Trying to Catch Dinner When They Showed Up!

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let's go fishing what's happening folks brand here welcome to Pensacola Beach it is a beautiful Saturday morning right here we got a whole crew coming out today and I'm going to introduce you to them once they get here but I'm G to slip down here first by myself and see if I can't put a few fish in the cooler for dinner prior to everybody getting here but man did these conditions look outstanding these best conditions I've seen in a while we got our small rods our big rods our sand flea rake we ready to roll let's hope the fish are biting this is about as flat as I've seen the beach in forever we have got a super low tide usually the water line is up to here and it's completely dry ground I don't know if that's going to be good or bad but we going to find out here shortly all right first Rod of the morning going out right here I've got it on my bum stick with my daa saltist 5,000 000 and I'm going to link everything I use in the description below got it on a regular pompo rig we've got a piece of shrimp right here and a piece of fish bites we'll see what happens water's still pretty muddy we've had a lot of rain lately so I'm hoping that doesn't mess things up too much all right first bait out there we go let's get another one going next Rod going out it's our little Rod right here we've got this on a 10 lb liter with a little piece of shrimp just a little light line rig that we're going to toss in the surf right here and I am going to use my beach cart as a rod holder for this guy there we go there's a few there's got to be something in here look at all the sand fleas I got in that scoop right there we won't need to uh rake any more today that's all we need this line just went slack I'm almost thinking it has a fish on it let's see oh oh yes it does what okay it does have a fish on it all right anytime your line goes slack you got to check it this ain't I think it I don't know it feels it's almost fighting like a catfish which I wouldn't doubt being uh in this muddy water like we're got right now it's just kind of kind of coming straight inless it's just St oh it's a shark what the heck dude oh my gosh I've never caught one of these on our beach before this is actually a really cool catch holy cow check this out little Bonnet head shark I have never caught one on I've caught them in South Florida but I've never caught one here that's the first one hopefully I'll be able to get my hook back we'll be good here if you'll chill these things are wild if you'll chill I will get that hook out and we will put you on your way buddy there we go hook out is a pretty cool catch that is I've never caught one here before so that's cool oh other way other way there you go now he's [Applause] going hey y doing today how's it going got it more at a soccer game here early to say hello see how we can help we have some special guests on the beach today we've got Jackson and Jamie and we have they're Cub Scouts but we have a whole another group of Cub Scouts coming out here in a little while and we're going to try to get them on some fish now uh you guys are have a big day today because you're are graduating from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts is that right so what you're going to do to catch these sand fleas is you're going to kind of creep up to the water you don't want to walk they are they will hear the vibrations from your footsteps and you're going to let a wave come in like that and then when it's going out you're going to scoop while it's going out like that that wasn't a great scoop but hey we got some check well we got one got one we got one we he's we got half a one we must have accidentally cut him in half while we were scooping but that is a really good bait out here on the beach we will keep the sky oh look we did there's the other half so unfortunately that does happen sometimes when you're digging for these sand fleas so now we have a five Rod spread going and we put their rods out as well so we've got a big Rod here and then we have a little Zebco right here my rod here and then two other ones down there so we are just waiting on some bites hey we're getting bit somebody come grab it hurry grab it we're on reel reel reel start reeling pick up the rod all right start cranking man you got him are you right let me make start reeling as fast as you can fast as you can we got to keep up with him there we go keep the rod up there you go and then and then I'm I'm right handed so it's oh there it is I see your fish he's coming in good job buddy probably going to be a little Bluefish or pompo we'll see Jay you want to go ahead and walk towards the edge of the water while you let's go let's go see what he is yep you keep cranking here he comes oh you caught a you got a pompo look at here look at here there we go let's get him up here yeah all right buddy you ever caught a pompo before all right hold it up hold him up right here all right so that is your first pompo right awesome man congratulations now in the State of Florida they have to be 11 in to the fork and so we're going to uh we're going to release them okay now these are good excited about releasing yeah these are really good to eat but we are going to release him if I can get this hook out of my finger there he goes the Cub Scouts soon to be boy scouts tonight are headed out so hey I got to ask did y'all learn anything yes quite a lot did you okay cool Paul did you learn anything you C learned how to catch sand fleas I know you did that so that was fun having those kids come out and getting them on a fish but we're headed right now to uh the Bayside I'm going to meet bearded Brad and yak back pack over there they're doing some fishing and we're going to see if the bite is any better over there folks I want y'all to look at what a beautiful day it is at Fort picking it does not get any better than this right here perfect conditions there's the pier right there there's a bunch of people out there fishing oh there's some fish oh my gosh guys there's fish blowing up literally right there okay I got to stop talking cuz I got to get out here these fish are yeah they're still blowing up so it looks like I'm going to walk walk right into a Feeding Frenzy there's a lot of fish blowing up on baits out here I've got an es casting metal with my bum stick my diwa Sal is 5,000 let's see if we can't catch a few I mean they are blowing up everywhere let's see if I can get one to hit oh he hit it missed it he hit it missed it he G oh big hit right there by Shore holy smokes go g that was a good hit right there dang okay there's a fish there we go there we go there we go and there is a pile of fish right here guys I mean a pile of them Spanish yeah come on up here nice check it out y'all nice Spanish mackerel I just walked up here and there's fish blowing up everywhere let's see if we can get another one right [Applause] here I got an es casting metal on great bait there we go there we go that's a de decent one right here oh look at them blowing up dude look at them blowing up I ain't going to pass up catching fish I'm walk I'm trying to get to my and there's just banish like that everywhere let it sink oh I'm already on golly he hit it on the fall dang there we go there we go that's a decent one there that's a good one come on up here I'll check that one out nice Spanish mackerel right there I'm try uhoh we going to Triple up right here there we go there we go that's a triple oh come on come on guys this is an absolute Spanish mackerel Blitz right here look at this got yaking with Jack right beside me he's getting on them right now too like it's every single cast out here that's crazy oh I'm going to get one there y one two three start cranking start cranking oh that was one chasing it but he didn't get it that time can't pass up a good beach bite like this oh there we go there we go there we go another one okay oh that's a he that was a good one that's a good one man we walked guys right into a Blitz that does not happen that often check it out we got the es casting metal right in his mouth didn't even have time to take my tag in off I retied and I'm there's such a blitz out here I even worry about the tag in and it doesn't get any better weather than this right here maybe most beautiful day of the year how y'all doing today what's up man Brent TJ yeah you too I already got a video they left me hanging with all the rods and I was like so that was actually a really tough bite I sat out there with bearded Brad and yaking with Jack and Yak pack for two hours and not one of us got a bite we're going to head to the house right now and cook those Spanish mackerel up all right folks we back at the house we're about to cook us up some fish for for lunch but we're going to cook it on the Blackstone I haven't cooked on the Blackstone in quite some time we're going to throw some other stuff on it as well like some bacon and stuff like that but let's get these Spanish cleaned up real quick that ain't going to take long I'm just going to cook a couple of these Spanish up and as y'all know I am still on the hunt for a black tip shark because I am trying to do a black tip shark catch and cook from the beach and for some reason every time I go I keep catching other species and so I am GNA go again in the morning and we are G to try once again to catch a black tip so or a spinner shark I'll take a spinner shark too both are legal to keep um but there's a lot of sharks that are highly regulated that you can't keep to cook and so I want a black tip or a spinner there we go we've got our fish right here and it's seasoned up really nicely but check this out this might be the star of the show and that's bacon and our bacon is actually going to go down first that bacon is going to give us fat to cook with you ever cooked fish in bacon grease you don't know what you're missing woo man that smells good now I'm going to show youall a game changer okay seasoning your bacon all right now bacon is good by itself but have you comment below if you've ever seasoned your bacon I'm curious curious this is something that Melanie and I do and it is it just makes your bacon that much more flavorful now some of these are ready to go here look at that man nice all right let's get that fish going we're going to lay down some butter now we're going to get the on [Music] [Music] check that out and while I let this cool I want Melanie my wife who's behind the camera to share with you guys how she Seasons this black stone now number one secret for keeping your Blackstone seasoned or whether you have to reason is always use bacon grease that's the ultimate fat that's the best fat to seal it that's the best fat to keep it from rusting so I've brought the black zone out of hibernation and I cleaned it up it wasn't bad because I used bacon grease on it all year last year I reasoned it just a very little bit with bacon grease this year and it's ready to go for the whole summer we're going to do do a little lemon juice on the Spanish mackerel and this is what's for lunch today I know it's uh kind of a mixture but I ain't mad at it I love the taste of fish from that Blackstone and uh Spanish mackerel is a great fish to eat right now if you are traveling down to our area there's lots of Spanish mackerel coming down the beaches odds are that you're going to uh see some Spanish out there here and if you do keep them eat them fresh you they're not a fish that you want to let uh sit for 2 or 3 days but if you eat them fresh they're really tasty so let's try this bacon because that's the star of the show right there is something about doing bacon on that black stone that just hits differently I'm telling you uh if you have never cooked breakfast on your Blackstone and you have one I highly recommend trying it let's give this just egga shot everything phenomenal folks if you enjoyed that video go ahead and shoot me a big thumbs up everything I'm involved with Linked In My description below I'm a licensed real estate agent right here along the Florida Gulf Coast so if you ever need to buy or sell a piece of property hit me up all my information is linked below I'll be more than happy to help you out other than that folks we'll catch you next time
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 427,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B79T0MjmpeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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