STREAMED LIVE: Mystery 3D Printer Unboxing - Let's Do This!

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] i hope it works geez i hope it works it's i show levels on my device mystery printer i just pretend that says mystery just pretend just pretend i've i've got levels in on my device i've got audio coming through in obs and uh hey look at that rc maniac 25 3d printing nerd can see and hear you fine i love you i love you so um so listen mystery printer unboxing i had i tweeted out this picture of uh wait wait huh david my producer he's watching he's in the chat and uh he just said we see you thanks david i came through loud and clear so mystery printer i tweeted out a picture of these boxes i didn't even tweet a picture of the stuff that's already opened i tweeted a picture of boxes these these boxes and uh uh there's a lot of them and i just wanted to show you that i have a backlog and i figured that's enough to keep me live streaming once a week for the next year it seems like and um i thought let's do a mystery printer unboxing let's just pick one from there and thangs was excited to sponsor this one and so i'm just going to take a moment here because i want to tell you about things it's a sweet model repository that actually uses model geometry as a way of indexing what's on the site plus you guys you girls everybody joanna is who we work with at thanks and joanna is an angel she is a wonderful human and when you're i'm looking over here and when you see things in the chat that is actually joanna and she has hopped up on caffeine because i think she's two or three hours ahead and she's in it for the long haul and so if you have the chance please say hi to thanks say hi to joanna just say nice job throw a digital high five if you can because they're the ones that are responsible for making this stream possible thank you joanna thank you thanks i really appreciate it uh chat's been going crazy uh 420 mad bloke cr6 max come on i don't have one they didn't send one john frank frankie five dollars high five your videos keep me alive during these hard times keep up the great work oh thank you john that's really kind of you part of why i do this is a way for everybody to get away there is a lot going on here in the u.s and across the globe and just for the time that we could be together streaming i want this to be a positive uplifting brotherhood sisterhood camaraderie driven just good time and if we can do that good on us um uh this here this is uh from kai wu kai with 3d i think it's called the tycoon i'm looking at it so tycoon tycoon uh i saw this on joe larson's channel three 3d printing professor 3d press pro for sure 3d professor printing three printing 3d pro i can't get those words right um i saw it he really liked it in fact on twitter replying to the image of everything he said you should get this out and so i just might do that and that's that's what i've chosen to do back there um there's a bqbx unfortunately we won't be seeing that on the channel um if you want to know why i'll tell you why just let me know it's not something i want to it's it's kind of nasty uh there's also an ender 3v2 um there's uh there's some stuff that's years old back there hey you do it five dollars high five man appreciate you joel shout out to all the 3d printing nerds oh shout out to you so listen listen listen listen i want to make sure we we have our ground rules set um i am a big fan of caffeine as most of you know because i'm going streaming late at night i'm also a fan of milk duds thanks loyal for that jeff's 3d corner canadian 4.99 are you out of your mind yes you're out of your mind manny t what happened to the hair is it better it's been a day it's been a day you notice i'm wearing my chris riley chris's basement t-shirt right behind me are the prusa minis that i reviewed and you'll have a prusa mini review out on sunday dean sellinger selling her five dollars high five from dean thank you very much okay air well the bq well okay so okay first bq i will get to that a little bit later in the stream maybe while we're assembling some things this is this is an arnold palmer this is half iced tea half lemonade and it's super tasty it's got some caffeine it's got some sugar it's kind of good those are milk duds from loyal thanks buddy got you um yeah just every once in a while i'm going to call out caffeination and hydration break and i want to make sure you grab whatever beverage you have next to you jc print play canadian 501 i want to know why we won't see that other printer i'm fine you guys geez just a sec so if i call out caffeination and hydration break it's very important for you to grab whatever beverage you have near you to hold it high and take a moment just to enjoy the liquid refreshment you're about to drink and then you tap whatever's in front of you you take a sip so ready we're gonna test this real quick everybody it's a thang sponsored caffeination and hydration break grab what's next to you and toast to the liquid refreshment we're about to receive cilantro um okay well how about this as i'm opening this up i'll tell you about bq parrot bebop drone one footage high five dollars you guys i love that name parrot bebop i don't know what that is but but that's that's fun astrovacia what's your shirt say uh chris's basement chris riley another uh content creator wonderful human has a channel called chris's basement very technical dives deep into some um like firmwares and stuff and he's just he's taller than i am and he's fun to hug so chris's basement so listen let's talk bq for a second uh bq sent me the bx because they wanted to have me showcase it because they had a kickstarter coming up and then uh because of the chinese holiday i i didn't get it until late and i remember with four days left in the kickstarter campaign bq asked if i could make a video on it i said i couldn't i s within four days there wasn't time for a stream i was busy with other things i just couldn't do it so bq said okay i'm sorry and i said i couldn't do it do you want me to keep the printer or do you want to send for it to get it back i mean if i wasn't going to open it in the amount of time that they needed if they want it back they can have it back bq said sorry to hear that please send it to one of our fans and then sent me the full name address and phone number of a random individual that they wanted me to send the printer to so first i didn't offer to send the printer for anyone andrew rogers 4.99 you out of your mind i didn't offer to send the printer to anybody i offered to let them send for it or to have me keep it plus a company just sending someone's full name address and phone number to me that seems like a privacy risk and i wasn't happy about that and i said i'm sorry i'm not going to send it for you um they said okay just keep it and then once their kickstarter ended their indiegogo campaign started up cool oh so listen right right in the box right in the box right up top is a build plate and a manual the build plate almost um it's uh wow that was bright look at that it feels like it's the carburundium it's like um the any cubic um sort of uh finish on it where it has the glass and then it has the stuff on top of the glass that grabs the print and then releases it when it's cold um um so yeah so that's in there cool cool uh beyond that is uh some styrofoam for protection bullet bill is down there you saw that episode right i almost smacked bullet bill right in the bullet okay first layer oh boy it's uh it's heavy or it's packed in there well one of the two here we go first layer looks like it is the y-axis okay cool let's have a let's have a look up close real quick um belts are fairly tight ultra bass there it is jeff's 3d corner thank you look at those rubber feet on that those are sizeable feet my goodness there's none on this side so it's just going to kind of set forward like that but i mean there's going to be feet in there here's a u.s power plug on the desk okay oh we're going next layer protection layer oops okay oh here i'll tell you what let's let's just have a look-see look at that kaiwoo kaiwu 3d let me bring it into frame there there it is kaiwu kai woo okay let's take the box out let's take the filament out and uh okay it's going to be better served if i take it out this way we'll just take the whole the whole darn kid caboodle right out cool very well packed um i don't i'm not remembering a lot about the kaiwoo 3d tycoon i believe it is or was a kickstarter and i don't remember if it is and i don't remember if it was oh look at that okay it's got handles shoot that's a fantastic design decision uh you know what i'm gonna go to the other camera angle and i just i kind of want to show you this let's see if i can't get this in frame oops there we go loyal with a hundred it's been so long i almost forgot how to super have a great stream loyal man milk duds loyal thanks buddy that's a that's a milkshake right there so look within this case is the the power supply and some wiring some plugs right down here i don't know i'm getting um like a like a lulzbot sort of vibe you know where it's uh it's got extrusions and a sheet metal side that's kind of enclosing the electronics and stuff but obviously this is much less expensive oh look at that from david my producer the machine is on kickstarter right now with nine days left thanks david i appreciate that so there you go if you're super interested in this all you have to go look up is kaiwu and you'll be able to find out what's going on so these plugs right here these are these don't come out much and i see they match up with these plugs here they have longer tails on them so i think that's good it's got two motors for z or zed that's good as well look at that we got it all out of the box look at this right right here it's got a little knobby whoa i like a good knobby uh right here is a bl touch let's see see that right there no you don't see that but trust me and here is a like a like a low profile fan blowing air right there cool in the box we've got um a spool holder and my guess is it's it kind of hangs on just like that so that's kind of handy we've got a pancake flipper and then we've got a whole bag like a smorgasbord of awesome in the included filament it's a smaller spool it is white and my guess is it's pla my guess listen we've got everything out of the box i think it's time for caffeination and hydration raise your glasses and uh receive the tasty slant yeah ah practical printing but is that a right extruder or a left extruder chris what are you saying david uh david said david said they have reached the goal on kickstarter so it's already funded cool oh and good point david printed solid with every stream gives away filament and all you have to do is go to printsod.com3dpn and sign up it's a google form and uh if the stream gets to 500 likes then five spools will be given away if the stream gets to a thousand likes then 10 spools will be given away so i hope i i hope everybody likes the stream even if you're just stopping by for a few minutes hit like and enter the contest and be be uh be entered for free filament that's good we should really start assembling this thing because we gotta stock the print i just i wanna look really quick and see if it has okay it's got it's got a usb card let's hope something is pre-sliced on there here's the manual it is stapled together what what okay weird so it looks like it is uh it is chinese instructions and it is u.s so us and then chinese there we go red dye red dye i don't know dang likes jumping fast so step one is assemble the printer okay assemble the printer i just the pictures are super tiny and i'm holding it up to the camera hey see you can see but b so i can see as well because then it's showing on my my very big monitor david it is not the kaiwood 3d printer it doesn't have wood it's woo kai wu 3d printer kaiwu kaiwu okay how does this what which way does the motor go now the instructions need a little bit of help i mean i'll be able to figure this out it's just um dang it come on you guys okay oh and cr christopher russell looks like 279 dollars up on kickstarter and it's 150 funded for 279 wow okay that doesn't seem like a like a bad deal let's hope this works uh let's see you guys mind the chat i have to figure this out there's okay i'm a little confused so then this goes back oh okay okay okay i gotta get out these uh these leveling feet honestly just the build quality alone if this is honestly truly 279 dollars and this is what you get like even if it prints like crap then obviously it's not gonna be worth it but but at 279 if this prints well that's kind of good okay how you guys doing imagination to form much assembly required well i don't know it's it's kind of it's a similar build as a lulzbot taz machine so they have the y-axis and then this upright and so honestly it's not too bad i mean with an ender machine you're gonna be getting pieces right i just oh okay okay well i i can tell you that the taz machines do make it a little better okay the reason they leave the feet off is because that there's no top you guys jordan kepler haven't used my printer over a month because of work having a five month old five month old congrats the stream is just the kick i need to get back to printing high five jordan right there andrew rogers 4.99 you out of my out of your mind mash that like button yes right there the midnight smith high five dollar 600 viewers like the chat to get filament giveaways you heard joel also caps lock cruise control the midnight smith i love it so the reason that the feet aren't on it's because the tolerances are so tight you have to slide it on and then and then slide it through it doesn't say that but i figured it out listen listen if that's the worst thing that happens this stream we've done pretty good oh also have a look at my nose it's not too red right now i had to use my daughter's cover makeup earlier when i was filming because my nose was a little red because i had a i had a pimple right there so anyway so anyway yeah shout out to my daughter for loaning me her her makeup so i could not be a terrible terrible looking nose monster okay there we go so far the hardware put together really well the instructions need a little bit of work i'd say that's fair maker's muse i have also used makeup on videos good for you dude we got to look good right look gotta look good oh no stick stay on stick wait what do you stop it uh oh oh oh okay so there's a bolt here take a look so the feet are uh there's a bolt going through and then there's just a nut holding it on and so as you're spinning the foot to get it on sometimes it breaks free okay pray for mojo there we go i had this in before come on you got this you got this okay okay yes hey while i'm putting this foot in i thought i'd let you know i got a pristine print off the craftbot machine just gorgeous gorgeous i can't wait for you to see it but uh it looks really good it's really [Music] good so now i'm supposed to wait what okay so i'm thinking this is uh practical five dollars to go towards my makeup fund thanks my daughter actually said uh after i used it she said maybe you could buy your own um so i'm i'm trying to assemble this in a in a similar way to how the lulzbot taz machines go together and uh it's it's not it's not so on a taz machine the bed the y-axis is supported but also this is supported with rubber stoppers rubber feet on the bottom this one that is not the case it appears that this is held up with screws and it's not meant to touch the the table and i so how am i supposed to okay [Laughter] igor the most uh r1090 high five from brazil hey high five i've always wanted to visit brazil seemed like a nice place uh it does come with oh good hex keys with ball ends on them that's kind of great this is one of those things right you can um you can have an install process that has some problems or errors or whatever but at the same time you can uh you can have crazy good hardware and so i'm hoping what the case is is that the the install documentation and the process is something that can be adjusted and then the hardware that we're dealing with is just continually rock solid oh man i got an itchy nose sorry i'm cleaning up in here so a lot of dust so i apologize for the leaky nose we're getting these all squared up nice there we go look at that yeah now we're cooking with gas that's a saying right uh let's see okay this most likely goes into an end stop this is going to be for the motor back here i see an end stop right here so i bet part of it is install installing the end stuff okay oh no which one is which four as shown in picture six place two holders in the frame press firmly and the holders install placement here click so have a i wanna i'm gonna show you something the light speed 4.99 you're out of your mind hey joel how's the iphone case working have a good stream is working us working stiffs have to get up in the morning well here i'll show you real quick so there's my my iphone case focus there it is stephen the light speed he is the one that designed this i took it into fusion 360 made some modifications and then printed with the herbert the herbert curve i think it was makers muse just tweeted about this but so that's uh that's the custom phone case and that's in the golden winner from printed solid oh my gosh and there's ones that i need to catch up on let's see dave howie can eat canadian high five late night watching never noticed the nose oh thank you dave you're a kind human and i appreciate you nice guy fly high five euros joining the makeup found winky smiley i see you i see you so listen listen these are the same and and then there's there's these one of these is the thermistor right and one of these is the heater the only thing that i can think is that there's these white wires here and there's white wires here so i'm gonna go with that i'm going to plug the white wires to the white wires and then the uh the red and black right here to the red and black right there but legit you there is [Laughter] i mean i oh joseph kavel with ten hold on are you planning to review the snapmaker 2.0 or maybe you already haven't missed it there's something appealing about how over-engineered it looks sorry i missed that joseph um i don't currently have plans for it if they reach out and they want me to take a look at it then i will um uh dp you missed the donation i went back and i found it but um but but listen listen this this right here they're the same plugs and if you accidentally switch those up that's not good that is not good uh five okay so where would a where would an end stop go oh wait there's one right here okay so there's the y end stop so why oh i see so this just okay seriously i have to okay here have a look at this you want to see something really cool have a look at where i have to plug it in right there so look at this i have to bend it like beckham to get it in there come on come on you can do it like jeez how in the oh man i got meaty fingers this doesn't this does not work well maybe okay here it just keeps daniel pentecost 444 couldn't ask for more than a joel stream on wednesday thank you daniel um listen if you make printers and you have to assemble them don't do this this is terrible like okay it's it it's in it's in okay cool i'm gonna i'm just gonna tighten these up just real quick just real quick just just give it a just give it up oh what did chris say no chris so chris tacked his text to me asked if there were needle nose pliers in the back no no there was not but you know what that's okay we're gonna be positive we're gonna be super duper positive just positive kaiwu cool okay um oh okay i see well install the tempered glass platform and let's do it ready ready there it is okay here we go tempered glass goes on fits the platform and it does give us binder clips to hold it in place okay binder clips okay it gives us two binder what so just two okay gosh dang it gone forever i see it i found it i just don't understand why there's only two i guess i'll put one back here okay what okay want to be filmmaker 4.99 are you out of your mind i know nothing about 3d printing but your channel is very educational thanks joel want to be filmmaker that's uh that's an incredible comment really happy that you've come by and i love that my content can help you this is fantastic everyone in the chat just ask them questions they're wonderful people especially bob carnes bob carnes is good people okay so uh the plastic is underneath underneath okay got it out uh install tempered glass platform and connect printer i mean it's time to power it up chris robertson ten dollars you uh you almost look like me and your profile pick hey joel with all the machines you've seen reviewed have you ever thought about making your own machine it'd be cool to own a one meter cube telling 3d machine you are known for big prints it's true i've always yes i've thought about that i've thought about approaching a company and trying to come up with the printer that i would want you know large print volume good with detail fast print speeds but uh just not yet i i don't know it's like i could never review it and i i guess i could ask my friends to review it that'd be fun i'm not ruling that out in the future but i don't have plans for it in the near future i hope that makes sense the voltage selector is wrong so let's fix that there we go one 115. who i'm right here i promise just uh my my outlets are right here there we go so far no magic smoke i mean it's ready to power on i should probably go here so you guys can see it like i see it right put it right there yeah oh wait spore luck so well 12.99 are you out of your mind my goodness oh listen listen real quick real quick before we power it up let's just make sure we're hydrated we're caffeinated raise a glass of something tasty and toast to the wonderful nectar you're about to receive slant ya you hit the desk maker's muse i'm going to blow up a printer one day for getting the voltage selector here in the us 110 115 whatever it is if we all accidentally have something set to the other voltage you know it's just underpowered and nothing happens or nothing bad happens but if you're in a country where 220 230 is your standard voltage and you have it set wrong then it'd be fun listen let's power this bad boy on ready ready i heard a beep it says kai wu 3d okay let's see boy the glare there how about that that should be good right so listen at this point it's telling me to load filament and to start printing my goodness uh okay so it looks like that's gonna go on like that and then wait what [Music] okay that's right the red gamer fpv no magic smoke uh brandon ike uh 300 by 300 or 240 by 240 i don't know like i don't know so um okay so this is 150 and it's not well here okay so this is 150 and it's not double that so it's probably 240. loyal moses 50 dollars calling the first print all right you get you got dibs man you got dibs so let's see if we could uh okay with that with the spool holder where it is and if you print really tall like if it's up here like this and you print really tall it's gonna i don't know that just doesn't seem right oh these spool holders are terrible just awful oh my goodness like like just terrible awful okay so come on okay sure that's not gonna fail it's not gonna fail at all right let's see well i'm getting stuff loaded i'll put you out here uh tool settings printing tool um i'm gonna home it uh just ready ready well that was awful like what what well that it i don't even know man oh jeez i mean it's still it's homing look at it it's oops i mean it's it's homing here i'll give you that frame there it is look at that that bl touch is going also this part right here here wait so this part right here is out far enough where it'll get caught under this extrusion if you go too high okay uh this is a filament sensor right here let's let's take the filament roll off their crappy spool holder dp another wonky cheap printer it is inexpensive uh y-axis reversed shouldn't it home forward um i i don't know the instructions weren't clear but wait but it would have it would have still even if this was in the other way the motor would have still moved at the same direction right so where's the picture okay no see see look look there's the picture this and the motor is in the back see the motor back there motors in the back and the end stop is right here right here so i think what may have happened was it okay honestly not i don't know i don't know what happened but let's load filament let's just see what happens let's see what happens doing it this is such terrible spool holder i'm so i'm so not happy with this spool holder i need to bring my rep box here oh that's so not gonna work okay oh here you go okay so there was a there was a load filament um starting printing no no no okay load filament um when the temperature of the hotbed nozzle reaches set temperature past the filament through the filament detector line then insert it into the extruder and see the filament flow to then no oh okay okay so it wants me to preheat which i can do this is just going to be terrible um oh this is uh yeah this is this is not fun there's no let's see okay and then i go here yeah okay okay so a couple things one this is the type of interface where you where it gives you the the option of the extruder or the bed and you can increment in one five or ten degrees cable on backwards but it the cable is on the right way hey jason do you want me to i'll check i'll just um not put this in yet let's have a look uh the cable is in the motor correctly so there's that um oh hold on so the i got shut off for a sec so the end stop that i mounted up here ah there we go i have to take it out because it's wrapped around a cable can't have that okay come on i hate this part this is terrible don't do this if you build printers don't do this loyal with five thank you thanks for sponsoring these head over to thangs and sign up show our appreciation loyal that's super kind of you big thanks to thanks it's really kind of them okay so the motor um i i plugged it in the right way um it's in the right way i guess we should solve that problem first right might it beep let's just let's find out where it homes okay so settings no no i'm sorry oh it's got wi-fi it says that's interesting settings uh home and home y no no no no no no no no no eddie moser five dollars i don't think it prints that way okay so dang it okay listen listen i need i need a sip caffeination hydration a thangs thank you for making this possible but i need a beverage okay why would it [Music] why would it do that so it's the no because aaron york relocate the end stop well i i can't because it's screwed into place so i don't how is it mounted it's not meant to be moved these words are so small install the two foot leveling okay as shown in picture six place two holders on the front sure um three okay three is adjust the height of the foot no that's not three oh oh my gosh john kavanagh high five prentico bert ldo motors 25 jason joel i just laughed and you stop it i hope it's not no it's not these are not ldo motors i want to figure this out so it means the polarity on the motor is reversed right isn't that what it means i want to find a find a picture of this thing let's see yeah chris you need to either reverse the stepper wires or get a fixed firmware or maybe maybe the end stop was installed incorrectly by the factory this was sent before the kickstarter so it's entirely that engine third five dollars need to resonate the printer as the a10 reverend why home is inverted in firmware i did that on my old i3 by mistake sweet thanks for the high five uh what if though because this was sent to me before the kickstarter there's a chance that this was hand built scott r499 you on your mind the printer she scares me more than tropical storm et outside here in tampa stay safe scott but what if in hand building they put the end stop in the wrong side right that's entirely possible should we move it i mean why not at this point right let's see uh oh frick i'm gonna have to take this whole thing apart aren't i oh wait [Laughter] maker's muse kickstarter video shows endstop in the same direction cool well maybe maybe there's a way to i clayton smith thanks for being a member terence rucker hello from maple valley fantastic so listen listen i think incentive inverting the cable is the easiest is it you can't just flip it right it's here hold on let's just let's just say who knows fan wi-fi motor off whatever tool home um move or off x y z all okay so so the the motor cable is keyed right like like uh like here let's let's let's go to the let's go to y let's go to y hello y oh there it is see it's incorrect or it's it's in but i need to let's see is it the is it the outside wires or the inside wires manually press the button can you just press hard will it no it doesn't do that which pins hey rep cord okay but incendium which which pair which pair is it flip the wire at the main board okay actually that sounds pretty easier because it looks to be accessible that's what we're gonna do that's what we're gonna do we're gonna flip the wire at the main board which is uh located what does chris say actually jog the y manually this will tell you the end stop or reverse stepper will it okay fine chris we'll do that or or uh oh the board is just like right up here oh i would have to take it way apart which i'm willing to do why well i plugged it back in yeah okay good good good good it doesn't like what i'm doing okay so to access the board it looks to be up here and uh um there's a there's a lot of screws to go through okay angus is telling me to just press the switch he doesn't want me to take it apart i understand so let's let's see what happens let's see okay tool home okay i'm gonna home why okay let's see when it gets to about where it needs to be okay i homed why ah how you guys doing let's load filament let's load filament let's um this thing is so janky jeez that's going to fall over and i'm okay so um preheat here have a look have a look so if we oh my goodness i'm sorry there we go fingerprints galore right so let's go uh in in 10 increments right extrusion we're going to just go to two hundo because oh oh oh oh okay then i hit that button and then i go one two three four five six boom okay so one other thing oh one of the things that i hate that i i despise is not having a status for the printer so that screen this one right here i don't know if the printer's on if it's heating if it's feeding if it's dying i don't know i don't know hey joanna joanna from thangs how are you doing are you are you hopped up on caffeine really sorry to put you through this we're gonna get something printed i mean loyal did pay for it so in order to know the temperature i have to um go to tool and then preheat and the extruder is at 154c listen a thangs sponsored hydration and caffeination pranks exactly [Music] oh uh okay practical printing everyone's screaming it's junk it's pre-production and still on kickstarter cut it a little slack i kind of have to agree with you there there is a chance that this was hand built there is a chance that the wire when it was installed was crossed i can obviously take a look that's not a problem if if the entire issue with this machine is an inverted y-axis motor cable because it was hand built i mean that's not that bad of a sin right hey we're at temperature so if i bring this over oh look at that that is oh no oh no [Laughter] oh okay so that little uh oh my god so that little thing on the front of the extruder that little thing it's uh oh oh my gosh it came off oh so i don't i don't have a that's uh it was it was glued into place so there's not a set screw it was glued it was glued into place and so look there's the epoxy oh it hurts it hurts it hurts so much it hurts so much oh joanna thanks hey joel i have a solution and she has a hammer it was just a moment please i need a power pellet it was glued on joseph cobble high five dollars rookie mistake loyal moses five bucks i'll give you five for that red thing oh my gosh joe is this real hair i want you to see if any filament comes out like can i turn it with a hand i just turned it back oh look at that i can just oh there's some some filament spitting out practical printing 525 outbidding loyal for the red thingy you're going to go against loyal huh i don't think you're going to win that auction okay so listen listen filament is loaded we're at temperature let's put the sd card in and let's just see what happens okay so uh let's see if i go printing oh i've got system volume and xyz here i'll give you i'll give you the names up there electro boom canadian five i came here and i feel your paint already ship it back thanks thanks maggie d um game dad 10 bucks i will raise it to 10 for the red thingy andrew rogers 1.99 for the red knob epoxy are you out of your mind listen listen before before you guys just go nutso let's take a look at the menu because we have options so right now my print choices are system volume which i am not going to no just you don't get to choose that one but i've also got kaiwu i've got nanglishi and then xyz.g i need to know which one of those i should print because honestly honestly i don't know put the x back in oh no it'll it'll home before the print i don't restart with the sd card in it's not sitting flat a table i know that an inside out benchy yeah robert hey robert cowan's here day jobs x y z x y z xyz x y let's just do it let's just let's just tap x y z and confirm and i i did the homing okay okay let's re let's recombobulate because stuff is going to happen and i can do [Music] there we go i'm gonna have to uh dr shea look at you in your sweet shades 14.99 are you out of your mind and it's his bid for the red thingy loyal moses with a hundred dollars obviously nanglishi i i chose xyz i chose xyz it's doing something something's happening okay it's super low it didn't level the bed did it it's gonna home again okay so we had a problem and it didn't do any sort of bed leveling so i wonder if that g code just doesn't include it so what i'm gonna do is find out if there is a leveling auto level look at that i'm gonna have to do this again crap hold on okay okay there's crap all over the bed it's gonna auto level again i mean for the first time maybe did i miss something eddie mojo with five dollars bro i told you to do a delta and you did another lulz clone stop hanging out with right extruder eddie right extruder here it's going to auto level watch caleb harbor just got here this uh this ep this stream sponsored by thangs is bringing you the kaiwo 3d tycoon a lulzbot looking machine that was sort of easy to assemble and has um has some interesting choices with how they attach metal parts it's going this is exciting like adam c this is painful hey at least you're just watching this you can do other things like uh switch to a new tab and watch the latest electro boom video i'm stuck here doing this i have a rogue hair in my eye listen while it's doing this everybody raise your glasses high do i have a freaking razor glass is tall caffeination and hydration cilantro [Laughter] cursey fabrications thank you thanks for sponsoring joel you're good andrew rogers the y end stop is definitely the wrong spot or or stuff is reversed do i have a i have a hair hanging in my eye my view hit finished it finished okay so are we are we printing the wow my hair are we printing the um the loyals gave me a hundred dollars and said the negligee negligee neglishee neglishie uh kenneth uh wodiska is there a hole for a set screw on the red thingy no there is not there is none uh so i think electro broom canadian five hey you seem to be more in pain than i am in my videos so it's more fun here i have milk duds do you uh let's let's print the thing the the uh negligee negligee am i saying that phil am i saying that i like neglige negligee negleci okay let's just let's just do it let's do it so i did an auto level and there's the negligee and then we'll confirm it okay once it starts printing i'll i'll switch the camera back because that's obviously at that okay so uh thank well it's heating up things is a model repository that actually uses some really cool stuff to make stuff more relatable it uses the geometry of the model as well as a searchable criteria there's also some other cool stuff there they're the sponsor here the thangs account in the chat is joanna from marketing she's a wonderful person and she is the one i get to interact with and so say hi to things say hi to joanna but chris within the comments i saw tweeted that they didn't have a dinosaur and things was like hey a t-shirt to the first person that gets us a dinosaur and then they had a dinosaur so if you scroll up and you click the link you will find a dinosaur loyal loyal moses with five bucks high five loyal yes you win is it really winning though i mean is it uh look at that rcmaniac so as practical printing said the end stop is in the right location but even the kickstarter video has the mesh bed leveling happen from back to from i'm sure he meant front but he typed from and so i'm gonna tell you what he said so it may be reversed okay ready i'm gonna have to hold on hold on stay on target did it okay here we go oh that is some filament come here got it got it we might wait wait kaiwu team on chat kaiwu team on chat someone said uh kaiwu team on chat oh just got a a text from david so printed solid will give away five spools of filament if we reach 500 likes we're almost there okay i am guessing the oh that's gonna be fun to take off i'm guessing the offset is slightly off teresa clean the bed crud first no yours the offset is still going to be wrong is it i guess it is oh hi mandy mandy from kaiwoo is here mandy i just want to let you know that uh we've had some issues with the machine and uh we're trying we're trying it's it's laying down something it's it it's a little too close to the bed i don't know is there a way i can control the offset here oh i can baby step does that make it go okay there's some height to that hey that might be working sure there we go focus focus there we go oh yeah look at that is good i should get you guys closer i really should here tell you what tell you what i'm gonna try to get you a little closer with arid extra dry remember that i just don't want to poke anything i shouldn't poke okay how we doing here that's not good ready ready bam look at that it's doing some infill it doesn't look too bad okay my my heights might be right what a cute little tripod so real quick so angus and anyone so this is a monopod that's available on that i bought because shawn said you should get this one and so i did what's great is the head and the feet are all this uh this removable ball thing so you pull down a collar and then you can remove it and the collar captures it but what's great is if you take the pole out then the feet and the head can combine to a tiny little tripod it's neat on knuckle dusters i mean possibly okay i i think with my baby stepping of the z i think i got it right i don't think that negligie is going to fit thanks ripcord listen listen hydration caffeination grab your beverage and prepare to take in that glorious liquid that will refresh us slandja joseph cobble with a high five dollars i expect all top players to be hilbert curve now nothing else will suffice uh maker's muse would definitely agree with you and astrovation over 500 likes over 500 likes that means printed solid will give away five spools of jesse pla be sure to go to printed solid dot com forward slash three dpn and get your entry in yes even you angus michael grugel high five from fixing dude ten dollars listen listen fix em dude i can't say fix them dude without like exclaiming pure joy loyal with five high five dollars that is the best negligee i've ever seen is it is it uh oh my uh my producer david said mandy is asking where the red knob is and uh it's right here mandy it was glued on that is epoxy and it was glued on there's no place for a set screw my recommendation would to make this either keyed or the ability to have a set screw that's my um yeah that's my recommendation you know it's doing mesh mesh compensation because i can hear i can hear the um uh the z motors you know powered up and it's just tiny little turns uh rom champa or you have spaces in between so it's r o m c h o m p a what is the link to enter the spools contest you're going to look in the description it's going to be forward slash 3dpn and that should get you there rover keyed and set screw it would be perfect if we had that ben brady hey joel get out the drill what's that it's from um i want to have uh what is it armageddon right we drill david the adventures of red knob and right extruder uh sounds like a bedtime story for eddie and loyal astrovation that is uh uh no it that's incorrect uh astrovation is saying the printer sucks in astrovation she's wrong so don't say that there's there's no reason for you to say the printer sucks why would you say that that's just stupid uh rcmaniac maybe you should put the printer in the description oh i would oh i it's i i would have to motion david are you there david could you could you um uh could you edit the description for me zachary 3d prints only for usa printed solid no that is uh that is incorrect printed solid is available worldwide and so but unfortunately shipping to certain places can be really expensive so what dave is doing um dave is saying it's free shipping in the u.s if you win a spool of filament if you're outside the u.s and it costs more he will just credit your shipping what it will take to get it somewhere in the u.s and then you would just pay above us shipping for your place and david just said he's on it so david is gonna oh yeah see he's on it he texted me on it and he just said on it oh look at that practical printing with a link to the printer david add that link that looks like it's uh that's going to be support listen everybody we worked hard to get here we worked hard to get here eggy boy what for printer is this this is the tycoon from kaiwu 3d currently in kickstarter 150 funded 279 us moritz those circles look great i would have to agree with you sean westfield you know aside from the end stop issues the slow speed and the red wheel this seems somewhat decent for retail 279. i'm gonna have to agree with you there at this point if this is the print quality you can expect from what they deliver from their kickstarter all of these other issues can be easily worked out the end stop it's going to be reversing a wire either up in the brain or at the motor um the leveling it's just a matter of finding the process of how they do it so i'm not too worried about that it's all there uh what it's what's the right way to say it so part of the issue is you have what looks to be decent hardware but the software just isn't quite there or there was an improper assembly improper assembly that's that's fixable right that could be fixed during the assembly process or that's something that you can fix software is something that can be fixed post so so if you have a good set of hardware and it just requires some software updates i'd say that's a plus david just said the description is updated operator neptune real touch or 3d touch i don't know the answer to that astrovation why would you want this over an ender 3 don't i don't know i haven't used it a bunch yet the under 3a i have it takes some assembly time um there's a big community out there you can usually get it printing well all sorts of mods that sort of stuff the print volume here i don't know if it's similar i'm trying to remember this one's 250 by 250 which i think is slightly bigger than the ender three i think that's uh it's got dual lead screw it comes with a bl touch for mesh bed leveling um it's quieter than the ender 3. these are things that other people are going to take into consideration you know although some people like the ender 3 because the under 3 has a great community tons of mods available uh chuck hellebuck is the ender 3 whisperer so you you get access to his whispers it's one of those things right caliber manx do i spy bail touch on there that is correct porya ravenesten how fast is it it's about this fast right now can i show the print more from from above i can um i can let me what if this will this work oh yeah this will work give me a moment give me a moment and i will make a a stand so you can see it from above it's just going to require some modifications of the foam because that's what heroes do it's from thor right look at that bill duran someone tell him got a foamsmith right here so listen we're gonna go to this angle because well i love you dearly and because i'm gonna put this just right plumb right right there okay and then oh you guys oh look at this look at this oh oh how's that here i am philip ford at things why is it when you go to your site there's a lot of duplicate models from the same makers uh i i know joanna from thanks can answer i think there's still some test models up there my guess um also the the way to you know get more selection is to get more people uploading and i know thangs is working on some really cool ways to get more people uploading there mark benton your studio needs an overhead camera i agree oh like right there like right there i could do it too um looks like the extrusion is maybe not maybe not enough i don't know i mean we'll find out we'll find out so there's no okay oh this g-code doesn't heat the bed let's just uh let's i'm sorry if i'm in the way here fan tip okay extruders at 200 the bed let's just get that up there yeah okay the bed was cooling down sean westfield new member thanks for being a member ten archery what are you printing i don't know it's called a negli negligence she negle it's a it's a thing i don't know loyal paid me to print it that's that's really yeah mike ferguson at thanks i've custom created all sorts of useful models coming your way bam there we go the way that things grows is by having people upload so uh upload some models zachary can we where can we get this g-code honestly on the sd card the machine movements are a little bit loud but i mean they're not that loud john kavanagh just call it a negligee no loyal five bucks if i had one dollar for every neglect session i printed oh right i know snapshot fpv it's like 2 am here it's only 11 pm here isaac gilman hey isaac thanks for being a member uh sam smith what is it doing it's just making circles but not printing no no it's it's printing it's laying down filament i believe this is a test of some sort i believe oh joseph high five joseph kavel repeating from chad it means tolerance test it does look a bit like one asterovations so do you announce the winners of the filament or what um at the end of the stream we'll try to pick some winners if there's time i don't know i don't know if we'll do it during the stream or not it depends on if there's time because it's super late right and last time we did that it took forever nevin line 25 bucks overhead camera fund ah nevin that's really nice of you thank you thank you very much loyola25 adding to the camera fun guys thanks loyal thanks nevin brian vines it's 1am got to go to bed understandable thanks for stopping by have a good night brian love you bro expert opinion where do i apply to win if you want to win some filament go to forward slash 3dpn or visit the link in the description ooh andrew gilmore if the bed's moving backwards so is the print that's a very good point hmm well cool the g-code works backwards oh gamer 260. have a good night thanks for stopping by ron floyd high five bucks a little towards the overhead camera fund oh ron brandon i 25 bucks guys thank you brandon for the camera funded have yourself a wonderful night man hmm hey look at this the red gamer fpv how was your day today joel that's a nice of you to ask i finished up the script for the prusa mini review i filmed most of the a-roll for the prusa mini review that should be out sunday sean's working on it right now i took my son to baseball practice my wife made some incredible burgers i'm gonna heat one up when i get home because i didn't get to get one before i took my son to practice um i'm here i'm eating milk duds hmm thomas linseth will you make the camera stand alexander chappelle designed i know you mean at least one part for it hold on here we go those are all parts for the alexander chappelle camera stand yeah i'm making it i have to i need it william asper five high five joel's jolts pronounced something like nangli sahih okay okay thank you william high five dollars right there matthias studer chf5 i don't know what chf is but it's five so high five oh good morning from switzerland good morning from the u.s here the pacific northwest the mighty samosa canadian 399 are you out of your mind buy yourself some more milk duds so uh the mighty samosa thank you uh one two uh loyal sent me a metric buttload of milk duds and i haven't gotten through many of them yet and then hershey's company sent me some more i have enough milk duds to last me to the end of the year at least so your canadian 399 are you out of your mind will buy my first milk duds of 2021. how about that dave is having his second choco taco that sounds good mr squishy it is not a low spot clone it's similar in scope but uh it's 279 dollars which is thirty seven hundred dollars less than a lulzbot uh sean rains five euros i've spent so much money on 3d printing i might as well give you five bucks since you got me into it oh sean that's so kind of you thank you so so much be sure you go to forward slash 3dpn and enter for the contest for five spools of filament if we get the stream to 10 likes then i'm sorry a thousand likes so this times 10 100 this times 100 then uh david prinzal will give away 10 spools of filament corner curling where where's the corner curling i'm looking oh no the corner's curling we have a corner curling oh no oh no right extruder okay i pushed it down i don't know if that'll work jake from state farm 2.99 you out of your mind for the impending cavity bill i have a trip to the dentist next week we'll see what happens i do have some fillings that are like 30 years old i don't know if those uh are long from this world long for this world listen thanks again and thanks for sponsoring this lift your drink up high for caffeination for hydration cilantro pulcumber the build i believe it's 250x250 i think loyal moses 25 for uh is he swearing what's are you oh are you worried about the corner what's going on loyal it's got an interesting sock on the the nozzle it's like it's it's not just the sock and the nozzle's below it the sock consumes some of the nozzle it's kind of interesting oh there we go 240 by 240 by 240. uh uh day giant killah day jake killer have a good night thanks for coming by alexander dinev with bgn 10. i don't know what bgn is but it's 10 of them 10. thank you so it's it's got the the circles it's it's doing some infill uh the corner is wanting to curl up i keep pushing it down because that's what heroes do according to thor i need some super glue or something do i have any glue stick that's not gonna work rom champa why are the corners lifting up um it looks like it's a print like this so the the walls go like that so if there's a corner and the walls all go like that that is that is warpinator city it's kind of like uh the makers muse warping eight or nine thousand it's just meant to pull so really wants to curl wait a minute i have an idea hold on well okay i'm looking for my blue tape that's just masking tape that'll work so i have an idea this should work because it's just going to print over the top of it right this is going to be terrible okay the mighty samosa canadian 279 for the cruel so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take some masking tape okay there we go so it should just print over the top of that and it's masking tape what the heck was that it made a terrible sound did you hear it joel brockman use your vision minor glue um that's not really i that's not the right time for that anthony moore uh marticello marticello anthony five us dollars high five thing oh um thanks for persevering and keeping your sense of humor glad i can do that even when it makes these horrific sounds i don't know what's happening but it it sounded terrible like just just awful it went squeak and it's printing over the masking tape sort of kind of oh i see what is that sound tape it back is hitting the fan is that it oh jeez that's amazing yeah the tape is hitting the fan okay look at that oh are we doing it yeah look at that it's laying down some some top layers we are at five percent and it's been going for a half hour kathy anna rennicker 25 us that's my friend kj she's incredible she works for brown and haley in tacoma which makes mountain bars and they are the tastiest things ever hi kj or cathy anna i don't know what you're called by now you're awesome thank you for the 25 that's one two three four five high fives listen i'm gonna do my best to do a collaboration with brown and haley because mountain bars need to be experienced by more people they are wonderful wonderful wonderful wombat does loyal have to pay extra for the masking tape no this is amazing paul cumbers send me some candy bar i can't i can't i don't i don't have any spares so vaude um got here late sorry what's new with the tape joel the tape is holding down the corner the corner was starting to lift and so i added masking tape because it'll hold down the corner and then the filament will just print right over the top of it easy peasy and angus at maker's muse he said he's done this too so i know i wasn't just being crazy i know i was doing something for the good of humanity big ben 4001 um how was the cr30 well first question is what happened to the other the first 4 000 big bends big ben big ben 4001 4000 came before you that means you're the best yet and the cr-30 uh it's sitting over there i got a sword from nico industries and i'm going to be printing on it because on the last video i got a multitude of comments that said joel print a sword and i'm like okay so i got a sweet sword of omens from thundercats and i'm gonna be printing it on there wkd cough 3d printed mountain bar bandolier did you hear that kj that sounds amazing scott with 20 us dollars unfortunately i have to go to work have a great stream the corner with the tape is getting jacked up what oh thank you for the twenty dollars listen it's better with the tape than without 3d printing kid see you later s-c-x-r-y i don't know how to say that but hello hello hello from germany that's fantastic let's see um so it's going to be morning uh uh guten morgen there we go i remembered robert hudson anyone use random objects to fix failed supports while printing that's an adventure it very much is if you've got a hot glue gun and popsicle sticks you can fix really tall support structures that fail isaac gilman life will find a way thanks jeff goldblum gabe nydick that's a known torture test it's not supposed to have support material i would agree with you but i didn't slice this andy bolton hey joel good morning from the uk well good morning from the or good evening from the states i guess let's see so it's 7 a.m for you right 7 a.m i hope you have a wonderful thursday right ahead of you uh s-c-x-r-y have a great stream have to go to school now i hope you have a wonderful day at school and learn lots sonic alchemy toothpicks work too that's true if you hot glue toothpicks into place you can actually hold up supports that are failing that have fallen over it's amazing like if you think of the build plate that the 3d printer is printing on it is no holes barred use whatever method you can to get your print to succeed like hot glue and popsicle sticks and toothpicks and whatnot those can just be peeled away at the end it's a great way to keep things going john faville the prusa mini is awesome and i love using it i do as well and my review of it so far hits this sunday the sunday the mighty samosa canadian 279 well good night from the far too cold edmonton alberta ah it's cold i understand i hope you have a wonderful evening thanks for stopping by mighty samosa i appreciate it true tech i've used crazy glue a few times to get stuff to stick down i have as well rep cord loogies and yelling obscenities at the print also works uh i found that to not work super well but maybe you're i don't want to discount your experience pooch so maybe uh maybe it does work mr squishy what's the printer's volume i believe it is 250 millimeters cubed cameron smart a good youtuber i watch foreign pro is chip yes chuck hello book filament friday chuck chap is chuck hellebuck's electronic products uh chuck's a good friend he's an inch taller than i am and we share a birthday we share a birthday mark eight aloha from maui aloha what did i miss so far you missed quite possibly some of the most unintended fun i've had yet on boxing a machine like there's i like i am so happy i did this on a live stream because had i had i done this just for a video it wouldn't have had the same punch to it you know you know never let the machines win remember to go to the link in the description to have a chance to win the printed solid filament mystery orange is a good one sure it is that's right printedsolid.com3dpn enters you to win up to five spools well interesting to win one of five spools and if we can get the stream to a thousand likes it would be one of ten spools chris robertson any recommendations for a new maker trying to start a 3d printing channel well that's a good question i would say attempt to be unique and be yourself find your voice get good audio and just start recording and putting it out there don't expect to grow crazy overnight but if you're having fun and you film it so people can see you having fun you will grow that's my uh that's my advice it's funny it's a torture test and yet there's support material and i've taped down a corner so uh so yeah alexander dynamic can someone share opinion uh oh has anyone used flashforge pla i haven't um so my my first machine was a flash forge creator pro in fact it's right over there and the two filaments they sent back in 2015 for abs both rolls a red and a white abs since then oh you know what i did use some flash forge pla when they sent the creator three and i thought it was okay but in that machine it was a bit stringy and it could have been the profiles um the the temperature it could have been the retraction settings blah blah et cetera but when it printed well it looked good i hope that helps mr griffin 1975 did you ever look into bed weld bed wheel bed weld by layer near i have not i haven't got the chance email me about that if you've already emailed me thank you i will have to look at that i suck at email hydration and caffeination bed weld is my favorite from aaron f i've not heard of bed weld um i'll have to look into it jeffrey ferris joel i know how stressful it can be managing several 3d printers does it help at all that you live in an area where marijuana is legal i am not one to partake but i am not judging anyone who chooses to everybody gets to live their own life [Music] it's a little bit stressful but you know at my studio here the electricity is part of the lease and so when i have a bunch of printers running it costs the same as when i have a not a lot of printers running so at least there's that mr squishy joel what's your favorite cheese i am a i'm a fan of colby jack and pepper jack i love both of those 3d print tech design good morning to you true tech safe printed rafts for drywall scrapers and shims that's a great freaking idea ev445 do you have a stream lab account i do i do robert anderson been watching for five years with sun and live and live this community i'm gonna assume you meant love because it seems to make contextual sense um thanks for watching uh and i'm happy that you can watch with your son as well i'm assuming your son is is younger and not like 70 i always try to maintain a family-friendly atmosphere and i try to maintain very inclusive accepting talk within the comments so i hope you found a place here i hope you continue to like it i hope i continue to make stuff that you and your son can enjoy kathy and renniker colby jack is the best i mean it's it's good do they make a a pepper colby jack because that seems like that would be like really good oh emirates smoked gouda so good oh i love cheese i love cheese 3d printing king what do you prefer stream labs or obs studios oh well that's interesting um i'm using streamlabs obs right now just because it's got some integrations in there that make it really easy um so i don't know what you mean by so stream labs or obs studios streamlabs obs is using obs but obs studio i wonder is that i don't know i don't know lance taylor warren joel love the show do you have any recommendations for tpu for the i3 mark 3s that's a tough one i don't do a lot of tpu printing i think uh a flex fill is a brand from somewhere ah all i know is tpu you just need to dry it just make sure you get a dehydrator and suck that moisture up before you print and you'll have wonderful prints ah drew's cruise cheese curds for the win i like how this conversation is turned to cheese because this is something i enjoy a lot and uh cheese curds my kids call them cheese turds because why not and uh cheese curds are wonderful dip them in like a raspberry sauce that's when they get really good or or in in poutine i love poutine i love poutine 5 000 likes and dave randolph is giving out free cheese while we're talking about cheese i just want to make sure and throw out a big thanks to thanks for sponsoring this stream they're the reason i could get the kaiwu 3d tycoon out of the box joanna is the person running the thang's account there in the chat she caffeinated herself up so she could stay up with this because i think they're two or three hours ahead so say hi to thangs thank for sponsoring this stream and tell joanna she's awesome because she truly is 3d print tech design and okay 50 50 no what's uh is it norwegian no what's a knock but 50 50. thank you so much ramchampa 3d printed cheese slicer look um 3d printers aren't the only thing that you're going to find on uh on kickstarter there was also the cheese chopper and i supported it and it's gonna be shipping out in a couple weeks and the idea is you've got a block of cheese and it's got a slicer and as you slice it just it like conveyor belts it forward it goes you can slice your own cheese super easily consistently it's a gadget for food which means i love it twice all right sky art it's 11 30 where joel lives on the dot on the dot mr squishy grilled cheese is like 30 of my diet you know what makes a grilled cheese even better adding bacon tegnosaurus what do you think about the sunlu s8 uh unfortunately i i don't so i've never used that machine so i can't tell you much about it bobby little sitting here yelled washington oh man i can't tell you the number of times that uh the the the yelm y right isn't there the or no is that pacific is that yelm oh yum's way way out there right so i grew up in puyallup and so yelm is south i'm trying to remember it's the roy y yell in the south south makers muse can you review it please i'm going to assume you meant the cheese chopper i'm going to assume and yes i will i will i will do a live unboxing of the cheese chopper and test it out because i love cheese i do jay not telling we need a video review of the cheese slicer from kickstarter i know right i know i know vybn puyallup here what up neighborhood pueblop high school class of 94. bam 3d print tech design a good strong parmesan cheese is the best uh anton i don't know man i mean i mean i i mean i kind of agree with you but it depends on what it's put on so if it's like a pasta or or a really good pizza yeah a good strong parmesan yeah isaac gelman can it chomp meat it's a cheese chopper so loyal moses 25 u.s dibs on the first cheese slice from the chopper ugh loyal you know if we do a cheese stream i would i would refrigerate the cheese and send it to you overnight so you could have a fresh slice of cheesy goodness from the cheese chopper i can't tell you how happy i am that we're talking about cheese i love cheese i mean you don't you don't look like this without loving cheese you know you i mean it's cheese todd harris aged swiss or bust ooh so you know swiss and i were kind of friends but not i mean but aged swiss oh oh so good so so good vybn my dad is the photography yearbook teacher at puyallup high school now small world oh it takes me back i used to park cars at the puyallup fair i've been there a while evan and caitlyn made cheese from scratch in a recent stream oh that doesn't that doesn't surprise me it was probably resin cheese knowing ebony caitlin yes and loyal five dollars high five loyal uh no no tape on the cheese that makes makes sense uh pengu jedi recommended cad software that's a tough one because there's some changes with fusion 360 recently and so it's not everybody's cup of tea tinkercad is always a fantastic web-based option i'm not sure if onshape is something that people like i know there's free cad i think chapman plays with that on his stream uh maker's muse is in the chat he would have a better idea of some great cad software packages to try practical printing let's not forget taco cheese oh yes so my favorite part of putting cheese on a taco is when is when you have so um you have the hard taco shell you have the meat you have the accoutrement and then you put the cheese on top of that and then you put beans on a corn or flour tortilla and you wrap it around the hard shell and then you eat it and when you get the unmelted cold cheese in contact with the meat that is hot and it's just swirling oh it's so good you guys stop it ram champa what is this thing gonna be i don't know but it's not cheese i know that for a fact robert hudson i'm a dinosaur still using one two three design that's fantastic that's not a dinosaur that's just being pragmatic all right we are at 51 minutes and it is 10 percent done what what i don't know if we're gonna see this through to the end on this stream i mean you can bet i'm gonna let it finish it's gonna it's gonna finish but my goodness um hey thangs thangs with a cheese emoji natalie graham beans listen listen i like refried beans oh my wife said she's going to bed and she watched part of the stream and she loves me um i love you honey um natalie yes beans i like refried beans and you put them on a flour tortilla and you wrap it around the hard shell right because it's like it's like the glue that holds the soft shell to the hard shell then you've got yourself in essence a homemade double decker taco oh my producer said be sure to mention you can see the finished print on our instagram he's got a good point when i'm at the studio tomorrow i'll be able to take a picture of it you'd be like see daniel pentecost 501 are we done geez oh my gosh 501 thank you daniel that's really kind of you phil nolan beans are a super food see phil is correct beans beans are a musical fruit the more you eat they're a super food okay jack please put beans in the cheese chopper you guys it's a cheese chopper it's not a cheese and beans chopper it's not a cheese and meat chopper it's a cheese chopper it chops cheese baker's muse i love to get a drink and we've gotten some cheese to tacos it's a natural progression angus look at that there's there's cheese emojis taco emojis pizza emojis holy cow evie 445 check your stream lab i don't know how to do that can i do it on my phone what is is it uh oh oh eevee wait where did you shoot shoot hold on ev445 um just became a patreon supporter thank you for that that's really kind of you but also um i miss i i just i think someone gave me and i think it's yeah it's eevee oh my gosh ev445 just sent me 500 what why what's happening here what what oh ev445 thank you i'm gonna i'm gonna use it to buy some cheese wow wow uh can i can i do this without showing okay uh ev445 nevin you can afford that overhead camera now that's true um ev44 who evie who are you i wouldn't this is oh my gosh that's that's really really kind of you like i'm i'm at a loss for i i'm kind of at a loss i just thank you so much it's we like i know so we like to have fun here we're talking about cheese on a 3d printing channel it's a live stream but but and and everything that comes in i really do appreciate it but that that broke me a little bit so thank you thank you thank you ep445 i'm a crazy person following you for a while well we welcome your craziness around here thanks for following thanks for watching and uh i look forward to interacting with you in the future it's funding for the cheese 3d printer [Laughter] newbie 211k yes some of it does go to charity um so uh my buddy bender is back on the radio with a different station this time and they're doing the uh the one big give for seattle children's hospital it'll be december 17th i'm gonna have more details on that on the fan mail friday episode that goes live this friday but there is a 3dpn team a 3d printing nerd team and we can raise money as a team for seattle children's hospital i set it up it's a digital method and so people from all over the world can do this i'm going to i'm going to speak about it on at on on the friday episode of fan mail fan mail friday yeah it makes sense sonic alchemy thanks for stopping by have a great evening natalie graham ev45 deserves cheese yes absolutely scott r ev445 gets the red thingy well i know i i mean that i mean i mean i mean everyone in the stream make every part for cheese printer um yeah i mean five five hundred dollars that was an incredible donation uh some of that's gonna go to charity and uh some of that is gonna go towards this month's uh health insurance like i appreciate it and i know we're having fun but there is real life that still has to go on and so some of that will go to that and i thank you for that goodnight to thangs is things going to sleep joanna are you going to sleep cameron's smart this is such a funny chat talking about cheese i don't even remember how it started uh oh i see jd smith you're just saying goodnight to thanks okay joanna you're still there glad to hear it snapshot fpv joel impression do arnold saying it's a cheese chopper get to the cheese chopper i can't do it see that's terrible ah yeah it's oh it's 2 45 for joanna at thangs but listen listen listen thanks thanks for your sponsoring of this episode joanna you're wonderful joanna a real person from marketing of things is behind the things account so when you're interacting with fangs in the chat her name is joanna and she's awesome 3d print tech design haha i was just about to say you guys pay for health insurance yeah i don't want to get into that sean westfield eevee 45 should get the bq printer hey you know what i'm maybe maybe [Laughter] it's 11 44 here it's it's 15 minutes to midnight which means that it's 15 minutes to 3 a.m on the east coast that's crazy pants right there renegade biker 24 hey 3d printing nerd have you ever printed out an interlocking shelf i have not i haven't are there are there a is there a good 3d model for an interlocking shelf if there is maybe i could look at it i mean i mean it's it's pretty barren behind i mean i've got the i got the blue oh there we go i'm thinking about putting this up on the ceiling oh no okay there we go hey it's still blue behind me prusa 3d by joseph prusa almost 9 am 9 am here good good morning joe hey i saw you had alexander chappelle on your prusa live stream earlier today man that was a great interview and i just showed off all the parts that i had printed for his camera arm and those are printed on the prusa mini which my review of goes live this sunday how serendipitous scott why i bet you'd get a good audience for printing naomi wu model on the big printer uh i uh stay safe hawk 1976. i don't don't i want you to stay safe that storm is no joke um really the big printer my next thing for that um here's what i'm thinking and so loyal you're in on this as well so the idea is i want to try to have a contest where someone designs a stool like a stool that i can sit on while we're talking about cheese and so the idea would be people could submit stool designs and then they would have to be printable but then a certain number of them would get printed on the big printer and then there would be judging and there would be prizes that's that's kind of an idea floating in my head and if i i think that would be really interesting to people murph shout out to drew's cruise oh man he needs a mention for his work on gas pipelines um drew's crews a big shout out to you for working on those gas pipelines uh 3d print tech design 847 there should get to work keep it up julia doing great as always can't wait until murph in the future to high five you again anton i miss your face buddy anton is the person i know that most resembles justin bieber and looks he's a better singer uh anton is uh i really you know what i hope things get under control and i hope we can have a midwest rip-rap festival in 2021 in a safe way i hope so jack the cheese stool i see what you did jack i see what you did jay not telling an oversized stool sample well of course right if if i'm gonna if people are gonna provide models of stools sitting stools and i print a part of them then it's just a stool sample jacob kinchilo i don't like your hashtag good sir loyal five high five dollars i'm okay with whatever you want to do i'll just ship the proof of money to whoever the lucky winner is well listen loyal i want it to be fun and i want it to be a contest of sorts and and i want you to be one of the judges i think it's only fair you know this is pretty consistently laying down filament i'm gonna be honest with you sam smith well good night stream i await the full review i don't know if we'll have a full review on this machine but um as my producer david said i'll get a picture of this in the morning once it's finished and uh i'll put it on instagram chris w hope to attend a midwest reprap festival some year yes yes it does suck it does suck but once things are under control and we're able to go about our a more normal life and do more normal things it's gonna feel so good like i'm a hugger i'm going to be giving some hugs cedar vins binge i don't know hello 3d printing nerd i see your icon is red sus i don't know john favel i need to try nylon x on a prusa mini it's definitely capable of printing it but with uh the x it means it's it's got that that carbon fiber bits in it so make sure you've got a hardened nozzle or a ruby nozzle or or something like that in there because it's gonna it would it would chew away some of that that brass nozzle and your orifice would be widened and we're at that time of night where i just said an orifice would be widened 14 14 3d printed king wait no who said yeah 60 no you were close yeah joe uh murph in march is pretty optimistic a lot of things would have to fall in place for that to be um for that to be able to be done safely i've heard from a few people in industries that know more and they've said that uh my birthday in august is most likely a safe scenario to budget for but we'll see we'll see a technosaurus you should try a sunlu s8 that's a 200 cr10 that sounds kind of interesting maybe we could do a stream on that and loyal could buy the first print uh listen if sunday reaches out and wants me to take in that machine i will definitely consider it mighty samosa i thought you were going to sleep the international space station is passing overhead for 644 seconds in two minutes that's awesome it was uh what is it it's like spot the station right you can put in your your city or your lat long it'll tell you when it'll be over and uh and and where its vector is yeah andrew rogers i'm past your bedtime have a wonderful evening my friend you stay safe as well oh practical printing so are we merging joel khan and murph next year well maybe i would have joel khan at murph that would be fantastic salty boy reviews have yourself a wonderful evening thanks for stopping by dustin uh dustin crayley i bet if you hosted a maker faire here in the pacific northwest it would be a hit actually the portland mini maker faire held every year except for this year uh is an amazing an amazing maker faire and it's just in portland so not too far away parrot bebop drone one footage thanks for becoming a member here on youtube that's really kind of you um parrot bebop drone1 i'm gonna assume parrot is a company and then bebop drone one is maybe a product i'm curious now peter donselman good morning from the netherlands great way to start the day watching a 3d printing nerd stream well good morning my friend i hope you have a wonderful day ahead of you i'm glad that at least i could be a little bit of entertainment me in this wonderful chat we were just chatting about cheese not that long ago for a long time and it was wonderful honestly okay so listen listen and on and on you are located by portland question mark i'm in the seattle area and portland's just a three-hour drive south depending on how fast you go if proof says driving it only takes two hours uh i think that i think that um we should go for a little bit longer because i'm still having fun i still have uh caffeination and hydration slancha merp high five dollars thanks for your cheese reviews could you do some tpu and flex filament tests for our squishy prints i would love to i haven't done a lot of flexible printing i i know that it's possible to do it well i just haven't spent the time with it the gmax2 will actually handle flexible filaments really well and it can print really big so maybe oh and i got the de dallas from uh project r3d you know maya dallas uh has a problem and it got and we found it to be a bug in reprap firmware running on the duet 3 and so uh they're working on it i just thought that was amazing red crew member cedar vins what type of 3d printer is that this is the tycoon from kaiwo 3d circuit husky joel you're missing out on these wonderful storm gusts down in florida i hope everybody on the east coast in florida stays safe that sounds scary uh someone tagged me on the twitter i'd love to see some of it see what's going on scott r can you share the code for the sort of omens you will be using well i don't know because it's nico's model practical printing the mini holds its own with tpu too i will have to give that a try part of my review on the prusa mini on sunday talks about how it's just a review so far because i enlisted the minis into a more production workflow we'll say rcmaniac northeast is fine for now that's good blender man is that printer using silent stepper motor drivers i don't know the answer to that that's actually a really good question i would have to look it's a kickstarter machine i don't know if they list it on the kickstarter but oh there we go look at that practical printing 32-bit board and tmc 2208 drivers so i'm not that up to date on my trinamic drivers i know tmc2209s are silent uh what are what's the difference between a trinamic tmc 2208 and a trinamic tmc 2209 dom house just showed up what are we unboxing this is the tycoon from kaiwoo 3d it's currently in kickstarter it's currently funded at 150 percent it apparently it's 279 u.s brendan ryers two hours late better late than never just like you said michael omit yes cheese and we just brought it back to cheese did you see that an eevee 445 with four slices of cheese ah i love cheese benny brady dollars to donuts robin nanoboard i mean perhaps i could take a look i can't tell it's really up in there like it's really up in there it's really up in there 2209 runs cooler sensor oh sensor that's homing okay oh cool uh let's see uh pwn manpower in the beginning when you started 3d printing were you ever afraid of changing parts or fixing a printer having ender 3 and even changing the nozzle kind of scares me that is a fantastic question and what's great is you have a lot of cool people in the chat who can probably relate their experiences as well but for me i started with a flashforge creator pro and i got to tell you i was super scared of running into any problems i remember because it came with capped on tape on the bed and the first time that broke i was like oh no and i i tried to figure out a way to put it in there just right and i had to make sure there were no bubbles i got really scared and god forbid i swap a nozzle or something and uh man that was i mean yeah the printer is right there it was just one of those things where it was it was purely a lack of of of experience funneling and fueling the fear to make me not want to do it and and just i was always afraid that i was going to break it in a way that couldn't be repaired and uh it's not really a valid fear because these machines are all just parts put together and if there are unique parts to a machine that aren't available from third-party manufacturers then as long as the company is in business you should be able to find replacement parts um so on your ender three here's what i would suggest if if if changing the nozzle kind of weirds you out just a little bit practice you can get really inexpensive nozzles for that machine from amazon or ebay like packs of 10 and just just read up on it and then start slow and do it once and just get it done do a print and maybe the next day do it again honestly changing the nozzle on a 3d printer is just like riding a bicycle i hope you know how to ride a bicycle or else this is really a terrible analogy but if you just do it over and over and over again it's almost like a muscle memory and and you'll just get it you'll get it it'll become secondhand and you'll just be able to do it just like that without even thinking i promise you i promise you and the android 3 is a great platform to learn on technosaurus cheese cheese and cheese back around i love it r.c maniac once i got a z catch i felt a lot more comfortable with swapping nozzles remind me is that the the thing that has the grippers and the the socket is that right maybe blade dreams watching a 3d printer review oddly hungry for cheese it's true shiro nico p still waiting on my sapphire pro should i change out the hot-ended extruder or are they decent i don't know the answer to that i haven't played with the sapphire pro there might be some people in the chat that have maybe they can tell you maybe wfo writer good night good night good night the red gamer do you know about any 3d printing discords i don't i don't use discord i have a discord and everybody on that discord is always like joel get on the discord and i don't because i don't ever use discord um unfortunately i don't um they are out there i just don't know of any i'm really sorry iq workshop why the tape in the corner looks like you were oh excuse me attempting to save the print i was the corner was lifting um my producer david he is going to fall asleep i just got word that it is time for him to go night night so good night david thanks for staying up i know it's well past your bedtime he's an early riser i'm not bjorn heisman husband good morning joel good morning bjorn ralph gruber good morning from germany guten morgen um i hope it's good to it's guten morgan right guten morgen joe brewhard use joel used to score it stop you stop it how are we doing on the print i mean it's it looks like um the extrusions look a bit uh i don't know it's weird there's there's like a pattern in the extrusions at the end i really have to figure out the auto leveling on this thing bz shifu good morning from italy good morning they're dogs they're good yeah good i'm glad i got that hans stefan beha good morning from stuttgart in their deutschland clinton morgan it's housman but in dutch ah that makes sense decent dobry from poland did i say that right dizzy ann douzin desean d's dzm dizzying the gamer the red gamer fpv print looks like it's going it does look like it's going lots infill that is sean connelly levels of infill my goodness stefan schuler good morning from switzerland good morning from uh seattle here in the states shiraniko p artillery genius the genius is a good machine from artillery uh i i remember it was uh 299 when i reviewed it i think and i was blown away at the quality could achieve and how easy it was to set up that was one of those things andrew gilmore how long before the print is done we are at an hour and 21 into it and it is at 17 percent safarius hey joel good morning from belgium oh good morning and jay not telling yeah yeah loyal uh rightfully purchased this print is the uh zp tube good morning from finland oh man europe is waking up it is past midnight here mayana rohan uh heron morning from israel good morning welcome to the stream wow we got a lot of people joining i'll tell you what i'll tell you what let's let's go let's go another 15 minutes 15 20 minutes 15 20 minutes yeah maybe johannes good morning from bavaria what printer is that this is the tycoon from kaiwu 3d currently in kickstarter uh my producer david did add the link to the description i think so if you if you venture down that way if you venture down that way you might find it ken wheel good morning from vancouver island i like vancouver island it's like it's pretty it's a really cool place lurka pus lurkpus larkapus i don't even know good morning from norway good morning right back to you sort of smarter time to go 200 percent speed no no no remember remember i'm gonna let it finish i'm gonna let it finish and then and then we're gonna we're gonna instagram this in the morning ian hamilton what's the best upgrade you can make for a 3d printer uh i would say that is that is giving yourself more time to learn more stuff sometimes um the best upgrade is going to be uh like a hardened nozzle just because you're going to be able to print some really cool filaments with it sometimes the best upgrade is just a more efficient spool holder sometimes it's better feet for it sometimes it's a magnetic flexible bed that makes removing prints easier sometimes it's just a better board that uh performs better it's it's really hard to to specifically say a specific upgrade that would make a printer better because it really depends on the 3d printer chris robertson a silent motherboard best upgrade honestly that's not a bad idea because if you can uh if you can quiet the 3d printer then it can run more often while you're near it because it won't be so noisy casper 2074 concrete pavement plate that's right stefan over at cnc kitchen did the thing where it um to silent the machine i think it was a concrete plate on top of foam i think bra is this real question mark with a dollar bro is this real question mark bro this is real question mark i promise johannes i think you missed octoprint for most printers uh i didn't so i like octoprint i do i i don't know if it's a best upgrade i i've never viewed it that way gina gina the maintainer of octoprint is i i would love to one day be her best friend because she is amazing but for me personally i've never viewed octoprint as like a must-have my mind could change i'm willing to accept that but it's never been a must-have for me uh sort of smarter a room filter okay bro is this real i've always gone off when i say that sorry i'm 14 and don't got that much money because i just got an ender 3 pro listen bruh you are never required to send anything in and that dollar thank you thank you very much it's really kind of you to do and i really appreciate it and i hope that you have a ton of fun with your new ender3 pro i really really do rc maniac gina does make bread ooh that's true gina foozle from octoprint makes bread which goes with cheese there we go there it is cedar vins can you suggest a good starter 3d printer under 260 dollars uh honestly at that point pick yourself up and enter three you're gonna have room within that budget for some filament as well and it's a great platform to learn on without breaking the bank and spending too much money i mean it is it does come as a kit you are gonna have to assemble it and it's not just four bolts it is assembling a kit but you do learn a lot while you do that which is fantastic for the ownership of the machine because if something goes wrong you put it together you can figure out how to fix it so that's my suggestion for you demonarch 91 what are you printing um i forget the name of it but i believe it is a calibration thing believe it's calibration reality camera wtf is that what uh creative camera i don't know chris w spaghetti detective for the win is it i saw tom's review of spaghetti detective and it looked like it was sort of sort of there oh joe thanks for coming by have a wonderful time at your office give some high vibes to megalash because uh mickey's just one of my favorite people ever i mean just like you and i hope you have a wonderful day and i hope to see you when it's everything's safe man cheers love you bro uh philip torek barton with 200 of something and i don't know what that is but thank you for the 200 of those things scott r sent joel a tweet of the florida storm oh let's find out here it is okay so this is from there we go look at that that's real time right there so that is what florida is experiencing right now and that doesn't seem like a good thing god stay safe jeez scary man that's scary ah damona 91 that's again 200 yen thank you for the 200 yen visor visor subbed thank you visor that is kind of you tech us how is uh how much is left well we're at 19 it's been going for an hour and a half so an hour and a half times five is we have another six and a half hours is that right teo zakarius can you do a review of the snapmaker 2.0 possibly maybe maybe truetech gpt3 allows for voice requested printing oh yeah i have kids though and if i'm like hey can you check this can you print this they'll do it for me too so it's kind of like a voice request kind of sorta sort of kinda oh this thing's going loyal with five i changed my mind can i have a benchy you sure can hey wait loyal did you get you got the box right that had the benches from the from the any cubic machines did you open it i hope you did because those were really cool benchies man yes you can have i i do need to print a bench on this obviously roberto al uh almandros this printer printer's doing well i would agree i think it is i i mean honestly uh detective soros hey joel what are you printing this is a calibration piece and uh it went by a name that i didn't recognize and it was voted on and so we're printing it and the tape in the corner is because i had to hold down a corner have i heard of the widow x40 i have oh steve joseph lawrence we're talking about the cheese again uh mangia tolandia boy i hope i got that name right hi joel i don't know if it's already asked what do you think about the ender 3v2 that's a good question it's still in a box in the other room and uh i don't know i don't know so uh once i get out of the box i'll know the red gamer uh filament giveaway um most likely what i'm gonna do is uh i'll do i'll do the randomized pick off screen i'll probably do it tomorrow i'll i will cut the entries and then um and then pick tomorrow because it's already it's really really hard to do it now oh scud r good point for caffeination and hydration cilantro diosicarius how many printers do you have here at the studio 40 maybe maybe 40. maybe 45 maybe uh can you review the widow x40 uh maybe widow hasn't reached out if they do i would i'll consider it smoke out fpv hydraul best resin printers for beginners for beginners let's see the reality was it like the ld02 something like that i've heard good things about it i haven't played with that myself any cubic has some inexpensive ones that i have played with and those are pretty good the mars pro 2 i've heard really good things about it's in a box somewhere so i got to get out of the box maybe that'll be another stream but uh but maybe yeah we'll see uh sean chronister 3d printing here where can we find a 3d printed mic arm 3d printed mic arm i don't i don't know of a 3d printed mic arm i'm sorry dom house two dollars and 50 cents bought some jesse pla cause of you thanks much that's great oh you make you make david print it solid his heart grows every time someone says that yeah 40 45 something like that it's insane um z uh italia zagar's can you tell us what your favorite printer is i can't it changes my favorite printer is always the machine that's ready to print what i want to print and loaded with the filament i want to use yeah yeah cpo98 my cheese model is exporting well that's fantastic sean chronister did you say you had from chip had from chap i don't know i don't know what i had from from chap uh i don't know what you mean by that it's getting to be 12 20 here so here's the plan here's what we're gonna do i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna call it good i had a lot of fun on this stream i just want to thank everybody for stopping by um mirp with five us dollars you helped myself in so many during covid from just keep going insane thank you i'm really happy that i'm able to do that i really love these streams i'm sorry they're so late i'm trying to do them at various times thanks to everybody that came by thanks for kaiwu for stopping by every once in a while thanks to everybody shoot eevee445 you blew my mind and i've got your email i'm gonna have to send you a personal hello loyal thanks for your contributions as well in fact thank you everybody who sent a little bit in i know plenty of you donated to the uh you know red camera fund and some people even donated to get my own makeup fun uh thanks to electro boom prusa makers muse rep cord practical printing god everybody so many people stopped by it was just awesome um i still haven't eaten dinner last time i had something to eat was like 2 p.m i'm a little hungry uh i am caffeinated i might have a few milk duds but i'm going to go home and warm up one of those barbecued cheeseburgers that my wife made and i think i'm going to have dinner at 12 20. i will take a picture of this when it's done and put it on instagram in the morning and i have i have 3d printing nerd on instagram but also i'll probably post it on joel telling account as well listen i love you guys all be safe be awesome thanks for stopping by thank you for making this such an enjoyable job i can't believe i'm so blessed to get to do this for a living i love you all and from a safe distance high five you know what i read a comment and i um i'm just trying those milk duds and i forgot i'm really hungry um i forgot about the giveaway so listen listen um it's really late we got to what let's see blade dreams 226 to go so we're at like 700 and some odd likes um i will uh i'll tell you what should we just should we just do it now i mean i can load the page i can't believe i forgot all right let me load it up let me load it up so give me my i can't see the screen now i'm doing this sorry i'm getting there just takes me a hot moment so we're at 787 likes which means dave is going to give away five spools of filament so tell you what let's see hold on hold on oh my goodness getting there it just takes me a while i'm so sorry oh my goodness two through 366. i'm getting there okay okay okay here we go here we go getting there gotta make this easier jeez okay the five winners here we go here we go i've got mike k hammer of doom narada amanda templar and fpv todd those are our winners this round so there we go i've got that all set emails will go out to those five winners and uh and we'll have ourselves some more people with some jesse filament okay now now i love you all and we'll see you soon and stay hydrated get some cheese you
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 39,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vjqCwo2KHKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 50sec (10670 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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