it something you made from scratch you're gonna have to go back and check your step counts also if you're triggering min or max or the condition of that end stop there's a whole lot of different settings that could cause exactly what you're talking about there good morning Dave thank you yep I'm actually working on a 1/4 turbo well one for boards one for and one for turbo they're almost identical there's just a few little settings that you have to change but I'm actually working on that right now I'm hoping I will get it done for next week but I don't have a ton of time as I do I say that like every week right but I'll see how their I'm skipping ahead just I'm cheating I'm reading the end of the book they pull it back through and I'm guessing it goes through the top of the oh they have horrible breaks in here they do that just so that you won't peach it but I just want to see how how hard that is to do yeah I guess there's not that in the photo it looks like well you got to go under the power and all that but it's actually there's quite a bit of room in here I'm just going to do it just to say we did it I like to read the manual especially with manuals that are you know versus kind of notorious for having a good manual that's kind of want to see what they're getting out here right plus it makes the stream a little longer right we like that alright so we're in there okay so pretty much I mean there's really not much to this I'm just kind of going through it thoroughly so pretty much you have to tea nuts on the side of this deal that hooks us on and then one on the top right in here you you you I can't really be able to you senseless homing the whole reason I want with it so you can use sense of this homing yeah it's a it's not all that easy to set up all also it's not I mean I guess it's easier to set up but people struggle with getting the sensitivity right depending on the driver you're using or a whole litany of other issues but the biggest thing about central is homing is it's not all that consistent really I have it on a couple of machines and once in a while it will just decide to crash and not detect so not perfect let's put it that way I the to the for total wires for an x and y and stop that essential is homing saves you I don't feel it's really all that necessary now if we get to the point where Marlin will do things like auto crash detection and we can recover from from things like that then it's going to be a little bit more valuable but just to kill to in stops I don't think it's really all that worth it right now you all right it's very important that you get these screws lined up correctly the first the longest one the green one which is our 40 yeah this one that is the one that goes and this'll wise the right one and that goes all the way through this housing if it's if there's enough clearance for it and there is and then this little thing on top up here it's probably a trick in the manual on how to do this I would think it almost be easier to sink the top one but maybe not you you let's if we can grab the threads on that one you you the so clip I'm guessing Clippers support central is homing now are it I haven't used clipper in quite a while you I'll Express just sent me a text message wanted me to buy some stuff the second one is the 20 and it goes over here you you a little bit of guessing with this I would say guessing where that Chi nut might be you you I've at least hooked it with the screw because it is moving along with the axes I got it okay the third is located on the top of the extrusion not visible in this picture instructions with this will be later you want you yep yep we did that we got that look at the second one yep you know you all the way to the right push the parts together they fit clamp use the 40 connect both parts take the second one the left move it all the way to the right use the 20 don't tighten yet and then the top one gets the 12 just right here you you you move the entire X z-axis avoiding and groaning against the lumen extrusion you don't want that push the heat bit all the way to the front there's a notch that indicates the correct mutual position of both parts so you you there's a notch up here front hopefully we didn't get anything too tight you you rabbit-ear firmware on log have you thought about trying server yeah I have used server so what turned me off about server a lot of people really dig it server and host and I can see why it's a pretty nice interface there's nothing wrong with that so here's what here's what happened here's the cycle of events that occurred why don't use repetier server and host one it's not free you can use one printer or something I don't remember what their licensing agreement is but if you use very many you do have to pay for it ah I set everything up I was gonna test it do a video on it all that I got a temporary license for 30 days or something and then the first printer I plugged in was a person marked 2 and there was something about the firmware at the time on that printer that it had a conflict with repetier server and scold I don't know if he's in here or not Scala is a big repetier server host user and I asked him I was like hey you ever seen this before and I guess it was a known bug with some sort of version of Prusa firmware what it would just continually cycle the serial it would never connect up so I fought that for a little bit I figured out that was the issue and then I just left it after that Lance thank you very much for the 5 I appreciate that so I yeah I just left it at that point because the first one was kind of a failure out of the box and then my license expired and so I couldn't hook up a bunch of different ones so I haven't gone back to it since and that's been many many months ago so I really should check it out one more time you am I going to print with this today Walter is in the house no I'm just planning on building it this is gonna be the slowest build ever I'm just gonna see in here and talk about things while I casually look at this machine and not put it together okay today I want you to tighten the one on top first so basically you slide this thing all the way back and there's a notch right here that keeps you from sliding it any further in the backstop plate keeps you from doing that I should really yeah you can see it so that's been figured out for you and then they want you to tighten this top one now I'm trying to drag it out and then they want you to tighten the right one and then this one seems sturdy it says now on Sept 18 we could have some gummy bears Jesse Foreman what's up man you you I think most of my gummy bears are yella that's my hmm that's probably my least yeah I don't know the green ones are Apple now I think so they used to be lime so maybe yellow is my least favorite heed the upper row leave the others I said leave the others I can't you where's our video game controller here you it's a nice matte screen - I like that you you you this will tip over here I believe it what what dates were earth I ordered it like the day after Earth a group of coughing Chinese irnos as Wuhan clan Oh Hardman thank you for the 50 but the comment was was different but thank you for 50 you you ahktar prick can't send g-code fast enough to keep up with the printer well I mean if you're streaming cereal definitely it can't Virtual SD card right yeah you I mean that that's going to be a huge limitation on any serial trance you know I don't want to say transformation when you're sending data to be a serial that's going to be a problem but yeah I thought they got around that like with that virtual SD and all that good stuff tenth and eleventh I so that sounds right so I ordered mine on October 12th and I received it like two weeks ago so that's that's kind of a US lead time for you right at this moment you you all right you and then we kind of use our now that we have our LCD cable all wrapped up nice and snug in our little box here we can use the extrusion as our cable guide you you yeah I'm gonna say I would think you'd want to fold that just a wee bit you you you all right Walter man we'll see you later we will have fun the country basement today at 4 o'clock Eastern Time we'll be on this channel so when we're done with this one come on back this afternoon and we'll have another stream you you you you okay you now we need to connect some bed cables where you our cover look like here you you so our Y stepper motor is a rubber band underneath down here you you it's octoprint being able to took file data to it I would like to know at what part the slowdown is when it transforms that data I would think cereal would be the slow part but maybe not maybe I mean hmm I don't know okay so we have a slot here for our Y motor here so I'll ask well maybe I'll ask you all so these types of connectors they are a type of jst connector I will leave but they use a little smaller pin than a DuPont connector uses it's the connector Sodapop connector has that shoulder on top where it goes over the whole pin these use a little spine that that actually rises up when you slide it through the the cover where can you buy those pins there quite a bit smaller I have there there on all the proofs of machines which I've never had to replace one but lulzbot uses them as well and I do need to replace one of those and they used to sell those specific molex type pins but now they don't sell them any longer but now I really can't find replacement pins that size I did check on like Mouser and and digit key but I really didn't say anything that that was what I was looking for I'm really not sure where to get those you dead-simple though you were very welcome I'm glad the video helped you yes it is a very quick build we're not we're wasting lots of time and it's still going together rather fast yeah I would like to know that two old curmudgeon that's interesting you say that though I'd like to see the the dataflow on that and see how they're getting through linux to put that out would take that because I mean you could run we could go in we could we could really IT this thing and we could go in and set up tune D and you know if there's a buffer rate or something like that that's causing a problem we could we could change all that up but I'd have to know a lot more about it as always if I get some time I could try to help with that and makes octoprint not send data for a fraction of a second USU cereal is plenty fast caught it it's on the UI load really you because I mean we could off look I mean you could push that to another process I think you could what if it was the UI load I think you could work around that you you I don't know we'd have to pull a lot apart to figure it out you you mcmaster-carr to feed the extruders I'm going to take that down a little quick always looking for different things for tool changing parts I will look that up you you okay now we need to hook up the bed thermistor and the power for the bed make sure those are plenty tight that's a pretty small bed shouldn't be an issue but they should be nice and tight you you you but you our load should be easy to take care of that I think we could get around that pretty easy in Linux maybe I'm wrong I don't know that code very well but you you / Jowan that's as close as I'm going to get thank you very much for the sub you time for another cup of joe absolutely I got to build faster so that I can start printing and then get coffee oh no that's an interesting interesting issue to say the least here's our filament sensor where is it plugging it you Peter thank you for the sub alright you you you you you you should probably what they want you to probably put filament in this right you you you you can't drink it once it gets cold I wouldn't drink any coffee if if I didn't drink it cold I'm constantly drinking cold coffee you you not exactly sure what they're trying to tell me here the filament sensor is not fully pushed on to the P TFT to the filament sensor will not work properly correct the film a sensor is fully pushed on the PTFE tube but those pictures look a tentacle to me you you where is the actual sensor part yes that's in the next question that's pretty fast Vinci you yeah I started drinking coffee at probably around that age Sergio you did you ki yeah I looked over there there's so many different types of those things I might just have to order a handful and hope that I get the right one kind of hard to tell in those little bitty pictures you you all those letters run together hello how are you started drinking beer I wait a little bit longer than that okay filament sensor goes in what looks like might be a max in stop of some kind looks like why max maybe you you you the connectors winking face Prusa bollocks Prusa do they actually call in that that would be really handy if that's what if they did thank you very much for the 20 and the tip I'm guessing that was some sort of link and not a winky face but I can figure it out from there thank you for that well we'll figure it out I was looking around for you know probably roughly five or six minutes see Jake trying to figure that out so I thought I'd bounce it off of you all because you're the smartest we have a collective mind here because you can definitely not find them very easily on the Amazon's I know that you you you pretty good you you there they want kind of outside then there's a piece that goes on top you years you you you you you you you and or two you then reduce pretty simple you could convert it to whatever you wanted you could use a gin l if you'd like I don't know how well it's gonna fit inside that case so yeah you could do that I have not done that if that's what you're asking in fact Ricky Tanner has my end or two and no longer have one looks good to me you the next section is spool holder preparation pretty say we do that later let's power up and get some firmware let's get the firmware updated we say our mini is done and it's broken mullux SL and that's what I read that's what lols bought calls him but I was having a hard time finding that exact one we'll look I'll go back through some of this chat and I'll look a little bit later again I didn't look super hard but everything that I was finding that looked like what I needed didn't look like the right shape to me in the picture those pictures are really small what's up what's up the software's come on you you kind of I'm kind of surprised that they didn't give us a USB cable you you getting some primer so 4:04 let's go ahead and boot up and see what's on it we have to do that anyway let's you don't break don't break crucem Minnie you oh that's okay I appreciate it D that's okay I only need like two or three but Ola I'll find some I couldn't believe that I didn't have a few extras off of something you all right welcome to the brew submitting do I want to do the setup wizard sure do you I guess that is not you you you filament sensor is connected many many boat Bini banana Fran fo fini me my mo many crisp Rousseau mini is fini that took a minute there Kevin thank you very much for the Ted I appreciate it alright next run the wizard fantast fans are running pin to fan checking access it's doing its thing checking heaters never let the machines win Mike he is a proud owner of a person meeting I saw he had a video the other day where he was putting this together you must be cable well this is the power cable that I didn't use maybe I just missed it see they gave me the USB drive it does say it has firmware on it but I mean I could just download the most recent who knows when they installed this right they intend for you to use the flash drive that's what he was trying to tell me they intend for you to use the flash drive too do the firmware you place of the BBF file on the USB Drive that's what they want you to do instead of the cable I do like this drive we got self tests self tests failed so the hot in both the Honda and the bed heated up though now I'm gonna have to go through and watch it again you yes next next it's definitely hot but it's definitely hot you now we're cooling okay while it's cooling I'll put my new firmware on this key you you think it's a thermal air you we could try that I am going to use the smooth sheets for today's sprints we can do that it's gonna save you it's opposite of what a mark 3 is you you we're still cooling bubble bags are snug you I think without shipping and everything there 350w is what they cost you you it's a 32-bit board so I'm not exactly sure how they have tailored the firmware away from Marlin to run on this board I don't know how much of Marlin is still there not sure you you you you it set the hot into 280 you you looks like it's heating to me so maybe that's it maybe the sheet keeps it warm enough you done all tests finished successfully yay okay um I really don't want to put the spool holder together I would like to use this filament though gid tuning that's right they they set it too close they got it too good not soon enough I would love to see Bruce's farm software that was supposed to be early this year at some point but I haven't seen anything more on it yet I would love to get a look at it though love to you you you push the filament into the extruder it is there you you you you you what isn't in there quite fair enough that's going to take forever you you I'm going to have to cancel this in fact I'll tell you what let's do you let's let it go ahead and do its new firmware while we're rebooting here clashing Rep cord is the Purple Haze guy 3:52 try not to get nervous you know that's the nice thing about YouTube um back in the day when I had one beer it's exactly the same as it is now having 352 viewers it feels just the same it's awesome that people show up to watch the stream I'm sure it's more the pre so many than me but that's the great thing about about YouTube I just get to hang out with people I know in chat I don't have to think about how many people actually are going to watch this but that is a lot of years that is definitely I'm guessing 352 is probably the most we've ever had I don't know if anybody can remember more than that but that's probably the most we've ever had that's awesome you okay so we flash we are on 404 you let's unload you you while we're waiting for tip it's the way I explain things well I appreciate that I do the best I can appreciate that you you you wait really cranks that extruder okay preheat for PLA you that's more like it Sunday is going well hopefully everyone else's Sunday has gone well or is going well yeah it sound like a 14-4 it's the color correct no let's get a little bit more I don't think we're fully primed you there we go you yes you all right it's going to do its thing you Glidden thank you for the sub Maurice thank you for the sub much appreciated you you you you it's nice and quiet that looks super high off the bed but we are at zero so you you you you you like a little extra smush you you you it looks pretty good see how my pocket square down then it turns out you you you do I do paid lessons no I don't do paid lessons but I'd be more than willing to help you out if if we can agree on a time and I can find an open slot I'd be more than happy to to help mmm that's a nice square okay I think we are in good shape here you do you want to repeat the last step and readjustment new and we're done so let's just see what is on the USB I saw there was some Chico down there they want me to print the nut should we do something different than the Vinci this time it doesn't really seem I've done so many now it seems like a really shouldn't do something different that's at a 1/5 that's going to take forever you you well it's got it set a 170 maybe that's the that must be the leveling temp it's doing some it's doing a lower level intent alright we'll give it a little bit of filament let it start printing while we slept together this spool holder just to see what it's all about Minnie's doing good no issues so far I did have thermal runaway for the bed but chat to the rescue we put the sheet on and that went away so we're all good so far reach all good you can send me an email would be the best way I think that's right there you go now we're going to heat up how about some different camera action here you you and really pay attention is that what it did did it do four by four you down in front Allah you you you oh I plugged in USB no everything's all crazy you there you go user 9:29 20s on a lot of things I have heard of Zara bro yes it's a bear printer it's a it's it's a proof so that they put a complete aluminum frame Oh sounds like I'm a holy man I am NOT I am just someone's brother named Chris I don't believe that this is the same this is a little different probe I don't know if it has the thermistor in it I'm not sure I'd have to look that up I could take the to cover off and tell you but I don't know we're off the top of my head you yeah I'm not sure about that about the odd number I don't know that that matters not sure that on that but I'd really wasn't keeping track how many it did you you you would it be better for speed I don't know about speed but if you print them it will it it all depends on how you slice the g-code so if you throw it this way if you print them diagonal your gun the seam is going to be a little bit different you can do nearest aligned I believe they believe Prusa defaults by I don't remember what it is I have to get in a slicer and look but going diagonal I'm not sure so much about speed but you're going to get saw the solid info layers are going to be probably a bit shorter because instead of trying to go the full length of the Vinci it's going to do what it's doing now and kind of and go this way and fill it in so maybe it would be a little faster that way I don't know I've never really tested it I know I'm in different slices where you can't select where the seams gonna be I have spun them like this to try to get them a little bit better to try to get that seen to the back corner so I have done that as well as cooling like trying to take advantage of a certain type of cooling duct I've spun them like this as well but I don't know actually if it would help you on speed because because I mean it's going to do depending on what kind of infill they're using it's going to do a lot of the same thing as it would in any orientation so so that's no answer at all I understand but not sure I believe all of the Marlins have the manual Bosch leveling that you can use what's up Guster yes we need some coffee I was going to try to set up my spool holder so I didn't drag this spool all over the table you whoo it's even adjustable fancy it's Brittain pretty quick I would say it's at a point one five layer height what the file said you Kataria for a computer speaker Ricky I probably could tell you I've done that before at some point I know I used to use my old stereo for a guitar amp when I was a kid I know that I used to do that all the time the speakers don't like that so much 3d printing mama what's up hey by the way Tom I got your stickers in the mail I don't know where I set them but I'm gonna put one up over here as soon as I remember to so it's kind of me well that's good you you don't find the priests iminium a good well maybe have gotten around to occluding it yet you uh yes it is gyro didn't fill I figured it would be that's the new that's the defaults quality setting for Prue sir now so I figured that's what they'd be using that adds just a wee bit of time but we got time what time is it anyway speaking of time it's 12:30 three cool you there were what 12 what I do with that reach is you palate to or person me too I think they're equally as much of a pain to use honestly what isn't a pain on one is a pain on the other so pick your poison I can say right now after many many hours of troubleshooting and tweaking and fixing and finding filament that it likes and on and on and on and on I can say at this point the MMU to works better but that was not without going to great lengths to get it that way you but I still say if you have if you want to do multi-material and you have a perusal mark 3 or 2 5 already I would urge you to go the way of the enemy - instead of the palette at least that way you don't have a whole lot invested and if it goes bad wrong doesn't feel as bad as when you buy a pallet now if you didn't have a Prusa printer maybe the palate is the best direction to go in you tough call though tough call what they say on these you because these are eight you you you so there you go Richards Mme to works fine so I'm still gonna say again I'm gonna hold hold to that statement if you got a press already I think any meat is the way to go you you you you you you you you what is the best large printer are we talking budget printer um you I don't know nowadays cosplay for helmets and things like that I'm not sure if you wouldn't be better off trying to get into SLA printing first I would think there'd be a whole lot less finishing and sanding and all that good stuff if you went that way you not over a K and a half Cullen is in the chat what's up yes it is 3-2 bits Prusa has hashed together their own 32-bit board and that's what this is running you you you I don't mind I don't mind I am not purposely ignoring anybody I don't mind that people come in and say hey please notice me I just kind of find it funny but crypto coder what stuff I have noticed you best way of heating an enclosure they make specific enclosure heaters they're not very expensive over a printed solid mr. Dave Randolph has a couple of different sizes as well as a thermostat that you can use to control it that I have one and it works pretty well you could do it a number of ways though I've even done it with like a hairdryer you know just to get it started you get in there and you know get your get the air all warmed up and everything and then and then just let the bed kind of do the work from there I'm not sure how how heated are we talking right do you want to do abs or do you want to do peak for your you know around 32 degree heated chamber just get just bumping it with a dryer or something like that and then letting the bed do the rest should be just fine the problem is getting it up to tent the first time because you can set there and print for 3 or 4 hours watching it rise I can ignore Mike you can take it I appreciate that Mike you have now been ignored oh and do that to you you what did we ever come back with you 3d print Michael's icon I don't know what that is want to convert a s pro to 32-bit well 32-bit has exploded I need some coffee but you can get two 32-bit for like zero money now you can get SK r1 for boards for you know what 2530 dollars something like that so if you want to go on the cheap side of things that's what the way I would go grabby and SK our board hook it up they seem to work okay there might be a few issues here and there but I've had decent luck with them so I'll go that route you that's one thing I've really that that's the main thing I like about the mini and like I need another 3d printer but I wanted to check it out I wanted to show it to you all because I I think now we have a machine that's going to have support you can go on chat right now and talk to folks about it if you're having an issue they sell you parts you can get parts they have their own slicer their own filament and so the ecosystem is backed completely and it has all the smart stuff you you've got centralist homing built-in they're gonna put out firmware updates and all that stuff at a price point now that a lot more of us can touch now an end or three might not be so attractive these are 350 I understand you can get into threes for a hundred and fifty but it but for someone that doesn't want a hack and tweak that doesn't want to do upgrades now we're at a price point that's a lot more attractive just to jump just a little bit more instead of having to go all the way to 750 and still have to put it together and this one you see I I could have put it together probably in 15 minutes if I wasn't too you know joking around with you all I think this is important I think in the market that we've had I think this is a great addition to it so so far I'm pleased with it you know we're halfway through a print but it's so far so good do n is the highest of high ends for our 32-bit duets are very nice boards I like dealing with them I am a Marlin fan as you all know but still those duet boards are killer you yes sir to you I don't think anybody if you're going high-end I don't think anybody's going to do it finer than then duet does right now I mean ultimate Sheen has a really nice 32-bit board they are can board it's a good board and you can run Marlin on it there's nothing wrong with it they have the highest of quality but duet kind of house do it has a little bit more I guess community behind it there's more there's more companies there are more people using the duet platform and now they're coming out with duet three which is even crazier than what duet 2 could do so if you want to just buy one board 32-bit just start using it and have a great board I don't think you're gonna be do it even the maestro do it Wi-Fi to do it Ethernet to or maestro any of those are pretty good choices for a 32-bit board if you got the money you I know duet in Marlon that is definitely something that we're going strike four I've talked to Scott lateen about it it's there the processors there we just have to figure out all the the pins and locations and things I wish I had like three more days in a week then maybe I could get to figuring that out you yeah Scott I totally I totally get it we could have a lot more cool stuff if we have more days in the week okay I'm gonna go see if there's a little bit of coffee left you you guys watch this print make sure it doesn't fail that's your job we'll go over to that and I'll be right back you come back you you yeah so Jarek 1 1 3 and 2208 the it's fine it's fine you're not going to have that much advantage I'm just going to leave it on the bench you here for a minute just so you can watch it you're not going to have that much advantage with a 1 4 versus a 1 3 the biggest thing to me for the average user is a the one for board is going to have to Z motor connections by default so but that's nothing you can't fix with an adapter or wiring up a plug fairly simple I mean it's it's that's not that big of a deal that so that's a nice to have on a 1/4 and 2209 s versus 22:08 if you don't want to use sensorless homing there's really no advantage there either the 22:09 will run a little bit cooler because they run it they can run at a they can tolerate a higher amperage but 22:08 SAR just as quiet they run almost as cool you might want to consider putting some fan on them but those two configurations if that's what you run if that's what you got I think it's totally I mean it's totally acceptable you're not going to you're not going to win a whole bunch by going to the newer board and the 22:09 drivers if you are going to buy if you're going that route yes and go ahead if you're if you're going getting into a brand new yes go ahead and get the one for and the 2209 s just because but there's nothing wrong with the 1/3 so the 2208 either and he's in the chat what's up no notification well that seems seems usual yeah me and that's the 22 weeks I've had problems with things like linear advance and there's a few of the features that it doesn't really care for but again I personally 22:08 I would just use them in standalone mode and call it good but it depends on the project that you that you're doing right I mean that's all up to you I think we're in good shape here think we are we got some a few extra parts Frank thank you very much for the sub Kevin it's going well thanks for joining us am i prepped for panic man I am always prepped for panic meaning I'm ready to panic at any moment's notice I'm ready for any kind of panicking at vinci's looking pretty good I gotta say I gotta say I want to do with these I guess we'll add it to the pile really don't need another foot pe TG all the way powder coated sheets PLA I use the smooth sheet I have it's it's kind of night and day so PE TG on smooth sheets sticks to good PLA on on textured sheets doesn't stick good enough for my taste so best of both worlds that machine they're usually always has the texture sheet on it and I'm usually always printing PE TG so PT G comes out right there and I just kind of leave it set up that way so that is my feeling on those sheets haven't had a ton of good luck I love the texture of the sheet I like the way it looks but I haven't had a lot of luck printing PLA on them I much prefer the smooth sheet the PLA so you might hit 25,000 today I don't even know where we were at we were at like 904 last time I checked 24 904 there are some moderators in the chat today I just made one more yeah and that's the it Scott Scott is here hey thanks for joining the chat that's the same finding that I had you had to get a lot of squish getting just a little bit hotter maybe get a lot of squish on that texture sheet to get it to stick well again I really like the the the pattern that it puts on the backs of the prints that's cool and but especially when you get out to the corners the the proofs of beds that PCB they use they're pretty good they're nice and versatile but as you start to get to the corners they're just a little bit cool at times so if you're printing large flat things on that textured sheet I just don't think it sticks well enough out on those edges to to use it with PLA the the smooth Pei sheets man they they just lock onto that PLA so I think you really need if you're doing PT G and PLA I think you gotta have both I think it's just it's just a good thing to do you you see you later Tom good luck man you moderating is a thankless job I thank all of my moderators and if I see you in person if you're one of my moderators and we meet in person I will buy you a meal ask ask Ricky Tanner and Colin I have bought both of those guys meal i io quite a few others for for being amount of Sergio I owe you a meal you you you Adam in 3d what's up man work is always slow and it's already Sunday we got to go back to work again I thought I had my Tom llama stickers over here I was gonna put it on but I don't see them maybe they didn't make it downstairs yet I thought I had them down here who knows where I might've leave them oh well I'll put it on later maybe I'll find it before this afternoon stream I'm over 25 you blue ranch because it comes responsibility that's true usually the only the people and it's nothing against I don't like having a ton of blue riches in a chat it's nothing against anyone it's not that I don't trust a lot of folks in this community I've met tons of you and you were all great but I usually make the the people that are moderators or the people that I interact in person with the most mike is one of those never let the machine wins I've eaten breakfast with him probably a half a dozen times over the year uh Sergio I talk to him all the time Colin I've known since I was 12 so it's just that Ricky Tanner he's been with me a long time that that's it I have met I had bought him a meal and we have shared a meal so that's that's just how I do mods uhh congrat night 25 really ok let's do let's do a little math on that thank you very much 25 I think I think 25 is a great it's a great milestone 25,000 people that's a lot of subs let's see let's do some stats you you you see you let's see what we got here okay come on update you okay so between Thursday June 22nd 2017 and today Sunday March 8th 2020 when we hit 25,000 subs that is two years eight months and 15 days you you let's see what kind of stats will give me you analytics is not set up like it used to be let's go to lifetime we have had 2.6 million views 272,000 watched hours of video time see what I look stats we can get on here the top the top video of all time the the number based on number of views on my channel was the Prusa IKEA lack table enclosure and that always baffles me which videos people watch I pretty much just went through the steps of how to use Bruce's guide to put together a lakh table enclosure and that's the piece that's the video people like the most it just it's funny to me what people want to watch you thank you very much for all of the congratulations I appreciate that um does it give me you you I was looking for oh here we go so this includes every video that I've uploaded to YouTube so that's that's like videos example videos for models on Thingiverse which there handful that's the patreon coffee break video that's the monthly video that's also the patreon videos that I do just to explain some extra content and there's probably a handful of those but in that two years and eight months I have uploaded 356 videos to YouTube that doesn't even seem possible if you told me hey you have to make 350 videos I go there's no way there's no way you're gonna make that money but there you go sérgio wins the door prize you yep he called mr. geo called it you because the SKR boards a lot of people like that SKR video we were kind of at the beginning of those SKR boards there was a few of us that had them so that's kind of where that content got started so a lot of people enjoy that and that's cool that's kind of what I do right I do Marlon configs four main boards that's one of the the biggest things I do I will have I'm hoping that I will have the 1.4 walks are you done by Wednesday I hope fingers crossed everybody he did magnetic bag set up for custom-built printer where to keep the glass built or a way to keep the glass removable without using clips don't interfere with the nozzle and the Beall touch well there's a handful of things you can do there so unfortunately none of them are super cheap the wham-bam stuff is really good but it is kind of pricey and matter hackers has a nice pei sheet that i like now to and they have one of those systems where you can add a bed but there's also a lot of cheaper versions of that there are for the for the cree allottee printers you can get on banggood or Aliexpress and they have a lot of different versions I don't know their quality they're probably ok but wham bam and did I say manner hackers I was supposed to say bill tech so you know check out web and check out printed solid and their and their bill tax stuff that's a pretty good system again they're kind of pricey fifty thousand and twenty twenty that's going to be a tall order but we'll see you that's my favorite part Chris Travis I like all the benches you you jaesi productions I'm guessing you mean Purusha appreciate is going to bring out a larger printer that from what I understand they have an Excel coming out and can you tell me about silent stepper drivers compared to mark 3 I have you you tell me more about silent stepford drivers compared to perusal mark 3 I haven't I'm not sure what you're talking about so the mark 3 has a 2130 on it it is a silent separate driver that you can run it they will allow you to run them in silent mode that's silent that's stealth chop and you could also run them in spread cycle to get a little more torque that's a 2130 2130 is kind of a thing of the past now we have point the 2200 series which we've had for a while but the 22:09 has recently become popular because it has all the features of the 2130 but you communicate it with UART mode which is much simpler to do versus spy interface spi but if you're going to buy if you're gonna go get brand new stepper drivers right now just get 2209 s they're gonna do everything you need to do on a 3d printer if you have bigger motors then that's a different situation altogether but just get 2209 s and you should be good to go the difference were one for as far as I know there's only two different options for buying a one for you can get the one for you can get the one for turbo and the only difference in between those two boards or you get a LPC 1768 or an LPC 1769 what is the difference in between those two chips 20 megahertz and you're not even you're not even going on close to using the processing power on the 8 but the 9 the turbo model is like 3 bucks more than the regular one just get one it doesn't matter which one it's completely up to you you will be able to configure them almost exactly the same in Marlin not a big deal that's the only difference in between those two now there are several different mini boards and you know one threes different kinds of minis and stuff there are there are a lot of them there's there's the pro there's the new duet copy thing but as far as one for I think there's only two of them you you favorite brand of film in Peru cement is a really good filament I don't necessarily have a favorite brand I really like filament 'im filament it's kind of hard to get ahold of in my area it depends what I'm doing if I need really consistent filament so if were to pick one in the United States if I were to pick one based on price accuracy ease-of-use color choice right now my favorite is the Jessie 2.0 from printed solid it's very affordable it's very consistent you can get it in just a couple of days it has a whole bunch of colors before I would have said I would have sent you two inland brand for a micro Center and it's good stuff it's cheap it's affordable there there's there's nothing wrong with that filament but it's not as accurate as some of the other guys can make it as far as I've seen all the stuff that printed solid has turned out with that Jessie - oh is spot-on so I would recommend that if you're in the United States you showing the end of three videos yeah they enter three those videos aren't all that easy to make I've tried to do my best of what what I think is most important I do think this slicer settings are the most important thing on a lot of machines but that's not the easiest thing to go through and every print every model is going to be just a little bit different so I'm trying my best to get some sort of general configuration that people can use and then take that from there and tweak if they're trying to get the perfect print and take that to whatever model they're trying to use I haven't really shown you know this is exactly what you need to do yet I'm hoping that after we cover speed and some of the acceleration and settings and things like that that it'll become more apparent what you need to do to get a certain type of machine running efficiently let's treat the best part about the turbot is it has a turbo sticker on the back so you can say that you you yeah PGG ptg inland has been good to me my whole 3d printing career it there's I've always had really good luck with it plus it's like anywhere from fifteen to eighteen dollars a spool you just can't go wrong with it you what else yes Eason I haven't had any Sun in years well the the tool changer I have not sorted out the plexiglas I'm still running with the broken stuff but I am getting some pretty nice prints off of it in fact there's one over there right now that I need to go pull off but I have been able to do multi-material successfully fusing it together on all the different heads so I've been able to do flex ptg and PLA all in one print which is going to be pretty cool that's what I intend to bring to MuRF I'm going to bring the tool changer and I'm gonna bring I'm gonna bring a project that I can print there relatively quickly and then hand those out if people want them just to show off the you know the tool changing and the multi material and things like that so that's my intention hopefully I'm about done with that project and then I can move on to the other stuff that I need to get done before we leave for Murph how happy am with the weller soldering iron station for the money it's really nice I mean it's not like you know high-end super awesome but for the stuff that we do around here the small stuff it works great Gary thank you very much for this description it is a Weller w es 51 I will be at Murph if you're going to Murph I will see you there there's some debate about who makes inland a lot of that filament all comes out of the same Factory I'm not sure if East at one time Isan was in that mix I'm not sure if they're still if it's still that way today you know a Hello 3d is that that's kind of their generic brand they're also a very large manufacturer so they might be in that mix too so I'm not exactly sure where that stuff's coming up where that stuff's coming from originally what factory it's made in they did change it up a bit a while back so not sure where it's at at the moment Peterson thank you very much for the subscription can you show that would you like to see the print they go 3d saga tech all the solar checker I've ever had I had decent luck with it no no issues I've never had a bad spool or anything like that Robby Mac is here what's up man I wish we had a 10-day week I need to somehow get out of my day job and then I could do more of this for you oh you wanted to see the print on the tool changer it's kind of a surprise it's kind of a surprise you it's something MuRF 2020 related you're always that that ring and what what they're talking about what this person is talking about this is the bane of your existence when you're trying to tune a bench eprint let's see if I can show you without it's that band right there and if you've ever tried to tune a printer to print a Vinci well you've probably seen that guy before and if you're if you're printing if you're using well you're gonna see this on a lot of slicers not just Cruces slicer but if you're using Cruces like slicer go through all of the layers and get down to where the deck starts okay and then kick over the features to layer height and then look at flow rate and you'll notice when it does bridging solid infill then it kicks the layer height way up trying to fill over those gaps of infill trying to get you a nice base for your solid finishes so the solid finish does look good well that's exactly where you see that that ring around the bench E is when it tries to convert over to to fill in those gaps and for whatever reason that plastic it's either the the added extra amount of the plastic has added heat and it couldn't cool it quickly enough or it couldn't compensate in between the speed change it's it's something in the slicer but it can't compensate in between the speed change for the outer layers and switching over to that solid in film that's what I have deducted y-you see that you can get around it some somewhat but that will be in a future video I hope it's not the easiest thing to get around you you yeah presum it's awesome but it is a little pricey and yes it's not always available on Amazon thank you very much Carl I appreciate that welcome to the screen you you 50 percent code on Amazon today nice you yeah that's a tricky one that's a tricky one I'm still actually doing just a little trying to figure out an easier solution for that because I mean you can affect that a lot of different ways but I'm not sure you can you can get rid of that effect what you're seeing a couple of different ways but I'm not sure the best way to get it done still working on it you yeah from the angle look at the print I see what you did there it is it is a very nice Vinci this is a glittery filament but just naked eye it looks real good the the light you can kind of it kind of catches the side of it you can see the layer lines they're real consistent but as always we will we will look at it at the end of the print another Sergio in the house hello building a small racer to take down pooch nice I'll want to see that ah I don't know about PI cams I've never really used one on a print I don't know how good they are somebody in chat will have a suggestion for you I'm sure you Jonah's thanks for the five I want to I want to see text-to-speech spit that one out you sadly okay well thanks so much for this great explanation Christ this Punk has made me mad trying to tune my blv mgn yeah but again thank you very much for the five generous no worries that's just the findings that I have to do so there's probably somebody out there has a better explanation there as far as I know there is not a step-by-step calibration guide that shows you how to do every setting on the slicer that's kind of what I'm working on when I got to working on some of this I tried to do a little bit of research the best guide that I found is the original manual to slic3r if you get out and look around in the manual he has done a great job of explaining what some of that sleight some of the slicer settings do and how it affects extrusion and all that there's some great information out there but as far as videos and content I don't know of one I'm hoping that's what we'll end up with after I get all these videos done but it takes so much time I have I still have extra video that I haven't been able to crunch yet on a lot of these other things but I'll get to it eventually you this right here that's the that's the on/off light for the bed its PID it's trying to set there and hover and flashing on and off trying to try to keep it consistent you you I hope MuRF doesn't cancer cancel we'll see I guess you you you Richard I believe you do have to have to clip one of those pins to use it on the one for because the one for doesn't have all of the jumpers that a13 does and that really angers me I hate that you have to mutilate one of those pins but we'll we'll discuss that in the next in the next video we will I have to see if I have a set of 22 nines I've got some on the printer already but I don't want to completely kill those just to show you how to put them on a 1/4 cuz I have a 1/3 right now I need to go look for those I'll look for them later but yeah I think we're gonna have to end up clipping pins but I think that's only if you want to use sensorless homing so oh I'll get into that in the video though super-quiet even the fans are pretty quiet you computer won't recognize your mini board most of the time when I see the computer not recognizing the 32-bit boards it's because of that serial the serial configuration you just set the first serial the negative one now I know that doesn't do you any good if you can't connect but you can pull the SD card out and load that firmware bin file manually and then put it back in to make that change but if you change that first serial the negative one you should be able to connect up then why isn't I parallel with the bed I don't know that's just that's the file Prusa gave me on the SD card that's how they decided to print it you you you oh that's great to hear well Farah is improve the consistency that's excellent I'm glad I'm glad that it is helped I really didn't know what I was getting into when I started making those configurations but I wanted to go with something that I went with the default configuration because that was something I knew everybody could get back to base on so spin up the wizard just go with defaults and we'll go from there so that would be hopefully that's a good base and a good way for me to show you hey this is what all this stuff does by the way this is bad this is good and we'll get there eventually the speed implication implementation implications the speed application of that it enforces on you in machine limits that's a completely different scenario and I think it's one that a lot of people don't completely understand as far as how max acceleration works how how acceleration while printing works jerk values versus Junction deviation which that that's that's probably going to be a completely different that's going to be a whole video by itself feed rate you know what is what what is feed rate speed where is speed impacted that that's a lot I think a lot of people a lot of people see see test prints oh hey there's ringing there's ghosting slow down that's not necessarily the case so well we're gonna go through all that thanks for the advice hey any time thank you very much for the tin much appreciated you hey Jimmy anytime and that's that's what I'm here for I'm trying to share what I found with everyone else that's the whole point so any questions whatever you get if I got time I'm more than happy to help out you you yeah Ashley yes you are very welcome yeah and you know you know how this works on on the in the chat and on this channel my moderators I've got full faith in you so anybody that's being annoying to anyone else in chat that's your discretion no hard feelings and go faster Scot I definitely want to try that auto-configuration from what I've seen so far the thing looks really good I like it please leave the cat in there cuz that's amazing but I really want I would like to make a video just on that here's how it here's how you get the auto configuration set up stood up ready to go I think that it's exactly the direction that we need to get in to make these things easier so I don't have to go through and say hey this is what this line does and all that good stuff every time that probably gets really boring to watch so I'm really looking forward to trying that thing out eccentric notice here yes we're printing a pinche imagine that Jeffrey Peters thank you very much for the tin much appreciated you guys are awesome with the with the tips today thank you that's just stream Labs Jerry OBS is the streaming software I use and then you can use the browser plugins and things like that in stream labs to throw them on the screen so yeah it's just just during labs account and some links put in there that's another great point 22:09 it depends which one you grab because not so the 2209 when you say that TMC 22 a ninth that's just that chip all those chips should be the same but the the board that they integrated on that's not the same so the site what we call the step stick that little square module that you're used to seeing that you throw on the board those can be configured a million different ways so whatever manufacture you get them from the solder portions to terminate the different pans on that chip to get it to do different things might not be the same they might be configured for standalone that might be wide open it just depends I've seen a dozen different configurations it seems like from fie stack victory tag the original water rots are a little different so you have to be careful there so if you're getting a big tree tech board I highly recommend that you get the drivers that they want you to use so get big tree tech drivers and I'm not a proponent or I don't like or dislike big tree tech I think they're fine I make no money off of that but those step sticks that their cell you are configured to work with that board so if you've got some others your mileage may vary so you might have to figure out what you need to solder or how you need to get that configured and that's going to cause you huge amounts of the issues and I see it all the time so if you're buying net new just get both the same manufacturers whether it be five Decker or whoever you're buying it from you're gonna save yourself a lot of headache unless you know exactly what you're doing if you know hands down hey I know how to do this and you've got your data sheet go to water rot and get real ones you know get get the original kind of the step stick designer get those they're great but otherwise I would stick with the manufacturers you you you you ah you you you you I don't know who is that Neary's account I don't remember that being Near East I don't remember I remember painting the comment but I don't remember who made it but I'm glad it helped anyway it doesn't really matter who it came from you you Vinci des sub ratio there probably about even I could probably send every one of the subs of Benjy you you you you you you yeah see it's stuff like that you know what which pins are or which even using the standard MSI you know you're used to seeing em s 0 1 2 all of those settings for the normal jumpers normal for the jumpers that we've been using to control drivers for years the a 4 9 8 8 that would that would hard set the microstepping for that chip even simple things like that can be drastically different on the newer step sticks it used to be kind of standard it seemed like but you really only saw eight 8/2 fives and four 988 so you really didn't see much different than that so they were the same but well they were kind of the same what 1 if it 8 to 5 if you default out it's 32 times but anyway but now it's yeah it's completely all over the map you have no idea what's going on painting one of those out to figure out how is actually configured would be a real pain yeah that's too much work you you yep yes if you're going if you're going to big tree Tech and you're getting a board just go ahead and get there drivers that's a good choice I know they're going to work I personally like when they integrate the driver boards now you can't upgrade the drivers along the way with the 2209 though they're going to be pretty standard for a while I'm guessing you know they'll probably come out with some new fancy stuff soon but but 22-9 is really good I personally would prefer them to be integrated on the board because you get more purchase that way wonky wombats wreck wittle women welage asleep so I'll do magic thank you very much for the 2 bucks I appreciate it uh I prefer to see them land it on the board especially if the board has quite a few layers on it because you can dissipate the heat a lot better I prefer them that way rather than the step stick plus they take up a lot less room for other components when they're like that you don't have to have all those headers and I think they'd probably be just a little bit easier to cool so I like to see if that but other people are going to disagree because you can't upgrade them you kind of if you burn one of those drivers out you're pretty much done so let's turn it this way higher quality boards like stuff it that's known to be really good they're always going to have integrated drivers and you're never going to see any problems with them very very rarely would you see one of those driver chips go out unless something just crazy happened so take that it well for what it's worth Christmas tree decorated Vinci I have a Vinci on the Christmas tree every year that's been going on for a while I had 25 sep 2 2014 at doing that I started doing this a while back which this has been hanging here forever but doing the eyehooks in the smokestack so I can just hang them around miscellaneous places although that was you know somewhat clever you you is there anything I consider innovating on the on the proofs of mini well I mean they so you know about you know innovation or anything like that but they have gone through and created their own hot end and set up from scratch that they can use to get the cost down you know before they were using genuine e3d parts things like that so and they have a 32-bit board so as of right now I wouldn't say it's anything out of the scope of stuff that you wouldn't normally see but it does put them in in a position where I think we need to go so that in itself is a pretty cool thing but I mean as far as technology wise it's kind of you know it's kind of the same thing we always see but we'll see where they go with that 32-bit board it's gonna be pretty cool yeah yeah so good anybody that has some bin cheese go get you some I hooks start hanging those things up you yes I do use obs to feed the feed YouTube you you that's the only book I could find you direct-drive Mons for ender 3 on Thingiverse Abraham I've never really looked honestly I mean there's several ways you could go with that I I've seen people do the Humaira on it which is kind of an overkill modification for 403 but no I've never really looked around for community source you know something something that you could build print out things like that on an Ender 3/4 direct drive I can't think of one anyway right now you all right man we'll catch you later sensorless oming is kind of new yeah you you you that's true all the old Arduino stuff that is a perfect starter set up for anyone learning code or or getting into projects you should you buy a mini or a secondhand mark too is that I I mean I think either choice is fine depends on the price point and how big you'd like to print mark twos are good they're just kind of noisy and if you can get it at the right price there's nothing wrong with that but the mini is you know shiny and new it doesn't have quite the footprint that the mark 2 does but it is very quiet and easy to put together so you could get the mark two at the right price I'd say go that way you come in a left hand Russian you get a giant hooks for the Vinci and you can you can use the earrings there you go gage them up nice idea you you you you yeah the Humaira is a it's a nifty little thing I've heard a lot of good things about it people using them so they're pretty cool and they're they're fairly affordable you get too hot in and everything you know v6 would cost you around $60 somewhere in there probably if you got the full kit and now you can get the whole thing for around a hundred I think 109 it's like that so it's pretty awesome that they're available unfortunately they're not available right now but I definitely want to look into some for tool heads to get a himera tool head for the tool changer that'll be cool the bin cheese will never get old you a two-pack you you awesome the bond tech plug flip that's my that's a much easier way to me it's kind of hacky but easier way to get the motor to turn the other direction just put the plug you are we doing well I can tell you they have the retraction set well because there is not one string on that you you you you you yeah I think I think have to happen we'll have to change up wiring and a few things here and there to make a few of those heads direct-drive because I think I mean it's inevitable those the titan extruders with that really long Bowden tube that's going to hinder you from doing a lot of things I've got it working somewhat well but it could be way more accurate than it is right now as far as extrusion goes without that giant tube on so yeah eventually we're going to have to change up some stuff to get it to work with some direct drive options you you we have not dropped any frames well now that they say that it should jump back up it says the health is good so if you if you refresh it should jump back up you you you you yeah YouTube threw up or something let's take these one at a time I am NOT concerned about issues going to Murph personally I'm hoping they still put it on I will be there and I hope I see all of you there I'm I'm okay with it there's a mini on eBay what's the function of the stepper motor closed-loop driver boards so when you're in so if you have a set of one of those driver boards on there you can essentially go into closed loop and you would forever keep track of where that motor would be so in that scenario you would never you don't have to blindly go someplace to know where home is you would always be able to know hey this is this is where I'm at this is how I get to here here's the here's the field that I'm able to move around in and that board will take care of all of that there are some other advantages of that as well but in that scenario you know you would no longer have to guess so right now let's say we got crash detection okay so we crashed well I at this point I have no idea where I'm at after I crashed but I can try to guess so the set the stepper will take take some sort of cue from the firmware and say ok I was roughly here but then it has to go back home and figure out where zero is so we can get back to that spot and you're never going to be completely consistent when you're trying to attempt to do something like that and that's either based on where you home dat or you made a bad snap when that happened okay I think I was right here when that issue occurred with those boards you don't have any of that you constantly have a map of what that stepper stepper motors been doing this whole time and it's a free-for-all at that point you can do whatever you want you can go in whatever location it will know where it is you could save a print you know at any point it would just be it's a lot smarter this is kind of this is kind of a stupid I have no idea where I am type of scenario at this point in that mode with those boards you could you could have a lot more information available about what your machine is doing Dave I would love some help with direct-drive any ideas you've had you have would be great I believe I believe I commented on actually but I saw that you had made some parts you were starting to machine some some tool changer parts so yeah I would love to try to get over some direct-drive heads at some point soon you so that's saying you will see Lomas tickers both during fkb I got to go upstairs and find them I thought I brought them down here but I did not I'll go find them you yeah I'm in the same boat as long as it's not canceled but I'll be there they are kind of pricey but they are not near as pricey as they were some of you might know the neck amino Mecca Mecca do we know whatever they call that that what they were trying to accomplish that just taking a regular stepper and close looping it and they were like 60 70 bucks a piece I think you had to build your own I don't you could get you could get them assembled but they were even more money and they were pretty rare having those boards available from Big Tree or whoever's making them that's so much cheaper than it was before and maybe at some point we might I mean we might actually see some of that be standard it's not a huge benefit in 3d printing right now but you could do some pretty unique stuff especially with large format printers like say so you had a storage container or you know you've seen some of those the whole room builds that would be essential for something like that you thank you very much James James Burton play is here he doesn't skip the ads you Oh you you um you know I didn't look to see what it what it supports inside there I don't know that it would be worthwhile trying to make it dual Z for what it is I mean I guess you could I mean it wouldn't be that big of a deal to swing another carriage over there but probably not worth the time it is what it is I think it's a great entry-level setup as it is right now you're going to be a lot less frustrated with a lot of the other entry-level printers you why'd you think it was in Chicago because we all have to fly a lot of us fly to Midway to take a two-hour drive to Goshen Indiana that's probably why you you running out of space in my video feed you mean it's still got room coffee you remind me I still have some you you you yeah James I'm sorry you're not coming I can't get any of that awesome Canadian candy that you always bring mr. big I think it's what they call theirs there's a candy bar that James brings called mr. big it's amazing yes bond tech already has an extruder available for Prusa mini check that out bond tech makes good stuff the good people you you you TK's here what's up you you you three hours it's nine hours for me you you'll double down on chocolate for Earth you 54 per piece including the stepper nose that's that's higher than I thought they were I thought they were down in like the 25 range I want to go look at those again not somebody sent me a link where they were quite a bit cheaper than that like you could get a full kit for a hundred bucks or something remember later James you BLV mod for the person many so catch me up to speed BLB mob what are we talking about maybe I did maybe the acronym just isn't ringing true with me you you somebody sent me a link to those I'll to scroll back through my email and take a look I don't remember who it was but I'll see if I can find them you you you do I use Linux I use Linux all the time I've been using Linux for many many years I wouldn't say that I was a Linux admin by any means I don't know all the super tricky stuff that a lot of the Linux admins know but I have done a lot of bash shell scripting for many years a little bit of Python Perl things like that so yeah I've been around Linux a little bit here and there you Oh b.o.b MGM in GN cube you for the mini and I don't think so you you no I am aware of what you're talking about in when things are injection-molded I have never seen something like that optimized for a 3d print now there might you that's a great question you know who would know found over at CMC kitchen he would be able to tell you if there was some software they used to do that he's big-time industrial 3d printing on in his day job so he would know that I have never personally seen it you I'll see you later Andy you yes fkb this afternoon in front of the country basement I will be hosting it here at 4 o'clock Eastern Time it is 3 o'clock Eastern time right now so I don't have very much longer but we will start that other stream hopefully our bin Qi is done by then it told me it was only going to take two hours it's an we've got 31 minutes left so I'll get a short break before then but we're gonna roll right into another stream it will be right here on my channel I'll be joined by Walter and Glenn and we'll hang out for a couple hours and talk more about 3d printing and we can take more questions talk about the mini whatever you would like to talk about you I can get you a link to that stream as well you you first impressions of the mini a diggit it was easy to put together directions are super extensive shouldn't even have been that expensive I did have one snafu not putting the sheet on but that was my fault I should what I should have read the directions more clearly it's printing beautifully I haven't done any altering to it whatsoever it's it's great so far not one issue in the basement yes I'm always running out of room in the basement there are ridiculous amounts of things roaming around here yeah this this is just that this is the Vinci that came on the SD card so I'm hoping that they just use stock settings so I just I went down hit Vinci and let it print it is printing at 150 micron though so that's gonna make it look a little bit better I noticed that that 150 was listed on the SD card file so so yeah it's gonna look a little better than the usual 200 micron we do but but so far it's looking great we'll slice my own file and see see how that goes should you buy a mark 3s or 2 minis Sean do you need the build volume that's that's the only thing I'm going to say if you need the build volume then you're gonna have to go mark three if you don't need that much build volume you could up your production by two by getting two minis for probably less money than mark three another thing though for the mini you're going to have to wait a while because they're quite there they're backed up so if you were if you were in a production scenario and you needed to print a lot of things faster I don't see any reason why you wouldn't go with the mini it's pretty nice you you you you though that's an interesting question should we do a do-it-yourself proofs of mini copy huh I never really thought about it but we could a la I mean there's a lot of 3d printed parts on here I mean it's got some 30-30 extrusion on it um you know good like absolute is she cheap as possible and try to build this thing there's really not much to it there's one there's a pretty stout steel or aluminum bracket that holds the vertical that we might have to work out I really don't see anything else that would cause us any issues though you I don't know we can give it a try it might be kind of interesting call it a twig that's a perfect name thank you Chris colada there's the fkb link for later this afternoon you llamas always willing to store printers for me Thank You llama you log Junior you you you 3d print the extruder and CF yeah that would be interesting you you to support the market so you get just a little bit more X and X out there I mean it probably would be your you'd probably be pushing it though to get it out just a look because that's a 250 I don't know you it's got ten millimeter rods in the vertical that's gonna help a ton and it does have a metal plate at the bottom so to keep you from getting a lot of that but you could probably do it and have and be successful to get it out just a little bit further but I don't know that it would be worth it but you know their own you can give it a try you you the branch well I mean we could get a frame but that that we have to work would in there somehow uh to make it a true log tight build so maybe we should just cut all the extrusions out of wood I don't know I'll think on that we have to work a wood frame in there somehow though it's just not going to be right you the base can be plywood yeah you you thanks Guster thanks for the congrats I appreciate it comes out the trunk you CNC router to cut the wood nice nice you don't want me to do it miss Prusa I love it uh yeah winter love it you don't want me to cut a nice even frame with the jigsaw like I did with log use aluminum angle on wood for 30 30 I don't know that that's a pretty interesting idea finding some wood that wouldn't curl to substitute for a 30-30 might be a challenge you you I don't know we might have to try this you engineered lumber that's true that's true we could we could go with some of that faux stuff all the good ideas come out on these streams you five five three before it's got it's got enough glue in it it shouldn't cause you're it shouldn't curl you this is gonna be a good one Thank You Colin for the five bucks you two inch naked you know I don't know what to think about this I've got a couple other printer builds but you know what's one more right shim-sham shim-sham wiggle wiggle bi ambam print printer print printer print slam it actually got that much more correct than I thought it was going to so congrats on that one tool changer to make the log many there you go just printed all at once makers of the world that is absolutely correct it's always amazing to me get on these streams or you know video comments or anywhere people all over the world come to them and we have discussions on making the Prusa mini clone out of wood which seems like a great idea I just the whole YouTube thing in general kills me just how interactive it actually can be but I always appreciate hearing from others I want to see it do this bridge can you see how well it's going to do the bridge that's one of my favorite parts of Vinci watching is that front bridge you that woman's gonna quit would be later here the this is a Logitech 920 C it's not focused the best it's kind of focused on the nozzle the camera is so as the Vinci moves back and forth it's a little bit fuzzy but I really just want to see it do the bridge it's not autofocusing the autofocus makes me queasy so I don't leave that on it's got a little bit longer to go before we see the before we see that top bridge you but I really enjoy that part you yes it is the proo cement a lot of the person mint has the glitter in it it's very nice you I'm guessing this probably has Auto cool set I'll be curious if we can hear it you probably can't hear it but I'll be curious if the part fan ramps up what does it tell me what the fan setup it said it 100% already know maybe that's speed there it was that's so awesome that he can do that yeah I was I was curious that the fan would ramp up when it was gonna try to that bridge but it looks like it's already a full blast you you that's a good question how much did it cost in import duties to get it over here um I would have to look that up I don't remember it's been so long you let's see when was this bought you ooh a lot of transactions cember you and now I can't find it you I must not have gotten billed until it shipped you don't know I had to go back and look find it out at the moment we're getting there so that bridge looked pretty good it says we have 17 minutes left you Pete see what's up yeah the Ben she's not completely done yet they call it silver right it's Prusa mint galaxy silver Kyle I've heard the same I've heard a couple people say they had an issue with their many I have not encountered any of that yet so that's just my experience you see and that's why we do the live stream right you saw this step-by-step I didn't do anything special and here's the print but I will all as always keep you informed of any issues I might see lynnie has issues and he is frustrated you have entries on your pre so many and what are they if you would wouldn't mind elaborating Galata has no issue so far Mike never little machines Wynn has one how about you have you had any issues you you you know Kyle that that is not a bad way to go on Prison machines some Kristen thank you very much for the sub some product releases from Prusa have stumbled at the beginning I don't remember how did the mark to go did it go pretty well I don't remember now but you know the mark 3 struggled a bit at the beginning they got it sorted out I waited quite a few months before I ordered a mark 3 and the mini I they might be stumbling a little bit on the beginning of this one David thank you very much for the sub so that's not a bad thing to do with Prusa I don't think let's stand back a little bit let everybody hack around on it a little Prue so we'll take they will eventually get it sorted and then buy one inconsistent extrusion this thing looks pretty perfect but we're going to take a look at it as soon as it's done you only issue was TPE okay I'll see you later Jerry thanks for joining the stream day you you Rowen thanks for joining today see you later 23rd of December so you've got one pretty close to the beginning right you elf pimp is back you missed the the Vinci printing there's already like mosquitoes or something coming in and it's been warm for like one day you thirty minutes after it was released yeah that's pretty early you not saying that that's you know that's not an excuse but it was pretty really you you - litter Jeffrey thanks for coming today yes it is almost done we have 12 minutes left the mini says yeah the skinny is those huge get coffee through me I've had so much coffee mosquitos land and they try to try to feed off my blood they just explode the cattle this much intensity you you thirty-five hours in 17 to go fingers crossed it's always when you've been waiting two days and it fails at the last hour that infuriates you the most you so yeah we're only 45 minutes away from fun in the country basement so I'll finish this one up and then here at 4 o'clock Eastern time we will fire up the next one right back here on this channel if you would like to come hang out with us again you don't say that jinx it I totally agree with you you you you're innocent you made it a giant Royden fill it's kind of a pain in the butt to print it takes a little longer but man it does look really cool you you you thank you I appreciate that you I have no idea how to say that reek thank you very much for the sub probably butcher that Brook from Spain hello the rent you were very welcome ah I'm totally gonna butcher that sound I'm gonna try your you have Mohamed I know that one but thank you for the sub appreciate that you you a watchman she never finishes how true man Steven thank you very much for the sub appreciate it sums are flying three today Alex hello in Las Vegas that was there in December 30/30 Oh No maybe Christopher Young thank you very much for the dollar 50 I appreciate that manual hello Shawn thank you the scrapers aren't flying in maybe YouTube flips a switch when you hit 25 ah Laurette I think cruises are just dandy I think personally my opinion you get what you pay for of course they have issues just like every other 3d printer now no printer is perfect but I think they are pretty pretty good they're some of the best printers I own how fast can it go I don't know probably pretty fast I would I'm not sure with the the feeding system that this one has but you could probably go pretty quick thank you very much Thomas I appreciate it you you HP fixie if I'm gonna say hbf fixie I like the name but I don't know how to pronounce it but thank you very much you you you Jan I don't know if that's how you pronounce it but I'm glad you learned something I I do my best I don't always know what I'm talking about I'm not perfect I just ramble sometimes but thanks for coming to the stream it's always good to hang out with everybody you you Fite mural five dollars thank you very much appreciated that's rebooting go faster a quick test at razón if you come back from front of the country basement maybe we can do a speed test I don't know but speed tests are not all that easy to set up actually you would have to get in there you have to get in there and adjust a lot of stuff to be able to test it correctly uhh their printed parts leave a little bit to be desired they're printed at a very fast pace I will say that but for the most part I've never had a problem there outside of a few issues a few cases here and there I've never had a problem with their printed parts they might not look the best sometimes but they're usually usually good enough to get the job done and the printers the machines as a whole turn out a pretty nice print you you you and everything proper name well you should make it one hpf fixie I like that you everything so everything's like every six months or so it's almost like everything has a fine layer of dust on it hopefully that's not like fumes from the filament being cooked over and over and over you you screen blurry although we did lose a couple of frames today but right now it says it's pretty solid suggestion yeah that's an audio suggestion it's always giving me some sort of audio suggestion you yes you could print flex on the mini no problem you I'm hungry I just realize that you you you install the octo screener resets every 10 seconds so what printer are using it on because there might be some sort of serial interface that's causing that issue but - it does reset all the time if it has not connected to the printer because octave screen is assuming that it can't get a connection for some reason and it restarts its own service so I haven't had any issues with it resetting when the printer was connected it worked just fine touch UI is a little out of date there is a fix that you're going to have to do to be able to use octo print 1.4 with touch UI you you you Amazon wishlist what does the basement need oh that's very kind of you I don't have an Amazon wishlist what the basement needs is like two helpers that don't get paid much I need somebody to walk around behind me and clean stuff up that I make a disaster area and then someone to do all of the the YouTube work for me that would make that's what the basement actually needs but as far as things go we have all kinds of things so we should be all set just the basement needs you to come and hang out with me and while we do streams and and chat that's all the basement needs can't see the smokestack that I cut you off I'm sorry there you go we'll see it in see you later Sergio lunch I don't know what's for lunch there's got to be some left over to some up there somewhere you Shawn thank you for the sub appreciate that you you yeah give repetier a try Tom just to see what you think like I said I've tried it a couple of times over the years never really decided that I wanted to switch over to it you got an extreme closeup support with Marlon will support the 4252 beds with skew correction I doubt it I mean there's that's a pretty specific configuration for something like Marlon that has to support every printer and board known to man you can get kind of the same thing with a lot of the Marlon features that are in place today but just that calibration that you're talking about probably not Mansu subscribe thank you uhh contract yes free workers yes kids I could find some that worked tech support from the printers okay you made a question of the octave screen video man I've been trying to get to the comments I've honest I try to answer as many as I can I'll get to it as soon as I can it's done GTECH then she was stacked and or three is fine especially for the money okay now comes time the viewing of the benching let's see if we can get some sort of focus on this guy we want you to see all of the ins and outs of our Vinci that we printed you and it looks like it's starting to drop some frames again YouTube's having a heck of a day you okay so there's really not much to say is pitchy we'll take a look at the side yet this is the the line the waterline as we like to say that we've discussed earlier that's super common especially in cruces slicers slic3r you're gonna see that hopefully I will be able to explain that just a little bit better in coming videos the overhang other than our waterline is pretty much flawless there's definitely a focus it a little better there's definitely enough cooling there more good portholes you have a little bit of that bridging group that you see but still looks good there there is one tiny string right there on the end that you can see but other than that there are no strings the bridging on the front of the cab looks great you a lot of the common issues that you see are going to be right in here this filament does hide it just a bit but you can still see those inconsistencies right that darker line right there as well as a few down in here those are usually caused by speed changes when it's trying to do that thin wall these are considered by the slicer a thin wall item these those parts of the deck or the whatever you want to call it and you can see inside them as well down in here that's gonna be the same kind of issue but they look pretty good small perimeters these in here when you see those lines those are also speed changes it jumps those down quite a bit you can see some of the inconsistency there but still looks really good trying to get it to focus on different areas top finishes look great there's absolutely nothing wrong with those top finishes smokestack looks really good you could see I did notice it's got street it's got seem that might be well let's see let's look it's got seams set to nearest I'm guessing that's why you're seeing them not so lined up you can see it on different side different parts of the model the we got our first layer pretty nice that's a pretty nice first layer it's a good-looking Mitchie I gotta say um you can kinda see 3d Vinci on the back there this again this is it is at 150 micron so it's going to be a little finer but to me I think the presubmit he did really well there you go you you know that is the g-code that came on the SD card for the Vinci I did not slice it increase the slicer but I'm guessing it probably turns out the same exact print I'm hoping those are default settings we can compare x or G code if we really wanted to but I believe it that's about what I would expect so there we go I know there was a lot of other stuff in the chat so we have less than 30 minutes to fund in the country basement it is going to be right back here on this channel so come join me in 30 minutes I will be joined by Walter and Glenn come and hang out with us we'll talk about 3d printing we can talk about the mini whatever you want thank you for everybody to join today there were so many tips the support from the community is phenomenal and always appreciated we hit 25,000 subscribers today that's even kind of hard for me to say okay 25,000 is a number that's hard that's hard to believe but anyway I appreciate all the subscribers they just continue to roll in and the support that everyone gives me in the community but I hope to continue to keep cranking out these videos thanks for joining me on the livestream I don't know I'm guessing we will probably have another one before Murph I don't know I got quite a few weeks left to go we'll see what else we can come up with I have a lot of different builds I need to do but that is all for this one thanks everybody for joining hanging out and chat we had a ton of people in here today it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and I love to see it grow so I will see you in 30 minutes if you want to come join back in forefront of conservation if not I'll see you on the next stream everyone have a great day evening Knights
Channel: Chris Riley
Views: 20,014
Rating: 4.9151516 out of 5
Id: Nn9C_GcNTbs
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Length: 213min 4sec (12784 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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